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3 aa 4 G sami 8 
Su pe 

‘yb Kalend Pohili.e Jac. cele, | let, vit iEccl.ix. —— 
Ho. 3.kin. ix. Kom.i, 

No. Inuentis of xi 

itt le ia Ao, che Crofie, xiii 

oc — 

eT ae 

ré [0 — ls es tt 


No. ro 

02i0.JAo, John Cuan, xvii 
| Snows. xix 

| Fidel 

Id. Solin Gem, 

ki, | xxb 

kl. vi 

|  Riugutine itt 

— pit 

iiii xviii 

kl. vei 

s — — i —* 
weet ria (o,it, jolie a 
t —* ĩ A 4 

xxiiii ae ae ae 




ese > — * 
Re ae Se oO ae eae me JT ie 
"a a exh Maes ieee! & oe eS + * 
—— * 4 \ OG a Besos ws 
——— We. ee ts 
A— * bowie, y Bele a 
: se £ J —* — — 

of “ic ziti 4 
falleth 8 .mt,26F. 

e es 

i Eli ml Do. 

Ti by at ve ichomere, | 
iit Aijatd, Jo. 
® jb} Jonas, : Boniface, 

‘vi © ‘bid Id. 

vii n bit qd). 

iit le vi d4 

Vir flo Jp. 

Ee |gtitt 3p, 

wi (Shit. Fo. Barnab,apo, Eccle. x. |Ace, xiiii. Eccl. pit, |g 

xii |b ꝛid. Id.Sol in Can. Job 17. MPar. pit, Jobxix. 
Hh \c | Sous, olſtitiũ eft. xx. (1 8. xiii xxi 
xiii Diebtit kL) Kult, | xxii xiiit ster 
i: Kl | xxiiii.xxv.ſrv 26.27. 
kL rebitt.  pbt > inpir 
| iter fLukeg. [cert 
xxxii {tt rxxiii 
Ixxxiiiß ieee 

xxxpvi iniexxxvii ited 

xxxviii xxxix 
lot Arli 

as ; ; t 4 j ; Wyott. kphe 
xt fg biit ) Ig ap pata, sit Wat, ttt, Wala, dapat. Gh | 
3 mg |G STE zs — Pꝛou— tt Luk. viii foi 

bi | 

a re 
My A 
* * 


“y eh A 4. emis8 po Ae 
un af AN! 
at 7m) Ohare ee an 

7 to — 
Et Se oe a? 
‘ — | 5 
{too fe-fiRalend, | | Drow fir (Luk. xuu. oUt 
i abi JRo) iiii pitt io, Coe A 
ii |b Aolopartin, ri Be polis 2 ate 
sth jes ‘ait JR, i xbiii Rot pe — 
pe 7777 rit xxi Lobbtn. 
Lie 9210, 320, Dog dayes reit xviiixxiii it 
| bit If Nonas. beginne, xxiiii tig = fee, ti 
| bite [ey vite Id. xxvi trou ttt 
ete jetpet a, xxviii 
OTL oie b ra Eccle.ii. 
PE a | a iiii Id.Soli in Leo, |f 
witi elit Jo. — 

xiiii jf Pꝛid. Jp, 

po jy} Sous, Swithune. 

xvi Irbii kl. Augutt. 

xvii b xvi =i, 

xwiii cre | RL 

oP rip 13 ett. | 
kt, oe a 

fre Ne tit 
{ret (eu 
lo xi Kl, Spagna, 
cl ae nee 

; 2 Sabah Fat. 
. RL ——— 

>| ree. i vit ~ RL Aune. 


kl. xxix 
kiJ Eo Ieee OF 
be f inka) ROL. © 

B 9 

* a 7.mi.14. pay PF 
anus 4mi. 46. re i 


pee ities 

xxxii rxi xxxiii 
xxxiiii — rrrh " 
[err r xxxvii vii 

— xx. Flere, RrHt Debt 

— ttt xxxix, viii 
wit ett ix 
Name of Fe. rt 9 iii ie 
li xlv.xlbi. xi 
xlbii xlviii 
aurence. ee ii 
E 1047 Sol in Virg. Lamen .i. x 
A} Fous, ttt 
xiiiib rix kl. Septembꝛis v xii 
it kl. Ezek, iii. xiii 
vi xiiii 
xiiii rp. : 
i xvi Ixxxiiii = nit 
‘Dani. xvii, ttt 
ii lrviii 
b xix 
i ON | SRE 
eBay lie” <\et 
a kl. —— ccl.xxv xxii 
rxv out kl, — xi. ſxxiii 
— xiiixxiiii 
Dofet. xxv 
uſline. iiit A RPbE b Ip ces Cnty | 
ad. Of vii rroit = vuii .3. Joh. 
xxviii Catt wea ae 
109 — Kem OF oe 

⁊* ge 

72. forbol dayes,and none EON 

MSW) FEES Dat is to lay, All Sundapesinthe peere, She =. : 

& ZN) payes of thefeaftes ofthe Cirtumciſion ofour = 7, 
= HT, Lore Felus Chr. Of the Cpiphanie, Ofthe <1. w \ ~ 
A (Pees jurification ofthe bleſſed birgin. DF S.Wate < 
SLA AES thas the Apottle, OF the Annunciation of the <<. 

hielled virgin, OF S. Warke the Cuangelit, 

Xoꝛd Jeſus Chit. Of the Natiuitie of S. John Baptit, DiS. 
Weter the Apoftle. Oflaint James the Apoftle, Of faint Barthos —t - 

lometwe Apottle, Of faint Matthewe apottle Di laine ichaelebe _— S 

Archangel, DE faint Luke the Cuangeliſt. DEF faine Simon anv 
Jude the Apoſtles. Dfal Saintes, Df {aint Andrew the Apoſtle. 
OF (aint Chomas the Apottle. Of che Natiuitie of our Lor. OF 
faint Steuen che Marty, Df laine John the Euangeliſt. Oe che 
holy Innocents. Munday and Tueſday tn Caller weeke, anv 

Mundayand Tuelday in CAhitlun weeke. | — ns 
"eA ruleto knowe whenthe Terme 

* be ginneth and endeth. 

which is open but foure dayes before, 
ipillarte Terme beginneth the xiii Da} 
Fanuaric.ifit bee not Sunday: We it bee Suns. 

Ryday, then the next day after,and endeth th 
F ebpuarte. 7 : — 
¶ Caller Terme beginneth xvii. dayes alter after, al | 
foure dayes after the Afcenfion dap, J 
¶ Trinitie Terme begmneth che next day alter 
Dap,and endeth the wedneſday kortnight afte re 
¶ Wichaclmes Terme beginneth the ir ol Detober, hee bee m 
Sunday and endeth the Feb Of Nouember. Rese 


Theſe to be obſerued 

* — 1 
Rays See 

Ight dayes before any Terme be, the Exchequer iss ny 
openeth for certaintic, except Trinitie Terme, baa 

i, nap of 

. ‘¢ 

Saint Philip and Jacob the Apoſtles.Ofthe Alcenfion of our : | ae 

The Preface... : 

La Here was neuer anything by on tot ofind. | 
) Co well deuiſed, oꝛ fo fure eſtabliſhed, which 
(FT in continuance of time hath not bin coprups 
LN egy ted; as (among other ehings)it map plaines 

gf Bh sy ae appeare the Common prapers in the 

Pa \V/( Oz 3 1 man woulde fearch out by the auncient 
Fathers be thal Gnoe that che fame was not oꝛdeyned but of a good 
purpofe, and fo, a great aduancement of godlines. Foꝛ they fo oꝛ⸗ 
Berevthe matter chat the whale Bible (on che greateR part therof) 
ſhould bee read ouer once in the peeres intending thereby,that the 
Clerate,and{peciatlp fuch as were Miniſters of the congregation, 
Hould (by often reading anumeditation of Gods woꝛd) bee ſtirred 
op to godlines themfelues, and bee more able to exhort other bp 
wholeſome doctrine, and to confure chem that were aduerfaries to 
the trueth, And further, that the people, by dayly hearing of holy 
{cripture read in the Church, ſhould continually profite more ano 
moze in Che knowledge of Gov,and he the mone enflamed with che 
loue of his trucreligton, Gut theſe many peeres pafled,this gods 
Tp and decent oder of the auncient fathers bath beene fo altered, 
booken,¢ neglected, hy planting in bucertaine Stories, Legends, 
Keſpondes, Verſes, vaine repetitions. Commemoꝛations and Sy⸗ 
nodalles that commonly when any booke of the Bible was begun, 
Defore thꝛee oꝛ foure Chapters were read out, all the ret were vn⸗ 
read. And in chis ſort, the booke of Elai was begun in Aduent, 
and the booke of Genefis in Septuageſima: but hep were onelp 

begun, and neuer read thꝛough. After alike {ort were other bookes 
af holy (cripcure vſed. And mozcouer, whereas Daint Paul would 
. Haue {uch language ſpoken ta the people in the Church, as thep 
might buveritande and haue profite bp hearing the ſame:the {ers 
tice tm this Church of England (thefe many peeres) hath bene 
readin Latine ro the people, which thep vnderſtoode not: fo that 
fe chey haue heard with their eares onely, and their heart, ſpirit, and 
minde haue not bene evifien thereby, And furthermore, notwiths 
Kanding that the ancient fathers hauc deuided che Plalmes inte 

(ay Y The fiert — 5 and ground whereot, if 

1 res Huen portions, whereot euery one was called a Nocturne: ‘cg? 

ee The Preface, | 

of late time a fewe of thei haue beene daly fatde, and oft repeated, 
and che reft vtterly omitted. Moꝛeouer, the number and hardneſſe 
of che rules called the Pie, andthe manifolve chaungings of the 
feruice was the caule, that toturne the booke onelp was fo harde 
and intricate amatter, that manp times there was moꝛe buſineſſe to 
fiad out what ſhould be read,then to read it when it was found out, 
Theſe inconuentences therefore conftvered, here ts {et forth ſuch 
an oder whereby the fame ſhall be redꝛeſſed. And fo a readineſſe in 
this matter, berets dꝛawen out a Kalender fox that putpoſe, which 
is plaine and eafic to be vnderſtanded, wherein (fo muchas map be) 
the reading of holp ſcriptures tg fo fet forth, chat all things hall be 
done in onder, Without breaking one piece thereof from another, Foꝛ 
this caufe bee cutoff Anthemes, refpondes, Inuitatoꝛies, and ſuch 
like chines as did byeake the continual courſe of che reading of che 
feripture, Wee becaufle there ts no remedte, but chat of neceflitie 
there muſt be fame rules, therefore certatne rules ave here fet forth, 
which as thep be fewe in number, fo they be plaine and ealte to bee 
vnderſtanded. So that here pou haue an oder for pꝛayer (ag cous 
ching the reading of holy {cripture) much agreeable top minde and 
purpole of the olve fathers, and a great deale moze profitable and: 
commodions then that which of late was bled, It ts moꝛe profitae 
bie becaule bere are lekt out many things, whereof fome be vntrue, 

- fomebneertaine, fome vaine and ſuperſtitious, and is oꝛdeined nos 
thing to be read, but bp the verp pure word of God, the holy Scrip⸗ 
tures, 02 that which is euidently grounded vpon the fame , and that. 
infuch alanquage and oder, as ig moft eafie and plaine forthe vn⸗ 
derſtanding both of the readers and hearers, Ft is alfo mone come 
modious, both for the ſhoꝛtneſſe thereof, and fo? che platnenes of the: 
oꝛder, and for that the rules be fewe and eaſie. Furthermoꝛe, by this: 

oder the Curates hall neede none other Bookes foz cher publike 

 feruicc, but this booke and the Byble. By the meanes whereof, the 
people thalinot bee at fo great charges for bookes, as in times pak 
they haue bene, es 


ee - The Preface, : eee 3 
moze painelull, becaule that all chings mutt be read bponthe booke, 
whereas before bp the realon of ſo often repetition , they couloe {ape 
many things by heart: Ikthole mew twill weigh their labour , with 

the profit and knowwlenge which dayly thep thall attaine bp reading - 
vpon the booke ,thep will not refule che paine, in confiveration of 

the great profit chat fhall enſue thereof, J— 
And forafinuch as nothing can almoſt bee fo plainely fet foorth, 

hut doubtes may rife in the vſe and ppactifing of the ſame: Coap: 

peale al fuch diuerfitie(ifany ariſe) € for che refolucton of al doubtes 
— Concerning the maner howe fo vnderſtand, doe, x execute the things 
contained in thisbooke : Che parties chat ſo doubt, op diuerflp take 
any thing, (hall alway reſoꝛte to the Bythoppe of the Divcefle , who 
by bis dilcretion fhall take onder fo che quieting ¢ appealing of che 
fame, fo that che fame opder be not contrary to any ching contayned 
in this booke. Anvif the Bithoppe ofthe Diocelle be in any doubt, 
then be may fend fop che reſolution thereok vnto the Archbifop. 
CThough it bee appointed in che afore waitten preface , that all 
thinges thall be read and fung in the Church in che Englifh congue, 
to che ende that the Congregation may be thereby evifpen: vet it is 
not ment, but when men fap Moning and Cuening prayer prtuates 
Iy,they may fay the fame in any language that thep chemfelues poe 
vnderſtand. J— 
And all Pꝛieſtes and Deacons ſhall bee bounde to ſay dayly the 
Moꝛning and Euening praper, eyther prtuatelp oꝛ opeuly, except 
they be let by preaching , ſtudying of diuinitie, oꝛ by fome other bz⸗ 
gent caule, | 
And the Curate thac miniltreth in euery parith Church or chape 
pel being at home,andnot being other wife reafonably lected, ſhall 
fap che fame tn the pariſh Church op Chappell where he minittreth, 

and thal tol a bell chereto,a conuentent time before he beqinne, that 

ior — may rome to heave Gods oye ,anvto pape 



7, as 
’ E 

The Table and Kalender expre/sing the 

order of Pfalmes and Leffons to be faidat Morning 
any Cuening prayer soughout the pere, (ercept cers 
taine proper feattes) as the rulcs following 
moꝛe plainelp declare. 

_ The order how the Pfalter is appoynted to 
| ve — 

— He Plalter wallbe read thꝛough once euery Mo⸗ 
necl, and becauſe that ſome Monethes be longer 
2 SF then {ome other bee, itis chought good to make 

Sra themcuen bp chis meanes, To every Moneth 

MSP thalbe appointcd(as concern this purpofe)iutt 

> pear thirticdapes, 

: And J January and March hath one dap aboue the layde oy 
number , and Febzuary which is placed betweene themboth, bath 
onely revit, Daves: Febzuary thall boꝛrowe of epther of the Woe 
nethes (of Januarie and March) one day ; And ſo the ytalter which 
ſhalbe readin Febꝛuarie, muſt beginne the laſt dap of Januaric, any 
ende the firit vay of arch, 

Ano whereas aay, Gulp, Augutt, Detober,and December haue 
xxxi. dayes apiece s It is oꝛdered that the fame Pſalmes fhall bee 
read the lat day of the ſayde monethes , which were read the dap bes 

foe: Da that the Plaleer may begin againe che Hell ap of the next 
moneth enſuing. 

Nowe to knowe what jfalnes ſhall be read euery day, looke in 
the Kalender the nomber that is appoynted koꝛ che Plalmes, ¢ then 
finde the fame nomber in this Cable, and bpon that nomber ſhal por 
{ee what Plalmes ſhalbe {aid at Moning anv Cuentug prayer. 

sail ie >) Gud where the Cxix. Plalme is deuided into xxii.poꝛtions, anv 

is duerlong tobe read at one time: itis fo orꝛdered, that at onetime 

{hall not be read aboue foure oꝛ fiue of the ſayd pontions,as you Galt — 
perceiue to be noted in this table folowing, aS 
And here is alfo to bee noted, that inthis Cable anv in all other 2: 
partes of the feruice, where any Plalmes are appoynted, the num 
ber is expꝛelled after che queat Englith Byble, which from the we 

{lalme, tnto the Crloiii, fale (folowing che diuilion oftl 
byeines)vath varie innumber fram the ei 
the —* 

Sap» A table for the order ofthe Pfalmes 
see. be fayde at Morning andEuening 

rol Lili. | 
IN lvi. Ivii. Iviii. 

liti liiii. lv. 

lix. Ix. lxi. 


Morning prayer. | Euening prayer, — : 
1i. ii. iii. ilii. V. vi.vii.viii. 
21ix. X. xi. XU xiiii. 
3xXv. xvi. xvii. xviii. 
419. 20. 21. xxii.xxiii. 
5xxiiii.xxv. xx A, 27.28.29, 

6 | XXX,XXXi. 324336346 

7 | XXXV.XXXVI, — 

8xxxviii. xxxix. xl. vi.xlii.xliii. 
xliiii.xlv.xlvi. | xlvii.xlviii-xlix, | 

“Seneca Stetina 


12lxi.lxiii. lxiiii. lxv.lxvi.lxvii. 

13 Ixviti. lxix.Ixx 
xi.lxxii. lxxiii. lxxiiii. 
115|Ixxv.Ixxvilxxvil, Ixxviil, | 
11 6| lxxix,lxxx,lxxxi, - 82,83,84,85. 
1786. 87. 88. 89. | 

18| XC.XCi.xcil, xciii.xciiii. 
119] XCV,XCVI,XCVil, xcviii. 

20! cii.ciii. ciiii. 

2 1| cv, eyes 

221 CVil. 3 cviii. cix. 

230x. cxi. cxii. cxii. cxiiii. cxv. 
24cxvi.cxvii.cxviii. cxix. Inde.iiii. 

Inde.v. ; [ nde.iiii. 
26|Inde.v. (125. | Inde, tii, (13% 

271 120.121.122,123,124, 
291139. 140. 141. cxlii.cxliii. 

[30 440145. 14.6. ; cxlvit.cxlviii,cxlix, cl, 

Beat ak Ow — ‘a 

126.127, 428: 129, 730, |. 
OCR REL? ae - 

ie: Saint Darke. Eccle.tiit. €ccie.b, 
Saint Philip Eccle vii. |, 

J ſcenſion day. Deut.x. it 

irſt Leſſon. Eccle.xii. 
{Second Leſſon. Actes ty.(vnto) 
J After certaine 
&, John Bapt. Daves, 

pe r ) ttt 
Second Leſſon. Mat.xiii. Mat.xitii.(vnto) 

nahen Jeſus 
Saint Peter. eg heard. 
Eyꝛſt Leffon. Eccle. rb. Cccle.rir, 
Second Leſſon.Actes.iii. Actes. ttit. 


Amem. Enenfong 5 

and Jacob. 

Munday t itt 
wohitſun weeke. 
Firſt Leſſon. Genelis xi. vnto Qum xi Gather 
Thele are the genera⸗ vnto me 70, me 
tions of Sem, &€.vnto Moſes 
Second Leſſon.i.Coꝛ.xii. and the elders 
ais returned. 
Tueſday in iRings.rix. 

Firſt Leſſon. Mala. titi. 

Saint James. Eccle.xxi. Eccius pei, | i 
es Bartlemew. xxv — ee ne 

S · Matthew. xxxx xxxxviii. 
S. Mithael. xxxix xliii 
SHainthuke. fi FORA 
Simon &¢ Jude, | 

Fyrſt Lelſon. zobaritixrv bese 

[| Mattens. | Euenfong. | 
it patos: | “eames, GHenjong.. + a 
.iſd.iii.(vnto) Miſd.v.(vnto) j 
Fy Lellon. - | sictfenigeatherpigieloutic | 
tthe barren. ais. oe ; 
| „Hebꝛues xi.xii. Apocalyps rir. ; 
Secondletion. 1 aines by faith, —— 
(vnto) Ityve en⸗ſawe an Angel 

dure chattening, (tanbe. : 
Proper ‘P/almes on certayne dayes. — 4 
es Mattens, Euenfong, ’ 
| — xx. Uxxxix. 

ſhriſtmas day. Pſal. iriv. Ix 

ee incr. | Crevit ! 
— rit oh 
Ealter day. livit Mri : 
Crt Crbiti : 
et viii rriiii 4 
Afcenfion Day. rv ucbint i 
| iis ate (OOM oe 
— riv att w 
apbittunday. [iebii - Cl a 
, } i ee 

& The order where 

oA orning ‘and Evening} phir 
halve died andfatd, ) 

The Morning and Euening prayer fhalbe vfed in the ac- 

_ -cuftomed place of the Church, Chappell, or Chaun- 
cell, except it fhalbe otherwife determined by the Or- 
dinarie of the place. And the Chauncels fhal remaine 
as they haue done in times paſt. | 

And heere is to be noted,that the Minifter at the time of 

_ the Communion, and at all other times in his mini- 

ſtration, fhall vfe inch ornaments in the Church, as . 
were in vie by authoritie of Parliament,in the feconde 
yere of the reigne of King Edward the fixct , according 

_ tothe Ade of Parliament i in that cafe madeand —— 


MOSder for M orning prayer 
daily throughout the peere, Ws i 

At the — of Morning prayer, andlikewife = 
~ of Euening prayer,the Minifterfhalreadewithalound = & 
veyce fome one of thefe fentences of thefcriptures 
that followe. Andthen he fhallfay that which is write 

ten after the faid fentences, 

GEIS "7 doe baits — 
ede and my ime isé 

ote as: — 

: |. donning prayefg > ats. 
Ll, Turne thyface away krom our ſinnes O Lode) — 

and blot out all our offences. Gee 

Ji,  Afozowfull {pivit tg a ſacriſice to God: deſpiſe not 

: (D Lovd) humble andcontrite beartes, — 

lit, KRent vour heartes, and not pour garments, and 

turneto the Low pour God,becaule he ts gentie and 

. merciful,be ig pattent,and of much mercie,and ſuch 

nix,  Cothee (MD Lorde God) belongeth mercie and fo2- 

giuenelle, foz we haue gone away front thee, and 

Haute not hearkened to thy voyce, whereby we might. 

walke in thy lawes which thou halt appointed ſor 

03, | 
ex, correct vs (D Lorde) ard pet in thy iudgement, 

Hot in thy furie, teatt we houldebe conſumed and 

brꝛought to nothing. . — ae 
tii, Amende pour lives, for the kingdome of God is at 

hand. wa, he 
kexv, ‘4 Will goe to my father, and layto him, father, F 
haue finned again heauen and again€ thee: ZF an 
no moze woꝛthie to be called thytonne. 
Ennter not into iudgement with thyſeruants, O 
VLorde: tor no fleth tg righteous in thy ſight. 
ohni, I Se Wwe fap that we haue nolinne, we deceiue our 
telües and there is no trueth invdbs. 
Earely beloued brethren, theſcripture moueth 

Hs in fundry places, to acknowledge and con⸗ 

kelle our manifolde ſinnes and wickednes, and 
tthat we thoulde not diſſemble nor cloke them before | 
the face of almightie God o rheauenlpfather, but 

onlelle them with an hum Be iotsly, ponieene, ai : 

obedient heart. to the teine fo2- 
ay US 7 % —— 8 pos — — ee”: 2 * rs i * peer : 
Oe ee oo PETIT OAVOMIC : i ; Cr ~. i> 4a e424 
>... ‘qiueneiie of the fame, BP bis t ie 
As gt eee Dak me hap Gal >> — Mix see a Wee. ‘ — —— ~ 
ioe Wd hn * ————— x i — we 
ba yh oe 3 PA Dy Bes 06% g , q 
Pear? — el <p. fi if 


eM orning prayer. 

mercy, And although we ought at all times hunibly 
to acknowledge our finnes before God: pet ought 
we moft chiefly fo todoe 5 when we aſſemble a meete 
together, to render thankes foz the great benetites 
that we haue receiued at his handes, to tet foorth his 
not worthy prayſe, to heare his moſt Holp wo2de, 
and to alte thofe things which bee requifite and ne⸗ 
ceſſarie, as wel foz the body as the ſoule. Wherefore J 
- -praparid befeech you as many asbe ere peefent, to 
accomparty me with a pure heart and humble botce, 
vnto the thzone of the Heaucnip avace, faping after 
A generall confefsion to be fayd of the whole congte- 
.. gation after the Miniiter.knéelitig ion . 
Lmightie and mot mercifull father, wee haue 
AY erred a Frayed from thp wapesiitie lof theepe, 
we hate followed too much thedeutces and de⸗ 
fives ol our owne hearts, wee haue ofiended again 
thy holy lawes, wee haue leſft vndone thoſe thinges 
which wee ought to haue done, and wee haue done 
thoſe thinges which we ought not to haue done, and 
there is no Health tn vs, but thou, O Lod, haue mer⸗ 
cie vpon bs miſerable offenders, Spare thou them, 
D God, which conkelſe thetrfaultes, reſtore thou 
them that be penitent ,according to thy promifes dee 
clared vnto mankinde in Chat Zetrour Low: ana 
graunt.O pk mercifull father , fo2 bis fake, that 
we map Hereafter tinea godly, righteous, andlobey 
be he abfolution to be pronounced by the Minifter « ~ 
Be Boney 6. iF 9: , : eg Slo spiced 5 

A. Linightic Gpd, the father ofour Lore ¥ 
Chritt, which defiveth not the death ot atm 
~~ butrather that he may turne from his wie 

TE, = 

| Morning prayer. 
nelle and liute, and hath giuenpowerand commaun · 

dement to his minilters to declare and pronounce to 

bis peeople being penitent,the abſolution and remiſ⸗ 
fiom of their finnes: bee pardoneth and abſolueth att 
them which truely repent, ¢ vnkeinedly beleeue his 
Holy Golpel. Wherefore we beleech him to graunt bs 
true repentance and bis holy fptvit that thoſe things 
ay pleafe Him which we do at this preſent, and of 
the reſt of ouritte hereafter map bee pure and Holy, fo 
that at the fat we may come to his eternalli toy ; tho 
row Jeſus Chriſt our Lord. 
The people ſhall anfwere, Amen. 

Then thall the Minifter begin the Lordes prayer witha ; “ 

loude voyce. 

Our father which art in heauen ac. \ 
- -Then likewife he fhall fay. * 

O Logd open apt ant lippes, 


| : And our — thew forth thr pate, | 
O (od make — co ſaue vs. 


a D Lom matehatte toHelpe bs. 

3 : = Can . 
1 aealaay “tar P25 — 
On⏑ — — ——— 
— ee 7 af. 
Re 7 VG ASS 
— — C AK 
2 Te : 
a? * — 

ioꝛy betothefather,andtotyetonne,ec, 
Agi it was in the heginning, is now. ac. 
Praplevethe od, 7 

The thalbe faid or ſung this Pfalme following. oe 
SNE Come, tee nsfing vnto ty onesies - 
“\ — — in che th aright OF Oe 

Bis | Paper '° 
0), ff * gel ri 

CS rc Ap, 2 * 
v <M Lente i EES 
‘ we * J 
—— — ihe) eae 
aya — 
oes — a Se Valens 

Morning prayer. 

thankelgiuing: and ſhewe our ſelues glad. in him 
with Plalmes. | 

fro2 the Logdeigagreat God: and agreat thing a⸗ 
boue all gods. ye 
In his hande are all tye corners of the earth: and 
the frength ofthe Hillestshis alto, 

Che lea is his, and he made tt: and bis bands: pie: 

pared the drie lande. | 

Ocome let bs worthip,and fail Downe: atid nneele 
befoze the Lozde our maker, | 

For he isthe Lod our God: and we are the people 
of his paſture,and the heepeofhishandes, 

To day tf pe will heave his bopce, harden not pour 
Heartes: as in the prouocation, and as tn the day of 
temptation in the wilderneſſe. 

wWhen pour fathers tempted me: prooued me, and 
fawe mywoꝛrkes. 

Fourtie peeres long was J grieued with this ge⸗ 
neration. and ſaid: it is a people that do erre in their 
heartes, ko r they haue not kno wen my wayes. 

winto whome J ſware in my wrath: that they 
ſhould not enter into my reſt. 

Glow be tothe lather, ac. As tt was tn the,ac, 

Then fhall followe certaine Pfalmes in order,as they bee 
appointed in atable made for that purpofe, except 

there be proper Pfalmes appointedforthatday, And 

atthe ende — —— roughout the yeere, and 

likewife in the ende of Benedictus sBenedicite,Magr Ix: 

ficat,and Nunc dimittis,thalbe repeated: Giozyt — 
Ace kather, ac. As it was inthe. 
Then fhall be read two Leſſons ditindly w 

voyce, that the people may heare, TT) 
olde Teftament, The feconde,.of the. 

— be appointed i in a — ex 


_ Morning prayer. 

proper I¢ffonsiafsigned for thatdlay = the Minifter that 
readeth the Leffon, ftanding,and turning him fo, as he 
may be beft heard ofall fuch as be prefent, And before 
_ euery Leffon, the Minifter fhall fay thus. The firit, fe- 
cond, third, or fourth Chapter of Genefis, or Exodus, 
| Matthewe, Marke,or other likejas is appointedinthe — 
ue - Kalender, And inthe end of euery Chapter, he fhall 
fay, Pere endeth fuch a Chapter offuch a booke. 
And tothe ende'the people may the better heare in fuc 
places wherethey doe fing, there fhall the Leffons be 
“fang ina plaine rune, after the maner of diftinct rea- 
ding: and likewife the Epiftle and Goſpell. After the 
firſt Leffon fhall followe, Te Deum laudamus in Eng? 
lifh, daily throughout the whole yeere. | aa 

TeDeun Ss BSSug € praifethee, D God: we knowledge 
laudamus thee to be the Lord. ak: 

Hiv, All the earth doeth worship thee: the - 
tather euerlaſting. —J— 
——ATothee all Angels crie aloude: the 
heauens and all thepowersthereim, 

To thee Cherubin and Seraphin: continually doe 

crie. J 

Holy. holy.holy:Loꝛde God of Sabaot. 
heauen a earth are kullol the maieltie: of thy glorie. 
he glorious company of the Apoſtles: pꝛaiſe thee. 
Cie goodlyfellowchipot the Prophets: pꝛaiſe thee, 
The noble armie of Martyrs: pꝛaiſe thee. 
The holy Church throughout all the worlde: doeth 

Morning prayer. 

Chou art the enerlaſting ſonne:ofthe father, 

When thou tookeſt vpon thee to deliuer nian: thou 
diddeſt not abhorre the virgins wombe. 

when thou haddeſt overcome the ſharpeneſſe of 
death): thou diddeſt oper the kingdome of heauen to 
all beleeuers. 

Thou ſitteſt at the right hand of God: inthe glorrx 
ofthe father. 

ude beleeue that thou ſhalt come: to beour iudge. 

ude therefore pray thee helpe thy ſeruants: whome 
thou batt redeemed with thy precious bilododd. 

Wake thew to bee numbed with thy Saintes: in 
glorie euerlaſting. 

O Loꝛd ſaue thy people: and bleſſe thine heritage, 

@ouerne them: and likt them bp fozerter, : 

Way by dap: we maantfie thee. 

And we worhip thypname: eucr worlde swithout 

asouchtate (D Lorde: ) to keepe bs this day with⸗ 
out ſinne. 
O Lom have mercy vpon bss: hate mercy bpobs, 
és — let thy mercplighter vpon bs:asour truſt 
is int 
D Lorde, in thee haue Jtruſled: {et me neuer bee 
confounded. Sct 
D2 this Canticle, Benedicite omnia opera. Sie ys | 
GH Ail pe workes ofthe Lorde, blelle yethe Benedi- 
ae \ ——— * on and — pene * cite, 



ever, "i 
D ve heauens vlelle ye the none pi ‘ 

; — him foz euer. ai Tne 

| iiii 

— 1* * ay 

Morning prayer. 4 
& pe Waters that be aboue the firmament, bleſſe 

ye che Lod: patie him and maanifie him fo2 eiter. 

— Dail pe powers of the Lorde, blefle ye the Lorde: 
praife him and magnifie him foꝛ euer. : 
MOyxee Sunne and Doone , bleſſe pee the Lorde: 
praiſe him and maqnitie Hirt fo2 ever. | 
Oyee ſtarres ofbeauen,blefle ye the Lozde: pꝛaiſe 
him and magnifie him fo2 ever. bee maa, 
O pe ſhowꝛes and deaw,blefie pe the Lorde: prayſe 
him and magnifie him koreuer. 
Opre windes of God, bleſſe pe the Lord: prayſe him 
and magnilie him for euer. 

O pe fire and heate, bleſſe pe the Lorde: pꝛayſe hint 
aiid magniſie Him fo2 ever, 

Oye winter and lommer, bleſſe pe the Lord: praiſe 
Him and maqnifie hint fo2 ever... 3 

O pedewes and froftes,blefle pe the Lorde: pape 
him and magnilie Hint foz ever, ae 
~ D petro and colde,bielle pe the Lozde: prayſe him 
and magnifie hin foz euer. no 
O rxe preand Inotee,biefle pe the Lord: prayſe int 
and magnilie him fo2 euer. | 


Dye nightsanddaves,bletie pe the Lorde: prayſe | 

him and maanifie him fo2 ever. 

D ye light and darnenes vielle ve the Lord: praite 

him and magnilie info ewer, 
VOre lightnings and cloudes bleſſe ve the Lorde: 
pꝛavyſe him and magnilie him foꝛeuer. 

> iet the earth bleſſe the Lorde: pea, let it prayſe 


Vyxe mountaines and hilles, biefle pee the Lorde: 

Oo ail ye greene things bpontheearth,bieflepethe 

oꝛd:praile him and magniſie him ſoꝛeuer. it 

Morning prayer. 

~ D pee welles, blefle pe the Lorde: prapte him and 
maagnifie him for ever, 

D ye Seas and ſioods, bleile ye the wove: maple 
him and magnifie hint for ener, 

D pe whales ¢ all that moue inthe waters, bleſſe 
pe the Loz: prapte him and magniſie him foz ever, 

D all pe toutes of the ayze,bletie pe the Lod: praple 
him and magnifie him fo2 ever. 

O all pe beaſtes a cattell,blette pe the Lode: peaple 
Him and magnifie him fo2 ener 

O pe childzett of men, bleſſe pe the Loꝛd: praiſe Hint 
and magnifie Him for euer. 

Olet Iſrael * the Lorde:prayſe him and mag⸗ 
nilie Hint for euer. 

© pe prieſts of the Lop, biete ye the Lorde: prayſe 
him and magnifie him foz ever. 

O ve feruants of the Lond. biette pep Lozde: pratfe 
him and magnilie him fo2 ever, 

D vetptrites and foules of the righteous, bleſſe ve 
the 102d: peaple bint and magniſie him foz ever, 

O xe holy and humble menof heart, biefle pe the - 
Lord:prayſe him and magnifiehim for euler, 

D Anantas, Asarias, and Witael, hleſſe pee the 
Lord:prayſe Hint and magnifie him for eter, ¥ 

Glory be to the father,and to the fonne, ac. 

Asit was in the beginning, is now, ac. 

Andafter the fecond Leſſon, Mall be vſed and faid Bene- 
dictus i in Englith,as follovveth. 
2 Se J ellen bee the Lowe God of Itael: for Benedi 
Sy bee hath vilited and redeemed his peor Gus, 
A, ate. — 

Ind hath rayled vp a mightte ‘ 
Sed uation foz bs; in the houte of pts te 

— — Fi x 

uant DArtiD, 

As hee ſpake by the mouth of bistolp ssropbetes: . 
which haue bene ſince the world began, =~ | 

Chat wee ſhould be faued from our enemies: and 
fromthe hands ofall that hate vs. 

To perfourme the mercy promiſed to our toreta⸗ 
thers: and to remember his holy couenant. 
To perkorme the othe which he ſware to our kore⸗ 
father Abraham: that he would giue vs. ae 

That wee, being deliuered out of the hands of our 
enemies: might ſerue him without keare. | 

Gu holineſſe and righteoutnede befo2e him: al the 
dayes ofouriife, 

And thou childe chait be called the Prophet of the 
higheſt: foz thou thalt goe befoze the face of the Lorde 
to prepare His wayes. 

To giue knowledge cf ſaluation vnto his people: 
fo2 the remiffion oftheir ſinnes. He 
‘Chr0ugh the tender mercie of our God: wvherebr 

the day (pring from an high bath vilited vos. 

Co giuelightto themthat hit in darnenee andin 

the thadowe of death: and to guide ouvfeete into the 

Way of peace. 
Glory beto the father,and tothe fortie,ac, 
et was int the begining, is tow, ac. 

Or this C — Tubilate Deo. 


Morning prayer. ; 
O goe your way into his gates with thankes gi⸗ 
ving, and into his courtes With ppatle: be thankful 
Hntovim,and ſpeake goodothis ame, ; 
‘For the Lorde ig qractous, His mercie is euerla⸗ 
fling: and bis tructh endureth from generation te 
generation, — yas ar ieee 
~ Glory be to the father sand to the fonne,ac, 
As it was inthe beginning, is nowe, ee, 

Then fhall be faide the Creede, by the Minifterand the 
people ftandings Fitae! I to @ | 
ce 87S -¥ Belecue in God the Father almightie, 
wey maker ofheauen and earth: and in Fee 
C74 {us Chit His onelpfonne our Lozde, 
G&Y which was cõceiued by the holy Shot, 3 
ad/ o\aes bone ofthe virgin Marie, ſullered vn ⸗· 
Der Ponce Pilate, was crucified dead and buried, he 
deſcended into Hell. Che thirde day he roſe aqaine 
from the dead. He afcended into Heaven, and fitteth 
on the righthandof God the father aimigotie, from 
thence thatl he come to iudge the quicke and the dead, 
J beleeue in the holy Ghoſt, the holy Catholique 
Church, the Communion okſaintes, the foꝛgiuenes 
of ſinnes, the reſurrection of the body, andthelife = 
euerlaſting. Amen. HO ISSO ee 

* — he 
And after that; thefe prayers following, as wellacEue, 
ning prayer,as at Morning prayer, all deuoutlyknee- oe 
ding, the Minifter. firft: pronouncing with 
voyce. Wee es 

— CyeLovebewithyou. 

And With thyſpirit. 

Morning pravere 0 
Let bspray, 

Lo2d haue mercie vpon bs, 
Chrift haue mercie vponvs. 

Loꝛd haue mercie bpon bs, 

Then the Minifter, Clatkes, and people, fhall fay the 
Lordes prayer in Englifh,with a loude voyce, 
Dur father which art in heaven, ac. 
Then the Minifterftandingvp,fhallfay, © 
D Lozde hewe thy mercie vponvs. 


And graunt vs thy taiuation 


O Lorwfauethe Queene. 


And mercifulipheate » bs — we call vpon thee, 


Indue thy ntinitters with viahteoutnette, | 


ann make thy cpotenp — topfull, 

Prieft — eo Bs 
O Loꝛd ſaue tyy people, — ——— 

An were, 

| And blelle thine inheritance. 


we Give peace inour cine, D Loyd, 


Becaur there is — — that caer on bs, bt but — ms 

ae thou, DG 

i —— 
— oD d mant cleane — hesrteswithin 8. —— 

2% JA see | iS 
* ¢ * 4 
4 a 4.0 am 

Morning prayer. | 
_ Then fhall follovve three Collectes. The firft,ofthe day, 
which thal be the fame that is appeared atthe Com- 
munion. The fecond, for peace. The third, for grace to 
liue vvell. And the tvvo laft Collectes fhall neuer alter, 
but dayly bee fayde at Morning prayer throughout all 
the yeere,asfollovveth, | 

The fecond Colle& for peace. 
| God, which art authour ofpeace, and louer 
\_/ ofconcozde, in knowledge of whome fandety 
our eternall life whole feruice is perfect free: 
dome: delende vs thy humble feruauntes in all ak 
laultes ofourenemtes, that we furelp truſting in 
thy deferice, may not feave the powerofanpaduers · 
— through the might of Jeſus Chzttour Lo, 
men. Ae — 

The third Collect for grace. os A aay Seva aie 
; Loꝛrd our heauenly father, almighty and euer. 
\ Jialing God, which halt lalely bꝛought vs to thee 
Tbeginning of thisday, defendebsinthefame = 
with thy nightie power, andarauntthatthisday == 
Wwe fall into nolinnenettherrunnetntoanphindese = 

danger: but that allour Doings map be ordered by 
¢hy qoucritance, to noe alwapes that ts righteous in 
- thylight through Fetus Chritt our Lord, Amen. 

“os order for E 


prayer througheue the: —— ee 

The Prieft hall fay. 
‘Our father which art in heauen. ac. 
~ Then likewife he fhall ye 
oD Lord opeitthouourtippes, . 
Afifwere. | 

ano our mouth ſhew forth thy prarte. 
O God make fatie bs. 

D Low matie nbs A helpe bg, 

Glory beto the father,and to the fone, ae, 

Asit was inthe beainning,isnow.e, 
Praple pethe Lod, | 

Then Pfalmes in order as they be appoyntedin the Table 
_ for Pfalmes, except there be proper pfalmes appointed 

for that day. Then aleffon of the olde Teftament, as is 

appoynted likewife'in the Kalender, except there bee 
proper Leffons appoynted for that day. After that, 
- Magnificat in Englithjasfolloweth. 

— 2 P foule doth magutfie the Low: and my 
ſpirit hath reioyced in God my ſauiour. 
/\S Ffo2rhee hath regarded:the lowlinelſe 
/?\\4 of bis handmayden 

oꝛ beholde frombevicetont: all ge⸗ 
pies nevations hall cail me bietted. ‘ 
7yꝛ Hee that is mightie hath. magnified me: and — 
 Balpishisname, a 
Ind his m erey ——— feare him:thuough 


Euening prayer. 
He hath chewed ſtrength with his arme: he hath 
——— the proude in the imagination of their 
He hath put done the miahtie from their ſeate: 
and Hath exalted the humble and meekſe. 
He hath filled the hurrgrp with good things: and , 
therich he hath tent emptic away, 
He remembetng His mercie Hath holpen hister- 
tant Iſrael: as he pꝛomiſed to our fozetathers, Ae 
braham, and histeedefozeuer, 
Glorr be to the kather, and to the ſonne, ac. 
As it Was in the beginning, is nowe, a, 

Or els this Pſalme. 

J Let the floods clappe thei 


aia ie Euening prayer. 

“ hilles be ioyfull together before the Lorde: tor he is 
come to iudge tie earth. 

‘With righteouſneſſe chall he iudge te worde and 
the people with equitie. : 
Beat) _ 2s it was inthe beginnina,ts nowe,ac. ) 

Then a Leflon of the Newe Teitament, And afterthat, 

Shing! dimittis i in Englifh,as followeth 

Odꝛde nowe letteſt thou thy ſeruant de⸗ 
Gpart in peace: accoꝛding tothp word, 
Sop —— mine eyes haue feene: thy fal: 

x — thou bat prepared : befoe 
the face of alt people. 
To bea light to lighten the Gentiles: and to bee 
a glory of thy people Iſrael. 
Giorpbe to the father,and tothe fone, ac, 
a8 it was 111 the beginning, is nowe, ec, 

_ . OrelsthisPfalme, 
<7 Dd be mnercifull nto vs. and bleſſe bs: | 
YZ and thewe bs the light of His counte: — 
| tance,and be merctill vnto bs, | 
' | Chat thy way may be knowen vpon 

a —* thy fauing health among all na⸗ 

Deus: mi- 


? Let the ponple ath thee, ® God: yea let all the i 
: _ prope praiſe thee. 

_ QD Let the rations retoyce and be glad: for thou 

_ fat iudge the folke righteouſly, and uern the na⸗ 

tions vpon the earth. 

‘ead Let the people parte — OGod: ie auche peo 

«aft 2 

Euening prayer. 

God thall bleſſe bs; and all the endes of the tom — 

all keare him. 
i — Olay beto thefather,ann to the lonne. ac. 
As it was inthe beginningis nowe. ac. 

Then thal follow the Creede,with other prayers, as is ‘he. 

fore appointed at Morning prayer after Benedi@us, 

- andwith three Colledtes, Firftofthe day, The fecond 

of peace, The third for ayde againſt all perils, as here- 

- after followeth: which twolaft Golleétes fhalbe daily 
aid at Euening prayer, without alterations 

The fecond Goleta at Euening prayer. 

Oe: from whom all holp defires, all good coun⸗ 
Nlailes, and ail iuſt workes Doe proceede: giue 
vnto thy ſeruants that peace which the worlde 
can not atue, that both our hearts may be fet to obey 
thy cominandements,andalfo that by thee we being 
- defended from the feare of our enemies, may patie 

our time in ref and quietnes, thrꝛough the merits of 
— Chꝛriſt our lauiour, Amen. — 

‘The thitde Collectes for ayde againftall — 
15 pur darkeneſſe we beſeech thee, Lo, 
and bp thy great mercy defend vs from all perils 

and dangers of this night, fo2 the lowe ——— ee — 

lonne out ſauiour Setus CHeitt, Ament, 

In the fealts of Chriftmas sthe Epiphanie,’ Saint Mace 
 Bafter, the Afcéenfion, Pentecoft, Saint Iohn Bapti 
Saint lames, Saint Bartholomewe, Saint Matthew 
+} 3Saint Simon and Inde, Saint Andrewe,, and 
Sunday, fhallbe fung or faid, immediatly: 
oe — this confefsion of our Chriftians ait 

12 Rae " pie ee pie Se 

Quicunque vult. 

@utein: as, Pofoeuer will be fared: before all 

ue vule, A things it is neceflary thathe holde 
\ VS fe the Catholique faith, 
| which fatth, except euerp one - 
y a\ Vin Vig § Doe Keepe holy and budehled: with: 
More out doubt he ſhall perich euerla⸗ 

faa ſtingly. 
and the Catholique faithis this: that we worhip 
one Godin Crinitic,and Trinitte in vnitie. 
Neither confounding the: perlons: nor deuiding 
the ſubſtance. 
Foz there is one perſon of the father, another of 
the forine: and another ofthebolypGhot, | 
But the Godhead of the father, of the ſonne and 
of the Holy — is all one: the glory equal,the ma⸗ 
ieſtie coeternall. 
Such as Ava father is,tuch is the ſonne: and luch 
is the holy Ghoſt. 
The father vncreate, the ſonne vncreate: andthe 
Holy Ghot vncreate. 

The father incomprehentible,cheforneincompze: ⸗ 

henlſible: ad the holy Ghok incompzehentible, 
Che father eternal, the fone eternal: andthe 
bolp Shoteternall, —- 
And pet they ave riot chree eternals: ‘but one eter⸗ 

Asaito there be not thee incompzebentibles, 1102 
thee vncreated: but one vncreated, and one incom⸗ 
So likewife the father ig almiabtie, the forine ails 
* mightie andthe holy Bho almightie. 

hate ey cs, they are notthree almighties: but one al⸗ 

a Ae ee Ie. 
— > —————— 5 is ere the fonne is God and the 

— a ano 

Quicunque vult. 

And pet they are not thee Gos: but one God, 

. Ho like wiſe * oe is Lozde,the lonne Loske: 
and the holy Ghok L020, 

And pet not thzee Lords: but one L020, 

Foz like as we be compelled by the Chriſtian beri: 
tie: to acknowledge every perfon by him ſelle to bee 
God and Lorꝛd. 

So are we forbiodert by the Catholique religion: 
tofay there be th2ce Gods,02 thzee Lordes. 

— father is made of one; nepther created, 1102 
gotten | 
Che Sonne is of the father alone: not mabe, nor 

created, but begotten. 

Che holp qhot is of the father, of the fone: ney⸗ 
ther made,s102 created, 1102 begotten but proceeding, 

So thereig one Father , tot thee Fathers, one 
soba may one holy ghott,ttot theee ho⸗ 

And in this Trinitie none is afore or after other: 
none is greater or leſſe chen another. 

Wut the whole three perſons bee coeternall toge⸗ 
ther: and coequall. 

So that in all things, as is aloreſayde: the vnitie 
in —— — and the: Trinitie in vnitie is to be wor⸗ 

Be — that will be fated: mutt thus thinke : 
ofthe Crinitte, 
Furthermore it is neceffarie to eurerlatting talua⸗ | 

tion: that be alfo beleeue rightly: in the incarnatien * & 

ofour Lod Fetus Chit, a 
fo2 the right faithis, that wee beleeue and ‘oY 

feſſe: that our Lord Jelus Cyꝛitt, tapi of Gor 

Godard man. 
God, of the fubttance of the father, — I 



before che worldes: and mar, of tiie lubſtance ofbis 
smother, bozmne in the worlde, 

Perfect God, arid perfect man: ofa reafonable 
foule,and humane fleth fublitting. 

Cquali to the Father as touching bis Godhead: 
And inferiour tothe father touching his manhood, 

Who although he be God and man: pet be is not 
two but one Chꝛiſt. 

One, not by conuerſion of the Godhead into fleſh: 
Hut by taking of (he manhood into God, 

Mnealtogether.not by confulion of fubttance: put 
by bnitie ofperfon, 

ffoz as the reafonable foule and fief is one man: 
fo God and man is one Chꝛiſt. 

Who ſuffred fo2 our fatuation: defcended into hell, 
roſe againe the third day from the dead, 

Healcendedinto heauen, Hee litterh on the right 
Hand ofthe Father, God alinightie: from wyhence he 
hallcome to iudge thequickeandthedead, 

At whoſe comming all men tall rife againe with 
a bodies: and hail giue acconwt for their owne 


And theythat haue done good, ſhall goe into life 
— and they that haue Done euill, into ener: 

aſting fire, 
© Ghisis the Catholike kaith: which except a man 
beleene faithfully,be cannot be ſaued. i 

+ @loiy be fo the father,and tothe lonne ac. 
Asit was inthe begining, NOW, FC, 

7 _ Ths endeth the order of Morning and seine 
ieee che hols — Ak “Fi Roa. 
t en — es tet Here $e 

Sa Here followerh the Letanie, tobevfed 
vyyon Sundayes, Wednefdayes, and Frydayes, and 

at other times vhen it fhallbe commaun- 

dedbythe Ordinarie. 

A God the father ofheauen: have mevey 
bpon be miſexable ſinners. 

— y O God the father of heaven : have mer- 
CUR J) cic vpon vs miferablefinners, °° 
S43) D God the Sonne redeemer. of the 

tA? \.. 
orlde: Haue mercte vpon bs miſerable finners, 
© God the Sonne redeemer of theworlde : haue mer- 
cie vponvs miferable finners. — 
O God the holy Gholt proceeding fromthe Father a 
the Sonne : haue mercie bpon bs antiervabletinners, 
O God the holy Ghoft proceeding from theFather ~~ 
and the Sonne: haue mercie vpon vs miferable fins 


ners, ne Voie J 
O holy bleſſed, and glorious Crinitie, three perſons 
Fone God:haue mercie vpon hs miſexrable ſinners. 

O holy, bleſſed, and glorious Trinitie, —— — 
and one God: hauemercievpon vs miferablefinnerys.- = 
- Remenrber not Lord our offences,no0z the offencesok 

our forefathers, neither take thou vengeance tour 
ſinnes: ſpare vs good Lord, fpare thy people what 
thou haſt redeemed with thy mott precious 
andbenotanarpwithbsforeuer, = ©. 

_Sparevs good Lord. es 
from all euill and mitchiefe, from ſinne, from the 
craftes and aflaultes of the dewill, fromthpweaty, 
and from euerlaſting damnation, 2 

Good Lorde deliuer vs. ae 
From all blindnelſe of heart, frompzide, baine gi 
itn rte hatredand oo 



The Letanie. 
all oncavitablenete. pets tr 
Good Lord deliuer vs, 
From fornication, and all other deadly — and 
from allthe deceites of the worlde, Chefieh, and 

deuill. beara 
Good Lord deliuer vs. : 

“from lightning and temper, fom plaaite, vetti 
lence, and kamine, from battell and murder , and 
Fronsfudden death. © 

+ © GoodLord deliver vs. | 
From all ſedition and priuie conſpiracie, from ail 
a “falle doctrine andberelie,from hardnes of heart, and 
were ‘ot of thy worde and comimandement, 
Good Lorde deliuer vs. 
29 By’ the mifterie of thy holy thy ho⸗ 
| * natiuitie and circumciſion, by thy Baptilme, fa⸗ 
ling. and temptation. 

|e Good Lorde deliuer vs. 
By. thine agonie and bioody fweat, by thy croft - 
and paflion,by thy precious death and buvtal, by thy 
deious relurrection andatcention, and by the com⸗ 
“hess ming of the hoiy Spot. 0° 
—— Goed Lorde deliuer vs. 
cee In all time of our tribulation, in all time otour 

| | ‘qwealth,tr the houre ot death, and int the dap of 9* 

Good Lord deliuer vs. 
pe firiners doe befeech thee to heare bs (O — 
0d) and that it may pleate thee to rule and go- 
uerne thp holy Church vniuerlally in — right 


tet — — to pon VS good — a oe 
ee RD et Fema gy rate thee to keepe and —— 
the true worchi die) of — in —— 
Yogi : boune — 


# oy Nebefeech thee to. heareuse goodLotdy... 
CThat it * pleate thee = og vs ait eal f 

The Let Anje. y, 

yolinelle aftife,, thyleruant Cito ge 

cious Queenñe and gouernour. 
“We befeech theeto hearevs good Lord. - 
Chat it may pleaſe thee to rule Her bearti in thy 
fayth, feare, and louc, and that thee may evermore 
une affianice in thee, arid euer leeke thy bonour * 
orie. * 
We beſeech theetohearevs good Lord. 
That it may pleaſe thee to bee her delender and 
Keeper, giving ber the victorie ouer uer all er ene⸗ 
mies. | | reg 
We befeech thee to hearévs vs goo⸗ co ; 

—* and that both by their meng and lis 
— they map fet it loorth and ſhewe it ri — 
din a 
Wel befeech thee'to es vs good Lord. ; 
Chat it may pleate thee to endue the Lovdes of the — 
coutttell, and all the nobilitic, with grace, toiled ait 
and vnderſtanding. & ; | 
“We befeech thee to heare vs good Lord, Ber 
Chat it may pleate thee to bleſſe and kee ne the apa: — 
giſtrates, giuing them grace toexecute tu ms — hens 
matntainetrueth, af 
We befcech thee to heare vs sood Lordy, : 
Chat tt may pleate thee toblefie. —— al nee 

ople. | 
peghe ebefeech thee to hearevs good Lord, se 

CThat it map pleate thee to gine to all natio or 
ace and concord 

<a Wy Fr — 

— (eae glaunde evs, and ¢ 

| Lhe Letanie. 

and dread thee Aand diligently to live after thy: coms 

We beſeech thee to hearevs good Lord. soe 
Chat it may pleaſe thee to giue to all thy people. en⸗ 
create ofgrace to heave meehelp thy worde,and to ree 
ceive itwith pure affection, and to bing * the 
kruites of thefpirite, | 

We befeech thee tohearevs good Lord. 

Chat it may pleate thee to bring into b wayot trueth, 
all ſuch as haue erred and are dectiued. 

We beſeech thee to heare vs good Lord. 

Chat it may pleaſe thee to ſtrengthen ſuch as doe 

ſtand, and to comfort and helpe the weake Hearted, 

and to raiſe bp them thatfall, and finatly to rite 
downe Satan vnder our feete. 

Me beſeechthee to heate vs good Lord. ‘ 
That it may pleafe thee tofuccour, Hetpe 5 and cont 
fo2t all that be in Danger neceſſitie, and tribulation. 

Webefeech thee to ſeare vs good Lotd. 
Chat it may pleate thee to preſerue all that trauaile 
by lande 02 by water, all women labouring of childe, 
all fiche perfons,and young children, andto chew * 
pitie vpon alfprifonersandcaptines, 

“WebefeechtheétohearevsgoodLord. = 
| Chat it may pieate thee to defend and pꝛouide for the : 

katherleſſe childzen and widowes, and all that be de⸗ 
folateand oppzefted, : 

“Webefeech thee to hearevs good Lord: 

That it may, pleate thee to haue mercie pore all | 
men. me See 

1 Wve betel hive tatheate vs good Lord. ole 
es That it may pleaſe —— korgiue our enemies, : 

. 7 — * * 4 “ae 

— pe | tem x f 

ie 8 J ANS 
2 * 
Ae =F é s ry 
; Lig es Sek et . ; . ; —* 

"ah Chee? — £ ¢ < . ~ 
+ ; a M ¢ - . 4 My | —— 
Ts ‘ ry 24 * J 8 
> Wea eS ⁊ iad vied J J val. 
2 ey Ph * a he a : ; 

zenene ets : 

— Lhe Letanie. 

ib: coer ae to hearé ——— 
Chat tt map ethee togiue and preſerue to one 
bie the kindly truites of the earth, fo ag in due time 
Wwe may eni 

We befeect thedts heare Abooa Bots sd 
- Ghat it may pleate thee togine bs true repentance, 

to orgiue bs allour ſinnes negligences, tignozat 

ces, anid to endue bs With the grace ——— 
to amend our liues accoꝛding to thy Hol — — 

Webefeech thee to heare vs good Lord, 
Sonne of God: we beteech thee to heare vs. 

Sonne of God: we befeech thee to heare vs. 

D Lambe of God, thattakett away the times of the | 

Graunt vs thy peace. 
O Lambeof God, that tatett awaythe tmesotthe 

Hauemercie vpon Vs. 

DC tf heare bs. 
tt O Chrifthearevs. 

| Lor yaue mevet vppon vs. 
Lord haue mercie vpon vs. 
Chrilt haue mercie vpon vs. 

Chriſthaue mercie vpon vs 
Loꝛrd haue — vs. 

Lord haue mercie vpon yvs. — 

Dur father which art in creamer’ 5 — 

© Londeaienatwt esate ity linne 


5 .. oe J— > es rae 3 ; 
re P Z oP ee 

‘ (ehicrtehteitse 

‘either reward vs after our iniauitier 

7 7 q P| 4 woe? - et. * f 4 — — 
a 4 — — so ci su MS A em F 
— —A— 
ve - ‘ * 
Si. eed 

Bac eee UPS a ie ee Pater 
— J rac. , saat heare ¥5,0. Lord Cit —* ent wars eo ss * 

~The Letanie. 
Let vs pr 
God — father, that Defpitett ely fin 
oO ing of a contrite heart , 102 the deſire of fuchas 
be fozowfuil, miercifutity aſſiſt our pravers that 

we make before thee. in all our troubles and aduerli⸗ 
ties whenſoeuer they oppreſſe vs, and qracioully 
Heare bs, that thofe euils which tie craft and ſubtil⸗ 
- tyot chedeutl o2 man worketh againſt vs, be brought 
fo nought, and by the proutdence of thy goodnefle 
‘they map be difperted, that wee thy feruants being — 
Hurtby noperfecutions, mapyeuermozegiuethanks 
ep ah in thy holy Church, thꝛough Jeſus chat 
our £02 

O Lord arife,helpe vs,andieliuer vs for thy 

namesfake. _ . 
D God, wehaucheard with our eares, and our Fa⸗ 
thers haue declared vnto bs the noble woorles that 
SS diddeſt in their dayes, and in the old time before 


O Lord, arife, helpe vs,& deliuer vs for thine honour, 
Glory be tothe father, arid to the Sonne, and to the. | 

holy Ghoſt. 
As it wasin ——— now, and euer calbe, ae 

world without ende.Amen, 
From our enemies defend bs,D Coit, | 

Gracioufly lookevponour affli@ions. 
Pitifully behold the fozowes ofour hearts. . 

Mercifully forgiuethe finnes ofthy people. * * 
Frauourabit with mercy heare our pravers. 

O fonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon vs. er Reh te 2: 

- Both nowe and euer —— to aki vs © ) 
~~ Gracioufly heare vs,0 Chrift. 

a me ae ee ee 
., 4 —* 
“sar “Lom ie: —* Wig ys — 
ao al A Ae ee a , 
7 tie PRAS Us Se — 
ee e - Ene Pe ali * 
Bees ure on EGE x — — — * 
—* — —— * et ae > re s 
+, ——— * * , - 
—* “er FL PFs 4 > . * * 

— A. s3 ee : Be — 3 

The Letanie. 
: TheVerficle, 
O Lorde let thy mercie be thewed vpon hs, 
| The Anfwere, 
Is we doe put our traf in thee, 
et vs pray. 
\ A 7 € humbly befeech thee, D father, mercifully 
to looke bpon our infirmities, and fo2 the gio- 
rie of thy names fale, turne from vs all thote euils 
that we mot righteoullp haue delerued, and graunt 
that inallour troubles we map put our whole truſt 
and confidence in thy mercie, and euermoze ſerue 
thee in holineſſe and pureneſſe oflining, to thy ho⸗ 
our atid glozie, theough our onely mediatour and 
aduocate Fetus Chriſt our Lode, Amen, 

A Lmightie and euerlaſting God, which oneip = 
* *sootiett great maruailes ſende doawne 
‘aUU AD ithoppes and Cuvates, r 
committed fo ther. charges the Healthtutt § : r te as 7 isa 

The Latanie. 

of thp avace, and that they away trucly pleafe thee, 
pow2e vᷣpon them the continuall deawe of thy biet- 
ling: Graunt this,D Lord,foꝛ se honour of our ad: 
uocate and mediatour Jeſus Chat. amen, | 
| A prayer of Chryfoftome. 
—— God, which haf giuen bs grace at 
his time with one accozde,to make our common 
ications onto thee, and doe promiſe that 
two 02 = bee gathered — “ foe 
name, thou wut graunt their requeftes : fulfil now, 
D Lord che elites and petitions of ——— as 
may be mot pr aa fo:them, graunting bs in 
this word ino wledac of thy tructh, inthe woelde ; 
to come life euerlatina, ; 
2.Corinthians 1 3. 
Te grace ofour Lorde Jeſus Chit. and the foue 
of od, and tie fello whip of the holy Shot, bee 
| with psall euermoꝛe. 
xaor raiue,if the time require. 
Ceo Heaueniptather, which by thy fonne Fetus 
Cit, halt promiſed to all them that{ecke thp 
kingdome, and the righteouinelle thereof all things 
neceflarie to their bodily ſuſtenance: Sende bs we 
beſeech thee, in this our neceflitie, fc moderate 
raincand fhowzes, that we may receiue the fruites — 
of the earth toour comfort, eto thy honour, though 
Felus Chek our Lorde. Amer, 
For faire weather. — 
: (Lowe God, which foz the Gnneot man diddeſt 
once drowne all the worlde, except eight per⸗ 
lons, and afteriwarde of thy great mercie diddeſt 
10mife neuer to deſtroy it fo againe: We Huinbip 
? befeecy although we for our infquities 
> —— deſerned thts plague of raine mae 
i ers. 

The Letanie: 

waters, yet vpon our trie repentance, thou wilt 
fend vs ſuch weather, whereby we mapreceiue the 
frites of the earth in due ſeaſon, and learne both by 
thy puntihment to amend our liues, and fo2 thycle⸗ 
mencie to giue thee praple and glozp, thrꝛough Jeſus 
CHut our Lorꝛd. Amen. 
In the time of dearth and famine. 
: ()% heauenly Father, whole gift itis that the 
‘rayne doeth fail, the earth is truittull, beattes 
increale, aid fithes doe multiplie: bebolde wee be: 
feech thee, the afflictions df thy people, and graunt 
‘that the ſcarcitie and dearth (which we do no w moſt 
iuſtly ſuffer fo2 our iniquitie) may theough thy qood: 
nellſe be mercifully turned into cheapeneſſe and plen⸗ 
tic,foz the loue of Jeſus Chart our Lorde, to whome 
with thee and wee holy Ghoſt, be allgonour,ec, — 
n the time of warre. | 
( Amiehti⸗ God, hing ofall kings, and gouer⸗ 
“nour ofalithings, whole powernocreatureis 
able to reſiſt, to whome it belongech iuſtly to punith 
{inners , and tobe mercifull to them that truely ree 
pent: ſaue and deliuer vs( we humbly beteech thee) 
from the handes ofour enemies, abate their pride, 
. ATwage their malice, and confounde their deuices 
that we being avined with thy deferice , map bee pre- 
ſerued evermore from al perits,to gloriſie thee which 
art the onely giver of all bictozie,chzougy the merits — 
of thy onely ſonne Jeſus Chriſt our A020, ee 

n the time of any common plague, 
a aE 

Mamightie COD, which in thy weathinthe 7 | 
“tyne of Bing Dauid, diode Maye with the py 


plaqgue of pettilence thꝛee ſcoꝛe and tenne 

fe. ee ~ 
— — ge 
+ We asa eee oie — 
— — patie * s 
c P —* nts ie ie aed 
. Ber “sy ee 
. x “a ¥ ‘ 

~The Letanie. 

fande, and yet remembzing thy mercte diddeſt faue | 
the rett: haue pitie bpon bs miferable finners, that 

nowe are bifited with areat fickenefle and mortalt: 

Cs tie, that like as thou diddeſt then commaund thine 
— Brgetl to ceafe from punifhing : fo it map nowe- | 
— pleaſe thee to withdzawe from bs this plague and |. 
Hea fickentefle, theough Jetus Chaiſt our Lod, ~ 
Ament, : 
| (S22, whofe nature and propertie is euer to haue 
mercie, and to forgiue, receiue our humble peti⸗ 
tions: and though we bee typed and bounde with the 
chayne of our finnes, petiet the pitifulneſſe of thy 
great mercte loofe bs, foz the honour of Jeſus Chrilts 

st mediatour and aduocate, Ament, 

& The Colleé&s, 
| Epiſtles and Gofpels, to be ae ) 

the celebration ofthe Lords Supper,and 
holy Communion through 
the yeere. 

rapa i SundayineA — — 
The — ——— 

— ote sei indi seins eo 
BS Ee ais og c 


T he firft Sunday in Aduent. 

rife to the life tmmoztall, through bim who tiueth 
andreigneth with thee and the holy Sho, now and 
eer, Amer, 

The Epiftle, ; 

fouetyy another, fuifillety the lawe. 
\ Ai For thefe commaundements, Chow 
PAS thal not commit adulterie, Thou thalt 
not kill, Chow halt not ſteale, Chou thalt notbeare 
fale witnefle, Chou halt not luſt: and ſo foorth, (if 
there be any other commandement ) it is all compre⸗ 
Sane nt this faping, namely, Loue thy neighbour 
a3 y ev g, 

 Louehurteth nothis neighbour,therefore is loue 
the fulfilling of the lawe. Chis alfo weknowethe | 
feafon, howe that it is time that we ſhoulde nowe a 
wake out of fleepe ; fo2 no we is our ſaluation neerer 
then when we beleewed. Che night is paſſed, the day 
1g come igh: tet bs therefore call away the Deedes of 
darknelſe, elet ds putonthe armour of light. Let bs 
Walnke honeſtly, as it were in thedaplight, not in 
eating and dunking, netther in chambering and 
Wantonnetle neither in frife and enuping : but put 
Peon the Lod Jeſus Chriſt, and make not prouiſion 
fo2 the fleſh, to fuifiil the luſtes of it, 

: . The Gofpel. 

BZ OP, SG es §2D When they drewe igh to Hie- 
a Xa 4\2 YS") vufalem, and were come to Beth: ie 
— — <, phage,bnto moũt Oliuet thẽ ſent 

Jelüs two of his diſciples, faying 
f =~ \ buto the, Goe into the towne that 
SJ (Ss V23\\“R tpeth "Tsay lle Ganowrpee.. 
Vase cai thal fittd an Ate bound, — es 

- The firft SundayineAduent. — | 
‘with her,loofe them, and bring them vnto me: and il 
any man ſayought vnto you ſayye, The Low hath 
neede of them: and fratahtwap be will let them go,. 

Ail this twas done, that tt might be fulfilled which 

was {poker by the Prophet, laying, Cell vee the 

* daughter of Sion: Behold, thy King commeth onto 

eae | F 
Pyne pa rash : F sa 3 —— 
2 pO Nae ope oi POO, Pet erie ae ay —* behets - 
Si Sen PS MERE A Elis A ea ss ci 
> ee Ek aT eats FR BRS tO ee en te o>: * * —— — 

thee mecke, fitting vpon an Aſſe and a Colt, the ſoale 
ofthe Affe bied to tie poke, Che diſciples went ¢d1d 
as Jeſus commaunded them, and bought the Wie 
and the Colte, and put on them their clothes, and 
fet him thereon, And many ofthe people {ped therr 
garments in the wap: other cut Downe beanches 
from the trees and ſtrawed themin the wap. More⸗ 
ouer, the people that went before, g they that came 
after, crped, faping, Hofanna to the fonne of Dauid: 
Blelled is he that commeth in the name of the Lord, 
- Hofanna in the higheſt. nd when He was come to 
Hieruſalem, all the cttte was mooued, faying, Who 
isthis? And the peoplefatde, this ts Fefus the Pro⸗ 
phetofMasareth, aciticof Galilee, Ana Jeſus went 
into the Temple of God, and caſt out ail them that 
folde aiid bouaht in the Cemple, and ouerthꝛe we 
the tables of the monep changers, and the feates of 
them chat folde doues, and fapde vnto them, It is 
written, Dy boule ſhalbe caticd the houſe of prayer, 
but pehaue madettadenneotthieues, 
The feconde Sunday in Aduent. . 
eae | |. The Collec, © oe ee 
) BLeded Lorde, which hat cauſed all holy ſcrip⸗ 
tures to be weitten for our earning: Grant 
bs that wee may in ſuch wile heare them, reade, 
marke, learne, and inwardly digel them, thatby 
patience and comfozt of thy bt 

< — : “« 

i aa 2 — 
— —— 
PA 3 >a « 
= — 

g bietea hope of eueri⸗ 

y worde, we mayem⸗ 

~The fecond Sunday in Aduent. 
fing life, which thou haſt giuen vs in our Sauiour 

The Bpiſtle. 

ese Dat fo euer things are written alore⸗ 
‘vfs time, they are. written fo2 our lear⸗ 
y ning, that we, through patience and 
fase comfort of the Sotriptures, might 
i sens) Haue Hope, Che God of patience and 
comfolation, graunt pou tobee ithe minded one to- 
wardes anothersatter the enſample of Chriſt Jelus: 
that pe all agreeing together, map with one mouth 
praple od the father of our Lode Jeſus Chꝛiſt. 
whereloꝛre receiue pe one another,as Chꝛiſt receiued 
hg, to he pestle of God. And this 9 fap, that Fetus 
Chriſt was a minifter of the circumciſion foz the 
trueth of God, to confirme the promiſes made bnto 
the fathers, and that the Gentiles might peatie God 
foz his mercie, as it is wꝛitten, Foz this cauſe F will 

pꝛailſe thee among the Gentiles, and fing vnto thy 

name, And againe he faith, Keioyce pee Gentiles 
‘with bis people, And againe.Pꝛaiſe the Hovde all ye 
Gentiles, and laude him all pe nations together, 



And againe Claplapeth, Cherethallbetherooteoe 
Folle, and hee that ſhall rife to reigne ouer the Gen ⸗ 

tiles, in him thal the Gentiles truſt The God of hope 
fill pou with alliop and peace tn beleeuing, that pee 

oo be rich in hope, through the power ofthe holx 
0 | 3 


The Gofpel. : 

Ex* the moore, and in the ſtarres: andt 
24 the carth the people chall be at the 

J (2 Bere halbe gues inthe fume, anditt Luke7t. 
4 ‘wittes end chrough defpatte, Chelate 

PAS 2 the water whallroare, andmenshearts ‘ 

; , J— — 
9 99 - : — Spe 
; Sen ee, eee . 
>", > py 

_. ThethirdeSundayineAduent. 
fhall faile them forfeare, andfozlooking afterthoie 
things which ſhall come on theearth:fozthepowers = 
ofheauen thal moue.and then hal thepfeethefonne 
of man come inactoude, with power a great gloꝛie 
When thele thingsbegintocometopalle,thentooke 
Dp, andlift vp your heades, for yourredéptiondzaw- 
ety nigh. And he ſhewed them a ſimilitude: Bepolde 
ie figge tree, and allother trees, when they ſhoote 
ss Feast their buddes, ye ſee and knowe of your owone 
Auues that ſommer is then nie at hand. So like wiſe 
ye alſo(when petecthele things come to paſſe be ſure 
that the kingdome of God is nie, Wertly J fap onto 
vou this generation ſhal not paſſe,tull all be fulfilled. 
Heauen and earth hall palle,but my words ſhall not 

patie, | | 
~The thirde Sunday in Aduent, 3 
The Colleé, , 4 
[_ Que, we befeech thee giue eare to our ppayers. ” 
by thy gracious viſitation lighten the darkneſſe 
ofourheart,bp Gur Lorn Fefiss Chꝛrilt. — oe 
e Epiltle, 
Eta man this wile eſteeme vs‚euen as 
10+ 6\9 8 the minilters of Chriſt, and ſte wardes 
ot the fecrets of God. Furthermore, it 
£-| fe) Ad (Srequired ofthe fiewards,that aman 
A725 be found faithful. with me itisbuta 
bery final thing that J thould be tudged of pou, ei⸗ 
ther of mans iudgemẽt: No. J tudgenot mineowne 
felfe, for Jknowe nought by my felfe,yetam Anot 
thereby iuftified, It is the Lorde that iudgeth wee. 
Theretore iudge nothing befozethetime, vntillthe 
| Lorde come which will lighten things thatare hi 
in darkeneſſe, and open the counſailes of the Hearts, 
and thenthalleuery man bauepzaiieotGon, 

WEY ae te 
* eee : 
be — Bieta 3 f 

ma 'y :) <i e . 
* a” ~ : ee — has ‘- i af. — 
Pais — < os, * * 
* * 
— 4 i tery fae: eS : * a By: > 
— Pe ee es) 2 Cn ge 5 
~ t be a aL OS * — eH te Giga oe a on 

PSA ON pate Heard and leene. Che blinde 

* RAS * 
Se %~ Set : 
——— — 

YF MQM2ravtedp weprar cher) chrpower and ch e 
AMamong vs and with great might luccour vs thaa 

SBGhoh be honour and slory, wo wichoutente· Pace 

. LhefeurthSundayin Aduent, 

on The Epifiles; 2 
hil.4.4. LARA Cioper inthe Lorde alway, andagaine 

S| |$2)) Aes fay veicyce. Let pour foftnefie bee 
a) Sknowen toalimen, the Lordeiseuen 
rS tA Gathande, We carefull fo2 nothing: but 
(heads inal prayer and fupplication, tet pour 
petitions bee manifelt bnto Goo, with giving of 
thankes. and the peace of God (which paflerh all ore 
Deritanding ) keepe pourheartsandmindes through — 

Cyt Jeſu. 
F a ; TheGofpel. 

2S’, SE Dists the recorde of John, when the 
ex] (SA Fewes lent Pꝛieſtes and Leuites from 
Ae | feoxs Dierufalem, to alhe hint, What art 
— REDY) ees thou? And heeconfefed, and denyed 
— ers ot, and fapde playnely, J am not 
Chri, Andthepatkedhim, what then? Art thor 
Elias: And he ſayth, Jam not. Art thous yzophet? 
And He anfwered, fo, Chen ſayde they onto him, ; 
what artthou, that we maygiue an anfwere bnto 
e them that tent bs? nabatfapelt thou of thy (elfe? He. 
laryde, J ant the bopce of acrper in the wildernefie,. 
maue ſtraight the way of the 102d, as fapde the Pꝛo⸗ 
.. phet Elai. And they which were lent were of the 
Pharilees, and they aſked him, and ſayde vnto him 
hr baptizeſt thou ther, if thou bee not Chriſt, 102 
Elias neither that Prophet: John anſwered them, 
layxing. Jbaptize with water, but there ſtandethone 
among pou, whome peeknowe not, Heitis, which 
though be came after me, was before me, whole fhoe 
Aatchet Jam not worthy to vnlooſe. Chele things 
vere Dore at Wethabara beyond Jordane, where 
é fi) iu tize. ay ry 2 : : : Oy | | Be 

a + © -. 
. We} oie — ie ey 

awe sah > — ** 2 eS SS SLE — bah Toa pee LF yt ‘ 
‘ ode ona ae a ae eis 2A J y . —* * 
eet atts ee aa 57) os Chriftinatcas 
* - ‘ § ⸗ nik Zee ; aye Ng “ 3 y —— ye ee 
* — — — ge ae A A OD, in SPF cra a ght : a eae * 
* wag. a een Pig bene eae Gs ; ‘ : * —— — —— 
4 te See” nO So . 7 ¢ 4 ~ 
hoe { * — a! < —— * Aaj 1 . 
. aS. iad See ea — — * ? C vey - * wt 

| Chrifimas day. ce 

| ue Ballets ss) oc cgi ee dos 

Linightie God, which halt giuen bs top onely 

begotten fonne, to take our nature bpon Him, 
and this day to be borne ofa pure virgin;: graunt 
that we being regenerate, and made thy chilozen by 
adoption and grace, map dally be renued by thy ho⸗ 
iy {pivite, through thefame our Lod Fetus Coat, 
who liucth and reigneth with thee, ac. 

The Epiftle. 

e724" | wayes ſpake vnto the fathers by Pro⸗ 
~~) phets : but in thele ial dayes be Hath 
5 fpoken to bs by His owne fonne, whome 

whome alfobe made the world, Which 

offire, But buto tie ſonne he fayeth, Chyp leate 

ADD in times patt, diuerly and many Heb,1.1. 

1 El yee hath made Heire of allthinges, by 

-@od) Hhalbe for enevandeucr,thetcepterortyphings = 
dome {8 a right ſcepter: thou balk louedrighteowts = 

C, tit, 

Gl ( 
; iY £4 So 


eS Chrotmasdayr: 8 

neſſe, and hated iniquitie, uoberefore God,euenthy 
Bod hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladneſſe a- 
boue thy fellowes.and thou Lorde in thebeginning — 
halſt layde the foundation of the carth,¢ the heauens 
are the wozkes of thy handes. Chey hail perith, but 

thou endure, They ail hall ware olde as docth a 
garment, and as a veſture fhalt thou change then, 
and they tall be changed: but thou art even the 

fame, and thy peeres hall not fate, tu 

The Gofpel, Be . oy 
tay gave i the beginning was the wozde, and 
ay the worde Was With God, ¢God was 
J the word, Chetame was tn the begin: 
ning with God. Allthings were made 
rite Sec! by tt, and without it was made no⸗ 

| thing that was made. In it wasitfe, 
and tye life was the lightofmen, and thelight tht 

e ue > Ni 
: in 

eae fo 

neth in the darkenelle, and the Darkenefle compre⸗ 
hended if not, Chere was ſent fio God, amawhole — 

mame was John: che fame came as a witnelle, to 
beare witnes of the light, thatall men through him 

might beieeue; De was not thatlight,but was ſẽt to 
heave witnes ofthe light. Chat light was the true 
_ Light which lighteth euery man that commeth into 
the world. De was in the worlde andthe world was 
made by Him, and the world knew him not, Be came. 

among bis owne, and his owne receiued him not. 

But as many as receiued him, to them gaue he pow⸗ 
ev to bee made ſonnes of God, euen them that be⸗ 

leeued on his name, which were borne, not of blood, 

noꝛot che will ofthe Heth, nor pet ofthe will of man, 
but of God. And the ſame worde became fleh, and_ 
dwelt among bs, and we fawe the slozpofit, aathe re 

4 — goo 2 Rue — 
* a ° — — a ee ee 
See ee a Sa —— = * SS FSR er ae SS Sees 

Saint Steuens day. 

: — onely begotten: forte of “ be, dates 
arene a ose $ 

7 Saint Steuens dda 
si i The Collect. 7 
Grau 63, O Lozde, tolearne to loue our enes 
mies, by theevample of thy marty: S, Steuer, 
‘who prayed fez bis periecutours , to thee Which li⸗ 

ueſt, ac, 
Then hall followe the Colleét of the J—— whieh 
ſhalbe ſayd continually vnto Newe yeeres day. 

3 The Epiftle. 
et Ve Nd Steven being ful of the holy Ghott, 
KY \eSy iootien bp fedfally with Hts eyes into 

SS \S heauen, and fawe the glorie of God, 

5 and Fetus ſtanding on the right hand 
2 Ate Of God, and fapoe, Beholde, Iſee the 
: heauens opert.¢ the ſonne of mait landing onp right 
te of God. Chen they gaue a fhoute with a loude 

oxce, and Topped their eares, and ranne dpon him 
all at once, and cat Him out of the citie, ¢ ſtoned hint, 
And the witneſſes laid Downe their clothes at a pong 


mans feete, whofe name was Saul;Andthepfoned. 
Steven, calling on, andfapitig, Lode Jelureceiue 
my ſpirit. And he kneeled downe, andcrped witha 
‘Joude voyce; Lorde lay not this fine fotheircharaec, 

* oe he had thus fpokert,be fella lleepe. 
Cua Mon? ‘The Golpel. 

— kill and erucilie, and ſome of 

bas — eben pee malt — cis 

= gues, ¢perfectite them front 
Bs carpe Pua am a the righteous bi 

A ehatoe, I fend vnto por Prꝛophets and Wars 
wife meit,¢ Scribes ano foe of thent 340 s : 

Cif, HTC 


Saint Iohn Euangelifts day. 

which hath bene thed vpon the earth, fromthe blood 

of the righteous Abel, onto the blood of Facharias 
the fonne of Barachias, whom pe flue betweene the 
temple and the altar, weretp Jſay vnto you.all thefe 
things thall come bpon this generation, O Hieruſa⸗ 
lem, Dierulalem,thou that hillet the Pzophets, and 
ſtoneſt them which are fent vnto thee, howe often 
wotlde Jhaue gathered thpchildzen together, euen 

asthe Pen gathereth her chickens bnderher wings, 
and ye would not? Webolde, vour houſe is left vnto 

poudelolate, Foꝛ Jſay onto you, pee hall not fee me 
Henceforth, til that ye ſay, Bleſſed she that commeth 
in the name of the Loz. . 
7 Saint Iohn Euangelifts day. 
The Collect. 

JV EtcifultsLop, wwe beteecy thee tocak thy bright 

-YAbeames oflight bpon thy Church, that it being 
lightened by the doctrine of thy bleſſed Apoftie and 

Cuangelit John, may atteine to thy euerlaſting 

Gifts,chrough Fetus Chzif our Lord, Amen, 

, The Epiſtle. pe 
5 Hat which was from the beginning, 
ee] [etyé which we hate heard, which wee haue 
aX [yz feene with our eyes, which wee haue 
a2) C24 looked vpon, andour handes haue han⸗ 
fo @ ows deled of the worde of life, And the tife 

appeared, and we haue feene,andbeare witnefle,and 

‘thew bnto pou thateternal life, which was with the 

father,and appeared vnto bs. Chat which we Hate. 

ſeene and heard, declare we vnto pou, that pee alfo 

‘may haue fellowthippe with vs, and that our fellow: 

fippe may be with the father and his fonne Jeſus 

Chꝛiſt. And his Wwe weite brtopow, at pee may re⸗ 


SO OES ee ee ee 

Saint Iobn Euangelistes day. 

ioyce, and that pour ioy may be full, Andthis is the 
tydings which wee haue heard of him, and declare 
vnto pou, that God is light, and in him ts no darke⸗ 
neſſe atall, ‘Ff we fay we haue fellowibip with him, 
and walkie tn darkeneſſe,we lic, a doe not the trueth. 
But and if we walke i light, euen as he ts in light, 
then haue we kello wſhip With him, and the blood of 
Fetus Chrit his Sonne cleantety vs from ail inne, 
FE we fay we haue no ſinne, wee deceiue our felues, 
and the trueth is not in vs. Ff wee knowledge our 
fines, he is faithful ¢ iuft to forgiue bs our ſinnes, 
and to cleanfe bs fromatlbnrighteoutnelle. ‘Ft we 
fay we haue not ſinned, We make him a lyar, and his 
worde is not in vs. 

The Goſpel. 

 nitciple whom Fetus loued, following 
vhich alfo leaned on his breaſt at ups 
ie, per, arid (aide, Lode, which ts he that 
thee”) when Peter therefore fawe bint,be 
‘fatd to Fetus, Low, what thallhe here doe! Jeſus fad 

isthat tothee? Follow thou me. Chen went this ſay⸗ 
ing abroad among the bretizert, that that difciple 
fhould not dpe: pet Fetus tard not to him. be ſhall not 
die: but if F wil that he tary till J come, what ts that 
to thee? The fame diſciple is hee which teftifieth of 


Fnnocents day. ate: 

eae TREC aMEaS ee 
— mightie God, whole —— this day they rong 
RNnnocents thy witnefles haue coniefied and 
fhe wed koorth, not in fpeabing but in dying: motte — 
and hill all vices inb3s,thatinourconterfation, our 
life may expreſſe thy faith, which withour tongues 
me doe contefle,tyough Fetus Chk our Loꝛd. : 
The Epiftle. 
fi Looked, and loe, alambe foode on the. 
SBSmount Son, & with Him an hundred 
»7¢ fourtie and foure thoufande, hauing his 
VGA name and His fathers name weitten in 
5Atheir foreheads, And J heard a voyce 
ont ‘peauen,ag the ſound of many waters, easthe 
boyce of a great thunder, And J heard the voyce of . 
Harpers, harping with their harpes. And thep fung 
as it were anew fong before the trate, andbefqzethe — 
» fourebeaftes andthe elders, enomancoudeicarne : 
which were redeemed from the earth. Chele ave they 
which were not defiled with womert, for they are 
virgins. Chele foilowe the Lambe, “wherefoeucr é 
be goeth. Cheſe were redeemed front mer, being the 
firſt fruttes vnto God, and to the Lambe andin their 
mouthes was found rio guile: fo2 is are wien 
Ie before the tioneof God. iS 
“The Gofpel.: 
fate. 13 Ao ee He Angell of the Lorde appeared to Jo: 
2) GS Aleph tna fleepe, faping, Arife, andtake - 
* aN NX. the childe and his mother, and flee into 
KS 1) Es; Covpt, and bee thou there till bring 
a Sas thee worde, forte wilcometopatle at. 
Bereta ſeeke the childe,todefirop him So wpe 
he aw * or * childe ens mother i nigh bf, 

The Sunday ajter (_brisimas day. 

and Departed into Cappt, and was there vntothe 
death of Herode, that tt might be tulfilied which 
was ſpoken of the Lord by the Prophet, faying, Out 
of Egypt haue F called my fone, Che Herod, when 

he ſã w that he was mocked of the wile men, was ers 

ceeding wroth, and ſent forth men ot warre,and ſlew 
all the childzen that were in Bethlehem, andin ail 
the coattes(as many as were two peres old 02 vnder) 
according to the time which he Haddiligentip know⸗ 
ent out of the wife men, Chen was fulfilled that 
which was dene by the Prophet Jeremie, where⸗ 
as he ſaide, In Rama was there a voyce heard,ta- 
mentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel 
weeping for ber children, and woulde not be comtor⸗ 
ted, Decale thep Were not, | 
, The Sunday after Chriftmas day, 
, .. . The Colle&. 
Almightie God, ac. (As vpon Chriftmas day,) 
— The Epiſtle. jade 
A dF lay, b the heire(as long as hes a 

= uN child) differcth not tro a ſeruãt,though 
C2 \ I, He be {020 of all but is vnder tutours € 

: iC) gouernours, vntill 6 time that § father 

we Were cyld2€, werein bõdage vnder } ordinances 
of p world: But Wher p time was ful come, God ſent 

bis ſonne made ofa woman, a made Donde bnto the 

{ato,to redeeme the which were bond onto the lawe 


hath appointed. Cuen fo we alfo, whet 

that we through election miaht receiue the inheri⸗ 

tance that belongeth vnto the naturall ſonnes. Be⸗ 

cauſe ye are ſõnes, Gad hath ſent > ſpirit olhis ſonne 

into our Hearts, which crieth Abba father Pherfore 

now thot art not ã ſeruant, but a tonne. It thou be 
a alonne,thouartaile an heire of God thꝛough ce} 
| The 

latt. 1 ee hes : ( 

hyen HIS mother Marie was marryed to Jo 

Lhe Sunday after ( bristmas day. 
_ The Gofpel, . ee ater — 
son DIS is the booke of the generation of 



a The circumcifion of (hrift. 
Weloꝛe they came to dwelltogether) thee was found 
with childe by the Holy ghoſt. Then Jolſeph her hut 
band, becaule he Wasa vighteous man, and woulde 
not puther to hame, was minded priuily todepart 
from ber, Out whilehe thus thought, beholde, the 
Angel of the Lorde appeared vnto himinfleepe, fay: 
ing, Zoleph tho fonne of auid , feare rot to take 
onto thee ary thy wife: foz that which is concet: 
ued in her, commeth ok the holy Oho. Shee that 
bring foorth a Soune, and thou chalt call his name 
Fetus, for he thatl favre his people from their finnes, 
Ail this was done, that it might be fulfilled which 
‘was {poker of the 1020 by the prophet, ſaying, Be 
holde; amapde hall be with childe, and hail bring 
forth a ſonne.and they thall call his name Emmanuel: 
which if a man tnterpeete,is as muchtolap, as God 
we) bs, And Joſeph; as foone as he awoke outof 
fleepe, did as the Angelof the Lorde hadbidden him: 
and he tooke his wife butobin , andknewe her not, 
tillthe had brought forth her firtt begotten fonne,and 
— calledbis name Jeſus. ee 

The circumcifion of Chrift. 
‘The Colle, 

Anightie God, which madelt thy blefted tonne 
dgo be circunicifed, and obedient tothelawe foz 
matt: graunt bs the true circunmetion ot the irit 
thyhat our hearts and all our members being mortified = 
from au twortbly and carnaliuttes,mapinallthings 
Shep thy Dietied will, though the famethy Sonne 
- Qetuscuitourteae 0 ee 

J ie 
¥ ae eee 
MO Ee = * 
* a: 4 — * 
* '# 

—— The Circumeifion of Cbrift — 

The Epiſtle. 
m.4.8. ——eſſed is the mart to whome the Lorde 

efeonefie then bpon the circumciſion, 02 
a spon the pncteturmcition ali : Foz met 

” he wãs in the circumeifion, oz when he was in the 

vncircumciſion? not in time of circumciſion, but 
when he was vet vncircumciſed. And he receiued the. 
figne oſcircumciſion, ag a ſeale of the rightcoutnetie 

_ of faith, vabich be had pet being vncircumciſed, that 
He ſhouĩd be the father of ail them beleeue, though 

they be not circumciſed, that righteouſneſſe might be 
imputedto thematic, a that be might bee the father: 

oſcircumciſion, not vnto them onelp which came of 

‘thecivcumeifed,but vnto them alfo that waltze in che 
ſteppes of the faith that was in our father Abraham 
before the time of civcumcilion, Foꝛ the pomife (that 
He ould be heire of the wozide) Happened not to A⸗ 

braham, oꝛ to bis feevde through the law. but through 
the righteouſneſſe offaith, Foz if they which are of 


pꝛomiſe of none eſtect. 

The Goſpel. i oe Sor cas 
2.15. Pete od tt fostuned, aſſoone as the AIngess 
HO aca Were gone away from the theppeards 

(oon, into heauen. they ſayde ane to another, 



‘vit $i: 
A ae . 
Pega Nd, A) BR 
** ee 
PA as Aiki plie Sre we 
— * 
* ORR rep Or. 
SAE —R— 
— va 4 
* + eg 
: 32 
4 te 

€\ |&)) &) will not impute ſinne. Came this diet 

Serco lay 6 faith) was reckoned to Abragant 
for righteouſneſſe. Dow was tt then reckoned: when 

> thetawe be heires, then is layth but vaine, andthe | 

* sad Be Loe ~ a i 
De Og eee Aan ey See eee Pa a a 

L he Epiphanie. 

they had feene it, theppublithed abzoade the faping 
that was tolde them ofthatchilde, And all they that 
Heard it, worded at thote things Which were tolde 
thentof the thepheards. But Mary kept all thoſe fap- 
ings, and pondred thent tir her Heart, And thethep- 
beards returned, praiſing ard lauding God, foz all 
the things that thep had Heard andfeene, euen as it 
was tolde vnto them, And wien the eight dap was 
come,that the childe thoutd be circumciſed,his name 
was called Fetus, which was named of the Angel 
before He was conceited in the wombe. 
If there be a Sunday betweene the Epiphanie and the 

Circumcifion, then fhall be vfed the fame" Colle&, 
Epiſtle and Gofpell at the Communion, which was 

vfedvpon the day of Circumcifion. 

| The Epiphante. 
The Colle&, 
(Sa. wbich by the leading ofa farre,diddett ma⸗ 
nifett thy onely begotten tonne to the Gentiles: 
mercifully graunt, that we which knowe thee no we 
by faith, may after this lile haue the fruition of thy 
glorious Godhead through Chriſt our Lorde. Amen. 
| The Epiftle. 3 
Ss 5Oꝛ this caufe J paul am a pꝛiſoner 1. . 1 
ONY of Felus Chrtt for pouveather, if pee “PF 
|) AS baue beard of the miniftration of the 
>| (Za/a avace of God which ts giuen mee to 
Tae pouwarde, for by revelation hewed =| 
He the myſterie vnto mee, as J wrote afoze infewe 

Tbe Epiphanie. 

and prophets by thefpivit, thatthe Gentiles houlde | 

be inheritours allo, andot the fame body, and parta- 
kers of his promiſe of Ch, by the meanes of the 

Golſpell: whereof aim made aminifter, accozding 

to the gift of the grace of God, which is giuen bnto 
me after the woking of His power, Ginto me the 

leaſt of all Saintes is this grace giuen,that J thould 

preach antong the Gentiles, tye bufearcheable vi> 

chesof Chꝛiſt, and to make all men fee what the fel- 

lowſhipoſfthemyſterie ts, which from the beginning 

ofthe worlde hath bene hid in God, which made ail 

things theough Fetus Chritt, totheintentthatnow 

vnto the rulers and powers in heauenly thinges, 

might be knowen bp the congregation, the mant: 

. folde wifedome of God, according to the eternall pur⸗ 


poie which He wꝛought in Chat Jeſu our Lode, by 

whome we haue boldnefle and entrance. with the . 

confidence which ts by the faith of hint. 

NeSess Hen Fetus was borne in Wethlehem,a 
—9— Ay citie of Jurie in the time of Herode the 
kino:behold.there came wite me front 

yo the Catt to Dierufalem, taping vopere 
ees) 18 He that is borne king of the Jewes? 
02 webaue feene bis ſtarre in the Eaſt, and are come 

to Worhip him. When Bevode the king had Heard 

xie: fog Chus itis wꝛitten bythe Prophet, Andthou . 
Bethlehem in the lande ot Jurie, artnot the leat a⸗ 

theſe things, be was troubled, and ail the Citie of 
Hieruſalem with hint, And when he had gathered al 

the chicfe Prieſtes and Scribes of the people toge⸗ 

ther, be demaunded ofthem where Chul ould bee 
bowie, And they faid vnto him, At Bethlehem in Ju⸗ 


The Gofpel, | ae 

SS ee eee 

The firft Sunday after the Epiphanie. . 
mong the peices of Juda: For out oftheethalicome — 
onto ne the captaine that hall gouerne my people 
Iſrael. Chen Herod, (when He had priuilyxcalled the 
wife men) he enquired of them diligently what time 
the ſtarre appeared. And he bade them goe to Beth⸗ 
lehem and ſaid, Go pour way thither, and ſearch dt- 
ligentlp fo2 the Child: and when pe haue found him, 
bring me worde againe, that map come and woz: 
hip him alſo. When they had Heard the hing, thep 
Departed, and loe, the Karve witch they fawe in the 
Catt, went before them, till itcame and floode ouer 
the place wherein the child was.uohen thep fa the 
ftarre, they were erceeding glad, and went into the 
Houle, and found the childe with Marie His mother, 
and fell downe flat,and worſhipped Him, and opened 
their treafures, and offered vnto him giftes, golde, 
_ frankincente,and myrrhe. And after thep were ware 
nedof God in afleepe, (that they ſhould not go againe 
to Derode,) they returned into their owne countrep 
another wap. , 7 
} The firft Sunday after the Epiphanie. 
| The Colle&,. 
[22 we befeech thee mercifully to receiue the 
~prapers of thy people which callbpon thee, and 
graunt that thep map both perceiue and. knowe 
what things thepought to doe and alſo haue grace 
and power faithfully to fultill the fame, though Je⸗ 
fus Chtour 102d,Amen, — ——— 
— ene ose one ve Get eames Oa : 
ory | Deteech you therefore brethren by He Rom, 12, 
Ga mercifuines of God:that pe make pour , 
YSN] WWM bodiesaquicke facrifice.polpeaccepta- * 
At] ot) ble bute God, whichis pourreatona: 
GSS SS) ple-feruing of God, And fathion NOE 
WD, t, yout - | i. x 2: 

ny as : — 

‘L he first Sunday after the Epiphanie. 

pourfelues like buto this worlde: but be yechanged 
in pour hape,by the renuing of pour minde,that pee 
may proue what Ching that good and acceptable and 
pertect wiliofGodis. Foꝛ 4 fay (throuah the grace 
that vnto me giuen ts) to euerp mat among por, 
that no man Kande high in his owne conceit, moze 
their if becommeth himto eſteeme of Him felfe: but 
ſo iudge of him lelfe, that he be gentle and fober, ac: 
cording as God hath deait tocuerp man the meature 
of faith. Foꝛ a3 Wwe Haue many members tu one bo- 
dp, and all members haue not one office: So we be- 
ing manp, are one body in Chriſt, and euery man as 
mong our ſelues one anothers members. 

The Gofpel. se KG D 
6} SSS. Ce He father and mother of Fetus went fo 
; ears Dicvulaic, alter the culome of the feat 
aq day, And when they Had fulfilled the 
oj Sarg thep returned Hoine,the chia 
rnd ea Selus abode til in Hierufalent,and his 
father and mother knewe not of it: but they ſuppo⸗ 
ſing him tohaue bene in the companie.came a dapes 
iourney, and fought him among their kinſfolke and 
acquaintance, And when thep found bim not, they 
went backe againe to Hieruſalem, and fought hin. 
And it fortuned, that after three dares they founde 
him inthe Ceniple, fitting in the middeſt of the doc: 
tours Hearing them, and poling them. And all that 
Heard Him, were aflonped at his vnderſtanding and 
anfweres, And when they faw him, hep maruetied, 
And his mother fad vnto hin, Sone, why hat thou 
thusdealt with vs? bebotde, thy father and J baue 
fought thee ſorro wing. And He ſaid vnto them, How 
Happenc, it that pe fought mies Wiſt ye not thar 

The ij. Sunday after the Epipoanie. 

muſt qo about my fathers bufines? And they vnder⸗ 
ftood not that faping which be ſpake buto them, And 
he went downe Ww them, ecameto Nazareth, ¢ was 
obedient vnto them, Hut His mother kept all thete 
fayings together in her heart. And Jeſus profpered 
int Wifdome and age, and in favour with God ¢ wer, 
The fecond Sunday after the Epiphanie, 
he Collect. 
A Lmightie and euerlaſting God, which doell go⸗ 
uernẽ all thinges in heauen g earth: mercifully 
heare the ſupplications of thy people, and graunt ds 
thy peace all the dayes of our liſe. 3 
The Epiſtle. 

—7 Cing that we haue divers gilts, accor⸗ RO,12.6, 
A GOs sing tothe grace thatis giuen vnto bs, 
NA Killa matt Hare the Gift of peophecte , tet 
Ay vhim Haute tt, pit be agreeing tothe fatty. 
ESSAY et him that hath an office, wayte or 
hisoffice. Let him thatteacheth , take heede to his 
Doctrine, Let him that exhorteth, giue attendance to 
His exhoꝛtation. Ifany man giue,let him doe it with 
fiiiglenefle, Let him that rulẽeth. do it with diligence, 
FE any man ſhewe mercy, let him doe it with cheares 
külnes. Let loue be without dillimulation. Bate that 
which is euil, a cleaue bitte 6 which is good. Be kind 
ore to another with brotherly loue. In giuing ho- 
nour gor one before another. Be not ſlouthfull ithe 
bulineile which ye haue in hand. Be feruentin ſpirit. 
Apply pour felues to the time. Keioyce in Hope. Be pas 
tient in tribulation. Continue in paper, Diſtribute 
vnto the necellity of the faints, Be ready toharbour, 
Bleſſe thé which periecute pou, Bleſſe, Jſay,a curſie 
Not, Be meryp with them that are merie, weepe with 
them that weepe. Be of like affection one towardes 
BM, another. 

hn 2.1, 

The ij,Sunday after the Epipbanie. 
arother, Be not high minded, but make pour ſelues 
equal to them of the lower ſort. 

The Gofpel. : 

— — was calied (and His diſciples) vnto the 


YASS. marriage. And when the wine fayler, 

The third Sunday after the Epiphanie, 
| The ColleQe i 

3 Arwightie and euerlaſting COD, mercifully 

looke vpon our infirmities, and in all our 
daungers and neceſſities, ſtretche foorth 
| : —J right 

T he third Sunday after the Epipbame. 

right bande to helpe and defende 08: through Chꝛiſt 
our Lord. 

* The Epittle, 

Endot wile in pour owne opinions Ke⸗ Rom.12, 
'£) comperice fo 110 matt euillſoꝛ euil. Pꝛo⸗ 16. 
% utde afozehand things honell, not ones 
A ip before God, but alfo tn the fight of all 
Boas mei. Fit be pollible(as much as in pou 
is: ) tue peaceably with ali men, Dearely beloued, a- 
uenge not your felues, but rather giue place vnto 
- Wath. Foz tt is written, wiengeance 13 mine, F worl 
reward, faith the Lode. Cherefore tf thine enemie 
hunger feede him: the thirt tine him drinke: For 
in fo doing, thou thalt heape coales of fire vpon His 
head. Be notonercome of eutil, but overcome euill 
with goodneile. 

The Gopel 
SSS a SOY Heit hee was come downe frort the Matt.8.1 
i 0) SL “fe mountatne, much ‘people followed 
NG ie x Hin, And behoide there came a leper 
and worshipped hint, ſaying, Matter, 
ast ii thou wilt, thou cat make me cleane. 

and — put foorth bis hande, and touched him, 
faptng, 3) will, be thou cleane: And immediately 
his leproſie was cleanfed, And Fetus ſayde vnto 
Hin, Cell no man, but goe and the we thy telfe to the 

reff, and offer the gift (Chat Motes commaunded — 
to be offred ) fo2 a witnefle vnto them. And when Fee | 
{us was entred into Capernaum, there camebnts .. -' 
hima Centurion, and befought him, faying, Ma⸗ 
ſter, my ſeruant lyeth at home fiche ofthe paltie, and. 
18 grieuoully pained. And Fetus (aide,vohen Icome 
vnto eal at — Centurion — 

Tt, re 


LT be iti. Sunday after the Epiphanie. 

red, and aid, Siv, F amt not woethy that thou ſhoul⸗ 

def come vnder my roofe, but fpcake the wozd onely, 

and my fertsant thalbe healed, Foꝛ F alfo my felfeans 
& man firbiect to the authozitie of another, a haue 
fouldiers vnder me: and J fay to this man, Go and 
He goeth : eto another man, Come,andhecommeth: J 
And fo ntyleruant, Moe this, andhedoethit, wher 
Fetus heard theſe wordes, he maruetled, andfayoe 
tothens that followed him, WerilyFfapbntoyou,F J 
haue not founde fo great faith in Itrael. Flay onto - 
pou, that many thall come fromthe Eaſt and eſt, 
and Hatt ret with Abraham. Flahac, andFacob,in 
the hingdome of heauen, Wut the chilozen-of tye 
kingdome Hhatbe cal out into vtter darkeneſſe there 
ſhall be weeping andgnahing of teeth, And Fetus 
fatoe vnto the Centurion, Goe thy way, andasthou 
belecuett, fo be it vnto thee. And his {eruantwas 
healed in the (eifefame houre, | : 

The fourth Sunday after the Epiphanie, 

; The Colle&, | 
(5; Which knowelt bs to be let in the middes of 
‘fo many and great dangers that for mans fraile⸗ 
fies we can not alwayes and vpꝛightly: graunt to 
68 the health of body and foute, that all thofe things 
which we ſuller lor finne, by thyhelpe we may weil - 
pafleandoucrcome,theough Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd. 

—— — — 
13.1. (Cy 

9; the authozitie of the bigher powers:foz 
“| Lee. Here ts no powerbut of 6D BD, Che 
Lave powers that be, ave ogdeined of God, 



yy te). 
“ “She, 

‘ 17) m~e Gteuery fowsle fubmitte him felfe vnto 

* — — 

for AND Holo fo euer thereloꝛe veliftety power, — 
pea Ge 

CR > 

T heii Sunday after the Epiphanie. 
relifteth the ordinance of God: but they that reliſt, 
wall receiue to them felues damnation, Foꝛ rulers 
are not fearefull to them that doe good, but tothem 
that doe euill.wilt thou be without feare of the pow⸗ 
er, do wel ther, a ſo fhalt thors be pꝛayſed of the fame: 
fo2 hee is the minitter of God forthp wealth, Wut if 
thoudo that which ts euil, then keare: forhe beareth 
not the fworde for nought: fez hee ts the miniſter of 
God, to take bengeanceon them doe euill. wheres 
- fore pee mutt needes obey , tot onelp foz feare of bens 
geance, but alfobecaule of conſcience, ard euen foz 
. this caule pay vee tribute : Foꝛ they ave Gods mini⸗ 
ffers, feruing foz the fame purpoſe. Giue toeuerp 
itatt therefore His duetie: tribute, to whome tribute 
belongeth: cuſtome, to whome cuſtome 13 due: feare, 
to whom keare belongeth: honour,to whom honour 

The Goſpel. 

Nd when Hee entred into athip, his diſ⸗ Mat.3, 2 
NSS ciples follower hint, And beholde, there 
E\ NS arole a great tepell in the (ea, inſomuch 
S460 as the fhip was couered with waues, 
vbuthee was aflecpe. And his difcipies 
ame to him, andawoke hint, faying, Matter, faue 
bs, we perich. And he ſayde vnto them , Whyare yee 
feareful,D ve oklitle faith? Chen he avofe,and rebu⸗ 

Ked the Winds and thefea,and therefolloweda great - : 

calme, But the. men maruepled; faying, What 
maner of man is this, that both windes and ſea 
obey Him? And when hee was come to the other 
fide, into the countrey of the Gergelites there mette 
Him two poſſeſſed ol deuilles, which came out of the 
9 FD Uti, graues, 

* e ~ — 
ð —— 
> "A= = 

_ Lhev.Sunday after the Epiph 

grates, and were out of mealure sce thatno 
man might goe by that way. And beholde, they cryed 

out,.ſaying, O Jeſu, thouſonne of God, what haue 
Wetodo with thee? Arethoucomehithertotozment 
bs before the tine? And there was a good Way off ._ : 


from them a hearde of manyſwine feeding. Sothe 
deuils beſought him, ſaying, Ifthou caſt vs out.ſuſ-. 
fer bs to goe into the herde oſſwine. And he ſayde vn· · 
to them, Goe pour wayes. Chen went theyout, and 

departed into the herde ofſwine: And beholde, the 
whole herde of ſwine was caried headlong into the 
{ea,and periſhed in the waters, Then theythat kept 
them, fied, and went their wayes into the citie, and 
Colde every thing, and what had happened vnto the 
poſſeſſed of the deuils. And bebolde , the whole citte 
came otst to meete Jeſus: and when they lawe him, 
tee befought him that he wouldedepart out of their 
coafies, | 

The fifth Sunday after the Epiphanie, 
: The Collect. 
Dade, wee beleech thee to keepethyChurchand 
houſholde continually in thy true religion, that 
they which doe leane onely bpon hope of thy heauen - 
lixvpgrace mayeuermoꝛe bee defended by thy mightie 
power; through Fetus Chriſt our Lord. : 

« TheEpiftle. 

et bearing one another and forgiving one 
: fom another, ifany. man haue a quarell 
aqdainſt anothers as: Chꝛiſt fozgaue vou — 


T hev.Sunday after the Epipbanie. 

doe ye, Aboue all thele things put on loue, whichis 
the bond of pevfectnefie, And the peace of Gon rule in 
pour hearts , to the which peace pee are catled in one 
body: and fee that pe be thankefull. Let the worde of 
Cid well in pou plenteoullp, with all wiſedome. 
Geach anderhort pour owne ſelues in Plalmes, and 
Hynes and {ptrituatl fongs, ſinging with grace tit 
your hearts to the Lode, And whatloeuer pe doe in 
word oz deede,voe ail in the tame of our Aozde Jet, 
giving thanks to God the father by Hin, 

The Gofpel. —* ; 
2-0. He kingdome of heaven ts {ihe vnto a Mat. 13. 
se] (2Ar8 man which fowed good ſeede in his field: 24. 
soa Dut while men flept, Hts enemie came 
2) FOZ and fowed tares among the wheate 
Lm SO AND Went his way, But when the blade 
Was ſprung bp, and Had brouaht foorth trutte; thes 
appeared the tares alfo. So the feruaunts of the 
Poutholder came, andfapde vnto him, Sops, diddel 
not thot ſo we good ſeede in thy fielde? from whence 
then bath it tares: Be ſayde onto them, Che enuious 
man hath done this. Che ſeruants ſayde vnto hin. 
wilt thou then that we goe and weede them bp? But 
he ſayde; May, lett while pee gather bp the tares, yee 
plucke bp alfothewbeate with them: letboth growe 
together vntilthe harueſt,a in the time of harueſt. 
wilfap tothe Keapers, Cather pe iv the tares, an 
binbe them together in cheaues to be burnt: but qa 
OTB Taha 

ther.the wheateintompbarne, 
nß oy ali cits of 

The ifexeh Sunday ( if there bee fo many) {hall haue the ., 
siifameRfalmes 5 Collect, Epiftleand Gofpell that'was — 
Bereporittie fifth Sundaxy.. 

a2 : 

. Sunday called Septuagefima. 
The Colle. | 
Ouse, we befeeche thee fauourably to heare the 
prayers of thppeople, that wee which are iuſtly 
puniſhed fo2 our offences, map bee mercifully deliues 
redby thy goodnes, for the glozp of thy name,tizoughy — 
Jeſus Chaat our Sautour, whe liueth and bigness , 
world without ende, Amen. 

The Epiſtle. 
Cor.g, | Erceiue pee not, howe that they which 
4. runne in a courtevunne all,but one res 

8 lceiueth therewarde? So runne. that 
Svree mayobteine. Euery map pꝛoueth 
Amalteries, abfteineth from all thinges: 
and nD thep doe it to obteine acrowne that ſhall periſhh, 
but wee to obteine an euerlaſting crowne. Jthere · 
fore ſo runne.not as at an vncertaine thing: fo fight 
FJ wot asone thatbeateth the ayze: but FZ tame my 
body, and bring tt into ſubiection, lek by any meanes 
itcome to pafic,that when F haue preached to atyers : 
Aimy felte shourlo be a caftaway, 
The Gofpel. 
fat.20,1 GeO Pe kingdome of heauen ts like vnto a 
nian thatizanhoutolder, which went 
eS x LZ ~ out early in the morning to hire labou⸗ 
* rers into his vineyarde. And when the 
agreement was made with the labou⸗ 
ters forapenp adap, he fent them Into hig binepard, 
And hee wentout about the third Houre, and ſawe 
other ſtanding idle in the market place, and ſayde 
vnto them, Goe pee alfo into the bineyarde, and. 
wyatloeuer is right, J will gite. pou. And they 
went their way, Againe hee went out about the 
orth and ninth houre, and did like wile. And *— 


Sunday called Septuagefima. 

the eleuenth Houre be went out, and founde other 
ſtanding idle, and fatd vnto them, wobp Hand pe Here 
all the day tole? CHeplayde vnto him, Becauſe no 
man Hath hired bs, He ſaith vnto then, Goe pee als 

{fo into the binepard, ard whatſoeuer ts right, that 
 thall pe receiue.So when euen was come,the Lode 
> of the vineyarde fatde vnto hig Stewarde, Call the 

labourers, and give them their Hire, beginning at 
the laſt, vntill the firſt. And when they did come that 
came about the eleuenth Hore, they recetued euery 
man apeny, Dut wher the lirſt came alfo, thep fips 
poſed that thep Mould have receiued moze, and they 
like wiſe recetued etierp man a peny. And wher 
they Had recetued tt, they murmured again the 
goodman of che boule, faring, Theſe la have 
wrought but ene Houre, and thou hak made thens 
equall with bs, whith haue borne the burdenand 
Heate ofthe day, But Hee anfwerrr vnto one of 
them, and ſayde, Friend, J doe thee wu vrong: Did⸗ 
deft not thou agree with me fora penie? Cake that 
thine is, and goe thy wap: F will giue vnto this lat; 
euen as bnto thee. Is it notiawtullfoz me to doe ag 
me lufteth with mune owne goods? Is thine eve: 

- euill,becaufe Z am good? Soo the lak hatbe fir, and 

the fir hall be laſt. Foz many be called, but fewe be 

Me Sunday called Sexagefima, - * 

The Collect. 

Orde God, which {eek that we put riot our trußt 
~~inanyp thing that we do; mercifully avaunt,that 
by thy power we may be defended again# all aduerſi⸗ 
te, through Fetus Chk our Lov, a : 

Tike Sunday called Sexagefima, 

The Epittle, : ant 
9 & fuer fooles. gladly, ſeeing pour 

22 a 

fae DUNG pou into bondage, if a man Des 
uodure, it a man take, if a man exalt 

SY 7X E48 Hint ielte, La man fintte pow on the 
face, Iſpeake as concerning rebuke, as though wee 
Had bene weake in this behalfe. Powbeit, wherein 

ſoeuer anyman dare be bolde (F ipeake foolithiy) J 

dare be bolde alſo. Chey are Hebre wes, euen foam 

J. Ghey ave Iſraelites, euen foam J. Chey are the 

Thice was J beaten with rods J was once toned, — 

ſeede of Abraham euen fo am J. Chey are the mi⸗ 
niſters of Chl Jſpeake as a toole) J am moze, 
In labours mow abundant, in ſtripes aboue meas 
lure, in priſon more plenteoully, in death oft. OF the 
Jewes tive times receiued F-11, ſtripes faue one, 

J ſullered theiſe hipwracke, night and day haue J 

bene in the deepeſea In iourneping ofter, in perils. 
of waters, tit perils of robbers, in ieopardies of | 

mine o wne nation it ieopardies among the Bea 
then in perils in the Citie, iw perils in wilder? 
neſſe, in perils in the feasin perils among falſe bre⸗ 
thren in labour and trauaile in watchings often 

in hunger and thirfk, in kaſtings often, tn colde and 

nakednelſſe: beſide the things which outwardly hap⸗ 

pen vnto me, Jamcumbꝛed daily anddocare for all 

congregations. Noho is weake,and Jam not weake: 
wyd is oflended, and Jburne not? FEF mul needes 
boat, J will boalt of the things that concerne mine 
infirmities, Che Godand father of our Lowe Jetus 

_ Chri, which ig bietTed fo euermore bnowety that 

4 tte tot 
att i a gee tase 

(v/2, icinesare wite, far petufler, tamat 

The Sunday called Sexageſima. 
es The Gofpel. 

ghen much people were gathered COR? Lubes 

Ve ther, and were come to bins out of all 
, Cities, hee ſpake by afimilittde, Che 

& YAY, cſower went out to ſowe his teede, and — 
ani as heeſowed, ſome kell bythe way fide, 

and it was croden downe athe foules of the apse de- 
uoured It bp, And fome fellon Tones, andaflooneas 
if was {prong bp, it withered away, becauſe it lacked 
mopſtneſſe. Ana fome fed among thornes atid the 
thomnes fprang bp with it, and chokedit, Andfome 
‘ fell on good ground, and fy2atig bp, and bare fruite 
an hundred folde, And as Hee ſayde theſe things, be 
crped, Hee that hath eaves tobeare , let him heare. 
Andbhig Silciples athed him, faying, What maner 
offiuititude is this? And hee fayde, Unto pou itis 
given to knowe the fecrets of the kingdome of God, 
but to other by parables , that when theptiee , thep 
fhoutd rot fee, and when they heave, they Hould not 
vnderſtande. Che parable is this, Che ſeede isthe 
woorde of God, Chote that are defide the way, are 
they that heare, then conuneth the deuill, and taketh 
away the worde out of their hearts, teat they ſhould 
beleeue, and be faued. Chey on the flones, are they, 
which when they heave, recetue the worde with top, 
and thete hate no rootes, which for a while beleeue, 
and in Chine of temtptation goe away.And that which 
fell among thornes, are they, which when they haue 
‘heard, goe forth, ¢ are choked with cares andriches, 
and voluptuous liuing, and bring foorth no fruite. 
That which fellin the good qround, are Hey, which 

With a pure and good Heart heare the woorde, and — 

Reepe it,and being forth fruite through ——— 


» 4 


The Sunday called Quinquagefima. 
The Colle. | 
() Lorde, which dock teache bs that all our doings 


without chavitie are notving worth: fendethp 

Holy ghot, and powre into our hearts that mot er: 
cellent gift of chavitie , the berp bond of peace and 

alibertucs, without the which wholoeueriiucthis 

courted dead befoze thee: Graunt this for thy onely 
fonne Jeſus Chutes fake, ae 
| The Epiftle. | 
7S Hough 3 {peake with tongtes of men, 
Vy KS Vand of Angels, and haue no loue, Jam 
RXeuen as founding baile, 02 as atinck- 
by (esy ling Cymbail. And though F could pꝛo⸗ 
— re pecte, and vnderſtand allfecrets, and 
all knowledge: pea tf Jhaue ail faith fothat F could 
moue mountaines out ot thetrplaces, a yet haue no 
loue, Jam nothing. And though F beſtowe ail mp 
goods to feede the poore, and though Igaue my bodp 
even that'Z buried, and pet hate noloue, tt pro⸗ 
fiteth mee nothing. Loue ſuffereth long, and is cours 
teous , foue enuieth not, foue doeth 10t frowardip, 


ſweileth not, dealeth not diſhoneſtly, feeketh nother 
owne,. is not pꝛouoked fo anger, thinker) none eutil, 
reioyceth not in iniquitie: butretopceth in the truth, 
f{uffereth all things, belecueth all things, hopeth ait 

thitigs,endureth alithings. Chough that prophecy- 
ing faple eptier tongues ceafe, 02 inowledae vaniſh 
away, vet loue tatleth neucr away. Foꝛ our know⸗ 
ledge is vnperfect, and our prophecying is vnper⸗ 
fect: Dut when that whichis perfectis come, then 

that which is bupertect hail be done away. nohen F 
Wwasachilde, Iſpake as a childe, Jvnderſtoode as 

achilde,"Z imagined as a childe: Wut aſſoone as J 

Was aman, J put awaychildiſhneſſe. Mowe wee fee 


The Sunday called Quinquagefima. 

in aglalle, euen in a darke ſpeaking: but then hal we 
fee face to face. Now Jknowe bnyerfectlp: but then 
thalt Iknowe. cuen as Jam knowen. Now abideth 
. Faith hope, and loue, euen theſe theee: but the chiefe 
of theſe is loue. 
| The Gofpel, 

rer | Clus tooke bute him the twelue, and Luke 18, 
AW Tald vnto them, Beholde, we qoe bp te 31- 
hieruſalem, ¢ all hall be fulſuled that 

may are weittenby the Prophets of p fonne 

Daermin2) OF MAI, F'O2 he (hall be delivered vnto 
the Gentiles, and thatbe mocked, and defpitefully ens 
treated, and {pitted ort, And whe they haue ſcourged 
Hint, they will put him todeath and the third pap he 
ſhall rife againe, And thep bnderitoode none of thele 
things, And this laying was hidfrom them, fo that 
ther perceiued not 6 things which were fpoken, And 
it came topafie, that as he was come nigh to Jeri 
Ho, acertaine blinde man fate by the hiqh way fide, 
begging, And when he heard the peopie palle by, he 
athed what it meant, And thep ſaid vnto him, that 
Felus of Nazareth paſſed by. And he cryed, laying, 
Jeſu thou ſonne of Dauid, haue mercie on me. And 
they which went before,vebubed him, that he ſhould 
Hold His peace:But he cried ſo much the more, Chore 
ſonne of Dauid, hate mercyon me, Arid Fetus ſtoode 
— ML, a commanded him to be brought vnto him, And 
when be was come nere,ve alked him. ſaying, what 
wilt thou that J do vnto thee? and he fad, Lo2d,that 
J might veceiue mp fight, And Fetus fayde onte 
Hint, Keceiue chy ſight, thy fatth wath ſaued thee. 
And immediatly he receied his Aight, and followed 

m, praiſing God. And all the people, when they ſaw 
it, gaue praiſe vnto God. eae a 

| 1¢ 

T he firft day of Lent. 

ay The Colle&, —— 

A mightie and euerlaſting God, which hateſt 

“ “nothing that thou hall made, and doeſt forgiue 

the finnes of all them that be penttent: createand 
make in bs newe andcontriteheartes, Hat we wor 
thily lamenting our finnes, and knowledging our 

wretchedneſſe, may obtaine of thee the God of all 
wercy, perlect remiflion and forgiuencile, through 

Jeſus Cheiſt. —— 

| “The Epiftle, 
el.2.12 Oe eg BRN E you vnto me with all pour 
rene’’ BXAS heartes, with faking, weeping , and 
wag Mourning: rent your heartes and not 

2-4 your clothes, Curne you bute the 
V2 ca) Lod pour God, for He ts gracious and 
mercifull, long fuffering, and of great compaſſion. 
and ready topardon wichednelle. Then (nodoubt)he 

alfo wan turne and forgiue + arid after bis chaites < 
ning, he ſhall let vour encreaſe vematnefozmeat and 
drinnie oflerings vnto the Loꝛd pour God, Blow out 

‘With the trumpet in Sion, proclaime afating, call 

the Congregation, and gather the people together: 

warne the Congregation, gather the Ciders, bing 

the children and ſucklings together. Lettie beide> 

grome goe forth of his chamber, andthe brideoutol 

her clotet, Let the Prieſtes ſerue the Lowdbetweene 

the porch and the altar, weeping, andfaping, Weta. 

— Mourable,D Lod, be fauourable butothypeopletet 

n Not thine heritage bebzought to ſuch confuſion leſt 

che heathen be lordes thereot. xoherefore choulde 
—— po ipa tera te Heathen, Where is nowe their 
— jae nec | —— 

See Wak 
—— oe, — 


ee ee eee Se oe eT ee — 


PG fae ae Roos) 0 Se . 
— pe Regs Fy ee ges 

The firft Sunday in Lent. 
‘The Gofpel, 
ma eve hen pe fatt, be fot fad, a8 thetiypee Mat,6. 16 
s/f crites are: Foꝛ they diffiqure their 
u/fo ) faces, that it map appeare vnto mé 
fF How p thepfatt. wierelp 7 fap vnto 
i E vou.they haue thetrreward, But 
a, \es\V thou, then thou fate, anopnt 
oA J thine head,¢ wath thy face, that tt 
dates puto me how that thou fattett, but vnto 
thy father, which is infecret,sthy father which teeth 
infecret,fhal reward thee opelp. Lay not bp fo2 pour ‘5 
felues treature vpon earth, where the ruff and moth ee) 
doeth corrupt, ¢ where thteues becake though and ; 
fteate: but lap dp fo2 pou treaſures in beauen, where 
— neither raft nor moth doth cozrupt,¢ where thicues 
doe not breake through noz ſteale. Foꝛ where pour 
treafure is, there will pourbeartes be alfo, 
| The firft Sunday in Lent, 
The Collec, | 
(+) howe, Which for our fake diddeſt faſt kourtie 
dayes and fourtie nightes: giue vs grace to vſe 
fuch abſtinence, that our fleih being fubdued to the 
fpirtt, we may ever ober thy godly motions, in righ⸗ 
teouſneſſe, and true holinefic, te thy honour and 
sioner liueſt and reigneſ 
The Epiſtle. 
Eashelpers exhort you, that ye receiue 2.Cor,6, 
‘ ) b trot the grace of Godin baine. For Hee x, 
‘“ A 7S, fayeth, F baue heard thee ina time ace 
en Copted, ¢ int the day of faluation haue J 
: ax) fuccoured thee. Behold, now ts Hat ace 
—— time Behold, now ts that day offaluation, Let 
vs giue none ockalion of euil 6 in our office be found 
no it: but in all ne let bs behaue our iso 
| eS 


T he firft Sunday in Lent. 

asthe miniſters of God, in much patience, alllicti⸗ 
Og, i Neceflities, in anguiſhes, in ſtripes, in priſon⸗ 
nets, in ſtrilkes, in labors, in watchings, in fattings, 

in pureneſſe, in kno wledge, in long ſuftring, in kind: 
nes, in the holy Ghoſt, in iloue vnkained, in the worde 
oftructh,in the power of God, by the armour ofrigh⸗ 

teouſnes of the right hand and on the left, by hondur 

bey ofthe Temple, andfapeth vnto hint, FE thow 

che ee ee 

The fecond Sunday in Lent. 
of the worlde, and the glory of thent , and ſayeth vnto 
Him, Ai theſe wil Jgiue thee, tf thou wilt fall downe 
and worhip me, Chen faith Jeſus vnto hint, Auoide 
Satan: foz it is weitten, Chow chalt worhipp Lorde 
thy God, andhim onely ſhalt thou ſerue. Chen the 
deuillleaucth him, and behold, the Angels came and 
miniitred vnto him. 
af The fecond Sunday in Lent. 
The Colle@. 
A haniabty (Sod, which doett {ee that we haue no 
power of our felues to helpe our ſelues: keepe 
thou bs both outwardly in our bodtes , and inward: 
Ip in our foules,that we may be defended from all ad⸗ 
uerſities which may Happen to the body and from all 
euil thoughts which may aflault and hurt the foute, 
though Jeſus Chꝛiſ | | 
; The Epiftle. Sidi 
eS Swe CE befeech pou bꝛethꝛen, and exhort you 1. Theſ. 

/aby the Lorde Fetus, that pee increaſe 4.1. 
PONV PAD moze and moꝛe, euen as pee haue recei⸗ 

EN Fase ued ofhs, how pe ought to walke,and to 
gee. ean! pleafe God, Foꝛ pee knowe what come 
maundements wee gaue pou by our Lorde Fetus 

Chk. Foꝛ this is the willof God, euen pour Holts 
neſſe: that yee ſhould abſteine from foꝛnication, and 

that euery one of pou fhoulde knowe Howe to keepe 

bis veſſel in holineſſe and Honour,and not in vᷣ luſt oF 
concupiſcence, as doe theheathen, which knowenot 
God: that no man oppꝛeſſe, and defraude his brother 
inbargaining becaule thatthe Lode ts the auenger 

ofall fuch things, as we told pou befoze,and teftified. 

ffo2 God hath not called bs vnto vncleanneſſe but 

bito holineſſe. He therefore that defpifeth, wie ee 

naot man, bat God, which hath fent his holy {pirite 
; — amongypou, G.ii. . The 

The third Sunday in Lent. 

The Gofpel. 

DeElus went therice,and departed nto the 

| fe By coattes of Cyꝛe and Sidon: a bevolde, a 
74 woman of Canaan, (which came out of 
Gy the fame coatts ) crped onto him fapinag, 
Vass Dave mercy on me, D Lod, thou fone 
of Dattid : my Daughter is pitioully dered with a 
deuill. But he anfwered her nothing atall. Andis 
diſciples came and befought hin. faping, Sende her 
awary,foz the crpeth after bs. Wut hee anfwered and 
ſaid, Jam not ſent, but to the lot ſheepe of the Houle 
of Iſrael. Thencame ſhee and worſhipped him, ſay⸗ 
ing, Lord helpe me, He anſwered and faid, It is not 
meete to take the childrens brꝛead, and cat itto dogs. 
She anſwered and ſaid, Trueth’ Lode, fo2z the dogs 
eate ot the crummes which fall from their matters 

table. Chen Fetus an{wered,andfapde vnto her, - 
‘woman, great is thy fatth , bee it bnto thee euen as 
thou wilt, And ber daughter was made whole euen 

the ſame time. 
The third Sunday in Lent. 
The Collect. 

X 7 Ebeleech thee almighty God, looke vpon the 
Hearty deſires of thy bumble feruantes > and 

ſtretch foorth the right hand of thy matettic,to be our 


defence againſt al our enenties, through Fetus Chak 
our £020. The Epiftle. 

Ee you the followers of od ag deare 
* Dy Sy childzen,¢ walke in loue, euen as Chet 

 feritig a a facrifice ofa ſweete fauour to 

o? Peouctounes, let it not be once named among pou, 
as — — eS ilthines,o7 fooitth talking, 

<p ioned vs, and gaue himſelt for bs, an o⸗⸗ 
») od. As fo2 foꝛnicatiõ a all vncleannes, 


The third Sundayin Lent. 

orietting, which are not comely, but rather giving 
ofthanks.Foꝛ this ye know, that no whore monger. 
either vncleane perſon, oꝛ couetous perion whichis 
a worſhipper of Fmages) hath any inheritance in 
the hingdome of Chzift,andof God, Act 10 man de- 
ceiue you with baine wordes: for becaufe of ſuch 
thinges, commeth the wath of God bpon the chit- 
Deit of Difobedience, We not pe therefore compani⸗ 
ons of them. De were fometimes darkenes, but now 
are ye light in the Lode, walke as childzen of tight: 
for the fruite ofthe ſpirite confifteth in all goodneſſe, 
and righteouſneſſe, and trueth. accept that which ts 
pleating vnto the Lo2d,and haue no fellowihip with 
— the vnfruitkull workes of darkenelle, but rather re⸗ 
buke them. For it 18 a ſhame cuen to name thofe 
thinges which are done of them tn fecrete: but all 
things, whe they are brought forth by light, are ma⸗ 
ritfett, for whatfoeucr is manttett,the fame is light. 
wheretore he faith, Awake thou that fleepett, ¢ Land 
bp from death, ano Chet —* giue thee light. 
ee €Uoipe.. | : 
7% Elus was cafting out a deuill that was Luke 12, 
D dumbe. And whe he had call out the de: 14, 
O*4 will, thedumbe fpake, ¢ the people won⸗ 
SY dred, Butfome of them fatde,He catleth 
ay SNass out deuils though Beelzebub the chicte 
, of the deuils. And other tempted Him, and required 
of him a ſigne from heauen. But he, knowing their 
thoughtes.fapde vnto them, Cuery kingdome deui⸗ 
Ded againt it ſelle, is defolate, and one Houte docth 
fall vpon another. Ff Satan atfo be denided again 
Him {elfe, bow thal his kingdome endure? Wecaule 
pe fap F cat owe deuils theougy wWeelsebub. It J 
by the helpe of — 27% out deuils, By ying 
‘ eS Ut, : 3 4 

T he fourth Sunday in Lent. | 
Helpe doe pour childzen catt tyem out? Therefore 
chail thep be pour tudges. Wut it J by the inger ot 
God cat out deutls, no Doubt the kingdome of God 
is come vpon pou, When a flrong man armed wat: 

cheth pis houle, the thinges that he poſſeſſeth are in 
peace: But when a ftronger then he commeth vpon 

‘pim,couercommeth bim,ve taketh from him al His 

harneis wherein he truſted, and deuideth His goods, 
He that is not with me,is agatn® me: and hee that 
gathereth not with me,fcattereth abꝛoad. When the 
vncleane {ptrite is gone out of a man, he walketh 
through dete places ſeeking ret: ¢ when He findeth 

“none, Heflaith, J witlreturne againe into my boule 


2 te 7 
Zz = 
r & 
—X— — 
ate a 

whence F cameout, And when he commeth, he lin⸗ 
deth it ſwept and garniſhed. Chen goeth He, and ta: 
keth to hint ſeuen other {pirites worſe then Himtelfe, 
and they enter it,and dwell there: a the ende of that 
matt is worle Chen the begining. And itfortuned, 
that as hefpake theſe thinges, a certaine woman of 
the companp life bpherbopce, andfatde vnto him, 
Happy is the wombe that bare thee, and the pappes 
which gaue thee fucke. But he ſayde, Pea, happie 
ave they that heave the wo2de of God, aid keepe it. 
_ The fourth Sunday in Lent, 

The Colle, 

GBaunt wwe beteech thee almightie God, that we — 
which for our euill deedes ave worthily puni⸗ 

fhed, by the conrfozt of thy avace may mercifullpbee 
relieued, through —— Low Jeſus Chet, 

The Eputie, ‘ 
ao saan. Cea Cl me (pe that detire tobe birder plaw) — 
hel Paae do yentot heare of the law:toꝛ it is wꝛit⸗ 
ed | prad tenthat Abrabam had twotonnes the 

2°74 onebpabondmaide, the other byatree 
sy pe — > | —— woman. 

q bis mage te and Cater (afeatt of thy 

The fourth Sunday in Lent. 
woman. Dea, and he which was borne of the bond 
woman, was boarte after the fleth: but he which was. 
borne of the freewoman, was bozne by promife :. 
Which thinges are ſpoken byan allegozie. Foꝛ thefe 
are two teftaments , the one from the mount Sina, 
which — dreth vnto bondage, which is Acar: for 
mount Sina ts Agar in Arabia,and bordereth vpon 
the citie which is nowcalled Hieruſalem, and is in 
bondage with ber children. But Prerufaiem which 
ig aboue,t3 free, which ts the mother of bs all. Foꝛ it 
is written, Keioyce thou barren that beareſt no chile 
dren, breake foo2th and cry thou that trauaplett not: 
fo2 b defolate Hath many mio childzen, then the which: 
path an huſband. 

Brethren, wee are after Flahac the children of 
promite, But as then bee that was bone after the 
fleth, perfecuted him that was boꝛne after the ſpirite: 
euen ſo is it nowe. Neuertheleſſe, what fayth the 
Scripture? put away the bondwoman and her 
ſonne: oz the fonne ofthe bondDwoman ſhall not be 
heire with the fonne of the free woman. So then 
brethren, we are not gimen ofthe cir 
of tie free woman, : 

The Gofpel. 

Neve Eſus departed ouer the fea of Gaile, Tohn.6.1 
ES] [wey which is the Sea of Ciberias, anda — 

Zé great multitude followed him , becauſe 

s they fawe bis miracles which be DID on 

oF’ e289 them that were difeated, And Jeſus 
socitt bp into amountaite, and there be fate fel 

€, ttt, oe —* it 


The fourth Sunday in Lent. 
greatcompany come bnto hime fayde vnto Philip, 
ndhence hall wee buy bread, that thele may eate? 
THis he ſayde to prooue him, fo2 hee himielfe kne we 
what Hee woulde doe. Philipanſwered him, Two 
hundred penpworth of beead ave not fuflicient fo2 
thent, that euerp man may take a litle. One othis 
Difcipies (Andzewe, Simon Peters brother ) ſaveth 
vnto him, Chere ts a ladde which Hath fine barley 
loaues and two fiſhes: but what are they among fo 

many!? and Jeſus ſayde, Wake the people itdowne, — - 

There was much grale in the place, Sothe men 
fate Downe, in number about fiue thouſande. And 
Jeſus tooke the bread, a when he had giuen thank3 
Hee gaue to the diſciples, and the diſcihles to thers | 
that were ſet downe, and likewiſe of the fifbes, as 
much as they would, wher they hadeaten pnough, 
He ſaid vnto his diſciples, Gather bp the broken meat 
which remapneth, that nothing be iol, And they gar. 

thered it together, and filled twelue baſkets with the 

broken meate of the fue barley loaues which broker © 
meate remapned vnto them that had eaten, Cher 
thofe men (when they had ſeene the miracle that Je⸗ 
fusdid){apde, Chisis of atrueth thefame Pꝛophet 
that fhould come into the world, — 

The fifth Sunday in Lent. 
— TheColle@. oe 
VV Se beteeche thee almightie God, me cifulty to 
YY {ooke vpon thy peopte, that by thy qreabgood: 

nielle thep may be qouerned and prelerued eurermoze, 
— both in body and ſoule, through Jelus Coat our 

| Age i The 

:7 $ 
at * 
es al 

— Lhe fifth Sunday in Lent. 

TheEpiftle. : 


—ding neither by 6 blood of Goates and 

Calues:but by his ovne blood he entredin once into 
the holy place, andfound eternall redemption. Foꝛ 
ifthe blood of Drenandof Goates, and the athes of 
a voung Cote, wher it ts ſprinkled, purifieth the 
Hiicleane,as cochina the purifying of the fleth: pow 
much moꝛe hall the blood of Chk (which through 
the eternall ſpirite offred hinttelfe without ſpotte to 
Bod) purge pour contcience from dead workes, fo; to 
- ferue the lnuing God? And fo2 thts caule is he the me⸗ 
Diatour of the newe Teſtament, that thzough death, 
Which chanced for the redemption of tole trant: 
areflions that were vnder the irk Ceflament, they 
which are called, might receiue the promiſe of eters 
stall inheritance, 

Chinges to come, came by a greater and 
amoꝛe perfect tabernacle, notmade tb 
handes, thatis to ſay, not of this buyl⸗ 

The Goſpel. 



rent the Fewes, andfaide vnto him, Say we not well 
that thou art a Samaritane, and haſt the dewtt? Je⸗ 

fus anfwered, J haue notthe devil: but‘ JIhonour 

my father and pee haue dithonoured me, Jſeeke not 

mine owne prapte, there is ane that fecketh, and iud⸗ 
geth. Werily, verily J ſay vnto pou, Ffamanbeepe 

my laping, he hall neuer fee death, Cher — ae 


Hut being an high Prielt of qoood Heb.9.1 


—— Thefifth Sunday in Lent. 

Jewes vnto hint, Now knowe we that thou hatthe — 
deuill.Abꝛaham is dead, and the prophets, and thou 

ſaveſt, Ifa mai keepe my ſaying, he thall neuer taſte 
of death.Art thou greater then our father Abzaham, 
whichis dead? And the Pzophets are dead: whome 
maketl thou thy felfe? Fetus anfwered, It Jhonour 
nip felfe, mine honour ts nothing: itis mp Father 
that honoureth mee, which pe fay ts pour God, a ret 
ye haue not knowen hint: but FZ knowebim, And tf 
Flay Jknowe him not, F wall be alyar, like onto 
pou. But Iknowe him,and keepe his laying. Pour 
father Abzahain was glad to fee myp day: and He ſawe 
it, and reiopced. Then fapde the Jewes vnto himn, 
Chou art not vet fiftie yeeres old,and haſt thou ſeene 
Abraham? Jeſus ſayde vnto them, werily, beriipF 
fay vnto pou, Per Abraham was boꝛne, am, Cher 
tooꝝke they bp Lones to cat at Him: But Jeſus hidde 

himlelke, and went out of the temple, dient 

The Sunday next before Kafter. 
‘The Colle&. 

Lmightie and euerlaſting God, whichot thy 

tender iouc towardes man, haſt ſent our Saui· 
our Jeſus Chꝛiſt, totake vpon him our fleſh, andto 
lulffer death vpon the croſſe, that all mankind ſhould 
follow the erample of pis great humilitie:mercifully 
graunt, that we both follow the example of bis pati⸗ 
erice, and bee made partakers of his reſurrection, 

chꝛoughthe lame Fetus Cheiſt our hoy, 

Sunday next before Eafter. 

The Epiftle. | a. a 
rr Gc~o Et the fame minde be in pou,that was Phil,2.5. 
Gg allo tt Chett Jeſu, which whe he was 
~~ in the thape of God, thought it no rob⸗ 
| x6 berie to beequal with God: Neuerthe- 
(S77 RAS les, he made himlelfe of no reputation, 
taking om him the thape of alerwant, ¢ became like 
vnto men, and was founde in His apparel asa a man. 
He Humbled bimielfe, ebecame obedient bitto the 
death, euer the death of the crofle, wherefore God 
Hath alfo eralted him on hie, and giuen him aname, 
which is aboucal names, that tn the name of Jeſus 
euery Brice ſhoulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen 
and thinges in earth, and thinges vnder the earth, 
and that all tongues thould cõteſſe that Fetus Chriſt 
is the Lozde, vnto the pratle of God the father, 

The Gofpel. 

Aras fd it cameto paſſe, when Fetus had Mat.26.1 
KC? finithen all theie fapings, be fayde bre 
<5 to bis difciples , Pe knowe that after 
Ks fwodapes halbe Cafter,and the fonne 
* of man ihalbe deliuered ouer to be cru· 
cified, Chen aſſembled together the chiefe Prieſtes, 
and the Scribes, and the Elders ofthe people, vnto 
the palace of the High prick (which was called Ca- 
tapas) and Held a countel, that they mighttake Fe- 
fus by fubtiltie,and hill him, Butthey fatde, Not ort 
thebolpday, leat there be an bpzoze among tie peo- 
ple, when Fetus was tn Bethania, in the houte of 
Simon the Leper, there cane vnto him a womart, 
having ait Alabatter bore of precious ointment,and 
powzed tt on His head as he ſate at the oe 
te 3 er 

— eer TT 

_ Pee 
Sy LF Bere = 
y} aN ** 

ig : 
Ts Vee H 

Sunday next before Eaſter. 

wher the difciples ſaw it, they had indignation, fay: 
tug, Whereto ferueth thts wate? This opntment 
might haue bene well folde, and giuen tothe poore. 
When Felus vnderſtoode that, he ſayde dnto them, 
Why trouble pe the woman? foribe hath wꝛought a 
good wozke bpon me.fo2 pe haue the pooze alwayes 
with rou,but me pe ſhall not haue alwayes. And in 
that the bath cat this opntinenton my body, he did it 
to bury me. erily Fj fap vnto pou, Whereſoeuer thts 
Goſpel ſhalbe preached in ali the world, there thal al⸗ 
fo this be tolde that fhe bath done, foza memoꝛial of 
Her, Then ore of the twelve (which was called Ju⸗ 
Das Iſcariot) went dito the chtefe Pꝛieſts, and faid 
vnto them, What will pe giue me,and FZ will deliver 
Hin vnto pou? And they appotnted vnto Him thirtie 
pleces of ſiluer. And from that time foorth, hee 
fought opportunitie to betray Him. Che firlt dap 
offiweete bead, the Diſciples came to Fetus, faving 
to him, Where wiit thou that we prepare fo2 thee 
to eate the Paſſeouer? And he ſaid, Goe into the ci⸗ 
tie to ſuch a man, and ſay vnto him, The malter 
ſayeth, My time is at and: Jwill keepe my Eaſter 
by thee with my diſciples. And the diſciples did as 
Jeſus had appointed them, and theymade ready the 
Palſeouer. when the euen was come,be fate Downe 
with the twelue: and as they dideate, be ſayde, Hes 
rity F fap vnto pou, thatone of pou hall betray me, 
And thep were exceeding ſoro wſul, and began euery 
oncot them tofap vnto him, 1020.13 it J: He anſwe⸗ 
redand ſayde, He that dippety his Hand with mein 
the diſh, the fame hall betray me. The ſonne of man 
trucip goeth as it is weitten olhim: but wee vnto 
that man bp whom the fonne of man is vetrayed, it 
Had bene good foz that man ithe had not bene * 
— jer 

Sunday next before Eaſter. 

Chert Judas which betrayed him, anfwered any — 

fayde, Malter, is itF? Hee ſayde vnto him, Chow 
haſt ſaide. And when they were eating, Jeſus tooke 
beead, and when be had giuen thankes,bee brake it, 
and gaue it to the diſciples, and fatd, Cake, cate, thts. 
ismpbody, Andee tooke thecuppe, and thankea, 
and gaue it Co them, ſaying, Wzintie pe alt of this: foz 
this is my blood (whichis of the newe Ceſtament) 
that is ſhedde for many, fo2 the remiſſion of ſinnes. 
But J ſay vnto vou, Jwill not drinke hencetoorth 
of this fruite ofthe bine tree, vntill that Dap when 
J thall drinke it newe with pou in my fathers hing: 
dome. And wher thep had ſayde grace,thep went out 
vnto mount Dituct. Chen layde Fetus vnto thent, 
Ail ye chall be offended becauſe of me this night: Foꝛ 
it is weitten, F will finite the Shepheard, andthe 
_ fheepe of the flocke thall bee {cattered abꝛoade: but 
after J am riſen againe, J will goe before pou inte 
Galilee. Peter anfwered, and fapde. onto Him, 
Chough atl men be offended becaufe of thee, pet well 
Inot be offended. Fetus fatd vnto him, WerelpF fap 
vnto thee, thatin this fame night, before the Cocke 
crowwe, thou fhalt dente mee thriſe. Peter ſaide vnto 
him, Pea, though J ſhould die with thee, pet will J 
not dente thee. Likewife alſo ſaid all p difciptes. Then 
caine Jeſus with thein vnto a farine place ( which 
iscalled Gethfemane)and fapd vnto bis difciples, Sit 
pee here while F goe and pray ponder, And he tooke 
with him Peter, andthetwofonnes of Zebedee, and 
beganto ware forowfull and heauie. Chen fatde Je⸗ 
lus pntothem, Myſoule is heauie, euen vnto the 
_ death: tary pee here, and watche with mee. And be 
went a litle nerther, and fell llat on his face and prap- 
ed ſaying, Omy father, il it be poſſible let this or 

| | ; paſſe 

Sunday next before Eafler. 

patie from mee: neuertheleſſe, not asZ will, butas 
thou wilt. And hee came bnto the Wiltiples, and 

found them aflecpe, and ſayde brite peter, what, — 

could pee not watch With mee onehoure? Watche 
and pray, that pee enter not into temptation : Che 
{pirite is willing, but the fleth 1s weake, Dee went a- 
Wap once againe,and payed, faying , D mp father, 
if this cuppe may not pale away fronime, except J 
drinke of tt, thy will be fulfilled. And hee came and 
founde them afleepe againe, for their eyes were 
heauie. And hee left them, and went againe, and 
prayed the thirde time, faying the fame woordes. 
Then commeth hee to is Diſciples, and ſayde onto 
them, Sleepe on now, and take your reſt. Beholde, 
tie houre is at hande, and the Sonne of man is be⸗ 
trayed into the handes of (inners. ile, let bs bee 
going, bebolde, he is at hand that docth betray mee, 
While he yetipake , oc, ‘Judas one of thenumber of 
tie twelue, came, and with him a great multitude 
With ſwoordes and ſtaues, ſent from the chiefe 
Prieſtes and Elders of the people. But hee that be⸗ 
traped him, gaue then atcken, faying, Whome ſo⸗ 

ener J hifle, the fame is bee, Holde him fat, And — 

foozth with bee came to Jeſus, and ſayde, Hayle Ma⸗ 
fter, and kiſſed him. And Fetus fapde onto Hint, 
Friende, wherefore art thou come? Then came 
they, and layde handeson Jeſus, andtooke him. 
And bebotde,. one of them which were with Felus,; 

ſtretched out his hande; and dre we his ſwoorde, and 

ſtrooke a ſeruaunt ofthe high Prieſt, and ſmote of 
his eare. Chern ſayde Jeſus vnto him, Put vpthy 
ſwoorde into the-theath: fo2 all. they that take the 
fwoo2de, hall pervith with the ſwoorde. Thinkeſt 

thou that Jcan not nowe peay to my Father, os 

Sunday next before Eafter. 

hee ſhall giue mee euen nowe moze ther twelue 
legions of Angelics? Hut howe then thall the 
Scripture bee fulfilled? For thus muſt tt bee, In 
that tame houre fapde Jeſus tothe multitude, Pee 
bee come out ag it were to a thiete, with ſwordes 
and faues fo; to take mee, J fate daily with pou 
teaching in the CTemple, and yee tooke me not. Hut 
all this was done, that the Scriptures ofthe 205 
phets might be fulflited. Chen all the diſciples for⸗ 
fooke him, and fled. And thep toohke Fetus, and ledde 
him to Cataphas the hie Prieſt, where the Scribes 
and the Elders were aſſembled. Hut eter followed 
bim a farre off vnto the high Prieſtes palace, and 
Went in, ard fate with the feruauntes, to fee the 
ende. Che chiele Prieſtes and Cloers, and all the 
counfaple fought falſe witnelle again Jeſus, ſoꝛ 
to put him to death, but founde none: pea, when 
many falfe witneſſes came, pet founde they none, 
At the tal came two falle witneſſes, and fayde, 
This fellowe fatde, J amt able todeftroy the Cemple 
of God, and to butlde it againe in three dayes. And 
the chiefe Pꝛieſt aroſe, and ſayde vnto Him, An⸗ 
lwereſt thou nothing? why doe theſe beave wit⸗ 
nefle againſt thee? But Fetus helde His peace, 
And the chiele Pztel anfiwered, and fayde onto 
him, F charac thee by the liuing Good, that thou tell 
bs whether thou be Chit the ſonne of God, Fetus 
ſayde vnto him, Chore. halt ſayde. Neuertheleſſe J 
lay vnto vou. Herealter ſhall petee the ſonne ofman 
ſlitting on the right hande of power, and comming 
it the cloudes of the thie, Chen the high pztes 
vent hisclothes, faving. De hath (pokenblatphemie, 
“What. neede we of any moze witneſſes? Beholde 
nowe pee haue Heard his blaſphemie, what a 

_ Sunday next before Eafter. 
pes Chey anlwered, and fatde, He ts worthte to die. 
Chen did they {pit in his face, and buffeted Him with 
fiffes, And other {mote him on the face with p palme 
of their bands faving, Tel b3,thou Chit, who is he 
that fmote thee? Peter ſate Without in the Court,¢a 
Damoſel came vnto him, faping, Chou alfo watt w 
Fetus of Galilee. But he dented before them all, ſay⸗ 
ing, J wote tot what thou lates when He was gone 
out into the porch, another wench ſawe him, and 
faide vnto them that were there, Chis feltowe was 
alfo with Fetus of asaveth, And agatne he denyed 
With an oth, ſaying, J doe not kno we the man, After 
a while came vnto him they that ſtoode by, and ſayde 
vnto Peter, Surely thou art euen one of them, foz 
thy ſpeach bewrayeth thee. Chen beganne hee to 
curie,and tofweare that he fnew not the man, And 

immediatlythe cocke crewe, And Peter remembzed — 

the worde of Fefu, which ſayde vnto him, Before the 
Cocke crowe, Hou (halt dente me thriſe:and He went 

out, wept bitterly. When the morning wascome, — 

ail the chiefe Prieſtes and Ciders of he people Heide 
a countaile againſt Fetus to put him to death, and 
brought hint bouunde and deliuered him vnto Pon⸗ 
tius Pilate the deputie. Chen Judas which Had be⸗ 
trayed him ſeeing that he was condemned)repented 
him felte,and brought againe the rry.plates of filter 
tothe chiefe Prieſtẽes and Cloers taping, 3% Hare fin 
Hed, betraying the innocent blood. And they tape, 
what's that to bs fee thou-to that: And hee cal 
Downe the ſiluer plates inthe Cempie, and depar⸗ 
ted, and went andhanged Him lelfe, Andthe chiete 
Prieltes tooke the filuer plates, and fatde, Ft 1s not 
| — into the treafurie, vecauſe it 

is the price 

bidod, And they tocke countaile, and 
reptede conta an 

Sunday next before Caster. 

bought with them a potters field to burie ſtrangers 
int, nOverefore the fielde tg called Acheldama,that ts, 
Che fielde ofblood, vntill this day, Chen was ful 
filed that which was {poker by Ferenue the Pro⸗ 
phet faving, and thep tooke thirtie ſiluer plates,the 
price of him that was dalued, whome they bought 
of the childzen of Iſrael, and gaue them fo2 the pot: 
ters fielde, asthe Loꝛde appointed me. Felts ſtoode 
before the Meputie, and the Meputie atked hint, 
laying, Arve thou the king of the Jewes? Fetus 
ſayde onto him, Chou fayek, And when he was 
accufed of the chiefe Prielts and Cloers, Hee ait 
{wered nothing. Chen ſayde Pilate Onto Him, 
Hearet thou vot howe manp witnelles they lap ae. 
gaint thee? And hee aunſwered hint to neuer a 
word, in ſo much thatthe Meputte marueiled qreat: 
ly, At the featt, the Meputie was woont to deliuer 
vnto the people a pꝛiſoner, whome thep woulde des 
fire, He had then a notable priſoner, called Barab⸗ 
bas. Cherefore when they were gatheredtogether, 
Pilate fapde, Whether will ve that Jgitie looſe hus 
to pou Barabbas, oꝛ Fetus which is called Chat? 
Foz hee knewe that foz enute they Had deltuered 
him. When Hee was fet downe Co qiue iudgement. 
bis wife ſent vnto him, ſaying, Dave thou nothing 
to doe With that iuſt mar, ſoꝛg hate ſuſfered thts 
“Dap niany thinges in mp feepe, becaufe of Hint. 

But the chiefe Prieſtes and Elders perfwaded the 

eople that they houlde athe Barabbas, and deſtroy 

eſus. The Deputie aunſwered, and ſayde vnto 
them, Whether of the twaine will pee that FZ let. 
loofe vnto pou? Chey fapa, Barabbas. Prlatefayde 
vnto them, what hall J aoe then with- Fetus, — 
which 18 called Chriſt? Or aii fapde vnto er 
hh ° i, 

Sunday next before Eafter. 

Let him be crucified, Che Meputie faide, wobhat euil 
Hath hedone? Chey cryed the more, ſaying, Let him 
be crucified, uphen plate ſawe that he coulde pres 
uayle nothing, but that moze bufinelle Wag made, 
He tooke water, and wathed his Handes before the 
people, fapiing, J ant innocent of the blood of this 
iuſt perſon, fee pee, Chen anfwered ail the people, 
and fapoe, Dis bicod be on bs, and onour childzen. 
Chen tet he Barabbag looſe buto thems, and {cour- 
Ged Jeſus, and deltuered him to becruciiied. Then 
the Souldiers of the Deputie tooke Jeſus into the 
common Hall, and gathered vnto Him all the com⸗ 
pantie, and thep firipped bint, and put on Him a 
purple robe, and platted a crowne of thoznes, and 

put it vpon his head, and a reede in His right bande, 
aiid bowed the knee before hint, and mocked hin, 

faving, Haile Bing of the Jewes. And wher they 
Had {pit vpon Him, thep tooke the reede, and ſmote 
Him on the Head, and after that thep had mocked 

him, thep tooke the robe off him agatne, and. put 

his owne rayment on Hint, and ledde Him away 
to crucifie Him, And as they caine out, they founde 
& man of Cyzene (named Simon ) hint they coms 
pelied to beare his crofle, And they came vnto the 
place which is called Golgotha, (thatis to fape, a 
place-of dead mens fhulles ) and gaue him bineger 
mingled with gall, todzinke, And when he had tae 
fed thereof, He woulde not drinke. When they had 
crucified Him, they parted His garmentes, and did 
caſt lottes, thatit might bee fulfilled which was 
ſpoken by the Prophet, Chey parted mp garmentes 
among thet, and vpon mp beffure did they call 
lottes, And they fate and watched hint there,.and 
fet bp ouer bis head the caule of his death waite, 


Sunday before Eafter. ; 

This is Tefus , the King of the lewes. Chen were there 
two theeues crucified with him, one on the right 
Hand, andanotherontheleft, Chey that paſſed by, 
reuiled Him, wagging their Heads, and faping, 
Chou thatdeftropedt the temple of God, and diddect 
builde it in three dapes faue thy felfe, FE thou be the 
ſonne of © D D, come Downe from the crofle, Likes 
wile alfo the high Prielles mocking Him, with the 
Scribes and Clders, ſayde, Helaucdother, him 
{elfe he cannot ſaue. FE hee be the hing of Iſrael, tet 
Him now come downefronrthe crofle , and wee will 
beleeuchim, Dee trutted in GO D, tet him deliuer 
him nowe tfhe willhaue him: soz hee fapde, F ant 
the fonne of God, The theeues alfo which were cru⸗ 
ciñed with Him, cal the fame inbis teeth. From the 
firth houre was there darkenefic over ail the lande, 
vntili the ninth houre. And about the ninth houre, 
Jeſuscryed with a loude boyce,fayitia, Eli, Elilama- 
fabachthani,thatistofap, My God, my God, whp 
Hatt thou foelaken mee? Some of then that toode 
there, when thep heard that, fapyde, Chis man cals 
{eth for Citas, And firaightway one of them ranne, 
and tooke a ſponge, and when he had filled tt fullot 
hineger, he put it on a veede,and gaue Him fo drinke. 
Other layde, Let bee, tet bs lee whether Citas writ 
come and deliner him, Fetus, when he hadcryped as 
gaine with aloude voyce, veelded vpthe ghoſt. And 
behold, the vayle of the temple did rent in twopartes 
from the toppe to the bottome, and the earth did 
quake, and the ſtones rent, and graues did open, and 
marty bodies offaintes which ſſept, aroſe, and went 
out of the graues after his refurrection, ¢ cante into 
the holy Citic, and appeared vnto many. hen the 
Centuriow, and they that were with him ETc 



Munday before after. 

Jeſus.ſaw the earthquake, and thoſe things which 
happened, they feared greatly, laying , Cruely this 
was the fonne of OD B, Andmany women were 
there (bevolding him afarre of) which followed Je⸗ 
fus from Galtiee, miniſtring vnto bim: among 
which was Marie Magdalene, and Marie the moe 
ther of James and Joſes, and the mother of Febes 
Bees children. i 

‘Munday before Eafter, 
The Epiftle. 

reeee DAT is hee this that commeth front 
is /pACoont, with redde coloured clothes of 
PAT Dolra (which is fo coftly cloth) ana 
Scommeth in fo mightilp with all his 
— ‘se\easl ftrength? Fam hee that teacheth righ⸗ 
teouſneſſe, and amof power to helpe, u2herefoze ther 
is thy clothing red, and thy raymẽt like bis that trea: 
deth in the winepreſſe? J haue troden the prefie mp 
ſelle alone, and of all people there is not one with me, 
Thus will J treade Downe mine enemies it my 
wath, and let my feete bpon them in mine indigna- 
tio, ¢ their blood hall befpzing my clothes, and ſo 

will J Taine all my rayment. soz the day of venge⸗ 
ance 18 alligned in my heart, andthe peeve when my 
people ſhalbe deliuered, is come, Ff looked about me, 
andthere Was no manto hewe me any Helpe.'F mars 
ueiled that no man Held mee bp. Chen FZ helde me bp 
mine owne arme. and mykeruentneſſe ſuſteined me. 

And thus will FJ treade downe the people in my 
wath, and bathe them in my difpleature , and vpon 
theearth will J lap thetr ſtrength. FZ will declare the 
odneſſe of the Lord, vea, and the pꝛaiſe of the L020, 
ali that he hath giuen vs, foz the great good ie 

Munday before after. 
he hath done fo2 Iſrael, which hee hath giuen thers 
of his owne fatiour, and according fo the multitude 
of his louing kindneſſe. Forꝛ he ſayde, Theſe no doubt 
are my peopie, and no ſhrinking children: and ſo hee 
was their ſauiour. In their troubles he was alſo 
troubled with them, and the Angell that went forth 
from His peefence delivered them, OF very loue and 
Kindenefle that be had vnto them, hee redeemed 
thems, He hath bozne them, and caryed them bp,euer 
ſince the worlde beganne. But after theyprouoked 
hint to wrath, and vexed his holy minde, Hee was 
their enemie, and fought againt them bim felfe, Dee 
rememb2ed Ffraet the olde time of Moſes and his 
people, ſaying, where t3 hee that brought them from 
the water of the fea, with them that fed bis theepe + 
where ts he that hath qtuen his holy (pirite among 
them? Heled them by the right Hand of Doles with 
His glorious arine, deniding the water before thent, 
whereby be gate him ſelle an cuerlatting name. Hee 
ledde them in the deepe, as an horle is ledde inthe 
plaine, that thep hould not tumble, as a tame beak 
goeth in the fielde, and the breath giuen of God, gi⸗ 
_ wethbinirett. Thus (O God) hat thou led thy peo: 
ple,to make thpfelfe a glorious name witha, Looke 
downe Hen fom Heaven, and beholde the dwelling 
place of thy fanctuarte,and thy glory. How ig it that 
thy teloufie, thy ſtrength, the multitude of thy mere 
cies, and toy lowing kindneſſe, will not be entreated 
of bs? yet art thou our father. ffo2 Abraham know⸗ 
eth bs not, nietther is Iſrael acquainted with bs, 
But chow Lod artour father and redeemerand thp 
- mame ts euerlaſting. D Lode, wherefore halk thors 
fed bs out ofthe way 7 wherefore Haft thou hardened 
our heartes that we wai 7 not? 2c at one ~~ 
? , Ut, 

Munday. before Eafter. 

bs againe foz thyp-feruantsiahe, and fo2 the genera 
tion of thine heritage, Thy people haue had vut a li⸗ 
tic of thpfanctuaricin poſſeſſiõ toꝛrour enemies haue 
troden downe the holy place, And wee were thine 
From thebeqinning, when thou wat not their Lord, 
fo2 they haue notcalled vpon thy name. ia 

— se varit alls 

141 E fter two dayes was Caters and the 
IPN AS, DAVES Of ſweete beead, And the high 
—Peielts and the Scribes fought howe 
NV, they might take him by craft, and put 
MAAS W Hint todeath. But ther faid,ot on the 
eatt Day, leaſt any bulinefle ariſe among the peopie, 
And when he was in Bethanie, inthe boule of Si: 
mon the Leper, euen as be fate at meate, there came 
a woman hauing an Alabatter bore of ointment cal: 
ied Nard, that waspure and coftly, and the brake the 
Hore, and powzed tt vpon his head, Andthere were 
fome that were not content within them ſelues, and 
fade, what needed this wate of opntinent z fo2 it 
might haue bene folde foz moze then thee hundred 
perice, and haue bene giuen to the pooze: and they 
grudged again her, And Fetus fapd, Let her alone, 
wy trouble pe her? She hath done: a good woke 
on me: fo2 pe haue pooze With pou alwapes, ¢ when 
fo euer pe will,pe maydoe them good: but me have 
pe not alwapes, Sve bath done that the could, thee 
came aforehande to anoint mp body to the: burye 
ing, eerily J ſay vnto pou, Whereſoeuer this Gols 
pell hall be preached thoughout the whole wortde; — 
this alfo that he Hath done, ſhall be rehearſed inves 
membrance offer, And Judas Iſcariot, one afie 
cr : ‘ g ug, 

Munday lefore Eafter. 

twelue went awap vnto HHie Prieſts to betray him 
Duto them, When they hears that’; thep were glad, 
and peomifed that they would giue him money, And 
He fought howe be might conucnientip betray him, 
And the fick day of fweete bread (whe they offered the 
Patleoucr) his diſciples fapde vito Hun, Mhere wilt 
thou that we goe ¢ prepare, that thou mayeſt eate the 
Pafleouer? And Hee fent foorh two of his difcipies, 
and ſaide bnto them, Goe peintothecitic , and there 
all meete voua man bearing apttcher of water, fot 
fow him. And whitherſoeuer he goeth in, ſayye vnto 
the good manof the houte, Che Water ſaith, Where 
is the gheſtchamber, where F thal eate the Paſſeo⸗ 
uer with my dilciples?: And He will hewporwa great 
partour paued and prepared , there make ready fo2 
b3, And his diltipies went foorth/ and came into the 
Citiesand founde as He Had ſaid vnto them, and thep 
made ready the Pafleouer, And wher tt was nowe 
euentide, he came with the twelue : andas they fate 
at board, and did.eate, Jeſus ſaide, wevily J fay vn⸗ 
topou,one of por (that eateth with mee) hail betray 
me, Andthep beganne to be ſory, and to fay to him 
one byone. Is tt F? And another fapde, Is it I Hee 
anfwered,efatde vnto thent, Ft is one of the tweltte, 
euen he thataippeth te me in the platter. Che fone 
bi man truely goeth as it is weitten of hint: but woe 
vnto that man bp whom the fonne of man ts betrays 
ed:good were tt for that man ifhee had neuer beene 

borae. Andasthey did cate, Jeſus tooke bread, and 
‘when he had giuen thankes hee bake tt, and gaue 
tothem.andfatde, Cake eate, this is my body. And 
he tooke the cuppe, and when he had giuen thankes, 
be tooke tt tothem, and they alldzanke of it, And hee 
ſaide bnto thems Chis ts my blood of thenewe Ces 

Munday before Eafter. 

lament, which is ſhedde for many. Gerelp F fap vn⸗ 
to pou, 3] will Dzinke no moze of the fruite of the bine, 
butill that dap that J danke if newe in the hing: 
dome of God, And when they hadlatde grace, thep 
went out to the mount Oliuet. An? Fetus ſayeth 
vnto them, Ailpee hall beoflended, becauteof mee 
this night: fo2 itis wꝛitten, J will fmite the Shep⸗ 
heard, andthe cheepe thail bee ſcattered: but after 
that. J amrifenagaine , Jwill goe into Galilee be: 
fozevou, Peter ſayde vnto him, And though all men 
beofiended, yet will not J. And Fetus ſayth vnto 
: him, erilp'Z fap vnto thee, that this day, euen in 
this night, before the Cocke crowe twile , thou fhatt 
denie me thee times. But he fpake moze vehement⸗ 
ip, No, if ZF houlde die with thee, J will not dente 
tijce, Likewiſe alfo fatde they all, And they came into 
a place which was named Gethfemane , and he fayde 
to bis difciples, Sitte ye here, whtle Jgoe afide and 
pray, Andhetaketh with him Peter, James,and 
John, and began to ware abathed, and to bee in an 
agonie, ard fapd vntothem, Wp foule is heauyp,euen 
bnto the death: tary peehere, and watch. And hee 
went fo2th alitic, and fell downe flaton the ground, 
and prayed, that fit were polliblethe houre might — 
paſſe from him. Andheefayde, Abba, father, all 
things are poſſible vnto thee , take away thts cuppe 
Fromme: Menerthelefle, notas Jwill but that thou 
wilt, be done, And he came and foundthem fleeping, 
andf{aithto Peter, Simon, leepel thou? couſdeſt 
not thou watch one houre? watche yee; and pray, 
left pee enter into temptation : the ſpirite truelyis 
readie, but the fleſh is weake. Andagainehe went a- 
fide arid prayed, a fpake the ſame wordes. And be re- 
turned and found thent alleepe againe, foz — 


Munday before Eafler. 

were heauie, nepther wit they what to antwere 
Hint, And he came the third time, and (aide bnto thé, 
Sleepe henceforth, and tafe pour cafe, it is pnough, 
The houre is come, bebolde, the ſonne of mantis be: 
trapedinto thehandsofiinners, wife bp, let bs goe: 
loe,be that betrayeth me,is at hand, And immediat⸗ 
iy whtle he pet {pake, commeth Judas (which was 
one of tie twelue ) and with him a great number of 
people, with Swords and Laues,from the hie prietts, 
and Scribes, and Elders. And He that betrayed him, 
Yad given them agenevatitokert,faying, wbhofoes 
uer J doe kiſſe, the ſame ts hee, take and leade hima· 
wap warily. And aſſoone as he was come, He goeth 
ſtraightway to him, and ſayeth vnto him; Watter, 
Maſter, and killed him. And they layde their handes 
On Hint, and tooke Him, And one of them that ſtoode 
by,dzew out a ſworde, andfmoteateruant of the hie 
Prietts, and cut ofhiseare, And Jeſus anfwered 
and ſaide vntothem, Pebe comeout as vnto a thiefe 
with fwordes and fates , for to take mee: F was 
Dayly with pou in the temple teaching, and pee tooke 
meenot : buttheſe thinges come to pafie, that the 
Excriptures ſhould be fulfilled. And they all forſooke 
him, and ran away. And there followed him a cers 
taine poungman clothed tn linen vpon the bare,and 
the poung men caught him, and bee left his linnen 

arment, and fledfromtyem naked, And they ledde 
Jeſus away tothe bie Prieſt of all, and with him 
camcallthebigh Prieſts, and the Clders, andthe 
Scribes. And peter followed him a qreat way off 
(euen till hee was come into the Palace of the High 
Priel) and he ſate with the leruants, and warmed 
himlſelle at the fire. And the High Priells and all the 
counſaile fought fo2 witnelle againſt Fetus to he 

Munday before Eafter. 

him todeath,¢ founde none:ſormany bare faile wit: 
neſſe againſt him, but thetr witneſſes agreed tot to: 
gether, And there aroſe cevtatne and bought falfe 
witnelleagaint him faping, Wee beard Hin lay, F 
will deſtroy this temple that is made with handes, ¢ 
Within three dayes F will butld another made with: 
outhands: Out pet their witnellesagrecd not toges · 
ther, And the hie Prieſt Coodedp among them, and — 
atked Jeſus ſaying, antwered thou nothing 7 How 
is it that thele beare witnefle again thee: But hee 
heide his peace; a anſwered nothing. Againe the hie 
rie aſked him, and ſayd bntobim, Art thou Cheiſt 
the ſonne of the biefied? And Jeſus ſayde, Jam:and 
pe ſhall fee the ſonne of man fitting on the right band 
of power, and comming in the cloudes ot heauen. 
Chen the hie Perieſt rent his clothes, and ſaid, What 
neede we any further witneſſes? pe haue heard blalſ⸗ 
phemie, what thinke pee? And they all condemned 
jit to be worthie of death. Andfome began tofpttte 
at him, and to couer his face, andto beatehim with 
fits, and to fap onto him, Areede, And the ſeruants 
buffeted him on the face, And as eter was beneath 
in the palace, there came one of the wenches of the 
hie Prieſt, a when the fa peter warming: himielie, 
fhe looked on him, and ſaide, waſt not thow alto with 
Jeſus of Nazareth: And he dented faping, FJ knowe 
Him not, neither wote F what thou ſayeſt. And hee 
went out into the porche, and the cocke crewe + And 
a Damolell (when fhe fawe him) beganneagaineto 
fay to them that Loode by, Chis is oneof then. And 
he denieditagaine, And anon after, thep that ſtoode 
by, ſaide againe vnto Peter, Surely thou art one of 
thent,fo2 thou art of Galilee, and thy ſpeach agrecth 
thereto But he began to curicand to —— 

— 89 

Fueflday before Eafter. 
Fknowe not this man of who pe ſpeake. And againe 
e Cocke crewe, And Peter remẽbred the word that 
eſus hadfald vnto hin, Before vᷣ cocke crow twiſe 
is ſhalt denie ne three tintes:¢ he began to weepe. 
— ee} —— before Eaſter. 
Fares Lint The Epiftle, 
> FETC De Lode God hath opened mine eate, Efa, 50.5. 
therelore can Juot fap nap, neither 
on vithdraw my felf:but F offer my backe 
B27 C578 onto the finiters,and my cheebkes to the 
a Gers nippers, I turne not my face fro ſhame 
and sp sos te the Lord God thali heipe ine, there: 
foze ſhall not be confounded, Jhaue hardened mp 
face like a flint fone: Foꝛ Jam ſure that F hall not 
cone toconfulion, Be is at bande that iuſtiſieth mes 
who will then goeto lawe with me? Let bs ttande 
one againt another. Ff there be any that will reaſon 
with me, let him come Here forth to me.2Heholde,the 
Lode Bond fandeth by me: what ishe then that care 
condemne me? Loe,they thalbe tthe as anolde cloth, 
the moth hall eat them bp. Cherefoze who fo feareth 
the Lowe among pou, iet him heare the voyce of his 
ſexuant. Who fo walketh indarkenefle,¢ no light ſhi⸗ 
neth vpon him. let him put his truſt tn 6 nameot the 
Lod, ahold him bp by bis God, But take heed. ye all 
Kindle a fire ofthe wrath of God, a ftir bp the coales. 
walke on in the gliſtring of potty owne ſire, inthe 
. Coles that pebaue kindled, Chis commety vnto you 
from mp Haid, vane tbat ye wall fleepe in ſorowe. 
ys) Dd anon tm Pdatwninathe hie Pleus Mar.I5.1 
bebeacounſaile with the Elders, and: 
a = 32 the Scribes, tthe whole cogregation, 
La) A and bound Fels, tied him away, and 
deliuered Him to Ba soi and eo 

T-uefday before Easter. 

athed Hin, Art thou che Ling of the Pewes? And 
He anfwered, and fapde vnto him, Chou fapett it, 
And the high Prieſtes acculed himof many things, 
So plate alked him agatne,faping, Anfweret thou 
nothing? Weholde how many things they lay tothp 
charge. Jeſus anſwe red pet nothing, fo that Pilate 
maruciled. At that feat Pilate did deliver vnto thent 
a priſoner, whomſoeuer thep would deſire. And there 
was one that was named Barabbas, which laye 
bounde with them that made inſurrection: Hee had 
Committed murder, And the people called vnto hint, 
and begat to defire hin that he world doe according 
as Hee had ever done vnto them, Pilate anfwered 
then, faying, Will pee that J tet looſe vnto pou the 
hig of the Fewes? Foz he knew that the hie Picts 
had deliuered him ofenute, But the hie Prieſtes mo⸗ 
Led the people, p he ſhoulde ratherdeliuer Barabbas 
vnto them, Pilate anfwered againe, andfapde vnto 
the What will pe then that do vnto him, whom pe 
cail the hing of (he Jewes? And they crped againe, 
Crucifiehin, Wilate ſaid vnto them What euil hath 
Hedone? Andthey crped the moze feruently,Crucitie 
Him, And fo Pilate willing to content the people, tet 
loofe Bargbbas vnto ther, anddeliuered bp Jeſus 
(when he had ſcourged him) fo2 tobe crucified, And 
the fouldiers ledde him away into the common pall, 
and called together the whole multitude. And thep 
clothed him with purple, and they platted acrowne 
pf thoes, and crowned hint withatl, and begat to 
lalute him, Dayle Bing of the Jewes. And they 

ſmote Him on the Head with areed, and did ſpit bpon 
Him, and bowed their knees, and worſhipped Him. 
And when thep had mocked him, they tooke the pure 
ple off him,¢ put his owne clothes on Him, a led ne 

| 3658 | io] —— ou 

-Tuefday Lefore Eafter. 

out to crucifie bins. And thep competied one that pat: 
fed by, called Simon of Cyrene (the father of Alex⸗ 
ander and Rutus) which came out of the fielde, to 
beare His crofle. And they brought yim to a place 
tained Golgotha, ( which ita man, the 
place of dead mens ſkulles.) Andtheygaue him to 
drinke wine mingled with myrrhe, but yee recetued 
itnot, And when they had crucified hint, they parted 
his garments, cafting lottes bpon them, what euery 
man ſhould take, Andit was about the third houre, 
and thep crucified him, and the title of his caule was 
written, The king of the lewes. And thep crucified 
With Hint two theeucs, the one on His right bad, and 
the other on bis left: Andthe Scripture was fulfil. 
led, which ſaveth, Hewas counted among the wie 
hed, And thep that went by, railed on Him, wagging 
their heads, and faving, A wretch, thou that dettrops 
eff the temple, andbutldett it againe tn three dayes, 
ſaue Chy telfe,and come downe front the crofle. thes 
{wife alfo mocked Him the hte Prieſtes among them 
ſelues, with the Scribes, a ſaid He fared other mer, 
Hin felfe he can not ſaue. Let Chik the King of Ft 
rael deſcend now fro thecrofle, that we may fee,and 
belecue,And they that were crucified with him, chec⸗ 
Ked hint alfo, And wher the firt houre was come, 
darkeneſſe aroſe ouer all the earth, vntill the ninth 
houre. And at the ninth houre Jefus cryed with a 
loude boice,faping,Eloi,Eloi,lamafabachthani, which 
is(it one interprete it) My God, my God, why hak 
thou fozfaken mes And fome of them that foode by, 
whenther heardthat. ſayde, Beholde, he catieth for 
Elias. And one ran ¢ filled a ſponge full ofbineger, 
and put if on arecde andgaue him to drinke ſaving 
Let him alone, {et vs ſee whether Citas will —_ 

—Wednefday before Eafter. 

and take him Downe. But Jeſus cryed with a loude 
voyce, and gaue vptheghoſt. And the vayle of the . 
Temple rent intwopteces, front the top tothe bot 
tome, And when the Centurion (vohich ſtoode before 
Him ) fawe that he ſo cryed and qaue bptheqvot, be — 
fapd, Truely this man was 6 Sonne of God. There 
were allo women a good way off, beholding Him : as 
mong whome was Marie Magdalene, and Marie 
the mother of James thetitie,and of J ofes,and Ma⸗ 
rie Soiome (which allo vohen he was in Galilee had 
followed bint, and miniſtred vnto Him) and many os 
ther wemen, which came bp with Him to Hieruſa⸗ 
fem, And now wher the even wascome, (becaule tt 
was the dap of preparing that goeth before the Sab⸗ 
both) Joſeph of the citte of Arimathea,a noble coun: 
faylour, which alfo looked foz the kingdome of God, 
came and went in boldely vnto Prlate, and begged 
of him thebody of Jeſu. And uate marueiled that 
hee was alreadic dead, and called vnto himthe Cen: 
turion,¢ atked of him whether he had bin any while 
Dead, And when Heknewe the trueth of the Centu⸗ 
rion, he gauethe body to Joſeph. Andhe bought ait 
nen cloth,andtooke yim downe, and weapped him 
in thelinen cloth, and layde Hin tn a ſepulchre that 
was hewen outofa rocke , and rolled a fone before 
the dooze of the ſepulchꝛe. And Marie Magdalene, 
and Marie Joſes bebetde where he was layde. 
— — — Wednefday before Eaſter. 
(The Epiſtle as 
(Seed Here as isa Ceffament, there mutt 
» Alfo.( of neceſſitie) bee the death of hint 
af/(S, that maketh the Teſtament. Foꝛ the 
Ven Ceftament taketh authoritie when 
A men are dead; For it is yet OF —7 


Wedue/aay before Eafler. 

lite, a8 long as Hee that maketh the Teſtament ig 
aliue. Foꝛ which caule alfo, neither the fir Cetta- 
Ment was ordeyned Without blood, ffo2z when Mo⸗ 
fes had declared all the commandementsto all the 
people, accozding to thelawe, he tooke the blood of 
Calucs and of Goats, with waterand purple wool, 
and Hpllope, and ſprinkled both the booke and all the 
people, ſaying, This ts the blood ofthe Ceſtament 
which Godhath appointed vnto pou. Moꝛeouer.he 
ſprinkled the tabernacie with blood allo, and all the 
miniſtring veſſels. And almof all things are by the 
lawe purged with blood, and without ſhedding of 
blood is no remiſſion. Fe is neede then that the ſimi⸗ 
litudes of heauenly thinges bee purifies with ſuch 
things, but that the heauenly things them ſelues be 
purified with better facrifices then ave thoſe. Foꝛ 
Cheiſt 1g not entred into the holy places that are 
inade With handes (which are fimilitudes of true 
thitigs) but ts entred into berp heauẽ.foꝛ to appeare 
nowe in the fight of God for bs: 10 to offer him ſelfe 
often, as the high Prieſt entreth into the Holy place 
euery peere with ſtrange blood, (foz then muſt hee 
haue often fuffered fince the wozlde begat) but now 
inthe end of the world hath he appeared once, to put 
{inne to flight, by the offring bp of htm felfe, And as 
it is appointed vnto all men that they thall once dpe, 
and then commeth the iudgement: euen fo Chri 
Was once offered to take away tie finnesof many, 
and vnto thent that looke fo2 Hint, hall he appeare 
againe without fnne onto faluation, 


WKeane{day before Eafter. 

ai nownigdoiibeGoldk i} ost 88 7 in opel 
98 He feat of ſweete bread drewe nigh, 
och] feo >s whith is railed Cafter, and the high 
Are| | og Daleltes and Scribes fought how they 
SS) 2P4 mighthili him, for they feared the peo: 
Cia Bas ple, Then entred Satan into Judas 
whole furnaine was Iſcariot, which was of the 
number of thetwelte, and he went his way, and 
communed With the hie Prieſtes and Dilicers, bow 
hee might betrap Him vnto them. And thep were 
glad; and promiſed to giue him money, And he con 
fented, and fought opportunitie to betvap him vnto 
them, when the people were away. Then came the 
Bay of ſweete beead, when of necellitiethe Paſſeo⸗ 
ner mut be offered. And he fent eter and Foon, 

faving, Goe,and prepare bs the Paſſeouer, that we 

‘map eate, Chey lapde vnto him, Where wit thor 

that we prepare? And he fapde bntothem,Bepolde, 
when pe enter into the citie, there hall aman meete 
polbearinga pitcher of water, him folowe into the 
fame houle that he entrethin, andye ſhall ſay vnto 
the good man of the houte, Che mater ſaith onto | 
thee, where is the ghetl chamber where Jchalleate 
the Pafleoucr with mp Diſciples? And. Hee hall 
ſhewe pou a great Parlour patted, tere make rea 
dpe. Andthep went, and kounde as he Had ſayd vnto 
thent, ¢ thep made ready the Paſſeouer. And when 
the houre was come, belate downe, andthe twelue 
Apoties with him. And he taibebnto hem, F hate 
inwardly deſired to cate this Paſſeouer with pots 

before that fuffer. Foꝛ FZ fap nto pow, hencefoorth 

Al J mot cate of it anp moze, vntill tt de fulſilled 
it the kingdome of Gov. And he tooke the cup, and 
gaue thanks and laid, Dake this, a deuide it — 


Wedne/day before EaSter. 

pou: for F fay vnto pou, F will not drinke of the - 
fruite of this Gite, ontilitbe kingdome of 6 DD 
conte, Aird he tooke bead , and when hee had giuen 
thankes, He brake it, and gaue ditto them, faying, 
Chis is my bodp which 13 giuen for pou: thisdoe 
in theremembance of ne, Like wile allo when hee 
hadfupped, he tooke the cuppe, ſaying, This cuppe 
_ isthe newe Ceſtament tn my blood, which ts chedde 
fo2 pou. Pet beholde, the hande of him that betray⸗ 
eth me, is with me on the table. And truelythe ſonne 
of man goeth as itis appotnted: but woe vnto that 
man by whome he is betrayed, And they beganne 
to enquire among them felues, which of them tt 
was that ſhoulde doe it. And there was a firife a 
mong then, which of them thoulde feeme tobe the 
greatelt. And he ſayde vnto them, Che Hings of 
nations raigne ouer them, and thep that haue att 
thoritie vpoñ them,are called gratious: but pe hati 
not ſo be. But be tyatis qreates among pou, thatt 
bee as the yonger: and he that ts chiefe, hall bee 
as he that doech miniſter. Foz whether is greater, — 
He that fittech at meate, oz he thatteructh? Is not 
Hee that fitteth at meate? Out J am among pou 
as be that miniiiret. Ve ate thep which Hate bid- 
den With ine in my temptations, And J appoint 
vnto pou ahinedome, asiny father hath appointed 
 tome,thatpe may eate and drinke at my table in my 
kingdome, and fitte on feates iudging the tweiue 
tribesof Iſrael. And the Lorde ſayde, Simon, St- 
* mon, bebolde, Satan hath defired to fifte you, as 
it Were wheate: but F haue prayed fo2 thee, that 
‘thy kaith faile not, And when thou art conuerted, 
ftrenathen thy brethren. And he fayde vnto Him, 
Loꝛrde, Jam readyto goe iat thee into Abi 


Wedne/day before Eafler. 

to death, And Hee layne, J tell thee, peter, the. 
Cocke thall not crowe this day, till thou haue de- 
‘ped theife that thou knoweſt mee, And hee ſayde 
vnto them, when J {ent pou without wallet, and 
{crippe, and thooes, tacked pouany thing? And they 
fayde, Qo, Then ſaide he buto them, Wut nowe hee 
that bath a wallet, let him take it bp, and like wile 
His {cvippe, and hee that bath no ſworde, let him ſell 
His coate and buy one. Foꝛ J fap vnto pou, that 
pet the fame which is written, mull be perfourmed 
iit nec, Euen among the wicked was Hee reputed: 
fo2 thole things which are written of mee, Hate an 
ende. And they fapde, Lode, bebolde, here are two 
ſlwordes. And he fayde vnto then, It ts vnough. 
And hee came out, and went (as hee was wont) 
to mount Dituct, And the dilciples followed Hints 
and when hecanse to the place, he fapde bnto them, 
Pꝛay, leat pee fall into temptation. And bee gate 
him ſelfe from them about aſtones call, and kneeled 
downe, and prayed, ſaying, father, tf thou wilt, re⸗ 
mooue Chis cuppe from ine: neuertheleſſe, not my 
will, but thine be fulfilled. And there appeared art 
Angell vnto him from Heauen, comforting him, 
And He was itt att agonie, and prayed thelonger, 
and bis ſweate was ithe Droppes of blood, tricke⸗ 
ling downe to the grounde. And when He arofe trout 
prayer, and was come to His difciples, he founde 
them Aeeptiig fo2 beauinefie,and He ſayd vnto them, 
whylſleepe pe? Kiſe, and pray, leak pe fal into temp⸗ 
tation. Mhile hee pet ſpake, beholde, there came a 
companie, and he that was called Judas, oncot the 
twelue, went before them, and preafled nigh vnto 
Jeſus, to kifle him. Wut Fetus ſayde vnto him, Ju⸗ 
das, betrayed thou the fonne of man with pone 
| en 

Wedne/day before Eafter. 

when thep which were about him,faw what would 
folow, they faid bnto him, Lozde, hall voeſmite with 
tye ſword? And one of them {mote a feruantofthe 
High priells, and ſtrooke offhis vighteare. Jeſus an- 
fwered andfapde, Suffer pe thus farve foorth. And 
when He touched his eare,he Healed him. Chen Je⸗ 
{us ſayde vnto the High pricts and rulers of the tem: 
ple,andthe Cloers which were come to him, Pe bee 
come out as vntoa thicte, With ſwordes and Hares, 
when F wag dailp with pou tithe tempic, yee ſtret⸗ 
ched foot) 19 handes againt mee: Hut this is euen 
potty berp houre,and the power of darkenelle. Cher 
tooke they him, andied him, and bought him tothe 
Hiah prtettes Houle, Wut eter followed a farre off. 
And wher they had kindled a fire in the middes of 
the Palace, and were fet downe together, peter als 
fo fate downe among them. But when one of the 
wenches behelde Him, ashe fate by the fire, (and loo⸗ 
Red vpon Him) thee fayde, Chis fame fellowe was al- 
fo With Hint. And he denied hint, faying, woman, J 
Enow him not. Andafter a litle while, another fawe 
him.and fayde, Chou art alfoofthem, And Peter 
faid, Man. Jam not, And about the ſpace of an houre 
after another affirmed, faping , Wertly this fellowe 
was with him alſo, forbes ot Galilee, And Peter 

faid, Wan, J wotenot what thou fayeft, And inimes 

Diatly while he pet fpake, the Cocke crewe. And the 
Lorde turnedbacke and looked vpon Peter, and Pee 
fer rememib2ed the word of the Lord, how he had ſaid 
Hnto him, Before the Cocke crow, thou thalt denyme 
cheiſe: And Peter went out, and wept bitterly, And 

the men that tooke Jeſus, mocked hint, andfimote K 
Him: And whe thep had bitndfolded him, they frooke 


himon the face, and afheD him, Capita, ee 

Thurſday before after. 

ishethatimotethee? And many other things def 
pitefullpfayde they again him, And affoone as it 
was day, the elders of the people, and the High prieſts 
and Scribes came together, and ledde him into their 

counfatie faving, Art thou berp Chit: Tell vs. And 

Helayde onto them, FEF teil pou, pe wiil not beleeue 
me:and it Jaſke pou,pou wil not anſwere, nor let me 
goe. Hereafter hail the fonne of man fit on the right 
Hand of thepower of God, Chentapoethep atl, Ave 
thou then the fonne of God? He ſayde, Pe lap b F am, 
And thep fapde, What neede wee of any further wit: 
nes?foꝛ weour felueshaue heard of his own mouth. 

The Thurfday before Eafter. 
The Epiftle. | 

=e firtt of all, wher pee come together in 

Vg: : : rr 
—SActhe congregation.IJ beare that thereis 

Diflenton among pou, and J partly beleeue it. For 
there mutt be ſects among pou, that they which are 
perfect among pou may be knowen. When pee come 

together therefoze into one place, the Lordes Sup: — 
per cannot be eater, fozeuerp man beginnety afoze 

tocate his owe Supper, And one is hungry, and a- 
nother ig dꝛunken. Haue pee not houſes to eate and 

drinke tii? Deſpiſe pe the congreqation of God, and 
ſhame them that haue not? What ſhall Iſay vnto 

pou? Shau J prayſe you? In this Jpꝛaiſe yvou not. 
That which J deliuered vnto pow , Jreceiued of the 
Loꝛrde. For the Lorde Jelſus, the ſame night in which 
he was betraied, tooke bread, and when hee had at 
uen thankes. he brake it, and ſaid, Cake pe,and pons 

a . 4 1 


. Lhurfday before Eafter. 
this is my body which ts broke -foz you: Chis doe pe 

in the remembzance of me, After the ſame maner 

alſo he tooke the cup wher fupper was done.laping, 

Chiscup is thenewe Teſtament in mp blood: Chis 

Doe, as oft as pe drinke it, in remembrance of me. For 
as often as pethail cate thts bread, anddzinke ofthis 
cup, pe thall fhewe the Lozdes death tll be come, 

Wherelore, whofoeuer thail eate of this beead, and 

drinke of this cup of the Lord vnworthily, chall bee 
guiltie of the body and bioodof the Lozde, But iet 
A man eramine him ſelſe, andfolet himeate of the 
bead, and drinke of the cup, for be that eateth and 
drinketh vnworthily, eateth and drinketh bis owne 
damnation, becauſe he maketh no diſterence of the 

Lowes body. Foz this caufe many are weake a fiche 

among pou, and many fleepe, soz tf we had * 

our ſeſues, wee ſhoulde not haue bene iudged. 

that we ſhould not be damned withthe world. Wher · 

Wher we are iudged of the Lorde, we are chaftened, 

loꝛe, my brethren when pe come togetherto eat.tary 
one fozanother. Ffanp man bunger, tet him eate at 

‘ . 62 SS 

°° Sees 

Home, that ve come not together vnto cõdemnation. 

Other things will J fet in order when Jcome. 
>) The Gofpel, 

Ae] feds lenbhim vnto Pilate. And they beganne 
|| 574g to acute Him, ſaying, noe founde this 

OFZ fellowe peruerting the people, and foꝛr⸗ 
ea bidding to pay tribute to Cefar , fay- 
that hee is Cyt ahing, And Pilate appofed 


_ bin, faping, Arethou the Ling of the Jewes? Dee 
extends, Galths antigen 


Z Be whole multitude ofthemarofe, and Luk.23. 

Thurfday before after. 
anſwered Him and ſayde, Chow ſayeſt tt, Chern 



“fapde Pilate tothe high Prieſtes, and to the people, 

J finde no fault in this man, And they were the 
‘moze fierce, ſaying, He moueth the people, teaching 
thꝛoughout all Jurie, and beganne at Galilee, exes 
to this place. When Pilate Heard mention of Ga⸗ 
ilee, be aſked Whether the man were of Galilee. 

And alloone ashe kuewe that he belonged puto He⸗ 
rodes iuriſdiction, hee fent him to Herode, which 

“was alfo at Hierutalem at Hat time, and wher 

Herode fawe Fetus, he was exceeding giadde: for 

Hee was delivous to fee Him of along teafon, be- 
caule be Had Heard many thinges of him, and hee 
truſted to bate feene fome myracles Bone by him. 
Chen hee queflioned with him many woordes: 
but be anfwered Him nothing. Che high Prictes 
and Scribes ſtoode foorth, and acculed him ſtrait⸗ 

{y, And Herode with His men of warre deſpiſed 

him. And when Hee Had mocked Him, He arayed 
bin in white clothing, and fent pint againe to Pi⸗ 
ate; And the fame day Pilate and Herode were 

made kriendes together: for before they were at 

variance. And Pilate called together the high 
Prietes, and the rulers, and the people, and ſayde 

onto them, Pe haue brought this man vnto mee, | 

. a8 one that peruerteth the people, and beholde. 
Jexamine him before pot, and firide no faulte in 

“this man of thoſe thinges whereof pe accuſe him, 

“sd nor pet Herode. For tent pou vnto him, and 
foe, nothing worthy of dDeathisdone bnto him: F 
wiil therefore chatten Him, and tet Him looſe. fez 

| pf neceflitie hee mult haue let one loofe tothent at 

othe feat, And alt the people cryed at once, faping, 
Away with him, and deliver bs Barabbas Sone 
e fot 


T hur {day before Eafter. 

- fo2 acertaine infurrection made in the Citie, andfo2 
a murder, was cal into pꝛiſon.) Ptlate (pakke againe 
vnto them, willing to let Jeſus lsoſe. But they cry⸗ 
ed, faping, Crucifie him, crucilie him, Be ſayde vnto 

them the third time, What euillhath hee done? J 
ſinde no cauſe of death in him: J will therefore chã⸗ 
ſten him, and let him gee. And they cryed with loude 
poyces, requiring that he might bee crucified. And. 
the bopces of them and of the high Prieſtes preuay⸗ 
ied. And Pilate gaue fentence, that it houlde bee as 
Chep required: and hee let looſe onto them him, that 
for inſurrection and murder was caſt into prifor, 
whome they haddelived, And hee deliueredto then 
Zelus, to dee with: him what they woulde. And as 
Dhimaway-s they cauabt-one Simon of Cy- 
rere comming outotthe fielde,and on him laide they 
the croſſe, thathee might beare it after Jeſus. And 
there followed him a great company, of people, and 
of wonten, which bewayled andiamented him, But 
Jeſus turned backe vnto them,anadtayne, Pe daugh⸗ 
ters of Hieruſalem, weepe not for mee; but weepe 
forpour ſelues, andfoz vpour childꝛen: sfo2 bebolde, 
the dares Wil comes in the which they thal fay, 
Happie are the barren, and: the wombes that 
neuer bare sand; the pappes which neuer gaue 
fuche; Chen ali they beginne totay tothe noun: 
taines Fallon os: and tothe hilles, Couer vs. Foꝛ 
jfthey doe this ina greene tree, what ſhalbe done tr 
hedeie Anz there were two euil doers ledde with 


nifo beedaine. And alter that they were come to 
the place (which is called Caluarie) there they cru⸗ 
dvilied Hints and. the euill doers, one on the right 

hande and theotheron the leſt. Chen ſayde Fetus, 
Fathers; forgive: FPR $0) they wote not we 
GhHz2 Alll. 

18. 1, = =4 _ 

On good friday. 
The Gofpel. iP si 
BS BisSes Pen Fetus had (poker thele wordes, 
ON & Lo} hee Went foosth with his Wilcipieso: 
W& — uer the brooke Cedron, where was a 
garden, into the which he then entred 

arse saa with bis diſciples. Judas aifo which 
betrayed him, knewe the place, for Fetus oft times 
reforted thither with his oifciples, Judas then (at 
ter he had receiued abande of men, and miniſters oF | 
the high Prieltes and Phariſees came thither with 
lanternes and firebzandes, and weapons, And Je⸗ 
{us knowing all things that ſhoulde come on bint, 
Went foot, ard fapde onto them, Whome feeke 
ye? Chepanlwered him, Jeſus of HRazareth. Fetus 
ſayde vnto them, F ante, Judas allo which betrays 
ed Hint, foode with them, Aſſoone then as hee had 
fayde vnto them, Jame, they went backwarde, 
and fellto the grounde. Chen aſked He them againe, 
Whome fecke pe? Chey fayde, Jeſus of Nazareth. 
Fetus anfwered, Jhaue toloe pou that Jam hee; if 
pe ſeeke me therefozetet theie qo their wap, that the 
ſaying might be fulfilled which he fpake, Ofthem 
witch thou gaueſt me, haue F not tot one, Chen 
Simon Peter hauing atworde, drew it, and imote 
the high Prieſtes ſeruant, and cut of his right eare. 
The ſeruaunts name was Malchus. Thereloꝛre 
faith Jeſus vnto peter, Put dp thy ſworde into the 
ſheath: thall J not dzinke of the cup which my Fas 
ther bath giuen me? Chen the compante, and the 
captaine, andthe minifters ofthe ewes tooke Fe: 
fus,and bounde him, and ledde him away todnnas 
firft, for he was father in lame to Cataphas, which 
was the high Prieſt thefame peere. Caiaphas was 

hee that gaue countatle to the Jewes, that — 

Ongood Friday. 

expedient that one matt ſhoulde dye ſor the peopte, 
And Simon Peter followed Jeſus, and ſo did ano 
ther difciple: Chat dilciple was knowen to the hte 
Priel, and went in with Jeſus vnto the palace of 
the high Prielt. But Peter ſtoode at the doore with: 
out, Chen went out that other difciple (which was 
knowen tothe high Prieſt) ard (pakke to the Damo⸗ 
feli that kept the dooze, and brought in peter, 
Chen fayde the Damoſel hat kept thedooze , vnto 
peter, Are not thou alfo one of this mans difct- 
ples? Helayde, Jam not. Che leruantes and mini⸗ 
fters floode there, which Had made a fire of coales, 
foz it was colde, aid they warmed them ſelues. Pe⸗ 
ter alfo foode among then, and warmed himielfe, 
The high Prieſt then alked Fetus of his diſciples, 
and of pis doctrine, Jeſus anfwered him, F tpake 
openly in the worlde, Feuer taught in the Syna⸗ 
gogue, and in the Cemple, whither allthe Jewes 
haue reſorted, and in ſecrete haue Jſpoken nothing. 
Why alkeſt thou me? Ake them which heard mee, 
what Iſayde vnto them: Behold, they can teil what 
Iſayde. when he hadthus ſpoken, one of the mint: 
fers which ftoove by, ſmote Jeſus on the face, 
faying, Anfweret thou the high Prieſtſo? Fetus 
anſwered Hint, FfF hatte eutl ſpoken, beare witneſſe 
of the euill: but fA haue well fpoken, why ſmiteſt 
thoumee!? And Annas (ent him bounde vnto Cata- 
phas the high Prieſt. Simon Peter ſtoode and war: 
ined Himfelie, Then ſayde thep onto him, Art not 
thor atfo one of his difcipies’” He denied it, and ſaide 
Jam wot, One of the feruantes of the high Prieſt 
(His Couſin whole eare Peter fmote of) fapde onto 
Hin, Did not FZ lee thee in the garden with him: Pe⸗ 
fer tierefore dented againe, and — the 


Ongood Friday. — 

Coche crewe. Then led they Fefustrom Cataphag, - 
into the pall of tudgement: tt was in tye moꝛrning. 
and they themſelues went not into the iudgement 
ball, leſt they thoulde be defiled, but that they might 
eate the Paſſeouer. Pilate then weit out to them, 
and ſayde, What accuſation bing pou againſt this 
man:?Chey anſwered and ſayd vnto him. It he were 
not an euill doer, we would not haue deliuered him 
vnto thee, Chen ſayde Pilate vnto them, Cake yee 
Him, and iudge him after pour owne lawe. Che 
Fewes therefore faid vnto him, It ts nottawtull fez 
bs to put any matt to death: that the words of Jeſus 
might bee fulfilled which he ſpake, fignifying what 
death Hee thoulde dpe. Chen ulate entred tnto the 
iudgement hall agate, andcatled Jeſus, and ſayde 
vnto him. Art thouthe king ok Jewes? Jeſus ans - 
ſwered, Sapeſt thou that of thy ſelfe, oꝛ did other 
tellittheeofmee? Pilate anfwered,Am Fa Zewe? 
Chine owne nation and bigh petetts haue deliuered 
thee vnto mee: what haſt thoudone? Jeſus anſwe⸗ 
red, Dy kingdome ts not of this worlde. Ff my hing: 
Dome were of Chis wozlde, then mould my minifters 
furely fight, that J thoutde not bee delivered to the 
Jewes: but nowe is mykingdome not from hence. 
Pilate therefore fapdebnto him, Art thou a Bing 
then! Jeſus anſwered, Thou ſaieſt that Fama hing, 
For this cauſe was J borne, and fo2 this cauſe came 
Jinto the wozloe, that Jould beare witneſſe vnto 
the trueth: And all that are ofthe trueth, heare 
nip bopce. Pilate fapde bnto Hint, hat thing is 
trueth? And when he hadtapde this, he went out as 
gaitie vnto the Jewes, and fapde onto them, J 
finde in him no caule at atl Pe haue a cuſtome that Z 
chould deliuer pou one loole at Cater ; willpe thats 
| oofe 

On good Friday. 

looſe vnto pou the Hing ofthe Jewes? Chest crped 
they al againe, laying, Not him but Barabbas: Che 
fame Barabbas was a murderer, Che Pilate tooke 
Fetus therefore, and ſcourged him: and the fouldt- 
ers wounde a crowne of thoznes, and put it on his 
head, And they dtd on him a purple garment, and 
cane vnto Hint, andfatd, Dayle Ling of the Jewes: 
and they friote him on the face, Pilate went foorth 
againe and fapde vnto them, Webolde, FZ bring him 
foosth to pou, that ye may know that J find no fault 
in Hin. Chen came Fetus foosth, wearing acrowne 
of thozite, and arobe of purple, And hee ſayeth vnto 
them, Behold the mat, When the high prtetts theres 
foze and the miniſters ſawe hint, thep cryed, Crucifiie 
Him, crucifie him, Pilate fapeth onto them, Cake pe 
him, and crucifie hit, foz F find no caule tn Him. The 
Fewesanlwered him, we haue alawe, and by our 
lawebeoughtto dpe, becauſe he made him lelfe the 
fone of God, When Pilate Heard that ſaying, ee 
was the moze afvapde, and went againe tnto the 
tudgement hall, andfayde vnto Jeſus, whence art 
thous Hut Fetus gaue him none anſwere. Chen fad 
Pilate vnto him, Speakett thou not vnto me? Rno⸗ 
weit thou not that Jhaue power to cricifie thee,and 
haue power to loofe thee? Jeſus anfwered, Chow 
couldeſt haue no power at all again me, except it 
were giuen thee from aboue. Therefore he that deli⸗ 
uered mee vnto thee, hath the moze ſinne. and from 
thenceloorth fought Pilate meanes to looſe him. 
But the Jewes cryed, ſaying, Ff thou let him goe 
thou art not Cefars friende :4foz whoſoeuer maketh 
Him telfe a Ling, is agatnt Ceſar. When Pilate 
heard that ſaying, bebrought Jeſus foozth, and fate 
downe to give fentence, in a place that is ~~ 

On good Friday. 

the pauement, but in the Hebsewe tongue, Gabba- 
tha, It was the preparing day of Cater, about the 
lixt houre. And he ſayeth vnto the Jewes, Beholde 
pouring. They cryed, ſayving, Away with him, a⸗ 
way with Him,crucifie hint. Pilate faith vnto thent, 
Spall J crucifie pour Ling? Che hie Priettes an- 
fiwered, We Haue noking but Cefar. Chen deliue- 
red He Hint to them to be cructiied, And thep tooke 
Fels and ledde him away. And He bare His croſſe, 
and went foorth into a place which ts called the 
place of dead mens thulles, butin Hebsewe Golgo- 
tha, where thep crucified him, arid two other with 
Hint, on either fide one, and Jeſus in the middeſt. 
And Pilate wzote a titic, and put it bpon the crofle, 
The writirig wag, Iefus of Nazareth, King of the 
Tewes. Chis title read many of the Fewes: forthe 
place where Fetus was cructiied, wasneeretothe | 
citie, And it was written in Hebrewe, Greeke, and 
Latine, Chen ſaid the high Prieſtes of the Jewes to 
Pilate, Weite nothing of the Jewes : but that hee 
fayde, Jam king of the Jewes. Pilate anfwered, 
wWhat J haute weitten, that haue F weitten. Chern 
the fouldiers, when they had crucified Fetus, tooke. 
his garments, andmade foure partes, to euery ſoul⸗ 
dier apart, and alfo his coate. Thecoate Was with⸗ 
out feame, wꝛought vpon thrꝛoughout. Chey fapde 
therefore among them ſelues, Let vs net deuide if, 
but caſt lots for it, who ſhall haue it, thattheScrip- 
ture might be fulfilled, faving, Chey haue parted 
mprapment among them, ard fo2 my coate did thep 

cat lottes. And the fouldiers did fuch thinges tv 

Deede, Chere ſtoode by the Crofie of Fetus, his mo- 
‘ther,and his mothers fitter, Mavic the wife of Cleo⸗ 
phas, and Marie Magdalene. woven Jeſus ipso 

titel Beeler, ya | ad OES 

: On good Friday. 
fore fawe His mother, and the difciple whome he to: 
ted, ſtanding, he fatth vnto his mother, Woman, be⸗ 
Hold thy ſonne. Cher ſaid he to the diſciple, Beholde 
thp mother, And from that Houre the diſciple tooke 
her foz his owne. After thele things, Jeſus knowing 
that ail things were now perfourmed, p the Scrip⸗ 
ture might be fulfilled, belapeth, 9 thirt, Sothere 
ſtood a veſſel bp, ful of vineger: Cherefore they filled 
a fpokgewith vineger, and word tt about with hy⸗ 
fope, and put it to his mouth. Aficone as Fetus then 
receued of the bineger, he ſayde, Ft ts finiſhed, and 
bowed bishead, and gate bp the ghoſt. Che Jewes 
therefore, becaute it was the preparing of the Sab⸗ 
both, that the bodyes fhoulde not remaine bpon the 
croſſe on the Sabboth dap (fo2 that Sabboth dap 
was an high day) befought Pilate that thetr legges 
might be broken, a thatthep might be taken Downe, 
Chen came the fouldters,¢ brake the legs ofthe firf, 
andofthe other which was crucitied with him. But 
when they came to Jeſus, and faw that he was dead 
alreadp, thep brake not His legges: but one of the 
fouldiers with a ſpeare thruſt hint into the fide, and 
foo2th with there came out blood and water. And he 
that ſaw it bare recozde, eis recoꝛd 13 true, And he 
Knoweth that he ſaith true, p pe might beleeue alfo. 
Foꝛr thee things were done, that the ſcripture ould 
be fulfilled, Pe ſhall not breake a bone of him. And 
againe anothericripture faith, Theyſhal looke vpon 
hint whomthey haue pearced, After this, Joſeph of 
Grimathea (which was a difciple of Fetus, brut fe 
cretly fo2 feare of the Jewes befought Pilate that he 
might take Downe f body of Jeſus. And Pilate qaue 
Him licence. He came therefore atooke the bodyof Je⸗ 
ſus. And there came alo Nichodemus (which at the 
H.i. beginning 


Easier Euens 
beginning came to Jeſus by night) and bought of. 
mprerhe and aloes mingled together, aboutan buns 
Died pounde waight. Chen tooke they the body of 
Fetes, and wounde it in linnen clothes with the o- 
dours, as the manner of the Jewes is to burie. And in 

the place where he was crucified, there was agar: 

Det, and in the qarden anewe Sepuichze, wherein 
was never man layd. Chere lapd they Jeſus theres 
fo2c, becaule of the preparing of the Sabbotipat tie. 
Fewes, for the ſepulchre was nigh at hand. 
| Zafter Euen. 
The Epittle, : 
BH Pe Any) © t8 better (ifthe wil of Ged be fo that 
eos RNa pe fufier fo2 wel doing, then foz euil do⸗ 
j 2 ing:ſoꝛaſmuch as Chꝛiſt bath once tub 
ANY beens cere foz finnes, thetut forthe bniut, 

MVS De went onto Pilate, and begacdthe 
IU dey, bodte of Jeſus. Chen Pilate com: 
ot — manded 

Easter day. 

maunded the body to bee delivered. And when Jo⸗ 

ſeph had taken the bodte, hee weappeditina cleane 
linnen cloth, and layd tt in his new tombe, which be 
had hewen out even inthe rocke, and rolled aqreat 
ſtone to the doore of the lepulchze,and departed, Ana 
there was Marie Magdalene, and the other Ma⸗ 

a rie, fitting ouer againt thefepuichze. Che next day 

that followeth theday of preparing, the bigh Prieſts 
and Phariſees came together vnto Ptlate , faying, 
Sir, we remember that this deceiuerfatde, whtiehe 
was pet aliue, After three dayes J wiil rife againe, 
Command therefore, that the fepuichze bee made 
fure, bittiithe third day, let his diſciples come and 
ſteale hint away, and fay onto the people, Bee is riſen 
from the dead: and the lal errour thalibe worſe then 
cthe lirſt. Pilate fapde vnto them, Pe haue a watche, 
goe pour way, makeit as fureas peecan, Sothep 
went, and made the ſepulchre fure with the watch: 
men, and ſealed the fone, —— 

Se rah i ne oryBafterday. — 
¶At Morning prayer, in ſteade of the Plalme, Mcome 
let vs,ac. Iheſe Anthemesthalbefung or ſaid. 
| Wak rifing aqaine from the dead, nowe dyeth 
“not Death trom henceforth hath nopower vpon 
Hint. foz in that he died, be died but once to put away 
finne: bitin that he liveth, he liueth vnto God, And 
bs likewiſe, count pour felues dead vnto fine, but 
liuing vnto GodinChutZFelusour2od, 
(> Hutt is riſen aqaine,the irk fruites of them that 

Mueepe. For leeing that by micamedeath,byman 
alſo commeth the refurrection of tie dead, for as bp 


Adam all men doe die; ſo by Chiſt atl men thalbe ves : 

"1 Easter daye. 

ST: The Colle. — —z 
ULmightie God, which through thy onely begot: 
Aten ſonne Fetus Cheitt hat overcome death,and 
opened vnto bs the gate ofeucriating itfe: we hum⸗ 
biy befeech thee, that as by thy {pectall grace preven: 
ting b3,thou dock put in our minds qood delires : fo 
bpyp thy continual helpe wee may being the fame to 
good etlect, through Fetus Chet our Horde, who li⸗ 
ueth,ac. bcEpitl· nog 
KSN97S $F yee be viten againe with Chri, ſeeke 
Dthole thinges which are aboue , where 
OF, Chutk Ktteth on the right hande of God, 

pe liued in them. 

— —— BP 

Fa “ 
oe 2 * S 




Py — . 

The Gofpel. | ——— 
real OC fir dap of the Sabbothes came 
(| Marie Magdalene earely (when tt 

pal Co! 

4} was pet darke vntothe ſepulchre, and 
ſlavwthe fone takẽ away from graue. 
Chen chee ran, gcame to Simon Pe⸗ 
er, and to the other difciple whome Jeſus loved and 

ſayth vntothem, Chey haue taken away the Loꝛde 

out of the graue, and we cannot tell where they haue 

layde bint, Peter therefore went foorth, and that 

octher difciple, andcame vnto the Sepulchze, They 
— ranne 

Munday in Caster wetke. 

ranne both together, and that other Diſciple did 
outrunne Peter,and came Arf to the ſepulchre. And 
when he had Couped down, he ſaw the linen clothes 
Iping, pet went he wot in, Chen came Simon peter 
following bim,and went into the ſepulchre, and ſaw 
the linen clothes lie,and the napkin that was about 
his head, notlping with the linen clothes, but wrap⸗ 
ped together ina place by ttfelfe, Chen went in alto 
that other difctple , which came firk to the Sepul⸗ 

' che, and be fawe, and beleeued: For as pet thep 

knewe not the Socvipture, thathe fhould rife agatne 
from death, Then the diſciples went _— to their 
owne home,. 

Munday in Eafter weeke, 
; _ The Colle&, 
A Lmightie Bod, which theough thy onely begot⸗ 
ten Sonne Jeſus Chak haſt ouercomedeath, 

and opened vnto vs the gate of euerlaſting liſe: we 

humbly beleech thee, that as by thy ſpeciall grace 
preuenting b3, thou doeſt putin our mindes good 
Delires: fo by thpcontinuall helpe we may bring the 
faine to good effect, thrꝛough Jeſus Chriſt our Loyd, 
imho liveth and raignetty gc 

The Epiſtle. 

Eter opened His mouth, and ſayde, Of A&1 
yj ieee) ex |Attrueth F percetue that thereis noret- 34 
pect of perſons with God: but in all 
9— people bee that ſeareth him, andwoz- 
Zketh righteouſfneſſe, is accepted with 
* ‘Pe Know he preaching that Godfentontothe 
children of Braet, peaching peace by Jeſus Chute, 
ey ig — ouer all things, arr peeaching = 

4 * 

C24. FS 

Munday tn Easter weeke. 

was publithed theoughout all Jurie (and begat in 
@alitee, after the baptifme which John peeached) 
Howe God anointed Jeſus of Nazareth with the 
Holy Ghoſt, and with power, which Jeſus went a 
bout, doing good, a healing al that were oppzefied of 
p deuill, foz God was with him, Aird we are witnel⸗ 
{es ofall things which be did in Che 14d of b Fewes,¢ 
at hieruſalem, who they few ehanged on tree. Him 

God raiſed op the thiva dap, and ſhe wed him openly, 

not toatl 6 people,but to bs witneſſes (choſen before 
of God foz the fame intent) which dtd cate and drinke 
With him after he rofe from death, And he comman⸗ 
bed vs Co preach buita the people, ¢ to teftifie,thatit ts 
he which was ordeined of God to be the tudge of the 
quiche and the dead. To him giue all the Prophets 
witnefle, that theough his name, whoſoeuer belees 
ueth in hint, hall recetue xemiſſion of ſinnes. 
The Gofpel. 
CEholde, two of the difciples went that 
x Dy, fame Day to a towne called Cmmaus, 
S44 twohich was fro Hierufalem about thee 
7 ee {coze furlongs, and thep talked toges 
Seve A ther of all the thinges that bad happe⸗ 
ned. And it chaunced, while they communed toge- 
ther and reafoned, Jeſus himlelfe dee we neere, and 
went with them: But thetr eyes were Holden that 


_ they hould not brow him, And he ſayde vnto then, 

what maner of communications are thefe that pee 
Haue one to another a3 ye walke,a are ſad: Andthe — 
one of them (whole name was Cleophas) anſwe⸗ 
red,and ſayd vnto him, Art thouonelp a ſtranger in 
Hieruſalem, and hall not inowen the things which 
haue chaunced there in theſe dayes? He fayde vnto 
them, What thinas? And they ſayde onto wae 

Munday in Cafter weere. 

Jeſus of Masareth which was a Prꝛophet, migh- 
tic in deede and Worde before God and all the peo: 
ple, and How the high Prieſts and our rulers deliue⸗ 
red hint tobe condemned to death, and haue crucified 
Him: Wut we trulted that it had bin he which whould 
Haue redeemed Iſrael. And as touching all thele 
thinges, to day is euen the third dap that thep were 
Done, Pea, andcertatne women alfo of our compa: 
ny made bs affonted, which came earely bnto the 
Sepulchze, and found not hts body, and came, faps 
ing that they had feene a bifion of Angels, which 
fayde that be was altue, And certaine of them which 
Were with bs, went to the fepulchze , and founde tt 
euen foas the women had ſaide, but him they fawe 
not.And he ſaide vntothem, D fooles, and lowe of 
Heart to beieeue all that the Prophets haue ſpoken. 
Ought not Cort to haue fuffered thete things, and 
toenter into bis glozp? And hee beganne at Moſes. 
and all the Prophets, and interpreted bnto them 
tit all Scriptures which were wetttenot Him, And 
they drewe niah onto the Cowne which they went 
brite, and hee made as though Hee woulde Haue 
gone further, and theyconſtrayned him, ſaying, A⸗ 
bide with vs, for it draweth to wardes night, and 
the day tg karre paſſed. And Hee went in totary with 
them. Andit came to paſſe, as he late at meate with 
them, be tooke bread, andbiefledtt, and brake, and 
gaue to then, Andthetr epes were opened, and they 
knewe hint: adhe vaniſhed out of their ight. Ana 
they ſaide betweene themſelues, Bid not our hearts 
burne within vs, while hee talked with bs by the 
Way, and opened vnto bs the Scriptures? And thep 
rofe bp the fame houre,and returned to Hieruſalem, 
and kound the eleuen eth together, and = 

iiii. at 

—— Luefday in Cafter weexe. 

that were with them faving, The Lorde is riſen in 

deede, and hath appeared to Sinton, And they tolde 
what thinges were Done in the Way, and Howe they 
Krew him in breaking of bread, 1 
Tuefday in Eafter weeke. 
| The Colle&. 
ALwightie father, which hall giuen thine onely 
Honne todieforzourfinnes, and to rife againe 

for our tuftification: avant bs fo to put away the . 

leauen of malice and wickedneſſe, that wee may al- 
wap ferue thee in pureneſſe of liuing and trueth, 
through Fetus Chꝛiſt our 1020, | 

The Epiſtle. 

generation of Abzaham, ard whofoe- 
224 wer among pou keareth God, to vou is 
, Bythts woozde of faluation tent, Foꝛ the 
Sinhabiters of Hieruſalem, and their 


» AYE 
ritlers , becaule they knewe him not, m02 pet the 

voyces of the Wophetes, which are read euerp — 
Sabboth day, they haue fulhilied them tt con⸗ 
demning Him. And wher thep founde no caule of 
death in him, yet delived thep Pilate to hill him. And 
when thep Had fultilied all that were written of 
Hirt, they tooke him downe from thetree, and put 
Him in a Sepulchre. Wut God raypled Him agate 
from death the third day, and Hee was ſeene many 
dayes of thent which went with him from Galilee to 
Hieruſalem, which are witneſſes onto the people, — 
And wee declare vnto you, Howe that the promite 
which was nade vnto the fathers, God hath ful- 
filled vnto their childzen, euen vnto bs, baie 

ate e 

oa y 

yr Ce men and brethren, children ofthe. 

Tuce/day in rafter weeke. 

bevapled bp Felus againe, euen as it is wettter in 
thefecond plalme, Chow art my fone, this dap 
haue FZ begotten thee. As concerning that dee rayſed 
him bp fro death , now no moze to returne to coꝛrrup⸗· 
tion, bee ſayd on this wile, THe Holy promifes made 
to Dauid, wil J qtue taithiulip vnto pou. Wherefore 
He fait alfoin another place, Chow halt not tuffer 
thine holp one to tee coꝛruption. Foꝛ Dauid (after 
that he pad in his time fulfilled the will of God ) tell 
on flecpe, and Was layde vnto his fathers, and fawe 
corruption: But he whom God rayſed againe, fawe — 
no cozruption, Be tt knowen onto pou tierefoze (pee 

men and brethren) that though this man ts prea- 
ched vnto pou korgiueneſſe of finnes,and thatby Him 
ail that beleeue, ave tufifiedfromatlthings, from 
which ye could not bee tutified by the Lawe of Mo⸗ 
ſes. Beware therefore,leatt that fallon you, which 
is ſpoken oftn the Prophets, Beholde pee deſpiſers, 
and wonder, am periſh yee: sfo2 J doe a wozke tn 
pourDdayes, which pe hail not beleewe, though a matt 
declare tt vnto pou, 

The Gofpel. 
A Pea clus Loode inthe middes of his diſci⸗ Luk.2 
E074 RSM ples sand ſaide buto them, eace be vn⸗ 36. 

Handle mee, andfee: fo2 a + hath no fleſh and 
And when hee had thus 
ſpoken, bee hewed them his handes and his — 

T he firft Sunday after Eafter. 

And while they vet beleeued not for top, and wonde⸗ 
red, be faid vnto them, Haue ye here any meate? And 
they offred him aptece of abzopied fi, and of an ho⸗ 
niecombe. And he tooke it, and did eate before them, 
And he laid onto them, Cele are the wordes which 
J ſpake vnto pot, while J was pet with pou: that 
all mutt needes be fulfilled which were written of me 
‘inthe law of Motes and in the Bzophets,and in the 

Pfalmes, Chen opened hee their wittes, that they. 
might vnderſtande the fcriptures, efayd brite them, 
Thus itis written, and thus ttbehooucd Chak to 
fuffer , and to rife againe from death the third dap, 
and that repentance and vemifion of ſinnes ſhould 
be preached in Hig name among all nations, a muſt 
| — at Hieruſalem. And peare witneſſes of thele 

The firft Sunday after Eafter, 
The Colleé&. 
ALmiaꝑtie God. ac. (As at the Communion 
on Eaſter dap. ) i 
| The Epiftle. 

ip Li that is boꝛne of God, ouercommeth 
A e the worlde, And this 18 the bictozie 


roms VP that ouercommeth the woride, euen our 
a) Ve faith, Who 1s hee that ouercommeth 
OL» the worlde, but he that beleeueth that 
Aelus is the fone of God? Chis Fetus Chꝛiſt ts 
bee that came bp water and blood: not by water 
onelp, but by water and blood, And itis the ſpirite 
thatbeareth witneſſe, becaule the ſpirite is trueth. 
ffoz there are thꝛee which beare recozde in heauen. 
the father, the Morde, and the holy Ghoſt, and theſe 
chꝛee are one, And there ave theee which beare ne 

T be fir/t Sunday.after Cafter. 
cord in earth, thelpirite, arid water,and blood, and: 
thele three are one. If we receive the witnes of men, 
the witnes of od is greater: fo2 this ts the witneſſe 
of God, which he tefifled of his ſonne. He that belee⸗ 
ueth on the Sonne of God, Hath the witnes tn him⸗ 
felfe: He that beleeueth not God, hath made hima 
lpyar, becaute he beleeucth notthe recozde that God 
gaue of His ſonne.And this ts the record, Howe that 
God hath giuen onto bs eternall tife,and this life is 
in his ſonne. De that hath the Sonne, Hath life,and 
he that Hath not ig —— God,/ hath not life, 
.9 He fame dap at night, which was the lohn: 
<o°| [SAYS fir day of the Sabbothes, when the 17. 

a-<| | S79 DoOOLeS vere fhut (where the difciples 
vere aflembled together fo2 feare of the 

? The fecond Sunday after Eafter, 
? re The Colle&, 

A Lmightie GDP, which hak giuen thine 

onely Sonne to bee vnto bs both a Sacri⸗ 

fice fo2 ſfinne, and alfo an enfampie of godly itfe, 
giue bs the grace that wee map alwares moſt 
thankefullp receive that bis ineſtimable a 


Lhe fecondSundayafter Eaſſer. 

and alſo daily endeuour our felues to. followe the ee 

blelled lleppes of his moſt holy liſe. 

he Epiſtle. 

* — His ig thavike worthie, if — con⸗ 
ſcience toward God endure griele, and 


ler wrong ondeferued, gor what 

SiN ee) 4 praife is it, if when pe be -bufieted for © 

awe pour faultes,pe take ttpatientip? Wut 

| and * — ye doe well, ve ſufler wrong, and take it 

patiently, the is there thanke with God : lor hereun⸗ 
to berily were pe called. For Chik alfo fuffered for 

vs leatting bs an erample that pe ould foliowe his 

fleppes, which did no finne, neither was there guile 

found in his mouth. Which when he was reuiled 

reuiled not againe: when be fuffered, HethzeatnedD 

not, but committed the vbeugeance to him that iud⸗ 

geth righteoully. Which bis owne ſelle bare our 

{inniesinbisbody onthe tree, that we being deliue⸗ 
red from finne, woulde tive vnto righteoutnes, by 
whole ſtripes pe were healed. Foꝛ pe were as theepe 
going aftrap,but are no we turned vnto the thephero 
and Dithopot your foules, 

The Gofpel.i: 

KD) good hepheard. A good hepheard gi⸗ 
ueth his tife for his fheepe, An hired ter: 
AN want, and be which is not the hepherd 

tye wolfe comming, and leaueth the: fheepe , and 

ſleeth, and tie wolfe catchety and fcattereth the 

Hrift ſayde to his Ditciples, Jam che 

% neither the cheepe are his owne) ſeeth 

theepe. Che hired feruant fleeth, becaufe hee is aw 

hired feruant, and careth not for the ſheepe. F am 
the = ——— and knowe nip theepe, — * 


By * as they backebite pou as euill doers 

The iij. Sunday after Eafter. 

—* ofmine, Asmy father knoweth me, euen ſo 
hnowe J alfomy father. And J giue ny life for the. 
ſheepe. And other ſheepe F have, which are not of this 
folde: them alfo muttZ bing, and thep ſhall heare 
my ene there.thalbeone folde,¢ one hepheard 

"The third Sunday after Eafter, 

ry The Colle&. 

Annis God, which the week toatl ner that be 
in errour the light of chytrueth, to the intẽt that. 

they mar returne into the way of righteoulneſſe: 

graunt vnto all them that bee admitted into the ſel⸗ 

ĩowſhip of Chzittes religion that they may 5 

thoſe things that be contrary to their profeſſion, and 

followe all ſuch things as be agreeable to * od | 

through our Lord Fetus Cheilt. 

HEP LG _ The Epiftle. . 
— Earel⸗ beloued, J beſeeche your ag 1 
FON trangers arid pugaams abtteine frowe 
Gi) echly Inftes, which fight aqaink the 
ca foule, and fee that pe haue honelt corte 
: *) tterfation among the Gentties, that 

may fee pour good workes, and prayſe God inthe. 
day of bifitation, Submit pour ſelues therefoze te ! 
uery man foz the Lordes fake, whether tt bee vnto 
thebing, as vnto the chiefe head, either vnto rulers, 
as onto thent that are {ent of hint foz the puniſhment 
oteuilldoers,but fo2 the laude of them thatdoe well, 
Forfoisthe willofGod, that with well doing pee ~ 
map oppe the mouthes of foolich and ignozant 
- met, as free, and not as hauing thelibertic fora 
aye of maliciouſneſſe, but siti tie — 


Toe iij. Sunday ajter Rafter. | 
Sod. Honour all ment: Loue brotherly feNlowshippe: 

Feare God: honour the king. 

The Goſpel. hn Seed) pen eet 
Ah Gy Clus laid to His diſciples. Aiter a while 
MOM Bri eure ſhall not fee mee, and agatne, aſter a 
ANGE i While ye thal fee me,foz Jgoe tothe Fa- 
Ee) (ae ther. Chen fatd fome of his diſciples be- 
} tweene themielues, wWhat ts this that 

he faith vnio bs, Attera while pe hall not tee me, 
againe,after a while pe ſhalſee me, a thatZ goto vᷣ fa⸗ 

ther? They laid therefore, uo bat is this chathe ſayth 
After awhile? ue cannot tell what he fapeth. Fetus 
perceiued that they would afke him, ¢ ſaid vnto the, 

ee enquire of this betweene pour ſelues, becaute J 
faid, Ateva while ye hall not fee me,and agatne at⸗ 

tex awhile ye hallice me, werilp, verily faponto . 

you, Pe hall weepeandlament,but contrartwile the 
wo2ld hail reiopce. Me hall Cozowe, but pour forowe 
fhalbe turned to top. 4 woman wher he tvauciieth 

hath forowe,becaule her houre ig come: But afloone 

as the is deliuered ofthe childe, theeremembzeth no 
~ moze the angutth, fo2 top thata mantis borne into the. 

world. And pe now therefore haue ſorowe:but J will 
fee pou againe, and pour hearts thall reiopce, ¢ pour 
toy fhall no man take from pou. 7 
The fourth Sunday after Eafter. 

4 The Colle&. i 9— 
“A Lmightie God, which doeſt make the mindes of 
4 Aatl faithfull men to bee of one will, graunt onto 
thy people , that they maploue the thing which thou 

commande, a deſtre that which thou dock promife, 

that among the fundzp and mantiold changesof the 
woꝛld, our hearts map furely Chere be fired whereas 

Ste hg — 

true topes are to be found, though Chut our Lonbe. a 
a ee a ; The - 4 

T he fourth Sunday after Easter. 
The Lpiſtle. 

Fwery good gikt, and euery perfect sift 

| [VY ZS is fromaboue, and commeth dovne 

is no bartablenefle neither feadow of 
change.Ot his one wil begate he bs 
With the worde oktrueth, that we hould be the ive 

Tam,, f: 
| ry front the father of lights, with whom 

fruites of bis creatures, nobereforedeare brethzer, 

let euery man be ſwilt to heare, flow to fpeake,flowe 
to wꝛath: Foꝛ the wath of man woꝛketh not that 
Which is righteous before God. noheretoze lay apart 
all filthinefle,and fuperiluitie of maliciouſneſſe.and 
receiue with meekenefle the worde that ts grafted in 
POL, WHICH is able tofaue pour ſoules. 
— The Goſpel. Ser ae 
KS 87% Cus fapde vnto His difciples , Mowe 
Co (SY J goe my way to him that ient me, and 
P| none of pou atketh me whither F gee: 
ne/ e234 buto pou, pour beartes are full of ſoꝛ⸗ 
rowe. Neuerthelelle, F tell pou the tructh, itis erpes 

Ioh.1 6,5 

but becaufe Jhaue ſaide fuch thinges © 

dient foz vou,that Jgoe away.Foꝛ if gonotaway, — 

that comforter will not come vnto pou. But it J des 
part, 7 wil ſend him orto you. And wher he is come, 

he wil rebuke the world offinne, a of righteouſneſſe, 

andofiudgement. Otſinne.becauſe they beleeue not 
on me. Otrighteouſnes, becauſe F goeto mpfather, 
and pe ſhall ſee ne no moze, OFtudgement, becaute 
che prince of this wozlde is indged already, Jhaue 
pet marty thinges to fap vnto pou, but pe can not 
beare them away nowe, hHowbeit, when he ts come 

(which ts the {pirite of trueth) he willeade you into. 

all trueth. De thall not ſpeake of him felfe, but what- 
foeuer he thall heave, that hall he ſpeake and be wil | 

Lom, from whome ail good thinges Doe come, 

11.22 9 Z of 

Theft Sunday after Eafter. — — : 

thewe pou thinges to come, He tall glozifie me: for» 

He ſhall receiue of mine, and hail ewe vnto you. 

Ail thinges that the father hath, are mine: there⸗ 
fore fatde Jvnto pou, that he ſhall * of mine, and 
we vnto vou. | 

- The fifth — ay 7 alee Eafter. 
The Colled, 

graunt bs thy humble feruants, that by thy holy 
infpiration, we map thinke thofe thinges that bee 

— — 

good, and by thy mercifull guiding, map — 
the lame, through our Lord Sets Chꝛiſt. | fad 

The Epiftle, . 

= heare the word, and declareth not 
eX the fame bp his workes, be is iike 
4/72 ¥ onto a man bebolding bis bodily. 

2 J— ne Ce that yee bedoers: ofthe more; - 
le Tand not bearers onely, decetuing — 
Nyour owne ſelues. Foꝛ ikanyman 

e SS Face in aglatte. Foratfooncashee — 

Hath looked on him ſelte, be goeth 
bis way, ant forgetteth immediatly what his faſhi⸗ 
on was, Wut who ſo looketh on the perfect lawe of li⸗ 

_ bertie, and continueth therein (ithe be not a forgets 
full hearer, but a doer of the wozke) the fame ſhall be 
happie in His deede, FE any man among pou feeme 

tobe devout, and refraineth not his tonque,butde- 

ceiueth his owne Heart, this mans devotion is in 

haine, Pure deuotion, and vndefiled before God the 
Father is this, to bilite tHe fatheriele and widowes 
in their adueriitie, and to keepe him telle vntpotted 
of ba worlde, ie 

 Thev. Sunday ajter Ecfier, | 
| i Phe Gofpel, 
Y2A) Erilp, verily J fay vnto por, whatto⸗ Tohn 7 
= ever pee alke the father in mp name, be , 23. 

©) Ver As will giue tt pou, Hitherto haue pe atken 
Ex 2.5, nothing in mpname, Athe, and pe ſhall 
L@ybe recetuc, that pour top may be full, Chele 
things baue J fpoken bnto pou by prouerbes, Che 
time wilicome, when J hall no moze {peake vnto 
pou by prouerbes, but F hal fhewe pou platniy front 
my father At that day ſhall ye aſke in my name,. and 
Iſap not oritopou p F will ſpeake nto my father foz 
pote: for the father himſelfe loueth pou, becaule pee 
hatte lowed me, and haue belecued thatZ came out 
from God, J went out fromthe father, and came 
into the worlde, Agate, J leaue the worlde, and 
go to the father. His diſciples ſaid vnto him, Lo,now 
— thou talkeſt plainly, a ſpeakeſt no pouerbe. ow are 
we ſure that thou knoweſt all (hinges, and needeſt 
not that any man fhoulde afke thee anp queftion, 
therefore beleeue we that thou cameft from God, Je⸗ 
fus anſwered them, Now ye do belecue: behold, the 
Houre dea weth nic,and ig alxeadie come,that ye hat — 
‘be (cattered euery man to his owne, and thalileaue 
‘me alone: And pet am J not alone, fo2 the father ig 
With me, Tyele words haue F fpotien onto pou,that 
in me ye might haue peace, fozin the worlde hall pe 
haue tribulation : But be of good cheare, Jhaue o- 
uercome tye worlde. 

The — day. 
The Collect. 

Giant wee befeech thee Almightie God, that 

like a8 we doe belecue thy onely begotten fonne Sheek, 

| our Rane to haue — into Ne hcauens: se —— 


we may alfo in heavt and mind thither afcende, and — 

with him continually dwell. 
re Me Epiftle. Nay 

is,1, 1. ho. 
: )| (O74 gan todo ¢ teach brit the Dap in which 
\} V Gx be was taken bp, after that he theough 

ments onto Che Apoſtles, whome he ad cholen, to 
whom alfo he hewed hinelfe aliue after his paſſion 
(and that by many tokens) appearing onto thens 
fourticdaypes, e{peaking of the kingdome of God 

gathered them together, ¢ commanded the teat they 

Hold not depart from Hieruſalem, butte waite foz 
the peomife of the father, whereof f | 
heardofme. Foz John truelp baptised with water, 
but pe thatl be baptised with the holy Ghoſt, atter 
thefe fewe dDapes, When they therefore were come 
together, they athed of him, faping, Lord, wilt thou 

o~$Q the former treatiſe (deare Cheophi⸗ 
ess ay 11g) we haue ſpoken of althat Jeſus he⸗ 

ayth He) ye haue 

2/ arabes the holy Shou had giuen commaume · 

at this time reſtore agatne thebingdome ofZfirvacl? ? 

And he ſaid vntothem. It is not foꝛ vouto know the 
times or the ſeaſons, which > father hath put in his 

owne power. But pe ſhall receiue power after the h⸗ 

iy Ghott ts conte vpon pow: and pe ſhall be witneſſes 

vnto me, wotonely in Hieruſalem, but alfo in al Ju⸗ 

rie,andin Samarta,and euen vntothe worlds end. 

And when he had ſpoken theſe things while they be⸗ 
Heide, hee wag taken bp onhie, and a cloude recets 
ued him bpout of their fight, And while thep looked 
fedfattiy bptowarde beauen as hee went, bebolde, 

‘two men oode by them in white apparel, which — 

alſo faid, De men of Galilee, why Lanse pe gating bp 

* into heauen? This ſame Jeſus which is — 
ee | —— om 

ES, a 

4 —— ma = * — * 
Ta ae tae a ee 

The eA [cenfion day. 

krom pou into heauen, thallfo come, euen as s yebaue 
: leene — inte heauen. 

The Goſpel. 
i Cus appeared vnto the eleuen, as they ma ck. 
BANS ; ( ( late atmeate, gcall in thetr teeth their ; fe 
YA BG, bnbeliefe ehardnetie of heart, becauie 
7 ec BN they beleeued not thé which had ſeene 
| iG immo! CHAt He Was rifen againe from dead. 
Gnd be ſayde vnto them, Goe vee into all the wozlde, 

and preachethe Golpel to all creatures: Bee that bes 

leeueth andis baptised, thall bee faued: but be that 
beleeueth not, hall be damned, And thele tokens thal 
followe them that beieeue, In my name they thal 
caſt out deuils,they thal {peatie with newe tongues, 
they thall deiue away Serpents, and if Hey dunke 
anyp deadly Ching, tt hal not hurt them: thev hall lap 
their hands on the fiche, and they thallrecouer, So 
then wher the Lorde had {poken vnto them, be was 
receiued into heauen, a is on the right hand of God, 
And they went forth,and preached euery where, the 
Lod working withthem. and conlirming the worde 
withmiracles following, = 

i Sunday after Afcenfion day. 

_ The Collea. | 

QP. the king of glorie, twhich batt exalted 
“thine onely Sonne Fetus Cynitt, with areat 

triumph vnto thy kingdome in heatien: we beleeche 

thee leaue bs not comfortieffe , but fende to bs thine 

holy Ghok tocomfozt bs, and erait bs vnto fhe fame 
piace Whither our Sauiour Chꝛeiſt is gore before, 

| wholtech andreigneth,a. — 
. at Tee 

4.7 [eat Bs 

—— Afcenfic ion wih — 

“The Epiftle. | — 
He ende of all things is athare, sBet 
4| vethereforefober , ¢ watcd brito pray: 
| HC, SI ev. But aboue all things haue feruent 
in FAY | louc among pour ſelues: fo2 loue thall 
Mcouer the muititude of fitwnes, Wee pee 

% ——— to another without grudging. As 
euery man Hath receiued the gilt, euen fo miniſter 

the ſame one to another, as good miniſters of the ma⸗ 
nifolde graces of Ged. Fl any man ſpeake, let hint 
talke as the wordes of God, It any mart mititter, tet 
him doe it, as ofthe habilitie which God miniſtreth 
to bint, that God it all thinges may bee glorilied 
though Fetus Chit, to whom bee prayſe and domi⸗ 

nion for euer and etter, amen, 

The Gofpel. 

ss <r Hen the comforter is come, whome ; 
: vwill ſende vnto pou from the father (e⸗ 
= teri the ſpirit of trueth, which procee⸗ 
— deth of the father ) he thatl tettifie of me, 

= eu and pe hall beare witnelle alfo, becauſe 
pee hatte berie with meefront the beainning, Theſe 

things haue Jſayde vnto pou, becauſe pefboulanot 
be oflended. Chey hall excommunicate pou, pea, the 

time ſhall come, that whoſoeuer killeth you, will 
thinke that bee doeth God ſeruice. And ſüch things 
will they do vnto pou. becaufe they haue not knowen 
the father, neither pet me, But thele things haue J 
tolde port, ‘that wheit the time is come, yee may Yes 
— then that vale vou, - a 

“Whitfunday. ’ 

2 TheColle&, 
OPV which as bpon this day hatt taught the 
RNheartes of thy tatthfull people, by the fending to 
them the light ot thp Holy ſpirite: Graunt vs by the 
fame fpivite to haue aright iudgement in all things, 
and euermore to retopce in His holy comfort, thzougy 
the merites of Chit Jeſu our Sauiour, who liueth 
andreigneth with thee, tn the vnitie of the fame ſpi⸗ 
rite, one God, wozlde without ende,Amen, 

The Epiftle, 

aes, Hen tie liktie Dapes were come to Ads,: 

7 an end, they were all with one ac 

—X A K5 C020 together in oneplace,and ſud⸗e 

7 oS dently there came afound fro hea⸗ 
\ Vig uen. as it had bene the comming of 

fopotamia, and of Jurie and of Cappadocia, of eh é 



Pontus and Vita, Pyavyata, and Pamphylig, of E⸗ 
gypt, and of the partes of Libpa, which ts befioe Cy⸗ 
rene, and ſtrangers of Rome, Jewes ¢ Preoſelites, 
Creetesand Arabians, we haue heard them ſpeake 
in our owne tongues tHe great workes Of God, 

The Goſpel. J 
AI Cus fapde onto his diſciples, FE pee 

C765 will pray the Father, and hee thall 
aN Glue POU another comforter, that Hee 
234 nap ablde with pou foz euer, euen the 

aw @ 
fpivite of trueth, whome the worlde can not recetue, 
‘becaute the worlde ſeeth him not, neither knoweth 
him: But pe knowe bint.fo2 he dwelleth with pou, 

seg Toue me, keepe my commandenents, ¢ | 

and thal be in you. F will not leaue poucomferties, — 

bite will come to pou. Pet a litle while, andthe | 

worlde teeth me 119 moze, but pe fee me: for F tine, 

and pe ſhall liue. Ghat day alive knowe, that J 

am in my Father, and you time, and J in pou, Be 
that hath mycommandements and keepeth them, 
the fame is he that loueth mee. And he that loueth 

me, fhatbe loued of my Father, and J will loue him, 
‘and will ſhewe mine owne ſelle vnto him. Judas 
ſayeth vnto Hint, (not Judas Ficaviot) Losde, what 
is Done that thou wilt ſhewe thy ſelfe vnto vs, and 
‘not dito the worlde? Jeſus anſwered, and ſaide 
vnto him, Féa man loue me, he will keepe my ſap⸗ 

igs and my father wil loue him, and we wil come 
vnto Him, and dwell with him, He that loucth me 

not, heepeth not my ſayings And the wore which — 
ve heare,ts not mine, but thefathers whichfentme, | 

Chele thinges haue J ſpoßken vnto you, being yet 
peelent with pou: but the Comfozter, one —4 

EAE ———— 
eee ge ee 

Munday in Whit/un weeke. 
Holy Shot, whom my father will fendein my name, 
he ſhall teach you all things, andbzing all things to 
pour remembzance, whatloeuer Jhaue ſayde vnto 
pou. Peace F leaue with pou,my peace FJ giue bnto 
pou: notas the world giueth, giueJbontopou. Let 
not pour hearts be grieued, neither feare, Dee haue 
heard how F fatde vnto pou, F goe andcome againe 
buto pou. Ff ve loued mee, vee would bertly retoyce, 
becauſe F (atd,5 go vnto the father: ffo2 the father ig 
greater then J. And now haue F he wed you before 
it come, that when itis come to paſſe, pe might be⸗ 
leeue. Heveatter will Z not talie many wordẽs vnto 
pou: foz the prince of (his wozlde commeth, and hath 
nought in me, but that the worlde niay hnowe that F 
loue the father. And as the father gaue me comman⸗ 
dement euen ſo doe J. fact 
ie | Munday in Whitfun weeke. 
| The Collect. 
(;® D which as bpon this day halk tauahe the 
hearts, ac. @ Asvpon Whitfunday. 
are TheEpifile.::)::; |; 
ree Dei Peteropencd his mouth,and laid, Ad.i 
4 hea | Di a trueth J perceiue that there tg 34 
4 Al GF, a|tto relpect ofperfons with God: but in 
| } allpeople,. he that feareth him, ¢ woꝛ⸗ 
tone tov HOY Lighteoulielle , is accepted with 
Him, Pee howe the preaching that God fent onto 
the childsen of Iſrael, preaching peace by Fetus 
Chul, which is Lode ouer all thinges. Which prea⸗ 
ching Was publithed throuatout all Furie, (anp 
beganne ti Galilee, after the baptiime which John 
preached PowGodanointed Jeſusof Hazareth with 
‘the holy Ovo, ¢ with power. vovich Jelus went a⸗ 
vout doinggood/ ——— aida ai fe 
tic UU, e 

— —2 
** ee 

Munday inWbitfun weeke. 

the deuill: for God was With him, And weare wits 
nefies of all things which he did in the lande of the 
Jewes. and at Dierulalem: whome they llewe and 
hanged ow atree: him God rayſed vp the third day, 
and ſhewed him openly, not to all the people, but vnto 
vs witneſſes (choſen before of God for the fame in⸗ 
Cent) which dtd eate and drinke With him after He a⸗ 
‘vole from death, And hee commanded bs topreach — 
vnto the people, and to teſtiſie that tt is he which was 
ordeined of God to bee the iudge of quicke and Dead, 
To him giue all the Prophets witnelle,that through 
His name, wholoerer belecucth in him, hall receiue 
remiflion of ſinnes. While Peter pet {pake thefe 
wordes, the Holy Ghoſt fell on all them which Heard 
Che preaching, And they of the circumcifion which 
beleeued, were aſtonied, as natty as came with Pe⸗ 
ter, becauſe that on the Gentiles alfo was ſhedde out 
the gift cf the holy Ghoſt. For they heard them {peake 
With tongues, and magnifie God, Chen anfwered 
eter, Can any man forbid water, that theſe houtd 
not be baptized , which haue receiued the holy Ghoſt 
a3 well as We? And he commanded thems to be bap: 
Cisedin the name of the Lo2d, Chen peaped thep hint 
to Cary afewe dayes. 

The Gofpel. 7 

Tue[day in W bitfun weeke. 

condemned alveady, becauſe he bath not beleetted in 
the name of the onely begotten fonne of God, And 
this ts the condemnation, thatliaht ig come into the 
woꝛrld, and men lowed darkeneſſe moze then light, be⸗ 
cauſe their deedes were euill. Foꝛeuery one that e⸗ 
uill Doct), hateth the light, neyther commeth to the 
light, ie his deedes ſhoulde be repꝛooued. But bee 
that doeth the trueth, commeth to the light that bis 
— tap be — How that they are wꝛought 
{11 God, 

Tuefdayi in Whitfun weeke. 
The Colled. 
God which — ¶ Santee. Whitfunday. 


hHen tie Apotties which were at Pie: AG.8.1 
SY; ley 4— ruſalem, beard fap that Samariahad 
‘ AWG S, veceiued the word of od, they tent vn⸗ 
- Y aera to them peter and John: which wher 
pos tiey were come down, prayed fo2 thent, 
that thep might receitte the holy Ghoſt. For as pet he 
Was come on noncofthem, but they were baptised 
onelp in the name of CHritt Jeſu. Then layde they 
their hands on them, a they receiued the holy Ghok, 

The Goſpel. 

EASY) Crilp, verily J fap vnto pou, he that en⸗ Toh.r0.: 
: oY treth not in by the doore into the ſheepe⸗ 

i 2 folde , but clpmeth bp fome other wap, 

r= : 


— chetame is athiefe and amurderer.But 
—S hee that entreth in bythe doore, is the 
—* of the cheepe: Co him the porter openetiy, ty 
and the theepe heare his voyce, and be calieth his: 
ownecheepe by name, and leadeth them way My 

Trinitie Sunday. 

when be bath tent loorth his owne cheepe, hee goeth 

before them, a the ſheepe follow him, for they knowe 

His voyce. S ſtranger will they not followe, but will 
fice fromm Him: fo2 they know not the voyce of Tran: 
gers, This prouerbe ſpake Fetus bnto them, but 
they vnderſtoode not what things they were which 
Helpake vnto them. Chen ſaide Fetus vnto them a⸗· 

gaine, Verily berily ZF lay vnto you, F am the doore 

ofthe ſheepe. All (even ag many as came befoze mee) 
ave theeues and murderers, but the theepe did not 
Heare them. Jam the doore, by me ifanpenterin, he 
{hall be fate, and thal qo in and out, and find paſture. 
A thiefe commeth not but fo2 tofteale, fill, and dee 
ſtroy. Jam come that they might bauc life, and that 

thermight haue tt moze aboundantip. 

Trinitie Sunday. 
The Colle@. 

| A mnigbtie and euerlatting God, which batt gi⸗ 

uen vnto os thy ſeruants grace, by the confellt- 
onofa true faith, to acknowledge the glory ofthe e⸗ 
ternall Crinitte, and in the power of the diuine ma⸗ 

ieſtie, to worſhip the vnitie: Wee beſeeche thee , that 

through the ſtedfaſtneſſe ofthis faith , we may euer⸗ 

moꝛe be defended from all aduerſitie, which tuck 
and raigneſt one God, world without ende, Amen. 


The Epiſtle. 
Fterthis J looked, and behode. a doore 

— NMG aan 
ms * 9 Regs tf, =f 
* oy Neh 9 
J Bs erati ht 5 
f st 
=z 7 

EVANS ofa trumpet.talhing with mee, whic 
EFM Vilapde, Come bp hither, sate a 

| T rinitie Sunday. 
ſhew thee things which mut be fulfilled herealter. 
Andimmediadyp FZ was tn the {ptrvite and beholde,a. 
feate was ſet in heauen, and one fate on the feate, 
And he thatlate, was to looke vpon ithe vnto a Jaſ⸗ 
per foie, and a Sardine fone, And there was a 
rainebowe about the feate, infightitkebnte an E⸗ 
meralde. And about the (cate were toure and twen⸗ 
tie ſeates, and bpon the feats foure and twentte Cle 
ners fittitia, clothed tn white rapment, and had on 
their beades crownes of golde, And out oftheteate 
proceededlightiings, ad thundrings, and botces, 
And there were ſeuen lampes of fire burning before 
the feate, which ave thefeuen ſpirits of God, And be: 
foze thefeate there was alcaotalatielike vnto Chꝛi⸗ 
ſtall, and in the middes of the feate,and round about 
the (cate were foure beattes, full of eves before and 
behinde. And the firit beat was like a Lion, and 
the ſeconde beat like a Calfe, and the third beatt had 
a face as aman, and the fourth beaſt was like a fice 
tig Cagle, And the foure beattes hadeche of them 
fire winges about Hint, and thep were full of epes 
Within, And hep did not reſt day neither night, ſay⸗ 
ing, Holy, Holy, holy Lozde God almightie, which 
was, and is, and is tocome, Andwhenthole beats . 
gaue gloric,and honour, ¢ thankies to him that fate 
onthe leate (which liueth kor euer a euer) the foure 
and twentie Ciders fell downe before Him that fate 
on the throne, and worſhipped Him that liueth foz e- 
tier, and caf their crownes before the theone, ſay⸗ 
ing, Chou art worthy, D Lod (our God)to recetue 
glioꝛie, and Honour, and power, fo2 thou haft crea⸗ 

tedall things, aid fo2 thy willes fakethep are, and 
Werecreated, ihe | | oak 

Trinitie Sunday. — 

3 The Gofpel, ae uy 
.5 Pere was a man of the Pharilees, na⸗ 
Ae] [DLE med Nichovemus, a ruler of the 

| |Sea2 Fewes, Che fame came to Fetus bp 
> night, and layde vnto him, Rabbt, we 

Law inowwe that thou arta teachercometro — | 

God, fo2 110 matt could doe ſuch miracles as thou do⸗ 

‘Sonne of man which is in heauen Andas Doles 
Lift vp the Serpent inthe wildernelle, euen lo — 

T he firft Sunday afterT rinitie. 
the ſonne of man be lift bp,that wholoever beleeueth 
in — not, but haue euerlaſting liſe. 

The firſt Sunday after Trinitie. 

The Collect. 
G22 the ſtrength of all them that truti tit thee, 
mercifully accept our prayers: And becauſe the 
weaßkenelſe of our moztall nature can doe no good 
thing without thee, graunt os the helpe of thy grace, 
that tn keeping of thy commaundements wee map 
pleaſe thee boty in witl and deede, thꝛouan Fetus 

ea our 025, 
| The Epiftle. 

= Earelp beloued, tet 3 loue orte ano⸗ t-lob.4-; 

uery one that loueth, 18 borne of God, 
and knoweth God. He that loueth not, 
Knoweth not God: for God is loue. In 
ehis appearcth the loue of Godtobswarde, becaute 
that God ent his onelx begotten Sonne into the 
wo2lde,that we might live through Him, Herein ts 
loue, wot that wee loued God, but that he loucdds, 
and fent his ſonne to be the agreemẽt fo2 our ſinnes. 
Dearely beloued, if God foloued dvs, wee ought alfo 
one to loue another, No man hath ſeene Govat any 
time. Il we loue one another, God dwelleth in bs, 
aid His loue is perfect in vs. Hereby knowe wee 
that we dwell in himand be in vs, becaule hee hath 
giuen vs ot his ſpirite. And we haue ſeene, and doe 
teſtifie, that the father ſent the Sonne to bee the 
ſauiour of the world. Whoſoeuer conſeſſeth that Je⸗ 
ſus is the ſonne of God in him dwelleth God, a he in 
God. And wee haue knowen and beleeued the loue 
that God hath to bs, God is loue, and hee — 

—— Thefirft Sunday after Trinitie. 

leth inlouc, dwelleth in God and God in hint, Here: 
in is the loue perfect in vs, that wee ſhoulde truſt in 

Cie day of tudgement: ſor as he is, eiuen ſo are wee in 

this worlde. Chere is no feare in toue, but perfect 
loue caſteth out feare: ſoꝛ feare hath paynetulneſſe. 
= that feareth,is not perfect in loue. Mee loue him, 

or he loued bs firſt. Iſa man ſay, Jloue God,qnod pet 

‘Kate bis brother, he is a lpar. For pow can hee that 

loueth not His brother whome bee hath feene, loue 
God whome he hath notieene? and this commande⸗ 
ment haue we of hint, that he which loueth God, 
Mould loue His beother alfo, : | 
wer Teele 

aon poe ete Was Acertaine rich man, which 
Fs) (eS2 was clothed in purple. ¢ fine white, ¢ 
fey fared delictoullp euery dap, And there - 
| Was a cettatne begger named Laza⸗ 
uJ Gor Al TUS, WHICH lay athts gate fll of forces, 
Beliring to be refyethed with the crumbes which feil 
from the rich mans boorde, and no man gaue vnto 
him: The dogs caine alfo and licked hisfores, And 
it fortuned that the begger dyed, and was carped by 
the Angels into Abzabanis bofome, Che riche man 
alfo dyed , and Was buried, And betng in hell in tor⸗ 
ments, be litt vp his eyes, and fawe Abraham afarre 
off, and Lazarus in his bofome, and hee crped, and 
fayde, father Abraham, hate mercte on mee, and 
fende Lazarus, that hee may dippe the tippeof bis 
finger in water, and cooie my tongue , for J am toꝛ⸗⸗ 

mented in this llame. But Abraham ſayde, Sonne, 

rewember Chat thou in thy itfe time receiuedſt thy 
pleaſure, and contrariwiſe Lazarus receiued paine: 

vut nowe hee is comforted, and thou art puniſhed. 

Bexonde all this, betweene vs and pouthereisa 


T hei. Sunday after Trinitie. 

great {pace fet, fo that they which would goe krom 
Hence to yor,can not neither may comefrom thence 
tobs. Chen he fapde, J pray thee therefore father, 
fend bine to my fathers Houle: (for J haue fiue bees 
thzett) fo2 to warne them, leaſt they come aifo into 
this place of tozment. Abrꝛaham ſaid onto him, Chey 
Haue Moles e the Prophets, let them heare them. 
And helayd, Map father Abraham, bus fone come 
bute them from the dead, thep willrepeitt, He ſayde 
nto Hint, Ff they heave not Moſes and the Pro⸗ 
phets, neither mill thep beleeue though one aroſe 
from death againe, ik ONE UGS (OPES 
; The ti. Sunday after;Trinities our duc: 
: The Colle&, | 
Dd make vs to baue aperpetual feare and loue 
of thy Holy nante, for thou newer fayleſt to helpe 
and gouerne them whom thou dock bring bp in thy 
ftedfatt loue. Graunt this gFcccc. 
J SO The Epiſtle SUGGS SF Se Oe 
Ss Arueile not, mybaetheer, thouay the 
SA (£ wozulbde hate you: we knowe that wee 
o//\Ke ave tranflated from death vnto life, bes 
aN OW /e) Wy caule we loue the bꝛethren. He that Io 
ZY \ Gad eth not pis brother, abtdeth tn death, 
whoſoeuer hateth his brother, is a manllear. And 
pee knowe that no manflear hath eternail life abt- 
ding in Him, Derebpperceiue wee loue, becaule he 
gaue HIS life for bs, and wee ought to giue our lines 
for the brethen. But who fo Hath thts worldes 



: * 
— —1 


Good, and feeth his brother haue neede, and chut⸗ 

teth bp His compaſſion from him, how dwelleth the 
loue of God in hin? My babes, let vs not loue in 

Worde, neither in tongue: but in deede and in veri⸗ 

tie. hereby wee knowe that wee are oftheberitie, eh 
Me ea Tt 

T he fecond Sunday after T rinitie. 

and can quiet our heartes before him, Foꝛ if our 

Heart condemne vs, God is qreater then our heart, 
and knoweth all thinges. Dearely beloued, if our 
heart condemne:bs not, then haue we truſt to God⸗ 
Warde and whatloener we alke, we recetue of hint, 
becaule wekeepe his connnandements and do thofe 

things which are pleafantin bis fight, And this is 

his commuandement,that we beleeve on the name of 
his ſonne Jeſus Chk, and loue one another, as he 
gaue commandement. And he that keepeth his conve 
mandements, dwelleth in him, andhe in him: and 
Hereby we knowe that he abideth in bs, euen by the 
fpivit which he hath giuen vs. | ve 

ihe 14. 

7 ganne to make excuſe. Che firſt ſayde vnto hin, J 

haue bought a ſarme, and Jmuſt needes goe and ſee 
tt, JZ pay thee haue me excuſed. Andanother ſaid, J 

— Haue bought fue pose of oven, ⁊ Igo to pꝛoue them. 

roome.And the Lord ſayd vnto the ſeruant, Got orit 

J pray thee haue me excuted. And another ſayde, J 
bauemarrpeda wife, and therekore Jcan not come, 
And the ſeruant returned, and brought his matter 
worde agate thereof, Ther was the goodman of 
the Doute difpicated, and faide to his feruant, Goe 
out quickelp into the fireetes and quarters of the ct- 
tie, and bzing in hither the poorer, andfeeble, and — 
the halt, and blinde. And theferuantfapde, Lozde,1¢ 

ig Done as thou Hal commaunded, and pet there ts 


The thirde Sunday after L rinttte. 

into the high wayes and hedges, and compel thent 
to come in,that my Houle may be filled. Foꝛ Jſay vn⸗ 
toyou, that none of thefe men which were bidder, 
ſhall tafte of my ſupper. 

The third Sunday after Trinitie, 

The Colle&, 
| ©”, we befeech thee mercifully to heave oe ia 
vnto whome thou bak giuen an heartie defire to 
pay, qraunt that by thy mightie ayde we may be der 
fended, theough Jelus Chꝛiſt our Lord. 

The Epiſtle. 

2B asbntit pour ſelues euery ma one 1.Pet. : 
AN Dey to attother, knitte pour ſelues to- 
gether in lowlinelle of minde: Foꝛ 
Say Godrelifteth the pꝛoude, a giueth 
F grace to the bumble. Submitte 
SPS o — * ſelues therefore vnder the 
a atone aed that he map 
erait pot when the time ts come, 
Catt all | pour carve bpon him, fo2 bee careth fo2 pou. 
Be ſober, and watci),fo2 pour adueriarie the deutil, 
a3 a roaring Lio, walketh about, fecking whome 
He may deuoure: whome refit ffedfatt in Che faith, 
Knowing that the fame afflictions are appointed vn⸗ 
to pour beth zen that are in the wold. But the God 
ofall grace, which Hath called bs vnto his eternal 
glorie by Chriſt F cfu, hall his owne ſelſe (after that 
pe haue fuffered a title affliction) make pou perfect, 
fettle frenath,and tablih you. To him be glorr and 

dminion i euer and —_ — Bike 

of, i. AC 

The iij. Sunday after Trinitie. oa 
3 ot The Golpebery eerie tat 
15, 1 PE eee Den reforted onto Himals Publicanes - 

£NA and firners for to heare him. And the 

| [aXe Pobarifes a Scribes murmured, fap: 
(oy) Ceay ing, De receiueth ſinners. geateth with 
ese es (hent. But he put forth this parable vn⸗ 
to tient, faving, hat manamong pou,bauing an 
hũdreth ſheepe i he lofe one of Chem) doth not teaue 
ninetie and nine tn the wilderneliesand gocth after . 
that which is loſt, vntil he find it And when he hath 
founde it he layeth it on bis fhoulders With top: and 
aſſoone ashe commethhome, he calleth together his 
fouers and neighbours, ſaying dito thet, Keioyce 

ith me, foz J haue founde my heepe which was 
loſt. Jſay bnto pou,thatiike wile top ſhalbe in heauen 

ouerone ſinner that repenteth, more thẽ ouer ninetx 

e nine iuſt perſons, which neede no repentance, Ei⸗ 
tier what woman hauing ten groatscit the loſe one) 
Doth wot light a candle, x ſweepe the houſe, and fecke 
Diliqentlp till the finde tt? And when the hath found 
it, the calleth her louers and her neighbours toge⸗ 
ther ſaying, Keioyce with me,fo2 Jhaue founde the 
groate which J lott. Likewite F fay vnto pou, thalt 
there be toy tit the prefence of the Angels of God; 
ouer one ſinner that repentety. : 
. The itii, Sunday after Trinitie. 

The Collec, ts; i 

Od the protectour of all that tru in thee, with: 

out whome nothing is rong, nothing ts Holy: 
encreateand multipite vpon vs thy mercy,chat thou 
being our ruler andquyde, we may fo patie thꝛough 
things tempozall,that we finally lofe not the things 
eternall: Graunt this heauenly father, fo2‘Zelus 

Cheiftes lake our Loop, . 00 
| J The 

Lhe uiy,Sunday after Trinitie. 
oad The Epifile,- Fi ) 
ry | Suppole that the afflictions of thig Rom.! 
76ble, are not worthy of the glory which 18. 
AW thaibe fhewed bpon vs.Foꝛ the teruent 
iy delite of the creature abloeth looking 
vwvbhenthe lonnes of God hall appeare, 
becauſe the creature tz ſubduedto banitie againſt the 
will thereof, but fo2 is will which hath ſubdued the 
fame in hope, soz the fame creature hatbe deltuered 
from the bondage of corruption, onto the qlozious lis 
bertie of tie ſonnes of God. Foz we knowe that euery 
creature groncth with vs allo, atraueileth in paine, 
euen vnto this time:not onely tt, Dut we alfo whicy 
Haue the firl fruites ofthe ſpirite, mourne in our 
felucs alfo,and waite foz the adoption of the children 
Gf God, euen the delinerance of our bodies, 
| The Gofpel. per 
TeX C yee mercifull, as pour father alfo ts Luk.6. 
— Mmercifull. Judge not,and pe chall not be 
Del [any og MdgedD, Condemne not, ¢ pe hall not be 
G3) (af) Jz condemned. Forgiue, ¢ ve thail be fozat- 
gre DY ule. Gtue,andit chalbe giuen bute pou, 
good meature,¢ peefleddown,¢hakentogether,and 
running ouer,thall men gine into pour bofomes, Foz 
‘Mthe fame meature that pe mete withall, hail other 
men mete fo you again. And he put forth a ſimilitude 
vnto them, Can the blinde leade 6 blind: Bo they not 
both fall into the ditche? Che diſciple is. not aboue 
dismafier, Euery man ballbe perfect, euen as his 
matter is noby feck thou amoteinthy beothers eve, 
Hut conſidereſt not the beame thatis in thine owne 
eye? Cither how canlt thou lay to thy byother, Bro⸗ 
ther,letme pul out the mote that isin thine eye, whe 
. thou feet not the beame that isin thine one eve? 

K.ii. fire 

Thev.Sunday aſter Trinitie. 
Firll thou hypocrite , catt out the beame out of thine 

owne eye, then halt thoufee perfectly to pull out the 
mote thatisin thy brothers eyve. ae 

The v.Sunday after Trinitie: 

| The Colle Geis. : J 
Raunt Lorde, we beſeech thee, that the courte of 
J this worlde may bee fo peaceably ogderedby thy . 
gouernance, that thy congregation may topfullp — 
ferue thee in all godly quietnefle, through Fetus 
Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd. 

The Epiſtle. 

(32) Sp loucas brethren , be pitifull, be courte· 
» og OUS, meeße notrendzing euttl fo2 etl, 
Ke , 02 rebuke foz rebuke: but contrariwiſe 

Kare MU bielle, knowing that pee are thereunto 
called , euert that pee ſhould be heires of the bleſſing. 
Fo2rhee that docth long afterlife, and loueth to fee 
‘good dayes, let him refraine his tongue front euill. 
and His lippes that they ſpeake no guile. Lethim 
eſche we euill and dec good, iet Him feeke peace and — 
intuit, For the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righ- 
teous, and his eares are open vnto their prayers, As 
gaine, the face of the Lorde is ouer Chem that doce 
will, Wozrcouer, who is hee that will harme pou, if 
pee followe that which ig good? Pea, happie are yjer 
i any trouble happen vnto pou foz righteoufnetle 
fake, We not ye afrayde ſor any terrour of them, net 
ther be ye troubled: but ſanctiſie the Lorde God in 

burheartss. : 

E E pou allof one mind, and ofone heart, 

— Thev. Sunday after Trinitie. 

TheGofpel, >. — 
$a GO 0g SF T came to palſe, that (when the 
wr (xh 3 people pꝛeaſed vpon him to heare 
pew the worde of God) he ſtoode bp the 
5 lake ofGenesarcth,ana fawe two 
BY (2c 54 Whips ſtande bp the lakes fide, but 

Luke 5 

the fithermen were gone out of 

Ao ty CX thent, ¢ were walhing theirnets, 

And he entred tito one of the Hippes (which pertai⸗ 
ned to Simon and prayed Himtbat he would theuſt 
out aliticfrom the land, And be fate down, ¢ taughe 
the people out of the thippe, When be had iett ſpea⸗ 
King, be faide bnto Simon, Launch out into the 
deepe, and let flip pour iets to make adaught, And 
. Simon antwered and ſayd onto him, Waker, wee 
haue laboured all night, and haue taken nothing: 
Meuerthelelle, at thy commaindement J will looſe 
foo2th the net. And when thep had fo done, they ens 
clofed a great multitude of filbes. Dut their nette 
brake, and they beckened to their ietiowes (which 
were tt Che other thippe) Hat they ould come and 
Helpe them, And thep came, and filled both thippes, 
that thepiunke againe. when Simon Peter {awe 
this, he tell downe at Jeſus trees taping, Lord, goe 
from me, for Fam afinfull man, fo2 be was aſtony⸗ 
ed, and all that were with hint, at the draught of fi- 
ſhes which they had taken: ¢ fo was allo James and 
Foon the ſonnes of Seberee, which were partners 
with Simon, And Fetus faide vnto Simon, Feare 
not, from henceloorth thou thait catch men, And 

andfollowenhim, = — 
— Ne We K..ii. 

Meuj. Sunday after T rinitie. 

TheColle&, - 

“*fucy good things as palle ali mans vnderkttan⸗ 
ding: polwze into our hearts ſuch loue toward thee, 
that we iouing thee in all things, map obtaine thp 

pꝛomiſes, which erceede all that wee can delire, 

through Fetus Chriſt our 2020, 
_ The Epiftle, 

6.3. & => 9) Mowe pe not, that all wee which 
SGI Spe baptisedtodie with him? We are 
KNesk fe, buried the with him by baptifine 
lor to die, Hat likewiſe as Chriſt 
ESS}. wasratied trom death by the glo⸗ 
ANE vie of the father, euen fo we alfo 
hgould walkie tina newiltfe, Foꝛ if 
Wwe be grate in death like Suto Him, ewen fo hall we 
be partakers of tie Holp refurrection : Knowing 
this, hat our ole man is cructied with him aifo, 
that the body of ſinne might vtterly be deſtroied, that 
Heircefozth we Hould noche ſeruants dito fiiine.fo2 
he thatis dead. 1s iuſtified front ſinne. wherefore, if 
we be Dead with Ch, we beleeue that we ſhall alſo 
Line with Him: Knowing that Chri being rayſed 
from death, dteth 110 moze, death Hath 110 moze pows 

er ouer dim. For as touching that hedped, he dyed 

concerning ſinne once: and as touching that he tt 
ueth, be liueth vnto God, Like wile conſider ve alſo, 
hat yeave dead as touching finne, but are aliue vn⸗ 
co God,through Fetus Chriſt our Lord. 

at Bot. - 

* ——— — 
Mi Ce SER 8 —— 
ve at oe — 53 ae 

Dd which Hatt prepared to them that loue thee, 

@ ate baptised tu Jeſus Chriſt, are 


<The ‘ 

Thbe v. Sunday after Trinitie. 

; The Gofpel. 3 
oa Ge 2g St Cus faide vnto his difciples , Cx- Mat.s. 
Sh & cept pour righteoutnes exceede the 
sie righteoutnetic ofthe Scribes and 

— * Phariſees, pee cannot enter into 
\ 13 thehingdome ofbeauen, Pee haue 
Sy) VY beard that tt was ſayde vnto them 
aS &BeYe~ CAof olde time, Chou halt not bil: 
whoſoeuer killeth, hail bee in danger of iudgement. 
But Flap vnto you, that whoſoeuer is angry with 
his beother(bnaduifediy) halbe in daunger of tudges ) 
ment. And whoſoeuer faith vnto hishrother, Racha, = « 
ſhalbe in danger of a counſell. But wholoeuer faith, 
CThou foole ſhalbe in danger of hellfire. Therefore 
tf thou offrett thy gift at the altar, and there remem⸗ 
biel that thy brother hath ought againſt thee, leaue 
there thine offring before the altar, and goe thy wayx 

firft,and be reconciled to thy brother, and thencome 

and offer thy gift. Agree with thine aduerſarie 
quickly, whites thor art in the wap with him. leſt at 
any time the adueviavic deliver thee to the iudge, and 
the iudge deliuer thee to che miniſter, and then thou 
bee cat inte prion, Hevily | fay vnto thee, thou chalt 
notcomeout thence, till thou ball payed the vtter · 
moſt farthing. — — 

The vii.Sunday after Trinitie. He 
: it t+ The Colle&. Tek 
T_ Sade ofall power and might, which art the aur 
4ihour and giver of ali good things, avaficin our 
beartes the loue of (hy name, increafe in bs true 
religion, nouriſh vs with all goodneſſe x of thy 
ene Beebe bs inthefame, through Jeſus Chat 


Beamon: «Meee eae res 

T he vis Sunday after Trinitie. 
The Epiftle. 
MOON aD in| opeake grottp.becaute of the inſirmitie 
Fo) Ceapot pour flethe. As pee hae giuen pour 
members feruants to vncleannes, and 
RI Eo doy CO tiqttitie (from one iniquitie Co ano⸗ 
Yo, oh Cher) euen ſo now giue over pour mem⸗ 
bersf{eruants vnto righteouſneſſe,that 

ve may be fanctified, For when pee were feruants of 

linne, ye were voyde of righteouſnes. What fruit had 
yve then in thole things wherof pe are now aſhamed: 
Forthe endeot thoſe things ts death.But now are pe 
deliuered frõ ſinne, g made the ſeruants of God, and 
haue pour frutt to be ſanctified,a the end euerlaſting 
life. ffoz the reward of finne ts death but eternaliltic 

is the gift of God, theough Fetus Chr our Loꝛd. 

The Gofpel. 
FD PER Chole Daves, when there was a very 
4 Wistigreat company, ¢had nothing to cate, 

The eight Sunday after T rinitie. 

maunded them alfo to bee fet before them, And they 
Did eate , and were ſufliced. And they tooke bp ofthe 
beoken meate that was left, ſeuen baſkets full, And 
they that did cate, were about foure thouſande. And 
he ſent themaway, 
Tnhc eight Sunday after Trinitie. 
~The Collect. 
C(;2 whole prouidence is newer deceiued, wee hũ⸗ 
bly beſeechthee, that thou wilt put away fro bs 
all hurtiull things, ¢ giue thoſe things which be pros 
fitable fo2 bs through Jeſus Chriſt our L020, 
. <0). Phe Bpiltle. 

Wn REE SIA OH Rethzer, we are detters,not to fhe Ro,8,12 

e RNRllech, toline after the fet: For tf ye 
RE a= live after the Heth, pe halt dte, Hut 

reVey Vo tf pe, through the ſpirit, do moztifie 

SS! 5) Wy thedeedes ofthebodp, pe fhatiltue, 
(ey WE JS for asimatypas are ted by the {pirit 
fa —— of God. they are the ſonnes of God. 


e haue not receiued the ſpirit of bondage to feare 
anymoꝛe:but pe hatte receiued the ſpirit of adoption, 
whereby pe crie Abba, father, Che fame ſpirite certi⸗ 
fleth our {pirit,that we are § ſonnes of God. If we be 
ſonnes, then are wealfo beives, the hetves(F meane) 
of God, a heives annexed with CHG, if fo be that we 
fuffer with bins, that wee may alfo be glozified toge⸗ 
ther with bint, 
The Gofpel. 

Aor, Cware of falle Pꝛophets, whic) come Mat.7. : 
>) Dy a9 to pou in fheepes clothing, but in ward⸗ 
« lp thep ave rauening Wolues: pee hall 
a inowe them by theit fruites, oe mew 
7X Gather grapes of thoes? 02 figaes — 
thities? Euen ſo, euerygood tree bringeth oo : 

Theix Sunday after Trinitie.. 
ood frites : buta coꝛrupt tree baingeth foorth euill 
ruites. A good tree cannot bring foo2th bad fruites, 
Neither can a bad tree bring forth qood fruttes. Eue⸗ 
vy tree that bringeth not forth good fruite, is hewen 
DOWN, and cal’ Into tHe five, Mhereſore by their 
fruites pe thailknow them. foct euerp one that ſaitz 
brite me, 02d, 2020, thal enter into the kingdome of 
heauen:but he that doeth the wil of my father which 
is in heauen, bee hall enterinto the hinatome of - 
heauen. Tay 
The ix.Sunday after Trinitie. 
| The Colle. 
Raunt to bs Lord, we beſeech thee, the {pirtte to 
Rthinke and doe alwapes ſuch things as be right⸗ 
kull, that we which cannot be without thee, may by 
_thee be able to liue according to thy will theough Je⸗ 
ſus Chet our Lord. 3 1 
The Epiſtle. 
Rethꝛen. F would not that pe Houtd be 
© — iqnozant,Yow that our fathers were all 
Bal (a oy Duder.the cloude, and all pafled thꝛough 
les] (ai) Jee the Sea, and were all baptised bnder 
and DID 

ai Woes tn the cloube, and in the Sea, 

alleate of one ſpiritual meate,¢ did alldrinke 

of one ſpirituall dreinke: and they dranke ol the Spi⸗ 
xrituall rocke that followed them, which rocke was 
Chill. Wut in many of them had God no delight: fez 
they Were ouerthro wen in Me wilderne fie. Theſe are 
enſamples to bs, that toze hould not int after euill 
thinges, as hep luſted: and that pee hould not bee 
worſhippers sf images, as were fome of them, atcoꝛr⸗ 
ding as it is wꝛitten: Gye people late downe to cate 
and drinke, and role vpto play, Neither let bs bee de⸗ 
filed with ſornication, as ſome ol them were yt? 



T he ix. Sunday after T rinitie. 

With kornication, and Cell in one day three a twentie 
thouſand. Neither let os tempt Chriſt, as fome of 
then tempted, and were deftroped of ſerpents. Nets 
ther murmure pe, as fome of them murmured, and 
were Deflroped of the deſtroyer. Ail thele thinges 
Happened vnto them ſor enfamples: but ave written 
to put vs in remembrance, whome the endes of the 
world are come vpon. Whereſore let him that thin⸗ 
«Beth be ſtandeth, take heede leaſt he fall, Chere hath 
none other temptation taken pou, but ſuch ag fols 
loweth the ature of man, Wut Godis faithiuil, 
which hail not tuffer pou to be tempted aboue your 
ſtrength, but halin the middek of temptation make 
a wayp.that pe map be able to beare it, 
2.4 Clus fapde vnto his Diſciples, Chere ry, 1 
49 Was & certaine rich man which hada 
Ps3| [Kg Sewarde, ethe fame was accufed vnto 
VC GQ dim that he bad watted his goods. And 
2 o 28% He called him, and ſaid vnto him, Howe 
is it that Jheare this of thee? Gineaccompts of thy 
fewardihip,fo2 thou mayeſt be 110 longer ſtewarde. 
The ſteward fatd within hin lelfe,vovat hall Z dor 
fo2 my matter taketh away from me the flewardthip, 
AIcan not digge, and to begge Jam aſhamed. J wot 
what to doe, that when J am put out of the Stews 
ardſhip, Hep may receiue me into their houſes. So 
wien he hadcalled all his maſters detters together, 
he fatde vnto the firl, Powe much oweſt thou vnts 
my mafler? And He ſayd, an hundred tunnes of oyle. 
And he fatd vnto him, Cake thy bill, and ficdowne 
quickly, ¢ wette iftie, Chen fatd be to another, Bow — 
much owes thous And he faide, An hundreth quar 
ters of wheate. De ſaide vnto him, Cake thy on 
| | | an 

~ Thex. Sunday after Trinitie. 

and wite foureicore, And the Low commended the 

vniuſt Sieward,vecaule he had done wiſely forthe 

children of this world are tn their nation wiſer then 

the childzen of light. And J fap onto pow, make pou 
friendes ofthe vnrighteous ammon, that when 
pe thall have neede, thep may recetue pou into euer⸗ 

lating habitations. 

The x. Sunday after Trinitie, 
| The Colle&, 

_ thy mercifull cares, O Wozde, be open to the 
papers of thy humbie ſeruants: And that thep 

— map obteine their petitions, make them to ate fuch 

thinges ag hail pieate thee, through Fetus Chat 
our Lorde. 
The Epiſtle. 

REE 7 Lr Oneerning (piritual things, bretheẽ, 
MS WZ J would nothaue you ignozant, Pee 

OK a ASK) pour wates vnto dumme images, etten 

i Nae enca BNOwe hat pe were Gentiles, a went 

SII as ve were ledbe. Whereſore F declare 
* patt, (hat no man ſpeaking by the Spirite of 
God vefieth Jeſus. Stfo nomancanlapthat Jeſus 
13 the Lod, bist by He Holy Ghoſt. Chere are diuer- 
fities of giftes, yet but one ſpirite. And there are dif: 

‘ferences ofadminifirations, and pet but one Lorde. 

And there are diuers maners of operations, and yet 
but one God, which worketh atlin all. Che gift of © 
the fpivite is giuen to euery matt to edifie withall. 
Foz toone is giuen theough the (pirit, the vtterance 
of wiledome, to another is giuen the vtterance of 
knowledge by the fame tptrite, to another is giuen 
faith by the ſame ſpirite, to another the att of hea⸗ 
ling by the fame ſpirite, toanother power to doe mi⸗ 

ie — to — to ee fo ia iudge⸗ 


T bex.Sunday after Trinitie. 
merit to Difcerne {pirits, to another diuers tongues, 
to another the tnterpretation of tongues: And theſe 

all wezketh the felfe fame ſpirit, deniding to every 
man a teuerau gitt euen as he will. 

The Goſpel. 
V(ZEX fd when he was come neere to Hieru⸗ Lub. 19 
lalem, be beheld the citie, and wept on 41. 
—— 5 it faping, 3f thou haddeſt knowẽ Chole 
— things which belong vnto thy peace, 
( W even tn this thy dap, thou wouldeſt 
take heede: but now arethey hidde from thine eves, 
Foz the dayes ſhallcome vnto thee, that thine ene⸗ 
mics thall caft a banke about thee, and compaſſe thee 
rolinde, and keepe thee in on euery fide, and make 
thee euen with the grounde, and thy children which 
Ave in thee: and thep thall not leave in thee one fone 
vpon another, becauſe thou bowel not the time of 
Chy bifitation, And he bo at into the temple, andbes 
gan toca out them that fold therein, and them that 
bought, faving vnto them, Ft is weitten, Wy houſe 
is the houſe of prayer, but ye haue made Wadestine of | 
theeues, and ye taughtdaplyt in the temple, 

“al The xisSunday after Trinitie, 
The Colle&. 

G2, > Which declarett thr almightie power moe 
chielp tn Hhewing mercy and pitte : giue vnto bs 
abundantly thy grace, that weerunningtothy pio 
mifes, map be made partakers of thy ——— fi 
——— mee our noe ie | 


Lhe xy Sunday after T rinitie. 

gy sen dn rests 9 TRe Rp ited aid 

EY Fe Kethren, aspertetning to the Goſpell 

RU] DRY FOS. Which F preached onto pou, whicd yee 
bhaue allo accepted,and in the which pe 

cõtinue, bythe which pearcalfofaued: - 

J Doe pou to wit after what maner F 

* preached bnitopou,tt pec teepett, except yee haue be: 
leeued in vaine: Foz firſt of all Jdeliuered vnto por 
that which Jreceiued, how that Cheiſt dyed ſor our 

{tines agreeing to the Scriptures: And that he was 
buried, andthat he vole againe the third day, acce2- 
ding to the Scriptures, andthat bee was feene of 
Cepbhas, then of the tweiue: After that, be was ſeene 
of moe then fiue hundreth brethren at once, of which 
manyremayne butothis dap, and many are fallen 
alleepe, After that appeared he to James, thentoall - 
the Apotties, and lat of atlhe was ſeene of me, as of 
one that was boꝛne outof due time: for Fam the 
eat of (be Apofties, which am not woꝛthy to bee cals 
qed an Apoſtle, becauſe Jhaue perſecuted the Con⸗ 
gregation of God, But bythe grace of God. Jam that 

Bam: and his grace which is in mee, was not in 

18.9. ; 

haine, But Z laboured mozeaboundantly then they 
all: yet not J, but the grace of God which ts with me. 
Wherefore, whetyevit were Zozthey, fo we peea 
ched, and fo pe Haute beleeued. : 
| athe Gofpel, — 

Hull tolde this parable vnto certaine 
which truſted in themſelues that they 
were perlect, and deſpiſed other. Cwo 
men went bp into the Cemple to pray, 
8 a the ones Phariſee, ethe other a Pub⸗ 
licane, Che Pbharifee oode and peayedthus with 
him ſelle: God J thanke thee that J am not . — 


The xij. Sunday after Trinitie. 

ther men are,ertoztioners oniutt, adtiterers, 02 as 
this Publicane. J fal twiie in the weeke, F giue 
tythe of all that Jpoſſeſſe. And the Publicane ſtan⸗ 
ding a karre off, would notité dp his eves toheatiert, 
but mote his bref, faping, God be mercifull to mea 
finer, J tell pou, chis mat departed Home toys 
Houle iuttified moze then the other, Foreuery man 
that exalteth himſelle ſhalbe brought lowe: and hee 
thathumbleth him ſelfe, halbe exalted. 

*  Thexij. Sunday after trinitie. 
f The Collect. ; | 
Lmightie and eueriating God, which art ab 
Wapes moze readytoheare, then we toprap, and 
art Wont Co giue moze ther either we defire 02 de⸗ 
ſerue: Powꝛẽ Downe vpon bs the abundance ofthp 
mercie, forgiving bs thofe things whereof our cons 
ſcience is afraide, andaiuing vnto bs that, thatour 
prayer Dare not preſũme to athe, through Fetus. 
Chriſt dur or 8 Tye 

ph — Sts SO 

QVC G) Ud trut haue we though Chiff to 1.Cor.: 
ANsUy> Bod ward, rot that we ave tuflictent of 4. 

3 SN Sour felues to thinke any thing as of 

Lp 2\po our flues: but it webe able butoany 

SSA A thing, the fame cõmeth of God, which 

bath made bs able to miniſter the newe Ceſtament,. 

not of the letter, bit of the ſpirit: Foz che letter kil⸗ 

leth, but the ſpirit giueth life, Ff the minitration of 

death, though the letters figured it Tones, Was 

Glozious, fo that the childzen of Iſrael coulde wot 

bebolde the face of Moſes for the glorie of His 

countenance (which glozie is dove away: ) pee 



Lhexy. Sunday after Trinitie. , 
chall not the miniſtration of the fpiritbe much moze ~ 
glorious? Foꝛ if the minittration of condemnation 

be glozious, much moze doeth the — of 
righteouſneſſe exceede in glory. 

The Goſpel. 
eos Clus departed from the conttes of 
B ic Cree and Sidon, andcame onto 
the Sea of Galilee, through the 
—A 4 mids of the coaſts of the ten cities, 
, And they brought buto Him one 
aes that wasdeafe, and had animpe: 
: a Diment in His ‘tyeache: and thep 
; vane ‘ine to put his hand vpon Him. And when he 
Had taken him alive from the people, he put bts fin- 

gers into hiseares, and didfpitte, and touched his 

tongue, and looked bp to Heaven, and fighed, and 
fatd vnto hint, Ephata, that is to fay, Be opened. And 
flraightway bis cares were opened,and the firing of 

bis tongue was Ieofed, andhelpakeplatne. Andhe 

commanded them that they Hhouid teil no man, But 

the moze he forbade them, fo much the moꝛe agreat 

deale they publiſhed, ſaving, be bath done all anes 8 

. well, be bath made both the deate t 0 ie wi o 
dumme to ſpeake. Yate 

- The’ xiii, Sunday after Trinitie. 
The Collect. 

A Vxightie and merciful Ged, of whore onely 
gift it commeth that thy faithful people doc vn⸗ 
to thee true andlaudable feruice: Graunt wee be- 
ſeech thee, that wee may ſo runne to thy beauenty 
pꝛomiſes that wee faile not finally to — the 

| forme Soon Chriſtour Lorꝛ2r d. * 
¢ < 


Sunday after Trinitie. 
The Epiftle, 

NE mifes made. Be faith not, Fn histeeds, Gal.3.1 


Dyg Apppr are the eyes which fee the things : 
eA) (3 that-pe fee. for F tell pou, that many — 
2 P2ophetes and Kings haue defiredto 
za fee thofe things which pe fee, and haue 
Z not feene them, ¢ to heare thoſe things 

Nel ae 

which pe beare, and haue not heard them, And be- 
Hold, acertaine Lawyer flood bp,and tempted hin, — 
faving, Watter, what chall J doe to inberite eternatt 
life? Pee fayde onto him, What is weitten in the 
{awe? Howe readell thou? Andheantwered, and 
fayd, Leue the 102d thy — ne alt thy —_ 

ce Sf bextut. sunday after Lrinitw. — 

With all chy toute and with al thyſtrength, and with 
, . alleoy mind, and toy neighbour as thy ietie, And he 
4 faidontobim, Chou batt antwered right: this doe, 
and thou thaittiue, Buthe, willing to uſtifie him⸗ 
feife, ſaid vnto Jeſus, And who ismy neighbour? 
Jeſus anſwered and ſaid, Acertaine man deſcended 
from Hieruſalem to Jericho, a fellamong thieues. 
which robbed him of his raiment, wounded Him, 
and departed, leauing bint balfe dead, And it chan⸗ 
ced that there came downe acertaine prieſt that ſame 
way, and when he ſawe him, he paſſed by, And liße⸗ 
Wile a Leuite ( when he went nigh to the place)came 
and looked on him, a paſſed by. But a certaine Spas 
maritane, as he iourneted, came vnto him,x whẽ be 
ſaw him, he had compaſſion on him, ¢ went to bint, 
and bound bp His wounds, g powred in ople g wine, 
and fet him on his owne beaſt, and brought him toa 
common Inne, and made prouiſion foꝛ him, And on 
the morowe when he departed, hee tooke out two 
pence, and gaue them to the hoſte, and ſaid vnto hint, 
Cake cure of Him, and whatloeuer thou ſpendeſt 
more, When F come againe F will recompente thee, 
which nowe of thele three thinkell thou was neigh: 
. hour vnto him that felamong the thieues? And hee 
faid vnto him, De that hewed mercie on him, Then 

faid Fetus to him, Go, and doe thou likewiſe. 

_ The xiiij, Sunday after trinitie. 

i cts ecotl? rege Colle, oro shai hee? 
A Lmightie and euerlaſting God, giue bute bs 
* the encreafe of faith, hope, and charitie: and 
that we mayobtaine that which thou doeſt promite, 
make bs to loue that which thou dock commande, 
theough Fetus Chit our Loz, 7 ou. fe 


The xitij Sunday after Trinitie. 
| The Epiftle. Fe EE 
mm Hay, walke in the fpirit, fulfil not the Gal.s. 
mer) [coos tut of the fleth, Foz the Heth luſteth cons 
A Baas trary to the ſpirit, a the ſpirit contrary 
rae BOA tothe fle, Chele are cOtrarp one tothe 

ee S} (Po, 9) other,fo that pe cannot doe whatſoeuer 
Soom pe Would, Wut ef pe be ledof the fyirit, 
then are pe not onder the law. Che deedes of the fleth 
ave manileſt, which ave theſe:Adulterie, fornication, 
biticannedle, wantonnelie, worshipping of Images 
witchcratt hatred, variance, zeale, wrath, trite, ſedi⸗ 
tions, fectes enuping murder, drunkenneſſe, glutto⸗ 
nie, and lucy like,of the which FZ tell pou before; as J 
haue told pou in times pall, that they which commit 
fuch things, thal not be inveritozs of the kingdome of 
. Goad, Contrarily,the fruite of the ſpirite is loue, toy, 
peacelong fuffering gentleneſſe, goodneſſe, faithful: 
neſſe, meekeneſſe, temperance: againſt ſuch there ts 
no lawe. They truely that ave Chriſtes, haue criciti- 

ed the fleſh, with tie affections and luſtes. go 
The Gofpel. + : 

YN ZSy Adit chaunced as Jeſus went to Pies Ly,17, 
‘VAS vufalent, that hee patted theough Sa⸗ 

US oes. Woy Marla,attd Galilee. And as hee entred 

NIZA? intoa cevtaine Cowne, there net him 

ws “ ten men that were lepers, which food 

a karre off, and put foorth their bopces and fapde, Fes 
jus mafter haue mercie on bs. When He fawe them, 
be ſayde vntothem, Boe ſhewe pour ſelues bnto the 
Prieſtes. And it came tcpafie, that as they went, 
thep were clearied. Andoneofthent, when he fawe 
that he was cleanted turned backe againe,and with 
aloude voyce pꝛayvſed G DD; and tell Downe on His 
face at His feete, and — oe thanks, 4nd He pois 
ond ¢ i 

Thexv.Sunday after T rinitie. 
was aSamaritane, And Jeſus anfwered andfayd, 

Are there not tennne cleanted? Wut where are thole 


wine? Chere are not found that returned againe to 
Give Sod prayſe, ſaue onely thisſtranger. And he laid 
vnto him, Ariſe, goe thy way, thy faith hath made 
The xv. Sunday after Trinitie. 

The Collect. 
KEepe wee beleech thee, D Lord, thy church with - 

thy perpetuall mercy: and becauſe the fratitie of 
man without thee can not but fall, keepe bs euer by 
thy helpe, and leade vs to all things profitable to our 
ſaluation,thꝛough Jets ne Ling Our 3020, 

c tie. 

IAEſlee how large aletter Jhaue written 

25 bnito por with mine owne hande, As 
AS (Ss map as defive with outward appea- 
— Co) rance to pleate carnally, the fame cons 
ttraine pou tobe circumciſed, onelp left 
they hould fuffer perfecution foz the crofle of Chit, 
Fozthey themſelues which are circumciſed, keepe 
notthe late but deſtre to haue pou circumciſed, that 
thep might retopce in pour fleth, God forbid that J 
fhoulde reioyce, but in the croſſe of our Lozde Fetus 
Cheiſt, whereby the worlde ts crucified bitto me, and 
F orto the world. For in Chritt Jeſu, neither circum⸗ 
ciſion auaileth any thing at all, nor vncircumciſion. 
but a newe creature, And as many as walke accor⸗ 
ding vnto this rule, peace beon them, mercy, and 
bpon Iſrael, that perteineth to God, From hence⸗ 
lorth let no mart put me to buſineſſe: Foꝛ Jbeare irs 
mp body the markes ofthe Lorde Jeſu. Wrethzert, 
the grace of our Lorde Fetus Chzik bee with pour 
Sprite, amen. * 

Thexv. Sunday after Trinitie. 

The Gofpel, ig 
7D mancanierue two mafters: For et- Mat.6, 
hi ther be ſhall bate the one and loue the 
=f, other,o2 elsicane fo the one and defpife 
the other, Pe can not ſerue God and 
AVAE Dammon, Cherefore F lay vnto por, 
We not carefull for pour life, what yee thalleate og 
drinke, 102 pet for pour body what rapment pee Hall 
put on. Is not thelife moze worth then meate? and — 
the bodp moze of balue then rapment? Beholde the 
foules of the apze, fo2 they ſo we not, neither doe thep 
reape, norcarry nto the barnes, and pour heauenly 
father teedeth them, Ave pe not much better then 
they? Which of pou (by taking carefull thought) 
can adde one cubite vnto his lature? And whp care 
ye forrayment! Conlider the Liltes of the ficld howe 
they growe, thep labour not, neither do they fpinne: 
and pet F fap vnto pou, that euen Solomon tn all 
is ropaltic, was not clothen like one of theſe Wher⸗ 
ore, tf God fo clothe the graſſe of the fielde, (which 
though it Lande to day, 18 to moꝛowe caft into the 
kornace) thatl He not much moze do the fame fo2 you, 
D ve of litle fatth? Therefore take no thought, fay: 
ing, What all we eate, 02 what ſhall we dzinke, oꝛ⸗ 
wherewith hal we be dothed: (‘After al theſe things 
doe the Gentiles feeke:) Foz pour heauentytather 
knoweth that pe haue needeof all theſe things, But 
~ rather feeke pe firll the kingdome of God, andthe © 
righteoninelle thereof, and all thele thinges ſchall be 
miniſtred vnto pou, Care not then fo2 the mozow,foz 
tomozowe day thall care fo2 it felfe, Souffictent vnto 
the day is the trauaile thereoff. — 
With P< ee 

Lt bexut. sunday after Trinitie. 

The Colle&, 
L 22 we befeech thee, tet thy continual pitie 

cleanſe and defend thy congreqation:and becaufe 

it can not continue in fafette without thy fuccour, 

prelerue tt euermoze by thy helpe and qoodnefic, 

. Hhrough Jeſus Ch2tk our 1.020, | 
| he Epiftle. 

3.13 CANO 28% Delive that you faint not becaute 

fa) 2) (SR Ay of mp tribulations v J tuffer fo2 

nyse. your fakes, which is pour pꝛaiſe. 
FOs| La oe, Foz this caule J bowe mp knees 
D<oe) (eX bnito the fatherofour Lord Fetus 
LEN KK) Chritt, which is father ofall pts 
pe) Seaore~” Caz Called father in heauen ¢ earth, 
that he would graunt pou accoꝛding to the riches of 
his glory, that pe may be ftrengthned with might by 
His ſpirit in the inner man,that Chet map dwell in 
pour heartes by faith, that ye being rooted ¢ groun⸗ 
ded in loue, might be ableto comprehend with all 
faints, what is the breadth, length depth, a height, 
_ and to Know the excelent ioue of the knowledge of 
Chutl, that pe might be fulfilied with all fulneffe, 
Which commeth of Gos, unto him that is able todo 
erceeding aboundantly aboue all that we afte o2 
thinke, according to the power that worketh in bs, 
be praiſe in the congregation, by Chri Felis, tho⸗ 
rowout all generations from time to time,amen, 
The Gofpel. 
{a4 S20 tt fortuned that Fetus wentinto 
\ 7 acitie called Naim, and many of his 
Pope 2 difcipies went with Him, and much 
af, bees WS people. When he caine nigh tothe gate 
USD Y of the citie, beholde, there was adead 
man Carped out, Which was theonely fonne veh | 
| a mother, 

The xvip Sunday after Trinitie. — 

— Mother and the wasawidowe, and much people of 
_ thecitie was with ber, And when the Lord law her, 
He had compatlion on her, andſaid onto her, Weepe 

not, Andhe came nigh, andtouched the coffin, and 

they thatbare Him foode Hill. Andhelapde, PRoung 

mat, Jſay vnto thee, Ariſe. And he that was dead, 

fatebp, andbegan tofpeake. And hee deliuered him 

to his mother, And there came a feare on them all, 

and they gaue the glory vnto God, ſaying, A great 

Prophet ts vifen bp among 63, and Godbhath viſited 

bis people. And this rumour of him went foorth 
thoughout all Jury, and theoughout al the regions 

Wwevyhich {ie round about, | | 

| The xvii.Sunday after Trinitie, 

| The Colle&. | 

[2 wee pray thee, that thy grace may alwayes 

pꝛeuent and follo we b8,and make bs continually 

to be giuen to all good workes, thzough Felus Chak 

our Loꝛd. —J ECS tee 
: TheEpiftle. He : 
AHO 09S (Havich am apriſoner off Loꝛdes Ephe. 

S > exhort pou, that ye walke woꝛthie 
99 ot the vocation wherewith ve are 
Sov called, with all lo wlinelſe z meeke⸗ 
Snelſe, with humbleneſſe okminde, 

one faith, one baptiſme, one God and father of aM, — 


tees ee 

Lat, he Fe 

4 4 — —— ae 

— ¢ dling tC) : a «Slee Ba 5 7,0 St 

* 1% fe 
pee ———— 
et SRE Te 
; t 

The xvij. Sunday after T rinitie. 
| The Gofpel. —— 

The Collect. | 

[_ S22, we befeech thee qraunt thy people qraceto 
auoyde the infections of the deuill, and with pure 
Heart and minde to followe thee the onelp Ged, 

though Felus Chriſt our 1020, a 
| e 

T he xvii Sunday after'l rinitie. 
, The Epiftle. Be 
Nye Thanke my God alwayes ott 1.Cor.1 

The Gofpel. ) 
Sry Heit the Pharilees Had hearde that Mat.22 
zJeſus Did put the Sadduces to Mence, 34. 
5 they came together, and one of them 
Vs (which was a doctor of the awe) ate 
— ked him aquettion,tempting him, and 
ſaying, Malter, which is the qveatett commaundes 
ment in the lawe!: Jeſus ſayde bnto him, Chou halt 
loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with 
all thy foule, and with all thy minde. Chis is the 
fir and qreatett commaundement, And the feconde 
18 like vnto tt, Chow ſhalt loue thy neighbour as 
thy felfe, In theſe two contmatndements Hang all 
the lawe and the Prophets. wWhile the Phariſees 
were gathered together, Jeſus atked them, taping, 
Mhat thinke ye of Chriſt: wo hoſe ſonne is hee? Chey 
fayde vnto him, Chelonne of Dauid. He ſayde vnto 
them, Dow then doth Dauid in ſpirit call him Lord 
faving, Che Lorde fade butomyp Lorde, Sit thow 
on my right Hande , till J make thine — 


Lhe xix.Sunday after Trinitie. 
footetfoole? FfMauiv then call him Lord, how is he 
then his ſonne!? And no man twas able to anfwere 

him any thing, neither durk any man from that dap 
forth aſke him any mo quettions, | | 
: The xix. Sunday after Trinitie, 
; The Collect. | 
ie @) God, foratmuch as without thee, wee are not ds 
bie to pleate thee: qraunt that the working of 
chp mercie, may tn all hinges direct and rule our 
Hearts, though Jeſus Chriſt our Lord. 

.. The Epiftle. i ) 
= pa His J lay, and teftifie thꝛough 5 Lord, 

| S22 that pe henceforth waltie not as other 
VES kee Gẽtiles walne in banity of their mind, 

tanding, being karre from a godip life, 
by the meanes of the ignorance that isin them, ebe- 
caufcof the blindneſſe of thety hearts: which being 
gat repentance , haue giuen themſelues ouer bnto 
Wantonnes,to worke all maner of vncleannes euen 
with qveedinetie, Mut ye haue not folearned Cheiſt: 
Allo be that ye haue heard him, and haue bin taughe 
in him, as the trueth is in Jeſu as concerning p con: 
uerlation in times pat) to lap from vou the old man, 

AY Wess while they ave blinded intheivonders 

which is corrupt, according tothe deceiuable luſtes: 

do be renewed allo in the fpivite of pour minde, and 
. te put on that newe man, which after GD PD is 
ſhapen in righteoulneſſe arid crise Holinefle, novere- 
fore put away lying, and ſpeake every man trueth 
bnto his neighbour, fozatinuch as we are members 
one of another, He angry,and ſinne tiot, Let — 
Gd i iis else ¢ Sette SUES TR 


J ——2 
— A yes 

The xix. sunday after Trinitie. 

ſunne go down vpon pour wath neither give place 
to the backebiter, Let him that tole, ſteale no moze, 
butiet him rather labour with His hands the thing 
which ts good, that he map giue vnto hin that nee 
deth. Let no filthie communication proceede out of 
pour mouth, but that which is good to cdifie withal, 
as off as needis, that it map miniſter grace vnto the 
hearers. And greeue not the holy {pivite of God, by 
whom pe ave ſealed ditto the Day ofredemption, Let 
al bitternes, and ſiercenes, and wath, aud roaring, 
and curſed {peaking be put away from pou, with ail 
malicioutnes, Be pe courteous one to another,mers 
citul.foꝛgiuing one another, euen as God fo2 Chis 
fake bath tezgiuenpou, = , 

TheGofpel, : 
Vany| Clus entred into athip, and pafledo: 
Rhy UCL, and came inte His own citie, And 
1 easy Debolde, they brought to hima man 
N Busse fiche of the palfie, Iping in a bed. And 
oie whet Fetus law the faith of them, he 

cheare, thy finnes be forgiven thee. And bebolde, 
certaine of the Scribes fapde within them felues, 

tije ficke of the palfie, Sonne, bee of good 


This man biaiphemeth, And when Fetus lawtheit 
thoughts, be ſaid, wherefore thinke pe euill in your 

hearts? whether is tt eaſier to ſay, Thy fines be fore 
giuen thee: or to ſay, Ariſe, and walke? Wut that ye 
mayknowe that the ſonne of man bath power to for⸗ 
giue finnes in earthy: Chen faith be to the ficke ofthe 
paitie, Artie, take bp thy bed, and goe bnto thy houte, 
And he avofe,and departed to his houle, But the peos 
ple that ſawe it,marueiled, and glozificd God, which 
Hadaiuenfuchpowerdntomen, = = . 


3 — The xx. Sunday after Dinitie. 
The Collect. — —— 

Lmightie and mercikull God, of thrbountitun 
goodneſſe keepe bs from all thinges that may. 
Hurt b3: that we being readie boty in body and 
fouie.may with free hearts accompltfh thoſe thinges 
chat — welded haue done. Jelus Cyt 

| 3 ae Epiſtle. 

—— — 8,4 be not drumen with twine, — 

itt igercefle : but be fillen with the ſpirite, fpeaking 

vnto pour felucs in Plalmes and Hymnes and ſpiri⸗ 
tualliongs, ſinging and making melodie vnto the 
Lorwdin pour hearts, atiting thankes alwapesfozall 
things bnto God the tather,in tie name ofour Loꝛd 
Fetus Chat, fubmitting your ſelues oneto another 
inthe feare of God, 

. The Gofpel —— 

T Elus laid vnto bis diſciples, Che hing: 
A Bont of heauen ts ithe vnto a man that 
6vwasa king, which made a marriage 
Et) you for bis ſonne,.a ſent forth his ſeruants 
to call them that were bidden to the 
—— and they would not come. Agsine, he lent | 
forth other ſeruants, ſaying, Cell the which are bid⸗ 
dent, Bevold, Jhaue prepared my dinner, mine Ox⸗ 
en and. mp fatlinges are killed, and allthings are 
ty come vnto the marriage, But they vane 



The xx Sunday after T rinitie. 

light of if, and wentthetr waves , one to his farme 
place, another to his marchandise, and the remnant 
tooke his ſeruants, and intreated them hamefuilp, 
and flue them, But when the king beara thereof, be 
was woth, and lent foorth His menof warre, and 
deſtroyed thoſe murderers, and brent bp their Citie, 
Chen laid He to his ſeruants, Che marriage in deede 
is prepated, but they which were bidden, were noe 
wozthie, Goe pee thereteze out into the high wayes, 
and as many as yee inde, bidthens to the marriage, 
And the ſeruants went foorth into the high wapes, 
and gathered together all, as many as thep coulde 
finde, both good andbadde + and the wedding was 

kurniched with abettes, Chen the king came into fee 
the gheſtes, etoben heſpyed there aman which bas 
not ona Wedding garment.he fatd buto hint, Friend, 
how camel thouin hither, not bauing a wedding - 
gatinent? And he was euen ſpeachleſſe. Chen ſaydẽ 
the king to the minifters, Cake and binde him hand 
and foote, and cal him into btter darkeneſſe, there 
ſhall be weeping and gnathing of teeth, ffo2 many be 

called, but ſe we are choſen. | 

The xxi:Sunday after Trinitie, 

~ * “The Colle&. fk 
(Raunt wee befeeche thee mercifull Lorde to 
thy fatthfull people pardon and peace, that thep 
may bee clenfed from all their finnes, andferue = 
‘on op quietminve, through Jeſus Chitour = 

; é 
OF ty sie — 
— F —— — 


The xx. Sanday after Trinitie. 

 Thebpittes ins” 
ONS / Dinethzen,be fron theouat the Buty 
/ and through the power of His mindt, 
pout on all the armour of Gon, that pee 

v/e)), may ftande againt ailthe affanices of 
wae the deuill. sfo2 wee wreltle not againſt 
bined and fie, but againtrule, again power, a- 

— gaint woꝛrldly rulers > cen gouernours of the Darke 

neſſe ot this worlde, againſt ſpirituall crattinefie in - 
heauenly things. wohcrioze take vnto pou the wyole 
armour of God, that yee may be able to reliſt in the e⸗ 
uli day, and tard perfect in all things, Stand theres 
fore,and vour loynes gyrd with the truth, hauing on 
the breſtplate of righteouſneſſe, and hauing thoes on 
pour feete; that pe map be prepared fo2 the Goſpell of 

peace, Aboucall,tatie topou the hicid of faith, wheres ⸗ 

With pee may quench all the fierie Dartes of the wic⸗ 
Hed, and take, the helmet of faluation, andthe ſworde 
Of the {pirit, which ts the worde of God, And pray ale 
wayes Withall maner prayer and fupplication inthe 
ſpirit, and watch thereunto with all inflance a ſup⸗ 
plication,foz all Saints,and for mee, that otterance 
map be giuen vnto me, that may open mp mouth 
kreely, to btter the fecrets of the Goipeil (whereof F 
am a meflenger tri bods) that therein F may — 
kreely, as J ought to {peake, 
ae cay Pere wasacertaine riser; whoſe line 
: =. — was ſicke at Caperngum. Aiicone as 
| es Dee, othe fame heard that Fetus was come 
JONn WEY dut di Jurie into Galilee he went vnto 
ee GAS Him, and beſought him that be would 
conte —— and heale his ſonne: for hee Was euen 
at the point of death. picid fapde — onto creeps : 

The xxij, Sunday after T rinitie. 

Except ve tee lignes and wonders, pe will not bee 
leeue. The ruler {aid vnto him, Sir.come do wne oz 
euer that my ſonne dye, Jeſus ſayeth vnto him, Goe 
thy Wap: thy ſonne liueth. Che man beleeued the 
word that Jeſus hadipoken vnto hint, andhe went 
His way, And ashe Was going downe, the ſeruants 
met Hint, and tolde him, laying, Chy fonne tineth, 
Chen enquired he of them the houre when he began 
to amend. And they ſaid vnto hint, Pellerday at the 
ſeuenth houre the feuer leit htm, Soo 6 father knewe 
thatit was the fame houre tn the witch Fetus ſayde 
vnto Hin, Chy ſonne liueth. And he beleeued and ail 
his houſholde. Chis is againe the ſeconde miracle 
—— did, When he was come outol Jurie into 
alilee, oir i 

| The xxii. Sunday after Trinitie, 

| ) The ColleG, : 
[_ 222¢ wee beleech thee to keepe thy houtholve the 

Church tn continuall godlinefle, that through 
thy protection it map be free from all aduertittes, 
and deuoutly giuen to lerue thee tn good workes, to 
the glory of thy name, thrꝛough Jeſus Chit our 

if ta os The Epiftte; ae 
Ka ocr ft Chanke mp God with al remer: Phil. 1.3 
| (Se) beance of you alwayes in all my prare 
Fa 1628 ers fo2 pot, and pap With aladneffe, 
ren \J ( Ga becatle pe are come into the felo wihip 
aS e289 of the Golpell, from the firk dap onciit 
now: and am furelp certified of this, that he which 
Hath begun a good worke in you, fhall perforrme 
it, vntill the Day of Jeſus Cheiſt, as it berommeth 
ime that F thouid fo iudge of powall, becaute Jhaue 
POU in my Heart fozalinuch as pe are — 
J * 

T he xxij. Sunday after T rinitie. 

okgrace with me, euen in my bondes, andinthede 

ſending and eſtabliſhing of the Goſpell. For od ts 
myrecorde, Howe qreatip F long after pou all, front 

the perp Heart roote tn Jeſus Chriſt. And this J 

pray, that pour lowe map increafe pet moze and moze 
in inowledge, and in all bnderfanding, that pe map 
accept the thinges that are mofercelient, that pee 
may be pure, and fuch as offende no man, vntill the 
day of Chriſt, being filled with the frutte of righte⸗ 
oufnes, which commeth bp Jeſus Cyzit, onto the 
alozie and pꝛaiſe of God, | 

The Gofpel, 

§ €ter layde vnto Fefus, Lorde, how oft 
fhall FZ tozgiue my brother, it hee ſinne 
Sai Keer again me? tii feuen times? Jeſus 
x) cary fapeth vnto him, Flay not onto thee, 
Sas & S untill feuen times: but feuenty times 
ſeuen times. Cherelore is the kingdome of heauen 
likened vnto a certaine man that was aking, which 
would take accompts of his ſeruants. And when he 
had begunne to recken, one was bꝛought vnto him. 
which ought Him tenne thouſande talents: but 
kor as much as hee was not abie to pay, his Loꝛde 
commaunded him to be ſolde, and his wile and chil⸗ 
dren, and allthat he had, and payment to be made, 
Whe ſeruant fell downe, and beſought him, ſaving, 
Sy2, haue patience with me, and J will pay thee 
all. Chen had the Lorde pitte on that ſeruaunt. 
and fooled Hint, and forgave him the debt. So the 
fame feruant went out, and founde one of his fel- 
lowes Which ought him an hundred perce : and Hee 
layde banded on Him, and tooke him by the thzote, 
faping, Pap that thou oweſt. And his — * 
Me as: own 


 Lhexxiy. Sunday after Trinitie. 
Downe, andbefought him, faping, Haue patience 
with me,and J will pay thee all, And He would not, 
but went and caſt him into priſon, till be ould pay 
the dette, So when his fellowes fawe what was 
pore, they were berp lop, andcame and tolde vnto 

their Lorde allthat had happened. Chenhis Lode 

called him, and fayde bnto bint, O thou vngratious 
ſeruant. Jforgaue thee all that dette when thou deſt⸗ 
rene me:houinelt not thou alſo haue bad compafiion 

on thy feilowe, euen as F had pitie on thee? And his 
— fod was wroth, and detiuered him to the Jaylers, 

til he hould pay all that Was due Hato him, So like⸗ 
wile ſhall my Heauenty father doe atſo vnto pou, tive 
from pour hearts foꝛgiue not(euerp one His brother) 

The xxiii, Sunday after Trinitie. 
The Collect. . 

G* our refuge and ſtrength, which art the aus 

thour of all godlinelle, bee ready to heare thede- 

route pravers of the Church: and graunt that thoſe 

things which we athe faithtullp, we may obtatne ek⸗ 
fectually though Jeſus Chriſt our Lord. 

“The Epiftle, 

) Sy and looke on them which walke euen 
fo as ye haue bs fo2 an enfampie, Foꝛ⸗ 
many Wwalke (of whome | hate tolde 

Cae we pou offer, and nowe tell pou weeping) 

that they ave the enemies of the crefle of Chit, | 

‘whole endig damnation, wheiebeliptstijcty Godse e 
glory to their hame, which are worldipminded ut 
our conterfatton is in heaven, frd whence weloake sty 

4 7 - 

SE Rethrer, be followers together of me, Phi, 3.1 

T he xxiti. Sunday after Trinitie. 
fo2 the Sauiour. euen the Lord Fetus i ate 
fhali change our vile body, that he may make tt tt 
Sito His glorious body, according tothe working, | 
Wyhereby be ts able alfo tofubdue al things vnto him 

4 “ 

felfe, — 
The Goſpel. He 1 

cee Hen the Phariſes went out, and tooke 
Xcounlell how they might tangle him in 
=| [SONY His Words, And they ſent out vnto Hime 

Y) aay Cheir difciples with Derodes feruants, 
— Bess laying, Waker, we know that thou art 
tric,and teache#the way of God truely, neither tas 
reft chou for ary matt,fo2 thou regardeſt not the outs 
warde appearatice of ment, Cell bs therefore, howe 
‘thinkes thous Fsitiawiul that tribute be giuen vn ⸗ 
to Ceſar, oꝛ not? Wut Jeſus perceiuing their wicked⸗ 
refle,fapae, whhy tempt pe me pe Hypocrites? Shew 
me the tribute money. And they tocke him a perp. 
And be faia bute them, whole ts this infage a tupers 
{cription? Chey ſaid vnto him, Ceſars. Chen ſaid he 
vnto them, Giue therefore vnto Ceſar the thinges 
which ave Ceſars, and vnto God thoſe things which 
are Gods. When they Heard thele wordes, theyx mar⸗ 
ueiled; and lekt him, and went their way. 

The xxiiij. Sunday after trinitie. 

[22 we beteech thee aſſoyle thy people from their 

A⸗olences, that theough thy bountifull goodneſſe 

we map be deliuered front the bandes of all thoſe 
- finnes, which by our krailtie we haue committed: 
‘graunttyis,e, J—6 

Thexxiity Sunday after L rinitie. 
Bis te The Epiftle. a 
61 Egiue thanks to God the father of Col.. 
our Loꝛd Fetus Chꝛiſt alwayes foz 
rou tn our prayers, Foꝛ wee haue 
ay heard of pour laith in Chae Felts, 
» Ga\ Vi V9 4 of the louse which yee beare to all 

faints, fo2 the hopes fake which 13 
, EVE 7 laide bp in ſtore fo2z pou in heauen. 
Dé which hope ve heard before by the true worde of 
the Gofpel, which ts come vnto pot, even as it is in⸗ 
to all tie world, tis fruitiull,as itis alfo among you, 
. fromthe day in the which pe heard of it, ghad expe⸗ 
rience in the grace of God though the trueth, as pee 
{earned of Epaphra our deare fellow ſeruant, which 
{3 fo2 pou a faitifull minifter of Chꝛiſt, which alfo de: 
Clared vnto bs pourioue which pe haue in the ſpirit. 
For this cauſe we alfo, eucn fince the day we beard of 
it, haue not ceafed to pzap foz vou, and todelire that pe 
Might be fulfilled with the knowledge cf his will, in 
all wifedome aid ſpirituall vnderſtanding, that yee 
might walke worthie of the Lozde, that tn all things 
pe may pleate,being fruitiull in all good wozkes,and 
increaling itt the knowledge of God, flrengthened 
With all Might,theough bis glorious power, vnto all 
patience and tong (uffering, with ioyfulneſſe, giuing 
thankes onto $ father, which bath madebsmecteto . 

be partakers of the inheritance of the faints in light. 

— _ The Gofpel. , 

» E> Hile Jeſus ſpake punto the people, bes Mat.s 
\ holde, there came acertaitie ruler and 
LOWY Ie wozhipped him faping, Wp daughter 
Ds NVA. is euen now deceafed, but come and 
av aves laye thine hande vpon ber,andthe hall 

nd Jefusarofe, ant ollowed hin, and ſo ay 

) ig 



Lhe xxv. Sunday after T rinitie. 

Hisdifciples, And beholde, a woman which was dit 
ealed with an iſſue of blood twelue yeeres , came bee 
Hind Him, and touched the hemme of his betture, For 
fe ſayde within her felfe, FEF may touch but even 
bis veſture onely, Fhailbvetate. But Fetus turned 
Him about, and when be law her, he ſaid Daughter, 
be of geod comfot, thy faith hath made thee fafe.and 
the woman was made whole even the fame time, 
Und when Jelus came into the rulers houſe, efawe . 
thg minſtrels and the people making a nopfe, he fayd 
bitte thet, Get you hence, for the matd ts not dead, 
out leepeth,. And thep laughed him tofcozne. But 
sober the people were put foorth,be wentin, ¢tooke 
bev by the hand, andfaide, Mamotel, arife, And the 
Damolel aroſe. And this noyſe was abzoade in all 
that lande. 
The xxv.Sunday after Trinitie. 

The Collect. — 

SDirre bp Wee beſeech thee, D Lorde, the willes ol 
“thy faithiull people, that they plenteoully brin⸗ 
ging foo2th the fruite of good workes, may of thee be 
plenteoutly tewarded, through Jeſus Chriſt oar 

Lozde,Anien, ! 
The Epiftle.  ~ 

SoA OT Cholde, the time commeth, layeth 

S<q/ the Lorde, that J will rayſe bp the 
—* righteous brãch of Dauid, which 
„Aexing thal beare rule, and be tall 
vpꝛoſper with wifedome, a chall fee 
(ey Wey a) bp equitic ¢ vighteoutnefle againe 
ey Conia FA inearth, Fn Yistime hall Zudabe 
aued, x Iſrael hall dwell Wout feare. And this is the 
name that they thalcatt him,eteer the 1.020 our righ: 
teoufnelle, And therefore behold, the time comm pa , 

Thexxv. Sunday after T rinttie. 
faith the Lord, that it ſhalbe no moze fatd, Che Lod 
liueth, which brought b childzen of Iſraelout ofthe 
land of Egypt: but the Lord liueth, which brought 
forth and led thefeed of the boule of Iſrael out otthe 
North {and, and from ail countrepes where J haue 
fcattered them, and they hall dwell in their owne 
land againe. 
* The Goſpel. 

bhen Jelus lift op his eyes, andfawe a 
Mgreat companie come vnto Him, bee 

E vbupbꝛead, that theſe map eat? Chis he 
—laid to proue Him, fo2 He him ſelfe knew 
what he would doe, Philippe anfwered him, Two 
Hundzeth peniwoorth of bread are not ſuflicient for 
them, that euery ma may take a litle. One of his dil 
ciples (Andew Simon Peters brother) fapde vnto 
Him, Chere is a ladde here, which hath fire barley 
loues and two fithes, but what are they among fo 
many? And Jeſus ſaide, Make the people ſit downe, 
There was much grafic tn Che place, So the me fate 
Downe, in number about fine thoufande, And Jeſtis 
tooke the bread, and when he had giuen thankes. he 
gaue to His diſciples, andthe difciples to them that 
were fet Dowie, and like wiſe of the fies as much) as 
they would. When thep Had eaten ynough, he ſayth 
vnto his diſciples, Gather bp the broken meat WHICH 
rematnety, that nothing be lof, And thep gathered 
tt together, g lilled twelue baſkets with the broken 
meate ofthe ſiue barley loaues, which bꝛoken meate 
remained vnto them that had eaten. Chen thoſe ment 

Ioh, 6.7, 

Efapeth onto Philip, whence ſhall wee 

(when they Had feene the miracle that Jeſus did 

faid, Chisis ofa tructh the fame prophet that ould 
come intotbe vocddddee 

* A 
— ** 

beryed the calling of thy fonne Jeſus Chit, and kol⸗ 

D9. BE 

Jatt cA nadrewes day. 

Ifthere be any mo Sundayes before Aduent Sunday, to 
{fupplie the fame, fhallbe taken the feruice of fome of 
thofe Sundayes that were omitted betweene the Epi- 
phanie and Septuagefima, 

Saint Andrewes day. 
The Colle&, 
A Lmightie God, which didſt giue fuch grace onto 
thy holy Apotie S, Andzewe, that helreadily o- 

lowed him without delay: Graunt onto bs all,that 

we, being called by thy Holy worde, may foorth with - 

giue ouer our felues obevientip to followe thy holy 

commaundements, theough the ſame Jeſus Chriſt 

The Epiftle. 

7 ond Chat Jeſus is the Lod, ¢ beleene tn thy 

Do] Eo dei Chou thalt be fate, Foꝛ, to heleeue with 
we. C29) thebeart, iuſtilieth, and tb knowledge 
SaaS) with the mouth, maketh a man fate. 
02 the Scripturefayeth, whoſoeuer beleeueth or 
Hint, ſhall not be confounded, Chere is nodtfierence 

bet weene the Jew andthe Gentile: Foz one is 1020. 
of all, which is rich vnto all thatcall bpon him, Foꝛ 
wholoeuer doeth call on the name of the Lozde,thall 

be fate, Bowe then hall they call on him on whome 
they haue not beleeued? Howe hail they beleeue on 
Hin,of whome they hare not heard’ How thall they 

Heare without a Pꝛeacher? And howe thal they 

preach without they befent? asitis weitten, Bowe 
beautifull are the feete of then which bring tydings 
of peace and being tidings of good things? But they 
Daue not all obeyed to the Goſpell. Foꝛ Eſay con 

. , ) onde, 

PN Fok) & thou knowledge with thy mouth, . 
A Re heart that God raiten yim bp fro death, 

. Saint Andrewes day. 

Lorde, who hath beleeued our fayings? So thers 
- faith commeth by bearing , ehearing cometh bp the 
word of Ged. But Jaſke, Haue they not heard? No 
Doubt their found went out into alllands, and their 
words into the endes of the wozlde, Out Z demaund 
whether Frael did knowe o2 not? Firk Motes taith, 
FJ will prouoke yor to enuie by therm that are no peo- 
ple, bya foolthh nation FZ will anger pou. Elai atter 
that is bold ana ſaith, Jam found of the that fought 
me not, J am manitett bnto thems that alked not af 
- fer me, But againé Iſrael he faith, Ait day long 
haue F tretched foorth my hands vnto a people that 
beleeueth not but {peaketh againſt me, 
Ot The Gofpel. ene 
MPV Nk) => seis walked by the Seaot Galilee, 
x gzabe ſawe two brethren, Simon which 
was called Peter, and And2ew His bꝛo⸗ 

wi were fibers) and he faith vntd them, 

4 Fy 
yh to Pe 
\ J 


ther, caſting anetintothe Seca,(fozthep — 

Follow me, and J will make pou to become fiers of » 

men. And they ſtraightway lett their nets, and follo⸗ 
wed him, And when be was gone fozth from thence, 
he fawe other two brethren, James the fonne of Fee 
bedee, a John his brother, in the hip with Febedee 
thetr father mending their nets:and he called them, 

Aid they immediatly left the thippe and their father, 

and followed him, 
| Saint Thomas the Apoftle. 

< 134 The Colle&, : 
A minigbtie and euerlining God, which for the 

Amore confirmation of the faith, diddeſt fuffer 
thy holy Apottie Chomas to bee doubtfull in thy 
ſonnes refurrection: Graunt bs fo perfectly anv 
Without all doubt to beleeue in thy Sonne Fetus 

; daint L bomas the Apofite. 
Chill, that our faith in thy fight neuer be reproued 
Heare b8,O Lorde, through the lame Fetus Cyrg, 
to whom with thee zgc. on: 

The Epiftle. 
er, Dwe are ve not rangers , 1102 lorrey⸗ 
vs |[& ers, but Citizens with the faints, and 
lig of the houtholde of God, and are vᷣuilt 

| BIT RRNA vpon p foundation of the Apoſtles and 

Sa is = 

Pophets, Fetus Chꝛiſt him feife being, 

‘ Ghe head coztter ftone : in whome what building foe- 

uer is coupled together,tt groweth vnto an holy tem: 
ple of the Lord, in whome pe alfo are built togetijer, 
to bean Habitation of Goa though the holy Gholt. 

The Goſpel. 

homas one of the twelue, which is cal⸗ 

6 gQied Didymus, was not with then whe 

Aa leans selus came, Che other difcipies theres 
(eT) (aay lore (aide vnto him, mec haueleene the 

oe Genes Lorde. Out he lapde bnto them, Except 
Flee in his handes the paint of the naples, and put 
my finger into the print of the naples, andthautt my 
bande into his foe, F will not beleeue, Andatter 
Cight dayes, againe his ditcipies were within, and. 
Thomas with them. Chen came Fetus when the 
doores were (hut,¢ ſtood in the midſi. ſaid, Peace be 

— = 

vbnto pou. And after that helaidto THomas, Bring 
thy finger hither, and ſee mp bandes, ¢ reach hither 

chy hand, and thrutt icinto my fide, and be not faiths 

lelle, but belecuing. Chomas anſwered and faid bite 

to Him, My Lozd,and my God, Fetus {aid vnto him, 
Chomas, becaule thou hat feene me, thou batt be- 
leeued. Bleſſed ave they that haue not feene, * vet 

| | aue 

Tbe conuerfion of S.Paul, 

hatte belecued, And many other fignes truely did Fes 
fus in the pretence of his Diſciples, which are not 
written in this booke. Chele ave written, that yee 
might beleeuc,that Fetus Chris the fonne of Gon, 
and that (in beleeuing) pee might haue life through 
bis name, | | : 
The conuerſion of S. Paul. 
—ã Ihe Collect. sa Bee oy 
Cite which hak taught all the wozlde, thrꝛough 
the preaching of thy bleſſed Apottie S, aut, 
graunt, we befeeche thee, that wee which haue his 
wonderful conteriion in remembzance, may follow 
and kullill thy Holy doctrine that he taught, through 
Felus Chk our Lord. ae 
| TheEpiftle, | i 
VSD 2B Dat pet breathing ont threat: a4. .1 
AAS Wings and laughter again the diſci⸗ 
Epon Va) Ples ofthe Lode, went vnto the high 
VICZINVG, Prick, and delived ofhimletters tocar. 
WG W rie to Damalco to the Spnagoaues, 
that ithe founde any of this way ( were thep men o2 
Wormers) he might bring them bound to Hieruſalem. 
And when He iourneped, it fortuned that ashe was 
come nigh to Mamatco, ſuddenly there hincdround 
about him a light trom heauen, and be fell to the 
earth, and heard a voyce faying to him, Saut, 
Haul why perſecuteſt thou me? And helaide, wWhat 
artthou Lowe? Andthe Lozdelapde, FZ am Fetus 
whom thou perſecuteſt. It is hard foz thee to kicke as 
gainſt the pricke. And he both trembling ¢attonied, 
- faid, Lozd, What wilt thou haue me todoe? Andthe 
Lord ſaid vnto him.Ariſe, and goe tito the citie, and 
it thal be tolde thee what thou mul doe, Che mer 
which iourneped with hint, ſtoode antazed , — 
| a voyce. 


he conuerſion of S.Paul. 

a voyce, but ſeeing noman. And Saut arofe fron 
the carth,and when he opened his eyes, he ſawe no 
man: but they ledde him by the Hand, and brought 
Him into Damaſco. And be was theee dayes with⸗ 
out fight, and neither did cate nozdinke. And 
there was a certaine difciple at Damaſco, named 
Ananias: ard to him fayde the Lozde ina viſion, A: 
nanias.and he fatd, Beholde, FZ am here Loꝛde. Aird 
the Lozd ſaid vnto him, Ariſe, and goe into the fireete . 
which is called Straight, and (eeke in the houſe of 
Judas, after one called Saul ot Charſus. Foz be- 
bolde , he prayeth, andhath ſeene in a viſion a mart 
named Ananias, comming in vnto him, eputting 
His hades on him, thathe might receive his ight. 
Then Ananias anfwered, Lorde, J haue heard by 
many ofthis mar, howe much euill he hath done to 
thy Saints at Hieruſalem. And here he hath autho: 
riticofthe high Pzictes , to binde all that call on thy 
Marre. Che Lorde fayde vnto him, Goe thy way, foz 
heis achoſen befleli vnto me, to beare mp Mame bee 
fore the Gentiles and Rings, and the chilazen of Ffs 
rael.ffor FZ will hewe him how great things be mutt 
{ufferfoz mp Mames fake. And Anantas went his 
way, and entred intothe Houle, and put his andes 
on him, and fatde, Bzother Gaul,the Lorde that ap- 

ated vnto thee in the way as.thou camel, hath 
fent mie, that thou mighteſt recetue thy light, and be 
filled with the holy Ghoſt. And immediatly there fell 
from his eyes agit had bene Males, and be recetued 
ſight, and avofe,and was baptised, a receiued meate, 
and was comfozted. Chen was Saul a certaine 
Dayes With the difciptes which were at Mamatco, 
And ſtraightway hee preached Chriſt in the Syna⸗ 
gogues, how that hee was the Sonne of Goo, Ru 
| a 

Purification of Mariethevirgin. — 

all thatheard bint, were amated, ana fayde, Is not 
this he that fpopled thems which called on this name 
in Hieruſalem, and came hither foz that intent,that 
he might bring them bounde vnto the high Prieſts? 
But Saul increafed the moze in Lrength, ad con⸗ 
founded the Jewes which dwelt at Mamatce, allix⸗ 
ining that this was berp Chꝛiſt. 

The Gofpel, _ 
Eter anfwered, and fayde buto Jeſus, Mat.19. 
Beholde, webhauetozfakenatlandfol-29, 

ne | Een fore? Felus fatde bnto them, aertlyZ 

Sr & Alay onto you, that when the ſonne of 
man hall fit in the feat of his maieſtie, yethat haue 
followed me in the regeneration, tall fit alſo vpon 
twelue feates and iuage the twelue tribes of Iſrael. 
And every one that forlaketh houle, o2 bꝛethꝛen, o2 
fifters, 02 father, o2 mother, 02 wife, 02 chtldze11,02 
lands, for my names fake, hall recetue an hundreth 
folde, and ſhall inberite euerlaſting life. But manx 
that are fir walbe laſt, and the lat thalbe firſt. | 

The Purification of S. Marie the virgin. 
e Colleét. 

A munightie and euerlaſting God, we humbly bes 

Afeech thy maieſtie, that. as thy onelp begetters 
forine was this dap prefented in the Cemple in ſub⸗ 
Garice of our filet: ſo graunt that we may be peetert> 
ted vntothee with pure and cleave nundes,bp Jeſus 
Chill our Lorde, | 

spoves. } TheEpifile, 
ne ſame that is appointed for the Sunday. 

oe — Matthias day. 

The Gofpel, at | 
£2). ) AP > s Ben the timeof their ———— 
NS AS & (ater the lawe of “potes) was 
H £-/ fy Come, they brought him to Hieru⸗ 
fo falem, to prefent him to the Lod 
W/E (as IC 18 wꝛitten in the law of the 
/\V/ SS 1.020: Cuerp man childe that firſt 
oN =) openety the matrix, thalbe called 
5 Does Holy tothe L020) ato oller(as it is 
* in thelato of the Lo2d) apaive of Curtie dDoucs,o2 
two pong pigeons, 21d bebold, there was a man in 
Hieruſalem whole name was Simeon, a the fame 
man was tull and godly, and looked foz the confola- 
tion of Iſrael, and the holy Ghok was in him. And 
an anfiwere bad he recetucd of the Holy Ghoſt, that 

be thould not fee death, except he fir fawethe Lorede 

| poh And He caine by infpivation nto the —— 

Saint Matthias day. 
- TheColle&, 
A mighty God, which in the place of the traitour | 
Judas, diddeſt chute thy fatthiullferuant Wat- 
thias to be of the number of the twelue Apoſtles: 
Graunt that thy Church betnag alway preſerued frõ 
falle Apotties, map be ordered and guided by faithful 
Ee and true — Jeſus Chit our Loꝛd. 
Epi Cy 
FEN thofe dapes: Peter ſtoode vp in the 
S middes of the difciples, and fapde, (the 
Oa muber of names that were together, 
rep \} V SQ were about an hundred and twentie Ve 
284 men and brethren. this Scripture muſt 
| needs patie bin fulfilled, hich holy qhot,thougy. 
pais ee ——— “i of Judãas — 

Saint Matthiasday, 

guide to them that tooke Fetus. soz hee was num⸗ 
b2ed with bs, atid had obteined fellowihippe tn thts 
miniſtration. And the fame hath now pofletled a plat 
of ground with the rewarde of iniquitic, and when 
he was hanged, bure alunder in the middes, cali his 
bowels guihedout, And tt was knowen vnto alt the 
inhabiters of Hieruſalem, tn fe much that the ſame 
fielde is called in their mother tongue, Acheldama, 
. that ig to ſay, the bloodie field. Foz it is wꝛitten in the 
booke of Pſalmes, Hishabitation be bod, e110 mart 
be dwelling therein, and his Biſhopricke tet another 
, take noberefoze,ofthele men which haue companted 
with bs ( all te time that the Lord Jeſus had all his 
conuerilation among bs, beginning at the baptifine 
of John, vnto that fame dap that he was taken bp 
tombs) muflone be ordeined to be a witneſſe with 
bs of his refurrection, Aid thep appointed two: Foe 
feph, ‘which ts called Barſabas (whole furname 
was Juſtus and Matthias. And when they prayed, 
they fapd, Chou Lorde which kno welt thebeartsot 
all men, thew whether of thele twothoubattchoten, 
that be may take theroome of this minifration and 
Apoſtleſhip, from which Judas by tranſgreſſion fell, 
that he might go into his one place. And they gaue 
loorth theirlottes, and the lot fell on Datthtas, and 
he was counted with the eleuen Apottics, 
The Goſpel. | Ae 
Fa (23 NS 00, SF M that time Jeſus anſwered, and Mar.rr. 
m\ el) [S C. fayde, 9 thanke thee, O father, 25, 
Se Lord of heavert and earth, becauſe 
ae, thou batt hid theſe things fromtye 
Kg Wile and prudent, and hat the wed 
Kos them vnto babes: Gerily father, . 
ra Cereuen fo was tt thy geod — 

Annunciation of the virgin Marie. 

Allthings are qiuen vnto mee of my father: and no 
nian knoweth the fonne but the father, neither kno⸗ 
weth any man the father, faue the fonne, and he to 
whomſoeuer the ſonne will open him. Come vnto 
meall pe that labour, and are laden, and J will eaſe 
ou. Cake myyoke vpon pou, and learne ofme, for — 
ant meeke and lovoly in heart, and pe ſhal finde reſt 

— -bntoyourfoules : for myyokeis caſie, and my bur · 

den is light. pues 
: ¢ fd Annunciation of the virgin Marie. 
The Collec. 

J N 7 Eebeleech thee, Lorde, powꝛe thy grace into 
Y ‘our Hearts, that as we haue knowen Chꝛiſt 

‘thy ſonnes incarnation by the meflage of an Angel: - 

fo by bis crofle and paſſion, we may be brought vnto 
the qlozy of his refurrection,thzough the fame Chk 
our Lorde. | th 

| The Epiftle. “erty eR ea 
<<a Dd fpake once againe to Ahas, ſaving. 
WX Require atokew of the Lorde thp God, 
A=)! whether it be towarde the deapth be- 
>| Neath, o2 towarde the height aboue. 
| Chen ſayd Shas, F wiillrequive none, 

neither wily tempt the Lorde. And he ſayde, Hears · 
ken to, ye of the houſe of Dawid: Is it not vnough 

foꝛvou that pe be grieuous vnto men, but vee muſt 
bai grieve my God aifo? And therefore the Lorde hall 

giue pola token: Beholde , a virgin thall concetue, 
and beare a ſonne, and thou his mother halt call his 
name Emmanuel. Butter and honte whalihe eate, 
that he may kuowe to refute the euill, and chute the 


eA nnunciation of the virgin Marie. 

) The Gofpel, a 
Ndinthe ſixt moneth, the Aneel Luss. 26 
eUZALVS-+ Gabziel was fent from God, bute 
*5 ANS {2 acity of Galileenamed Nazareth 

“ toa birainfpouled to ama, whole 
we») tame was Jofeph.of the porte of 
32 \\OR Daud, ¢ the virgins name was 
ROVE Marie.And the Angel wee in vn⸗ 
tover, and faid, Haile tullofarace,the Lord is with 
thee,blefled art thou among women, When the fae 
Hint, oe was abated athis laying, and caſt in ber 
minde WHat maner offalutation that ſhould be, And 
the Angel faide vnto her, Feare not Warie,foz thor 
hat founde grace with Ged: Bebolde, thou thalt 
conceiue tn thy wombe. and beare afonne,and thalt 
call big name Jeſus. He ſhalbe areat, and thalbe cal 
lea the forne ofthe higher. And the Lozde God thal 
giue vnto Him the feate of his father Dauid, and he 
thall reigne ouer the Houle of Jacob fozeuer, and of 
bis hingoome there hall be none ende, Chen ſayde 
Marie tothe Angell, Howe hall this be, teeing J 
knowe not aman? And the Angell anfiwered, and 
{aid vnto her, Che holy Ghoſt hall come vpon thee, 
and the power of the highes hall ouerſhadow thee, 
Cierefoze alfo thatholp thing which hall be bozne, 
thalbe called thefonne of God, Bnd bebolde, thy cou: 
fin Clizabeth, the hath alfo conceiued a ſonne in her 
age, And Chis ts the flirt moneth, which was called 
harres:fo2 with Gad nothing thalbe impoſſible. And 
Marie fapde, Behold the handmaide of the Lord, be 
it vnto ate according to thy word, And the Angel des 
partevivomber, = — ae. 
| : | ‘ 

== * 

—* Saint Markes day. 
TheColle&. : 3 

| A Lnughtte 600, which hat inſtructed thy holy 

Church with the beauentyp doctrine of thy Cuan: 
gqelit Saint Marke, giue bs grace that wee be not 
like childzen, carped away with euery blaſt of bape 

doctrine: but firmely to be eſtabliſhed in the trueth 


of thy holy Golpel,thzough Jeſus Chit our Lord. 

yp) DheBpiftle:~ 

FYQO Mio euerp one of bs is giuen grace. ac- 
cording to the meaſure of the qifte of 

CAN fz Chu. Wherelore he ſayeth, Whenhe 
vent bp on high, he led captiuitie cap- 
EXO ey (UC, and gaue giftes butomen, Chat 
He aicenved, what meancty tt, but thathealfode? 
cended firſt into the lowe pavies oftheearth? Bee - - 
that defcended, is even the fame allo that afcended 

bp aboue all heauens, to fulfill all thinges. And the 4 
bery fame made fome Apofties, fome Pophetes, 
fome Euangeliſtes, ſome thepheardes and teachers, 

to the edifping ofthe Saintes, to the worke and ad⸗ 
miniſtration, euen to the edifying of the body of 
Chꝛiſt, tli we all come to the vnitie of the faith, and 
knowledge of the ſonne of God, bnto a periect man, 
vnto tye meaſure of the full perfect age of Chriſt: 
What we hencefoorth houlde be no moze children 

wauering and caryed about With euerp winde o 
_ Boctrine,by the wilineſſe of men, through craftines, 
wyhereby they lay awayte fo2 vs toaeccinebs; But 
‘fet bs followe the tructh in loue, andin ali thinges 

growe in him which is the head, euen Cher: in 
whome tf alt the body be coupled and knit together 
throughout euery topnt, wherewithone miniſtreth 

to another(accoꝛding to the euery * 4 

Saint Markes day. 

hath his meafure) he encreateth the body, vnto the es 
difping of it (elfe thꝛough love, 
The Gofpel. 
Ea ea Am the true bine,and my fathers an — 15. 
—— ENY Ash hufbandman.€uerp beanch that bea- 

9 IN Z wh reth not frutteinme, be will take a⸗ 
VAAN Vigex| Way: andenery branch thatbeareth 
rruite, wilhe purge, thatit may being 
— More fruite, Nowe are pe cleane throtigh the 
words which Jhaue fpoken vnto pou. Hide in me, ¢ 
J tn pou. asthe branch cannot beare fruit of tt felt, 
except it bide tn the Wine: no moze can pe, ercept ye 
abide in me. F an the aine,pe ave the branches, Be 

that abideth tn me, and J in btm, the lame bringeth 

forth much fruit. Foꝛ without me can pe do nothing, 
‘ta man bide not in me, be is caft foꝛth asa branch, 
and is Withered, and men gather them, @ calthem 
into the fire,and they burne, Frye abide in me, emp 
words abive in pou,atke what pe will, and it hail be 
Bone for you, Herein is my Father glozified, that pee 
beare much frutte, ¢ become nip dilciples. As the fa- 
ther bath loued me, euen ſo alſo haue F loued pow: 
Continue pou in my loue. If pekeepe mp commandes 
ments, pe hail bide in my loue, euen as J haue kept 
my fathers commtandements,and abide in His toue, 
Chele things haue Jſpoken bnto pou, that my ioye 
might remaine in poua that vour top Wee ca be full, 

- Saint Philip and Tames day. 
24, .)!The ColleG, | 
Atma God, whome tructy to knowe ts euer⸗ 
laſting life: graunt vs perkectly to knowe thy 
Sonne Jelus Chiilt to be the way, the trueth, and 
the lile, as thou haſt taught Saint Philippe, — cee 

4 40 

Saint Philip andfames day. 
ther the Apotties.chrough Jelus Chri our Lod. 
The Epiftle. 

Dose Ames the feruant of God, andof = 
S FS the Lod Jelus Chet {eoeth aree- 
ae ting to the twelue tribes which 

(eG, ate (cattered abzoade. My bre: 
Z thren, count tt for an erceeding . 

AV tov, when pee fail tnto divers 
RD ‘avea~ CA temptations knowing thts, that 
the trying of pour fatth gendreth patience, andiet 
patience haue her perfect woke, that pe may be per: 
fect and ſounde lacking nothing, Ff any of pou lacke 
wiſedome, let him aſke of hint thatgiueth tt, euen 
Gon, which giueth to all men indifferently, and ca⸗ 
eth no manin the teeth, and it chall be giuen him, 
But let hin aſke in faith, and wauer not. Foꝛ hee 
that doubteth, ts like a waue of the fea, Which ig 
tof of the windes, and carped with biolence: Nets 
cher let that man thinke that be thatl recetue anp 
thing ofthe Lorde. A wauering minded manis ons 
fable in all his wayes. Het the brother whichis 
of lowe degree, retoyce when he is exalted. Againe, — 

iet him that is rich, reioyce when he ts made lowe: 
Foz euen as the floure of the qrafle hail he pale as 
Way. for as the ſunne rifeth with heate, and the 
grate withereth, and his floure fallethaway, and 
the beautie of the fathion of it periſheth: euen fo 
{hall the rich man periſh in his wayes. Happie ts the 
man that endureth temptation: for when hetstry: - 
ed, be ſhall receiue the crowne of life, which the 
Lorde hathpzomiledtothenithationchim, — - 



Saint Philip and lames aay. 
The Gofpel. ; 

y ably . Saint 


- Saint Barnate Apiſile. 
TheG@olledy: 2 ee 
[2 Aimightie, which haſt indued thy holy App⸗ 
ſtle Barnabas with fingular giftes of the holx 
Ghoſt: et os not be deſtitute of thy manifelve aifts, bile them alway to thy honour and 

Glory, through Fetus Chait our Lord. 

«(/ The Bpiftle, : 
Idings of thele Chinas came vnto the 

a4 | S<3|eares of the congregation which was 
uA ee yg Ut Bierufalem, And thep lent footy — 
Barnabas, that hee — 
aAntioch. Which when he came, ehad 
ſeene the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them 

all, that with purpoſe of heart thep world continu⸗ 

ally cleave vnto the Loꝛd. Foz be was agoodman, -— 

andfull of the holy Ghoft, eof faith, and much pes: 
ple was added buto the Lode, Chen departed Bar: 

nabas to Charius tofecke Saul: and when he bad 

founde him, be bought him vnto Antioche, And it 
chances, that a whole pere they had their conuerfa: 
tion with the congregation there, and taught much 
people, info much that the diſciples of Antioch were 
the firll that were called Chriſten. In thole dayes 
came Prophets from the citie of Hieruſalem onto 

Antioche. Aud there ſtoode bp one of them named 

Agabus, and fignified by the Spiritz, that there 

woulde bee great dearty throughout all the worlde: 

which came to pafle in the Emperour Claudius 
Daves, Then the diſciples, euery man according to 
vis abilitic , purpofed tofende fuccour vnto the bre⸗ 
thzen which dweltin Furie: which thing thep aifo 
Did, and ſent tt tothe elders by the bandes of Barna⸗ 
bas and Saul, EG el = 
ieee | i 

John z 

—— see friendes, Pe ave my kriendes, if pe Doe 
whatloeuer J commatinde pou, Pencefoorth call F 
not you feruants:fo2 the feruant kno weth not what 
his Lorde doeth: but pou haue FZ cailed friendes, for 
all thinges that 9 baue beard of mp father, baue J 
— opened to pou, Pe haue not chofen me, but Jhaue 
choſen you, and ordeined pou to goe and being foorth 
kruite, and that pour fruite ſhoulde remaine, that 
whatloeuer pe athe of the father in my name,be map 
giue it port. 


Saint lIohn Baptift. as 
The Colle&, y 
| A Lmighty God, by whole prouidence thy ſeruant 
> Zohn Baptitt was wonderfully borne, and ſent 
to prepare the way of thy fonne our Saviour by © 
preaching of penance ; make bs fo to followe bis doc: 
trineand holy life,that we may truely repent, accozs 
bing Co His preaching, and after bis erample cone 
ſtantly ſpeake the tructh, boldely rebuke bice, and 
patiently {uffer fo2 the trueths fake, through Fetus 
Chziff our Lorde. 

The Epiftle, a 



hi A enbe.that ber offertce is pardoned, that 
the hathreceiued ofthe Aords hand ſut · 
Acient coꝛrection fo2 all per finnies, A voyce nwa s 

Saint Fobn Baptift. 

Che wilderneſſe, Prepare the way ofthe Lorde in the 
wildernefle, make ſtraight the path for our God in 
the deſert. Let all bailepes be exalted, geuery morn: 
taine and hill be laide low. What fo is crooked, tet it 
be made ſtraight, andiet the rough be made plaine 
ficldes.ffo2 the glozy of the £023 hall appeare,and al 
ficth thall atonce fee it.ffoz whys the mouth of p Loꝛd 
hath poker tt. Che fame voyce fpake, Nowe crye. 
And the Prophet anſwered, What hall Z cry? Chat 
all fet is graſſe, and that al the gosdlineſſe thereof 
is asthe flower of the fielde. The graſſe t3 withered, 
the flower falleth away. Cuen fo is the people as 
graſſe, when the breath of the Lozde blowety vpon 
them, Nenerthelefie, whether the qrafle wither, oz 
that tie flower fade away, yet the wozdeof our Goa 
endureth for euer. Goe bp bute the high Hill(D Si⸗ 
om) thou that brꝛingeſt qood tidings, litt bp thy voyce 
With power, O thou preacher Hierufatem, tft it bp 
without feare, and fay vnto the citiesofFuda, Wes 
Hold pour God, bevold,the Lord God ali come with 
Wer, and beare rule with his arme. Beholde, he 
ringeth Hts treaſure with him. and his workes goe 
before Him, He hall feede His flocke like an heard⸗ 
mart: He hall gather the lambes together with bis 
arme, and carp them in His bofome, and hall kindly 
entreate thoſe that beare pong, 

| The Gofpel. | 
Piety Lisabeths time came that the houlde 
ie Wye, be delitered, and che brꝛought forth a 
> 4 forme. And her neighbours and her 
‘i eZ, couſins Heard fay,howe fhe Lorde had 
lghewed great mercie bpon Her, and re 
fopced With Her, And it lertuned, that in the * 

Saint Loon Bapliſt. 

bay they came to circumcife the childe. and called his 
name Sacharie after the name of bis father, And 
his mother anfwered and ſaid, Not fo, but His name 
hall be called John. And they ſayd vnto her, Chere 
is none of thy kinred that is named with this name, 
Anathey made lignes tobis father, howe he would 
haue him called. And hee aſked fo2 writing tables, 
and wrote,faying Dis name is John.And thep mar⸗ 
neiled all, And his mouth was opened immediatly, 
and bis tongue alſo, and bee ſpake, and pꝛayſed Good, 
And feare came on all them that dwelt nigh vnto 
him, And all thele layings were noyſed absoade 
throughout all the bie countrey of Jurie, and they 
that beard them, layde them bp in their hearts, fay- 
ing, What maner of childe (all. this bee? Andthe 
hande ofthe Lode was with him. And his Father 
Sacharias was filled with the holy Gyo, and p2ce 
phected,faying, Pꝛayſed be the Loꝛd Godot Iſrael. 
for Hee hath vicited and redeemed his people, And 
hath rapted bp an hone of faluation vnto vs, inthe 
Houle of his teruant Dauid, euen as hee promited 
by the mouth of bis holy Prophetes, which were 
fince the worlde began, That wee fhould bee faued 
krom our enemies, and from the bande of all that 
hate vs Chathee woulde deale mercifully with cur 
fathers, and remember bis holp couenant. Chat- 
bee woulde perfourine the othe which bee ſware 
toour father Abzavam , fo2 to giue bs. That wee, 
being delivered out of the handes of our enemies, 
might ferue Him without leare ailthe dayes of our 
Aife,in fuch bolinelle and righteouinelle, as are ats 
ceptable for hint, And thou childe Malt bee called 
the-raphet ofthe Pighell : fo2 thou walt goe be⸗ 

_  foxe the face of the, —— prepare bis wares. 

Saint Peters day. 

Co giue huowledge of faluation vnto His people, for 
the remiſſion ofſinnes. Chrough the tender mercyof 
our God, whereby the day ſpring from an high hath 
bifited vs. To giue lightto them that ſate mdarke- — 
neſſe, ard in the hadow of death, ¢ to guide our feete 
into the way of peace.And the childearewe, waxed 
ſtrong in ſpirit, was in wildernes tillthe day came 
when he hould hew Himlelfe vnto the Iſraelites. 

@j Saint Peters day. ‘ 
che ~ The Colled. Like et a 
| Amighty God, which by thy ſonne Jeſus Chez, 
Halt giuen to thy Apottle S, Petermanpercet: — 
lent giltes, and commaundedſt him earneſtly tofecde 
thy flocke: make wee beſeeche thee all Biſhops and 
Paſtours diligently topzeach thy holy wozd,andthe 
people obediently to followe the fame, that they map 
recetue the crowne of euerlatting glozte,thzough Je⸗ 


ſus Chriſt our Lord. 
The Epiſtle. | 

12.1. Cthe fame time, Herod the hing ſtret⸗ 

7 YE ched foozth bis handes tobere certaine — 
—— ofthe congregation, a he killed James 
ANVthe vbꝛother of John, with the ſword. 

BAnd becaule hee fawe it pleated the 
wes, hee proceeded further, and tooke Peter alfo, 
Then were the dayes of fweete bread. And when he 
Had caught him he put him ut priſon alfo,and deliue⸗ 
red him to fourequaterntons of fouldters to be kept, 
intending after Cafter to bring him forth to the peo⸗ 
ple. And Peter was Keptin priſon, but pꝛayer was 
made Without cealing of theconaregation bnte God 
foz him. And when Herod worlde have brought him 
out vnto the people, the fame night dept ae = | 

Saint Peters day: 

twene two louldiers bound with two chaines , and 
the keepers before the doore kept the p2tion. And bes 
holde,the Angelofthe Lozde was there pretent, and 
a light Hinedin the habitation, and he ſmote Peter 
onthe fide,and ſtirred him bp, faying, Ariſe bp quick⸗ 
ty, And His chaines fell from his handes. Anv the 
Angel fatde bute hint, : Girde thy felfe; and binve on 
thyfandales, And ſo he did, And Hee laith vnto him, 
af thy garment about thee, and followe mec, And 
hee came out, and followed him, and wik not that tt 
WAS tructh Which Masddneby pb Angel, but thought 
Hee had feene a difion, When thep were pall the firs 
and fecond watch, they came onto the pon gate that 
leadeth vnto the citie, which opened to thens by the 
owne accozde:and thep went out,and pated through 
one ſtreete, and foorth with the Angel departed from 
him. And when Peter was come tohimlelfe;he tard, 
fLow F Kuo of afuretie that the Lord hath lent his 
Angel, and hath deliuered mee out of the bande of 
Herode, and trom all the wapting of the people of the 

° | The Gofpel. : 
awe Maes, Hen Fetus came into the coatkes Matt.1 
\ (I //2 1/4 of tie citie , which is called Cefa- 13. 
/ /fo) tea Pbilippt, Hee aſked his diſci⸗ 
APEX ples, faptiig , whome doe men fay. 
a2 9 Hat Ithe fonneofman am? Chep 
A ea fatd, Some fay that thou art Joon 
Lf PEE SF Daptifl, fome Clias, fome Fere- 
mias.oꝛ one of the Prophets, Hee ſayeth vnto thet, 
Dut whometappeethat Zam? Simon eter an- 
fwered, andfapde, Chou att Chit the ſonne of the 
living God, And Jeſus anſwered, and fayde * 
St Wit, 


Saint Fames the eA poflle. 
Him, Happie art thou Simon the forte of Jonase 
fo2 fleſh ⁊ blood hath not opened that onto thee, but 
my Father which is in heauen. And J fay ontothee, 
that thou art jeter, and vpon this rocke wil Z butid 
nly Congregation, and the gates of Hell (hail not pre: 
Maile again tt. And | will give vnto thee the keyes 
of the kingdome of Heaven : and whatfocuer thou 

bindeſt in earth, thatbe bound in heauen: and whats 

focucr thou looſeſt in earth, thaibe looſed in heauen. 

Faint Iames the Apoftle. 
Wil shaeng seer TheGakeane: 
(Raunt, D mercifull God, that as thine Holy A⸗ 

poſtle Zames, leautng His father and all that be 

had, without belay was obedient bute the calling of 
thy Sonne Jeſus Cyzik,anofollowedhim:Sowee . 

lorſaking all worldly andcarnalfaffections, maybe =| 
euermore readic totollowe thy commmaundements, 7 
through Jeſus Chriſt our od, i 
103 FO Snag 90310 be Rpm: | 9 | 
Nd 2 thole dayes came Wrophetes 
otra the citie ol Hieruſalem,.vn · 
rtoAntioche. Andthereftoodebp = 
yy one of them named Agabus, 
EA and fignified by the tpivite , that 
Hthere oulde bee great dearth 
) YO theounghout all the wo2ld, which 
a Came to patie in the Cmperour 
laudius dayes. Chen the difciptes, euery man ac 
cording to his habilitie, purpoicd ta ſend ſuccour bi: 
to the brethren which dwelt in Furie: which thing 
thep allo dia, and fent it to the Elders by thehandes 
of Barnabas and Saul. At the fame time Herode 

the Ging ſtretched foorth his hands to vexe — 

Saint fames the Apostle. 
e congregation. And he killed James the broe 
i of aopn with the ſworde: andbecaute he ſawe 
it pleated the Jewes, he proceeded further, and tooke 

The Gofpel, 

hen came to Him the mother of Febe- 
Ay Ke By dees childzen, with ber forties, woꝛ⸗ 
xe! lane ipping him, and defiring acertaine 
: (Zs } \epy hing of Him, And he fatde onto Her, 
"S60 Gar, What wilt thou? She faid onto Him, 
Grant wat chele mytwo ſonnes may ſit, the ene on 
thy vight Hand, and the other on the lett, in thy binge 
dome. But Jelus anſwered andfatde, Pe wote net 
what pe aſke. Are ye ablete drinke ofthe cuppe that 
J that deinke of? and to be baptised with the bape 
tiſme that J ant baptized with? They fatve onto 
Him, we are. He ſaide bnto them, De hall drinke ire 
deede of my cuppe, and be baptized with the bap 
tiſme that J ant baptised with: but to fitteonmp 
vight hande and on my left, is not mine to giue, but 
tt fhall chaunce vnto them thatit is prepared fo2 of 
my father. And when the. ten heard this, they dit 
dayned at thetwo brethren. But Fetus called thers 
Bnito him, and ſaide, Pe hnowethat the princes of 
Che tations haue dominion over them, and they 
that are qveat men, exerciſe authozitie vpon them, 


Ft all not be fo antong you. But whoocuer will 

be greatamong pou, let him be your minitter, and 
JMpotortcr wil be chtefe among pou, let him be pour 
ferwant: Euen as the fonne of mancame not tobe 
‘minitred onto, butte minitter, and to giue his lifes 
tedemptionfoymany, = 7 8 

€ a zi . 3 ‘ een 

- Saint Bartholomew eA, pofile 

Thbhe Collect. 
J— and euerlatina Gov, which batt — 
en grace to thine Apoftle Barthoionie we, trues 
iy to beleeue and to peach thy worde:graunt, we be⸗ 
ſeech thee, onto thy Church, both toloue thathe be⸗ 
leeued, andto preach that he taught, thꝛough Chꝛill 
out Lozve, 
The Epiftle, - 

i * SVE Othe handes of the Apottes werema, 

7m | the neople: andthep wereall together 
ENS), Pp) With one accozd In Salomons porch, 

And of other durſt no man topne him⸗ 
‘fate fo thent: neuerthelefle the peopte magnified 

them, Che number of them that beleencd in the 

Lod, both of ment ¢ women, qrewe mozeand moe, 
Anfomuch that they brought the ficke into $ fireetes, 
and layde them on beddes and couches, that atthe 
ieat way the ſhadowe of Peter. when He came by, 
might Hadowe fome of them. Chere came alfo a 
multitude out of the cities rounde about, vnto Hie⸗ 
ruſalem, binging fiche folkes, a them which were 
bered: wrth vncleane {pivites, anid thee — 

uerr one. 
* The Gofpel. 

—— AD there was a ſtrife among 
wyhyich of them houlde ſeeme tobe the 
—— ud greatet. And bee fayde onto ther, 
Heo ACs Che Hinges of nations: vaigne ouer 

deh — ¥ them, and they that haue authoritie 

. 0! sehen are called gracious Lowes: bit ye fhatt 
tbe toasty that is —— YOU, — 

Puy ſignes and wonders ſchewed among 

Saint Matthewe. 

as the vonger, and be that is chiefe, thalbeas he that 
doth minitter.ffoz whether ts greater, He that fitteth 
at meate,o2 be that feruety? Is not he that fitteth at 
meate? ButF am among pou as he that miniſtreth. 
NPe are they which haue hidden with me in my temp⸗ 
tations, And F appoint vnto pou a kingdome, as my 
father bath appointed vnto me, that pe map eate and | 
drinke at my table in my hingdome, and tt on ſeates . 

iudging the twelue tribes of Iſrael. : 

Saint Matthewe. 

! cca The Colle@s i: — 
A hinigitie God, which by thy bielled ſonne did. 
2delt call Matthewe from the recette of cuffome, 
tebe an Apoftie and Euangeliſt: Oraunt bs grace 
to forſake all couetous delves andinordinate loue of 
riches, ¢ to followe thy ſaid ſonne Jeſus Chet, wo 
liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghoſt. ec. 

| The Epiftle. i ; t 

—77Eeing that wee haute ſuch an office, e⸗ 2.Cor, 
Os Gr uen a8 Godhath had mercie onbs, We 4.1. 

goe not out ot kinde, but haue caſt irom 
Oho v8 the lokes of vnhoneſtie, and walke 
PES Al rot incrattinesle neitherbandle we the 
19020 of Goo deceittully but open the trueth, and re⸗ 
poꝛt ourfelucs to euery mans confcience tn the ſight 
of God. Flour Golpell be pet hidde, itis hid aniong 
them that arelot, in whom the God of this wozide © 
- Hath blinded the mindes of them which beleeue not, 
left Plight ofthe Golpel of tie glory of Chik (which 
Is he image of God) ſhoulde Hine dito then, Fo⸗ 
— “Wepreache not ourfelues, but Chit Fetus to oe | 
ant ) a | - 

0.9 9 J 

Saint Matthewe. | 
the Lozbe,2 our ſelues pour ſeruants for Jeſus ane: 
Foz itis Bod that commandeth the light to whine out 
of Darkenefle, which Hath hinedin our hearts, fo2 to 
Glue the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, 
in toe face of Fetus Chik, | : 

The Gofpel. | 
LEP RR ND as Fetus pafled foorth From 
G4 \X~ twence, Heefawe aman (named - 
: 1d Net © dPatihewe ) fitting at the receite 
—— SA ofcuftome: and he fayde vnto him, 
| RGA \Followeme, And he arofe,and toi⸗ 
)Iowed him. And tt came to pafle, 
Seo Ss a8 Fefus fate at meat inhis boule, 
bepolde, many Publicanes alfo and ſinners that 

=F, eee — 

came, fatedowne with Jetus and his dilcipies ind 

when the Phariſees ſawe tt, they ſayde vnto his diſ⸗ 
ciples, Wihy eateth pour maſter with Publicanes 
and ſinners? But when Jeſus heard that, hee ſayde 
onto them. They that be rong, neede not the phyſi⸗ 
tion, but theythat are fiche. Gee ye rather and learne 

~ Lobat that meaneth: F wiil haue mercie,and not fa- 
Orifice, Foꝛ Jam not come to call the righteous, but 

{inners to repentance. rj 
Saint Michael and all Angels, 

| > TheColle&. ny 
Fi Verlattinig God, which Hal ordeined and cots 
—ituted the feruices of all Angels and men in a 
Wonderful! order: mercifully graunt, that thep 
which alway doe thee ſeruice in heauen, may by thy 
appoyntment fuccour and defende og in the earth, 

CORO R ATR EEN aE Mae: > San siesta 

> § —ñ— | 

Sainte ichael and all Angels, 

The Epiftle, ; 

here Was a great battell in heauen: ao 32: 

Pahs fears Michael and His Angels fought with -* 
“| | Sag the Wragon, and the Dragon foughe 
EF) CSF! with his angets,and pꝛeuailed not,nete 
Vie Gow ther was theiy place founde any moze 
in heauen. And the great Pꝛagon. that olde ferpent, 
called the deuill and Satanas, was call out, which 
deceiueth all the worlde, And he was calinte the 
earth, and His angels were cat out allo with him. 
And F Heard a loude boyce, laying, An heauenis 
nowe made ſaluation, and firength, and the king 
dome of our God, and the power of his Chꝛiſt. soz 
the accufer of our bꝛethren is caſt downe, which ace 
cufed them before God day and night. And they overs 
came hint by the blood of the lambe, and by the word 
of their teſtimonie, g they loued not their liues vn⸗ 
to the death. Cherefoze reioyce pe heauens, and ye 
Chat dwellin then, Woe vnto the inbabiters of the 
earth, and of the fea, foꝛ the deuil is come downe vn⸗ 
to pou, which bath qveat wrath becaule be knoweth 

that he hath but a hozt time, 

The Gofpel, | 
— Zeay © the fame time came the Diſciples Mat.18,1 
= vnto Jeſus, faping, Who is the grea⸗ 
—teſt In the kingdome otheauen: Jeſus 
cailed achild vᷣnto him, andfet him in 
EEDA W the midſt of them, andlapde,werily FZ 
fay vnto vou, except pe turne, ebecomeas childꝛen, 
— notenterinto the kingdome of heauen. Pho⸗ 
deuer therefore humbleth himſelle as this childe, 
that lame is the greateſt tn the kingdome of heauen. 
And wholoeuer receiueth fuch a childe in my — 

oT ieee 

- Saint Luke the Suangelift 

receiueth me, Wut who ſo doeth oflende one of thefe 

uitle ones which beleeuetn me,it were better ſor him 
that a milfone were banged about his necke, and 

that he were downed tn the Deapth of thefea. wee 
vnto the worlde becaufe of offences, Meceflary it is 

that offences come: but woebntethemanbyp wont 

the offence commeth. Wherekore, tf thy handeo2 thy 

foote binder thee, cut them off, and caſt them from 

thee: tt 18 better foz thee to enter into life Halt o2 - 
maymed, tather then thou ſhouldeſt (hauing two 

handes, 02 two feete) be cat into euerlatting fire. 

And if thine eve offend thee, plucke it out, and cat it 
from thee: (tis better foztheeto enter into life with 
one cpe.vather then (hauing two epes)to be catt into 
hell five, Cake beede that pe defpife not one of thefe 

litle ones: Foꝛ Flap vnto pou, that inheauen their - ; 

angels Boe alwayes beholde thefaceofmyp Father, . 

which ts in heauen. Re 
Saint Luke the Euangelift. eC: 
The Colle&, 

| A zmigatie God, which calle Lube the Phyu— 

tion, whole praiſe is in the Goipel, tobe a Pyyſi⸗ 

‘04 ttonof the ſoule:it may pleafe thee by the Wholefome 

medicines of his doctrine, to heate all the difeates of 

ourfoules, through thy fonne Fetus Chek our Lop, 

_ TheEpiftle. | 2.1 

SPX Atch thou in all chinges, furfier attitcs 

aN a 6/6 tiens, doe the worke theonably ofan 

~~ _ 

=e teaby tobe offered, andthe time of mp 

departs ·⸗ 

: \ fj, Evangetitt, ulall thine office nto the q 
a \ hay pttermoff, Bee fober. For Fam now 


Saint Luke the Cuangelsst. 

departing ig at hand. Jhaue fought a good flight, F 
haue fulfilled mp courte, hate kept the faith. From 
Henceforth there ts laide bp foz mea Crowne of righ 
teouſnes, which the Lorde thatis a righteous indae 
fhall giue me atthatday, not to me onelp, but to all 
them that loue bis comming. Doe thy diligence that 
thou mapett come fhoztip biito me, Foꝛ Memas Hath 
foxfatien me, and loueth this peefent worlde, andis 
Departed vnto Thellalonica Crettens ts gone to Ga⸗ 
latia, Titus vnto Dalmatia, onelp Lucas is with 
ime, Cake Darke and bring him with thee, fo2 he ts 
peofitable vnto me forthe miniſtration. And Tychi⸗ 
cus haue Jſent vnto Epheſus. The cloke that Jleft 
at Troada with Carpus, when thou commeſt.bꝛing 
with thee, and the bookes, but tpectally the parche- 
meint.Alerander the copperfmith did me much eutil, 
the Lozde rewarde htm according to hisdeedes: of 
whome be thou ware allo, fo2 be hath greatly with: 
ſtand our wordes. 
| The Gofpel, 

HE Lorde appointed other {euerttie pi 16 
SAY (a1 Cio) allo, and fent them two and 
Sef two before hint into every citte ¢ place, 
Sj erg whither bee him felfe woulde come, 
BaoS Cherefore hee fatde buto them, Che 
harueſt is great, but the labourers are fewe, Pꝛay 
pe therefore the 020 of the harueſt, to fend foorth la 
bourers tito His harueſt. Goe pour wayes, bebolde, 
FZ lend pou foorth as lambes among wolues. Beare 
110 wallet, neither icvip, no2hooes, a falute no man 
by the way. Into whatſoeuer houfe ye enter, firtk 
fay, Peace be to this houſe. Andif thefonne of peace 
be therve,pour peace thal reſt vpon hit, tf not tt hat 
returne to pou againe. And in the fame houſe it 
, ily af > 

Simon and Fude eA posiles. 

Hill, eating and drinking fuch as they give: For the 
— labourer ts worthy of his reward, 
>. Simon and lude Apoftles, 
; ‘The Collect. | 
Ay mightie God, which hal builded thycongre⸗ 
gation bpon the foundation of the Apoities and 
Pophets, Jeſu Chriſt him lelfe being tye Head coz- 
nertone: graunt vs fo to be ioyned together in vni⸗ 
ticofipivite bp their doctrine, that we mapbe made . 
an Holp tempie acceptable to thee theough Fetus 
Chꝛiſt our 070d, 
: The Epiftle, | 
ai 4) widas the ſeruant of Jeſus Chit, the 
PANS AGAIN Dzother of James, to chem which are 
A | a called ¢ fanctified in God the father, 
gL) SHAY and preſerued in Jeſus Chik: merce 
C2. S23 bnto vou, and peace, & louse be multi- 
plied, Beloved, when F gaue alldtligence to write 
vᷣnto you of the common falusation, t€ was needetuil 
foz me to weite butopyou,toerhost pou,that ye ſhould 
continually labour in the faith, which was once gt 
uen butothelaints. ffoz there ave certaine vngodly 
men,crattilp crept in ol which tt was weitten afore, 
tine vnto ſuch iudgement: Chey turne the grace of 
our God into wantonnes, ¢deny Goo (which is the 
onely Lowd)and our Lord Jeſus Chil. Dy mindis 
therefore to pit pou invemebzance, foras much as 
ye orice know this,bowe that the Lord (after thathe 
had deliuered p peopleoutot Egypt) deſtroyed thers 
which after beleeued not, Che Angels allo which 
Rept not their ſirſt tate,but lett their own habitats, 
be hath reſerued in euerialing chaines bnder darke⸗ 
qes, vnto the iudgement of Paveatday.Cuenas Sor 
donie ¢ Gomorrhe, the cities about eee 

Simon and Fude Apoftles. 

like maner defiled them ſelues with fornication, and 
followed ſtrange fleth,are {et foo2th foz an enfampie, 
and fuffer the paine of eternall fire. Like wiſe thete 
being decei ued by dreames. defile (he kleſh, defpite ru⸗ 
lers and ſpeake euillof themthat are in authozitie, 

The Goſpel. 
his commaunde J you that ve loue to 
AIgether· Ifthe world hate pou,pe kno we * 

eh = it hated me before it hated pou. Fi pee “° 
Ny Py were of the worlde, the wozlde woulde 
— Cees loue his ovene: Howbeit becaule pe are 
not of the worlde, but Jhaue cholen pou out of the 
worlde,therefoze tiie worlde ateth you. Remember 
the woz2de that F fap vnto pou, Che ſeruant is not 
greater then the Lozde. Ilthey haue periecuted me, 
they will alſo periecute pou. Ff they baue kept mp 
ſaying, they wilkeepe pours alſo. But al thele things 
will they doe vnto pou for my names fake, becauſe 
they haue not knowen Him that ſent me. FCF had 
tot come and {poker vnto thent, thep thoulde haue 
Had no finne: butnowe Hae thep nothing tocioke 
their ſinne withall De that hateth me, hateth my fae 
ther allo. FfF had not done among them the works 
which none other man did, they ſhoulde haue had no 
finne: but nowe bate they both ſeene and hated not 
onely me,bist alfomyp Father. Out thts Happeneth, 
that the ſaying might be fulfilled that is written in 
their awe, Chey Hated we without a caufe. But 
wher the comforter is come, whom F willfendhdnto 
pou from the father, euen the ſpirit of tructh (which 
proceedeth of the father he thall tettifie of me, And pe 
fhall beare witnefle alfo,becaute pe bane bene with 
mefromtbebeqinning, APG > 

eA ll Saintes. 
f } The Colled&. } ae 
A wightie God, which bak knit toaether thy 

AXeiect in one Communtonandfellowthip , in the 


mypfficall body of thp Sonne Chik our Loꝛd:graunt 
vs grace ſo to followe thy holy Saintes in all vertu⸗ 
ous and godlyliuing, that we may come to thole in⸗ 
fpeakabie topes, which thon Hak prepared for them 

that vnkainedly loue thee, theough Fetus Chriſt our 
Loꝛrd, Amen, | 

The Epiftle. 

1 our Cholbe, JJohn {aw another angel at- 

ag cend fro the rifing of thefunne, which 

PAY (bad theleale ofthe lining God, and he 

PIAS Pjcrved with a toude voyce to the foure 
angels (to whome power was giuen to 

hurt the earth, the fea) ſaying, Hurtnot theearth, - 

neither the fea, neither the trees, till we haue ſealed 

the ſeruants of eur God in thetr fozebeads, And J 

heard the nomber of them which were (ealed, a there 

were fealed att hundred and fourtie and foure thous 

fand of all the tribes of the childꝛen of Ifrael. 

Mi the tribe of Juda, were ſealed rit, M. 

MF the tribe of uber, were ſealed xii. M. 

Mfthe tribe of Gad, were feated rit. WD, 

Mf the tribe of Aſer, were ſealed xii. 9. 

Okthe tribe of Nephthalim. were ſealed xii. M. 

MD the tribe of Manalſes.were ſealed xii. M. 

MD the tribe of Simeon, were ſealed xii. M. 

Mf the tribe of Let, were fealed xii. M. 

- HPéthe tribe of Flachar, were ſealed rit. M. 

Mf the tribe of Fabulott, woere (ealed xii. M. 
Mthe tribe of Foleph, were {ealed xii. M. 

Dé the tribe of Bentamin, werefealed xii. M. 

"After this J bebelde, andioe, agveat multitude 
an : J (which 

| All Saintes. 

(which 16 man can numberof ali nations, and peo: 
pie,and tongues, floodebefore theleate, andbefore * 
the Lambe, clothed with long white garments, and 
Palmes in their hands,and cried with aloud boyce, 
faving, Salutation be afcribed to him that ſitteth vp⸗ 
on the feate of our Bod, andbntothe Lambe, Ana 
ali the Angels foode in thecompafie ofthe feate, and 
ofthe Clders, andthe foure beattes , and fell betoze 
tie ſeate on their faces, and worshipped God, faping, 
Amen:vBleſſing, and glo2p,¢ wifedome, and thantie, 
and Hono2,and power, and might, be onto our God, | 
fo2 euermorꝛe. Amen, ; 
The Gofpel. 
> ¥ Cus feeing the people , went bp info a Mat.s. 

ay houllfaine, and when be wasiet, His 
— diſciples came. to bin, And after that 

Sq Dee Had opened his mouth, Hee taught — 
aG/ o\284 them, faping, Wielled are the poore in 
fpirite,foz theirs is the kingdome of heauen, Bleſſed 
ave they that moutne, fo2 thepthall recetue comfort, 
Bleſſed are the mecke, for they thali receiue the inves 
ritance of the earth, Bleſſed are they which hunger 
and thirſt after righteouſneſſe, forthey tall befatt 
fied. Bleſſed ave the mercifull, for thepfhailobtaine 
mercie, Bleſſed are the pure inheart, for they hail 
{ce God, Blefled ave the peacemakers, foz they thatbe 
called the childzent of God. Wielled are they which 
fuffer perfecution fo2 righteouſnes fake, fo2 theirs is 
the kingdome of heaueñ. Bielledarepee when men 
reuile pou, and perſecute pou, and chall falſiy ſay all 
maner of euill fapings againſt pou for mplake, tee 
ioyce and beglad, fon great is your rewarde inbeas 
en. Forſo perſecuted theythe Prophets which were 

before you, AG pare ee 

miniftration of the Lordes Supper, 

orholy Communion, — 

Dd af. O many as intende to be partakers of 
; a, the holy Communion; {hall fignifie 
— their names ‘to the Curate ouer - 
VS EF night, or els inthe morning afore 
Fz the beginning of Morning prayer, or 
: P// ZF 9 immediatly after. TSS 60 
Fe Andifany ofthofe be an open and 
ou notorious euill linerjfo that the Con- 
gregation by him is offended, or haue done any wrong 
tohis neighbours, by worde or deede: the Curate hauing 
knowledge thereof, fhall call him, and aduertife him in 
any wifenot to prefume tothe Lordes table, vntill hee 
haue openly declared him felfe to haue truely repented 
- &caméded his former naughtie life, that the cogregation 
may thereby be fatisfied,which afore were offended, and 
that he haue recompenfed the parties whomehee hath 
- done wrong vnto,oratthe leaft declare him felfe to be in 
fullpurpofe fora doe, as foone as he conueniently may. 
“The fame) order fhall the Curate vfe with thofe be- 
twixt whome heperceiueth malice and hatredto reigne, 
not fuffering themito be partakers of the Lordes Ta- 
ble, vntill he knowe then ito be reconciled, And ifone 
ofthe parties ſo at variance, be content to forgiue from 
the bottome of his heart) all that the other hath trefpaf- 
fed againft him, and to make amendes forthat he him- 
_ felfe hath offended, and the other partie’ will notbe per- 
fwaded to a godly vnitic, but remaine ftill in his fro- 
ee ae CN Saat 

wet J 

The ( ommunion. 

wardneffe and malice: the Minifter in that cafe ought to 
admit the penitent perfon to the holy Communion, and 
nothim,that is obftinare.. 

The Table hauing ar the Communion time a fayre 
white linen cloth vpon it, fhall ftande in the body of the 
Churchyor in the Chauncel, where Morning prayer and 
Euening prayer be appoynted to be fayd. And the Prieft 
ftanding at the North fide of the table ‘thall * the Lords: 
eo wish —* Collect following. 

*88* The ene 

“3s Linightie od , vnto whome ali 
hearts be open, "ail defives know⸗ 
8* ‘et, and from whome no ſecretes 
ue <a ave Hidde: cleantethethoughtsof 
Jour beartes by the infpiration of — 
RX thy holy Spirite, that wee map 
perfectly loue thee, and worthilp | 
mage tip holy fame, — cheiũ our Lowe, 7 

. Then fhall the Prieft dehieattl diftin@ly all thetenne — 
Commaundements: and the people kneeling, ſhall aftfer 
euery Commandement, aske Gods mercy for their tranf- Ce 

— ofthe fame,after this fort. 

sd The Miniftee, | 3 | ee. 
Gm ſpake thefe wordes, and fatd, Jamthe Lede 

thy CDPD: —* ait haue none — — 

but mee. ee 
| | —J oe 
hope haue mercie a * and canons — 


 LheCommunun  - - 
to keepe this lawe. Lads positon bag Herbs 
bis , Miniter. | | tin 

Thor halt not make to thy lelfe any grauen mirage, 
1102 the likenes of any thing that ts in heauen abou, 
or in the earth beneath, o2 in the water vnder the 
earth. Thou halt not bowe downe to them nor wor⸗ 

chippe them: Foz J the Lorde thy God am a ielous 

God, and bifite the finne of the fathers bpon the chil 

— Den, butothe thirde and fourth generation of thent 

that bate mee: and thewe mercte vnto thoutands, 
in them that ioue mee, and. keepe mp Commauns 
, People 
Horde haue mercie vpo 
— pee inifter. 

Chou fhait not take the Mare of the Lo2de thy God 

in vaine: Foz the Lorde will not holde him guiltleſſe 

that taketh bis Name tn vaine. 

neon? Cie . pReopld. . | 

‘Lone haue mercie vpon bs , and encline our hearts 
tokeepe this lawe. , i 

: Miniſter. 
Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbothday. 
ire dayes walt thou labour and doe all that thou 
hatt to do, but the ſeuenth day is the Sabboth of the 
L020 thy Gov. In it thou ſhalt dono maner of wozke, 
thou andthyfonne, andthyp daughter, thy man lſer⸗ 


- ant and thy mapdeferuant,thy cattell, ¢ the ſtran⸗ 

ger that is within thy gates. Foꝛ tn fire dayes the 
Lowmande heauenandearth, the ſea andall that in 

‘themtis.and retted the feuenth day: wherefore the 

hon bleſſedthe ſeuenth day, and halowed it, 

te af . 
he — ẽ * 
PE Rene Py ALES I cop ve 
* Fig Sey, a a — 
Meet x ae — 
* * - ; 
eS « * 

Pee J— 
n vs, and encline our hearts 

ay 8 Ra, 
1 * 
— — 
— — — 
a ys Ce er a 

The Conan. 
7 Ne * People. 7 
Love haue mercie —* 68, and incline ory yearts : 
9 keepe this lawe. 

Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy Daves 
maybe long in the land which the Loꝛrde thy God gi⸗ 
ueth thee. —— 

cop C.. 

Lorde haue mercie ** vs, —— our hearts 
to keepe this lawe. —D 

7 Minifieso: 
Thouait doe no marci, 

; copie i 
Lore haue mercie —— > and enaime our hearts 
— this lawe. 
Chou calt not — adulterie. 

Lorde haue mercie vpon vs, and encline our hearts 
to keepe this lawe 

| Thou hate not gene 
Loꝛrde hatte mercie vpon hs, and encline our — 
to keepe this lawe. 
pour not beare falſe witnes agin thr neigh⸗ 
9 v. 
Peop le. 
Lorde haue ig * vs, and — our beat 
tokeepe this law 

Thou thait not couet coy neighbours. onte fe, ; 
“eR ene saa ihis ſeruant 

Fhe Communion. 

1102 His mapd, noꝛ his ove, woz his alle, noꝛ any thing 
that is his. th vin ol OHSU PRE | 

Logde haue mercie vpon vs, and write all thete thy 
lawes in our hearts, we beteecy tye.) 
“Then fhall followe the Colleé ofthe day, wich one of 
thefe two Collects following forthe Queene , the Prieft 
ftanding vp,and faying. .0u % i on 

Let dg pray, — P33 ade 
Lmightie God, whole kingdome ts euerlaſting, 

‘ Land power tifinite, haue mercie Spon the whote 
Conaregation,andloruie the heart of thy choſen ſer⸗ 
vant Clizabeth , ony Queene and gouernour, that 
fhee(krowing whole miniter ſhee is may aboue all 
things ſeeke thp honour and glory a that we ber ſub⸗ 

iects duely conſidering whole authoritie chee haty/ 

may faithfully ſerue, honour, and humbliy obey ber, 
inthee, ¢ toz thee, according to thybleſſed worde and 
ordinance, through Jeſus Chul cur Lorde, whe 
With thee and the holy Gyoſt, liueth a reigueth euer 
one God, world withoutende,Ament, 
Lmightie and euerlaſting God, we be taught by 
+ Athy Holy worde, thatthe hearts of Kings are tit 
thy ritie and gouernanee, and that thou deck diſpole 
and turne them as it feemeth beſt to thy godly wiles 
Bome: wee humbly befeeche thee, fo to difpole and 
gouerne the beart of Clisabeth thy feruant, our 
Queene and gouernour, that in all her thoughtes, 
wordes, and workes, thee mayeuer leeke thy honour 
and glorie, and ſtudie to preſerue thy people commit⸗ 
tedtober charge, in wealth, peace, and godlinefie: 
Graunt this O merciiulfatherforthy dearefounes 
Fake geius Chettour Lop, amen. 
Biri}, _- ~Immediatly — 

T he Communion. 

Immediatlyafter the Colleges, the Prieft fhall reade 

the Epiftle beginning thus, | 
The Epiſtle watteninthe |. Chapteref. 
,., And the Epiftle ended, he ſhall fay the Gofpel,begin- 

ning thus. Ati (f noten y 
The Golpel weittert in th cons. Chapter of, 

yt ae Epiftle and Gofpel being ended, fhallbefaid 
the Creede. . 

o— = eo} weleette inone God the father ale 
ae ®)\. (Oia) mighty, maker of heauen a earth, 
25°} and of all things vilible and inui⸗ 
a >| fibles a in one Loꝛd Fetus Chit, 

1 KS | the ontely begotten ſonne of God, 
 axt| || avai begotten of bis father before all 
a\\ ase Vey WOES, God of God, light of 
14 — light, very God of bery Gov, bee 
gotten, not made, being of one ſubſtance with the 
father, by Whom allthings were made: who foz bs 
men, and fo2z our faluation, came downe from hea⸗ 
uen, And was incarnate by the holy Gholt of the dirs 
gine Waric, and was inade mars, and was crucified 
allo fo2 bs bnder Pontius Pilate. He fufiered, and 
was buried, and the thirde day he vole againe accozs 
ding to the Scriptures, and alcended into heauen, 
and fitteth at the vight bande of the father. And Hee 
thal come againe with glozy to iudge both the quicke 
ard the dead: whole kingdome hall hatte none end. 
And F beleeue in the holy Sholl,the Lowandainer 
of life, who proceedeth from the father and the ſonne 
who with the father and the fonne together is wor 
hipped and glorified, who {pake by the Prophetes 
re beleeue one Catholique. and: 
: 1 for the'tes — 

Hnidlion oflinues, A109 looks fer s—— 

urch. J acknowledge one baptiſme 

oftolique 0 0. 

be Communion. 

thedead andthe lite ot the worde tocome Amen 

Alter the Cr cede ifthere Bein rai; (hall followe 
one of the Homilies alteady-fet foorth, or hereafter t to be 
eee foorth by common authoritie, 

After ſuch Sermon, Homilie, —E— ae ca. 
rate ſhall declare vnto the people, whether: there be any 

holy dayes, or Fafting dayes the weeke following, and 



of — 

éarneftly exhort them to remember the poore, faying 
one or:moe ofthefefentences following, as he thinketh 
moſt conueniently by His difcretion. 
Ct pour light ſo hine before men, that they map 
Lie pour good workes and gloꝛiſie rour Father 
which is in heauen. 
ap’ not bp for pour. felues trealure vpon the 
arte where the ruſt and moth doeth cozrupt, and 
where thicues breake through and ſteale: but lay bp 

foꝛr pour felues treaſures in heauen, where neither 

rut nor moth doeth compet, and where theeues doe 
notbreake through and ſteale. 

whatſoeuer pe woulde that met chould doe vnte 
pout, euen ſo doe vnto them, foz this is the lawe and 
the Prophets. 

NMot euery one’ that cayeth onto: mee, Love, 
Lorde hall enter into the kin gdome ok heauen: but 
bee that doeth the will of- my father which ts in 

eauen. — 
Zache toode koorth. and fai vnto the Lorde Be⸗ | 
Hold Lord, the halfe of my goods Z giue tothe poore, 

| * if aint haue done any WONG to anyman,J ichi 
F —— qoeth a ‘warfare 4 yt ne of His sto 

nitetyereot? Dt" ao tebe eta doe en ete 

‘The Communion. 

not ofthe milkeoftheflocke? —* 
It we haue towen vnto you ſpirituallthings, is l Cor. 
it a great matter tf wee Hall reape pour worldly 
things? ian 
Foe pee not knowe, that they which miniſter a⸗ 1. Cor.⸗ 
bout holy thinges, liue of the facrifice? and they | 
which wapte ofthe altar, ave partakers with the 
altar? Cuen fo bath the Lozde alfoozdepned, that 
—* which preache the Goſpell, ſhoulde liue of the 

pe ⸗ ea 

Hee which foweth litle, hall reape litle : andhee 2. Cor.⸗ 
that foweth plenteoutly,tyall reape plenteoutly, Let 
euery man doe According as Hee ts difpofed in His 
heart, not grudging, 02 ef neceflitie,foz God loneth a 
chearefull giuer. ope 

Let him that is taught in the worde, mintfer vn⸗ Galat, 6. 
fo him thatteacheth in all good things.Be not decei⸗· 
ued, God 18 not mocked: foz whatſoeuer a mar ſow⸗ 
eth that thail be reape. ; 

while wehaue time,let hs doe good vnto allment, Galat.6. 
—* —5 vnto them which are of the houſholde 
9 at ¢ 

Godlineſſe ts great riches, if a man bee content 1Tim,é 
With that he hath: foꝛ wee brought nothing into the 
World, neither may Wwe cary any thing out. Pa 

Charge them which are riche in this worlde, that 1. Tim.e 
they be veadie togiue, and glad todiftribute, taping 
bp in ſtore for thentlelucs a good foundation againſt 
= time to come, that thep map attayne eternalt 

fife. o * 

God is not bririghteous, that he will forget your Hebt.6. 
workes andiabour that proceedeth of loue, which “ 
loue ye hatte hewedforbis namesiake, which haue 
miniſtred vnto the ſaints, and yet doe miniſfer. 


¥ . 


The Communion. 

To doe good, and to diltribute forget not,foz with 
{uch facrifices Bodis pleated... 6 9) 

“Bho lo hath this wozldes good, and ſeeth his bro⸗ 
ther haue neede, ¢fhutteth bp his compaffion front 

bm bow dwelleth toc loucof God in him: 

ſhall not be turned awap from thee, 

Giue almes of thy goods, and turne neuer thy face 
front any poore matt, and then the face of the Lorde 

‘Be merciful after chy power, Itthouhas much, . 
giue plenteoudy, Jf thou pat litle, doe thy diligence 

Iladly to giue of that litle: fozfogatheret thou thy. 


felfe.a good reward in the Dapof neceſſitie. 
He that hath pitie pon the pooze tendeth vnto the 
Lio and looke what he layeth out, it hall be payde 
m againe. | ) eer 
Bleſſed be the man that proutdeth foz the fickeand = - 

needie: the Lorde thall deliver him in che time of 

- Curate 

re bet 

be p ꝛe. 
pall che. 
3 (of ac- 


Then al he Churchwardens,orfomeotherby them 
appointed, gather the deuotion of the people, and put 

the fameinto the poore mens boxe, and pen theoffring 

dayes appointed, euery man and woman {hall pay to the 
si due and accuftomed offrings, After: which’ 
done,the Prieftfhallfay. . . yy porte ' 

a Let os pray forthe whele fate of Chrittes Church 

militant eve in earth. How geile ane 
Lmightie and euerliuing God, which by thy ho⸗ 

Alp Gpofile hat taught vs tomate pꝛavers and 
fitpplications,and to giue thankes fo2 ail men: wee 
humbly beleeche thee, mol mercifullp (to accept 
ouralmesand) to veceiue thefe-cur prayers , which 

Wee offer vnto thy diuine Maieſtie, ania" 

be ley 


The (ommunicn. ; 

thee to infpire continually the vniuerlall Church 
With the {pivite of tructh, vnitie, and conce2d: and 
graunt that allthey that dec contelle thy Holy name, 
may agree in the trueth of thy holy worde, and line 
in vnitie and godly loue. nde befeech thee alfo to ſaue 
and defende all Chriſtian kings, princes and gouer⸗ 
tours, ane efpectallp thy ſeruaunt Elisabeth our 
Queene, that vnder her we may be godly and quiet: 
ly qouerned: and graunt vnto her whole countatie, 
aud to all that be put in authoritie vnder ber, that 
they map truely and indifierently minifer tuffice, to 
tye puniſhment of wickednefle and bice, andtothe 
maintenance of Gods true religion and bertue, 
Giue grace (MO heavenly father) to all Biſhops, Pa⸗ 
fours and Curates, that they may both bp their life 
and doctrine fet foorth thp true and liuely word, and 
rightly and duely adminiſter thy holy Sacraments: 
and to all thy people giue thy heauenly grace, and 
ſpecially to this cõgregation here prefent, that with 
meeke heart anddue reuerence, they may heave and 
receiue thy holy worde, truely feruing thee in Holts 
nefle and righteouſneſſe all the daves of their iife, 
And we molt humbly beteech thee of thy goodneſſe, 
D Lopde, to comtoꝛt andfuccourall them which ir 
this tranſitoꝛie life be in trouble,fozow neede,fickes 
neſſe, oꝛ any other aduerfitie: Grant this,D father, 
fo2 Jeſus Chriſtes ſake our onely mediatour and ade 
uocate. Amen. 

Then fhall followe this exhortation at certaine times, 

when the Curate hall fee the people negligent to come 
to the holy Communion, — 


The Communion. 

'{ 7 be come together at this time (dearely- 
beloued beethzer) to feede at the Lordes 
Surpper, onto the which tn Gods bebatfe 
J bid pou al that be here prefent, and beſeech pou foz 
tie Lozde Jeſus Chriſtes fake, that pe will notre: 
fule to come thereto, being fo louingly called and 
bidden of God himſelle. Pe knowe howe grieuous 
and bukinde athing it is, when a man Hath prepas 
red a vich featt, decked His table with all kindeok - 
pꝛouiſion, fo that there lacketh nothing but the 
gheſtes to fittedowne, and vet they which be called 
(without any caufe) moft snthankefullp refute to 
come, which of por in fuch a cate woulde not be mos 
ued? who woulde not thinke a great inturie and 
wrong done vnto him: wherefore molt dearelp bee 
loued in Chri take pe good heede,tell pe, withazaw~ 
Ing pour ſelues from this bolp fupper,prouoke Gods 
indignation again€ you. Ft is an eaſie matter fo2 a 
man to fay, J will not communicate, becaute FZ am 
other wife letted with worldly buſineſſe: But ſuch 
ercitfes be not fo eaſily accepted and allowed before 
God, Feary man fap, Fam agrieuous finner, and 
therefore am afratde to come: wherefore then doe 
pou not repent and amend? When God calleth por, 
be pots not aſhamed to fay pou will not come 7 When 
pou ſhould returne to God, wil pou excuſe pour felfe, 
and fay that pou be not ready? Contiderearnettlp 
with your ſelues, howe litle fuch fained excuſes halt 
auaile before God. Chey that retuled the feat in the 
Goſpel, becauſe thep had bought afarme,o2 woulde 
trye their pokes ofores, o2 becaule they were mars 
rped, were not foercufled, but counted vnworthyof 
the beautipfeatt. 3 foz mppartambere prefent, and 
according to mine office | bid pou in the ay e 
aa ? 

iL be Communion. ? 

Gor, J call pou in Chiles bebalfe, Jerhort pou, 

ag pou loue pour ownelaluation,that pe wil be pars 

takers of this holy Communion, And as the fonne 

of 6 O WD aid bouchfafe to peeive bp His foule bp . 

death bpon the Crofle for pour health: Euen fo it 

is pour duetie to receiue the Communton together 

int the remembrance of Hts death, as hee him lelfe 

commaunded. Nowe, tf pou will in no wile thus 

doe, confider with your ſelues, howegreatiniuvie 

pou doe vnto OD DV, and Howe fore puniſhment 

hangeth ouer our heades fortyefame.Andwhere: =| 

a8 pou offende © DD fo foze in refuling this holy | 

banquet, J admonith, J exhoꝛt, and beteeche peu, J 

that vnto this vnkindneſſe pe will not adde any J 

more: Which ching pe ſhall doe, it pee ſtande by as ; 

gazers and lookers on them that doe communicate, 

and be not partakers of the fame pourfelucs, Foz } 

what thing can this be accomptedels chen a further 

contempt and vnkindeneſſe bute God? Truely, it is 

a great vnthankekulneſſe to fay nay, when pee be 

~ called: but the fautte is much greater, when men 

fande by, and pet will neither cate 102 drinke this 

holy Communion with other. F pray pou what cart 

this be els, but euen to haue the myfteries of Chriſt 

in deriſton? Ft is ſayde vnto all, Cake pe, andeate, 
Cake and drinke pe allofthis, Woe this in remem: 

brance of me, with what face then, o2 with what 

countenance hall pe heave thefe wordes 7 What wit 

this be els, but a neglecting,a defpifing ¢ mocking 

of the teſtament of Chriſt: Wheretore rather then pee 

ſhould ſo do,depart pou hence, and giue place to them 

that be godly diſpoſed. Wut when pou depart, F be: 

feechepou ponder with pourfelues, from whome pe 
Depavt, De Depart from the Lordes table, yee depart 
tu ; 

a . from Be 


T he Communion. 
from potrr brethren, and from the banquet of mot 
heauenly food. Chele things if yeearnettly confider, 
ye (hall by Gods grace returne to a better minde, foz 
the obtainitig whereol, we hal make our humble pe 
titions, while we thal recetue the boly Communion, 

And fometime fhall befayde this alfo, at the difcretion 
- of the Curate. 
SMG BF Carely beloued, fozatmuch as our due⸗· 
a AN (| tie ig to render to Almightie God our 
83 heauenly father mot Hearty thankes, 
e| Wx Ha for that be bath giuen bis Sonne our 
Sa, Dautour Jefus Chri, rot onely to 
Dic kor bs, but alfo to be our ſpiritual foode and tutes 
nance, ad it is declared vnto bs, as well by Gods 
worde, a8 by the Holy Soacraments of His bielled 
body and blood, the which being fo comfoztable a 
thing tothem which receiue tt worthily, and ſo dans 
gerous to them that wil pꝛeſume to recetue it vn⸗ 
hwozthily: my ductie is to exhort you to conſider the 
bignitie ofthe holxmyſterie, and the great perill of 
the vnworthie receiuing thereof, ard fo to ſearch 
anderamine pourowne conſciences, a8 you ſhoulde 
come holy and cleane to a moſt godlyand heauenly 
featt, fo that in no wife ye come but in the marriage 
garment required of God in holy Scripture, and 
fo come and beereceiued, as worthie partakers of 
ſuch a heauenly table, Che way and meanes there: 
to is: firſt to erantine pour liues andconuerfation 
by the rule of Gods commandements, and where: 
tito euer pe thall percetue pour felues to haue offers 
‘ped, epther by witli, worde, ordeede, there bewayle 
pour owne infullliues, and confefle your ſelues to 
Aimightic God, with full purpole of easter” 

‘L be (ommunion. 

of life, And if pors hall perceiue pour offences to bee 
fuch, as be not onely againſt God, but alfo againſt 
pour neighbours : then pe thall reconcile pour ſelues 
bate thent, ready to make reſtitution a ſatiſtaction. 
according to the vttermoſt of pour powers , for aif 
iniuries and w2ongs Done by pou to any other, and 
like wife being ready to fozgiue other that haue of 
fendedpou, as pou woulde haue foꝛgiueneſſe of pour 
offences at Gods hande: Fo? othertoile the recets 
uing of the oly Communion doeth nothing eis but 
increafe pour Damnation. And becaule tis requifite 
that no man ſhoulde come to the Holy Communion, 
but with afull true tx Gods mercie, and with a qui 
ef confcience: therefore iftherebe anpot pot, which 
hy the meanes afozefaid can not quiet His owne corns 

ſcience, but requireth further comfort o2 counteil, 
ther let Him conte Co mee, 02 fome other diſcreete and 
learned Miniſter of Gods word, and open his qriete, 
that bee may receiue ſuch ghoſtly countatle , aduice 
and comfort as his conſcience may be relieued, and 
that by the minillerie of Gods wozde he may receiue 
comfort, and the benefite of abfolution, to the quie⸗ 
ting of bis cOfcience, and auopding of allicruple and 
doubtfulneſſe. Tat Sistine Sd SY 

. Then thal] the Prieft fay this exhortation. ©. 
Fries Carelp beloued in the Lorde, vee that 
AY? ntinde to come fo the holy Communion 
of the body and blood ef our SBauiour 

Chꝛriſt muſt confider what Saint Paul 
a Lweiteth tothe Cozinthtans, how be ex⸗ 
orteth all perſons diligently te trie a examine thems 
felues, before they pꝛeſũme to cate of that bread, and 
buinke of that cup.ffo2 as the benefite ig great, il with 

, P.ii. atrue 


Lhe Communion. 

atrue and penitent heart and ltuely faith we receiue 
that holy Sacrament (for then we ſpiritually eate 
‘the fleth of Chit, and drinke His blood, then we dwel 
in Chriſt, and Chit in os, wee be one with Che, 
and Chriſt with bs: ) So is the danger.great, il wee 
receiue thefame vnworthily. foz then we be quiltie 
ofthe body and blood of Chak our Sauiour: wee 

aeate and drinke our owne damnatiõ, not confidering 

7 — 
he “ x 
> é en ee ae) R 
See 3 
* Wie pee eee, 
—— 7 

the Lozdes body: we kindle Gods wath againſt vs: 
we prouoke him toplague bs with divers dileateg, 
and {undp kindes of death. Therefore if any of 
pou bea blatphemerof Ged, an Hinderer oz launde 
rer ol his woorde, art adulterer, 02 bee in malice o2: 
enuic,o2 in anyother grieuous crime, bewatle pour. 
finned, and come not to this Holp table , leſt after the 
tahing of this holy Sacrament, thedeutll enter ine - 
topo, asheentredinto Judas, and fill pou full of 
all iniquities, and bring pou to dDeftruction both of 
boop and foule. Fudge therefore pour felues (bee- 
thren) that ve be not iudged of the Lode. Repent 

pou truely for pour ſinnes patt: haue a liuely and. 
itedfatt faith in Chit our Sauiour. Amende pour 
lites and be in perfect charitie with all men, fo ſhall 
pe be meete partakers of thole holy myſteries. And 
aboue all things,.pee mutt gine moft Humble and 
heartie thankes to God the father, the Sonne, and 
the holy Shot , for the redemption of the wozlde, by 
the death a paſſion of our Sautour Chit, both God 
and man, who did humble himlelle even tothe death 
vpon the crofie ; for bs miſerable ſinners, which lay 

in darkeneſſe and chadowe ol death, that hee might 

make vs the childꝛen of GDM, and exalt bs to 
euerlatling life, And to the ende that wee — 

* at 


alway remember the exceeding greatiouc ofour ma⸗ 
ferand onely ſauiour Jeſus Chk, thus dping foz 
_ BS and the innumerable benefites which by his pres 
‘cous bloodheading he hath obteined to bs: he hath 
inſtituted and ordeyned Holp myfteries ag pledaes o€ 
his loue, and continual remembzance of his death, 
to our great and endiefle comfozt. Co hin therefore, 
With the Ffather,and theholy Ghof, let vs giue (ag 
We are moft bounden continual thankes, fubmite 
ting our ſelues wholly te his holy will and pleafure, * 
_ and Tudying to ferue him tn true holineſſe and righ: 
teouſneſſe all the dayes of our life, Amen. 

Then ſhal the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receiue the 
holy Communion. 
Mu that doe truely and earneſtly repent pow of 
pour ſinnes, and be in loue acharitie with pour 
| neighbours, a intend to leade a new life, folow- 
ing the commandements of God, and walking from 
henceforth in his holp wayes:2aw neere,and take 
thisholy Sacrament to pour comfort, make pour 
Humble conteſſion to almightie God, before this cons 
gregation here gathered together in his holy name, 
meekely kneeling bpon pour knees, Heth 

Then fhall this generall confeffion be made, in the name. 
ofall thofe that are minded to receiue the holy Com- 
munion,either by one of them,orels by one of the mi⸗ 
nifters,or bythe Priefthimfelfe, all kneeling humbly 

: vpon theirknees. . ESTE | 
A Lmightie God, father. of our Lorde Fetus 
Chul, maker ofail things, Judge ofalimen, — 
‘wee knowledge and bewayle our mantfolde 
fines and wickednelle, which wee from tyme to 

The Cor ommunion. 

time moſt grieuoully haue committed, by thought, 
word, and deede, againſt thy diuine MBatettie, promo: 
hing moſt iuſtly thy wrath and indignation. againit 
HS. Wee doe earneſtly repent, and be heartily ſory foz 

thele our mifdotngs 5 theremembiance of them is — 

grieuous dito bs, the burthẽ of them is intolerable: . 

_ Hauemerciebpon bs, haue mercie spon bs, moſt 

— merciful father. foz thyfonne our Lod Jeſus Chriſts 
fake, forgive vs all that ts patt, and graunt that wee - 

* may eucr bereafter ſerue and pleaſe thee, in newnes 
of life, to the honour and glory of thy name, theough 
Jeſus Chriſt our Lord. Am̃en. 

Then ſſall the Prieſt or the Biſhop iting prefent) fad 
vp,and turning himfelfe to the people stay t thus. Se 

A hiigistie God our heauenly father , who of 
his. great mercie hath promiſed forgiuenetic of 
finnes to ali them that with heartie repentance and 

true faith turne vnto him’: Haue mercie bpon pou, 
pardon and deliuer pou from all pour ſinnes, core 
ime and ſtrength pou in all goodnes and being pow 

to euerlaſting tite: though Jelus pectin our — 

Prieftalfo fay. 

- @ Beare what comfortable words out: Saviour 
Chri faith to all that truely turne to him. Come vn⸗ 
to mec all that trauaile and be heauie laden, and F 
will reireh pots, So Goditoucdthe worlde, that ims 
gaue his onely begotten Sonne, tothe ende thatail 
that — in him chouid not perith,but orgy at 

Hi aiBeate aifo what SPaui faved... 

this ig atrue — and Diworthe of altiuen to be 
Stith ow. %) receiued, 

Mn yg, 


The Communion. | 

receiued » that Fetus Chꝛill came tito the worlde, to 

faue anners. | | 
“ @ Beare alto what S John fait. paige 

. Itan man ſinne, we haue an aduocate with the fas 

ther, Jeſus Chztt the righteous, and He ts * propi⸗ 

tiation foꝛour finnes, 

Aſter which the Prieſt fhall proceedesfaying, i 

Liftop pour Heartes, 

—— wa 
noe lift them pp brite ete Lorde. 
Prieſt ee Si 
| Let vsgiue thankies vnto dur Lord God. 
at oh em and right ſo Laker Doe, | 
» iParefies visit 
It is very meete, right, andour boumen Duetie, 
tat we thoulde at alitimes, andin all places, giue 
thankes vnto thee, D Lode holy Father, almightie 

euerlaſting God. 
Here ſhall followe the proper preface, according « to the 

time, if there be any {pecially appointed: orels imme- 
diate ly thallfollowe, Gherefoze with angels, and 
— Prefaces. 

Vpon Chriftmas day,and feuen daies 


Bcaue thou diddelt giue Jeſus Chꝛitt thine one⸗ 

iy ſonne tobe borne as this dap forbs, whobp — 

tie operation of the holy Ghok, was made verie 

nian, of the fubftance of the birein Marie His moze 

ther, that without fpot of finne, tomate ds cleane 

fromaltfinne:: ——— * —û— 

‘Proper prefaces. — 

; | -MponEafterdayj;andfeuen 
3: | _ dayes after. WaT 
Bt chiefly are wee bounde to prayſe thee ſorthe 
glorious telurrection ofthy Sonne Fetus Chat 
our Lode: ſor he is the very Paſchal Lambe which — 
was offered kor bs, and hath taken away the finne 
ol the World, who by his death hath deſtroyed death, 
and by his tiling toltfe againe,hath reftozed bs to es 

uerlaſting tife, Therefore with Angels,ac, 

Vpon the Afcenfion day,and feuen 
) ie DCs alten 0910 r 2 
THouah thy moſt dearely beloued ſonne Jeſus 
CHue our Lozde, who after his mok glorious 

refurrection mamtfettiy appeared toall his Apotties, 

and in their fight afcended bp into heauen, topre- 
pare aplace fo vs, that where heis, thithermight 
we alfo afcend,and reigne with him in alozie, Cher: 
foze with Angels. ec, i 

Vpon Whitfunday,and fixe 
Rothe dayes after, } 7 
BHꝛough Jeſus Chik our Lorde, according to 
whole moft true promiſe the holy Ghoſt came 
downe this day from heaven, witha ſudden great 
ſounde/ ag it had bene a mightie winde, in the like⸗ 
neſſe of fierie tongues, lighting vpon the Apoſtles, 
to teach thent,and to leade them to al tructh, giuing 
them both the gift ofdiuers languages; a alfo botde- 
nes Witt) feruent seale,conttantly topreach the Gok: 
pel vnto all nations, whereby we are brought out of 
darkenefleand errour, into the cleare light and true 
xnowledge ofthee, and of thy Sonne Fetus Cheitt. 
» Therefore with Angels. ac, a. 
| — eee . —— Mi poa 

Vpon the feaft of Trinitie onely. 

[@ is bery meete, right, and our bounden duetie, 
‘that we ſhoulde at alltimes and in all places, giue 
thankes to thee, D Lozde, Almighty ¢ euerlaſting 
God, which art one God, one Lozde, not one onely 
perfor, but three perſons in one ſubſtance. ffoz that 
which webelecue of the glory of the father, the fame 
— Wwe beleeue of the fonne,and of the holy Ghoſt, with: 

out any differerice,o2 inequalitie. Therefore, ac. 
After which Pretaces, fhall followe 
immediatly. — 
Eereoee with Angels and Archangels, a with 
allthe company of heauen, we laud and magni⸗ 
fie thy glorious name, euermoze prailing thee and 
faving, Holy, Holy, holy, Lorde Godot hoſtes. Peas 
uen and earth are kull of thy glory. Glozp be tothee, 
D Lode mot High. — 
Then fhall the Prieft kneeling downe at Gods board, 
fay in the name ofall them that fhall receiue the Com= _ 
munion, this prayer following. , 
VVE dee not preſume to come to this thy Ta⸗ 
bie (D merciful Lod) trufing in ovr owne 
righteouſneſſe, but in thp mantfolde and great mer: 
cies, We be not worthie fomuch as togatherbp the 
crummes vnder thy Cable. But thou art the fame 
Lozde, whole popertie is alwayes to hatte mercies 
grant bs therefore gratious Lord, foto cat the fleſh 
of thy Deare Sonne Jeſus Chri, and to drinke His 
blood, that our ſinfull bodpes may be made cleane 
by his body, ardour ſoules wathed through his mot 
pꝛecious blood, and that we may euermoꝛe dwell in 
Him, and he in vs. mer. ; Ror es 
Then the Prieftftandingvp,thallfay. 

as followeth. SEEN eee 
ee ae Amightie 

ie, 3 ts = ee i.) — 
hk 7 a) at 
LT) oe eee b eis “Gy. 

A hinightie God our heauenly father, which of 
“Achy tender mercie diddeſt qiue thine onely ſonne 
Fetus Chit to tufler death vpon the croſſe toz our 
redemption, who made there (by His one obiation 
ofhimielfe once offered) atull, periect, and {uflicient. 
Sacrifice, oblation 5 and fatiliaction foz the ſinnes 
ofthe whole wozlde, and did inſtitute, and in his ho⸗ 
ly Goſpel connmande vs to continue aperpetizal me- 
mozic of Chat his pꝛecious death, vntil his comming 
againe: Beare bs, O merctalt father, we belecche 
ther, and graunt that we, receiuing thele thy crea- 
tures of bꝛead and wine, accogding to thyſonne our 
Dauiour Jeſus Chꝛiſts holy inſtitution, in remem⸗ 
bance of his death and paſſion, may be partakers of 
His moſt bleſſed body and blood: who in the fame 
night thathe was betrayed, tooke bead, andiwyen 
he had giuen thankes, he brake tt, and gaue it to his 
difcipics, faping, Cake, cate, thisis my body which 
18 giuen foz pou , Doe this in remembrance of mee, 
Likewile after Supper be tooke the cup, and wher 
hee Had given thankes, hee gaue it to them, ſaying, 
Deinke ye all of this, fo2 this is my blood of the newe 
Teſtament, which ts thed for pou and for many foz 
remiſſion of ſinnes: doc this asoftas ye ſhall dꝛinke 
it tiv remembance of me, ? 
Then. fhall the Minifter firft receiue the Communion in 
both kindes him felfe, and next deliver it to other Mi- 
_, nifters (ifanybethere prefent ) that they may helpe 
the chiefe. Minifter, and after. to the people in their 
~~, -handes,kneeling. And when he deliuereth the bread, 
rg eM AAB .. — uO! 
The bodie of our Lorde Jeſus Chill, which was 
giuen fo2 thee, preſerue thy bodte and ſoule into e⸗ 
 Merlatiinig fife: and take and cate Chis, in remem⸗ 


T he Communion. 

brance that Chriſt oped foz thee, ard feede on vue in 
thine heart byfaith with thankſgiuing. 
And the Miniſter that deliuereth the cup,fhal fay. 

CThe blood ot our Lorde Fetus Chriſt which was 
hed foz thee, peeferue thp body and foule inte euerla⸗ 
Hing like:a drinke this in remembrance that heittes 
blood was ſhed for thee, and be thankefull. iB | 

Ther thall the Priett fay the Lordes prayer, the: — 
repeatinug after him enty petition. Alter ſhalbe ſayd 
as followeth; 
Oe and heauenly father, weethy humble ſer⸗ 
uantes entirely deſire thy fatherly qoodnefie, 
mercifully to accept this our ſacriſice of pꝛayſe and 
thankeſgiuing, mot humbly beſeeching ‘thee to 
grant, thatby the metites anddeath of thy ſonne 
Jeſus Chriſt, and through faith in his blood, we and 
all thy whole Church may obteine remiffion of our 
{innes,and alother benefites of his paſſion. And here 
We offer and pretent nto thee, D Lorde, our ſelues, 
our foules and bodies, tobe a reafonable , holy and 
liuely facrifice bute thee; humbly befeeching t ee, 
that all wee which bee partakers of this: help Com- 
munion. may be fulfilled with thy graceand heater: 
ty benediction. And although-wee bee vnworthie; 
through out manttolde fines, to offer vnto — 
lacrilice: pet we beſeech thee to accept this our bout 
Den duetie and ſexiice.not weighing our merits; but 
pardoning our offences; throigh Jeſus Chit our 
Lode by whome,and wich whonte, it the bnitie A 
the hoiy Ghof, all honour and glory be onto th — 
| * stg egret —— a 
HISNI as ai ae ‘ise 


Msn, bboy ste 4 Se phic ots a BE ee 
AS ‘URS Y > ae Hs is ee 35 3% ig! te 
. . be 

The Communion. 

: Or this. | 
Amnightie and euerliuing God, wee moſt hear⸗ 
tily thanke thee, for that thou doeſt vouchlate to 
feede vs which hatte duely rcetucd theſe Holy mytte- 
ries, with the {pivitual foode of the moſt precious bo- 
Die and blood of thy Sonne. our Sautour Fetus 
Chꝛiſt, and dock allure vs thereby of thy fauour and 
goodnefle toward hs, and that we be berp members — 

incowporate in thy myſticall bodp, whitch ts the bleſſed 
company of all faithtull people, and bee alſo heyres 
through hope, of thy euerlaſting hingdome, bp the 
merites of the moft pzecious death and paſſion of thy 
deare Sonne: we now moſt humbly befeech thee,D- 
heauenly Father, fo toallit b3 with thy grace, that 
We May continucin thatholpfelowiip, and doe all 

_ fuch good workes as thot Hatt prepared foz bs to 
walke in, though Jeſus Chal our Lord, to whome 
with thee and the holy Gholt, be all honour and glo- 

rie, world without ende. Amen. 

Then fhalbe fayd or ſung. 

Cj haute bee to God on hygh, and in earth peace, 
ood will towardes men. Wee prayſe thee, we 

biefle thee , we worſhippe thee, we glozifie thee, we 
give thankies to thee foz thy great glozie , D Lode - 
God, heauenly King, Godthe father almightie, D 
fLo2d, the onelp begotten forne Jeſu Chriſt, D Lord 
@od Lambe of God, ſonne of the father, that takeſt 
aap the ſinnes of the worlde, hatte mercie bpon bs: 
Chou that takeſt away the ſinnes of the worlde, 
haue mercte bpon bs, Chou that takeſt away the 
lnnes of the worlde, recetue out prayer, Chou that 
fitteft at the righthand of God the father, haue mer- 
Cie vpon vs. Foz thouonely art holy, thou onely art 

The ( ommunion. 

the Lod, thot onely,D Cott, withthe holy Ghof, 
art mol high in the glory of God the father, Amen. 
‘Then the Prieft, or the Bifhop,ifhe be prefent, fhall let 
them depart with this bleſſing. 
Te peace of Gov which palſeth all vnderltan⸗ 
Ding, keepe pour hearts and mindes intheknow: 
ledge andiloucof God, and of bis fonne Jeſus Cheiſt 
pur Lod: and the bletling of God Almightie , tie fas 
ther, the ſonne, and the holy Shot, be amongſt pou, 
and remayne with pou alwayes, amen, 
Collectes to be fayde after the offertorie , when there is 
no-Communion , every fuch dayone. "And the fame 
' maybe faide alfo as often as occafion fhall ferue , after 
the Colle&s either of Morning and Euening prayer, 
~Communion, or Letanie, by the difcretion of the Mi- 
hifters:: * 
Att HS mercifully· O Lorde, in theteour fups 
plications and prayers, and Ddifpote the way of 
thy ferttants toward the attainement of euerlating 
faluation , that among all the changes and chau 
ces of this moꝛtall life, they. may ever be defended bp 
chy mot gracious and readie helpe, though Chk 
our 102d,Amen, 

—58 Lorde and euerliuing God, vouch · 

fate, twee beſeeche thee, to direct fanctifie and 

Orne. , both our beartes and bodies in the wayes 
of thy lawes , atid in the workes of thy commande: 
ments, that though thy mok mightie protection, 
both here and euer, wee may be prefernedin boop 

aiid ie de through out Lorde and Sauiour Jetus ae " 
men. <> ERR M4 ig Gee — 
Gute wee befeeche thee, Simi bt Heed Dab 


at bated Boni wee i ) sh thy grace mS 

The Communion. 

be fo qraftedinwardly in our hearts, that they map 
bring foozth in bs the fruite of good lining, to the ho⸗ 
nour and prayſe of thy name, though Jeſus Chzitt 
our Lod, Amen. — 
PBeuent bs, D Lorde, it allour doings, with thy 
moſt gratiousfaucur, and further bs with thp 
continual helpe, that inallour woozkesbequnne, 
continuedand ended in thee, we may gloztfie thy ho⸗ 
iyname, ¢finally by thp mercie obtaine euerlaſting 
life, theough Fetus Chek our Lorde, Amen. 
Amightie God, the fountatne of all wifedome, 
which knowelſt our neceſſities before wee afke, 
and our ignorance in albing: we befeech thee to have 
compaſſion bpon our infirmities, and thole thinges 
— Which foz our vnworthines we dare not, and foz ony 
blindnefie we can tot aſke, bouchfate to giue bs, fo2 
a worthineſſe of thy fonne Fetus Chriſt our Lord, 
Lmightie God, which hall promiſed to heare 
the petitions of them that alke in thy Sonnes 
Name, we befeechke thee mercifully toencline Chine: 
eares to bs that haue made nowe our prayers and 
fupplications oitto thee, and qrant that thole things 
which we haue faithfully atked according to thy wit, 
may effectually be obtetiied , to the reliefe of our ne⸗ 
ceflitie, and te the fetting forth of thy giozy, thrꝛough 
Jeſus Chriſt our Loꝛd Amen. 

Vpon the holy dayes (if there be no Communion )fhal 
be ſaide all that is appoynted atthe Commuimion, vntill 
the ende of the Homilie, concluding with the generall 
prayer (fo2 tie whole fate of Chiles Church mitt 
tant here in earth) and oneor moe of thefe Colleas be- 
“fore rehearfed,as occafion fhall ferue. re 
And there fhalbe no celebration of the Lords Supper, 
ts | except 

“The Communion. 3 
except there be a good number to communicate with 
the Prieft, according to his difcretion. 3 

And if there be not aboue twentie perfons in the pa- 
rifh, of difcretion to receiue the Communion, yet there 
fhall be no Communion, except foure or three at the 
leaft communicate with the Prieft. 

And in Cathedral] and collegiat Churches, where be 
many Priefts and — ſhal al receiue the Com- 
munion with the miniſter euery Sunday at the leaſt, ex- 
cept they haue a reafonable caufe tothecontrary. | take away the fuperftition, which any perfor 
hath or might haue in the bread and wine, it fhall fuffice 
thar the bread be fuchas is vfuallto beeaten at the table 

with other meates, but the beft and pureft wheat bread 
that conueniently may be gotten. And ifany of the bread - 
* wine remaine, the Curate ſhall haue it to his owne 

The bread and wine for the Communion fhall be pro- 
uided by the Curate and the churchwardens, atthe ‘hath 
ges ofthe parifh,and the parifh fhalbe difcharged offuch | 
ummes of money or other dueties, which hitherto they 
= pre pads for the fame by order of their houfes every 
Sunday. Rens | 
* And note, that euery parifhioner {hall communicate 
at the leaft three times in theyeere, of which Eafter to 
__ be one, and fhall alfo receiuethe Sacraments and other | 
_ ‘rites, according to the order in this booke appointe 

And yeerely at Eafter, euery Parifhioner fhall recker 
with his Parfon, Vicar, or Curate,or his or their | 
tie or deputies,and pay to them or him all Ecc 
call dueties, accuftomably due, chen and at that 

e 24 

é§ The minittration of 
Baptiſme tobe vfed in pg ve ot 
Henan Ghurely? >t 62 20 set ) 

ae Tappeareth by ancient writers, that 
& S > the Sacrament of Baptifme inthe old 
Ae time was not cOmonly miniftred but 
\. attwotimes in theyere:at Eafter,and - 
3f= Whitfuntide, At which times it was 
EY. openly miniftredin the prefence of al 

Churchyas alfo becaufe inthe eg ofinfants, euery 
man prefent may be putin remébrance ofhis owne — 

fefsion madeto Godin his Baptifme,For which cauſe al - 

fo, it isexpedient thatBaptifme be miniftredintheEn- | 

glith tongue. Neuverthelefle (ifnecefsitie fo require)chil- 7 . 
drenmay atalltimesbebaptizedathome. * a 

Publique Baptifme. 

When there are children to be baptized vpon the Sun- 
~ day or holy day,the parents fhall giue knowledge ouer 
© “night, or in the morning afore the beginning of mor- 

ming prayer,to the Curate. And then the Godfathers, 

Publique Bapti/me. 

godmothers,& people, with the children, muft be ready 
at the font, either immediatly after the laft leflonar Mor- 
ning prayer, or els immediatly after the laft Leffon at E- 
uening prayer, as the Curate by his difcretion fhall ap- 
point,And then ftanding there, the Prieft fhallaske whe- 
ther the children be baptized or no. If they anfwere, No: 
thenfhall the Prieft fay thus. 

SET Carelp beloued, foz as much as all men 
a1 EQ bee conceived and borne in fine, and 

BY 2 ( that our Sauiour Chak fayeth, None 
ai pa can enter into the kingdome of God, ex: 

na Sade cept be be regenerate and borne anewe 
of water and of the holy Gyoſt: F beleech pou te call 
vpon God the father theough our Lod Jeſus Chit, 
thatofbis bounteous merce he will qraunt to theſe 
childzen that thing, which by nature thep can not 
baue,that they may be baptised with water and the 
boly Ghott,and recetucd tnto Chriſtes holy Church, 
and be made liuely members of the fame, 

Then the Prieft fhall fay. 
| @iethspay 
ENE Lmightie and euerlaſting God, which 
—— VA, OF Thy great mercie diddeſt ſaue fre ¢ 
* J 

—bis lamilie in the Arke from periſhing 
V/V, by water, calfo diddeſt ſately leade the 
EDS W childzen of Iſrael thy people theough 
he ved fea, figuring thereby thy holy baptiſme, ¢ by 
the baptiſme ofthp wel beloucd ſonne Fetus Cheiſt. 
diddeſt ſanctify the flood Jorden and al other waters 

tothe myſtical wathing away of ſinne: ude beſeeche 

thee fo2 thine infinite mercies, that thou wiltmercis. 

fully looke vpon thete childzen, fanctifie them, and 

Publique Baptiſme. 

Wath them with the holy Gholt, chat they being deli⸗ 
tiered from thy wath, may be receiued into the Arke 
of Chriſts Church,and being ſtedkaſt in fatth,topfiuil 
through hope,and rooted in charitie, may ſopaſſe the 
waues of this troubiefome wozlde,that finally they 
may come to the lande of euerlaſting life, thereto 
reigne with thee world without ende, though Fes 
fus Chꝛiſt otxtr Loꝛd. Amen. 
A Lrigbtie and immoꝛtall God, the ayde of all 
that neede, the helper of all that fice tothee foz 
fuccour, thelifeof them that beleeue, and the reſur⸗ 
rection of the dead: We call bpon thee foz theſe in⸗ 
fants, that thep comming to thy Holy baptifine. map 
receiue remiflion of their ſinnes by {piritualregene- 
ration. Receiue them (D Lod) as thou haſt pꝛomi⸗ 
fed by thy welbeloued ſonne, faving, Aſke, and yvou 
ſhall haue, feeke, and you ſhall finde, knocke, and tt 
ſhalbe opene? vnto pou, So giue nowe vnto bs that 
athe, let bs that feeke, finde, open the gate bnto bs 
that hnocke, that thele infants mayenioythe ewer 
lating benediction of thy Heauenlp waſhing, and 
may come to theeternall kingdome which thou bat 
pꝛomiſled bp Chꝛiſt our Loꝛde. Amen. 
Then fhall the Prieſt fay. nt 
Heare the wordes of the Gofpel written by $.Marke, in 
the tenth Chapter. ; vroucht chit 
Ea certaine time they brought chil⸗ 
Ke 10. —— dren to Chriſt that be wouldẽ touche 

Publique Baptiſme. 

receitte the kingdome of God as alitiechilde, be thal 
not enter therein, And when bee had taken them bp 
in bisarmes, be put bis bandes vpon them, and 

bleffed them, | 7 

" After the Gofpell is read, the Minifter fhall make this 
briefe exhortation vpon the wordes of the Gofpel. 

Wiendes pou heare inthis Goſpell the 
words of our Sauiour Chet, that he 
commanded the children to be brꝛought 
vnto him: how Hee blamed thole that 

Zod SS) would haue kept them front him: How 
He exhorteth all men to fotlow their innocencie. Pow 
perceiue how by bis outward gefture and deede Hee 
Declared His good will towarde them : Foz be embra⸗ 
ced them in His avines, he lays his hands vpon thet, 
and biefleathem. Doubt not yee therefore, but ears 
sreftlp beleeue, that he will like wiſe fauourably re 
ceitte thefe prefent infants, that he wil tmbzace thent 
With the armes of his mercie, that he will giue vnto 
them the dieting of eternall life, and make them pars 
taters of bis euerlaſting kingdome. naherefore, wee 
being thus perfwaded of the good wilof our heauen⸗ 
ip father toward thefe infants, declared by bis ſonne 
FJelus Cheiſt, and nothing doubting but that hee la⸗ 
uourably alloweth this charitable wozke of ours, tit 
bringing thele childzen to his Holy Baptifine: tet vs 
kaithtalix g devoutly giue thanks vnto him, and ſay: 

Auioputie and euerlaſting God, heauentp fa⸗ 
ther, wee gine thee humble thankes, that thom 
Hatt bouchfated to call bs to the bnowledge ot thy 
grace and kaith in thee: Encreale this knowledge, 
and confirme this faith in bs euermoꝛe; ane ; 

\ we 2 

Ad | 
3 <4 


“Publique Baptiſme. : 
Holy ſpirite to theſe infantes, that they may be borne 
againe, and be made heives ofeucriating faluation, 
though our Lorde Jeſus Chit, who ttueth anv 
| ids ibe With thee and the Holy {pirite, mow and fo2 
euer.amen | 

Then the Prieft fhall {peake vnto the Godfathers & God- 
mothers on this wife. | : 
VV Cibeloned friendes, pee haue brought thele 
| childzen here tobe baptised , pee Haue prayed 
that our Lozde Jeſus Chak woulde bouchfate to 
receiue themto lay his handes bpon then, to bleſſe 
them, toreleaſle them of their ſinnes, to giue them 
the kingdome of heauen, and euerlaſting life. Pee 

haue heard alſo that our Lorde Fetus Chrift hath 

pꝛomiſed in his Goſpell, to graunt alltheſe thinges 
that vee haue praped fo2: which promiſe Hee fo2 his 
part will moe furely heepeand perfourme. Where⸗ 
fore after this promife made by Ch2itt, thefe infants 
muſt aifo faithfully fo2 their part, pꝛomiſe by vou 
that be their fureties, that they will fo2fake the deuil 
and all hig workes, and conttantly beleeue Gods hos 
ty were and obediently keepe His commaunde- 
ments, fhe 

Then fhall the Prieft demaunde of the Godfathers and 

~ Godmothers thefe queftions following. _ 

D2 thou forfake the dewill and all his wozkes, 

the vaine pompe and glozie of the worlde, with 

all couetous deſires of thefame, the carnail defires 

ofthe fet, fo that thou wilt not followe noꝛ beledde 

by them? . 

7 Anfvvere. > — 
forſake them all, | he 

an — Miniſter. 


Publique baplijme. — 
ree te — — —— 
Doeſt thou beleeue in Godthe Father almightie 
maker —— and earth? And in Jeſus Chꝛiſt bis 
onely begottenfonne our Lorde ? And that hee was 
conceiued bp the bolp Gyoſt, borne of the birain Ma⸗ 

ie chat be tuffered vnder Pontius wilate, was cru: 

cified, dead and buried,that he wentdowne into Heit, 
and alfo did rife againe the thirde dap, that he atten: 

Ded into heavens, and litteth at the right band of God 

the father almightie, and from thence chall come a 
gaine at the end of the world, toiudgethe quicke and 
the dead: And doeſt thou beleeue in the holy Ghoſt, 

the holy Catholique Church, the Communion of 
Saintes, the remtflion of finnes, the reſurrection of 
the fleſh, and euerlaſting life after death? 

Ali this F fedfattiy beiceue, 

wilt Chou be baptised in this faith? 
ae _ Anfwere. 

Chat is my defire, . 

: Then thal thePrieft fay. 

WHEE Wercitall God,arvaunt that the ole A⸗ 
OVA damin thefe chtldzen map be ſo buryed, 
END) [that the newe man may berapled bp it 
hy Lithent, Ament, | ——— 
—Graunt that an carnall affections 
may die ttt them, and thatal things belonging to the 
{pirite,mapliueandgrowinthem Amen, | 
Graunt hat they may haue power and firenath 
to haue victorie and to triumphagainthedeutl,the 
Would, andthefleth.Amen, 
af DQ. it, Oraunt Nike 

Lubugue bapti/me. 

| Graunt that wholoeuer is here Dedicated to thee — 

hyour office and miniſterie, may allo be indued with 
heauenly vertues, and euerlattingly rewarded , 
through thy mercy, D bielled Lorde God, who dock 

line and gouerne all thinges, worlde without ende, 

Amen, — | 

Lmightie euerliuing God, whole mot dearelp 
FA beloued fonne Jeſus Chet, fo2 the forgiueneſſe 

of our ſinnes, DID hed out of His moſt peecious 
fide both water ebiood, ard gaue commandement to 
his dilciples, that thep hould goe teache all nations, 
ehaptise them inthe wame of the father, the fonne, 
andofthe holy Ghoſt: Regarde, we beleech thee,the 
fupplications of thy congregation, and graunt that 
al thy ſeruants which thalbe baptised tn this water, 
may recetue the fulnes of thy qrace, a euer remapne 
in the number of thy fatthtull and elect children, 
though Jeſus Chik our Lod, Amen, ; 

| Then the Prieſt thal take the childe in his hands, andaske - 


thename. Andnaming the childe, fhall dippe it in the 

water,fo it be difcreetely and warily done,faying. 

N: Jbaptize thee in the name of the Father andot 
the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoſt. Amen. 

Andif the childe be vveake, it fhal fuffice to power yvater 
vVypon it,faying the forefayd vvordes, : 

N: J baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of 

- N the Sonne /and ofthe holyGhot.amen. - 

Then the Prieft thal make acroffe vpon the childes fore- 
head,faying, { PGE 
: _ Mee 

‘Publique Baptiſme. 

J x TE receiue this childe into the congregation 
VY of Chiiſtes flocke, anddoe ſigne hint with the 
ligne of the crofle,in token that hereafter he thall not 
be afhamed to confefle the faith of Chi crucified, 
and manfullp to fight vnder His banner , againſt 
finne, the worlde, and the deuill, g tocontinue Chri⸗ 
ſtes faithful ſouldier and ſeruant vnto his liues end, 

_. Then ſhall the Prieft fay. if 
SEeing nowe dearely beloued brethren, that theſe 
childzen be regenerate and grakted into the bodie 
of Chriſtes congregation , let vs giue thankes vnto 
Godkor theſe benetites , and with one accorde make 
our prayers vnto Aimightic 6 D DW, that they may 
leade the reft of their tife accozding to this begin: 

ning, | 
Then fhall be faide, 
Our father which art inheauert, ac. 
Then fhallthe Prieft fay. . 

SS BsSer C peeld thee heartic thanks, moe mer 
e) ky /p cifull father, thatit bath pleaſed theeto 
WA/LT, regenerate this infant with thy boty 
vA ara (pirite , to recetuehim foz thine owne 
+2, ae) childe by adopttor, and fo inco2zpozate 
Hint into thy holy congregation. Andhumbite we be- 
feech thee tograunt , that he being dead vnto finne, 
and living dito righteoutnele , and being buried 
with) Chlin his death, may crucifie the olde man, 
and btterly aboliſh the whole bodte of firine , Chat as 
he is made partaker of the death of thp Sonne, fo he 
may be partakerofhisreturrection »fothat finalip, 
With the refloue of thy holy congregation, He may be 
inberitour ofthine eucrlating kingdome; through 
Chit owt Lord, Amen. 
VP Q. iiii. Ac 

Publique bapti/me. 
At the laft ende, the Prieft calling the Godfathers and 
Godmothers together, fhall fay this exhortation fol- 

ZOꝛalmuch as thele chtildzen haue pro: 
Pic miled by pou, to foefake the deutlland 
Ve all bis workes, to beleeue in God, and 
| Zao toferuchin: you muſt remember that 

—&it is pour partes and dueties to fee that 
—— infantes be taught, fo ſoone as they thall bee ac 

le to learite, what a ſolemne bowe,pzonrife and pros 
kellion they haue made by pou. And that they map 
knowe thele hinges the better, pe hall call vpon 
them tobearefermons, and chiefely pou thal pꝛouide 
that thep maylearne the Creede, the Lordes pꝛayer, 
and the ten commandements tn the Engliſh congue, 
and ail other things which a Chriſtian man ought 
toknowe and beleeue to bis foules health, and that 
theſe childzen may be bertuoully bzought bp to leade 
agodly and a Cheiſtian life , remembzing alwayes 
that baptifmedoth repreſent vnto bs our profellior, 
Which is, tofolow the example of ourfautour Chiff, 
andtobe made ike vnto him, thatas he dyed, and 
rofe againe fo2 bg, fo thould we which are baptized , 
dye from Anne, and rife againe vnto righteouſneſſe 
continually moztifping all our euill and coꝛrupt af⸗ 
fections, and daily proceeding in all vertue and god⸗ 

lineſſe of liuing. 

The Miniſter fhall commaunde that. the children be 
brought to the Bifhop , tobe confirmed of him,fo foone 
as they can fay in theirvulgar tongue, the articles of the 
faith,the Lordes prayer, and the ten Commandements , 
and be the Catechifme fet forth for 
that purpofe, accordingly as it isthere exprefled, ey 

Sp Ofthem that are baptixedin 
| private houfesintime — 
of neceſſitie. , 

— — He Paſtours and Curates re often 
So ftreReN| admonith the people , that they de- 
a¥t. pay ferre not the Bapeifite of infantes 
A USS any longer, then the Sunday or o- 
4 A2~9)| ther holy day next after the child be 
borne, vnleſſe vpona great and rea- 
eee) Ness) fonable caufe declared to the Cu- 
— rate, and by him approoued. 
And alfo they fhall warne them, that without great 
caufe and neceffitie , they baptize not children athome 
in their houfes. And when great need fhall compel them - 
fo to doe, that then they minifter it onthisfafhion, 
Firſt, let chem thatbe prefent, call vpon God for his 
grace ,and fay the Lordes prayer, if the time will fuffer . 
And then one of them fhall name the childe , and dippe 
him - the water, or powre water vponhim , faying thefe 
wordes, | 

3 N F baptize theein the Mame ofthe Father, and 
of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoſt, amen, 

Andlet them not doubt, but that the childe fo bapri- 
zed is lawfully and fufficiently baptized, and ought not 
to be baptized againe in the Church. But yet neuerthe- 
leffe , if the child which is after this forte baptized , do af- 
terward liue, itisexpedient that he be brought into the 
Church, to the intent the Prieft may examine and trie 
whether the childe be lawfullie baptized or no. Aud if 
thofe that bring any childeto the Church, doe anſwere 
that he is alreadiebaptized,then fhall the Prieftexamine 
themfurther,. > . eat ds sie: 

>, I. 

Priuate Dapti/me. 

By whome the childe was baptized? 

who was peclent when the childe was baptized? 

nobhether thep called bpon Godfoz grace and ſuccour 
in that neceflitie? 

With what thing or what matter they did baptize 

with what wordes the childe was baptized? 

Whether they thinke the childe to be lawkully a pers 

fectly baptised 7 . cry i 
Andifthe Minifter hall prooue by the anfweres of 
fuch as brought the childe, that all thinges were done as 
they oughtto be :then fhall not hechriften the childe a- 
gaine , but fhall receiue him as one of the flocke of the 
true Chriftian people, faying thus. | 
Fcertifie pou, that in this caſe ye haue done weil, 
and acco2ding vnto due o2der,concerning the bapti- 
zing of this childe, which being borne in originall 

ſinnñe, and in the wath of God, is nowe bp the lauer 

of regeneration tn baptiſme, receiued into the num⸗ 
ber of the childzen of God, and heires of euerlating 
life. fozour Lorde Fetus Ch docth not deny Hts 
grace a mercie vnto fuch infants ,but moſt louingly 
doethcall them vnto him, as the holy Golpell doeth 
witnefle to our comlort, ont this wiſe. 
A®& a certaine time they brought children vnto 
Chri that be Hhoulde touch them, and his Dilſci⸗ 
ples rebuked thofe that brought them. Dut when 
Jeſus ſawe it, He was diſpleaſed, and ſayde vnto 
them , Suffer litle childzen to come vnto mee ,and 
forbid them not, fo2 to fuch belongeth the kingdome 
of God . wierilp J fay vnto pou , whofoeuer doeth 
not receiue the Bingdome of God asa littte chitde, 

bee chall not enter therein, And when hee had ta- — 
ken them bp in his armes, he put bis — 
— em, 


Priuate Baptiſme. 

them, and blelled them. 

After the Gofpelis read, the Minifter fhall make this ex- 
hortation vpon the wordes of the Gofpel. 
FBienves, you Heare in this Golpell the wordes of 
our Sauiour Chriſt, that Hee commanded the 
childzen to bee brought vnto Him , Howe hee bia 
med thofe that woulde haue kept them from him, 
Howe He exhorted all men to follow their tnnocencie, 
De perceiue howe by his outwardaelture anddeede, 
he declared his good will towarde them. Fo2 hee em- 
braced them in dis armes , he layde his handes vpon 
them, and biefled them, Mout vee not therefore, 
but earnefily beleeuc, that be hath like wife fauoura⸗ 
bip receiued this prefent infant , that he hath embra⸗ 
ced Him with the armes of his mercie, that hee hath 
giuen vnto him the bleſſing of eternaltlife,and made 

him partaker of his euerlaſting kingdome. Where⸗ 

fore wee being thus perſwaded of the good will of 
our heauentyp father , declared by his Sonne Jeſus 
Chit towardes this infant, let vs faithfully and 
deuoutely qiue thankes vnto him, and fap the praper 
which the Lozde hinrlelfe taught, and in declaration 
of our faith, tet bs recite the articles contetned in our 


Here the Minifter , with the Godfathers & Godmothers 
thall fay. ; 

¶ Our father which art in heauen. ac. 

Then fhall the Prieft demannde the name of the childe, 

. whieh being bythe Godfathers and Godmothers pro- 
nounced,the M inifter fhall fay. | | 
Work thouin the name of this childe forfake the 

deuill and all His workes , the bapne wee" 

Priuate Baptifme. 

glory of the world, with all the couetous delires of the 

fame,the carnatldefires of the flelb,and not to folowe 

andbeiledbythem? « —* 

forſake them alt, 
——— Miniſter. 

Doeſt thou in the name of this childe pꝛofeſſe this 
faith,to belecue in God the father almightie, maker. 
ofheauenandearth? And in Jeſus Chat his onely 
begotten ſonne our Lorde? And that he was concey⸗ 
ued by the holy ghoſt, borne ofthe birgin Marie, that 
hee fuffered bnder Pontius Pilate, was crucified, © 
dead, and burped, that he went downe into hell, and 
allo did rife againe the thirde dap, that bee aſcended 
into heauen, and ſitteth at the right hand of God the 
Father almightie, and from thence he hall come a- 
gaine at the ende of the world to tudge the quicke and 
the dead? And do pou in his name beleeuc in the Holp 
ghoſt,the holy Catholique Church, the Communion 
of Saints, the remiſſion of innes,velurvection, and 
euerlaſting life after death? 


Ail this I ſtedtaſtiy beleeue. 

Let vs pray. 

Axwightie and euerlaſting God, heauenly Fa⸗ 
ther, wee giue thee humble thankes, fo2 that 
thou haſt bouchfafed to call vs to the knowledge 
of thy grace andfaith in thee : Encreaſe this know⸗ 
ledge , and confirme this faith tn vs euermoze, 
giue thy holy Spirite to this infant, that hee be- 
ing borne agayne, and being made Heire of euerla⸗ 
ſting faluation thꝛough our Lode Jeſus Chat, 
may continue thy feruant, and attaine thy promiſe, 
thronah the fame our Lorde Fetus Chit ao 
oO 0 

Priuate Baptifme. 

who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of 
the ſame holy (pirit euerlattinaly. amen, 
Then fhall the Minifter make this exhortation to the 

Godfathers and Godmothers. 

Pzzatinucy as this childe hath promifed by your, 
to forſake the deuill and all his wozkes, to beleeue 

in God, and tolerue him: you mut remember that 

it is por part and duetic to fee that this infant bee 
taught, fo foone ag he hall be able telearne, whata 
ſolemne bowe,promife, and profeſſion be hath made 
byvou, Andthat he may knowe thele thinasthe bets 
ter. ye Hall call bpon bint to heave fermons, ¢ chiefly 
bee hall prouide that hee may learne the Creede, the 

Lozdes prayer,and the ten Commandements inthe — 

Englith tongue, and all other things which a Chete 

Tian man ought to knowe and beleeus to his foules 

Health, ¢ that this chiloe may be bertuoutty brought 

Op to leade a godly anda Cheiſtian life, remembring 

alway that baptiſme doth repreſent pinto vs our pos 

feflion, which is, to followe the erampie of our Sa 
utour Chrilt, and be made like vnto him, that as hee 

Dyed and role againe fo2 bs, ſo choulde wee which are 

baptized, dte from ſinne, and rife againe vnto rightes 

outnelle, continually mortifying all our eui ¢ co⸗ 
rupt affections, ard dayly proceeding in all hertue 
and godlinelle of lining, 

And fo fo2th,as tn publique Baptiſme. 

But if they which bring the infantes to the Church » doe 
make an vncertaine anfwere to the Prieftes queftions, 
and fay that they can not tell what the thought , did, 
or {aid in that great feare & trouble * minde(as often- 
times itchaunceth) then let the Prieft baptize him in 
forme aboue written concerning publique baptifme, 
fauing that at the dipping of the childein the — 


aS Coipraain 
8 Mall vſe this — poet : 
Ae thou be not baptised alreadie,Q 4g — chee 
inthe Mame of (he father, and of the Sonne, and of 
the holy Ghost, Ament, 

ae, € Confirmation, whaneni i contey- 
ne i: ea neda Catechifme for children. 

62 S27. GO the ende that confirmation may bee mi- 
bKe| [eA niftred to the more edifying of fuch as fhall 
— ba ag teceiue it (accordingto S, Pauls do@rine, 
\ Ss “60° teacheth that all thinges fhoulde bee 
wa & eax doneintheChurchtotheedificationofthe — 
fame) itis thought good, that none hereafter fhallbee 
confirmed, butduch as can fay in their mothertonguethe - 
(| Articles of the faith sthe Lords prayer, and the ten Com- 
oe maundements , and canalfo anfwere to fuch queftions 
» Ofthisfhort Catechifme, astheBifhop (orfuchashee __ 
i, fhallappoint) fhall by his difcretionappofethemin.And = 
Nchis order is moft conuenient to bee rues for diuers 7 
». $y _Firft, becaufe that when children come to the yeeres 
; d of diféretion > & haue learned what their Godfathers and 
Godwmothers promifed for them in Baptifme, they may 
~» then themfelues with their owne mouth, and with their 
ouvne conſent, openly before the Church, ratifie &ccom- 
5 firme the fame:andalfo promife that by the graceofGod 
they wil euermore endeuour themfelues faithfully to ob- 7 
feruc and keepe fuch things as they by their ownementh i 
a and confefsion haue affented vnto. oo ee eee 
ifieed to 

Secondly , forafmuch as Confirmation! is m 
them ‘that bee baptized, that by impofition of han 
~ and — ae may receiue — and: delene 

Bet Mt 
: Bary — 

againft all — to ſinne, nd the aſſaultes ofthe 

-worlde and the deuill, it is moft meete to be miniftred 
when children come to that age, that partly by the frailty 
of their owne flefh,partlyby the affaults of the world and 
the deuill, they begin tobe in daunger to fall into fundry 
kindes of faite: 5 

Thirdly, for that it is agreeable with the vſage of the 
Church in times paft,whereby it was ordeined that Con- 
firmation fhoulde be miniftred to them that were of per- 
fe& age, that they being inftructed in Chriftes religion, 
fhould openly profeffe their owne faith, and promife to 

be obedient vnto the will of God. 

And thatno man fhall thinke that any detriment fhall 
cometo children by deferring of their Confirmation, he 
fhall knowe for trueth, that it is certaineby Gods word, 

~ that children being baptized, haue all things neceffarie 
fortheir — be vndoubtedly ſaued. 

ef (atechifine, that isto fay, An inStruce 
tion to be learned ofeuery childe,before 
he be br ought to be confirmed 
ofthe Bifhop, 

What ig pour tame? 

_ Anfwere, 
robes gaue rou this name? | 

® * odfathers and Godmothers in my bap * — 
5 os whereir ng — gechiing 

The Catechifme. | 

siGgeriuatic os bit Quelitiom coon at 
What did pour Godfathers and Godmothers then 
| 0 Anfwere, 1 Sua 
Chey did promite and vowe theee things in mp 
name, Firſt, that FZ houlde fosfake the deuill and all 
his workes, and pompes, the vanities of the wicked 
worlde, and all the ſintul luſts ofthe ſleiß Secondiy. 
that J chould beleeueall the articles ofthe Cyztian 
faith. And thirdly, that J chould keepe Gods holyx wil 
and commandements, and walke tnthelameallthe 
dayes of my life. iol gy aes 
| | Queftion, 
Doek thou not thinke that thou art bounde to be: 
leeue, and to doe as they set promifed foꝛ thee ? 
Sie: ees | niwere. of ad 
Pes verity: and by Gods helpe fo F will, And J 
heartily thanke our heauenly father, thathe hath 
called me to this Gate of ſaluation, through Fetus 
Chit our Saviour. And FZ pray God to giue mee 
is grace, that Jmay continue in the fame vnto my 
liues ende. Bots 

KRehearle the artictes of ty beliefe, 
| | * n 
IBeeene in God the Father almightie, maker ot 
heauen andearth, Andin Fetus Chit his — 
fonne our Lode, Which was concetued by the holy 
-. Shot, bome of the virgin Marie, fuflered vnder 
Pontius Pilate, was crucified, Dead,and buryed, 
pe delcended inta hell, the thirde day he roſe againe 
rom the dead, he aſcended into heauen, and fittet) 
Att —— comme ti thefatheralmightte: from — 
thence He wall come to iudge the quiche and the 

=— eee 


| The (atechi/me. 

dead. Jbeleeue in the holy Ghott,the holy Catholite. 

Church, the Communion of faints, the foꝛgiueneſſe 
of finnes, the refurrectton of the body > and tie life e⸗ 
uerlaſting. Amen. 


wyhat doelt thou chictely learne itt tt ares 
-thpbeltete? — 
wer e 

firt, J tearne to beleeue in God the father, tho 

hath made me andall the world. 

Secondly, t in God thefonne, wyo hath redeemed 

mie and all mankinde. 

Chirdly, in God the holy hot, who fanctieey 
me * nd alt the electpeopleofemod, | 

* Queſtion. 

Pouſayde that vour godfathers and godmothers 

did promite fo2 pou, that you ouid heepe Gods com⸗ 

Cell mehowe many there be.. 

hich betherꝛ? 

Pe fame which God ſpake in the — is 
ter of Grodusfaping, Jam the Lorde thy Goo, 

which haue brought theeoutof thelandeofe- — 

gypt,out of the houſe ot bondage. 
t Chou thaltvauenoneotherGodsbut me, 
j it Chou halt not make to thy ſelſe any qrauen J⸗ 

age, nogthe likenelſe of any thing that ĩs in fea 
lett aboue. avin the arth beneath, 02 — ——— Saget 

ade⸗ ae jou thalt not bowe 

‘ther,nnoz worthippe them, or'g the —— — 

The Catechifine. y 

ama ielouz God, andbilite the linnes of the fathers 
vpon the children vnto the third and fourth genera: 
tion of them that bate mee, and thewe mercie vnto 
thoufands in them that louc mee, and keepe mip cont: 

tit Chou walt noe take the name of the Lorde thy 
God in bate: fo2 the Lord will not Hold him giltleſſe 
that taketh his name in vayne. 

titi Wemember Chat thou keepe poly the Sabboth 4 

day.Sixe dayes thalt chou labour and do al thatthou 
Hatt to doe: but the feuenth day 18 the Sabboth ofthe 
Lord thy God. In it thou ſhalt dono maner of worke, 
thou, and thy fonne, and thy daughter, thy man ſer⸗ 
uant, and thy mayde feruant, thycattell. athe ſtran⸗ 
ger that is within thy gates: Foꝛ tn ſixe dayes the 
od made heauen andearth,the ſea, and all that in 
them is andrefted the ſeuenth day: wherelore the 
Loꝛrdbleſſed the ſeuenth day, and halo wed it. 
v Honour thy father athy mother, that thy dayes 
may be long in the land Which the Lorde thy Good gi⸗ 
ueth thee. ‘i | 
bi Chouthaledonomurther, 

bit Chow halt rot commit adulterie. 

Hitt Chou thalt not ſteale. 

ix Thor thalt not beare falſe witneſſe againſt thy 


¢ Chou halt notcouct thy neighbours Youte,thou 
(Hale not couct thy neighbours wite, 02 histeruant, 

nor his maide, nor His oxe,noꝛ his alle, noꝛ any hing 

: | Queftion.:. an 

what dock thou chietlylearne byehete comumatide: 
— $s oo Rothe, 

nN ah aN eee 

T be (atechi/me. 
3 Anfwetes: O 
4 learne two thinges : My duetie towardes yer : 
and my duetie opts mp neighbour. isa oF 
ueftion. US? te SAMSON ai 
nobat ts thy duelte towaras God? : 

Py ductic towardes God is, fo beleeue in bint, fo. 
feare him, and to lone him with al mp heart, with all 
myminde, with ail my foule,¢ with ali mp frenagcy. 
To Worhip Him , to give him thankes, to put mp 
whole truſt in Hint , fo call bpon him, to honour bis 
holy Lame and bis word and to ferute uk ie Aft 
the dares of mylife. | 

- Queftion. 
Hobhatis thy duetie rer thy neighbour: . 
An ſwere. 

My duetie towards my neighbour is to loue him 
as mypfelie,and to doe toatl men, as Jwoulde they 
ſhould doe vᷣnto mee: Co four, honour , and fisccour 
my father and mother: Co honour and: obey the 
Queene and her miniffers. Co fubnut myſelfe to all 
My Golleriours , teachers s(pirituall Paſtours and 
Watters. Go oder wp felfe lowly and reucrentlp to 
alimy betters, To hurt no body by word nozdeede, 
Co bee true and tulin ail mp dealing, Oo beare no 
malice 02 hatred in my Heart. Go keepe mp handes 
from picking and fealing and my tongue trom euill 
ſpeaking, iping,and flaundering. Co keepe my bodp 
in temperance.fobernefle and chattitie, Mot to couet 
1102 deſire other mens goods , but tolearne andias · 
hour truely to get mine owneltuing,andtodoemyp. . 
duetie in that late of itfe., bite the which it chall 
— God to call nme. | 

K.i ft, Queftion, 

Lhe (Catechifme. 
: Queſtion. | * 
Mygood childe knowe this.that thou art not able 
to do —— ofthyſelte noꝛ to walke in the com: 
mandemenis of God, and to ſerue him, without his 
ſpeciall grace, which thou mult learne at all times to 
call for by diligent prꝛayer. Let mee heare therefore tf 
thou cant fay the Lordes prayer. : ) 
We ces) os cont cores Et Sp 
(yu Father which art in heauen, halowed be thy 
\ ~lame.Cohp kingdome come; Chy wil be done in 
earthas it is in heauen.Giue bs this day our dayly 
bread, And forgiue bs our trefpafies, as we foratue 
them that treſpaſſe againſt bs. And leade bs not Inte 
temptation: but deltuer bs from euill. Amen. 


e Articles ofthe faith,the Lordesprayer,the ten Com- 

* a —————— 

—— Confirmation. — 
_ of this ſhort Catechiſme, as the Bifhop(or ſuch as he ſhal 


- appoynt)fhall by his difcretion appofethem in: thenfhal — 

witnefle of | his Confirmation, And 

firme them on thiswife, 7 

fhop fhall con- 

Our helpe isin the name ofthe Lord. 
iG | Anfwere. 
. Pohich hath made heauen and earth. 
. ' Minifter. 

Bleſſed be the name of the Lord. 
: : Anfwere. i ace 
_ Henceforth wozlde without ende, 

| | _ Minifter, 
Loꝛd heare our payer. 
——— Anſwere. 

Andiet our cry come vnto thee, 

they be brought to the Bifhoppe by one that hall be his 
odfather, or Godmother, that wd mee may haue 

of countatle and qhottiy drenath,the fpiriteofimot> 
ledge and true godtinefie,and fulfill th m (D Lozde) te 

with the fpiritefehy holpfeare,Amen, 

uerally faying, * ; 
_% Bt, 

- ‘Then theBithop fhalllay hishandevponeuery childefe- 

iz SE Sees ae * 

ORS Sg ee! tL} . 

« ote ae —— oe Pi he 
. “ee 

Setend, O Lode, this chide with thy heauenty = 
grace, thathe may continue thinefozcuey,andday> 
fy increate in thy bolp ſpirit moze ard more vntillhhe 

- somebntoryyeucriattingbinghomeamen, 
cage emo Pe oy eam Me 
¶ Let bs pap. a 

— euerliuing God, which mabe bs 
both to will,and to doe thoſe things that be good 
and acceptable vntothy maieſtie, we mate our hum⸗ 
- ble fupplications vnto theefo2 thefe childꝛen, vpon 
whome (after the example of the holy Apoſtles wee 
haue layde our hands,to certifie them (by this figney 
of thy fauour and gracious goodneſſe toward thems 
let thy fatherly bande, we beleeche thee, euer be ouer 
them, let thy holy ſpirite euer be with them, andfo 
leade them in the iro wledge and obedience of thy 
wodrde, that in the ende thep may obtepne the euerla⸗ 
fling life, though our Lord Fetus Chiff, who with 
theẽe and the holy Ghat, tiueth ereignethone God; 
—— fportldwithoutendD.amen ee 
‘Then the Bifhop fhal bleffe the children, faying thus. 
Che bleſſing of God almightie, the father, the — 
forte, and the holy Gyholt, be bpon yvou, and remayne 
with pou for ener, — Its tarsi: 

——— — 

* Se — ae a eS nee a ee * — — a — — i a 

The Curate ofeuery Parifhyor fome other at his appoint- 
ment, thal diligently vpon Sundayes and Holy dayes, 
* halfe an houre before Euenfong,opély in the Church, 
~ inftrn@ & examine fo many-children of his Parifhfent 

_ ynto him, as the time will ferue, and as hee fhall thinke _ 

-conuenient,in fome part ofthis Catechifme, 

Andall Fathers, Mothers, Mafters, and Dames , fhall 
caule their children, feruantes , and ——— — 
— — See aS 

RS Bek 
Sn 2 * 


haue not learned their Catechifme) to come tothe 

Church at the time appointed, & obediently to heare, 
and be ordered by the Curate, vntill fuch timeas they 
haue learned all that is here appointed for them to 
learne . And whenfoeuer the Bifhop thall giueknow- 
ledge for children to be brought afore him to any con- 
uienient place for their c6firmation,then fhall the Cu- 
rate of every parifh , either bring or fendein writing 
thenames of all thofe children of his parifh which can 

fay the articles of theirfaith, the Lordes:prayer, and 

the ten Commaundements,&alfo how many ofthem 
can anfwere to the other queftions conteined in this 
~ Catechifme. | | 
‘And there fhall none be admitted to the holy Commu-. 
nion vntil {uch time as he can fay the Catechifme,and 
be confirmed. | 

? « The fourme of folemnization — 
| ; of Matrimonie.. 

Firft the banes muſt be asked three feuerall Sundayes or 
holy dayes in the time of Seruice , the people being. 

_ -prefent , after the accuftomed maner, PEG ts 
And ifthe perfonsthat would be maried, dwell in divers 
pariſhes, the banes muft bee asked in both pariſhes: 

and the Curate of the one parifh fhall not folemnize - 

Matrimonie betwixt them,without a certificate of the 
banes being thrife asked, fromthe Curate of the other 
parifh . : Tee 

At the day appointed for folemnization ofmatrimonie, 

the perfon’ to be married, fhall come into the body of 

the Church, with their friendes: and neighbours sand ae 

there the Prieft fhall thus fay. - 

tte ⸗ * ea —— * Paes . we 
AR, Ht &. j D rely — er es 
» ; F* — 

a ty 
v —— 
<. > a | 

Of Matrimonie. 

O39 Carely beloued fiends, we are ga⸗ 
X Noe thered together bere in the fight of 
God, and inthe face of his congre⸗ 
42.20) Fz gation, to topne together this man 
3 Hand this woman tn Holp Watrt- 
NLYAS) Monte, Which ts an Honourable 

— yes ebtate inttituted of God inParae 
Dife,in the time of mans innocencie, fiqnifping onto 

63 the myſtical vnion that is betwirt Chak andhis 

Church: which holy ekate Chriſt adorned a beaut 
fied with His pretence, thir mypzacte that he wꝛought 
int Cana of Galilee,and tg conumended of S. Paul to 
be honourable among all men, ¢ thereforets not to 
be enterpriſed nor taken in hand vnaduiſedly, light: 
Iy, oꝛ wantonly, to fatiffie mens carnalluſtes and ap⸗ 
petites, like bꝛute beaſtes that haue no vnderſtan⸗ 
ding, but reuerently, diſcreetely, aduiſedly, ſoberly, 
and in the leare of God, duely conſidering the caules 
for which Matrimonie was oꝛdained. One was, the 
procreation of childzert, to be brought bp in thefeare 
and nurture ofthe 107, a pꝛaiſe of God. Secondly, 
it Was ordayned foz a remedie againſt fine, and to a- 
uoyde fornication, that uch perſons as haue not the 
gift of continencic, might marry, and keepe them- 
{elites bridefiled members of Chriſtes body. Thirdly, 
foz the mutuali focietie,helpe,¢ comfort,that the one 
ought to hatte of the other, both in profperitie and 
adueriitie , into the which Holp eftate theſe two per⸗ 
fons pefent come now tobe topned. Therefore ikany 
mian can ſhew anp tuff caute, why thep map not law⸗ 
fullie be ioyned together, let himnow fpeake , or els 
Hereafter foz euer Holde His peace . . 
And alfo {peaking to the pérfons that fhall be marri- 
ed, he fhallfay. | ibn? 
| | FZ Require 

| Of Matrimonie. 

| [ieauiveann charge pou, (as pou will anfwere at 
Athe dreadfull Dap otiudgement, when the fecretes 

of ail heavies thalt bee dticiofed ) thatif either of you — 

doe know any. impediment, why pe may not be law⸗ 
fully iopned together in Matrimonic , that yee con: 
keſſe it. For be pe weil aflured, that fomany as be cou: 

pied together other wayes then Gods worn doem al- 
low, arenot ioyned together by God, neither is their 

Matrimonie lawlull. 

Atwhich day of marriage, ifany man do alledge and de- 
clare any impédiment,why they may not bee coupled 
together in Matrimonfe,by Gods lawe or thelawes of 
this Realme,and will be bounde, and fufficient fuerties 
with him to the parties , orels put ina caution to the 
full value of fuch charges as the perfons to be married 
do fuftaine, to proue his allegation : then the folemni- 
zation muft bee deferred, vnro fuch time as the trueth 

be tried .Ifno impediment be alledged,then fhall the 

Curate fay vntothe man. 

N Wilt thou Haue this woman to thy wedded 

"wife , toline together after Gods ordinance, tt - 
the holy eftate of Matrimonie? yailt thouloueher, — 
comfozt her, Honour and keepe her infickenefle and — 

in health 7 And fortakingall other, keepe thee onelp 
vnto her, ſo long as pou both hailiine: 

The man ſhall anſwere. — * 

Then ſhallthe Prieft fay vnto the woman, 

N wilt thou Hane this man to thp wedded hut. 
“bande , to {tue together after Gods opdinance, 
inthe holy eftate of Matrimonie? wilt thou obep 
Him. andere him loue, honour, and keepe him in 
ſickenes and in health, and korſaking allother,heepe 




. 4 

Of Matrimonie. 

— thee one bt i fo forgas pou bot mauuuue 
Iv he woman ſhall anſwere 

Then thall * Minifter fay, 
Eho giueth this woman to bee maried onto otis 

And * Minifter receiuing the woman at her fathers or 
friendes handes, thal caufe the manto takethe woman 
by the right hand , and fo eitherto giue their troth to 
other ,the man firtt faying. 

QR. take thee 32. to my ‘wenden wife to haue and 
to holde front this dap foꝛward, for better,foz worfe, 
foz richer, for poorer, in ſickeneſſe and tn Health; to 
— Tour, and tocherthh, tiitdeath bs depart,accogding to 
Gods holy ordinance: and thereto a plight thee my 

Then fhall they loofe heir hands, andthe woman taking: 
againe the man by the right hand sfhallfay. . 
4 2. take thee f2. to my wedded huſband, to haue 
and to holde fromthis dap fozwarde, fo2 better, for 
worſe, for richer , for poozer, in ſickenes tit health: 

to loue, cherich, ard toobey, till death bsdepatt,ae 

cording to Gods holy ordinance: and thereto Igiue 

thee my troth. 

Then fhall they againe looſe their handes; ; -and the man 
fhall giuevnto the woman aRing,laying the fame vp- 

on the booke,with the accuftomed duetie to thePrieft _ 

and Clarke. And the Prieft taking the Ring,fhall deli- 
uer it vntothe man ,to putit vpon the fourth finger of 
- the womans left hande « And the man taught by the 
Prieſt, fhallfay. 

| * —8 — os — anne mine Father. and — 

with this ving y hee wedde with mp bodie J thee : ; 
w and with all my wordiy goods Ithee en⸗ 

a a8 




Pe es 

4 . 
— * 8 z ~ —* 
Fe hee ae ee, eT 

OF — 

andot the hol Gholt. Amen, 
Then the man leauing the ring vpon she — fi inger of 
© the womans lefthand,the Miniter fhal fay, 
@heths pay. 

O ternau God, creator and preſeruer of all man⸗ 

iy hy giuer ofall tyirituall grace, the authour 
of euerlatting life , fende thy biefling bpon thele thy 
ſeruantes, this man and this woman, whome we 
biefle in thy name,that as Iſahac and Rebecca lined 
faithfully together , fo theſe perlons may furely per 
fourme and heepe the bowe and couenant betwirt 
them made (whereot this ring giuen and recepuedis 
atoken andpledge)and may euer remapne in perfect 
foue and peace together , and line according to thy 
lawes through Fetus Chritt our Loꝛd.Amen. 

Then fhall the Prieſt ioyne their right handes together, 

and fay. 
Tote whom Goo ath ioyned together;tet no Watt 
put aſunde 
Then ſhall oe Minifter ſpeale vnto the people. 
Fyoraſmuch as N.and N. haue conſented together 
in holy wediocke,and haute witnellea the fame before 
God and this company, and thereto haue giuen and 
pledged their troth either to other, and haue declared 
the ſame bygiuing andrecepuing.of aring, and bp 
one of hands,'Z pronounce that they be man and 

Wife together. In the —— — — | 

ue of the boty Gholt. amet,” ; 
) And the Minifter fhall adde this — 

GS @ the father, Godthe Sonne, God — — 

hot bleſſe, pꝛeſerue, and keepe pou, the Lorde 
capi with his lausur looke bikin: — 

oh ee ot | 
ea ak 
ee SF 

Of Matrimonie. 
‘fo fill you with all {pivituall benediction and grace, 

that pou may ſo liue together tn this life, that in the 
world to come pou may haue life cucrlatting. Amen, 

Then the Minifter or Clarkes going to the Lordes 8 
_ fhalfay or fing this Pfalmefollowing. 
Beati omnes. Pfalm.cxxviii, | 
ellſed are all they that feare the Lorde: 
and watke in his wares. 
ob Foꝛ thou thalt cate the labour of thy 
handes:O well is thee, and bappp thait 

Ks thou be, 

“Zbp wife hall be as the kruitefull vine: vpon the 
walles okthy houſe. 

ie os — like the Oliue branches: rounde a⸗ 

oe ts ‘all the man be biefled: that teareth the 

Lo 20, 
"4 Tie Lorde from out of Sion hall bleſſe thee: that 
ih that fee Jeruſalem in profperitie alt thr life 

org chat th thou ſhalt ſee thy childrens chitdenand 
peace vpon Iſrael. 
— the father.and tothe fonne: and to the 
As it was in the beginning,tsnoww,and ever wan 
hres without end.amen, 
Sy, Od be mercifiullpnto 69, and plete v bs: 
eee AC7Z and thetwe bs the ti a of bis countes 
F oS fo narice,and be mercifull vnto 3, 
2, Chatthy way may be knowen vpon 

NSP REA thecarth : thp fauing ——— 

is mi- AAI 
atur, - 8* 
a ; 

~ Of Matrimonie. 

Let the people pratte thee , O God: yea let all the 
preople patie thee. 

O let the nations reiopce ebe glad: fo2 thou fhalt 
iudge the folke righteoully,and gouerne the nations 
vpon the earth. 

Let 9 pene praiſe thee »@ od: let all the peo⸗ 
ple praiſe thee, 

Chen hati the earth being forth her increafe: and 
God, euen our God ali giue bs his bleſſing. 

God hail biefle bs: and all the endesof the worlde 
hail fearehint ; : 

Glorie be to the father, ec. 
As tt was in the beginning, ac. 

. The Pfalme ended, and the man andthe woman knee- 
ling afore the Lordes Table,the Pricft ftanding at the Ta- 
ble, and turning his face toward them, fhall fay. 

Loꝛd haue mercie bpon bs, — 

were, eee 
cheit haue mercie vpon vs. aia 
» Minifter. 
Lod hate mercie vpon bs. 
* Father which art in heauen; halowed bee thy 
ame, ac, 
_ end {eade bs not into temptation. 
Dut deliuer hs from on, Amen. 
D Lozdfaue thy a sid and thy —— 
niwere, os a a 
hich put their 6 thee. — — 

niſter — 
Dow fend them belpe from iby botpptace, age sae 

* =k ue 


Andeuermoꝛe defend eer, ee 

Of Matrimonie. 
Miniter. FS Pes 
| Be thou vnto them glee ped of rent, 

Front the face ot their — 
O Loꝛdheare our — 
And let our crie come onto thee. 


Os of Abraham, God of atanac, God of Jacob 
bleſſe theſe thy ſeruants, and lowe the ſeede of 
eternall life in their mindes,that whatſoeuer tn thy 
holy worde they ſhall profitably learne, they may in 
deede fulfill the fare, Looke, O Lord, mercifully bp . 
on them front heauen, and bielle them. And as thou 
diddeſt ſend thy biefling bpon Abraham and Sara, 
d their great comfozt : fo bouchfate to ſende thy bleſ⸗ 
ae pt thele thy ſeruants, that they obeying thp 
and alway being in fafette vnder thy protection, 
may abide in thy loue vnto their liues ende, icin 

Jetus Chk our Loꝛd. Amen. 

“This prayer next following, thalbe omitted,wherethe 
woman is paft childbirth. | 
| ()Weratull Lozd and heauenly father,by whofe 
gracious gift mankinde is encreafed : wee bes 
feoch thee alli with thy blefling theſe two perfor, 
that thep may both bee fruiteſull in procreation of 
children, and alſo liue together fo long in godly lore 
and honeſtie, thatthey may fee their childrens chil- 
dren, vnto the thirde and fourth generation , vnto 
thy pratfe andhonour, throuh Jets Chritt aur 

Loꝛde, Amen. 

O God, z 

Of Mairimonie. 

CS 5 Which by thy mightte power batt made ail 
~ things of nought, whicy alfo (after other things 
ſet in order) diddeſt appoynt that out of ma (created 
after thine one tmage and fimilitude ) woman 
fhouive take ber beginning and knitting them toge- 
ther diddeſt teache that it fhouwlde neuer de lawful to 
put aſunder thote,whome thou bp Matrimonie had⸗ 
def made one : O God, which yak confecrated the 
fate of Matrimonie to fuch an exceilent mptterie, 
that in it 18 fiqnified and repeciented the {pirituall 
mariage and vnitie Detwirt Chek and his Church: 
Looke mercitulip bpon thete thy teruants , that both 
this man may loue His wife,accozding to thy wozde, 
(as Chul did loue His {poute the Church , who gaue 
himlelle for it, loutng and chertibing it euen as his 
owne fleſh) and aifo that this woman may be loutng 
and amiable tober huſhande a8 Rachel, wife as Ke⸗ 
becca, fatthtulland obedient as Sara,and in all qui⸗ 
etnefic, ſobrietie, and peace, be a foliower of holy and 
godly matrons, D Lozd,blelle them both and qrant 
chem to inberite thy euerlaſting kingdome, theough 
Jeſus Chl our L020,Amen, one 

| Then fhal the Prieft fay, 
A Eintiabtie God, which at the beginning did cre⸗ 
ate our fir parentes Adam ¢ Cue, and did fanc- 
tifie and ioyne them together in marriage: powze by- 
On pou the riches of hts qrace,fanctifie and bleſſe you, 
thatpe may pleate him both in body and ſoule, ¢ line 
together in holy loue vnto your liues ende, Amen. 

‘Then ſhall beginne the Communion, And after the Gof- 
pel, fhall be faide aSermon, wherein ordinarily (fooftas 
_ there is any marriage,) the office of man and wife ſhalbe 

| declared, 

Of Matrimonie. 

declared, according to holy Scripture. Or if there be no | 
fermon, the minifter {hal reade this that followeth. 

<a hepirs Lye which be marryed, 02 which tite 
Sop. MSc 7 tend totake the holy eftate of Matrimo⸗ 
HODES rie vpon por , heave what holy Scrip: 

“NaN gutbandes towardes their wives, and. 

wiues towards their hulbands. 

liure doth fap as touching the duetie of | 


Saint paulinhis Epittle to the Cphelians the | 

fifth Chapter, doeth giue this commaundement to. 
alimarcyed ment, Pehulbandes, loue pour wiues, 
eucit as CHritt lowed the Church, and hath giuen 
himdelte fo2 it, to ſanctilie tf, purging it in the foun: 
taine of water, though the wozde , that hee might 

make it vnto Himielfe a glorious congregation, mot 

hauing {pot o2 Winkle , 02 any fuch thing , butthat. 
it houtd be holy and blametetle, So men are bounde 
to louie their owne wiues, as their owne bodies, Dee 
that louct his owne wie, Loueth Himielfe: For ne- 
uer did any matt hate his owne det, but nouricheth 

and cherifbeth it, euen as the Loꝛrd doeth the congre⸗ 
gation, kor we ave members of bis body, of His fleth,. 
atid of his bones. For thig caule (hall a man leaue fa- 

ther and mother, ard chall be topned vnto his wike, 
and thep two chalbe one fleth. Chis myſterie is great: 
but J ſpeake of Chriſt, and of the congregation. Ne⸗ 
vertheies, let every one of pow fo loue his owne wife, 
even as himlelle. : 

loff4. Like wile the ſame S apart writing tothe Coloſſi⸗ 

et. 3. 

ans tpeaketh thusto all men thatbe maried, Pe men 

Joue pour wiues,and be notbitter vnto them, 
~ Peare allo what SD; Peter the Apoſtle of Chꝛiſt 

which was himieite amarryed mart, ſayeth vnto att 
—— mMen 

< ee ee ee ee a ry Sai 

——— eee 

Of:M atrimonie. 

men that are married, Pe hulbandes, dwell with. 
pour wiues accoꝛdingto knowledge,giuing honour 
oͤnto the wife,as vntothe weaker veſſell, a as heires 
together of the grace of fife, fo that pour prayers dee 
not hindred. | J 
Hitherto pe haue heard the duetie ofthe huſband 
towarde the wife, Nowe likewiſe pe wiues heare 
and learne pour dueties towardes pour hufbandes, 
euen as itis piainely fet foorth in holy Scripture. 
S, Paul (in the lorenamed Cpifile to the Cphe- Ephe.s. 
fiang) teacheth pou thus: Pe women fubmit pour 
felues vnto pour owne huſbands, as onto the 2020. 
— for the bulbande is the wiues head, euen as Chꝛiſt 
18 the head ofthe Church, and he is allo the ſauiour 
of the whole body. 1 gee 
' Therefore as the Church o2 Congregation ts ſub⸗ 
tect vnto Chit: So likewile let the wiues alfo be 
in ſubiection buts their own huſbands tn al things, 
Andagaine helaith, Let the wife reucrenceherhule 
band, And (in bis Epiftle to the Coloſſians Saint Col.3, 
saul giucth you this ſhort leſſon Ve wines, fubmit 
pour (clues vnto pourowne Hulbands, a3 it 13 cons 
fiententinthe Lode. 3 : 
peter allo doeth infiruct pou very godly, thus 1.Pet.3. 
faving, Let wines be fubtect to theivown huſbands, 
fo that it any obey not the word, they may be wonne 
without the word, by the conueriation of the wiues, 
while they bevolde your chaſte conuerfation cou⸗ 
pied with feare. Whoſe apparel let. tt not be outs 
warde, with brayded heave, and trimming about 
with golde, either in puttingon ofgorgeousappas — 
rell: but let the hidde man which is tn the Heart, be ab 
without all corruption, fo that the fpirite be milde 5: 

= ⸗ — * — ae Dae 
andautet, which tga peecioustyinginthedgbtoe = 


The vifitation of theficke. 

God, Foz after this maner (inthe olde time) did the 
— Holy women, which trufled in God, apparell them: 
felues, being ſubiect to theivowne huſhands:as Sa: 
raobeied Abꝛaham, calling Him 102d, whole daugh- 
ters pe are made doing weil, and not being diſmaide 
With any feare. 

The newemarryed perfons (the fame day of their marri- 

6°) muftreceiue the holy Comprusion; 

Sp The — for the vifit itation 
_ The Prieft entring into the ficke perfons fouls fhall fay. 

¶ Pegce be in this Houle, and to all chat dweü 


Whien he commeth into the ficke mans prefence, hefhal - 

fay,kneeling downe. 

R Emember tot Lorde our iniquities, 1102 thes ints 
quities of our forefathers. Spare bs good L020, 
{pare thy people whom thou batt redeemed with thy 
— precious blood, and be not angry with bs foz 

on haue mercie vpon vs. 
Chriſt haue mercie vpon vs. 
Lord haue mercie vpon vs. 
¶ Our kather which art in heauen. ac. 
Am leade vs not into temptatien. 
— Anſwere. Ts 
— — — vs from euill. Ames, | 



- Minifter, 

ee oe 

Thev —* of the fi icke. 

Sende birmbeipe rom tbe holy place, 
Andeuermapemigotay Defended pint. 

Let the enemie haue none adtsantage of bi, 

Noꝛ the wicked approcye to burt him. 

Mini Cr. 3 

Be vnto hint,D How, a trong tome, 

An {vvere. 

From the face of his enentte, : 
Minifter. ear 

Lord heare our prayers, + 

E Andiet our cry come bute thee. 

O Lonetonte downe from beaten, beboloe , bis 
fite and relieve this thy feruant, Looke bpow 
him with the eves of thy mercie, gue him comfoxe = 
and fure confidence in thee, delend him from the dan⸗ 
ger of the enemie, and Keepe him in petpetuall peace 
—— — Chrittour flozd,amen, 

Hee 032 Aimightie and mott merciful God and 
Sauiour, ertende thy accuftomed goodneſſe La 
this thy {eruant, which is grieued with fickenefie: 

bifite im, D Love, as thou diddeſt viſit 3 
wiues mother and the captatnes feruant. € 
and reſtore to thts ficke perfon bis fom 
it be Coy will) ozels giue him grace fotote 
tation, that after this painefull life endei 
bait watiad thee in lile es en 

; —— ‘See ! sk pr —— Ay 
aS Pare i : oy rin Jett: 

T he vifitation of the ficke. 

Then fhall the minifter exhort'the ficke perfon after this 
fourme or othet like. GES NEGTE ISG ASO 
pear beloued, knowe this, that Aimiahtte 

God is the Lorde of life anddeath , and over atl 
thinges to them pertepning, as pouth, ſtrength, 
healt, age, weakeneſſe and fickenefle, noheretoze, 
whatlſoeuer pour fickenelle ts, Know por certainely, 
that itis Gods bifitation, And foꝛ what cautefoener 
this fickenelic ts lent onto pou, whetherit bee totrpy: - 
pour patience foz the example of other, and that vour 
faith may be found tn the day of the Lode, taudabie, 
glozious , and honourable, to the increafe of glozie 
and endleile felicttie, 02 els it be fent vnto pow to coꝛ⸗ 
rece aid amend in pou whatſoeuer doeth offiende the 
epesor your heauenly father: Brow pou certainely, 
that tf pou truely repent pouofpourfinnes, a beare 
pour ſickeneſſe patiently, truſting in Gods mercy, for 
bis deare Sonne Jeſus Chꝛiſtes ſake, and render 
bute him Humble thantis foz his fatherly difitation, 
Submitting pour ſelle wholy to His will, tt hail turne 
to vour pꝛoſite, and Helpe pou forwarde in the right 
warp thatieadeth vnto euerlaſting life, * 

Ifthe perfon vifited bee very ficke, then the Curate may 
ende his exhortation in this place. Bie 

- Cake therefore in good worth the chatifement of 
the 102d, Foz whom p Lord loueth, he chattifeth:yea, 
as &,Daullaith, he fcourgeth euery forme which he 
receiueth. It pe endure chaſtiſement he offreth hinte 
ſelfkvnto you as vnto his owne children. what fonne 
is he that the father chaſtiſeth not: Ifye be not vnder 

correction (whereof all true children ave partakers) 
_ Hhenarepebattards,¢not children, Cherelore gee) 

oe Cree ae § —— 

— * 

The vifitation of the ficke. 

that when our carnall fathers doe correct bs, wee 
reuerently obey them: fhall we not nowe much ra⸗ 
ther be obedient to our ſpirituallfather, and foltue? 
And thepforafewedavesdoe chattife os after thetr 
owne pleaſure: but he doeth chaſtiſe bs fo2 our pros 
fite, fo the intent he may mate bs partakers of his 
bolinefie, Cheſe wordes (good brother) are Gods 
wordes, and written in holy Scripture foz our 
comfort inſtruction, that we would patiently ana 
with thankeſgiuing, beare our heauenly fathers 
cosrection, whenfocuer by any maner of aduerfitte 
it hall pleate bis gratious goodneſſe to biltte vs 
And there houlde be no greater comfort to Chꝛiſtian 
pevfons, then to be made ithe onto Chriſt, by ſuſſe⸗ 
ritig patiently aduertities, troubles, and ſickeneſ⸗ 
fes, For he Him lelfe went not bp to toy, but firt hee 
fufiered paine, he entred not into his glorie, before 
he wascrvucified: Sotruely our way toeternall top 
18, to ſuſſer here with Ch2if, and our doore to enter 
tito eternall tifeits, gladly to dye with Chꝛiſt, that 
Wwe may tite againe from death, and dwell with him 
in euerlaſting itfe, Mowe therefore, taking pour 
fichenetie, whichis thus profitable foz pou, patients 
lp, J erhozte pou in the name of God, to remem⸗ 
ber the profellion which poumade vnto 6D DW its 
your baptiſme. And foz as much as after this tife, 
there 18 a count to be giuen vnto the righteous 
Judge, of whor all muſt be iudged withoutretpect 
of perſons: J require pou to examine pour felfe, and 
pour ftate, both towarde God and maiz, fo that 3 
acculing and condemning pour felfeforpouvowne = 
fattites, pou map finde mercie at ourheauentp Fae 
thers hand for Chriſtes fake, and not be accuſe 
condemned in that — iudgement. There · 
Al. —— 

The-vifitation of theficke. no a 

fore J hall ſhortly rehearſe the articles of out faith, 
that pou may Bnowe whether poudoe beleeue asa 
Chrittian mar houid,o2 no. las , | 
Here the Minifter fhall rehearfe the articles of the 
faith faying thus, | 
Doeſt thou beleewe in God the father Almightie! 
@¢. As itis in baptiſme. — 
hhen fhallthe Minifter examine whether he bein cha- 
Sy C+ Yitie with all the worlde, exhorting him toforgiuefrom . 
~~ the bottome of his heart all perfons that haue offended 
him , and if he haue offended other, toaske them forgiue- 
neſſe: and where he hath done iniurie or wrong to any 
man, that he make amendes to the vttermoft ofhis pow- _ 
er, And ifhe haue notafore difpofed his goodes, lethim 
then make his will, and alfo declare his debtes, what he 

oweth, and what is owing vnto him, for difcharging of it 

- hisconfcience,and quietneffe of his executours.But men 
mutt be oft admonifhed that they ſet an order fortheir 
temporall goods and landes, when they be in health. 

Thefe wordes before rehearfed, may be faide before 

») the Minifter beginne his prayer,as he fhall fee caufe, 
Hyo The Minifter may not forget, nor omit to mooue the 
/A. ficke perfon(& that moft earneftly)to liberalitie towarde 

3 thepoore, — Ree | 

Nere thall the ficke perfon make afpeciall confefsion, 
it he feele his confcience troubled with any vvaightie 
matter, After vvhich confefsion, the Prieft (hall abfolue 

fags <3 — — 
rl * 



—— eee 

— Fen: 


* The vifttation of the ficke. 

thyfinties , inthe Nameofthe Father, and of the 
seamen of the holy Ghoſt. Amen. * | ’ 

Andthen the Prieft thall fay che Colle& following. 
Let vs pꝛay. 

(st mercifull God, which according to the 

multitude of thy mercies, doeſt fo put away the 
fines of thofe which truely repent, that thou res 
membzett them no more, open thine eve of mercie vp⸗ 
on this thy feruant, who molt earnefily defireth par: 
DOM and forgiueneſſe Renue in him (moſt louing Fa- 
ther) whatioeuer bath bene decayed by the fraude 
and malice of the deuill, o2 bp His owne carnall will 
and fratlenes,preleruc and continue this fiche mem⸗ 
ber in the vnitie of the Church, confider his contriti⸗ 
on, accept bis teares, allwage His patne,as fall bee 
feene to thee moſt erpedient fo2 bint. And fozatmuch 
as he putteth his full tru onelp in thy merce, ime 
pute not vnto him His former finnes , but take him 
biito thy kauour, through the merites of thy moft 
“Dearely beloucd Sonne Jeſus Chriſt. Amen. ; 

_ Then fhall the Minfter fay this Pfalme. 

{2 ther·. O Low, haue ZF put myptrud, tet me neuer In te 
be put fo confufion:but ridde me, and deliver mein mine 
thy righteouſneſſe, encline thine care bnty me, and raui. 
faue me, | | Cie to Pile 
Bee thou my ſtrong holde, whereunto FZ may ale 
‘Way relort:thouvat pomiled to helpe mee fo2 thou 
art my houle of defence,and mypctattie, 
Deliuer me, O my God, out of thehandof t 
godly ; out of the hand of the vnrightesus ar 
man. gue Siti (GUS ae 

The vifitationof the ficke. 
fFoꝛthou, D Lowe God, art thething that IIong 
fo2: thou art mp hope, ewert from my pouth, cae 

Though thee haue J bene holden dp ever ſince 
J was bone: thow art Hee that tooke mec out of 
a mothers wombe, my praplefhall alwap bee of 
<age * > eet HASTY SI : 
gJambecome as it were amonkler vnto many:but 
wmpfure trult is in ther. 7 os alee 
Diet mp mouth bee filled with thy prayle; that 
JImay ling of thy glory and honour all the day long. 
Catt me not away in the tine of age ; forſake mee 
not when my trenagth fatieth me, | 
for mine enemies fpeake again mee, and thep 
thatiaye wayte for my foule, take their counfaple 
together, faping : Gov hath forfaken him, perte- 

cutehint, andtatke hint, for chere is none to deliuer 

him. — 

Go not karre krom me, Bod: my God, hatte thee 
to helpe me, 
- Petthembe confounded ¢ perith, that are again 
imp foule : tet them be coucred with ame and difho- 
nour, that ſeeke todoe me euill. 

As forme, F will paciently abide alway: and will 

pꝛayſe thee moze anomiore, · | 
My mouth watlldaply tpeake of thy righteouſnes 

audtaluation:for Fknowenoenvethercof, 

J will goe foorth in the ſtrength of the Lode 
os: and will make mention of thy righteouſneſſe 
cChyhou (OGod) hak taught mee from my youth bp 
Hntill nowe: therefore will J tell of thy wonderous 

ygxoriake me tot, D Goo, in mine olde age, whert 

— Famavayheaned:ontill g haue wewed thy trengty 
BO es ee ee ae bite. 

T he vifitation of the ficke. 

vnto this generation, and thy power to allthem that 
are petfo2 tocome, 

Cy righteouſnes, O God, is berp high, and great 
thinges —— that thou hat done: D God, wyo is 
like vnto thee? 

D what great troubles and aduertities Hatt thot 
ſhewed mee? and pet diddeſt thou turne and refreſh 
mee: Pea, and broughteſt mee from the deepe of the 
earth againe. 

* haſt brought meto great honour: and come 
fozted me on euery fide, 

Cherefore will Z pzaple thee and thy faithfuines, 
D God, playing vpon an inſtrument of mulſicke: vn⸗ 
ai - Iſing vpon the Harpe, D thou holy one 
of Iſrae 

My lips will be kaine whert Filing ontothee, and 
ſo witimy foule whom thou Hal delinered, 

IPy tongue allo thal talke of thy righteouineſſe all 
the Dap long: fo2 they are confounded, and bought 
biito thame that ſeeke to aoe me euili. 

Glorie be to the Father, ee. 

As it was tn the beginning, ac. 

dding this. ’ 
O Riuiour of the worlde , ſaue bs, which by thy 
croffeand precious bisod Hak redeemed bs, Heipe 
b8 we beteech thee, O God. 

Then ſhall che Minifter fay, 

Te Aimightie Lorde, which ts amok frong 
towre to all them that put the ir truſt in him to ee : 
whome all thinges in heauen, tn earth,and onder - 

the cavty doe bowe and obey, bee now andewermore, 

- thpdeferice,and make thechnowe efeele, thatthere 
Suge other name vnder heauen giuen to man tt 

The Communion of the ficke. 
qwhome, and through whome thou mayef receiue 
Hhealth and faluation, but onty the nameofour Lord 
Jelus CHT, Amen, X HOS ITE 

¶ The Communion of the ficke. 


Oraſmuch as all mortall men be fubied to 
No many fudden perils,difeafes and ficknefles, 

@a) depart out of this life: therefore to the in- 
—7-9Is—@ tent they may be alwayes in areadineffe to 
dye, whenfoeuer it fhall pleafe Almightie God to call 
them,the Curates Mall diligently fromtime to time, but: 
{pecially in the plague time, exhort their Parifhioners,to 
the oft receiuing (in the Church) ofthe holy Communi- 
on ofthe body and blood of our Sauiour Chriſt:which(if 
they doe)they fhall haue no caufein their fudden vifitati- 
on to be vnquiet for lacke ofthe fame.But if the ficke per- 
fon be not able to come tothe Church, & yet is deftrous 
-toreceiue the Communion in his houfe, then hee muft 
giueknowledge ouer night,or elfe carly in the morning, 
to the Curate, fignifying alfo how many be appoynted to 
communicatewithhim: Andhauing aconuenient place 
in the ficke mans houfe, where the Curate may reuerent- 
ly minifter, and a good number to receiue the Commu- 
nionwith the ficke perfon , with all things neceffarie for — 
“the fame,he hall there minifter the holy Communion, 
, UOT eM fone 
. A Bitigtte euerliuing Gov; maker of mankinde, 
_ +Awbich doelt cozrect thofe whom thou doeſt tote, 
andchaltileſt euery one whom thou does recetue: we 
+ pefeech thee to haue mercie vpon this thy fertiant. 
_ bifited with thine hand, and toͤ graunt that hee map 

sickened pactentiy, and recouer his booty 
ee ) te peat 

6 and euer vncertaine what time they fhall: 

The Communion of the ficke. 

‘health (i€ it be thy gratious wil) and whenfoeuer 

bis foule thall depart from the body, it may be with 
out fpot preſented vnto thec, though Fetus Che 
our £020, amen, BEG. a 
| The Epiſtle. TR OC | 
M2 fontte,delpife not the correction of the Lorde, ryeh, 1: 
neither faint when thou art vebuted of him. 

foꝛ whom the Lord loueth him he cozrecteth: Pea, 

and he ſcourgeth euery ſonne whome he receiueth. 
ie GoIpel. 

Verily, verily Flay onto you, bee that heareth loha 5, 
my worde, and belecueth on him that fentme, 

hath everlating tife, and hall not come vnto dam: 

nation but be pafleth from death vnto life, 

| At the time ofthe diftribution of the holy Sacrament, 

che Prieft thall firftreceiue the Communion himfelfe, 
and after minifter vnto them that bee appointed to 
communicate with the ficke. 
But ifany man, either by reafon of extremitie of ficke- 
~ nes, or for want of warning in due time to the Curate, 
or for lacke ofcompanie to receiue with him, or by a- 
~ ny other iuftimpediment, doe not receiue the Sacra- 
_ ment of Chriftes body and blood: then the Curate 
fhall inftru@ him, that ifhe doe truely repent him of 

hhis finnes,and ftedfaftly beleeue that Iefus Chrift hath 

_fuffered death vpon the crofle for him, and fhedhis 
blood for his redemption, earneftly remembring the 

~~ benefites hee hath thereby, and giuing him heartie 
‘ thankes therefore, he doeth eate and drinke the 

When the ficke perfon is vilited, and rece Ne 

‘ iue 

pat Sap 


> heres 

Attheburiallofthedead, — 

at the Pfalm, In thee D Loꝛd haue F put my tru, 
and goe ftraight to the Communion, OA Sl 

In the time of plague, {weate, or fuch other like contagi- 

ous times of fickenefles, or difeafes, when none of the 

_ parith orneighbours can be gotten to communicate 

with the ficke in their houfes, for feare of the infecti- 

on, vpon fpeciall requeft ofthedifeafed, the Minifter - 

may alonely communicate with him. 

Spy T be order for the buriall — 
2 ofthe dead. 


Communion all at onetime, then thePrieftformore - 
expedition, fhall cut off the fourme of the vifitation, | 

The Pricft meetitg the corps at the Churchftile, fhall .— 

~ fay, or els the Prieft and Clarkes fhallfing, and fo goe 
either ynto the Church,or towardes the graue. 

ae je" the refurrection and the life, faith the Lorde.) 
" Abe that belecucth in me,pea though be were ead, 
pet hal he liue. And whoſoeuer liueth and beleeueth 

in me , fhalinotdiefozeucr, 
19. IEewe that myredeemer liueth, and that J ſhall 
riſe out olthe earth in the laſt day, and ſhall be co⸗ 
uered againe with my Thinne, and ſhall ſee Good in 
wmyflleſh? pea, and J my lſelle ſhall beholde Him, not 

vVithother, but with theſe fame eyes. J 
im, 6. E brought nothing into the woride, neither 
I °% ¥ mapwecary any thing out ef this woꝛld. Che 
0d giueth and the Lozd taketh away, Cues agit 
--pleateth the 1.020, fo commeth things to patie : Bleſ⸗ 

 fenbethenamesitije Zo... 2 

_ vlweadie to be aide into the earth, the Prieft ſhall ſay, 

~ When they cometo the graue, while the corps is made 


eA tthe buriallof the dead, 

~ orthe Prieftand Clarkes-fhallfing.) : 
M2 that is borne of a womar hath buta chort lob.r4. 

time toline, and is full of miſery. Hee commety 
bp,andiscutdowne ithe a flowze, he fleeth as it were 
a havo we, and newer continueth in one Lap. In the 
middeſt of life we bee in Death: of wHome map Wee 
fecke for fuccour butofthee, D Lorde, which fo2 our 
finnes iuſtly artoifpleated? Pet, D Lorde God moſt 
holy, D Lorde mok mightie, D holyand moſt merci⸗ 
full Sawiour,deliner hs not into the bitter paines of 
eternail death, Chou knoweſt Lorde the fecrets of 
our hearts, thutte not bp thy merciful eyes to our 
pꝛayers:but ſpare bs Lozde mot holy, O God mot 
mightie, D holy and mercifull Sauiour, thou mex 
worthy iudge eternal, fuller bs not at our laſt houre 
fo2 arty paynes of death to fall from thee. J— 

Then while the earth fhalbe caſt vpon the body by fome 
ftanding by,the Prieft thallfay. GG: n 
F2: asmuch ag tt bath pleated Almightie God of 
bis great mercie, to take vnto himſelfe the foule of 
our deare brother here departed, wee therefore cont 
mit his body Co the grounde, earth to cart , athesto 
alhes, duTto dub, in ſure and certaine Hope of veſur⸗ 
rection to eternall fife, through our Lorde Jeſus 
Chꝛiſt, who ſhall change our bile body, that it maybe © 
_ like tots glorious body, according to the mightie 
working, whereby he 1s able to ſubdue all things to 


hen fhalbe ſaid or ſung. J 
Heard a voyce from heauẽ, ſaying vnto me, weite Revel 

— —— ———— dead me 
e Lorde Cueto faith the Spivite, that they reft 

küomtheir lavours. 7 ae Thea 
ty. : en — Se 

At the buriall of the dead. 

Then fhall follow this Leffon, taken out ofthe xv.Chap- 
ter to the Corinthians, the firft Epiftle. J 

C but is riſen from the dead, and become the firk 
“frites of them that dept. For by a matt came 
death, and by a man came the relurrection of the 
dead. For as by Adam all die, euen fo by Chriſt hail 
alibe made aliue, but euery man in His owne oder, 
Che firlis Chul, then they that are Chriftes at his - 
comming, Chen commeth the ende, when Hee hath 
delinered bp the kingdome to God the Father, wher 
Hee hath put downe alirule, and all authozttte and 
power, soz bee mull reiqne till pee haue put all his 
enemies vnder bis feete, Che laſt enemie that Gall 
be deſtroyed, 18 death. For hee hath put all thinezs 
vnder his leete. But when hee ſayeth, All thinges 
are put vnder htm: 13 manileſt that hee is ercey ced 
which did put all things onder him. When all thiras 
are fubdued bnto him, then hall. the Sonne: — 
himlelle be ſubiect vnto him that put all things & 0+ 
ber Him, that God maybe allin all, Elſe what doe 
they which are baptized ower the dead, if the dead 
vife not at ally why are they then baptised ouer 
them? yea,and why fande we alway then in teopars 
Die? By our retopcing which J haue in Chzi Jeſu 
our Lorde, J die dayly. Chat J haue fought with 
beaftes at Epheſus after the maner of men, what ade 
uantageth tt mie, ifthe dead riſe not againe: Let bs 
eate and Deine, fo2 to mozowe wee hall die. Be not 
pee deceiued, euill wordes coꝛrupt good maners. As 
wake truely out of flecpe , and ſinne not. Foz fome 
haue not the knowledge of God, F fpeake this to 
pour ſhame. Out ſome man willfay, Howe arife the 
dead? with what body Hall thep come? Chou — 

At the buriall of the dead. 

that which thou ſoweſt, ts not quickened erceptit 
die, And what lowell thous Chow ſoweſt not the 
body that thall be, but bare cozne, asofwheate oz 
fome other: but God giveth tt a body at His plea- 
fure, to euery feede his owne body, Ail flethis not 
Otte maner offleth: but thereis one maner of fleth of 
men another maner of fleth of beaſtes, another of ſi⸗ 
fhes, another of birdes. Chere are alſo celeſtiall bo⸗ 
Dies, and there ave bodyes terreſtriall. But the glo⸗ 
ric of the celeſtial is on’, and the glorie of the terres 
ſtriall ig another. here ts one mater glozie of 
the Sunne, and another glozte of the Moone, and 
another glorie of the Starres, For one tarre dif. 
lereth from another tn glorie. So ts the refur- 
rection of the dead, Fe is ſowen in cozruption, it 
rileth agatne in tncozruption, Ft is ſowen in diſho⸗ 
nour, it riſeth againe in honour. Fe ts fowen in 
weakenefle, it riſeth againe in power. It is ſo wen 
a naturall bodie, tt riſeth againe a ſpirituall bodie. 
There is a naturall bodie, and there is afpivituail 
bodie: ag it ts alfo Written, Che irk man Adam 
Was made a liuing foule, and the lal Adam was 
made aA quickening (pivite. Howbeit, thatis not ive 
which t3 {pivituall,but that which is natural, and 
thew that which ts tpivituall, Che firk man is of 
the earth, earthie. Che feconde man is the Lozte 
from beauen, heauenly. Asis the earthie, ſuch are 

they that be earthy. and as is the beauenly,fuch are 

they that are Heavenly, Andas we haue borne the 

image of the earthie, fo thall we beare the image - 
of the Heavenly. Chis fay J bꝛethren, that flew — 

and blood can not inberite the kingdome of Ged, 

neither Doeth corruption inherite incozruption, Be⸗ 

holde, Ihewe pou a mylterie, we hall net atl — 

At the burial of the dea Le 
but we Hall allbechanged, and that inamoment, 

in the twinckling of an eye, bp the lak trumpe, fo2 

thetrumpe thatlblowe, and the dead hall rife incor⸗ 

ruptible, and we ſhalbe changed: For this coꝛrrupti⸗ 

ble, muſt put on incorruption,and thts moztal,mult 
put on immoꝛtalitie. Mhen thiscoꝛruptible hath put 
On incorruption, a this moꝛtall Hath put on immoꝛ⸗ 
talitie, then ſhall be brought to paſſe the ſaying that 

is written: Death is ſwallowed bp into bictozie: - 

Death, where is thy ling Hell, where is thy victe- 
rie? Che ling ofdeath ts finne, and the ſtrength of 
finite ig the lawe. But thankes be onto God, which 

hath giuen bs bictozte theough our Lorde Fetus — 
Chriſt. Cherefore my deare brethren, be pe ſtedfaſt 

aid vnmoueable, alwapes riche in the woke of the 

Lorde. for as much as ye knowe howe that vour la. 

Hour is notin baine in the Lord. : 
aa The Leffon ended,the Prieft fhall fay 
£020 nat mercie vpon bs. 

riſt haue mercie vpon vs. 

Lord haue mercie vpon bs, 1 

¶ Our father which art, 
And leade bs not into temptation, 
dein Tine Anf{were. 
But deliver bs from euill. Amen, 
he Prieft.. J 
A Litightie Gon, with whome do lite the ſpirites 
Aof them that depart Hence in the Lozde, and in 
whome the foules of them that be elected, atterthep 
be delivered from the burden of the fle, bein top 
and felicitie : we giuethee heartie thankes, foz that 
it hath pleated thee to deliuer this M, our bꝛother 
+ «BU ot the miferies of this finfull wozlde, betee- 
ching thee,thatit mappleate thee of the thy gratious 



eAt the buriall ofthe dead. | 
goodnelle thoztly toaccompli® the number ofthine |) \. 
elect,and to batten thy bingdome.thatwewiththis | 
our bother, and allother departed inthe true fatth \ é 

Of thy Holypname, may Haucourperfectconfummas · 

tion and bliſſe, both in body and foule,inthpeternal : 
and euerlaſting glory. Amen. — 
eeee—— Ste ; 
()Weraitutt God, the father ofour Lorde Jeſus : 
Chl, who is the refurrection and the life, in 

whome wholeeuer beleeucth, hail liue, though be [\ 

‘Bie, and whoſoeuer liueth and beleeueth tn him, hal 
not dic eternally, who alfo taught ds (by bis holy A⸗ 
poſtle Paul) not to be fozy as men without hope, fox  \ 
them that fleepe in bim: noe meekely beleech thee \i 


(O father) to ratle vs from the death offinne, vnto 
the life of righteouſneſſe, that when wefhalldepart 
thisitfe, we may rein vim, asourhopetsthisour ~~ 
brother doth, and chat at the general reſurrection in | | 
the laf day, we map be found acceptable in thy fight, : 
and recetue that bleſſing which thy welbeloued fone 
hall then pronounce to all that loue and feare thee, b 
faytng, Come pe biefled childzen of my father,recetue : 
the kingdome prepared for pou from the beginning 
ofthe wozlde, Grant this, we befeech thee, Omerci⸗ * 
full kather thrꝛough Jeſus Chriſt our mediatour and 
redeemer.amen, Ty 

SeThe thanke/pining of women after |" 
childe birth, commonly called the Church- — 


— (8 85 a Ww 
The woman fhall come into the Church, andthere fhall 9 
kneele downe in fome conuenient place, nighvnto x 
the place where the Table ſtandeth, and thePricft ſtan - 


: God, and ot aid 

Churchiug of women. 
ding by her, fhall fay thefe wordes, or fuch like, as the 

F2®: aſmuch as it Hath pleated almightie God of 
bis goodneſſe to giue pou fate deliuerance, and 
Hath preſerued pou in the great Daunger of childe⸗ 
birth: pe thall theretoze giue heartie thankes vnto 


i ane lifted bp mine eves vnto the Hilles: from - 

whence commeth my helpe, 

Uy helpe conuneth tin fromthe Lorde: which 
Hath made heauen and earth, 

He will not ſuffer thy foote to be mooued: and Hee 
thatheepeth thee will not fleepe 

— that keepeth tract: fhall neither llum⸗ 
ber nor ſſeepe. 

Che Loꝛd himlelfe ig thy heeper : the Lorde is thy 
defence bpon thy right han 

So that the furtne hall not burite thee by daymor 
the moone bp night. 

The Lorde hail preſerue thee from alleutll: pea, — : 

itis ewen he that thall keepe thy ſoule. 
The Lorde hall prelerue thy going out, and thy 
comming in: from this time foozth for euermoꝛe. 
Glory be to the Father, and to the ſonne, ec, 
As tt wasin the beginning, is now, 4. 
Low haue mercie vpon bs. 
Chri hane mercie vpon vs. 
Lo2d haue mercie bpon bs, 
@ Dur father which art in heauen. ac. 
And leade bs not into temptation, 

i But deuuer be * — * om ica | 


— Charching of women. 
D Loꝛd ſaue this rier thpferuant, 


Which putteth * — in thee, 
Be thou tovera grong towre. 

n {vvere. 

Front the face of her shige, 
Loꝛrd Heare our paver, 
| Anfvvere. 
And let our cry * vntothee. 


@ Let vspray. | 
ey alba tae God, which bak delivered this wos 

man thy leruant from the great paine and perill 
of chilaebirth: graunt we befeech thee, mot merciful 
father ,that the through thy belpe, map both faithfuls 
ty liue, and walke inberbocation, accozding tothy 
will, in this life prefent , and alfo may be partaker of 
euerlaſting glory in the life tocome, though Fetus 
CH our Loꝛd. Amen, 
The woman that commeth to give her thankes , muft of: 
fer accuftomed offerings: sand if there beea Conidifinis 
on, itis conuenient that fhe receiue the mat Commu- 

Sa» A Commination againft inners » with 

certaine prayers to vied diuerstimés 
in the yeere. 
After morning prayer,the people being called — 

by the ringing of aibel,and affembled in the Church, 

the Englifh Letanie fhalbe faide,after into hep = ‘ia : 

maner: Which ended,the — ſhal go into — J 
and ae thus, 7 | 

2D AV was a godly difcipline, that at the bee 
AY ‘ginning of Lent fuch perfons as were 
notorious ſinners, Were put to oper 
penaunce, and punithed in this world, 
that their foules night be faued in the day of 6 Lord: 
and that other admoniſhed by thety erample, might 
be moze alrayde to offende, 

In theſtead whereok, vntill the ſayde diſcipline 

may be reſtored againe, (which thing ts much to be 
Withed)it is thought good, that at this time (in pour 
pretence) ſhoulde bee read the generall ſentences of 

Bods curfingagaink impenttent finners, gathered . 

out ofthe rrbit, Chapter of Meuteronomie,and other 
places of Scripture: andthat yee houlde anſwere to 

‘Rethrert,in b peimatiue Church there 

ee, ee eee 

eueryſentence, Amen: to the intent that pou, being - 

admoniched of the great indignation of God againtt 
ſinners, may the rather be called to earneſt and true 
repentance, map walke moze warily in theſe daun⸗ 

gerous dayes, fleeing from fuch bices, fozthe which — 

ye ng oe pour owne mouthes.the curieof God 
Curled is theman that maketh arty carted 02 mol⸗ 
ter image, att abomination tothe Loꝛd,the worke of 
the hands of the cralteſman, and putteth it ina ſecret 

place to wozthip it, | 
| Andthepeoplefhall anfwereand fay. 

sae Cit. —* * 
Miniſter. J— 
Curled is he thatcurſeth his father and mother. 
MEHL IO SE 23 ‘Anfwere. ae | ss aga 

ie & : io - ; 

—— vy en 7") -% 

2 Lag eet kk oe 7 
Pits ge ean as 44 Se * ef. « 
—* Ce hike seg mS ; 

Rye So oT SS eg k ) 

Pes es eS a Ge 4 * 4 
hh egntrre ee , 

BS ey Be Fs i t os 

** Ks eS a. ue > 


— ct + 
SIS Lo — — 

eA Commination. 

— ig bee that remoueth — we marke of bis 
neighbours land. 

Curled is he that maketh the blinde to goe out a“? 
way. | 3 

Curled is he thatietterh in iudgement theright ors 
— as yen that be fatheries, andof widowed, 

| Anfw ere, 
@mem | | : - 
Curled is he that ſmiteth his neighbour fecretly, 
. An were, 
— | 
Curied is he that aoe with his neighbours wife, 
Curſed is he that taketh rewarde to fay the foule am: 
innocent blood, 
Anſwere. — ey 

curledis he dᷣ putter bistrudinmanetakedman 
ſcotr his detence, andin — n 

Anſwere. By meer 

Amen, rie — eae os, 
ae Miniter) oe —— — 
Git, in 




Curſed ave the vnmerciful the ſornicatours and ad⸗ 
ulterers, and the couetous perſons, the worchippers 
of images, ſaunderers, drunkardes,⁊ extortioners. 
Anfwere, © 
Minifter, 12 

Prophete Dauid beareth witnelie) which * doe 

erre and goe aftray from the commaundementes of - 

God, let vs (remembeing the dreadtull iudgement 
anging ouer our heades, and being alwayes at 
and) returne vnto our Loꝛd God, with all contriti⸗ 

on and meckenelic of heart, bewayling and lamen⸗ 

ting our finfull lifſe.kßno wledging and confefling our 

ollences, and ſeeking to bring forth worthy fruttes of 

Fornowisthe die put vnto the rootentthetrees, 

fothat every tree which buingeth not forth good fruit — 

is bewendowne, and cal into the five. | si 
It is afearefull thing to fall into the hands of the 
liuing God : Hee hall pow2e Downe rayne vpon the 

. finners, *ſmares, five, and bꝛimſtone, ſtorme and 
_ tempettchis hall be their portion to dzinke. For loc, 

* the Lorde is commen out of his place, to bifite the 

wickedneſſe of fuch as Dwell vpon the earth, But 

* who may abide the day of His comming? WMho 

ſhall bee able to endure when Hee appeareth? * His 

kanne is in bis hand and he wil purge his flooze, and 

— gather bis wheate into the barite, but he will burne 

tiie chaffe with vnquenchable fire. * Che dap ot the 

‘Lowe commeth as a thiele in the night : and when 

ldden deftruction comebponthent, asfozowecom: · 
2g, Parapet woman tanaing Wy maby, ae 

men (hal fap, joeace and allehinas ave fafe,then hal 

Owe/ teeing that ali they bee accurſed (as the 





A Commination.. 

thep Mall not efcape. Chen * hall appeare the pom, 
wath of Godtn the day of hengeance, which oblti⸗ 
nate fiiners through tye ſtubburnes of their heart, 
Haue heaped onto themlelues , which defptled the 
goodnelle,patience,and tong fuffevance of God, whe 
Heecalied them continually to repentaunce. Then Pro.1 
thall tyep call vpon mee (fatty the Lorde) but F wilt 
notheare, they thailfecke mee earelp , but they ſhall 
not finde mec, and that becaule thep hated know⸗ 
ledge, and receiued not the feare of the Lozde,but ab- 
horred my countell,and deſpiſed my coꝛrection. Chern 
ſhall it be too late to knocke, when the doore ſhall be 
ſhutte, and too late to crie fox mercie, when it is the 
time of iuſtice. D terrible voyce of moſt iuſt iudge⸗ 
ment, which chall be prononticed vpon them, when 
it hail be ſaid vnto thent, * Go pee curied into the fire 
— which is prepared for the deuill and his Mat.: 
angels. | | 

* Therefore. brethren, take wee Heede betime, 2,Co 
While the day offaluation latteth, for the night com: 
~ meth, when none can worke : but “let bs while wee lohn, 
Haue thelight,beleeue in the light,and walke as the 
childzen of the light, that wee bee not *calt into vtter Marr, 
darkeneſſe, where ts weeping and qnathing of teeth, 
Let vs not abuſe the goodneſſe of God, which cal⸗ 
ieth bs mercifully to amendinent,and of hig endlelſe 
pitte peomifeth bs fozgiueneficot that which is paft, 
tf(Wwith a whole minde and trie heart ) wee returne 
vnto hint, *sfo2 though our finnes bee as vedde as Fa; y 
fharlet.they hail be as white as Snow: and though 
—— like purple, vet ſhall they bee as white as 

69 o f : ae 

*Curne pou cleane (fayth the Lorde ) from ali Ezech 
pour wickednelle , and pour ſinne hall not bee pour 

T, tit, deſtruction 

a | 


A Commination,. 
deſtructieein. “eye Tort Tit ; 
Catt away from vou all pour vngodlineſſe that pe 
haue done, make pou new hearts, and anew ſpirite 
noherefore will ye dic, D pe Houle of Ffraell , teeing 
that F bate no pleature in the death of him that dy⸗ 

- eth, faith the £020 God: turne xouthen and pee thatt 

live, if ing 
- *Alehough woe haue finned, pet haue wee an aduo⸗ 
cate with the father, Jeſus Chrilt the righteous, and: 
He itisthatobteineth qvaccfozourfiinnes, = 

Foꝛr hee was wounded foz our offences, and ſmit⸗ 
ten kor our wickednefle. Let bs therefore returne vn⸗ 
to him, who is the mercikull receiuer of all true pent- 
tent ſinners, alluring ony felues that heets ready to 

receiue bs and moſt wining to pardon vs. if We conte © 

to hin with faithtull repentance, ti we will fubmitte 

our ſelues vnto hint, and from hencefoorth watke in 
his wapes, “tf wee will take bts eaſie poke and light 

burden bpoinhs,to follow Him in lowlines patience, 
and charitie, and be ordered by the gouernance ofhis 
holy ſpirite, ſeeking alwayes bis glory, and ſeruing 
Him duely in our bocation, with thankſgiuing. Chis 
ifwe doe, Chriſt will deliuer bs from the curſe of the 
Lavoe and from the extreme malediction which hal 
Light vpon them that hall be fet on the left hand, and 

_ bee will let be on his right * bande, and giue os the 

biciicd benediction of hig father , comaunding bs to 
take poſſeſſion of big gloztous hingoonie vnto the 
which hee vouchlale to bing vs all, for his infinite 

_ Mercy, Amen, 

- ‘Then thall chey all kneele vpontheir knees,and the Prieft 

3Chlarkes kneeling(where they are accuftomed to fay 
‘ et ce ” Ce : 

> the Letanic) fhall fay this Pfal. Miferere mei Deus, — 

eo Sea hie 5S" : 
—— it erat oa te. 7 i 
———— ee ea a eee 
ke iat, fk. oy a a 

a Pate 5 si 

F 1 — Lie : S 
ee a ee aa 


A Commination. 

yyau mercie vpon mee, D Bod, after thy great Miſerer 
4 4go0oodnes: according to the multitude oftiy posi mel, Pi: 
cies doe away mine offences . 

Wathe mee throughly from my wichednede: — 
cleante me from my ſinne. 

For F brrowledge my fauits: and utp linne is euer 
before me. 

Againſt thee onely haue F finned, and done this 
euil in thy ſight:that thou mighteſt be inttified it thy 
ſaying, and cleare when thou art iudged. 

Behold, J was Hhapen tn wickednes: and in ſinne 
Hath mp mother concetued me. 

But toe , thow requireſt tructh in the in warde 
——— thait make ie to vnderſtande wiledome 


Thou ſhalt purge me with Hyſop andJ chall bee 
cleane: thou halt wath mee, and J ſhall bee whiter 

Chor ſhalt make me heare ofioy ¢ gladneſſe: that 
the bones which thou batt bioken , may reioyce. 

Turne thy tace from myſinnes: and putout al mp 

Wake meacleaneheart,D Gov.and renue aright 
ſpirite within me. 
Caſt me not away krom thy prefence: and take not 

thy boly ſpirite from me. 

O giue me the comfort of thy helpe againe: and 
Tablith me with why free ſpixite. : 

Then thatl 7 teach thy waves vnto the wicked: Pe 
firiners thallbeconuerteabntotiee. sh ae 

Deliuer mee from bloodguiltineſſe. OGod, jou 
that art the God of my — and mp tong gu Hal eas 
fing of thy righteouſneſſe — 

Chou ſhalt open my ippes (D orn me mouth 

— — HOMER A 

fhall thew thy prayſe 

Foꝛ thou deſireſt no sacrifice cite twoutdey giue it 
thee: but thou delighteſt not in burnt offering, 

Che facrifice of God is a troubled {pivite: a broken 
and contrite heart(D God)hait thou not defpite. 

O be fauourable and gratious vnto Sion: builde 
thou the walles of Hieruͤſalem. 

Then halt thou bee pleated with the facrifice of — 
righteoutnelle, with the burnt offerings and oblatt- | 

— then halt they offer reungbigleckes vpon thine 

Glory be to the father, aC, 

As it was in the begining, ac. 

» . Pow haue mercte vpon vs. 

Chriſt haue mercie bpon hs. 
Loꝛrd haue mercie bpon bs, 
Dur father which art in heauen. ac. 
And leade vs not into temptation. 
But deliuer vs from euill Amen. 
ini Cr. 
D Lord laue thyſeruaunts. 


nDbich put their teu * — + te : 
Send vnto them pelne frog abotte. 

n were, —— 

And euermore mightily dekendthem. 


| Helpeds,D God our Sauiour. 

And foe the glozp oftyy names fake detiuer bs, bee t 

— Malin ae puto * inners stoithe hamestake, 

_ Minifter, 

4 — 
Se eee — 
Ce BD a ee eee 

A ( ommination. 
| 3 Minifter. 
Loꝛd heave our peapers. - 
And let our crp come onto thee, 
; @ Let bs pray, 

(pi we befeech thee mercifully heare our pray: 

ers, ¢ {pare al thoſe which confetle their ſinnes to 
thee, that thep (whofe conſciences by finne are accu 
fed) by thy merciful pardon map be ablolued,thzough 
(weet mighfie God and merciful father, which 

haſt compaſſion of all men , and hatett nothing 
that thou batt made , which wouldeft not the death 
ofafimer, but that hee fhoulde rather turne fron. 
fine , and bee faued: mercifully forgiue bs our 
trefpafies, recetue and comfort vs, which be grieued 
and Wearied with the burden of our finne. Chy p2o- 
pertie is to haue mercie,to thee onety tt apperteineth 
fo forgiue ſinnes. Spare bs therefoꝛe, good Lode, 
ſpare thy people whome thou haſt redeemed: enter 
not into iudgement with thy feruants , which be 
bile earth, and miferable finners : but fo turne thine 
pe from os, which meekelp fnowledac our biienefie, 
and truelp repent bs of our faultes: fo make hatte to 
Helpe ds in thts worlde, that wee may euer line with 
thee in the worlde tocome, though Jeſus Cheiſt our 
Lom, Ament, : 

Then fhall the people fay this that followeth, afterthé — 

Minifter. : ee ae 
wirne thou vs, D good Lorde, and fof 
be turned: befauourable,D Lo2de,bek 

“ bie tothy people, which turne to ch 
ping, laſting, and praping : fo2 thou 

“ten Godly prayers. 

ciftell od, full of compaflion, longſuffering, and of 
great pitic. Thouſpareſt when wee delerue punich⸗ 
rilent and tn thy wath thinkelt pon mercp, Spare 
thy pesple good Lorde, {pare them, and let not thine 
Heritage be brought to contufion. Beare b3,D Lord, 
for thy mercie is great and after the multitude of thp 
mercies looke vpon pete bene | 

A prayer neceflary forall perfons. 

C) Wercifull God, J a weetched ſinner reknow⸗ 

\ienge my felfe bounde to keepe thy holy com⸗ 
mandements, but pet vnable to perfozme thent, and: 
tobe accepted for iuſt, without the righteouſneſſe of 
Jeſu Chat thy onelp fone, who hath perfectty ful 
filled the lawe,to iuſtifie all them that belecue ¢ truſt 
in him. Cherefore graunt mee grace. J beſeech thee,, 
tobe occupyed in doing of good workes, which thou 
commandeſt it holy icripture,al the dayes of my life, 
to thy glory, and pet totrult onely in thy mercy, and 

in Ch ꝛiſts be purged from my ſinnes and 
not in my good workes, be they neuer fomany, Giue 
mie avace to loue thy ho y worde feruently, tofearch 
the Scriptures diligently, to reade thent humbly, to 
vnderſtand them truely , to live after them effectual: 
ty. Order my life fo.D Lord, that it be alway accepta- 
bie vnto thee. Giue mee grace, not to reioyce in any 
thing that difpleateth thee , but euermoze to delight 
imn thoſe things that pleaſe thee, be they neuer fo con: 
trarie to my deſires. Ceache mee ſo to ppay, that mp 
petitions may be gratiouſly heard of thee. Keepe mee 
bpright among diuerſitie of opinions ang iudge⸗ 
Menteur the worlde, that J neuer ſwarue from thy 
& seuetb taught in holy Scripture, In proſperitie D: 

— i 
Me et ee 

hoz Qs - 

ey, Se i 

Godly prayers. 

Los, faue mec, that ZF ware not proud. In aduerſitie 
beipe me, o I neither deſpaire nor blaſpheme thy ho⸗ 
ipname,but taking it patientlp,to giue thee thanks, 
and truft to be deliuered after thy pleature, noven J 
happen to fall into ſinne thꝛough fratitte , Jbeſeech 
thee to woozke true repentaunce in mp Heart, that J 
imap be fozte without deſperationtruſt in thp merce 
Without preſumption, that F may amende my life, 
€ become truclp religious without hppocrifie , low⸗ 
iy in heart without kayning, faithful ¢ truttie with. 
out Deceit, merp Without liqhtnerle,fad without mis 
frit fober without ſlouthlkulneſſe, content tb mine 
owne without couetouſneſſe, to tell my neighbour 
bis faultes charitably without diſſimulation, to in⸗ 
ſtruct mp houtholde in thy lawes truelp, to obey our 
Queene and all gouernours vnder her vnkainedly, 
to receiue all lawes and common ordinances (whicy 
diſagree not from thy holy woo2de) obedientip , to 
pay eueryman that which F owe vnto himtruelp,to 
ackbite no mat,1102 Lander mp neighbour fecretip, 
and to abborre all bice,touing all goodnes earneſtly. 
D Lorde, araunt me thus to doe, fo2 the gloryof thy 
Holy name.Amen. | 
A prayer neceffarieto be faid atalltimes, 
O Bountituu Jeſu, Oſweete Sauiour, O Che 
thefonne of God, haue pitie vpon mee, merci⸗ 
Aully heare me,anddefpile not mp prayer, gow 
Haft created me ofnothing, thou bak vepeemed ee 
— fromthe bondage of finne,death, andgeli, nepiher. 
with golde, nor ſiluer, but with thy mok precious 
body once offered bpon thecrofie,ethine ownebions 
chedde once foz all foz niy ranfoine. Cheretow cate 
nie not away, whom thou by thyaveat wildemenas = _ 
— Made Velpife mice Not, Wwhome thou Hat aa ae 

Goaly prayers. 
with {uch a precious treafuve, 1102 Tet my wicked⸗ 

siefle deſtroy that which thy goodneſſe hath builded. 

Now whiles Fliue, O Jeſu.haue mercie on mee, foz 
if J dic out of thy fattour.t¢ will be too late afterward 
tocall fo2 thy mercie : whiles Jhaue time to repent, 
Looke vpon ite with thy mercifullepes, as thou did⸗ 
Def houuchfate to looke vpon Peter thine Apoſtle, 
that J way bewayle my ſinkull life, andobtepne thy 
fauour and die therein. Jreknowledge,that if thor - 
ſhouldeſt deaile with mee according to very iuſtice, J 
haue deferued euerlaſting death. Cherefore J aps 
peale to thy bigh throne of mercte, trufting to obs 
taine Gods fauour, not formymerites but forthy 
merites, D Jeſu, who haſt giuen thy ſelle an accep⸗ 
table ſacrifice to the father,to appeaſe bis wꝛath,and 
Co bring all ſinners(truely repenting and amending 
their euill life) into his fauout againe. Accept me, O 
Lord among the number of then that ſhalbe ſaued, 
forgiue me my ſinnes, giue me grace to leade a godly 
and innocent life, graunt me thy heauenly wiſdome, 
inſpire my heart with faith ope, and charitie, gine 
me grace tobe Humble in proſperitie, patient in ads 
-‘Uerlitie, obedient tomy rulers, faithiall nto them 

that truſt mee, dealing truely with all met, to liue 
chaſtly in wedlocke , to abhorre adulterie, fornica⸗ 

tion, and all vncleannes, to doe good after mip power 

bnto all men, to hurt ne man, that thy name map 
bee glorilied in mee during this preſent tite, and 

| that F afterward may obtaine euerla⸗ 

. Ting life, theough hy mercie, and 

7the merites of thy pate 

i ae fom Amen, 


% ay ! 
3 . 

Pfalter or 

== P falmes of Dauid, 
"44, after the tranflation of 

the great Bible’, pointed 
asit fhalbe fung or faid 
_ in Churches, 

oxf * 





8 ~ 

|Imprintedat Lon- 
don by the Deputies 
of Chriftopher Barker, 

Printer to the Queenes moft 
excellent Maieſtie. 

voip * ‘Cum gratia er prinilegio 

Regie Maieftatis. 


—— — 

—— 7s 

= Oy a 






Moneth. ‘lL 

— The Pfalmes of | 
| Danid. 

Beatus < qui nonabiit,  Pfal.1. 

BIA cy Hefled is the man that hath not Morn 
wvwalked tn the countell of the vn⸗ praye 
godly, Noz ſtande in the way of fin- 

(Be ners: and Hath not ſitte in the ſeate 

2/ of the {coznefull. 

2 But his delight is inthelawe 

, of the Lord: and in pis lawe wil he 

—— —— day and night. 

3 And he ſhall bee like a tree planted by the water 
fide: that will bring forth bis fruite in due ſeaſon. 

4 His leale alfo hal not wither:and looke whatſo⸗ 
ever he doeth, it ſhal pꝛoſper. | 
5 Asforthe vngodly it ig not fo with them: but 

they are like the chafie which the winde fcattereth a: 

wap from the face of the earth. 

6 Wherefore the vngodly that rot be able to ftand i 
in the tudgement : neither the ſinners in the ONG 
gation of the righteous, Bree. 
7 But the Lorde knoweth the way of the rig ge 

cu ane wap ofthe vngodly thal perich. ie 
- Quarefremuerunt? Pfal,2. 3 —— 

Dy doe the heathen fo fuvioufly rage toge 
ona whydo the people imagine a va ne 

2 — ofthe earth ttand bp, and ther u 
take counſel together: againttthe —— 

his anoynted. Mi et 
Eig: ut, — 

Moneth. Lheiday. 

— their cordes from vs. 

Hee that dwelleth in heauen chal laugh them to 

ſcoꝛne:the Loꝛd ſhal haue them in deriſſon. 
5Then hall hee ſpeake vnto them in his wrath: 
| a bere them in his fore diſpleaſure. 

.. — fet mp hing : vpon my holy bill of 

a +f will preach thelawe, whereofthe Loꝛd hath 
tarde vnto mee: thou art mp tonne, this Dap haue J 

begotten thee. 

8 Deliveofme, atid Ichall giue thee the Peathert | 

for thine inheritance: andfie vttermoſt partes of the 
earth for thy poſſeſſion 

9 Thou halt brute them with a vod of pon + and 
Dicake them in pieces like a potters velſſell. 

“ro Be wifenow therefore, D ve kings ‘belearned 
rethat are tudges ofthe earth... 7 
11 Heructhe Lord infeare:and reioyce vnto him 

vith reuerence. 

12 Bille the ſonne leſt he be angry, and {ope perith 
ea the right wap: if bis wath bekindted (pea but 
a litle bᷣleſſed are all they that put their truſt in him. 

Domine quid. Pſal. 

L= Howe are they increaten that trouble me:ma⸗ 

ny ave theythat rife againſt me. 
2 Wanyp one there be that HB my foule: Chere 
is no pg for Him in hig Goo. 
~ 3 Butthou, D Lozde, art ‘amy defender: thou ave 
my ‘worhip.and the lifter bp.of my Head, 
Idid call pon the Lod with my voyce: and he 
heard meout othis holy Hill, 

— breake their bondes alunder: and catt ai 

5 Blapde medowne and dept, and rote on ened 

es bi oe Lams mie. 

* — 
; Fi 


* yee a Moneth. Thei. Ay. 

6 J will tot bee afraid for ten thoufandes ofpeo⸗ 
ple:p yaue fet themfelucs againſt meround about, - 
7 Up Lode, and heipe mee ,D my Gor: foz thou 
ſmitelt ail mine enemies vpon the cheeke bone, thou 
_ hat broken the teeth of the vngodly. 

3 Saluation belongeth onto the Lode: andthy 
bleſſing is vpon the people, - ee 

- Cuminuocarem. — Pfal. 4, —— 

Hy eare mee when FZ call, O God of myrighte ut: 
~ “es: for thou haſt ſet me at libertie when J was 
in trouble, haue mercie bpon me, and Hearken nto 
my paper, — te DESC SO UEG 0! 

2 O pefornes of men. bekponeg wil pe blafpheme 
nine Honour: and haue ſuch piealure in vanitie, and 
feeke after leaſing? | | 

3 Knowe this allo, that the Lorde hath chofen to 
himſelle the man that is godly: when F call vpon the 
Lord/ he wiiibeareme, = 

4 Stand in awe. and ſinne not : commune with 
pour owne heart, andin pour chamber, andbe fille . 

5. Oflet the facrifice of righteouſneſſe: ¢ put pour 
trait in the Lod, © Pern eas ' 

6 Chere bemanpthatlay: who wilihhewebsa: 

NYgood? ie 
: 7 — lift thor bp: the light of thy countenance 
on | 

8 Thon batt put gladnelle in my heart : fince the 
time that thetr cozne and wine and opie increafed, 
9 J willlay me downe in peace, andtake mpret: 

*’> a 
* ae 



fo2itis thou Lorde onelp that maßkeſt mee dwell in 

ep Verbameaauribus, Pfal.s, 2 ——— 
PHnder my woꝛdes. O Lord: canſider my medita 
2tion. SS EER eee 


Montth. Thei. day. | 
2 D hearker thou vnto the voyce of my calling, 

myking and my God: foz vntothee will make my 

prayer, | | error me 
3 My bopce halt thou heave betimes, D Lorde: - 
earelp in the morning will J direct aw paper vnto 

thee, and will looke bp. 

4 for thou art the God that hatte no pieature in 

‘Wickednes : neither hallany euill dwell with thee. 
5 Such asbe foolith hall not land tn thp fight: 
for thou hateſt allthem that worke vanitie. 
6 Chon halt deſtroy them that ſpeabe tealing: 
the Lord will abhorre both the bloodthirſtie and de⸗ 
ceittullman. aii eh 
7 But as for me,F will come into thy houſe, euen 
vpon the multitude of thy mercy + and tn thy feave 
Will J worhip toward thy bolp Temple. 

8 Lead me,D Lod, in thyrighteouſnes. becatste 

— mine enemies: make (hp way playne befoze my 
9 Foꝛthere is no taithfulneſſe i His mouth:their 
inward partes are very wickedneſſe. 
10 Cheir throte is an oper ſepulchre: they latter 
with thetr tongue. — 
11 Deſtroy thou them, D God, tet them perth 
‘though their owne imaginations +cat them out in 

the multitude oftheir vngodlyneſſe, for they hae re⸗ 

beiled againſt thee. | ene 
12 Andietall chem that put their truſt in thee,ve- 

iopce :thep hall ewer bee giuing of thankes, becaufe — 

‘thou defendeft them, they thatloue thyname ſhall 
beiopfullinthee. = Bee 

3 ffozthou Loꝛd wilt giue thy biefling vnto the 
righteous: and with thy kauourable kindneſſe wilt 
chou defend him, as with a ſhielde. ) 

- Domine 

Moneth. ‘I 
Dominenein furore.  Pfal.6. 

— SE Lozbde rebuke me notin thine indigna⸗ Even: 
9 — : neither chatter me tn thy difplea- praye 

2 Haue mercie vpon me,D Lord/for 
OT am weake: D Low heale me,foz mp 
Bes ave ered, : 

3 Dy fouie is alfo fore troubled: but Lorde howe 
long wit thou punich me? 
4 Curnethee,D Lord, and deliuer my foule: OF 
fate me fo2 thy mercies fake. 
5 Fozindeaty no man tomembpeth thee: and who 
Will gine thee thankes in (HpeBit? 

6 Jam wearpot myp groning , euery night wath 
FJ my bed: and water mp couch with my teares. f3. 

7 py beautic is gone for very trouble:and woꝛne 

aiuapberate ofallminecnemics, 

8 Awapfrom me all pe that worke vanitie:lor the 
Lozd bath heard the bopce of mp weeping. 

9 The Lowhath heard my pecitiomtie Lord wil 
receiue myprayer. | 
to All mine enemies chalbe confounded a fore bers | 

ed: they thalbe turned backe, put to fhame fuddenty, 

| ~. Domine Deus meus. Pfal.7,3 94/2) 35 

Ou my God, in thee haue J put myptruk: fame 
me front ali them that perfecute mite, and deliuer Fe 

2 Lett he deuoure mp foule line a Lion, andteare 
itinpieces: while there is none to helppe. re 
3 D Lod my God, if F baue done any ſuch thing: ae 
or if there be any wicke dnes in my hands. — 
4 Ift J haue rewarded euill vnto hint that. dealt — 
friendiy with mee: pea, Jhaue deliuered him ty a 
without ay caufeigmincenemi¢, 0 
: ; W.iii. 4 5. There 

~ Moneth. 

CThen let mine enemie perſecute myſoule, and 
daar pea, let him treade mpiife downe pon the 
earth and lay mine honour in the duſt. 

6 Stand bp,D Lord, in thy wath, and likt bp thy. 
felfe: becaute of the indignatiõ of mine enemiesariſe 
bp foz mein the tudgement that thou hat cõmanded. 

7 And ſo hal the congregation of the people come 
abort thee: for their takes thevefoze liftop thytelte de 

8. Che Lorde ſhall iudege the people, giue ſentence 
With me,O Lord:accoꝛding to my righteouſnes, and 
according to the innocencie that is in me. 

9 Dbletthe wickets — vngodly come to att : 
ende: but guide thou the iult. — 

1o Forthe righteous God: tryeth the berp Hearts. 3 
and reines. oi 

It Dy helpe commeth of God: which preſerueth 
them that are true of Heart. 

12 Gods arighteous ae ftrong and patients 
and God is prouoked everp day. 

13 Feaman wil not turne he wil whet his ſword: 
be bath benthisbowe,and made it ready, 

14 Heehath prepared for him the inſtrments of 

death : he ordeineth His arrowes againg th e perfectts 

15 Behold, he trauayleth with mitchiete: he hath 
te ſorow, and brought forth vngodlineſſe. 
e hath grauen a digged dp a pit: and is fallen 

ite e into the deſtruction that he made foz other. 
7 Foꝛ bis trauayie hall come bpon His owne 
— his wickedneſſe hail fall on bis owne pate, 
_ 18 ]will gine thankes vnto the Lord, according 
: to his tighteoufnette: and will praiſe the nanie ofthe 
— — ee : | 

Domine me 

Moneth. The ii. day. 
i - DomineDominus, | Pfal.8. 
| Qu our gouernour. how excellent is thy: fame 
in all the woztde: thou that balk {et thy glory a⸗ 
boue the heauens. 
2Out okthe mouth of very babes efuchlings batt 
thou ordained ſtrẽgth,becauſe of thine enemies:that 

thou mighteſt fill the enemie and ihe auenger. 

3 For Jwil conſider the heauens, euen the works 
of thy ſingers:the moone and the flarres which thou 
Ha ordayned. 
4 What is man thatthou art mindful of him: and 
the fonne of man that thou bifitet him? 
5 Chou madeſt Him low ~ tari then the Angels : to 
— him with glory and 
6 Thou makeſt him to * dominion of the 
workes of thy handes: and thou batt put ati thinges 
infubiection vnder his feete. 
7, All heepe and oven : pea, and the beattes of the 
3 Cie foutles of the ayre, and the fithes of the fea: ¢ 
Whatfoeuer walketh thaouah the pathes ofthe ſeas. 

9 D Lozd our gotrernour ; how excellent thy 
name all the world? . 
~-**- Confitebortibi. Pfal: 9.° Morn 
ere RUD giue thankes vnto thee, D Lod, praye 
[swith my whole Heart: FZ will ſpeake of 

Pl Weceiall thy maructious wozkes . 
Pas] Bo dey 2 F will bee glad a reioyce inthee:yea, 
lee em iongs — of thyname © 


Moneth. Theii. day. 

§ Chou hatreduked the heathen, and deſtroyed 
————— thou haſt put out their name for euer a 

6 Dthou enemie, deſtructions ave come toa per⸗ 
petuallende: euen as the cities which thou batt de- 
ftroped, their memoziallis periſhed withthem, 

7 Wut the Lozd hail endure foz ever : he bath als 
fo prepared his feate for tudgement. 

8 For he ſhal tudge the worid tn righteoutnes: and 
miniſter true iudgement vnto the people, 

p — 
9 The Lord alſo wil be adefence fo2 the opprefied: 

i euen arefkuge in due time of trouble. 
Io And kheythat knowe thy name, will put their 

trutin thee : fo2 thow Bbzd hat neuer faylen them v 

fecke thee. 

11 Oprayle the Lowe which dwelleth in Sion: 

ſhewe the people of his doings. 
12 for when he maketh inquilition ofbiood , Hee 

remembzeth them: and lorgetteth not the complaint 

ofthe poore. 
13 Haue mercie vpon me, O Lorde, conllder the 

trouble which J fuffer of thent that hate mc: thou - 

that liftett mebpfromthegatesofaeath, 

14 Chat J map thew ail thyprayſes within the 
portes of the Daughter of Sion: J willreioyce in thy 

15 The heathen are ſunke downe in the pitte that 
theymade: in thefame nette which they Hid priutly , 

16 The Low isknowentoerecuteivdgement: § 

— is trapped in the worke okhis owne hands. 

———— beturned into hel: andall the 

people that forget God 

“18 for the pogze fhall not alway be forgotten: che i 

‘ ee patie 


Moneth. ‘1 be tt. day. 

patient abiding of the meeke hail not perith fo2 ever. 
19 Gp Lod, and let not man haue the bpper Had: 
{et the heathen be tudged in thy fight. ae 

20 Put them in feare(O Lo2d:) that the heathen 
may know themfelues tobe but men, 

Vtquid Domine, Pfal.1o. . 

VV 2 fandett thou fo far off (D Lod: ) and hi⸗ 

| deft thy face in the needefull time of trouble? 

2 Che ougodly fo his owne luk doth perſecute the 

poore: let thembe taken in the craftie wilineſſe that 
they baue tmagined . | 

3 Fo2 the vngodly Hath made boak of His owne - 
Hearts defire: a ſpeaketh good of the couctous whom 
God abhorreth. | 
4 The vngodly igfoproud, that he caveth not foz 
God: neither is God in all his thoughts. 

5His wayes ave alway grieuous: thy iudge⸗ 
iments ave farre aboue out of his ight, and thereſore 
defieth he all his enemies. J 

6 Foz he hath ſayd in his heart, Tuch. J ſhal neuer 
be caſt downe:there thal no harme happen vnto mee, 

7 His mouth is full of curling deceit, and fraude: 
Hnderhis tongue is vngodlynes and banitie. 

8 Helitteth turning inthe thieuiſh comersotthe — 
fireetes: and priuily in bis lurking dennes doeth he 
murdero innocent,His epes are {et again the poore. 
«Offer belieth wapting fecretlyp, euen as a Lyõ tur 
keth hein His denne:that he may rauiſh the pooꝛe. 
16 He doeth rauiſh the pooꝛe:when he actteh Hint 
into his nette. 
11 He falleth downe and humbleth himſelte: that 
the congregation ofthe poore may fall into the hand 

ot his captaines. ga LL 23 CPD Ce A ra iy 

12 He hath latd in his heart.tuh, God hath — — 

Pas p12 | Pea 

Moneth. Iheii. day. 

ten:he hideth away his face, and he will neuer {ee tt, 
13 Ariſe (D Lorde God) anditét op thine hande: 
fkorget not the pooze. | 
14 Wherelore chould the wicked blaſpheme God: 
while he doth lap in his heart, Cuſh, thou God careſt 
notfoꝛ tt? 
15 Surely thou hak ſeene it: kor thou beholdeſt 
vngodlineſſe and wrꝛong. ke ade 
16 That thou mayeſt take the matter into. thine 
hand: the poore committeth hinilelfe vnto thee , fo? 
thou art the helper of the friendleſſe. | 
17 Breakie thou the power of the vngodly and ma⸗ 
licious : take away bis vngodlineſſe, and thou thait 
finde tone. 
18 Che Lord is king foz euer and euer: ethe hea⸗ 
then are perithedout of theland. 3 
19 Lovd,thou batt heard  delive of the pooze: thou 
peeparelt their heart, thine eave hearkeneth therto, 
20 Cohelpe the fatherilelle and pooze vnto their 
vight:that the man of the earth be no moze eralted a- 

gaint them. | 
| _ InDominoconfido, Pfal.11.— 
[2 the Lozde put J my truſt: howe fap yee ther 
* iby ſoule, that the ſhould flie as a birde vnto the 

t + £5: 
2 For lo, the vngodly bend their bowe,and make 
ready their arrowes within the quiver: § thep map 
prtuilp hoote at them which ave trucofheart, — 

3 Foꝛ the foundations wiil be caf Downe : and 

‘what bath the righteous done: 

4Che Lord is in his holptemple:the Lozdes feate 
5 His eyes conlider the poore: and hig eye liddes 
tryeth Mhechtinzenofinen, — ia: é * 

Moneth. Le 

* Che Lorde alloweth the righteous: but the vn⸗ 
godly, and hint that delighteth in wickedneſſe doeth 
bis ſoule abhoꝛre. 

7 wpon the vngodly he ſhal raine inares. fire, and 
brimſtone, ſtorme, and tempeſt: this ſhalbe their por⸗ 
tion to drinke. 

8 For the righteous Lorde loueth righteouſneſſe: 
bis countenance will behold the Ching that ts iuſt. 

Saluumme fac. Pfal.r2. 

F — Elpe me, Lord/for there is not one godly Euet 
Iman lekft: fo2 the faithfullare minithed pray 
© from among the childzen of men, 
a 2 Cheptalkeofbanitiecuerpone with 
e Lbisneighbour:thep doe but flatter with 

nek — diſſemble with their double heart. 

3 Che Lord ſhall roote out all deceitfull lips: and 
the tongue that ſpeaketh pꝛoude things. 

4 Which haue ſaid, with our tongue we will pre⸗ 
stag beg ave thep that ought tofpeake, whots Lod 

5Nowe foz the comfortieffe troubles fate ofthe © 
needy: and becaufe of the deepe ſighing of the poore. 

6 F will vp(layth the Lozd:) and will belpe euery 
one from Him that ſwelleth againſt him, and will fet 
them at reff, 

7 The wordes ol the Lord are pure wordes: euen 
as the ſiluer which from the earth is tryed, and puri⸗ 
fied ſeuen times in thefire. ee 

8 Chou haltkeepe them, D Lozd : thou thalt pies — 
ſerue Him from this generation for euer. ae 
9 The vngodly watke on euery fide: whenthepare — 
exalted.the children of men are put torebuße. a 
Vi ————— 

Moneth. ‘Lhe 
~  Viquequo Domine. Pfal.13, — | 
H Ow long wilt thou forget me(D Loꝛd) foz ener: 
pow long wilt thou hide thy face from me? 
2 How tong hat J tecke counteil in my foule,and 
befobered in my Heart: how long hal mine enemies 

triumph ower me? 
- 2 Conliderandheare me,D Low my God:lighten 

mine eves, that J fleepe wot in death. Ae hase 
4 Left mine enemie ſay, Jhaue pꝛeitailed againſt 

Him: fo2 ik J be cal downe, they that trouble me will 

yeiopccatit, . 
5 But my trult is in thy mercie: and my heart ts 
ioytull in thy faluation, 

6 J will fing of the Lo2d , becaule be hath dealt fo 

louingly with me: pea, A will prayſe the name ofthe : 

Low moſt higheſt. | 
Dixitinfipiens, Pfal,14. —9*J 
"T Betoole hath (aid in bis heart : Chere is no God, 
2 They are corrupt and become abominable 

in their doings: there isnot one that doeth good, (no 

not ore.) 
3 Che Lod looked downe from heauen vponthe 

vnderſtand and feeke after God. 

4 Butthey ave all gone out ofthe way, they are 
altogether become abhominable: there is none that 

doeth good, 10 not one. 

5 Their throte is an open lepulchre, with their 
tongues have thepdecetued : the poyſon of Afpes ts. 

vnder their lippes. 

6 Their mouth is full of curſing and bitternefte: 

their keete are ſwilt to hea blood, 

7Deſtructiõ ebnbappines isin their wates,athe 
war of peace haue they not knowen:there ts no feare 


‘of od before theirepes, 

8 Haue they no knowledge, that thepare alt fuch 
woorkers of mifchiete: eating bp my people as it 
Were bread? 

9 Andcall not vpon the Love, there were they 
brought in great feare (euen where no feare was:) 
fo2 God is inthe generation of the righteous. 

0 As loꝛ vou.vee haue made a mocke at thecoun- - 
—— the pooze: becauſe hee putteth bis truſt in the 

Ir Whoſhall giuefaluation vnto Iſraell out of 
Sion: when the Lorde turneth the captiuttie of his 
people, then thalt Jacob reioyce, ¢ Iſrael thalbe gland. 

; — Domine quishabitabic? Pfal,15, 
NSS < Dade who thali dwell in thy Taberna⸗ Mornin 

5 \SLS cle:o2 who hall reft bpon thy bolphili? | prayer. 

~De 2 Cuenbe thatleadeth an vncorrupt 
v6 life: a doeth the thing which is right, 
S .¢ and {peaketh the trueth from his heart, 
3 Be tbat bath fed Nodeceite this tongue, noz 
| noite euill tobis neighbour: and hath not ſlaundered 
his neighbours, 

4 He that ſetteth not by himlelfe, but is lowly in 
* — eyes:and maketh much of them that feare 

e Lor 

5 Be that weareth vnto his neighbour, anddifE 
——— him not:though it were to his owne hin⸗ 


6 Pe that hath not giuen his money vpon — POS 
1107 taken reward againt the innocent, — 

7 Who lo doeth theſe sak watt never fail, ee 

Conferua meé;:-5 Pfal RR. — * — 

| peer mice „O God: sad in nee haue JIput n | a 

Moneth. The 

2 O my loule, thou hat ſaid onto the Lord: thou 
art my God, mygoods are nothing vnto thee, 
3 Ali mydelight is bpon the laiñts that ave inthe 
earth :and bpon ſuch aserceil in vertue. 3 
4 But they that runne after anotherGod: hart 
Hauegreattrouble, — —— 
5 Chet drinke oſſerings ofblood will F not offers 
— neither make mention ot thetrnames win mplips , 
6 Cye Lore hinslelte is 6 poztion ofmine inherit: 
tance, and of my cup: thou thalt ntaintaine my tot, 
7 Whe tot is fallen vnto mee tn a faire grounde: 
pea, Jhaue a goodly heritage. or ae 
8 J will thanke the Lod for qiutng me warning: 
my reines allo chaſten me in the night ſeaſon. 

9 J haue let Godalwayesbetoze me: fore ison 

my Light hand, therefore J chall not fall. 
Io Wherekore my heart was glad, and mp glory 
Yelopced: myp fleſh alfo ſhall ref in Hope, ta 
Il FfO2 why ¢ thou thalt not leaue my foule in Het: 
— chalt thoutufier thine holy one to fee corrup⸗ 
JJ dale | 
12 Chou thalt chew me the path of tife , in thy pre⸗ 
ſence 13 the fulneſſe oftop: anv at thy right bande 
thereispleature fozeuermoe, | 
_ Exaudi Domineiuftitiam, Pfal, 17. 
HEare the right, D Lord, conſider my complaint: 
and hearken vnto mp peaper , that goeth not out 
of fained lippes. 

2 Let my ſentence come forth from thy preſence: — 

g let thine eies looke vpon the thing that is equait. 

3 Chou halk prooued a vilited mine heart in the 
night feafon thou haſt tried mee, and ſhalt finde no 
wickedneſſe in mee: for Jam vtterly purpoſed that 
my mouth att not offend, Cees 


Moneth. The 

4. Becaule of mens workes that are done againſt 
tiie wordes of my lippes: Jhaue kept mee from the 
wares of the deſtroyer. erst: | 

5 Dbhoide thou op my goingsin thypathes: that 
inp footetteps fippe not. | 

6 Jhaue called vpon thee, D God, for thou hate 
heare mesencline thine eareto me, and hearken vnto 

my wordes. 
Shewe thy marueilous louing kindnelſſe, thor 
that art the ſauiour of them which put their trult in 
thee: fromfuch agrefitthpriqhthand. 

8 Keepe me as the apple of an eye: Hide me vnder 
ctheſhadow of thy wings. iO ERS. 

9 From the vngodly that trouble me: mine ene⸗ 
—* compaſſe mee rounde about, to take away mp 
foule, | “ i 

lo Chey are inclofed in their owne fat: and their 
mouth fpeaketh proude things. it 
IL They lye wayting in our way on every ſide: 
turning their eyes downe to the ground. 

12 Like as a Lion that isgqreedpothisprap: and 
as it were ations whelpe lurking infecret places, . 

13 up Lord. diſappoint him,and cal him downe: 
— my ſoule from the vngodly, which is a ſword 
otthine. — Ott 
14 From the menofthy hand, D Lorde, from the 
mer F fay,and trom the eutl world: which haue their 
postion itt this life, whole bellies thouſilleſt withthy 
hid treaſure. JJ 

15 They haue children at their deſire: and leaue 
the reſt oftheir ſubſtance for their babes. 

16 But as for mee, J will beholde thy prelence in Ex 3 
righteoutnefle : and when J awake vp alter thy lizke ⸗ 

neſſe⸗Jcalbe ſatiſſied with tt. — — 
J— a Diligam 

Moneth. The 

Diligamte. Plal.t8. 

1G y, fence: mp Sauiour, my God, andmp 
ZN might, in whome FZ willtruſt. my buck: é 
s es ler, the horne alfo of inp faluation, and 

* refuge, | 

2] J wilcall vpon the 102d, which is worthrtobe 

praiſed:ſo thal FZ be fate from mine enemies, : 
3 Thelorowes ofdeath compafled me : and theo⸗ 

- Uerflowingsofongodlinefe made me atraide. 

4 Che papnes of hellcame about me: thetnares of 
death ouertooke me, 

5 Fumyp trouble J will call vpon the Lorde: and 
complaine ditto my God, 

6 Sohail heheare my voyce out ofhisholytem -.— 

ple: and mpcomplapnt hall come before him it hail 
etter euen into his eaves, 
7 The earth trembled and quaked : the berp koun⸗ 
pattons alfoofthe billes wooke and were remooued, 
becauſe he was wꝛoth. 
8 There went a ſmoke out of his preferice : ands 
confuming fire out of his mouth, fothat coates were — 

-Birdled at tf, 

9 Hee bowed the Yeauens alſo and came Downe: 

and it was darke vnder his feete. 

10 Herode vpon the Cherubims and did flye: hee 
came fying bponthe wings ofthe winde, 
14 He madedarkenefle his ſecret place:his Paui⸗ 

lion rounde about him, with darke water and thicke 

diloudes to couer him. 

12 Atthe brightneſſe of His preſence his cloudes — 

—— :Hatleftones and coales of five. 

; — 


—* Mie ase RS, i 
ee See 2 

4B ce —* alto ehunbzed out of — 

os upillioue thee (D Lorde) my dtrength 
<3 UY the Lozde is my ſtony rocke and my de · 

Moneth. The 
vigor gaue his thunder: hayleſtones and coles ot 

—— * De fent out bis arrowes, and fcattered tient: 

“he catt forth liahtiings and dettroped thent, 

15 Ghelprings of waters were feene, a the fort: 

dations of the rounde worlde were diſcouered at thp 
chiding, D Lo2de: at the blatting of the breath of thy 

~ pitpleature. 

16 He thalfend downe from the high to fetch me: 
and ſhall take me out of many waters, 
. 17 He haldeliuer me from my ftronges enemic,¢ ~ 
fri —* which hate me:foz thepare too mighty foz me. 
8 Chey peeuented me in the day of mp trouble : 

i butthe op ane my bpholder, 

19 Be broughe me forth alfo into a place of liberty: 
He brought me forth, euen becaule he hadafauour - 

bnto me, 

20 Che Lord chall reward me after myrighteous 

dealing: according tothe deannes of my bands 


- Herecomperice me, 

21 Wecaute F haue kept the wayes ofthe Low: a 

haue not forfaken my God as the wicked doeth. 

22 Foꝛ Jhaue an eye vnto allbis lawes: and wil 
not caf out his commandements from me, 

23 I was allſo vncorrupt betoꝛe Him: and eſchew⸗ = : 

ed mine owne Wickednefie, ie 

24 Cherefoze thall the Lorde reward meafter mp 4 

righteous dealing : and according vnto the deannes 
of mp bandes in hisere ſight. 

3s with thepolp, thou thaltbe holy: and witha 
perfect man,thou thaltbe perfect,  . geet 
. 26 With thecleane,thou —* be cleane:ant tote J 

the froward, thou halt learne frowardneſſe 

| —* Foꝛ thou halt ſaue the — — 

4 x 4 i ‘ 

Moneth. “Lbettday. 

— and halt bring downe the High looks ofthe — 
28 Thou allſo ſhalt light mycandle: the Lord mp 
God Hall make my darkenelle to be light, 4 
29 §fo2 in thee F fall difcomfite an botte of men: a 
—* a the helpe of mp GodF thal leape ouer the : 
30 Ghe way of God is an vndeliled way: the 
worde of the Lozde allo is tryed inthe fire, be isthe 
defender of all them that put their truſt in him. 
- 31 Foz Who 1s God but the Lorde: 02 who hath 
any ſtrength erceptour God? 
32 It is God that girvdeth me with ſtrength of 
warre: and maketh my wap perfect. 
33 Pe maketh my fete ithe partes feete : and ſet⸗ 
teth me bp on high. ? 
34 He teacheth mp hands to fight: e mine armes 
hall bꝛeake euen a bowe of ſteele. 
35 Thou haũ giuen me the defence of thy faluatt 
_ On: thy righthand alfo hall holde me vp, and thy lo⸗ 
uing correction Hall make me great. 
36 Thor halt make roome pnough vnder me for — 
to goe : Chat mp footefeppes thail not five, 
37 J will followe vpon nine enemies and ouer⸗ 
take them: netther will J turne againe till J have 
deftroped them. ; 
38 J willſmite them, thatthey chall not beable to 
fiande: but fall vnder my feete, 
39 Chou hat girded me with ſtrength vnto the 
baitell: thou that theowe DOWN mine enemies vn⸗ 
er me. 
40 Chou halt made mine enemies alſo to turne 
their backes vpon mes and Await defitoy them that 

— me, , 
at Chey 

ge RE abr * 
— — Pa, Sema — eR ‘di 

—— — 
, Z 


41 Chey thall crpe, but there hatbe none to helpe 
them: peaeuen vnto the Lorde hall they cry, but hee 
all not heare them. 
442I will beate them as ſmall ag the duſt before 
* — J will cat chem out as the clay inthe 
reetes. | 3 
43 Chou halt deliuer me from the ſtriuings of 
the people: ¢ thou halt make me p head of the heathẽ. 
44 SA people whome F haue not knowen: hall 
ſerue me. | 2 
445 Alſosne as they heare of me, they thal obep me: 
but the ſtrange childzen ſhall diſſemble with me, 
46 The ſtrange children hall fatle: and be atrarde 
out of tyeir priſons. 
47 The Lorde liueth, and biefled bee my rong 
Helper: and prayſed be the God of my ſaluation. 
48 Euen the God which feeth that J be auenged: 
andiubsucththepeoplebnteme, = 3 
(49 It is hee that deliucreth mee front my (cruel ) 
enemies, arid fettety me bp aboue mine aduerſaries: 
thou ſhalt rid mefrom the wicked man, - | 
50 for this cauſe will Jgiue thankes vnto thee 
(D Lode) among the Gentiles: and fing paples 
bnto thy name, 


51 Great proſperitie giueth he vnto his King:and 
heweth louing kindneſſe onto Dauid his anopnted, 
and vnto his ſeede fo2 euermoze. — whe 

Coelienarrant. Pfal.rg. i ; 
PS? OER He heauensdeclare f glory of God:g the Mort 
cel (GS 4 firmament Heweth his bandy worke. braye 

ax, 2 Onedapteileth another; and one 
3 )) Key nightcertifpetbanother, = 
guage: but their bopcesare Heard amongthem. 


4 Their found ts gone out into alliandes: ¢ their 
wordes Into the endes of the world, oh 3 

5In them hath he ſet a tabernacle lor Sunne: 
which commeth loorth as a bridegrome out of His 
— and reioyceth as a Gyant to runne his 

6 Ft goeth tooth from the vttermoſt part of the 
Heauen, ã runneth about vnto the ende of it againe: 
and there is nothing Hid from the Heate thereof, . 

7 The tawe ofthe Lord is an budefiedlawe,con- ⸗· 
uerting the foule:the teſtimony of 6 Lord is ture and. 
giueth wiledome vnto the ſimple. 

8 The ſtatutes ofthe Lord are right, and reioyce 
the Heart: the commaundement ofthe Lorde is pure, 
and giueth light onto the eves, rR 

9 The feare of the Lorde is cleane, andendureth 
‘fo2euer: the tusgementsof the Lorde are truc, and 
righteous altogether, 

1o Moꝛe to bedefired ave they then gold, pea, ther 
sae firte cold: fweeter alfo then bony, and the hony 
combe, : 

11 Doreouer,by them ts thy ſeruanttaught:and 
Ut keeping of them there ts qreatrewarde, 

12 Whocan tell how oft he offendeth: D cleanſe 
thou me from my fecret faults, 

13 Keepe thy ferwant alfo from preſumptuous 
ſinnes, leſt thep get the Dominion ouer me: fo hall I 
be vndeliled, andinnocent from theqreatofience. 
14 Let the wordes of my mouth.a the meditation 
of my beart: be alway acceptable in thy fight. — 
15 D Lozd: my firength and my redeemer, 

| ExaudiatteDominus. Pfal.zo. 
Te Low heare thee in the Bay of trouble :6 name 
A ofthe Gon of Jacob defend thee, ; Send 
a3 | 2 

‘ * 

eMoneth. T, 

2 Sende thee helpe from the Sanctuarie: and 
firength thee out of Sion. 

: 3 — allthyollerings:a accept thy burnt 

4 Graunt thee thy heartes defive: and fulfill ail 
thy minde. 

5 ie will reioyce in thyſaluation, and triumph 
in the name of the Lorde our God: the Lorde per: 
: —— all thy petitions. 

6 Now know F thatthe Low heipeth his anoin⸗ 
ted, and will heare him krom his holy heauen: euen 
with the wholeſome ſtren * of his right hand. 

7 Some pitt their truſt in Charets, and fome it 

Portes: but we wilremember the name of the Lord 

our God, 

8 Chey are brought downe and lallen: but wee 

ave riſen, and fand vpright. 
9 Sauie Lorde, and Deare vs, D king ofheauen? 
when we call vpon thee. 
Domine in virtute, Pfal.21, - . 
Te King tall reioyce in thy ſtrength, O Lode: 
~ exceeding glad thall be be of thy faluation, : 
2 Chou hat giuen him bis heartes defire: and 
Hak not denied him the requeſt of his tippes, 
3Foꝛ thor Halt preuent Him with the bleſſings 
of goodneſſe: and thalt fet a a crowne of pure golde bps 
on his head, 
4 He alked life ofthee,and thou gaueſt hima long 
fife: euen for euer ard ever, 

5 Dishonourisareatinthpfaluation: gloryand 

great worſhip halt thou lay vpon hint, ve 
6 Foꝛ thou thalt giue him everlating telicitie and 
Make him glad with the ioy ofthy countenancte. 
7 And why? becaule the hing putteth me ons ‘ 

4 % 

Moneth. The tiiiiday. 

in the Lod: andin the mercie of the mot highelt,he 

ſhyall not miſcarie. —— 
8 Allthine enemies thal keele thy Hand: thy right 

hand ſhall finde out them that hate thee. 

9 Chott ſhalt make them like a fierie ouen it time 
of thy wath: the Lozd thall deſtroy them in bts dit 
pleature,and the fire ſhall conſume thent, 

10 Their fruit ſhalt thou reote out ofthe earth: ¢ 
their feede from among tye childzenof men, Le 
Il For they intended miſchiete againk thee: tmas 
gined ſuch a deutce as they are not able to performe. 
12 Cherefore halt thou put them to flight: ethe 
rings of thy bowe fhalt thou make ready againſt 
thefaceofthent.” veal | 
13 Be thoueralted Lord in thine owne ſtrength: 
ſo will we ſing and praiſe thy power. 
Deus Deus meus. Pfal.22. 
eS Ba, P God, my God, (looke vpon me) why 
) Rxea (& bat thou ferfatien me: and art fo farve 
J NO/4 \P from my health, and front the wordes 
. fe De of ny complaint? — 

at ae, 2 Omy God. F crype in the day time 
Dut thoi hearet not: and inthe night ſeaſon alfo J 
take no reff. LFS BE i — 
at sy thou continueſt holy: D thou worthippe of 

‘ rae 6 : | 

4 Durfathers hoped in thee-they truſted in thee, 
and thou diddeſt deliuer them. *. 

5Theycalled vpon thee, ¢ were holpen: they put 
their truſt in thee,and were not confounded. 

6 Butas forme, J ant a worme, and no man: a ve ⸗ 
xx ſcorne ofmen,and the outcaſt ofthe people, 

7 All they that tee mee, fauat me to ſcorne: they 

note ous ryett lippes, and tate their bend, tap oe 

4 ba ce. * wi bie 
; fe 3— — — > ar 
ber ieere es. 

Moneth.  ‘ 
8 He trulted in God, that hee would deliver him: 
let him deliver him, tf be will haue him, 
_ 9 But thou art hee chat tooke mee out of my moe 
thers wombe: thou watt my bope whe F hanged pet 
vpon mp mothers bꝛeaſts. , i | 

1o J haue bene left vnto thee ewer ince Z was 
ae thou art my God, euen from mp mothers 

IL Mgoe not frome, foz trouble is hard at hande: 
and there is none to helpe me. 

12Many Oren are come about me: fat Bullesof 
Balan cloſe me in on euery lide. 

13 Theygape spon me with their mouthes: agit 
Were aramping and roaring Lyon, 

14 Jam powzed out tthe water, and all my bones 
are out ot ioynt: my heart alfo tn the middeſt of mp 
body is euen like melting ware. 

15 Wy frength is draped bp tke a potthearde, and 
my tongue cleaueth to my gummes: and thou ſhalt 
bring me into the duſt of death. | 

16 For (many) Dogges are come about mee: and 
the counſell of the wicked lapeth fiege again me. 
17 Cheppearted my handes and my feete, F map 
tell all imp bones: they Tand Caring and looking vp⸗ 
onme, ; | : | 

18 Chey part my garments among them: € ca 
lottes vpon mp befture. : 

9 But be not thou farre from me,D Lorde: thow 
art mp ſuccour, haſte thee to helpe me, : 
20 Weliuer mp foulefrom thefwozrde: mp darling 
from the power of the dogge. ae get 
21 Saue me from the Lyons mouth: thou baf—k 
Heard mee alfofrom among the hornes ot the Unie 

cornes. ⸗ 3 ° ” ef a ie iy * 3. me —— sk — * 
ier —  Eiltit, 32 Ft 


22 F will declare thy rramte vnto mybrethren: in 
the middeſt of the congregation will Jpꝛayſe thee, 

23 Dpraple the 107d pe that feare him: magnifie 
bint ail pe of tie feede of ‘Sacob, and leare him all yee 
ſeede of Iſrael. 

24 Forhehath not deſpiſed nor abhorred the lowe 
ekate ofthe pore, he hath not hid his face from Him: 
but when becatled onto him,be Heard hin. | 

25 Wp pratle is ofthee tithe great congregation: : 
my phot Will J perfourme tn the ſight of thethat 
eare him. 

26 The pooꝛe challeate and bee ſatiſſied· theythat 
ſeeke afterthe Lorꝛd, ſhall pꝛayſe himvour heart ſhall 
liue fo2 euer. 

27 Ail the endes of the worlde ſhall remember 
themſelues, and be turned vnto the Lord: and all the 
kinreds ofthenations hall worhipbetore bin, = 
28 Foz the kingdome ts the Lordes:and hee is the 
gouernour among the people, 

a Msc Ati fuch as be fat vpon earth: haue eaten and 

30 dn eheythat qgodowneintothe duſt thaltnecle 

— him: and no man hath quickened his owne 


ae My ſeede thailferue him: they chalbe counted 
brito the L020 fo2 a generation, 

32 Oheyp hall come,and the heavens hall declare 
His righteouſneſſe: vnto a people that wall be bozne, 
whom the Lord hath made, 

- Dominus regitme. Pfal.23 } 
Te Loade ts ny thepheard : therefore can Jlacke 
28e 9 feede mee in a greent paſture:and leade 
Si es beftoe the — of — ne be 


3 Be ſhall conuert my ſoule: and bring mee koorth 
in the paths ofrighteouinerie fo2 his names fake, 

4 Pea though J waike thozowe the bailey of the 

- fhadowe ofdeath, J will feave no euill: foꝛ thou art 

With me thy rod and chy Caffe comfort me, 

5 Chou halt prepare a table before nie again 
them that trouble mee: thou batt anointed mp head 
With ople,and my cup Halbe full. 

6 But thy louingkindneſſe and mercy halfollow 
mee atl the dayes of myplife: 49] wild wel in the 462% 
of the 020 fo2 ewer. 

Dominieft terra, Pfal. 24 
9 — earth is the ——8 all that therein Mor 
is:the compaſſe of the woꝛide, and they Preys 
—2foꝛhe hathtoũdedit oe thefeas: 
2 GeO and prepared it bpon the floods, 
3 BHO ſhal aſcend into the bill of the Loꝛd:oꝛ who 
hail tite bp in his holy place? 

4 Euen he that bat cleane handes, and a pure 
heart: ¢ that hath not lift bp his minde vnto banitie, 
norſworne to deceiue his neighbour, 

5 He thall receiue the bleſſing from the Lord: and 
righteoutnefie from the God of his ſaluation. 

6 This is the generation of them that feeke him: 
euen of them that ſeeke thy face, Jacob, 

7 Lifthp pour heads, pe gates and be pe lift bp 
pee euerlaſting doores: and the king of glory thati 
come in. 

8 Whois the king ofalo2y: it isthe Lose trong 
And nightie euen the Lord mightie in battell. 

9 Liftoppourheads,D ye gates, andbe pe lift bp 
vee euerlaſting doores: and the king of glozy halt 

come in. Hh 
10 0 

Moneth = 

— holes he⸗ ve hingotalozy. 

10° who is the King ol Slory: er euen * xone of of 

dteDomine. Pfal.z5. a 

Veto iis, O Lorde, will F lift spmy toute 5 my 
| God, Fhaue put my trulin thee: Diet me not 

be contounded, neither let mine enemies triumph o⸗ 
ier me, 
2foꝛ all they that Hope i thee thall not be athae 
sed: but ſuch as tranſgreſſe without a caute, matt be 
put to confuſion. iS 

* Shew me Hy waies,O L0d:and teach me thy 

| asa me koorth in thy trueth, andlearne mee: 
: fort thou art the God of my faluatio,in thee hath bent 
mp Dope all the day long. 
5 Call to remebzance, Lozd,thy tender mercies: 
and thy louing kindnes which hath bene ever of olde, 
6 Ob remember not the ſinnes and offences of mp 
pouth: but accozding tothp mercie Chinke thou vpon 
me O Lo2d) fo2 thy goodnefle, 
7 Gratious and righteous ts the Lod: therefoze 
will he teach finners in the way. 
8 Chem be mecke ſhall he autdein iudgement: 
and luch as be gentle, them ſhall he learne bis way. 
9 Allthe paths of the Lozd are mercy and trueth: 
vnto ſuch as keepe his coucnant and His teſtimonies. 
10 For thy names ake, O Lord:be mercilul vnto 
my ſinne. tor it is great. 
Il Mhat man ts He that keareth the Lode: him 
pea teach in the wap that he thallchute, 
2 His ſoule hallo weil ateate: and his feede hail 
— —— the land. 
13, Che lecrete of the Lord is among them i p feare 
bi 2 aaa we —— mne⸗ 
bag — 1 4 8 4 


4 WMine eyes are euer looking vnto the Lorꝛd:ſꝛꝛÚ·· 
be thal plucke mp feete out of the net, . 
15 Turne thee vnto mec, and hate merce vpon 
mie: for'F amadelolate andin miſerie. 
16 Cheforswes of mp heart ave enlarged: bring 
thou me outofmy troubles.- 
17 Leoke bpon mine wuerttie and milerie: ande⸗ 
forgiue me allimplinne, wf 
18 Contider mine enemies howe many they aves. ata 
aiid thep beare a titannous vate againk me, ei 
19 D kheepeinploule, anddeltuer me: tet me not 
be confounded, fo2 Jhaue put my trutt in thee, 
20 Let perfectriefie and righteous dealing waite — 
vpon me : ſor ntp Hope bath bene in thee, 
21 Deltuer Flracl,D God:outof al bis troubles, 
Iudicame Domine. Pfal.26 
Be thou my iudge, O Lorde, for F haue walked in⸗ 
AMnocently: my trutt hath bene alloi in the Lorde, 
therefoze Hail J not fail, 
2 Examine me,D 02d, and prooue me: try out 
mupreines and my Heart, 
3 For thy louing kindneſſe ts euer before mine 
eves: and J will walke in thy trueth. 
J haue not dwelt with vaine perfons: neither 
will haue fellowmip with the deceitful, 
5 haue hated the congregation of the wicked: 
* peat fit among the vᷣngodly. 
7 ill wah my handes itt innocencie D Loyd: . 
pa é will FZ goe to thine altar. re 
7 That FZ may he we the voyce of thanketgining — 
and tell otall thy wonderous workes. weet 
8 Lord, J baue loued the habitation of thyboute: $ pe gs 
and the place wherethinebonourdpellety, 
es steht —— ſoule with th meade — 

Moneth. The wedge 

life with the blood thirttie. 
e In whole handes ts seus and Dthete 
riabt andes ave tullof qtttes. 
Ir Butt as for me, J will walke innocently: D 
Lod deliuer me,andbe merctfullbntome, 
12 My foote tandety right: J will praile the 

dak inthe congregations. 

Dominus illuminatio, Pfal,27, F 
PES SSSR De Lord is my light and mp tatuadiot ‘aia 
SA IS By wbomuithen thal Z feare: the Lode is 
al loans the ſtrength of my tife, of Whom ther 
2 ( we ſhall Ibe afraide? 
When the wicked (euen mine ene⸗ 

mics and mp foes) came vpon me to cate bp my llech: 

they ſtumbled ano fell. 

3 Though an hokeofmenwerelaide againtme, 
pet ſhall not my heart be afraid: ethouahthererofe 
bp warre againſt me, pet will Jput my truſt in him, 

4 One thing haue J delired of the Lod, which F 

Wwill require : euen that ZF mapdiwell inthe houſe of 

the Lord all the dayes of my life, to beholde the faire 

beautie of the Lorde, and to viſite his temple, 
5 fo2rtn the time of trouble be hall hive me in bis 

tabernacle: yea, in the fecret place of his biwelling = 

fhallbe hide me, and ſet me bp bpon arecke of fone. ° 
6 Andnow hal he lift bp mine bead: aboue mine 
enemies rounde aboutme, 
7 Therefore will F offer in his dwelling an obla⸗ 
tion With. great gladneſſe: Jwill fing and ‘Speake 
patties vnto the 1020. 

8 Dearken vnto mip hope, Lorde, wyeng crie | 

_ nto thee: haue mercie bponme,anaheareme. 

9. Sy heart bath talked of thee, leeke vempfaces | 

—— —* Lond m3 feeke, 


os — — ** — 10 Obive 


to O bide not thou thy face from me: 1102 cal thy 
feruant away in diſpleaſure. 
Thou haſt bene my ſuccour: leaue me not, nei⸗ 
ther foxlake me,D God of my ſaluation. 
12 When my father and my mother lorſake mee: 
the Lord taketh me bp. | 
~ 13 Geach me thy wap,D Lord:and leade me in the 
—— mine enemies. 

4 Deliver me not ouer into the will of mine ad⸗ 
—— fo2 there ave falſe witnelles riſẽ vpagainſt 
me, and luch as ſpeake wong, 

15 Fhoulde vᷣtterly haue fapiited: but that F bee 
fours bertly to fee the goodnes of the Lord in the land 
e liuing. 
16 Darythor the Lords leaſure: be ſtrong, and 
— he chal comfo2t thine heart, and put thou thy true in 

the Lord. 
Ad te Domine. Pfal.28. 
V Mtothee will Icry, O Low, myſtrength: thinke 
110 fcozne of me, ieft ifthou make as though thon 
u — FZ become like them that goe downe into 


2 Peare the voyce of my humble petitions when 
orp vnto thee: when J holde bpmphands toward 

— ſeate ofthy holy temple. 

3. Oplucke meenotawayp ( neither deſtroye mec) 
| with the vngodly and wicked doers: which ſpeake 
friendiy to their neighbours, but imagine miſchiete 

in their hearts. | 

4 Rewarde them according to their Deedes: € ace 

Y cording to the wichenelic of their owne inuetitions. 

5 Mecompence them after the woorke of thett 
bands: pay them that they hauedeferued, ——— 
6 For weer—— —““ nde —— eas 

eM oneth. 
ofthe Lord, nor the operation of bis bands: therfore 
- thalthe beake them downe, and not builde them by, 
7 Pꝛailed be the Lord:foꝛ he hath heard the voyce 
of mp Humble petitions, : 
3 The Lozde is myſtrength and my ſhielde, my 
heart bath truũuted in bint,and J ant helped: therefore 
* heart danceth for ioy, and in my ſong wil J praiſe 
9 Che Lord is mp firengty : and he ts the whole⸗ 
foine defence of bis anointed, 
16 Date toy people, and giue thy bleſſing vnto 
thine inheritance: feede them, a ſet them bp foz euer. 
fferte Domino. Pſal.29 

Bains bitto the Lorde (D pee mightie) bring vong 

rammes vnto the Lorde: alcribe vnto the Lorde ack 

worthip and ſtrength. 
2 @Giuethe Lorde the honour due vnto his name: 
worſhipthe Lord with holy worwip.· 
3 Ftis the Lorde that — the waters: 
it is the glorious God that maketh the thunder. . 
4It is the Lorde that ruleth the ſea, the voyce of 
i the Lorde is mightie tt operation : the vorce of the 
Loꝛd is a gloꝛious voyce. 
5 CThe vovce of the Lord ieaketh the Cedar trees: 
— Loꝛd breaketh the Cedars of Libanus, 
6 He ntade them allo te tkippe tike a calfe : Liba⸗ 
nus alſo and Sprion like ayvong vnicoꝛrne. 
7 Whe voyce of the Lorde deuideth the flames of 

five, the voyce of the Lorde thaketh the wildernefie: 

veasti Loꝛd haketh the wilderneticofCades. 
8 Che vorce of the Lorde maketh the Hindes fo 

bring forth yong, anddifcoucreththethickebuthes: 

nf ie temple doeth euery mantpeakeofhishonour. 
* —— Hog fitteth aboue — 97 i 

Moneth, viav. 

Loꝛd remainetha king fore 
to Che Loꝛde ſhallgiue —— ontobis — 
the ‘Low hall giue his people the bien of peace, 
Exaltabote Domine,  ‘Pfal.30. 
7-¥ yoill magnifie thee, D Love, foz thou Mornin: 
wh GN Hallet me bp: and rot made my foes to prayer. 
A triumpbe oer me, 
VEX 2D Lowmyp God, F cryed vnto thee: 
ad o29e and thou halt Heated me, 
3 Thou Lorde batt brought my ſoule out of ett: on 
. bak Kept my liſe from them that goe downe to 
Sing pꝛailes onto the Lozde, (O ve laintes of 
his:) and giue thankes to him for a remembrance of 
bis holineſſe. : 
5 For his wrath endureth butthe twinckling ol 
an eyeʒand in bis pleaſure ts life: heauineſſe map ene 
dure fora night,but ioy commeth in the morning. 
6 Andin my prolperitie F fade, F thall neuer bee 
remoued: thou 1020 of thy goodnelſe hadſt made my 
hill ſo ſtrong. 
7 Thou diddeſt turne thy face (fro mee:) and FZ 
was troubied, 
SaTiencrped F 1 vnto thee,D Lop: and gate we 
vnto ny Lord righthumbiy. 3 
. 9 What protite is there inimy blood: when Igoe 
downe tothe pit? 
10 Shall the Dutt gine thankies Duitotheesoe halt 
— thytrueth? 
1 Peare, O Lozde, and haue mercie vpon mie? 
br: Lo be thou my helper, 
2 Choubatturnedmy heauinelle into ioy: thou 
batt puto off mp — * girdedme with glad⸗ 

“BB Therefore — 

M lonet b i Theviday. 

13 Gherefore halt eu 

vnto eg foz etter, 
Inte domine fperaui,, Pfal,31, 

It thee, D Lord, haue FZ put my trutt: let me neuer 

o> | beputéo cdtufion, deliver me in thp vighteoutnes, 

2 Bowe downe thine earvetome: make hatte to 

euery good man fing of thy. 
pratte without ceating:D myGod.J wil giue thanks 

3 Andbethou my Krong rocke, and the houſe of 

beferice: that thou mayeftfate me. 
4 Foz thou art my rong vocke, and my caſtell: 
een alfo mp quide, and leade me fo2 thy names 
5 Wrawe me out of the net that thep haue layed 
prt fo2 me: fo2 thou art my frenaty. 

6 Into thy handes F commende my fpirite: for 

thoubatt redeemed me,D Lord, thou Ged of trueth, 
7 3 haue Hated them that holde of ſuperſtitious 
—— and my trut bath bene in the Lord. 

8 F will be qlad and reioice in thy mercy:lor thot 
Hak confidered my trouble, and bat knowen my 
fortle in aduerfities, 

9 Tho Hall not ſhut me bp into thebande of the 
enemie: but haſt fet myleete in a large roome. 

10 Haue mercie vpon me, D Lorde, for Jam in 

trouble: and mite eve tg conſumed ſor very heaui - 

nes.yea,miy foule and ip body, 
a Formyptite ts waren oid With heauinelle: and 
my veeres with mourning. 
12 Dy ſtrength fatieth me, becaule of mine ini⸗ 
quitie: and inp bones areconfumed. 
13 Fbecame a repzoofe among ail mine — 
ae but {pecially among mp veighbours: and they of 
oo ; ye oT were — of mie, and = 4 

a? va 

| Moneth. 
did ſee me without, conueyed chem ſelues from me. 

4 Fam cleane forgotten, as adead matt out of 
minde: Fambecomelticabrokenbefetl, 
15 Fo⸗ J Haue heard the biafphemie of the mutt. 
tude: andfearets on euery fide, while thep conſpire 
together againſt me,and take thetv counſaile to take 
away my itfe, : 

16 Dut my Hope hath bene tn thee, D Loyd: F 
haue ſaid, Chou are my Gor, 

17 Ay time is in thy Had, deliuerme fromphand | 

of mine enemies: andfrom them that perfecute me, 

«18 Shewe thy ſeruant the light of thy countes 
nance: and ſaue me fo2thy mercies fake. 

19 Let me not beconfounded,D Lod. for F baue 
called vpon thee: let the vngodly be put to contufion, 
and be put to ſilence tn the graue. Mid 

20 Let the lying lippes be put to ſilence: Which 

Crutelly,difdaintilly, anddefpitefully ſpeake againſtt ; 

the righteous, iA | 
. 21 Obhow plentitull ts thy goodnefle, which thou 

Hat latde bp fo2 them that feare thee: and that thouw 

Hatt ‘eae foz them that put thetr truſt in thee, e⸗ 
uen bekore the ſonnes of men? 

22Chou ſhalt hide them priuily by thine own pꝛe⸗ 

ſence, krom the pꝛrouoking ofall men:thou thalt keepe 
them ſecretly int thy tabernacie fro ỹ ſtrike of tõgues. 
23 Thankes be to the Lorde: for he hath thewed 
me marueilous great kindneſſe in a ſtrong citie 
24 And when F made hatte. J tata: Jam caſt out 
efthe ſight ofthine eyes. — 

“as. Aenortbelelle- cout hearden the vorce otmy 

prayer: when Icryed vntothee. 

* —2 —5 Uren ve 
preferueth thenr that are faithtull, ¢ plenteouty re: 
YR Di, ~~ ypardeth 


4 od * at 


022. 3 : 

—« AVEONELI,. = mae 

_Beati quorum, Pfal Rderl sate 
» Lefled is he whole vnrighteoutnelle is 
dlorgiuen: and whole ſinñe is couered, - 
2 Bleſſed ts the man onto whore 
} the Lorde imputeth nofinne: and in 
ae ¥ whole lpirite there is no guile. ee 
3 “fon while g belde my tongue: my bones conlu⸗ 
med away through mp dailycomplaining. 
4 Foꝛ thy hand ts heauie vpon me day and night: 
and my moyſture ts like the Deoughtinfommer, — - 
5 FF will knowledge my ſinne vnto thee: ſt mine 
—— haue FZ not hid. 
6 Iſaid.J willconfeſſe myſinnes vntot the Low: J 
and fo thou ſorgaueſt the wickedneſſe of my ainne. 
7Foꝛ thts thall euery one thatis godly make his 
praier vnto thee in a time when matett be ford: but 
in the qreat water floods they hall not come nie him, 
8 Chou art a place to hide me in, thou thalt pre⸗ 
ferueme from trouble : thou halt compatle me about 
With fonas ofdeliuerance. 
-9 Jwillenlorme thee, ard teach thee i in the way 
Wwierettt thou Hatt goe: and J will auide thee with — 

mine eyre. 

10 Be penotithe to horſe and mule, which haue 
no vnderſtanding: whole mouthes muũ be holden 
With bitte and bridle. leſt they fall vpon the. 

11 Great plagues remaine fo; the vngodly: but 
whofe putteth histruk inthe Lorde, mercie entbzae 
ceth him on eueryſide. 

12 Be glad, Ope teous and reioy its the 
| al ann betot al ve Piha ave true ot heart. 


eM oneth. — day. 
Exultate iuſti Pſal.ʒ 
R siovees inthe Lorde, D yee righteans: fo2 itber * 
commeth well the iuſt to be thankefull. 
2 Pꝛailſe the Lord with Harp: firg Piaimes brite 
him with the Lute a inſtrument often firings, — 
3 Hing vnto the Lord a newefong: Ang praptes 
tutilp (vnto Him) with a qood courage. 
4 Foꝛ the worde of the Lorde is true: and ali hig 
workes ave faithfull. 
5 Heloueth Fighteouthes a tuidgement the earth 
isfullof the goodneſſe of the Lord. 
6 Bythe word of § Lord were the heauens made: 

and all the bots of them by the breath of his mouth. 

7 He gathereth the waters of the {ea together, as 
—— bpon an heape: andiateth bp the deepe asin 
a treafure houſe 
«18 he alltheeareh feare the Lode : ſtande in awe 

of him ail ve that dwell in the world, 

9 For he {pake,and it was done: He commanded, 
and it ſtoode taſt. 

10 The Lowe bringeth the counſaile of the Deas 
then to nought:and maketh the deuices of the people 

tobe ofnone cect, and caſteth outthecounfaplesoe 


Il The countaile of the Lord ſhalendure fo2 ever: 
won ofvis heart trom generation to gee 


“12° Blefled are the people wholſe Bod is the Lorde 
Fevoua: and bleſſed are the folke that he. wath choſen 
— to be his inheritance. 

3 The Lord looked Bowne from situate and he⸗ 
bette ali the childzen of men: from the habitation of 

bisdwwelling yeconddereth all tyem that dwelintye — 

earth, ; os % 

| Dit, 


LAr ~. : — 

1J = ae tte 

i Ae , . — — 

nt Aye 2 pret 
- 4 

op Skee ae 

14 Helathioneth allthe hearts of them: and vn⸗ 
derſtandeth all their workes. 
15 There is no king that canbe ſaued by the mul⸗ 
titude of an hoſte: neither is any mightyman deliue⸗ 
red by much ſtrength. 
16 Ahorle is canted buta baine thing tofaneama: 
neither hall he deltucr any ma by bis great ſtrength. 
17 Beholde,the eye of the Lord ts vpon them that 
feare him: and bpor them that put their truſt in his 
18 To deliuer their ſoules krom death: ¢ to feede 
them in the time ofdearth, 
9 9üur loule hath patiently taried for the Lorde: 
fo2 be is our helpe,and our thieid, | 
o ffozourbeart hall reioyce ttt —7 becaute we 
| haue Hopedinbisholpname, 
21 Letthy — adnellec Lo: smoe)be vpon 
vs:like as we doe put our truſt in thee, 
Benedicam Domino. Pfal.3 
| Fe alway gitte thankes vnto the Lore: bis praile 
hall euer be inmymouth. 
hy touie hall make ber boalt of the Lcrd: the 
Humble thall heare thereofand be glad. 
3 Mpratfe the Lod with me: and let bs maanifie 
his name together, 
4+ Floughtehe Lorde,and hebeard me: yea, he de⸗ 
—— ine out of all my feare. 
5Theyx had an eye vnto him, and were lightened: 
J their faces were not aſhamed. 
6 Lo, the poore crieth,and the Lord heareth him: 
: ‘Pea, and faueth bimoutofallbistroubles, , 
7 0¶he angell of the Lozde tavieth rounde about 
Mees Ghatieare yim: and deliuereth then, 
8 Dtatte anid ſee how ee Pt aes: biet 

Tah — — 

— #5 a 
— ie 
. es a” a a SM, a. = , V F 
Pi a — Be i eo te Som — 
ee ot ee ho SES OF + ey. — * 

eM oneth. The vii day. 

ſed is the man that truſteth in hin 

9 O feare the Lord ye that be his laintes:ſor thep 
that feare bim,lacke nothing, 1 ail 
10 Ope Lions doe lacke, andfuffer hunger: but 
thep which feeke the Lozde, hall want nomaner of 
thing that is good. 

11 Come pe childzen,and hearken vnto me: F wit 
teach pou the feare of the 1020, J 

12 Whatman is he that luſtethto liue, and would 
kayne fee good dayes:keepe thy tongue from euil, and 
thylippes that they ſpeake no guile, 

13 Cichew eurll,¢do good: ſeeke peace, ¢ enfue tt, 

14 Cheepes of the Logde are over the riahteous : 
and his cares are open bntotheirprayers, © 
* 1§ Checountenance of the Lord is againſt them 
that doe euill: to roote out the remembrance ofthent 
from the earth. : 

16 The righteous rp, ethe Lorde heareth them: 
and deltuereth them out of all their troubles, | 

17 Che Lord is nigh onto them thatare of acon: 
trite heavt:¢ will faue fuch as be of an bumble ſpirit. 

18. Great are the troubles of the riahteous : but 
the Lozd deliuereth him out of ail, | J 

gabe keepeth all his bones:ſo that notoneofthem 
is brꝛoken. eee 

20 Wut millortune hal flay the vngodly:and they 
that hate the righteous, thatbe defolate, 
| 21 The Lod deliuereth $foules ofhisteruants: 
all they pb put their truſt in him, hall not be deſtitute 

ludica Domine. 5 
yy Reade thoumpcaule,D Loꝛd with thé Mor 

£ that ſtriue with mee and fight thou a pray: 
“er gaint them thattiaht againtme, 

mq 2 NE 

eMoneth. Thevii day. 
fer: andffandbptobeipeme, : ) 
3 Bring forth the ſpeare, and flop the way again 
them that perfecute me: ſay vnto my foule, Jam thy 
4 Let them be confounded, and put to ſhame that 
ſeeke after myſoule: letthembec turned backe, and. 
brought to confuſion, that imagine miſchiefe fo2 me, 
5 Let thembe as the duſt before the winde:and the 
angel ofthe Lord ſcatteringthem. 
6 Let their way be darke and ſlipperie:and let the 
angel ofthe Lord perſecute them. | 
7 Foꝛ they haue priutlylayde their net to deſtroy 
me without a caufe : pea, cuen without a cauſe haue 

_ thep made a pit foz my foute, 

* Minds 
ce SR ae 
De ee a eT 


8 Let a ludden deſtruction come vpon Hint vna⸗ 
wares,andbis net that he hath laid priuilycatch him 
{elfe:thathe may fall into his owne mifchiete, 

9 And my loule be toptull tn the Loꝛde:it ſhall vee 
ioyce in bis ſaluation. 180 

10 Ali my bones thal fay, Lord, who ts tthe vnto 
thee, which deliuerett the pooze from him that is too 
ſtrong for him:yea.the pooze and him that is in miles 
rie, krom Him thatipopleth him, oo 

11 Falle witneile did rife bp thep layde to my 
charge things that FZ knew not, 

12 Cheprewarded me euill for good: to the great 
diſcomtort of myſoule. Wasnt OH sted Ini 

13, Neuerthelefle, when thep were ficke F puton 
fackcloth , and humbled my ſoule with fatting < and 

‘my praper ſhallturne into mine owne bofome, 

14 J bebaued mp telfe as though it had beene my 

friend or my brother : J went heauily, as one that 
‘mournethfoebis mother, 

15 Butin mine abuerfitie they reioyced 5 AND ga⸗ ) 
Soe 4 : a thered 

~~ J 


theredthem together ; pea, the very abtects came to: 
~ gether againſt mee vnawares, making mowes at 
me, and ceaſed noe, 
16 Withoͤflatterers, were bulie mockers: which 
gnathed vpon me with their teeth. | 
17 Lozd, how long wiltthoulooke bpon this: D 
deltuer my foule front > calamities which they bring 
ome, and my darling from the Lyons. 
138 So will J giue thee thankes inthe great con⸗ 
gregation: Jwill yraiſe thee among much people, 
19 Diet not the that are mine enemies triumph 
ouer me vngodly: neither let them winke with their 
eyes that Hate me without a caute, , 
20 And why? their comming is not fo2 peace: but 
- they tmagine deceitful wordes againk them that are 
quiet in tye land. 
21 Theygaped on me wᷣ their mouthes , and fad: 
Fic on thee, fie on thee, we fawe it with our epes, 
22 This haſt thouteene, D Lozde: holde not thy 
tongue then, goe not farre frome, D Lod. . 
23 Awakeand ſtande bp to iudge mp quarrel :a- 
lenge thou mycauſe, mp God and my Lord. 
24 Budge me,D Lord my God, according tothy 
righteoutnefle ; and {et them not triumph ouer me, 
25 Let then not ſay in thetr hearts, Chere,there, 
fo would we haue tt ; neither let themfap, We haue 
26 Let them be put to confuſion a ſhame together 
that reioyce at my trouble: {et them be clothed Ww re⸗ 
buke ¢ diſhonour that boat themſelues againtt me. 
27 Letthem be glad and reioyce that fauour my 
righteous dealing: pea, letthé fay alway, Bleſſed be 
the Lode, which hath plealure in the proſperitie of 

his feruant, an ‘ 
P. lit, 28 and 

Moneth. Thevii. day. 

28 And as for my tongue,it hall be talking of thy 
righteoutnelle: and of thy praiſe all the daylong, — 
ixit miuftus, Pfal, 36, Be | 
M2 heart heweth mee the wickedneſſe of the vn⸗ 
godip: that there tg no feare of God before his 
epes. | ? “3 

Fo2 he flattereth hinstelée it his owne fight: vn⸗ 
till bis abhominable ſinne be found out. oie 
- 3 Chewords of his mouth are bnvighteous, and 
full ot deceite:he hath iett off to behaue himſelfe wile: 

He imagineth miſchiefe bport His bed , and hath 
fet hinvielfe in no good Wap: neither doth he abhorre 
any thing that is euill. ue 

5 Chymercie (D Lode) reacheth vnto the hea: 
uens: and thy fatthfulnelle onto the cloudes . ) 
6 Thy righteoulies ſtandeth like vᷣ trong moun⸗ 
taines: thypiudaementsarelphetheareatdeepe, 

7 Thou Lozd halt faue both man andbealk , how . 
excellent is thy mercies, D God: and the children of 
men thall put their trut vnder the thadowe of thy 


8 Chey thal be fatiffied with the plenteoutnerle of 
thy boule: ¢ thou wait giue them drinke of thy pica- 
fures,agoutotthermer,. ae 
9 for with thee is the welloklike: and in thy light 
ſchall we ſee light. piri Serena | 
co0 D continuefoorth thy lowing kindeneſſe vnto 
them that knowethee: and thy righteouſneſſe vnto 
them that are true ofheart. 
Olet not the foote otpꝛeide come againſt mee: 5 

let not the hand ofthe vngodly caſt me downe. 
2There are they fallen (all) that woꝛke wicked⸗ 
- Nes: they are cat Downe, ¢ ſhall notbe able to land. 
Sid. See titi ere — 


_ Moneth. 
> Noli æmulari, Pal. 3 
’ * Ret not tispfelfe, because ofthe vngodiy: 
0 neither be thou enuious againſt the e+ pray 
=A uill doers. 
Ze 2 forthe thall foone bee cut downe 
I like the gralſe: and be withered euen as 
* Feene herbe. 
3 Putthou thy trult in the Lod, a be doing good: 
dwen in the land, and verily thou ſhall be fed . 

4 Delight thouinthe L020: andhe hal giue thee 
thy hearts defire . | 
5 Lommit thy wayvnto the Lorde > AND putthy 
truſt in bin: and he ſhall bring it to paſſe. 

6 He thall make thy righteouſnes as cleare as the 
| light , and top tuff dealing as thenoone dap, 

7 Holde thee fill inthe Lode andabide patiently 
vponhim but grieue not thyſelle at him Whole wap 
doeth profper ,againkthe man that doeth atter euill 

8 Leaue off krom wrath and let goe diſplealure: 
fret not thy felfe, elfe halt thou be moued to doe euul 

9 nDickeDdoers fhail be rooted out: andthep that. 
— abide the Lord thoſe thal inherite the land. 
et a little while, a the vngodlychall be cleane 
| ont: p thalt looke after his place, he halt be away, 

11 Butthe mecke ſpirited ſhall poſſeſſe the earth: 
and ſhall be refrethed in the multitude ofpeace. 
| 12 Che vngodlyſeeketh countell againſt the tut: 

andanatheth pon him with his teeth. 

3 The Lord ſhall laugh him to (cogrte-fo2 he — 
ſeene that his day is comming. — 

14 Che vngodly haue drawen out the ſword, and thes 
: haue bent their bowe: to catt do wne the poor ence: 

7 — to flay _ as be ofriaht tiers 

Moneth. The vit. day. ———— 

* 15 Their ſword thal go though their owne heart: 
and their bowe hall be broken. © 

16 Afmail ching that the righteotts path: is better | 
then great riches of the vngodiy. 

17 forthe armes ofthe vngodly thal be broker: Eas 

— ion bphoildeth the righteous. . 
18 Che Lowdknoweth the dayesof the godly: and 
* inheritance ſhallendure fo2 euer. 
19 Chey thalinot bee confounded in the perilous 
time:a inthe dates of dearth thep hail haue ynough. 
20 As for the vngodly thep hall pevith, a the eñe⸗ 
mies ofthe Lozdthall confine as the fat oflambes; 
pea, euen asthe ſmoke thall thep confume awap. 
21 Ohebngodly bozoweth , ¢ payeth not againe : 
but the righteousismercifullandliberall. 
22 Huch as be bleſſed of God, hall poſſeſſe $ land: 
and they that be curfed of him thall be rooted out. 
23 Che Lode ordereth a good mans going: mas 

keth his wap acceptable to himſelfe. 

hn _ therein fo: euer. 

24 Though be fall; he ſhall not be caſt awar: foe | 
the Lord ppbholdeth him withbishand, | 

25 J haue bene young, and now am old: and pet 
ſlawe F neuer the righteous fozfaker , noz his ſeede 
begging their bread. 

26 Che righteous is euer mercifull,and lendeth: 
and his ſeede is bleſſed. 
27 Ffilec from euil, and doe the thing that ig good: 

and dwell koreuermore. 

28 Forthe Lord loueth the thing that is right: be 
—— not his that be godly, but they are pꝛeſerued 
ſoꝛr euer. 

29 The righteous chalbe puniched:as forthe feede 
| of the briqodly tt hallbe rooted ont. | 
36 The righteous that inherit ” dans anddwen 


31 The mouth ofthe righteous is exerciſed in wit: 
dome: and His tongue wit be talking of iudgement. 

32 Cheiawe ot his Gods in his heart : and his 
goings thal not fide, 

33 Che bngodly leeth the righteous: andieeketh 
occaſion to flap Hint, peed | 

34 Che Lod will not leaue him in hishand: 102. 
condemne him when he is iudged. 

35 Hope thou inthe Lo2d.and keepe His way and 
he chall promote thee,that thou halt poſſeſſe the land: 
when the vngodly halpervith,thou whaitteett, 

36 Imylelle haue ſeene the vngodlyin great pow⸗ 
er: and floriſhing like a greene Bap tree, 

37 And J went by, and lohe was gone: F foughe 
him but bis place could no where be found, 

3 Keepe innocencie, and take heed vntothe thing 
that is right:foꝛthat ſhal bring aman peace at ᷣ laſt. 

39 As for the tranſgreſſors, they ſhall periſh toge: 
ther: and the end ofthe vngodiy is, Chey halbe roo: 
ted out at the lad. 

40 But the ſaluation otᷣrighteous cometh of the 
Lod: which ts alfo their ſtrength i$ timeoftrouble, 

- 41 And the Lod hal land by theni,afaue them? 
he thalldeliuer them from the vngodly, and hal ſaue 
thent,becaute they put their truſt in him, : 
; Domine nein furore. Pfal.38. 
3 Lit me not Co rebuke (D Loꝛrd in thine Mor 
26) jes auger: neither chaſten me inthy heauy ptay« 
es? difpleature, thas Jon ined 
; =f 2 forthincarowestlichefattinme: 

A fo2my wickedneflesiare gone ouer my head:and 
ave ike a fore burden too heauy foz me to beare. 
5 Dy woundes ſtinke. and are corrupt: through 
my fooliſhneſſe. 
6 Jamb2oughe into fo great trouble and miferie: 
~ that Igo mourning ail the Dap tong. 
7 for mplopnes ave filed bith a Tope difeate : and 
there is no whole partinimpbodp, | 
8 Fam feeble and ſore ſmitten: F haue roared fog 
the verydiſquietneſſe of my heart. 
9 Lord, thou knowelt all mp deſire: and mygro⸗ 
ning is not hid from thee. 
10 My heart panteth mp fren path fatied me: 
— —— eyes is gone trom me. 

1 MDviouersempneighvoursddtandiooking 

vpon ity trouble:and mykinſmen ſtoode afarre off, 
12 Chey alſo that ſought after my life, laid nares: 
lor me: and they that went about todoe me euiit,tal- 
* of wickedneſſe, and imagined deceite all the Dap 
13 Agfor mee. J was like adeafe matt, and Heard 
nis 5** one that isdumbe, which doeth not open 
is m 
J became euen as amanthat heareth not: and 
in ‘bore mouth arenorepzoofes, 
15 fozinthee,D Lord, haue F put my truſt: thou 3 
chalt anſwere foz me,D Lord my God, ; 
6 Fhauerequtred that tent enen mine enemies) 
would not triumph ouer me: fo2 when mypfoote fipt, 
thepreiopcedareatipagainiime. . 
17 And truely am ſet in the plague:and my hea- 
? uinege is euer tr mp ale uh , 
18 gfe F wit cont may cheba be for 
f fo my ſinne —2 
Pee 19 Dut 

Be 4 — Moneth. Me 

‘19 Wut mine enemies liue, and are mightie: and 

they that hate me wronglully, are many in number, 

20 Obey alſo that rewarde euill fo2 good, are a⸗ 
gainſt me: —— Ifollowe the thing that good 18, 

21 Foxlake me not, O Lorde my God: be notthow — 

farre from me, 
-. 22 Datte thee to belpe mee! ® Loree God my 
Dixi,cuftodiam. Pal. 39. 

[eae F will take heede tomy apes ; that J of: 

feride not in mytongue. 

2 F wilkeepenty mouth (as it were with a bridle:) 
while the vngodly is in my ſight. 

3 Jhelde mytongueand fpake nothing: q kept fis 

Hence, peaeuent from good wozdes, Dutit was payne 

arid grieke to me, 
4. Wy heart was whot within mee, and while J 

was thusmuting, the fire kindled: and at the laſt J 

patie With mp tongue. 

5 Loz, let me know mine ende,and the number 

of my dayes: that J may bee certified how long J 
haue to liue. 

. Beholde, thoubatt made mp dapes ag it were a 
ſpanne long: and mine age ig euen as nothing inves 

ſpect oſthee, and verily euery man liuing ig altoge⸗ 

ther vanitie. 

7 Forman walketh in a vaine ſchadowe and dit 
quieteth himlelle in vaine: he heapeth bp riches,and 

cannot tell who hall gather them, 
Andnow Lorde, what is mp hope: truely my 
hope is euen in thee. 

Seiner mee from all mine offences: andmaue — 

me nota rebuke vnto the foolich. eee 
To, Fbecame dunthe, and opened not my mou 

~ ergy : 

cet — 
egy — 
* — * 
a RES Shoes 

getter: 8 

* De - ans 

eMoneth. Their * day 

foritiwasthpdoing, = : 

11 @ake toy —— rns mee: qa anit euen 

confined by the meanes oſ thy heauie hand. 

12 When thou with rebukes doeth chaſten mars 
fo2 ſinne, Chou makeſt bis beautie to conſume away 
like as it were a moth fretting a garment: euery man 
tere isbut banitic, 
| Heare my prayer, Lorde,¢ with thine eares. 
contner my calling :holde not thp peace at mypteares, 
14 ForF anva ranger with thee , Fafoiourner: 
as all my fathers were, | 

1g Oh ſpare mec alitle , that J may recouer myp 
Strength: before FZ ace hence, andbe tio mozefeene, - 
Expedans expeGaui, Pfal.go, | 
Iwaited patiently fo2 the Lorde: ahe enclined bute 
me, and Heard my calling, 

2 Hee brought me alfo out of the horrible pit, out 

of the myre and clay: and (et my feete bpon the roche; 
: and ordered mygoings. 

3, Andhe bath put a new fonginmy mouth euen 
atvankes giving vnto our God. rs 

4. Marry Hall fee tf,and leare: and thal put their 
truſt inthe fod, 

5 Bleſſed is theman that hath tet his hope i in the 
Loꝛrd:and turned not vnto the proude, and tofuch as 
gee abont with lies. 

6 D Lorde my God, great are thy wonderous 
woorkes which thou hat done: like as bee allo thy: 
thoughts which are to vs warde, and pet there is no 
man that osdereththembntothee, 

7 StF woulde declare them and fpeahe of chem: 
they fhouldbemothen Zam abletoerpretle, | 
© 8 Sacrifice and meate offering thou wouloet 
* : “ad tot y suse; but mine eares wii thou operieds 5 seu 3 

Moneth. The 

2 Burnt offrings and facrifice fo2 finne hak teow 
not required: ther faid'Z, Loe,'F come, 

1o In the bolume of the booke it is wettten of me, 
that Z thoulde fulfill thy will, O my God: Jam con 
tent to doe it,pea thy lawe ts within my heart. 

IL Jhaue declared thy tighteoumesi inthe great 
congregation: loc, FZ wiilnot reftatie my lippes, O 
| B01, AND thatthou knoweſt. 

2 | haue not bid thyrighteouſneſſe within my 
wear my talking hath bene of thy trueth, and of thy 

13 3 haue not kept backe thy louing mercie and 
truech from the great congregation. 

14 Withdrawe not thou thy mercie from me, O 
Lord: tet thy louing kindneſſe and thy trueth alway 
preſerue me, 

19 Foz innumerable troubles are come about me, 
imp finnes haue taken fuch hold bpon me, that ans 
not able to looke bp: pea,thep are moe in number the 
the heaves of mine head, my heart hath failed me, 

16 O Logde, let ithe thp pleaſure to deliner me: 
make haſte (D Lowd)tobelpeme. — 

17 Let them be athanted and confounded tonether 
that feeke after my ſoule to deftrop it: ict them be d2t- 
uen backwarde and put torebuke that with me euil. 

18 Let them be defolate erewarded with ame, 
that fap onto me : fie vpon thee, fie bpon thee, 

19, Letatt thoſe that ſeeke thee,be topttal and glad 
in thee:andletiuch as loue thy faluation,fay alw ay 
he Loꝛd be prayſed. 

o As foꝛ me, F ant poore and needie: hut the 
Lon careth fo2me, | 

21 Chou art my helper and redeemer: maketto 
he barging mp God, | 


Moneth..\T he viii day. 

Beatus qui jintelligic. Maha ae il 
=> ran Leſſed is he that contoerety the poore 
Dy, zy caw needie:) the 1020 thal deliuer Hint 
aN Ch Ui tbe timeoftrouble, 
Jom 2 Che Loꝛd preſerue him g keepe him 
yw aliue,that he may be bleſled vpõ earth: 
rarer thou him into the wil ofhis enemies, 
3 Che Lordcomfort hin when he lieth fiche vpon 

his bed: make thou all bis ben in his tickeneffe, 

4 Flapyde, Lozde bemereift vntome: heale my 

foute,fo Jhaue finned againt thee, 

5 Wine enemies fpeake euillofme: wyhen waihe 
—— name periſh·· 

6 And tf he come to fee me, He fpeakett vanitie: 
and his heart conceiueth falthoode within him ſelle 
and when he commeth koorth, ve telleth if, | | 

7 All mine enemies whilper together againſt me; 
euen againg me doe they imagine this euill. | 

8, Let the fentence of guiltineſſe proceede againſt 

f bin: and now thathe lyeth, let him rife bp no moze, 

9g Pea, euen mine owne familiar friend whom J 

- trutted: which did alfo cate of my bread, batt) laybe : 
great wayte fo2z me. 

10 But be thou mercikull vnto me, O £023: raite 
thou me bp againe,and Jſhall reward them. : 
11 By this FZ know thoufauoures me: that mine 
enemie doeth not triumphe againt me, - 

12 And when ZF antin my health, thou bpholbett 

We? and (halt {et me before thpfaceferzeuer, 

53 Bilelled be the Loyd —— aor wt | 

7 out ende. Amen, ~~ 

Quemadmodum, Pal. 42, 

= Fae as ie beart beret water U brockes: f 
Lis a “ed alter — sane 

oe 2 IBY 

~ Moneth. The 

ee: , Wy touteisa chive fo2 God, pea, euen for the li· 
eine God : when hhaillZ come to appeare before the. 
preſence of God? 

3 Ay teares haute bene mymeate dap and night: 
ee thep daply fap vnto me, Hohere is nowe thy 

* peo wher F thinke thereupon , FJ powze out 
my heart by mplelfe:fo2 FZ went with the multituse, 
and brought them forth into the houſe of God, 

5 Fr the voyce of praple and thankes qiuing + ae 
mong fuch askeepe holy dap. , 
6 nobyart thoufofullofheauines (D my ſoule:) 
And why art thou ſo difquieted within me? Nig 

put thy tru in God: for F will pet giue Hint 
thankes fo2 the helpe of his countenance. | 

8 My God, my foule is ered within mee ; theres 
: fore willJ remember thee, concerning the lande of 
Jordan. and the litie hil of hermon. 

9 One deepe calleth another,becaule of the noyſe 
of the water pipes: all thy waues and ſtormes are 
gone over me. 

1o The Lorde hath granted his loving kindnelle 
ott the Day time: and in the night ſeaſon did Iſingof 
him, and made mp prayer vnto the Godof my lile. 

11 J will faybntothe God of my ſtrength Wwhy 
haſt thou ſorgottẽ me: why go ZF thus beaut, pile a 
the enemie oppreſſeth me J— 

12 My bones are ſmitten alunder as with 
ſword: While mine —— —— atime: 
in * teeth. — eal. 

dah | 

Moneth.. The 

15 Oput thy tru in Good : for FZ will pet thanke 
him wich 13 the Helpe of mp countenance, and my 

Iudica me Deus. Pſal.43. 
Gi ſentence With mee, D Bod, and dekende mp 
cafe againſt the vngodly people: D deltucr mee 
from the decettiw and wicked man. . - 

2 Forthouart the Govofmpttrength, why hatt 

thouput mee from thee: and wyr goe Jſo heauilp 

Wwhile the enemie oppreſſeth me? 

3 Ohſend out thylight and thy trueth, that they 
may Ieade me:and being me vnto thy holy hill, and to 

4 Andthat7 map qo vnto the altar of God, ever 
onto the God of my top and gladneſſe: and vpon the 
harpe wil Igiue thanks onto thee, D God, mp God, 

5 Hdbpart thou ſo heauie, D mpfoule: and why. 
art thou fo difquieted within me? 

6 Dyputthy trutt in God: foꝛg will vet giue him 
thanties, which ts the belpe of my esse seins. and 
my God, 

aes Deusauribus. Pfal.44. 
Ses C haue heard with our eares, D God, 

; Vs our fathers hauetolde bs : what thow 
e a) is +, val done in thet time of olde. 
howthou halt driuen out the hea⸗ 
— ao then with thy band, and planted thens 
itt: ome thou bat deftroyed the nations, and cat 
them out. 

3 soz theygate not thelandi in poſſeſſion thꝛough 
their wre ſworde: neither was it their owne arme 

that helpedthem. 

ar “putty right handeand thine arme, and the 
lig eer teens becaute thou haddett a fa- 


Moneth. The ix. day. 

nour vnto then, 
5 — are my Bing ( D God: ) fende helpe vnto 

6 Though thee will we ouerthrow our enemies: 
andin thy name will we tread them vnder that riſe 
vp mt vs. 

7 ffo2F will not trutt inmy bowe : Iti not mp 
ſworde that ſhall helpe me. 

8 But it is thou that ſaueſt os from our enemies: 
“and puttett thenvto confution that hate be, 

9 Mec make our boattof God all day long: ¢ will 
praife thy name fo2 euer. | 

1o But now thou art farre off, andputtett vs to 
confuſion:and goeſt not forth wit our armies, 

11 Thou mauseſt bs to turne our backes bpon our 
—— ; fo that they whic hate 68 , ſpoyle our 
12 Chou letteſt vs to bee eaten bplike ſheepe: and 

halt fcattered bs among the heather, 

13 Chou ſelleſt thy people for nought: and takelt 
no money foz them. 

14 Chon makett vs to bee rebuked of our neigh⸗ 
bours: to bee laughed to ſcorne, andhadinderifion 
of spent that are round about hs, | 

5 Choumatel vs tobee a byworde among the 
beaten + and that the people hake their heades at 

16 Mycontuſion is darixbelore me:and the chame 
ofmy face hath covered me, tae 
17 Foz the voyce of the launderer & blatphemer: a 
fo2 the enemie andattenger. | 

18 And though all this bee come bpon bs, vet doe he 3 
‘We not forget thee nog behaue our lelues frowwatoly — 

inthr couenant. Be oe 
Aa, it, ee Ws Out oe 

Moneth. The ix. day. 

19 PurHeart is not turned backe: neither our 
fleppes gone out of the way . 

20 Ho not when thou hak ſmitten vs into the 
sy of Pragons:and couered b3 with the hadow of 


ox Ff twee haue lorgotten the name ofour Bod, ¢ 
Holden bpour andes to any range God: hall not 
God ſearch tt out? for he knoweth the bery fecretes 
ofthe heart. 

22 forthy fake alfo are we killed all the day long: 
and ave counted as theepe appointed to be laine, 

23 Gp Lode, why lleepett thou: awake, andbee 
not abfent from bs fo2 euer. | 

24. Wherelore hidell thou thy face + and foegettett 
our milerie and troubie? 

25. Foꝛ our foule is bꝛought lowe. euen vnto the 
duſt: our bellycleaueth vnto the ground. 

26 Arile and helpe bs: and deliuer * fo2 thy 
mercies ſake. 

Eructauit cor meum. Phal, 4 
Morte 13 enditing of a good matter: J weake 
tof the thinges which J haue made / vnto the 

Ay tongue isthepen:ofa ready writer. 

3 Thou art fapzer then the childzen of men: full of 
en are thy lippes, becauſe God hath bleſſed thee 
4Girde thee with thyſworde vpon thy thigh, O 
thou moſt — according to 0 toy — and 


¥ fas 
— : 

dent whom Chou may make princes in aillands, | 

Moneth. ‘ 

6 Thy arrowes are herp tharpe , and the people 

calbe fubdued vnto thee: eüen in the middes among 

the kings enemies. 

7 Thy leate(D God)endureth for euer:the ſcepter 
of thykingdome is aright ſcepter. 

8 Chou halt loued righteoutnelle, andhatedt inti: 
quitic : wherefore Gov (euen thy CD D) hath a 
noynted thee with the opie of gladneſſe aboue thy fel- 


9 Ail thy garments tmetl of Myrrhe, Ales, and 

Catia: out ot the Juoꝛie palaces, whereby they haue 

made thee glad. 
10 ings daughters were among thy honoura⸗ 

‘bie women : bpon thy right bande did ftande the 

Mueene in a vetture of golde ( wought about with 
— colours.) 
1 Hearken (D daughter) and conſider; encline 

thine eave: forget alfo thine owne people, and thr ia⸗ 
thers houſe 
12 So thal the king Hate pleaſure tn thy beautie: 

kor be is thy Lozd (God)and wozhip thou him, 

13 And the daughter of Cyre thallbe cyere witha 

Gift: life asthe rich alfo among the people thall make 
their fupplication before thee, 

. 14 Che kings daughter is all glorious within: 
her clothing is of wrought golde. ‘ 

15 She thalvbe brought vnto the king in rapment 
of needle worke: the birgins that bee ber fellowes 
Dee beare her company, and ſhall be brought vnto 


16 With toy and qladnefle chall they be brought: 
and hallentertntothekingspatace, 
17 Inſteade of thy fathers thou halt haue ch 

wad, 184 


* Sie atgce.> 
Of > Dia Ey, 

Moneth. Theix day. 

18 J wilremember thy name fromone generation 
vnto another:therefoze hall the people give thankes 

vnto thee, world without end, 

Deus noſter refugium. Pfalqgé 
Od is our Hope and ſtrength:a verypreſent helpe 
in trouble. 
2 Gherefore wil we not feare though the earth be 
moued: and though the hilles bee carped into the 
middes of the fea, | 

«3 Ohough the waters thereof rage and ſwell:and 

though the mountaines thake at the tempeſt of the 
4 Cherivers of the flood thereof hall mate glad 
the citicof@od: the holyplace of the tabernacie of the 
moſt highell, : 

5 Godisin the middett of her , therefore hail hee 
not be remoued: God hall helpe her, and that right 

earely. | 

Cob igourrefuge, 

"6 Chebeathermake much adoe, and the bing? 

domes are moued: but God hath Hhewed His voyce, 
and the earthy Hal melt away. t 
7 The Lordot hoſtes is with vs:the God of Jacob 
ig our refuge. AEDs Oe iy 

8 Ocome hither, and beholde the wozkes of the 
oe what dekruction hee hath brought bpon the 
9 Pemaketh warresto ceate itt all the wozlde: he 
breaketh the bowe , and knappeth thefpeave in ſun⸗ 

der, and burneth the chariots in the fire. 

lo Be till then,and know that Jam God: F wil 
beeralted among the heather, and J willbeeralted 
intheearth, ———— —— 

CThe Low of holtes ig with bs: the God of Fa: 

Omnes — 


Moneth. Theix. day. 

Omnes gentes plaudite, Pfal,47, 
: X Clappe pour handes together, (all pee Luer 
ea i people:) D fing onto God with p voyce pray 

Ke aS 


of melodie. 

42FmFoꝛ the Loꝛd is high.a to be feared: | 
SLA he i8  aveat hing bpon ail the earth, 

3 De thali ſubdue the people bnder vs:and the na- 
tions vnder our feete, 

4 Be thail chufe out an heritage foz bs : even the 
Wwozthip of Jacob whom He loued. 

5 Godis gone bp witha — noyſe:and the Lord 
With the foundof the trump 

6 D fing papies,fing pravies vnto (our) God: D 
ſing prayſes, fing prayſes vnto our hing, 
7oꝛ God is the king of al the earth: fing pe pray⸗ 
fes with vnderſtanding. | 

8 God reigneth ouer the heathen : Gad fitteth by t 

9 Che princes of the people are ioyned vnto the 
people of the God of Abrꝛaham: fo2 God ( whichis be- 
ry oo defend the earth as it were with 


Magnus Dominus, Pfal. 48, 
CG eat iS the Lord, and highlyto be —* in the 
citie of our God, euen vpon his holy Hill, 

2 Che hiu ot Sion is a faire place,and the ioy of ᷣ 
whole earth:vpon the Northſide lieth the citie ofthe 
great hing, God is well knowen in her palaces, asa 
ſure refuge. | 

3 Fo2ioe,the kings ofthe earth: are gathered ar Fes 
gone by together Chg eee 
a 4 ‘Chey maruelen tote tach things: they eve a> 

oe ee ‘Ga of ea 
| Ha. iiti. 5 feave — 

“AMoneth.. ‘[ 
5 Feare came there vpon them,andfozowe:as bp- 


on a Woman in her trauaile. 
6 Thou chalt bꝛeake the hips of the ſea:thꝛough 
the Cal winde. 

7 Like as we haue heard, fo haue we ſeene in the 
citieofthe 102d of hoſts, tthe citte of our God: God 
8 ne waite fo2 thy louing kindnes ( O God:) it 
the middes of thy temple, poet os 

9D God, according vnto thy name, lo is thy parte 
~*~ * worldes end:thy right hand ts ful of righte⸗ 

“ro Let the mount Sion reioyce, a the daughters 
of Juda be glad:becauſe of thy iudgements. 

‘IU walũe about Sion,andgo round about ber: 
and tell the towers thereof, 

12 Darke wellher bulwavkes.fet bp her houſes: 

- hat pe may tell them that come after. 

13. For chis Godis our Godfoz ever and euer: he 
hail be our guide vnto death. — 

Audite hec omnes. Pſal. 49, 
Obeare ye this all pee people: ponder it with pour 
eares ail ye that dwellin the would. 
2 High and lowe, rich and poore: one With ano⸗ 

ther. ipo ai Tuy 
3My mouth hail ſpeake of wiſedome: and my 
Heart hallmutsofondertianding. J 
4 will encline mine eare vntothe parable: and 
ewe mydarke ſpeech vpon the harpe. 
5 Wherelore choulde J feare in the dayes of wic⸗ 
kedneſſe: when the wickednes of mp heeles com⸗ 
paſſeth meroundabout? 
6 Chere befome thatput their trult in their * 


Moneth. Theix. day. ~ 
| an boatt themfelues in the multitude of their ri: 

7 But no man may deliuer his brother:nor make 
agreement vnto God fo2 hint, 

8 ffoz it co mozeto redeeme their foules: fo that 
be mutt let that alone fo2 ener. 

9 Pea, though beltuc long:and ſee not the grate ; 

10 Foꝛ he leeth that wife men alfo die , and periſh 
together:as well as the ignorant and foolith,¢ leaue 

their riches for other. 

Il And vet they thinkethat thetr houſes thal con: 
tintie fo2 euer:and that their dwelling places thal en- 
dure from one generation to Another, t cal the lands 
after their owne names, 

I2 Neuertheleſſe, man will not abide in Honour: 
ſeeing he may be compared vnto the beaſtes that pe⸗ 
riſh, this is the wayokthem. 

13 This is their kooliſhnes: and their potteritie | 

prapfe their ſaying. 

14 Chey tie tn the hell lyke ſheepe, deathgnaweth 

bpon them, and therighteous hal haue Domination 
Of them in the morning:their beauty hal confume tn 
— out of their dwelling. 

5 But God ſhall deliuer my ſoule krom the place 
of bert for he ſhall receiue me. 

16 Be thou not afraid though one be made rich: 
O21f the glory of his houſe beincreated. 

17 Foꝛ he Hall carp nothing away with Him whe 
Henveth: neither thal his pompe follow him. 

18 Foz while he lined, he counted him icife an hap⸗ 
pie man:and fo long as thou doett weil vnto thylelle, 
mien will ſpeake good ofthee. 

19 He chall folow foe generation ot tanh: 

Moneth. The x. day. 
and ſhall neuer fee light. 


. 20 Man being inporto2, bath 110 vnderſtanding: 
butis compared vnto the beaſtes that perth. 

“Deus deorum, Pfal, 50, 

=z He Lozde, euenthe mot mighty God, 
(Oa) 12S Hath {poker + and called the wortde, 
G ES * the ring bp _ — ſunne, vnto 

— thegoing downe thereot. 

6G si DI 2 Dutof Sion hath God appeared: 

in perkect beautie, te pris 

> 3 Dur God hall come, and hall not keepe Hence: 
there hall go befoze him a conſuming fire,tamigh- 
tictempett thall be ſtirred bp round about him. ) 

4 Hee Hall callthe heauen from aboue: and the 

earth, that he map iudge bis people. 

5 Gather mylaintes together vnto me: thofe that 
hauñue madeacouenant with me, with lacrifice, 

6 Andthe heauerts hall declare his riahteoutnes: 
fo2 Godis tudge himiette, 

7 Heave, D my people, and J will{peake : Impy 
{elfe will tettifie againſt thee, O Iſraell, foꝛ J ans 
God, euenthy God. | | 

8 °F wil wot repzoue thee, becaule of thy facrifices 
o2 fo2 thy burnt offerings: becauſe they were not al⸗ 

waybefore me. | 16. 

5 °F will take no bullocke out of thy houſe:noꝛ hee 
goates out of thy folds. | seh ty 
10 fozall the beattes of the lorreſt ave mine:and fo 

are the cattels vpon a thouſand hilles, ik 

Innow all the foules bpon the mountaines: ¢ 

the wilde beaftes of the field are in my fiaht. 

12 FJbechungrie, F will rot tetithee: forthe © 
wyhole woddis mine, and all that is therein. 

a py . 13 Chinket 

Moneth. The 

13 Chinkes thou that'Z wil cate bulles flech:and 
drinke the blood of Goates ꝰ 
14 Offer vnto God thankeſgiuing: and pay thy 

vowes vnto the moſt higheſt. 

15 And call vpon me in the time of trouble:ſo wil 
FZ heave thee,and thou thalt praiſe me. 

16 Wut vnto the vngodly ſayde God : Why dock 
— my lawes and take mip couenant in thy 

17 Whereas thou hatek to be reformed: and batt 
caft my wordes bebinde thee, 

18 When thou ſawelt athicke , thoucõſentedſt vn⸗ 
to him:and batt bene partaker with the adulterers, 

19 Chou haſt let thy mouth ſpeake wickednefle : 
and with thy tongue thouhat let korth decette, 

20 Chou ſateſt ¢ {paket againſt thy brother: pea, 
and hat laundered thine owne mothers tonne, 

21 Theſe things hat thou done, and Jhelde mp 
tongue,and thou thoughteſt wickedly thatZ am euẽ 
fuch a one as thy telfe:but FZ will reproue thee andſet 
before theethe things that thou haſt done. | 
22 Deornlider this, pee that forget God : leaſt Z 
plucke pou awayp,and there be none to deliver pow, 

23 Wyo fo offereth me thankes and prayſe, be ho- 
noureth mee: and to him that ordereth bts conuerſa⸗ 
tion right, will F thew the ſaluation of Gov, 

Mifereremei Deus, Pfal.s1, 
‘Aue mercte vpon mee (O God) after thy qreat 
Agoodneſſe: according vnto the multitude of thy 
mercies, do away mineofientes, — 
2 Wath me throughly from my wickedneſſe: ard 
cleanſe me from my finte. | | —— 
3 Foꝛ Jknowledge my faultes : and my er th 

: Moneth. The 
igeuerbeforeme., « mys 

4 Againt chee onelp haue FZ finned, and done this 
euilin thy fight:that thou mighted be iuſtified in thy 
ſaying, and cleave When thou art iudged. 

Beholde, J was ſhapen in wickeduelle : and in 
finne bath ny mother conceiued wme. 

6 But loe, thou requireſt trueth in the in warde 
sca and thalt make mee Co vnderſtand wiſedome 
ſecretly. Tae 

7 Thou ſhalt purge mee with Hrlope , and J Hatt 
becleane: thou halt wah me, and ZF thatlbe whiter » 

8 Chor halt make me heave of top and gladneſſe: 
thatthe bones which thou hat broken may reioyce. 

9 Gurne thy face from my ſinnes:and pul out all 
my mifoecdes, tip ii 

10 Make me acleaneheart,D God: and renwes 
right {pivit within me. — V— 

It Ca mee not away from thp preſence:and take 
not thy holy (pivit from me, ? 

12 D gitte me the comfort of thy helpe againe:and 
ftablith me with thy free ſpirit. ) 

13. Then hal F teach thy wayes onto the wicked: 
and finners halbe conuerted vnto thee. | 

14 Weltuer me frombloodguiltines,D God,thou 
thatart the Godot my health : and my tongue tail 
ſing ot thy righteouſneſſe. | 
15 Chou thaltoper myplippes.(D Loꝛde:)and mp 
mouth halthew thppraple,. ) 
16 Foz thou deſireſt nofacrifice , els would Jgiue 
it thee: but thou delightes not itburntofirings, 

17 The facrifice of God ts a troubled ſpirite: a 
broken arid contrite heart (D God) calt thou not 



18 D befauourable a gratious vnto Sion: build 
thou tive wailes of Hieruſalem. 

19 Then halt thou be pleated with the facrificeok - 

righteoutnelle , with the burnt offertnges and obla⸗ 
— ſhall they offer pong bullocks vpon thine 

iy | Quid gloriaris, Pſal. 52, 
J \ / Dy boalteſt thou thy telfe , thou tyrant:that 
: thou cant doe mifchiefe. 

z HOhereas the goodnelle of God : endureth pet 

vip. bites: dukes: | 
3Thy tongue tmagineth wickedneſſe: and with 

Iyes thou cuttett lyke a tharpe rafoz. 

4 Thou hat loued vnrighteouſneſſe more thers 
goodneſſe: ¢ to talke of ves moze then righteouſnes. 

5 Thou hall looued to ſpeake all words that map 
doe Hurt: D thou falle tongue. 

6 Gherefore thall God deftroyp thee fo2 euer: hee 
thal take thee , and plucke thee out of thy dwelling, 
and roote thee out of the land ofthe liuing. 

7 The righteous alto ſhall {ee this, and feare: and 
Hatllaughbimtofcomne, | 

8 Loe, this isthe man that tooke not God for his 
ſtrẽgth:but truſted vnto the multitude of hts riches , 
and ſtrengthened hint telfe in bis wickedneſſe. 

9 Asfoz me, J am like a greene Oliue tree inthe. 

Houle of God:mytrulſt is inthe tender mercie of God 

Io Fj wilalwayes giue thanks vnto thee fo2 that 
thouhaſt done: and J willhope in thy name, for thy 

faints like it well, aes 

Dixitinfipiens.  Pfal. 53, 

T Be fantith body path tayo in bisheart: Chere is Cites 


2 Comwupt are they, ¢ become abominable tit their 
wickedneſſe: there is none that dooth good, 
3 God looked do wne from heauen vpon the chil⸗ 
dren of men: to fee if there were anp that woulde vn⸗ 
derſtand, and ſeeke after God. 

4 But thepare all gone out okthe way, they ave 
altogether become abominable ; there is alfo none 
that dooth good, no not one. ig | 

5 Are not thep without vnderltãding that worke 
witkednes:eating bp utp people as tf they would cate 
bread? they haue not called bpon God, ant 

6 Chey were afratde where no feare was:fo2 Gor 
Hath broken the bones of him that beſieged thee, thou 
: _ a them toconfufion, becaule God bath deſpi⸗ 

7 Ob that thelaluatton were given onto Iſraell 
out of Sion: of that the Lorde wouldedeliuer his 
peopleotttofcaptiuitic, ? | 

8 Chen thoulde Jacob reioyce: and Iſraell ould 
be tight glad. BAS 2 VOT | ) 

Deusinnomine, Pſal. 54. ia 
G auc te D God, foz thy names fake: and auenge 
me in thy trengty. RG ag 

2 Heare mp praper,D God: andhearken bnto the 
Wwordesofmyp month. 

3 Foz ſtraungers are rifen dbp againſt me: and ty⸗ 
rantes (which haue not God before their eves) ſeeke 
Oe oes 4 ie vetp ii cs 
4 Behold, God is my helper: the Lorde is wi 
them that vphold mpfoule, ie 9 
5 He thallrewardeuil vnto mine enemies:deſtroy 
‘thou them in thytrueth. * 
oaAnoſeringot a free heart Wilt F gine thee, and 
— — te praiſt 


89 — 

3 ‘he Oy ‘ a * 
Ss Rk se oh 

* — ORG ages ; 


pane thyname (O Lorde:) becaute itis focomfor ° 

7 §f02 he hath deliuered mee out of ali my trouble: 
and mine eve hath ſeene his deſire vpon mine ene⸗ 

| _ ExaudiDeus. Pfal.s5. 
H Caremyppayer, D Gor: and hide not thy ſelle 
front my petition. | 

2 Cake heede onto mee, and heare mee: howe F 
mourne in my prayer, and amt bered, - 

3 Cheenemie criethſo, and the vngodly commeth 
on ſo faſt:for they are minded to do me ſome miſchiefe 
ſo maliciouſiy are theyſet againſt me. 

4 Wy heartisdifquicted within me:and thekeare 

of death is fallen vpon me. 
Fearetulneſſe and trembling are come bponme: 
and an Horrible dead Hath overwhelmed me, | 

6 And Iſaid.O that FZ had wings like a Woue:fo2 
then would F flee away, and be at reff, 

7 Loe,then woulde J qetme away farre off: and — 

remaine in the wilderneſſe. 
8 voulde make halte to eſcape: becaute of the 
ſtormie winde andtempeff, 
Deltroy their tongues (D Lord)a deuide them: 
oe Jhaue ſpyed ouvighteoutnelle, and rife inthe 
cifte, | 

_ to aye and night they goe about within che 
walles thereot : miſchiele alfo and foro we are tn the 

11 Mpicheduetle is therein : deceite and quilegoc 

not out of their ſtreetes 

12 F02 it is Not an open enemie that hathdone 
ere dithonour + for ther Jcouide haue bone 

4M ae 

> bye ie Ae 
: ' . 9 — Calas ee i ry 
A BAS pram Pee 


Moneth. Lbhex.aay. 

13. Neither wasit mine aduerfarie that did mag: 
nilie himfelte agatnt me: fo2 then ( peraduenture) J 
would have hid my ſelle krom Him, De 

14 But it was euen thou my companion? my 
qutde,and mine one familiar friend, aes 

15 We tooke fweetecountel together: and walked © 
inthe houteotGodastriendes, a ) 

16 Letoeath come haſtily bpon them, and let them 
go downe quicke into Hell: for wickednelſe is in their 
dwellings, and among them. 

17 As korme, J willcall vpon God:and the Lorde 
ſhall ſaue me. 

18 Inthe euening and morning, and at noone day 
——— that inſtantly:and he ſhall heare my 
9 Itis he that hath deliuered mp foule in peace, 
fromthe battatle that was againſt me:fo2 there were 
‘many with me, | 
20 Pea,euen God that endureth for euer hal heave 
me, and bring them downe : kor they will not turne, 
nozfeare God. aig 
- 21 Pelayde his handes vpon ſuch as bee at peace 
with him: and he brake His covenant, ae 

22 Ghe words of his mouth were fofter then but: 
ter hauing warre in bis heart:his words were ſmoo⸗ 
ther then dyle, and pet be they herp ſwordes. 

23 Dealt thy burden bporr che Lozde,and he halt 
nourich thee:and hall not futter the righteousto fall 

24 Andastogthem : thou, O God, thalt bring 

—  fMhonet. 
_ Miferere meiDeus, Pfal.s6. — 
BD) * € mercikull vnto — God, kor man Mornin 
Sh SSS oy garth) about to deuoure me: he is daily prayer. 
J lighting and troubling ine,’ 

2 Mine enemies are daily in hand 
ad to ſwallowe me bp: for they be many 
that bt againt nie, D thou mot higheſt. 
euertheleſſe, though Jam fometime akraide | 
pet vt mytruſt in thee. 
4 F will praiſe God becauſe of his woꝛde: Jhaue 
mp trull in God, and will not feare what fleſh 
Cait dse vntome. 
5 Chey daily miſtake my woordes: all that they 
—— to doe me euill. 

6 Thepy holde altogether, and keepe them ſelues 
cloſe: and marke inp ſteppes, when thepiap wapte 
fo2 my ſoule. 

7 Shall they efcape for their wickedneſſe: thou 
(D Good) in Hy difpleature halt caſt them downe. 

8 Chor teliek my ftttings, put my teares inte 
thy bottell: ave net thele things noted in thy booke? 

95 wWhenloeuer F call bpon thee, then chall mine 
—— be put to light: this knewe,foz God is or 

10 In Gods worde will J reioyce: in the Lows 
worde Will Jcomfortme. 

11 Deatit God pace put vay cru Ff will notbe : 
afraid what matt can dee bntom 7 
12 unto chee (D God) will % pay mp bowes: 
vbnto thee will Igiue thanks. —— 

13 for thou halt deliuered my ſoule from death, en 
and my feete from lalling: that's, * walke before = a 
7 Sov in the light ofthe wes a | sie 


ee ene 

i ios _ Miferere mei Deus. Pfal. 57. 

Be rwercifitt vnto me, D Gov, be meveifent hitte 

ine, fozmypfoule trufleth in thee: and onder the 

fhadowe of thy wings hall be mp refuge, vntill His 
tyrannie be ouerpaſt. 

2 wvill call orto the mot high God: even onto 
rd et that hall perfozme the cauſe which J haue 
in han 

3 He ſhall fende from heauen: and ſaue me front 
eye repzoofe of him that would eate me bp. 
_ 4 God hall ſend forth his mercie and trueth: my 
foule ig among Lions, 
5 And J lie euen among the children of men(that 

ave fet on fire: whofe teeth avefpearesandarrowes, -— 

and their tongue a tharpe ſworde. 

6 Set bp thy lelfe, D God, aboue the heauens: 

and thy glory aboue ali the earch. 

7 Chey haue laydea net for mp feete, atid pelted 
downe mp foule: thep hatte digged apitte before me, 
and ave fallen into the middes of tt them ſelues. 

| 8 Myheart ts fired, D God, mp Heartts fired: J 
willling and giue praiſe. 
<< 9 Awake vp wy glorie, awake lute and harpe: J 
mylelle will awake right earely. 
7 10 J will giue thanks vnto thee, Lord, among 
cthe people: andJ will ſing vnto thee among the na⸗ 
* Il Foꝛ the greatnelle of thy mercie reacheth vnto 
ia the heauens: andthy trueth vnto the cloudes. 
‘| 2 Set dp thyfelfe, D God, aboue the cma 
ano glorie aboue an aA cavty, 

Si vere : 

| ee AD. 6 gt aie: 

Moneth. = £ D0X).dAye 

| Si vere vtique. Pfal.58. | 
A Re pour mindes {et vpon vighteoutnelie, D yee 
4 Acongregation : and Boe pee tudge the thing that 
{3 right, Dpefonnesofmen? A 
2 Pea, peeimagine mifchiefe in pour heart vpon 
* earth ; and your handes deale with wicked⸗ 

2 She vngodly are froward euen from thetr mo⸗ 
thers wombe ; alloone as they be borne theygoe a⸗ 
Trap and {peake lyes. | | 

4 Cipey are as denemots as the poyſon of a Ser- 
pent ; euen like the deafe Adder that Koppeth her 
5 which refuleth to heare the boyce ofthe Char: 
mer: charime be neuerfowitely, _ : 

6 Bꝛeake their teeth (D God) in their mouthes, 
finite the chatwe bones of the Lions, D Lozde: let 
them fall away like water that runneth apace, and 
wees thep thoote thety arrowes, let tyem bee rooted 
7 Let them conſume away like a Snaile, and bee 
{ike the bntimely fruite ofa woman : and let hem 
notfeetheSunne, | : 

8 D2 euler pour pottes bee made whote with 
thornes:ſo let indignation bere him, euen as athing 
that is rawe. — Oe 

9 Che righteous hall reiopce when Hee teeth the 
vengeance:he Hal wath his footeſteps in tive blood of 
thebugodip, — 

10 So that aman ſhall ſay, wertly there is a re- 
warde forthe righteous: doubtleſſe there is a God 

. thatiudgey tye earth, 

“ ehfoneth.” 

Eripe medeinimicis, Plal.59. es 
—6 Eliuer mee from nine enemies, (® 
<2 — God:) defende mee lromthem that rite 
—vpagainſit me, 

af a, 2 D deliuer mee from the wicked 

a7 ge Does + and faue mee from the blood 
Ait men. 

3 ffo2loe,they lye wayting formy foule:the mings 

ty men are gathered againſt me, without any offence 


or fault okme, O Loꝛd. 

4 hep runne and prepare them felues without 
ma ose arile chow therefore to helpe mee, and be- 
5 Stade bp (O Lorde God of hoſtes) thou 
ep of FAfrael, to bottite alithe heathen: and bee not 

merciful vnto them that offende of malicious wic⸗ | 

6 Thepy goe to and fro i the euening: they 
grinne like adogge, and runne about through the 

7 Beholde, they {peake with their month, and 
words ate in their lippes: fer who doeth heare: 

8 But thou, O Lowe, halt haue them itt dec 
A gtk ano thot thait laugh all the eather to 


9 Myſtrength will J aſcribe vntothee: for thou 
art the God of my refuuge. 

10 God cſheweth mee His goodneſſe plenteouliy· 
and God thail let mee ſee my deſire vpon mine ene⸗ 
Slavythemnot, leaſt my people corget it: but 
ſcatter them abꝛoade among the people, eput them ; 

S _ botne,D Loꝛd,our dekfence. 

a ‘Ser the linne of — watts : anid — the 

fo ieee. “ST he xtubaye 

wordes of their lippes, they Hall be tanen in their 
pee: and why? their preaching is of curing and 
lxes. | * 
13 Conſume them in thy wath, conſume thent, 
that they map peri): and kno we that it is OD ~ 
which ruleth in Jacob, and buto the endes of the 

te a. 

44 And in the euening they will returne: qvinne 
like a dogge,and will goe about the citie. pais, 
15 Ghep will runne Here and there kor meate: 
And grudge tf they be not fatifiied. 

16 Qs for me, J will fing of thy power, and wilt 
praiſe thy merciebetimesin the morning: for thou 
batt * ity defence and refuge in the Day of mp 

_17 Gnto thee D my fKregth) will F firra:fo2 thor, 

VOGod, are my refuge and my mercifull Goo, 

~Deusrepuliftinos. Pfal.6o, 
God, thou bal cat bs out, a ſcattered bs abzoad: 
NAthou halt alfo bene diſpleaſed, turne thee vnto 
OS againe. 
2 Thou Hak mooued the lande, and deuided it: 
heaale the ſores thereof, for it ſhaketh. 
3 Chou hal chewed thy people heauie thinges: 
thou haſt giuen bs ad2inkeofdeadlp wine, 
4 Chou Hatt giuen a token fo2 fuch as feare thee: 
that thep may triumph becauſe ofthe trueth, 
- § Cheretore were thy beloued detiuered: helpeme 
with thyrighthande,amdheareme. 
6 God hathlpoken in his holinefſe, Jwill reiogre 
aed deuide Sichem: and meteout the dalley ofue 
coth. ay SAPS ee et Ree oo — ooh 
7 Gilead is mine, and Manalles is mine: Ephra · 
Bb. ttt, eS |) ame 


im allo is the ſtrength olmy head, Juda is mylawe 

8 Moab is mp wathyot, ouer Edom wily, catt. 
out mip hooe: Philiſtia be thou gladotme. 

9 Hoyo Will leade me into the ſtrong citie: Whe 
will bring me into Edom? 

1o Patt thou not call bs out, O God: wilt not 
thou,D God,qoe out with our hottes: of 

Il @D be thou our helpe in trouble: fo2 baineis 

the belpe of ait, 

12 Through God hall we doe great actes: foz tt . 

is be that thali treade Downe our enemies. 

ExaudiDeus. Pfal.é1. 

eae my crying, D God: giue eare vnto my 

2 From the endes of the earth will J call vnto 
thee: when my heart is in heauines. 

3O fet me bp vpon the rocke that ts Higher ther 
F: for thou batt bene my hove, and a ſtrong tower 
kor me againſt the enemie. 

4 Ff will dwell in thy tabernacle for euer: and my 
trut thalbe vnder the couering of thy wings. 
5° Fforthou,D Lorde, hat peard my delires: and 
hat giuen an heritage vnto thoſe that feare. thy 

6 Thouſhalt graunt the kinga long tite: that his 
veeres map endure throughout all generations. 

7 He thail dwell bekore Godfoz euer: D prepare 
thy lowing mercie andfattyiuinelie, that they may 

8 So willy alwapes ſing praiſe vnto thy name: 
— ee dally sapere sal vowes. 

— —— be ; Bh Ae 


Moneth. = The 

| ' Nonnedeo,  Pfal.62. | 

| PD ſoule truely wayteth fill vpon God: Mort 
| ‘foz of him commeth my faluation. pr ay 

A\@ 2 Hee verily is myſtrength and my 

laluation:hee is my defence, fo that J 

—chall not greatly fall, 

— tong wWillpee imagine mifchiefe againt es 
uery mart: pe ſhalbe flatne all the ſort of you, yea,as a 
tottering wall thall pe be,and like a bꝛoken hedge. 

4CTheir deuice ts only how to put him out whom 

| GoD will eralt : their delight is in lies, thep giue 

at bot ea with their mouth, but curte with their 

5 Meuerthelefle, my ſoule waite thou rill vpon 
God:tor my hope is in him. 

6 He truely is my ſtrength and my ſaluation:he is 
- mypdefence,fo that J tall not fall. 

7 In Godis my Health and my glory: the rocke of 
My Might, and in Godts my truſt. 

8 D put your truſt in Hint alway (pee people: ) 
povwꝛe out pour hearts befoze him, fo2 God is our 


9 as for the childzen of niet, they are but vaine: 
the chilozen of men are Deceitfull bpon the weights, 
they are altogether lighter then vanitie itfelfe; 

Io O truit not in wrong and robberie, give not 
pour ſelues bnto banitte: tfriches increate, fet not 
pour beart bpon them. 

11 God ſpake once and twife: Jhaue ails beard oe 

the lame, that power belongeth vnto God. has 

12 And that thou Lord ave merciful: fo2 — F 
wardeſt euerr man according to his worke · — 


S \ x 

eAtoneth. Theæ 

Deus Deus meus,  Pial.63. | 

ai (S02. thou art my God: early will J ſeeke thee, 
2My foule thirFeth forthee, my fleth allo 
ongeth after thee: ina barren and die lande, where 

no water is. — —— 

3Chus haue J looked kor thee in holines: that J 
might bebaloe thy power and gloꝛrꝛ. ie 
7 Foꝛ thy lauing kindnes ts better then the lite it 

ſelke:my lippes thatlpaplethee, | 
5 Asiong as J liue will Z magnifie theeon this 


6 Myloule ſhalbe ſatiſfied, euen as tt were with 
marow atid fatneſſe: when my mouth prapleth thee 
with toptulitippes. ) bass 

- 7 Haue J not remembꝛed thee in my bedde: ages 
ſhought vpon thee when Jwas waking? = = 

8 Becaulſe chor hatt bene my helper: therefoze 
vnder the hadow of thy wings will Jreioyce. 

9 Wy ſoule hangeth vpon thee: thpright hande 
Hath vpholden me. 

10 Thele alſo that ſeeke the hurt of mp loule: thep 
fhall goe vnder the earth. i : 

IL Letthentfall bpontheedge of the ſworde:that 

thepmaybeaportionforgores, | 
12 Wut the hing ſhall reioyce in God, all hey alfo 
that ſweare by him, hhalbe commended: for p mouth 
oftthem that ſpeake lies, thalbe ſtopped. 

—— Exaudi Deus. Pſal.64. be ty x 
are mp bopce, D God, in my prayers preſerue 
AAmy tite frontfeare of theenentte, ) 
2 ive mee from the gathering together of 
the frowãrde: and from the iñſurrection of wicked 

et 3 which 

PY shen ie iron aS Sb * 
RRA Ron ae See ete > eC 

eMoneth, Thexiyday. Se — 

3 Which Hane whette their tongue ithe a tworde: 
and woote out their arrowes, euen bitter wordes. 

4 Ghatthep may priuily ſhoote at Him which ts 
per "fect: ſuddenly doe thep Hit him, and feare not, 

5 Chey courage themielucs in mtichiefe: a com⸗ 
mite among themflelueshow thep may lay nares, ~ 
and fap that ito man hall {ee them. 

6 They imagine wickedneſſe, and practife it: that 
they heepe ſecrete among themſelues, euery mar in 
the deepe of his heart. 

7 Wut God chall ſuddenly choote at them witha 
fwift arrow: that they ſhalbe wounded, 

3 Pea theivowne tongues hall make then fall: 
info much that who fe feeth them, haltlauah them 

9. And all men that tee it,thallfay, this hath God 
done:ſor they fhall perceiue that it is his worke. 

10 Che righteous hall reioyce in the Lorde, and 
put his trust in btn: call thep that are true of heart, 
— glad. 

Te decet hymnus. Pfal. 65. i 

3 — © Gora proven itt Sion: and Euen 
onto thee ſhall the vowe be perfourmed praye 
Dace | fee Zin Hhieruſalem. 

S37 Mes 2 Thouthat hearett che prayers vnto 
Othee hall all fleth come : 
3 Dy mildeeves prettaile agatnt me: oh be cheu 
mercikull bite ourſinnes. —— 
4 Wlefled ts the man whome thou chooleft and “ 
receiueſt vnto thee: hee halldwellinthycourt, and. 
thalbe ſatiſtied with the ——— ofthy wee — — 
ree a ST GE Sapam 

— ae 4 
f — eS Ng ee. ‘ tte: pe * 
Ney oo oh SR a ey — — 
* i a ies —— 


Chou tate chewe bs wonderlull things in thp 
righteounes God of our ſaluation:thou that art 
the hope ofail the ends of the earth, andot them that 
remaine in the broad fea, 

6 wWhich in His ftrengty ſetteth fatt § mountains: 
und is girded about With power. - 

7 Which ſtilleth theraging ofthe fea: a the norte 
of bis waues,and the madnelle of bis people, _ 

8 Chey alfo that dwell in the bttermott partes of 
the earth, thatbe atratde at thy tokens: thou that ma- 
helt the outgoings of the moꝛrning and euening to 
patie thee. 

-9 CThou viliteſt the earth, and bleſſeſt it: thou ma⸗ 
keſt it very plenteous. 

10 The riuer of God isfull of water: thou pꝛepa⸗ 
rett their come, fo2 fo thou pꝛouideſt fo2 the earth. 

11 Chow wateret her furrvowes, thou ſendeſt 
raine into the litle ballepes thereof: thou make it 

(ofr Moat the droppes of raine, ¢ biefick the increafe 

of tt, 4 

12 Thou crowneſt the peere with thy goodneſſe: 
and thy cloudesdzoppefatnefic. 

13. Whey ſhall droppe vpon the dwellings of the 
—— and the title hilles whatl reioyce on eue⸗ 
rp Ud 
“ta The koldes hall be full of theepe: the balicves 
alfo ſhall ſande ſo thiche wian coztie , that ies ~ 
laugh and ling. 

—— Pſal. 66. 

Qpeionta in God all pelandes : fing prayles vn⸗ 
to * honour ofhis name, aie bis prapte to be 

2 ‘Sap bonito od, — * wonderun art — | 

an — 

Moneth. NThe 

in ep workes: through the greatnetle of thyppawer 

hail thine enemies befoundiparsbntotiee, 
3 forall the world Hall worchipthee: lingol thee, 
— thyname. | 
4Vcome hither, and beholde the works of Gane 
How wonderkull bets in bis doing towarde the chil⸗ 
dren of men. 
5 De turned the fea into drie lande: ſo that they 

went through the water on loote. there did wee — 

iorce thereof. 
G6 He ruleth with his power fer ever, His eves be: 
holde ‘the people: and fuch as wil not beleeue, ſhall 
not be able to exalt them ſelues. 

7 Opraiſe our God(pe people:)and make the voice 
of pts praiſe tobe heard, 

3 Which holdeth our ſoule in life:and ſuftreth not 
our feete to ſſip. 
—« & Farthou(D God) haſt proued vs: thou alſo hat. 
ire vs, like as fituertgtrped. 
10 Choubꝛoughteſt bs into the ſnare:and laiedlt 
trouble vpon our ſoynes. 

11 Thou ſufferedſt men to ride outer our heades: 

we went through fire and water, and thou brough⸗ 

tett bs out intea wealtbie place, 

12 4 Wligointo thy houle with burnt offerings: 
and Will pay thee my vowes Which F promiſed with 
my oes and {pake with my mouth when 3 wag 
urtroubie, «> 

13 J wioker vnto thee kat burnt tacrifices, with 

the incente of rammes: J will offer bullockes and 

914 D come hither and hearken all yee that eare 
Gad: anid J will teil pou went be harponetye my 

15 He A 


hw is Oa oo ee ae 

Moneth.. The 

15 Fealted vnto him with mp mouth: and gaue 
Him praiſes with my tongue, ee 
16 FEF eicline oto wickeDnetTe with mp heart: : 
the Lode willnotheave me, 1 
17 Bul God Hath heard me: and contidered the 
voytce ol mypꝛayvyer. 

18 patted be God, which hath notcatt omy 
prayer: norturned his mercie from me. 
eus miſereatur. Pſal.67. | 
G* be merciful vnto bs, and bleſſe vs: and Hew: 
bs ame light of his countenance, and be merciful 
vnto vs. 

4 Ghat thy wap maybe knowen vpon earth: thy 

fauing heaith among ail nations, 

3 Let thepeopte pratte thee,D God:yea,letal the | 

people pratte thee, 
4O iet the nations retopce and be alad, fo2 thou 

‘halt iudge the falke righteoutly: and gouerne the | 

ations vpon earth. 
5PLet the people praiſe thee, O God: letal the peo⸗ 
ple praiſe thee. 
6 Chen hall theearth being foorth per increale: 
and Gow, euen our owne God/lhall giue vs His bleſ⸗ 

7 7 God foal bleſſe vs:and al the endes ofthe wond | 
fhailfeave bint, i 
_Exurgat Deus, . PAal.68,. 
PENGo~e Et God artfe, and let his erneniteg tes ES 
SH Vicattered: tet them alfothat bate bist, 
24 ce & flee before him. a 
fo\ayg 2 Like as the finoke vanicheth fo’ 
ASS Halt thou driue them awap: andithe — 
= ‘wate melteth at the fire,(o tet (he vngodly per, 
—_ —— of God, ut 

ay"? * 

Moneth. L be 

3 Wutlet the rightedus be glad and reioyce belore 
God: let them alſo be mery and iopkull. 
4ODuing dnto God, g Ang prayſes vnto his name: 
magniũe hin that rideth vpon heauens as tt were 
vpon —— « in his name yea, and re⸗ 
ioyce betorechim. 
5Hee is a kather of the latherleſſe, and delendeth 
the caule of the widowes: euen God hi holp Habe: | 
6 Bee is We. Sod chat maketh men tobeeof one 
minde in an boule, and bringeth the prifoners ort of | 
captittitie : bist letteth the runnagates continue in 
7 O God, when thou wentelt koorth before 
we sie: when thou wentet thꝛough the wit 
Berti . 
8 Ghe earth Hooke, and the heavens dropped 
at the pretence of GOB: euen as Sinai alfo was 
: —— at the preſence of God , which is the Gov of 
9 Thou. OGod, fendentta gracious raine vpon | 
ew inberitance + and refrethedtt tt when it was 
earie. A 
10 Chy congregation ſhall Dwell therein: foz 
** D God, hal of thy goodneſſe prepared forthe 
Ir Che Low gave the worde: great wasthe com⸗ 
panvx of the Prꝛeachers. 

12 Tings with cheir armies did llee and were diſ · 

nee arid they of the houchold deuided the ſpoyle. 
: 3 Chougy yee haue lyen among the pottes , pet 
* tative beasthe wingsofa Woe: thatiscouevea 

with ſiluer wings andbherfeathersiike gold, ~ 

4 * thẽ almightie a lor pod 4 — 


fake: ther were they as white as (now in Salmons, 

15 Asthe hillof Balan, fois Gods bill: euen an 
high bili,as the hill ol Baſan. 
6 Whe hopye ſo ye high hils!this is Gods hill in 
the which it pleaſeth hin to dwell: pea, the Lown wil 
abide in it fo2 ever, 

17 Che charets of God are twentie thoutande, 
euen thouſandes of angels: and the Lorde ig among 
pol as in the holy place of Sinat, 

8 Chou art gone bp on high, thou batt {ed capti 
alte captiue, and recetued aiftesfoz men: yea, eüen 
for thy enemies, thatthe Lorde God might dwell a 
mong then, 

19 Pꝛavlſed be the Lod dayly: euen God wyich | 
beipetl b3,and powreth bis benefites bpon bs. 

o PHeigour Gov, euen the Godofwhome conte 

nett faluation: Bod is the Lorde, by whome we el⸗ 
cape death. 

2 BGod hall wound the head of his enemies: and: 
the hearie ſcalpe of fuch a one a8 goeth on ſtilli in his 


22 Che Lorde path fayde, J wit being my pede 
ple againe, as Jdid from Balan: mine owne will Z 
eae againe, a3 J did fomietime krom the deepe of 

€ * 

23 ‘That thy foote may bee hipped int theb! oo of 
thine enemies > and that the tongue of tby dogges 
May be ved though the ſame. 

. 24 Bris wellieene,D God, how thou goett: how | 
thou mp God and hinagoek indetanctuarie. 

25 Che fingers goe before, theminkreis | followe 
— 3 tit ee minded are the damolels playing, with 


‘ — ine anes, © ee vnto Godthe Lome 

MMoneth, J 

in the congregations: trom the ground of the heart, 

27 Shere is litle Beniamin their ruler, anv the 
princes of Juda their countatie: the princes ol Zabu⸗ 
lon, and the princes of Nephthali. " 

23 Chy Godbhath tent torth trenath for thee - ſta⸗ 
blith 6 thing, O God, that thou vat wroughtin bs. 

29 Ffo2 thy Cemples fake at Jeruſalem: fe hail 
Rings being preſents butothee, i 

30 When the company of the fpearmen,and mul⸗ 
titude of the mightte,are ſcattered abzead among the 
beaſtes of the people (fo that they humbly bring pies 
ces of ſtluer:) and when be hath tcattered the people 
cthat delight in warre. 
31 Chen hall the Princes come out of Cappt: the 
| —— land ſhall ſoone ſtretch out her hands vnto 
OD, ie * 

32 Sing vnto God, D pe kingdoms of the earth: 
D fing peaties onto the Loꝛde. | 
33 Babich litteth inthe heauens ouer al from the 
beginning: foe, he docth {end out his voyce,pea,and 
Chat a mightte voyce. Steal & Tie 
- 34 Alcribe ye the power to Ged cuer Iſrael: His 
worlhip and ſtrength is in the cloudes, 
«35 D God, wonderful art thou in thy help places: 
euen the Gad of Ffraei; he will giue ſtrengih and 
power vnto his people, bleſſed be God, . 

Saluum me fac, Pfal.éo. et 

* yg Aue mie; O God: fo the Waters are renin 
E cone in euen vntomy ſoule. prayer, 
2Iklicke kalt in the deepe mire where 
A) noground is:Jam come inte deepe was 

SEA ters, fo that the foods runne ouer me, | 
3 3 Fam weary ofcrying, my theoateis dere je | 
eect ght 

Moneth. TL, 

aght kayleth me kor wayting fo long vpon my God, 
4 Chey that bate me without a cauſe, ave me 

. then the heaves ofimy head: thep that aremineencs 

mies, and worlds deſtroy me giltleſſe are mightie. 

5 J parde them the things that Z neuer tooke: 
— Gea thou knoweſt my limpleneſſe, and imp faultes 
ere not Hid from thee, 
G6 Let not them that true in chee, ® Lowe Bod | 

of hoſtes,be aſhamed fo2 mycauſe: let not thofetbat 

rat —— confounded though me, O Lorde God 
of Iſrael. 

7 And why? fo2 thy fake haue F ſuflered reprooſe: 
ſchaãme hath coucred my face, 

8 Fam become a fraunger bute my brethren: 
euen an aliant vnto my mothers childꝛen. 

9 Foꝛ the zeale Of thy Houle hath euen eaten mee: 

we the vebuhes otthem that rebuked thee, are fallen 
pon me, ; 
- 10-9 wept and chafened my felte with fatting’ | 
and that was turned to my repzoofe. 

II 4 put On a lackecloth alſo: and they iefted bye 
on He, . 

12 Chey that tit inthe gate ſpeake againſl mee: 
and the drunkards make ſongs vpon me. 

13 But Lorde J make ny prayer vnto thee: in 
| an —— if 
14 Peare me,D God. in the multitude of thy mer⸗ 
| cit: euen in the trueth of the ſaluation. 
15 Wahe me outofthentive, that J finke not: oh 

“st “Tet me be delineren from themthat hate me, and out a 
ae ‘ofthe deepe waters. — 
“16 Wet wot the water flood Dowie ie, neither 

* 7 J 
——— AEBS 
tha * 
— A ae en | 9 (lie J 

— lett beepefwatiowme me by: ane det not ee | 
ev moytpeponme, oe 

pie Moneth. £4 he 
Heare me. O Lorde. kor thy louing indnelle is 

comfortable: turne thee vnto me, according fo the 

multitude of thy mercies. mds 

18 And Hide not thy face from thy feruant, fo2 F 
am in trouble: ob haſte thee,and heare me, 

19 Maw nigh bnto mylſoule, and ſaue it: of de⸗ 
liuer me, becauſe of mine enemies, 

20 Chou hak knowen my repoofe, mp fhame, 

and my difbortour : mine aduerfaries are allin thy 

fight, | | 
21 Thy rebuke hath broken my heart, Jam full 

of heauineſſe: FZ looked fozfome to haue pitie on me, 
ais there was no man, neither kound J any to come 
ost me, 

22 Chey gaue me gail to eate: and when Fj was 
thirite,thep gaue me bineger to drinke. | 
23 Let their table be made a ſnare to take them 

felues withall: and let the things (that ſhould haue 
eer for their wealth) be orto them an occaſion of 
alliig, +s : 
24 Let thetveves be biinded that thep lee not:and 
ever bowe downe their backes. | 
25 «Powe oul thine indignation vpon them:and 
let thy wrathlull difpleature take holde of them, 
26 Let thetr habitation be voyde: and no manto 
Dwell in theirtents, 
27 «for they periecute him whome thou haſt ſmit⸗ 
teit: and they talke owe thep may bere thems whom 
thou bat wounded. — 
28 Let them fail krom one wickednes to another: 

aid notcome into thp righteouſneſſe. | 

29 Let them bee wiped out of the bootie of the 

Bais and not bee written among the rightee 
-- ou A . ; Pe 

F 8 
er pe a ; 

Ys Oe #3 

Moneth. The 

30 As forme, whenF am — and in heauines: 

thyhelye (D God) thall lift me bp. 
31 F will peatle the name of God with afore: 
and magnilie it with thankeſgiuing. 
_. 32 OGbis alfo hall pleate the Loꝛde: better then a 
bullocke,thatbhath hornes and Hoofes, 
33 The Humble hall confider this, and bee 

glad: ſeeke ye after GOD, and pour foule hall 


34. Foz the Lorde heareth the pooꝛe:and dewpiteth 
not his prifoners, 

35 Letheauen and earth pratte him: tye fea and 
ali that moueth therein. 

36 For God willfaue Sion, and builde che cities 
of Juda: that men may dwellthere, and haue it in 
aie | 

vite is and they that loue his name ‘fyall dwell theres 

Deus in adiutorium. Pſal.7 
Lyte thee, D God, to deliner ae make haſte fa 
belpe me,D W020. 
2 Letthem be aſhamed and —— chat feeke 
after my forte : let them be turned backewarde and 
put to confuſion that with me euill. 

7 Che potteritie allo okhis feruants chall inhe · 

3 Let them (for their rewarde) be ſoone brought a 

to ſhame: that crpe ouerme,Chere,there, 
4 But let all thofe that teeke thee, be ioylull and 

glad int thee: and let all fuch asdelightin thy lalua⸗ | 

tion, fay alway, Che Lo2d be praiten. 

5 As fo2 me,F am pooze ano in miferie: hatte thee 
~ DHrtome(D God.) 
6 Chou art my helper anid my redeemer: O Low 

7 a i tarying. 
et 8 Be ch 48 Ft ede yt In te. 9. 


«Ante Domine ſperaui.  Pfal.71. 

oe ‘Q thee, D Lorde; Haue 4 put my trust, Morni 
S &% et me neuer be put to confufion:but rid prayer 

S| | es mee, anddeliuer me inthp righteoul⸗ 
ah nelleencline thine cave vnto me,gfaue 

2 Be ees oe ie he holde, whereunto ZF may als 
Way refort: thou bak peomifed to belpe me, fo2 thors 
art my houfe of defence, and my caftie. 

3 Deliuer me,D my God, out of the Hande of the 
vngodly: out of the hande of the vnrighteous and 
cruell matt, : 

4 for thow, D Lorde God, art the thing that J 
tong for: thou art my hope euen from my pouty. 

5 Chrouch chee haueF bene holden vp ever ſince 
J was bone: thowart hee that tooke mee out of mp 
mothers wombe, mp prayſe thalbe alway of thee, 

6 J am become agit werea monſter vnto mary: 
but wy ſure truft is in thee, 

7 Diet my mouth be filled with thy prapfe: (that 
J may fig of thy glory and honour allthe daylong. 

8 Catt me not away in the time of age: forfake me 
not when myſtrength kaileth me. 

9 Foz mine enemies ſpeake again me, and they 
that lay waite fo2 mp foute, take their counfell toge⸗ 
ther faping: God hath forſaken hin, perſecute him, 
and take hin, kor there is none todeliuer Hint. 

10 Goe not farre trom me,D God: my God,hatte | 
thee to helpe me, : 

11 Let them be confounded and perith, that ave 
again my foule : let them bee couered with fame Jae 

and diſhonour, that ſeeke to doe me euill. 

_12 Ap fox mee.J will patiently abide alt é 
will i thee moꝛre and Slat — 

;: Fit A ot. 

— —— 

CAP gh! eye 
ey SO AE See ae 

Moneth. he 

13 My mouth thall daylyfpeake olthy righteoul⸗ 
neſſe and faluation: foꝛ Jknow no ende thereof, 

14 J will goe loorth in the ſtrength of the Lorde 
—* and will make mention of thy righteouſneſſe 
15 Ghou,D God, hat taught me from my pouty 
vpvntill nowe: therefore will F tell of thy wonde⸗ 
rous workes. — 

16 Forſake me not,D God, in mine olde age whe 
Jam gray headed:vntill Jhaue ſhewed thyſtrength 
vnto this generation, and thy power to allthem that 
are pet for to come, 

17 Thy vighteoutnelle,D God,is bery high: and 
Great thinges are thepthat thou Hat done, D God, 
Whois like vnto thee? | 

18 D what great troubles and aduertities haft 

thou thewed mee, and pet diddeſt thau turne and re⸗ 
fret nee: pea, and broughteſt mee from the deepe of 
the earth againe. 

19 Thoñũ haſt bꝛought mee to great Honour: and 
comforted me on eueryſide. 

20 Cherelore will J praple thee and thy kaithlul⸗ 
nes(D God)plaping vpon an inſtrument of mitſicke: 
vnto thee will Z fing vpon the Harpe, O thor holy 
oneetFirael. | 

21 Wy lips will be faine wher F fing onto thee: 
and (o will mp foule whom thou hat deliuered. 

22 My torque alto thal talke of thy righteouines 
allthe day long: fo2 they are confounded and brought 
vnto ame that fecke to doe me eutil, | 2 

Deus iudicium. Pfal.72. 
¶Aue the king thy iudgements (D God;)andtop — 

Srigbteoutneile vnto the kings ſonne. 
— Chen wall he iudge the people accoꝛding abe 

Oe ok 
eX) oe od 
oe te 

Ch ees 

eMoneth. Tie xiiii day. 

right:and defend the poore. 

3 Chemountatnes alfo hallbzing * and the 
titie hilles rightcoutnelle vnto the people, 

4 He thallkeepe the ſimple folke by their right: de⸗ 
fre the children of the pooze, and punith the wong 

5 Chey chall feare thee as long as the funne and 
Br endureth:from one generation to another. 

6 Pee thail come downe itke the rayne into a 
pose of Wwooll ; euen asthe Dzoppes that water the 
ca : 

7 In his time hall the righteous flourith : pea, 
ant ame of peace, fo long asthe MBoone en 
8 His dominion ſhalbe alſo from the one fea to the 
other: and from the flood bnto the worlds ende. 

9 They thatd well nthe wilderneſſe V5 x kneele 
before him: his enemies thal licke the duſt. 

10 Che kings of Charlis and of the Iles thall 
giue prefentes ; the kings of Arabia and Saba chall 
being a ee 

| Ikings thatl fall Downe before bint: all Hatt: 
ons thal doe him ſeruice. 

12 for be ſhall deliuer the poore when hecryeth: 
the needie alfo,and him that hath no helper, 

13 Hefhalbe fauourable tothe —— and needie: 
and ſhall preſerue the ſoules of the poore. 

14 Hee ſhall deliuer their ſoules from faiſhood and 
wrong: and deare chaltheir blood be in his ſight. 

15 Heſhal liue, and vnto him ſhall be giuen ofthe 
golde of Arabia: prayer fhalbe made euer vnto him, a 
and daply thallhe be prayſed. 

16 Chere hall bee an heape of corne in the earth : : 

high vpon the hilles his krite Mall hake like Le : 
| C6 ¢, iti, banus, 

aMLoneth. The viiii day. 
—J— and chalbe greene in the citie line gralle vpon 

‘ae pis me thal endure fo2 ever, Wis name fhalt 

remaine bitder zſunne antong p polterities s which 
thatbe bleſſed though pint, andall the heathen watt 

prayle Him, 

18 Bieled be the Lord God, euen the Gon of Fea 

el: which onely doeth wonderous things, 
P19: Andblefleabee the name of his maieſtie for e⸗ 

uer: and allthe earth chalbe ũlled me * a 
— pW poe | 

--Qusmbonus Ifiael Pals 930: | 
<3 - iRuelp God ts louing vnto Itraei⸗ en 
— | ——— as are okãcleane heart. 
«|| Fgy 2 feete were almoll 
— gonesmy treadings had welnigh flipt. 
oS 3 AndwHp? J was grieued at the. 
mic Fd0 alte fee the Hrigodiy in fuch proſperitie. 
‘4 fortBey ave in no pertil of death : but are luttie 
and ſtrong. 
Chẽy come in no miſſfortune like other toine · 
neither ave they plagued like other men. 
6: And this igthe caute thatthey belo yotnen with 
pride: andouer whelmed with crueltie 
— dem Swell with latnes: and tyey do euen 
et ‘Cher — —— and ſpeake of wicked blat- 
pee their talking is againu the moſt higheſt. 
9 Foz theyſtretchforththeir mouth vnto the hea: 
uen: and their tongue goeth theough the world, 
10 Therefore fall the people vnto them:and there⸗ 
out fuck thep no ſmall aduantage. 
a J 1 cuit (fap they) ——— God perceiue it· 
* Mra ss * is 

Moneth. . 
is thereknowledge in the mot biahert? | ) 

12 Loe, thele ave the vngodly, thefe — the 
wod and thelehaue riches in voſſeſlion:and Jſaid 
Chen haue Jclenſed my heart in aii and wathed 
my Hands in innocencie 

13 All the day long haue J bent: puted and 
chatiened euery Moning: 

Pea,and J had almott faide euen as they : but 
— fhould J haue condemned the generation: of 
top. childzen, - ur neg 

15 Chen thouaht J to vnderlland rhis:butit was 
too hard fo2 me, 
. 16 want J went into the Sanctuary of God:the 
vnderſtood F the end of thefe men. 
17Nameiy, howe thou doeſt fet them in flipperic | 
places: and caſteſt them, downe and deltroyelt 

18 Ob how fudderily doe ebevcontume:perith, and 
come toa fearefull end? 

. Lo Pea even like as a deeame wher one awaketh: 
fo alt thou make their image to vaniſhe out of the 

20 Chus mp peat was grieued:and it went euen 
thiough my reines 
- 21 So kooliſh was J and ignozant : euen a8 it 
were a bealt before thee. 

22 Neuertheletle , °F am alsony by thee fopehor 
Hat holden me by mp right hand. 

23 Thou halt quideme with tpcoumelt a a 
fer that teceiue me with glory aeoee 2S 

ey yohonte haue g inheauenbut thee: ‘ato re 
is Bony vpon — yer ae belive: se ——— 

Moneth. The xiii. day. 

the ftrength of my Heart, and mp portion foz ever, 
26 Foz log; they that fozfake thee ſhall pertt: thors 
batt deſtroyed all them that commit foꝛnication a 
gaint thee. PST oe, | ; 
27 But itis good foz me to hold me fak by God, to 
put myptrud in the 1020 Gond: and tofpeake of all thy 
workes(in the gates ofthe daughter of Sioi,) - 

Vtquid Deus.  Pfal. 74, Tae 
(See, wbererore avt thou abſent from b3 fo long: 
, — is thy wath ſo hote againſt the ſheepe of thy 
: 2 Othinke por thy congregation : whome thors 
hat purchafed and redeemed of olde, ——— 
3 Chinke vpon the tribe of Chine inheritance: and 
Mount Sion wherein thou hak dwelt . 

4 Lift vpthy feete, chat thou mayelt btterly des 
{troy euery enemie:which bath done euil in thy ſanc⸗ 
tuary. J nob be 

 § Thine aducrlavies roare in the middes of 
thy congregations: and ſet vp their banners fo2 to- 

G6 Hee that Hewed timber afore out of the thicke 
trees: Was knowen to being it to an ercettent 

7 Wut nowe they breake Downe all the carued 
woke thereof: witharesandHammers, 
 & Chey haue tet fire vpon thy holy places : and 
haue defiled the dwelling place ofthy name, euen vn⸗ 
TORN. ee 
o Peg, theylaide in their hearts. Let vs make ha⸗ 

_ dock ofthem altogether:thus haue they burnt vp all 
cthehoules of God inthe ladnndd... 
6 wee fee not out tokens , there is not one 
aid | iN RE : Prophet 

Moneth. The xitit. day. 

Pꝛophet moze ; 10 not one ts there among bs that 
pnderftandeth.anyp more, 

Ir MD God, how long hail the adnerlary doe this 
difhonour : bow long hall the enemie blaſpheme thy 
tame fo2 ener? | 

12 Why withdraweſt thou thyhande: why pluc⸗ 
ket not thou thy right hand out of thy boſome to cõ⸗ 
fumetheenemte? | 

13 Foz God ts my king of olde : thehelpe that is 
done vpon earth , he doth it himieife. 

(14 Chow diddeſt dewide the Sea though thy 
-power : thou brakett the heades of the Mzagons tn 
the waters. | 

15 Chou ſwmoteſt the heades of Leuiathan in pies 
ces: and gaueſt him tobe meate fo2 the people in the 
wildernefie, ei. ; 
66 Thou broughtett out fountainesand waters 
* of the harde rockes: thou driedſt bp mightie wa⸗ 
ers. rey 

17 Che day is thine, and the night is thine: thou 
Hak prepared thelight andthefunne. 

18 Chou hat fet all the borders of the earth ; thow 
bat made Sommer and Winter. | 
19 Remembet thts.D Lord, bow theenemie hath 
rebuked: a how the foolith people hath blaſphemed 
thyname, 3 

20 MO deltuer not the foule of thy Turtle Mooue 
britothe multitude of theenemics: ¢ forget not the 
congregation ofthe poozefozeuer, =~ : 

21 Looke bponthe couenant: ſoꝛ all the earth ig 
fullofdarkenes, and cruel habitations. 

22 Oh let notthelimplegoe away athhamed +: but 

_ let the pooze and needte giue praiſe vnto thy ar | 
| — 23Arle, 

Moneth. The xv. day. 

23 Avife,D God, maintaine thine owne cauſe: 10 
— How pᷣfooliſh man blaſphemeth thee dayly · 
24 Forget nol the voyce ofthine enemies: the pre- 
ſumption of them that bate thee, — oie 
— and moze. 
Conſitebimur tibi.  Pfal, 75. | 
to tyee(DiGod) dor we giue ethane: 
\\AS fem vea bitto thee doe Wwe: giue thankes. 
S/S, 2 Ohp name allo is fo nigh:and that 
Ge Las doe tip wonderous workes declare· 
Saseys: 3 uahen F vecetue the congregatiõ: 
gq thalliudge accouding vnto right. 
4 Theearth iz weake, ¢ all the inhabiters there⸗ 
‘of: Fbearedp the pillars ofit. 

5JIſaid orto the fooles Beale not fo madly: and Ba 

to eve, Set nothppourhome,. 

6 Het not vp pour horne on High: and {peake not 

Witha Hiffe neckẽ. > 
7 Foꝛ promotion commeth neither krom the eat 
ro} from theiiaet: 1102 pet from the South, - 

3 And why: God is the iudge: He pu fettybotonte 
one, and fetteth bp another. 

9 Foz the hand ofthe Lorde there is acup, and 
* —— is red:it is kull mire, and he powreth out of 


10 As forthe dregs thereof: atl the vngodivot the 
earth hatlozinke them, and ſucke them out. 
11 But F will taltie of the God of ‘Jacob : and 
praiſe him for euer. | 
12 St the homnesot the vngodiy aifo wilJ breane 
and the hornes of the righteous thalbe exalted. 

Notus in ludea. Pfal,7é, 

Ted Jury ig Gon knowen: his fame is great in Ft 
a o,. ce 

Moneth:. The 

3, ats At Salem is his tabernacte : and his dwelling 

—— brake hee the arrowes Li tye bowe: the 
— the battreil. 

4 Chou artofmore honour and might : then che 
hille ofthe robbers. 

5 The proude ave robbed, thep haue flept their 
heroes and ail the wen handes were mightie )- 
haue found nothing: 

6 At eypnebukecD God of Jacob boty the charet 
and Hoste ave kallen. 

7 Thou,euen thou art to be keared: and whomay 
fan inthy fight when thou art angry? | 

8 Chou diddel cauſe thy iudgement to bee heave 
krom heauen: the earthtrembled and was (iil, 

9 Mhen God aroſe to iudgement: and to helpe alt 
the meche bpon earth, x 
Io Chekiercenesof man that tumneto tp praiter 

and the liercenes of them halt thou retraine. 

11 Promife butothe 1020 pout God;and Keepeit, 
all pe Chat he round about Hin : bring peetents vnto 
him that ought to be feared. 

12 He thallrefrapne the ſpirite ofprinces: andig 
Wonderiullamong thekingsofthecarth. ct 

VocémeaadDominum, Pfal,772° °° 
{eeu crie vnto God with my voyce: euen vnto God 
will J crie with my voyce, and He chall hearken * 
to me. 

2 In the time ofmy trouble J ſought the Lorde: 
my fo2re ranne and cealed not, in thenight feafon my 
foule refuſed comfort. — 

3 When J am in heauinelle J will thinke vpon 
God:when miyheart is bexed will compiaine 

att +f DpH mineepes waking; 3 am fa fe 

g “ 


ble that Ff cannot ſpeake. i | feet 

5 ‘SJ haue confidered the dapes of olde ; and the 
peeves that ave paff, a 

6 Fcal to remembꝛance myſong:and in the night 
FJ commute with mine owne heart, and fearche out 
myſpirites. cae : 

7 will the Lord ablent himſelle foz euer:and will 
he be no moꝛe intreated ꝰ: - 

8 Ashis merce deane gone fozewer : and 3 Hts 
prontife come btterlp to an ende foz euermoꝛe: 

9 Hath Godforgotten tobe gracious: and will he 
hut vphis louing kindnefle in difpleature? 

10 And laid. Je is mine owne infirmitie : but J 
will rementber the peeves of the right hande of the 
moſt highelt. 

11 F will remember the workes of the Lord: and 
calltominde thy wonders ofolde time. 

12 J willthinke alfo of all thy wozkes : and my 
talking thalbe of thy doings, oh : 

13 Thy way, D God, is Holy : who is ſo great a 
@od(as our God?) ates ne 

14 Chou art the God that doth wonders:and hatt 
declavedthp powecramonathepeople, 

15 Thou haſt mightily deliuered thy people: euen 
the fonnes of Jacob and Joſeph. : 

16 Che waters fawethee, D God, the waters 
ſawe thee, and were atrayde: the depthes alfo were 
— cloudes powred t water, the 

17 The clou CO Out water, the ayre thun⸗ 
dered:and thine arrowes went abzoade, * os 

18 The voyce of thy thunder was Heard round a: 
bout : thelightnings hone vpon the grounde, the 
earth was moued, and hooke withall. == 
19 ChyWayisinthetea, and thy pathes in the 



great Waters: and thy footeteps are not knower, — 
20 Chow leddett thy people like heepe: bp the 
hard of Moles and Aaron, ; ae 
Attendite popule. Pfal.78. , 
<SE Care myplawe, Ompypeople: enclitte Euenin 
Fer] |g VOU eaves vnto the woozdes of my prayer. 
Smouth, | * 
ay) \& 2 FJ wilopen mp mouth in a parable: 
Wer ah GF will declare hard lentences of olde, 
3 Which we haue Heard and knowen: and fuch | 
as our fathers haue tolde bs. i 
4 That wee Houlde not hide them front the chile 
been ofthe generations to come : but to he we the Hoe 
nour ot the Lode, bis mightie ¢ wonderfull woꝛkes 
that he hath done, BARE | 
5 He made a couenant with Jacob, and gaue Iſ⸗ 
raela lawe: which he commanded our fozefathersto 
teach their childzen, a - 
6 Chat thetr poſteritie might knowe it: ¢ the chile 
dren which were yet vnboꝛne. i 
7 Co the intent that when they came op: thep 
might ſhewe their childzer the fame, | 
8 Ghat they minke put their tru in God: and 
Not Co forget the woorkes of God, but to keepe His 
commaundements. | 
9 And not to bee as their forefathers , a faithielle 
and ſtubborne generation: a generation that fet not 
theiv heart aright, and whole ſpirite cleaueth not 
ſtedtaſtly vnto God. Ft a 
lo Like as the children ol Ephraim: which being 
harnelſed and carping bowes, turned themtelues 
backe in the day of battatle, —— fs | nae 
11 Chepkeptnotthe couenantolGod:and would 
Hot walkeinbislawe, Sind oh ne Cer aaa 

tb oe 

Sere de 2 

. ——— a 
f — ait 
* a WM “- — —— 

— enn gay. ss 

; > See x 
— Pest 

¢ £ —— ak 

. * ** * > 

12 But: fargatwhatherhan Done: and the won⸗ 
berfull worke that head he wed fo2 them, | 

13 Maruetlous things did Hee in the ight of our 
oo in the land of Egypt: euen tn the ficlde of 
THOaMtes + 
nae Hee deuided che tea, and let them goe though: | 

——— waters to ſtand on an heape 
15 Bt the Day time alfo bee ledde them With a 
7 code and all the night though with a light of 


16 Pee clase the harde rockes in the wilderneſſe: 
and gaue them drinke thereof, agit bad bene out of 
the greatdepty, 

Hec vꝛought waters out of the ſtony rocke: fo 
| thatit uſhed outithe the riuers. 

18 Pet fox all this they ſinned moze againſt 
om and prouoked the motpiabedt in the wilder: 

19 Chev tempted Good in cheir hearts: and requi⸗ 
ved meate fo2 their luſt. 

20 Chey {pake again God alfo, ſaying: hall God 
prepare a table in the wildernefle? 

21. Pee hmote the fonierocke in deede, that the 
Water guibedout, andthe ſtreames flowed withall: 
but — hee giue bread alſo, oꝛ pꝛouide fleſh fo2 his 

22 when the Lorde heard this,he was woth: fo 
the fire was hindled in Jacob, and there came dp 
heauie difpleature againt Iſrael. 

23 Becaule they beleeued not in God:and put not . 
their trut in his helpe. 

24 Soe J———— the cloudes aboue: and o⸗ 

— perience doores Of heauen, 

sas 5 es a a Downe Manna alto vpon tgs | 

7 a a oy! — 

ying. ere les. ‘ oo — 
2 he eit Sg ey ” 
Res as Te eee — re etl 


for tocate sand gaue them foodefrombeauen. - 
26 So matt did cate Angels foove : and bee ſent 
thems meate proud: : 

27 Pe cauled the Cal winde to blowe vnder 
heauen: and — bis power he bought in the 
Southweſt winde. 

23 He rayned fle vpon them as thicke as Dut: 
and feathered foules lite as the fand of the fea, 

29 He let it fall among thet tentes: even round 
—— their habitation. 

30 So they did eate and were well filled, fo2 He 
sats them their owniie defire: thep were net diſap⸗ 
pointed of their luſt. 

31 But while the meat was yet in their mouthes 
the heauie wath of God came bpon them, andilue 

the wealthieſt of then: yeaand finote Downe the cho⸗ 

fen men that were in Iſrael. 

32 Wut kor all this cheylinned vet moze: and bez 
lected not his wonderous workes. 

33 Therefore their dayes did he conſume in vant: 
tic: and their peeves tn trouble. 
34 When He flue them, they fought him: and tur⸗ 
ned them earelp,and enquired after God, 

35 Andthey remembedthat G6 D DW was their 

ſtrength: and that the biah God was their redee⸗ 

36 Neuerthelelle, they did but flatter him with 
* mouth: and diſſembled with pint itt their 

37 for their heart as Hot whole with yim: nei⸗ 
ther. continued theyſtedtaſt in his couenant. 

38 But he was lo mercitull that he forgaue asa) 

mildeedes: and deſtroyed them not. 

39 Dea manya time turned bebis wiatha * — : 

Moneth. - 

a woulde not fuffer His whote Difpleature to as 

40 Foꝛ he confidered that they were but flech: and 
that thep were euen a winde that pafleth away, and 
commeth not againe, 

41 Manpy a time dtd they prouoke himi in the wil⸗ 
derneſſe: and grieued him inthe deſart. 

42 Theyturned backe and tempted God: and mo⸗ 
ued the holy one in Iſfrael. | s 

43 Chey thought not of his hande: and of the day 
when he deltucred them from the hande of the ee 

44 Howe he had wrought his wen in Egrpt: 
and His wonders in the fielde of Foa 

45 He turned thety waters into Diced: fothat they 
might not drinke of the riuers, 

46 Pe fent lice amona them, and deuoured them 
bhp: and frogges to deftrop them, 

47 Be nate toute onto the Caterpiller: and 

their labour vnto the Grathopper, 

48 He deſtroyed their Aines with haile ones; 
and thet Mulberie trees with thetrot, 

49 Be ſmote thetr cattell alfo with haile Tones ; 
and their flockes with hote thunder boltes. 

50 He cak vpon them the furiouſnes of bis wath, 
auger, ditpleature,and trouble:and ſent euill angels 

51 Pe made a Wap to his indignation,and fpared 
not their ſoule from death; but gaue oes life ouer 
tothe peftitence, 
52 And ſmote all the fivtt borne in ‘Egypt: He 
i Dene pꝛincipall and mightiett in the dwellinges of 

— a ut as loe his owne e people, be ledde a 

~  &Mfoneth. ‘The 

koorth like theepe: and cavied thent in the wilderneſſe 

on a flocke, 
4 Hee brought them out fafelp that they choulde 
sisi eave: a ouerwhelmed their enemies with fea. 
55 Andbrought them within the borders of His 
fanctuarie:cuen tobis mountaine wyich he purcha⸗ 
ſed with his right hand. 
56 He caſt out theheathen alſo betoze them:cauled 

their land to be deuided among them fo2 anberitage,, 

made the tribes of Iſrael to Dwell in their tents. 
7 Sother tempted anddilpleated the moſt high 
wera Kept not his teftimonies, 
58 But turned their backes, efellaway like their 
fozefathers:ftarting alide like a broken bowe. 

$9 Fo2 they qricued him with their hil altars:and 

— him co diſpleaſure with their images. 

6o when Godheard this, be was wꝛoth: ¢ tooke | 

ſore difpleature at Iſrael. 
61 So that yee toxfooke the Cabernacle in Silo: 
euen thetent thathe bad pitched among them, 

62 Hedeliueredtheir power into captiuitie: and 

their beautie into the enemies hand, 

63 Hegaue his people over alfo bnto theſwoꝛde: 
and Was woth with his inheritance. 

64 Che fire conſumed their poung men:and their 
mavprdens Were not giuen to mariage. 

65 Cheir prieſts were laine with the fmozde: and 
there were no widowes to makelamentation,  — 

66 Ho the Lod awaked asone out of ſſeepe: and 
like agpantrefrethed with wine, 

67 He tmote bis enemiesin the binder parts: and ie 

put them to a perpetual hame, 

68 De refuted the tabernacle of geerme and wee i 

— tribe of Ephraim. 


69 Wut chole the tribe ok Juda: even the Hill of 
Sion, which he lowed, a —— 
70 And there he buplded his temple on high: and 
layde the foundation of it like the grounde which be 
bath made continually, ) et 
71 Dechole Dauid allo his ſeruant:and tooke him 
away from the theepefoldes, — en 
72 Is hee wastollowing the Ewes great with 
porg oes, He tooke him: that be might feede Jacob 
his people, and Iſrael bis inheritance, 
73 So he fed thems with a faithful and true heave: 
and ruled them prudently with atl his power, 
| Deus,venerunt, Pfal.79, : | 
ning DE God, the heathen ave come into thine 
cr. SAGAAYS Inberitance : thy holy temple haue they 
| Hdetiled, and made Hieruſalem an heape 
Ys, \wwvAig of Tones, ue aS 
— 2Thedead bodies of thy feruantes 
hatte they giuen tobe meate vnto the foulesofs ayre: 
and the fletb of thy faints vnto the beatts of the land. 
3 Their blood haue they chedde like water on eue⸗ 
| 3 fide of Hieruſalem:and there was no man to burie 
- teem, : | 
4Wee are become an open hame to our enemies: 
a ore ſcorne and derifion bute them that are round 
5 Loꝛde. howe long wilt thoube angrie: hall thy 
ielouſie burne tthe five fo2 ever? ie 
6 Pow2eout thine indignation vpon the heather | 
that haue not kno wert thee: and bpon the hingdomes 
that have not called bpon thyname, | 
7 Foꝛ they hauc devoured Jacob: anditaive watte 
bis dwelling place. ayia fa Mee 
8 Oremember not our old linnes, buthaue ent 


11 8 

Moneth. The xvt. day. 
vpon vs, and that foore: fo2 Weare come to great mt: 
erie, | ‘i 
9 Helpe hs.) God ofour ſaluation, fo2 the glory 

of thy name:D deliuer vs, and be merciful buto our 
firines fo2 thy namesfake, 

1o Wherekore doe the heathen ſay: Where is nowe 

their God? 
11Olet the vengeance of thyteruants blood that 
“om bee openly themed bpon the Heathen tn our 

12 O let the ſorowkull fighing of the priſoners 
coine before thee: accogding to the greatneſſe of thy 
power preferue thou thoſe that are appotnted to die. 

13 Andfo2 the blafphemte wherewith our neigh⸗ 

bours haue blaſphemed thee: reward thou them, D 

Lo2d, feuen fold into their bofome, 
14 So wee that bee thy people and theepe of thy 
patture ail giue thee thankes fo2 ewer: and will al: 

Way bee thewing forth thy praiſe krom generation to 


Qui regis Ifrael, Pfal.80, 
Care, DO thou thephearde of Iſfrael, thou that 
leadett Joſeph like a theepe : thewe thy telfe alſo 
thou that litte bpontheCherubims, 
2Beloꝛe Ephraim, Beniamin, and WDarnafles : 
irre bp thy ſtrength and come aid heipe bs, 

3 Curne bs againe, OD God:thewe thelightofthy 

. countenance,and we thaibe whole, 

4 O Lord God ofhottes:howe long wilt thoubee ie 

anary with thy people that praveth: 

5 Chou feedett them with the breadoftearesiand 
‘glue themplenteoutnelieoftearestodzinke, = 
6 Chou haſt made vs a — vnto our neigh. 
hh bours 

yee oe 
Par ay 28 
By ge * 

Riot ees 
> Bo 

Moneth. Lbhexvut. day. 

te eure: and our enemies laugh vs tofcozne, 
7 Turne vs againe , thou God of hoſtes: ſhewe 
lightof thy countenance, and we thall be whole. 
8 Chou hak broughta bine outof Egypt: thou 
haſt caſt out the heathen, and planten tt, | 
9 Chou madeſt roome foz it: and when it had ta⸗ 
ken roote, tt ſilled the land. 
CPS THe hils were coucred with the hadowe of it: 
andthe boughes thereof were like ‘thegoodly Cedar 

Lal ¢ & Sheltretched out her branches vnto the ſea: 
and her boughes vnto the riuer. 

12 Whxy haſt thou then broken downe her hedge: 
that all they which go by plucke off her grapes? 

13 Che wild Boze out of the wood doeth roote it 
bp: and the wildebeattes oftheflelddeuoureit, — 

14 Turne thee agate , hou God ofhottes , tooke © 
do wre from heauen: bebold, and bifite this bine. 

15 And the place of the bineparde that thy right 
hand hath planted: and the branch that thou mate 
{o frorig fo2 thy felfe . : 

16 Itis burnt with fire,and cut downe : and they 
thall periſh at the rebutie of thy countenance. 

17 Let thy band bee bponthe man of thy right — 
hand and vpon the ſonne of man whom thou made 
ſo ſtrong fortbineownefelfe. 

18 And fo will not we goe backe from thee: Olet 
vs liue, and we ſhall call vpon thy name. 

19 Turne bs againe,D Lod God ofhoſts:ſhewe 
the light of thy countenance, and we Hatt be wyole 

—— Pfal, 81. 
ic Sie wee merilp dito God our ſtrength: maker 
| — — vnto the God of Jacob, al 
‘> a 

¥ — 
* Sg , 


Moneth. ‘TL 
2 Cake the Shalme,being hither the Cabzet: the 

merp Darpe, with the Lute, 

3. Blow bp the Crumpetin the new moone:euen 
in tbe time appopnted , and vpon our folemne feat 

4 Foꝛ this wags made a ftatute fo2 Iſrael: anda 
lat of the God of Jacob, i 
5 Chishee ordeyned in Joſeph foz a teſtimo⸗ 

wohen hẽ came out otthe land of Egypt, and had “<4 

a frangelanguage. — 

6 FPealen his wouider from the burden: ade 
hands were deliuered from making the pottes. 

7 Thou calledſt spon mee in troubles, and Fades 
liuered thee: and heard thee What time as the ſtorme 
fell vpon thee, 

8 Ipꝛooued thee alfo: at the waters of ftrife, 

9 Heare,D my people, and F will aſſure thee, O 
Iſrael:if thou writ hearken vnto me, 

lo Chere ſhall no ſtrange god be in thee : nerther 
ſhalt thou worſhip any other god. 

Il Jam the Lode thy God, which brought thee 
balla of * 5* of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and 


12 * — would not heare my voyce:and 

Itrae would not obeyme. 

3 So J gaue them bp vnto their owne heartes 

ut oni let seme follow their owne imaginations, 

4 Dthat mppeople wouldyauebearkened onto ~ 

* for if Iſrael had walked in my wayes. 
15 I ſhould ſoone haue put downethetr enemies: 
and turned myhand againit their aduerſaries. 

16 The haters of the Lord houid haue bin found 

yars:but their time hould haue endured foreuer. 
a ee pith the tyres 


Moneth. Thexviday. 

wheate floure : and With hony out of che ſtony rocke 
peoutt 4 yauefatiliicd thee, 
> Deus ftetit, Pfal,82. 

Sm Od flandety in the cõgregation stein 
as NO ces: He 8 a iudge among gods. | 
Foal, 2 Howe long will pee qiue wong 

( Judgement: and accept the perlons of 
Athe vnogodly! 

3 Defend the pooꝛe ad fatherleſſe:ſee that luch as 
be in neede and neceſſitie haue right, 

4. Deliver the outcaſt and pooꝛe: fae them from 
the Hand of the vngodly. 

5 Chey will not be learned, noꝛ vnderſtande. but 
swetheon fill in Darkened: all the foundations of the 
earth be out of courte, 

6 Jhaue ſayd. wwe Ave gods:and pe all ave children 
ofthe mot higheſt. 
~ 7 But pe thal die like men: a and fall like one of the 
8 Ariſe, O (God, and iudge thou the earth:fo2 thou 
thalt take all heathen to thine inberitance. — - 
Deus quis fimilis? Pfal83. _ 
Dide ot thy tongue, D God, keepe not ſtill {is 
{ence: refraine notthp {elfe, D God ae 
2 Foꝛr lo thine enemies make amurmuring: and 
thep that hate thee haute lift vp their head. 
3 They haue imagined craktily againſt thy peo⸗ 
ple: and taken counſell againſt thy fecret ones, - 

4 hep haue ſayde, Come, and let vs roote them 
istiehat thepbe nomoze apeople: and that che name | 
of Ffrael may be no moze it remembeance. 3 

5 for thepbhaue cal their heads together with 
vie conſent:and ave confederate againt thee. 

6 nthe tabernacles or Edomites and “at St 

7 aes 

* Moneth. Thexvt. day. 

miaclites the Moabites, and Pagarenes. 
7 Gebal, ard Ammon, and Amelech ; the Phili⸗ 
Lines, with them that dwell at Cyre. a 

8 Ailur alfo is topned nto them: and Haue holpen 
the childzenof Lot, ) Fath 

9 But doe thou to themas vnto the Madianites: 
vnto Sifera,and vnto the brooke of Kiſon. 
10 Which perithed at Endor: and became as the 
doungot the earth. — 
11 Dake them and their princes like Oreb and 
Seb: pea, make all their princes like as Seba ¢ Sal⸗ 
mana, | : 

12 Which lap, Let bs take to ourfelues:the houles 
of God in pofietiton. | 
13 O my God make them like vnto a wheele:and 
as the ſtubble befoze the winde. J 

14 Like as the fire that burneth bp the wood: and 
as the flame that conſumeth the mountaines. we 

15 Perfecute them euen fo with thy tempeſt: and 
inake them afraide with thyſtorme. — 

16 Wake their faces athamed, O Lord: that they 
may feeke thy name, — 
17 Let them be confounded and vexed euer moze 
and moze: let them be put to hame andperity, 

18 Andthey thali knowe that thou (whole name 
12 J art onely the moſt higheſt ouer all the 
ear ’ . ; 

~2 177 


Moneth. Lbexvi. day. 

the ſwallowe a neſt, where thee may lay her vortig: 
— altars, O Lorde of hoſtes, my king and my 
0d. “tee 
4 Blelled ave they that dwell tn thy Houle: they 
willbealwayprapling thee. — 
Bleſſed isthe man whole ſtrength ts in thee: in 
wholeheartarethy wapes. a 
S6 which going though the bale of miſerie, die if 
fora well: arid the pooles are ſilled with water . 
7 They will goe trom ſtrength to frength: and 

vntothe God of Gods appeareth eucrp one of thens 

in Dior. 

8 D Lorde God of hottes, heave my prayer: hear⸗ 
Kert , D God of Jacob. 

9 Beholde. O God,ourdefender: andlookebpow 

the face of thine annointed. | 
10 Ff02 one Day in thy courtes ; is better then a 
thoufand. | 
11 Phadvatherbee a dooze keeper in Che houſe of 
inp God: then to dwellin the tents of bngodlines, 
12 forthe Lozde God isa light and defence : the 
Lorde will giue qrace and worſhippe, and no good 
— hee withhold from them that liue a godly 
13 D Lod God ofhoſtes:bleſſedis the man tha 
putteth his tru in thee, + 
gee BenedixiftiDomine,. Pfal, 85, 
Orde, thou art become gracious vnto thy land: 
‘thou hat turned away the captiviticof Jacob, 
2 Thou haſt forqiuen the offence of thy people:and 
couered all their ſinnes. 

Thyou haſt taken away all thy diſpleaſure: and 

turned thy lelle from thy wꝛathlull indignation. 

* Pe 
- * 
oe * 
er * 
i lg bee ie ye 
— Sia AE Ea 

5 —— — 
ca eee BG Eee 

a Speier — 

4 Gurneds the, O God our Sautour: on tet 

EE —————— 

Moneth. The xvii. day. 

thine angerceafefrombs, 2 — 
5 ilt thou be diſpleaſed at bs forꝛ euer: and wilt 
thou ſtretch out thy wrath from one generation to a: 
nother: VEE COC aha ete 

6 wilt thou notturne againe ¢ quicken hs: that 
thy people may reiopce tn thee? 

7 Shewe bs thy mercy, D Lorde: and graunt bs 

8 F will hearken what the Lord God will fay con- 

cerning me: fo he thal {peake peace vnto his people, — 

and to bis faints , that they turne not againe, 
. Foꝛ his ſaluation is nighthem that feare him: 
that glozy map dwell inourland, Bn cert 

10 Mercie and trueth ave met together: riahte- 
ouſneſſe and peace haue hifled ech other. 

11 Cructh thatl flozith ot ofthe earth: andrigh- 
teouſneſſe hath tooked Downe from heauen. 

12 Pea, the Lod hall hew louing kindneſſe: and 
our land hall giue herincreate. 2 — 
13 Righteoulnes hall go before Him : and He Matt 
Direct His going in the wap. ne Can 

: InclinaDomine, _Pfal, 86, 7 
a om, Dw Downe thine eave,D Low, aheare 
>) J) me: foꝛ Jam poore, and in miferte, 
| % 2 Prelerue thou mypfoute , for Fant 
» § Holy:my God faue thyleruant that put- 
teth his trult in thee, 

3 De mercitull vnto mee, D Loꝛd: for Jwill cat 

dayly Dpon thee, nin | 


4 Comfort the foule of thy teruant: forbntotyee 

(D Low) doe J lift vpmy ſoule 

Foꝛ thou Loꝛde art good and gracious: and of 

Great mercie vnto all them that callvpon the. — 
6 Giue eare Lorde vnto myprayer: and * ee 
—— Pee ee 


Moneth. ‘The xvi. day. 

the voyce of mine humble defives, 

7 In oᷣtime ot my trouble J wil call por thee:foz 
thou heareſt me, 

8 Awong the gods there ts none like vnto thee 
| ‘ wit a al Chere 1S not one that can doe as thou 

9All nations whome thou Hatt made; chall come 
and worſhippe thee. »D Lope: and hall qlozitie thy 
£0 ffo2 thow art — a doelt wonderous things: 
thou art God alone. 

11 Geach me thy wap (D Lord) arid J will walke 
Int thy tructh: Oknit my Heart vnto thee that J 
may feare thy name. 

12 F will thanke thee. > D Lod my God. with all 
mp heart: and will pratle thy name foz euermoꝛe. 

13 For great is thy mercie toward me : and thors 
Hatt delivered my foule from the nethermoſt helt, 

14 D God, the proude are riſen againſt mee: athe 
congregations of naughtie men haue fought atter 
my forle,and haue not fet thee befoze their epes, 

15, But thou (D Lod God) art full of compaſſion 

and mercy:long luſlering, plenteous in goodnes and 

: — aaron, | 

16D turne thee then vntome, and haue mercie 
vpon me: giue thyſtrength vnto thy feruant, ebhelpe 
oe of Chine handmaide. 
i 17 Shewe fome good token bpor mee for good, 
'ehat thep which bate me may fee it, a be athamed : bes 
caule thou Lord haſt holpen me. and comfoꝛtedme. 
Fundamenta eius. Pfal,87, 
“pe foundations are bpon the holyhils: the Low 
loueth the gates of —— wen al the dwel⸗ 

2 uery 

Moneth.. The 

| a uierver excellent things are ſpoken of thee: thou 

3 J will thinke vpon Kahab and Babylon: with 
them that know me, 

4 Beholde pee, the Philiſtines alfo : and they of 
Tyre, with the Morians, loe, there was he borne. 

5 Andof Sion it hatberepozrted,that he was borne 
in bap andthe mot high hal ſtabliſh her, 
6 Che Lord hati revearie it when he writeth bp 
the peopie that he was bornethere. 

7 The lingers alfo and Crumpetters hallhee re⸗ 

hearſe:all mp freſh ſprings ſhalbe in thee, 
Domine Deus. Pſal.88. 
OLx Godotmy fatuation, J haue crped day and 
Oiriaut befoze thee: D let my pager enter into thy 
preſence, encline thine care Onto my calling, 
2 Foꝛ myſoule ts full of troubic:and mp itte dꝛaw⸗ 
eth nigh vnto peti, 

3 FJ amcounted ag one of them that qo downe in⸗ 
to * pit: a Jhaue bene even as aman that hath 
no ſtrength. 

4. Free among the dead, like vnto them that bee 
wounded ¢ lie in the graue: which be out of remem⸗ 
brance, and ave cut away from thy hand. 

§ Chou hat layde me in the loweſt pit: ina place 
of datkenes,and in the deepe. 

6 Thine indignation lieth hard vpon me:and thou 
hal vexed me with all thy formes, 

7 Thouhak put away mine acquaintance farre 
front me: and made nie to be abhorred of them. 

8 FZ aw fo fat in priſon: that J can not get iS 

9 IPyp taht failech for berp trouble: Low, Fhaue 
called dayly vpon thee, Jhaue ſtretched aa 8 ee 

Moneth. The 

10 Woek thou whew wonders among the dead: 02 
hal the dead riſe bpagaine and pratfethee? 
11 HDhall thy louing bindenefle be Hewed in the 

graue oꝛ thp faithlulnelſe indefruction?. 

12 Shai thy wonderous works be knowen in the 

darke: and chy righteouſnelſe in the lande where all 

- Hhings are forgotten? 

“13 Gntothee haue J cried,O Logdiandearlythal 

mypꝛayver come beforethee, 



"14 LLovd; top abbozrett hou my loue: andhidelt 

. thouthy face from me? 

* ° 

15 Jam in miſerie, elike vnto him that is at the 
poynt tonpe: (euen from myyouth bp) thy terrours 
haue Jſufiered with atroubleaminde. 

16 Thy wrathkull diſpleaſure goeth ouer me:and 

| the feare of thee hath vndone me, “ 

17 Chey came round about me dayly (the water: 
and compalſed me together on every fide, — 
18 My louers and kriendes hall thou put away 
krom me:and Hid mine acquaintance out of my fight, 
| Mifericordias Domini, Pfal,89. - = 
apy Bey PP fonig hatbe alway of the lowing Hind: 
N axe) (Enelle of Che Lozd: mith mp mouth wil J 

Peuerbe fhewitta thy tructh. from one ge⸗ 
Yeneration to another, . 

2 Foꝛ Jhaue laid, Mercy ſhalbe let bp 

| foreuier:thy tructh halt thou ſtabliſh in theheauens. 

3: Fhauemade acouenant with mp chofen:F hauc 

woꝛne bitte Dauid my ſeruant. 

4 Thyleede will F tablitoz euer: and ſet vp thy 

-. thaonefromonegenerationtoanother, 
50V PD Lozd, the bery heauens thatl pzatle thy wor: 
derous workes: and thy trueth in the — 

a Sy ay Pee 
i> fa Ee -14 SPR YY 


Aoneth. T he 

of thefaints, . | | 

6 For who is he among the cloudes:that hall bee 
compared vnto the Lord? ; 

And what ts he among the gods: that hall bee 
lyke onto the Lozd? —— 

8 God is very greatly to be leared in the counſaile 
of the ſaintes: ard to be had in reuerence of allthem 
that ave about him. bey - 
9O D Low God of holes, who is like vnto thee:thy 
trueth( (mot mightie Lord)is on eueryvſide. 

1o Chou ruleſt theraging of the {ea : thot ſtilleſt 
the waues thereof when theparite, 

. 1 Chou batt fubdued Egypt, and deſtroyed it: 

thou batt tcattered thine enemies abꝛoade with thy 
mightie arme. Hynes SH eee 

72 The heauens are thine,the earth alfo ts thine: 

thou batt layd the foundation ofthe round worlde, 

andall that therein is, 

13 Chou hal made the North and the South: 
Taboꝛr and Hermon hall reioyce tn thy name, 

. 14 Chou hat a mightie arme:ſtrong ts thy hand, 
and high is thy right hand. 
5 Kighteouſneſſe and equitie is the habitatiõ of 
thyicate: mercie and trueth chall goe beſore thy face, 
6 Bleſſed is the people (D Loꝛde) that can re⸗ 
ioyce in thee:theyſhal walke in the light of thy coun: 
tenance. | ae — 

17 Their delight ſhalbe dayly in thy name: and in 
thyrighteouſneſſe hall they make their boat, « 
- 18 Foz thou art the glory of their ſtrength: and 
in top lowing kindnes thou chalt lift bp our hornes. 

19 soz the Lordis our defence: the holy one of Fe “8 i. 

racligour bing, 

€ — * — 
eh es a 
i ; + r — 
20 @Y — 
* lat 
ie. % J 3 

Moneth. T he 

20 Short ſpakeſt fometime in ditions onto thy 

| Saints’, and taydeſt: Jhaue layde helpe bpon one — 
: prac mightie , Jhaue exalted one choſen outotthe — 
peop i. aes r 3 . 

21:9 haue found Dauid my leruant: with myho⸗ 

ipoplevaue'Zanopnteahim, = - | 

22My bande ſhall holde him fat: and my arme 

ſhall ſtrengthen him. ped : 

23 Che enemie hal not be able to do him violence: 
the ſonne of wickedneſſe hall not burt him, | 

24 J thall imite downe his foes before His face: a 

plague them thathate pint. ait) hp 

25 Dp tructh alfo amy mercy hall bee with Him: 
and in my name hall his horne be evalted. 

26 J will ſet hig dominion allo in the fea: and his 
right band in the floods. | 
27 Hethall cali me, Chou art myFather:my God, 
and my ſtrong ſaluation. | : 

28 And J will make him my lirſt borne: higher 
then the kings ofthe earth. 10% | 

29 Gy mercie will Jkeepe fo2 hint for euermore: 
and my couenant ſhall ſtand fa with him. 

30 His ſeede alſo will Jmake to endure foreuer: 
and his throne as the dayes olheauen. 

31 But his children korſake my lawe: and walke 
not in my iudgements. | | 

32 FEthey breake my ſtatutes, andkeepe riot mp - 
commaundements: J will bifite their offences with — 
the rod, and their linne with ſcourges. 

33 Neuertheleſſe, myploutng kindneſſe will J not 
bfterly take from him: 1107 fuffer my trueth to fatle. 
34 Dypcouenant will J notbeake , noz alter the 
thing that is gone out of mp lippes: Jhaue ſworne 

once bp my holpnes that FZ would not fatle Dauid. 

* e j 
35, i Xesh > eis 
7, ligacoat Te tte Brae WS i { 
— Re Pe > 
ee Ma ap ie co ee 

wp ene 
ee he 
an Zz 

Moneth. The 

35 hi⸗ feede chall endure foz euer: and his leate is 
like as the funne befoze me, 
36 He hall ſtand fat for euermore as the moone: 
atid as the faithful witnes tn heauen. 
37 Butthou hat abhorred and forfaken thine a 
‘mopneen: and art difpleated at hint, 
38 | tag thyſeruant: 
and caſt his crowne to the ground 
39 Chou Hat Heber seb all His hedges : and 
| botembotone his ſtrong hoĩdes. 
All they that goe by, ſpoyle him: and he is be⸗ 
— ——— to his neighbours. 
41 Thou halt ſet vpthe right band of his enemies: 
arid made all his aduerſaries to reioyce. 
42 Choubak taken away the edge of his ſworde: 
and giuett not him bictozic in the batteil, 
43 Thou haſt put outhisalorp:andcakhisthzone - 
Downe to the around. 
44 The nares ofhis youth hat thou thoztenes: and 
mer Him with diſhonour. 
5 Lord. howe long wilt thot hide top felfe, fo2 e⸗ 
wer: hin thal thy wath burne like fire? 

46 Ohremember howe ſhort my time ts : wyere⸗ 

fore Hatt thou made all men, for nought? : 
47 What mantis bee that liucth, and hall nottee 
— and hail be deliuer bis ſoule from the band of 

48 Lode, where ave thy olde lowing nindnelles: 
which thou ftwatett vnto aid tn thy tructy? 
, 49 RememberOLord) the rebuke that thyſeruants 
haue:and how F do beare in mp bofome the rebukes 
of manv people, 
| 50 wherewith thine enemies haue blaſphemed 
— llaundered the lootelteps of thine AED | 
| prayſed 

. bray be the L020 fo2 euermore. Amen. Amen. 

omine, refugium. Pſal.o. 
BO © Dade, thou halt bene our rekuge: krom 
) Sone generation to another. 
~Se 2 Wefore Pmountaines were bought 
a4 forth, oreuer the earth andthe woelde | 
| as Were made : thou art God from euerla⸗ 
fing,and wo2lde without ende. 
3 Thouturnes man to veftruction + againe thou 
. fapelt,Come agatne pechtldzenofmen, 
4. ffo2 athouſand veres in thy fight, ave but as ve⸗ 
flerday:feeing that is patt as a watch in the night. 
5 As foone as thou ſcattereſt them, they are e+ 
— a ſleepe: and fade away nddemy like the 
6 In the morning it is greene, andgroweth bp: — 
oo Che euening it is cut downe, dryed vp, and wi⸗ 
7 Foꝛr wee conſume away in thy Ddifpleature: and 
are afvaie at thy weathiull indignation. 
8 Thou hatt tet our mifdeedes before thee:and our 
fecret ſinnes in the fight of thy countenance, — 
9 ffozvoben thou art angrp,al our dayes are gone: 
: we obi our peeves to an ende, a8 it were a talẽ that 
19 to ae 
Io Che dapes of our ageare threeſcore peeregand 
fet, and though men bee fo ſtrong that they come to 
fouretco2e peres:petis their ſtrength then but labour 

andfoz0w,fofoone palleth it away, andwearegone. 

IY But who regardeth the power of thy wath : 

for even thereafter aga man feareth , fo is thy dit 
—_ pleafure. 

12 Dteach bs to number ourdayes:that we may | 
Be th our — vnto witedome. — 
Mle hae 3 Gurne 

yA sonetb. hbexvittday. — 

13 Turne thee againe(D Lorde) atthe laſt: and 
be gratious vnto thy feruants, 
14 O latillie bs with thy mercie, and that foone: 
a we reioyce and be glad all the dayes of our 
15 Comlort vs againe nowe after the time that 
thou batt plagued bs: and foꝛ the peeres whereit 
we haue {uffered aduerſitie. 1 
16 Sbewthpleruants thy woke: and thetr chil⸗ 
dren thp alozy. 
- 17 andthe glorious maieſtie ofthe Lo2d our God 
be vpon vs: profper thou the worke of our hands by» 
on vs. O pꝛo — —— ce ogee woke, 
| abitat., — 
Vv fo dwelleth vnder the defence ofthe moe \ 
nit high: hall abide bnderthethadoweoftheals 
2 F wil fay brite the Lord, Thou art my hope and 
myſtrong hoide: mp God in him will F truff, — 
3 ffoz be hall deliuer thee from the fare of the = 
- Hunter: and from the noyſome pettilence, ee 
4 Hethatl defend thee vnder bis wings,and thou — 
thaitbe fate vnder bis feathers : his faithtuinette ans: 
tructh tall be thy ſhield and buckler. 
Thou lſhalt not be afratd fo2 — terror by night: 
1102 fo2 the arrowe that flieth by da 
6 Foꝛ the peſtilence that walhety in the darke⸗ 
— + noꝛ fe2 the fickenes that deſtroieth in the noone 
734 thoufande chall fall belide thee, and tenne os 
thouſande at thy right hande: ‘butt tall not come 2 — 
8Peg, with thine eyes bat hou nebo be: an — 
fee the emarde of the — ie See 
e J 

9 ff 02 thou Lorde art mp hope: thou hat fet thine 

houſe of defence very high. 

to Chere ſhall noeuilhappen onto thee: neither 

ſhall any plague come nie thy dwelling. 

11 Forhe hall giue his angels charge ouer thee: 

12 Chey hall beare thee in their handes: that 
tyou hurt not thy foote againſt a ſone. 

13 Thou ſhalt goe vpon the Lion and Adder: the 
= — and the Dꝛagon ſhalt thou treade vnder 
thy feete, | 7 

14 Becaufle he hath let his loue hporrme, therefore 
ſhali J deliver him: J ſhall ſet him bp, becaule hee 
bath knowen my name. 

si a 

15 He hall callbpon me, and J will hearehim: 


pea, J am with him in trouble. J will deliuer him, 

and bring him to honour. 

16 HDItH long life will F fatittie him: and chewe 

him my faluation.» 

Bonum efttonfiteri, Pfal,o2.. ae 
TO is a good thing to give thankes vnto the 
, ie aid tofing praiſes vnto thy name D moſt 

1 g ee : - 

2 Cotellof thy louing kindnes earely in the mor⸗ 

ning: andokthy truet h in the night ſtalon. 

UEpon an inftrunient oftenne ltrings, and vpp ⸗ 
onthe Lute: vpon a loude inſtrument, and vpon the 

Rae. xorg | 
4 for thou Lod hak made meglad thozewe thy 

* Bikes —— — 
— Reena eae oe ie 

— Tt il 

‘Soothes: and F will reioyce in giuing pꝛraiſe fo2 the 

operations of thy handes. 

5 D Lorde, howe gloziousare thy wozkes: and 

thÿthoughtes are erp deepe, ~ 

6 An vnwile man doeth not well contider this ‘ 
| i eS 

Moneth. LE XVI. AA. 

and afoole doeth not vnderſtand it. 

7 Phen the vngodly are greene as the graſſe, and 
when all the workers of wickedneſſe doe floriſh: ther 
‘fhall they be deſtroyed for ever, but thou Loz art the 
moſt higheſt foz euermoze. 

8 ffozloe,thine enemies (D Lorde) ioe thine eres 
Mies hail periſh: and all the wozkers of wickednelle 
fhaibe deſtroyed. 

9 But my boone hail bee exalted like the horne of 
an biticozne: fo2 Jam anopnted with fret opte. 

10 Mine cye alfo thal fee his tui of mine enemies: 
and mine eave thal heare bis delire of the wicked that 
rife bp againſt me, 

11 The righteous thal floriſh like apaime tree: 
and Hall fea ab2oade like a Cedar in Libanus, 

12 Such as be planted tn the houſe of the Lorde: 
ae flozith int the courtes (of the boule) of our God, 

3 Chey alfo hall bring forth moze fruttein their 
aft jaind ſhalbe fat and well liking. 

14 Chat they may thewe howe true the Lorde 
oo ma is: and tyat there is tio —— 
in him. | 

’ Dominus regnanit. Pfal.93. 

PSS sere Lorde is bing, and hath put on gle: Euen 
* rious apparell: the Lorde bath put on praye 
EU | ag * —— and girded himſelle with 
2 Pebath made the rounde worid fo 
* that it cannotbe moued. 
3 Euer lince the world began, hath thy ſeate bene 
pꝛepared:thou art from euerlaſting. 
4 The floods are riſen (D Lozde) the floods bate 
: lift bp their bopce: the floods lift bp their waues. te 



5 Che waues of the fea ave mightie, and rage 
{ = toh ‘but yet the Lorde that dwelleth on high, is 
— mightier, 

6 Thyteſtimonies. O Lorde, are berp fuve : holt. 
nelſe becommeth thine houſe for euer. 
Deus vltionum. Pfal.94. 

Our od to Lohom detigeatice belongeth: thou 
tei God to whome vengeance belongeth, cwewe thy 
2, Arifethor iudge of the woeride: and rewarde the 
pꝛoude after their deſeruing. 

3 Lord, how long chall the vngodly:how long chal 
the vngodly triumph? 

Howe long wall all wicked doers ſpeake fo diſ⸗ 

dainfully:and make ſuch pꝛoude boating? 

5 Chey Mnrite downe thy people, D Lorde: strous - | 

bie thine heritage, 
6 Chey murther the widow and the ſtranger:and 
put che katherleſſe to death. 
7 And pettheplap, Cuſh, the Lorde ſhall net fee: 

neither fhalithe GovofJacobreqardit, 

8 Wake heede ve vnwiſe among the people: $0) pe 
fooies, wher will pe vnderſtand! 
9g Pethat planted the eare, pal he rot heave: orhe 

oi. that made the eve thall be not fee? 

F ee 

1o MOrhethatiurtureth the heathen: it is he that 

teacheth man knowledge, fhalinothe punt: 
11 Che Lord knoweththe thoughts of ian: that 
they are but vayne. 

12 Bleſſed is the man whome thouchaltenelt O 
— and teacheſt him in thy law. 

3 Chat thou mayet give him patience in time 

ef auertitic vntill annem bp lor the vn⸗ 
i. 14 for —— 

é . got Uy 

Se ae ioe 
eerie — — * a, a 

— 5 
——<. ee: © 

~— e@Moneth. The 

14 Foꝛ the Lodzde will npt faile his people:neither 

Wwill be forfake bis inheritance. MES : 

15 Wntilrighteoutnelle turne aqaine bute iudge⸗ 
iment: all fuch as be true in Heart hal follow it. 

16 Who will rife bp with mee againk the wic⸗ 
Red 3 02 Who will take mp part again the euill do- 
117 Iftthe Lod had not helped me ; it had not fat: | 

Jed but my fortle bad bene put to filence, 

18 Dut when J fayd, Dy foote hath ſlipped: thy 
mercy(D Lozwd)held me bp, 
be 19 In the multitude of the fozowes that F had in 

my heart: thy comforts haue retrethen my foule, | 

20 Wilt thou Haue any thing to doe with the 
— of wickednelle : which imagineth mifchiele as 

21 Chey gather them together againt the forte 
re the righteous :; and condemne the innocent 

00D, ; 

22 But the Lord is my refuge:and mp God ts the 
ſtrength of mp confidence. re | 

23 He hal recompence them their wickednes,and 
deſtroy them in their owne malice: pea,the Lo2d our 
God Hall delrop them. | 

Venite,exultemus, Pfal.g95, 

SS) Come, tet bs fing ditto the Lorde: lets Morn 


Sfaluation, arta Gs 
+ 2 Wet bs come before — mee? 


vitch thankes gunng ; and he 
felues glad in him with plaimes, J 
3 fsoꝛ the Loꝛd is a great Col randagreat Ring | 

Moneth. The 

abote ali gods. aie... tee 

In his hand are all the corners of the earth:and 
the ſtrength of the hilles is his alſo. — 
5 CThe ſea is his, and he made it: and his handes 
prepared the drie land. 

6 Ocome, let vs worhippe and fall downe: and 

kneele betore the Lord our maker. 
7 Foꝛhe is (tie Lorde) our God: and we are the 
people of his paſture, and the theepe of his hands. . 

8 To day ifpee will heave his voyce, Harden not 
pour hearts: as in the prouocatiott,and as in the day 
of temptation in the wildernefle. 

9 robert pour fathers tempted me:proued me, ad 
ſawe my workes. — 

10 Fourtie peeves long was Jgrieued with this 
generation, a ſaid: It is a people that doerre in their 
Hearts.fo2 they haue not kno wen my wayes.· 
“AL Unto whome J (ware in my wath: that they 
mould not enter into my reff, 


Cantate Domino. Pſal.96. 

O & ing vnto the Lord a newe ſong: ſing vnto the 
Lovdallthewholeearty. : 
2Sing vnto the Lorde, and prayle his name: be 
telling of His faluation from day to dap, 

3 Weclare hishonour vnto the heathen: and his 
wonders vnto all people, ta 
4 foe the Lorde is qreat 5 and cart not woor⸗ 

thilybee prayſed: hee tg moze to be feared then alt 
gods. Neheie 
: s Qe fox all the qods.of the heathen , they bee 
but tooles : but it ig the Lorde that made the hea⸗ 
uens. wed HE OED Ra th 

—*8 fees 
) — — * 
4 X * 
— | ; 
a % wa wy 
* 7 
Se. Ole ae 

6 Glow 

* po: 
a ——— — 

Moneth. Thexix. day.” 

6 Glory and worthip are befoze Hint: power and 
Honour are in his ſanctuarp. 

7 Aſcribe onto the Lod, (ye kinreds of the people ) | 

alcribe vnto the Loꝛd wozthip and power, 
Afcribe vnto the Lorde the honour due vnto his 
tame: bing peefents, and come into biscourtes. 
9 D woribippe the Lord in the beautie ok holynes: 
let ‘the whole earth ſtand in awe of him, 
10 Cellitoutamong the heathen, that the Lod 
is king:and that itis he which hath made theround 

world fo fall p tt cannot be mooued, and how that he 

hall tudge the people righteoufly . 

11 Letthe heauens retopce, and tet the earth bee 
glad: tet the fea make a nopte, gall that therein is. 

12 Letthe fielde bee ioyfull, and all that is init: 

oe chall all the trees of the wood retopce befoze the 


13 For bee conmneth,fo2 he commeth to iudge the 
earth: and with —— to — tie anne 
and the people with bis truth, 

Dominus regnauit. Pha, 97, 

E Te Lodde is hing, the earth may bee glad there- 

of: pea, the multitude of the Files map be giad 

2 Cloudes and darkenes are rounde about him: 

righteouſneſſe and iudgement arethe habitation of — 

his ſeate. ase 
3 Chere hail goe a fire before him: and burne op — 

bis enemies on euery fide. 

4 His lightnings gaue ſhine vnto the world: : the — 

earth fate it, and was afraide. 

* pitles meltfd Ne ware at the pilenctot - * 


i ies. 

Moneth.. The xix. day. 

the gaa + at the peefence of the Lozde of che whole 
earthy, | Me 
6 Cheheauens haue declared his righteouſneſſe: 

and all the people haue ſeene his glory. 

> Confounded bee all they that worſhippe carued 

finages,and thatdelight in batne gods: worſhip him 

allpe gods, . ‘ 
8 Sion heard of tf, retopcend: and the daughters 
of Juda were glad, becauleot thyiudgementes, D 

Lorde. | oer) 
9 For thou Lorde art higher , ther all that ave in 

the earth: thou art erattedfarre aboue all gods. 


10 Opee that loue the Lorde, fee that yee hate the J 

thing whichis euil: the Lord preſerueth the ſoules 
ofhis ſaints, be hall deliuer them from the Hand of 
the vngodiy. J HGS 23) 
11 Chere istpong bp alight foz the righteous: ¢ 
ioyfull gladnesfor fuch asbetrue hearted, 
oa Retopce in the Lorde pee righteous: and giue 
thankies fo2 a remembꝛance of his holynes. 
_ © Cantate Domino, Pfal.g8. 
NG Ding dito the Lozd a new fong: fo2 hee 
N hath done marucilous thinges.. 
2 With his owne right bande, and 

NGA with vis poly arme :haty be gotte him⸗ 

the poute of Iſrael: and al the ends of the world haue 

feenethefaltationofour®od,. = 
5 Sbhewe pour telues topfull vnto the L020 all pe 

{andes fing, reioyce, and giue thankes. Q 
SR — a 6 Praiſe 

Moneth. The 

6 Pꝛaiſe the Lorde vpon the Darpe : ſing to the 
Harpe wity a Pſalme of thankeſgiuing. ) 
7 With trumpets alfo and haumes: D hew pour 
“ie topfull before the Loꝛd the king. 
8 Let thefeamatke a noyſe, and all that therein is: 
the round world , and they that Dwellthercit, 
9 Let the floods clap thety hands, and iet the hils 
be ioylull together befoze the Lord: fo2 he is come to 
iudge theearth. 
10 With righteoufrelle hall hee iudge the world: 
and the people with equitie, 7 
Dominusregnauit,, . 
Te} Lorde ts ing, be the people newer fo vnpati⸗ 
ent: he fitteth betweene the Cherubing, bee the 
earth neuer fo vnquiet. 
2 ha Loꝛd is great in Sion:and high aboue all 

3 Chey thall giue thankes vnto thy name: which 

13 ateat > wornderfulland holy, 

4 Chekings powerloucth iudgement, thou batt 
prepared equitie : thou haſt executed iudgement and 
righteouſneſſe in Jacob, 

— § magniũe the Lord ourGod: and fail Downe 
befor bis footeftole for he is holy. 

6 Moles and Aaron among His prtefies, and Sa⸗ 
muel among ſuch as call vpon his name: thele called 
vpon the Lord, and be heard them. 

7 Heſpake vnio them out of the cloudie pillar:for 
a Kept Dis teftimorties, and the lawe that he gaue 


8 Thou heardeſt them ( D Lorde our Gon: ) thow 

forgauct them, D God, and punichedtt thet owne 

ee D magnifie the Lorde out Gon, anoroorippe :. 


Moneth. The xix. day. 
~ vpon bis holp hill: fo2 the Lode our G OD is 


TubilateDeo, Pfal, 100, 

O* fopfullinthe Lode all pe landes: ſerue the 
Lozde with gladneſſe, and come before his pre⸗ 
ſence with a ſong. 

Be pee lure thatthe Lord he ts Goo, it is he that 
Hath made vs, and not we our ſelues:we are his peo⸗ 
ple, andthe cheepe of his paſture. 

3 Ogo your way into his gates with thankes gi⸗ 
uiñg, and into his courtes with praiſe: be thankekul 
vnto Him, and ſpeake good ot his name. 

od. forthe Lod is gratious. his mercie is euerla⸗ 

ns ting: and His trueth endureth from — to 

generation. | 

“Mifericordiam 8ciudicium. Pfal. Yor, Vf 
me M? forig fhallbe of mercie and iudgement : vnto 
theeD Lord, will Iſin 


ou witt thou come vnto mee: Jwill⸗ walne 

in my Houle with a perfect heart, 

4 A will take no wicked thing inhand, J hate the 
— of vnlaithlulneſſe: there chall no ſuch cleaue 
nto me. 

5 Afrowarde Heart hall departe from mee:Jwill 
not know a wicked perſon. 
6 wWholo pꝛiuilyſſaundereth his neighbour:him 
will J deſtroy. 

7 Who ſo hath alſo a proude looke and high ſto⸗ 

a mace: will not fuffer Hint. 

» 8 Dine epes tooke onto fuich as be fait tut inthe 
iano: thatthepmapdwellwithme . 
: rd — enn & godly life ; Hee wen bee my 

g. : 
‘ = inte haue priberitanbing:in the wwayot gods a8 

—Meneth. The xx. day. 

| 10 Chere thal no deceitful perſon dwell in my 
see —— he that telleth lies hal not tary in myſight. 
11 Fthalfoone deſtroy all the vngodly chat ave in 
thetatio: that Jmaxꝝ roote out all wicked doers from 
the atic ofthe Lod. : 

Domine, — Pfal.102, 

SSE Caremyppeaper,D Lorde : and let my ‘Morn 
Icrring come bnto thee, praye 
2 2 Hidenotthy face from mee inthe 
ay \SS) lea time of my trouble: endine thine cares 
Wea ae Ghnito me when F call, D heave me, and 
that right foone, 
3 Foꝛ mp dapes are confumed away like fmoke: , 
anid mp bones are brent vpas it wereafivebsand. — 4{ 
4 My heart is tmitten downe and withered ike 
grate: fo that fozgettoeatempbzead, 
5 Forthe voyce of.myp groning : my bones ‘wilt 
ate cleaue to myfleſh. i 
hs become like a Pelican i in the wilbernett: <a 
anid like an owle that is in the deſart. ee 
i Phaue watched, andameuenasitwereatpa: — . 
rowe that ſitteth alone vpon the houſe top. sed 
8 Mine enemies reuüe me all the dayiong: and = [ 
—— are madde vpon me, are ſworne together a⸗ 
gainſt we oe 
9 for J haue eatent ates agit were bread: and x 
, — mip drinke With Weeping. - 
And that becaule of thine indignation and « 
sweath; forthou haf taken me vp and catt me downe. 
Ir Dydaypes — aa and Jam 
— like grafe, | —— 
| | 12 But — 


i ede fp 


12 Wut thou (D Lod) halt endure fo2 euer: and 
thy remembrance throughout all generations. 

13 Chou halt ariſe and have mercie bpon Sion: 
fo2 itis time that thou hate mercy vpon her,pea,the 
time is come, 

14 And why thyſeruants thinke atta 
andi pity them toreeberin yen uff, 
15 The heathen thalfeare thy — Lord:and 
atl the Kings of the earth thy matettie, 
6 When the Lord hal build bp Sion:and when 
his glory hall appeare. 
17 When heturneth Him vnto the paper of the 

pooꝛe deſtitute:and deſpileth not their delire. 

18 Chis ſhalbe weritten fo2 thole that come after: 
and the people which ſhall bee bone, hall prayſe the 

020, | | 

19 For he hath looked downe frombis fanctuary: 
out ofthe heauen did the Lozd behold the earth, 

20 Chat hee might heave the mournings of fuch 
as be in captiuitie:and deliuer the chtldzen appointed 
vnto death, 

21 Chatthey map declare the name ofthe Logd in 
Sion: and his wozhipatHierutatem, 

22 wher the people ave gathered tonether : ‘and 
the hingdomes alfo to ſerue the Lord. 

23 Hebroughtdowne mp frenath in myiourner: 
and ſhortened mydayes. 

24 But J fapde, D my God,take me tot away it 
the middeſt of mine age:as fo2 thy peeres they endure 
throughout all generations. | 

25 Chou Lozd in the beainminghatlain the fottne 
dation of the earth:and the heauens are the worke of 

thy bande 

——— aK all perith, but thou rat endure: they | 

Moneth.. - ‘Ik 

all hall ware olde as doeth a garme —* | 

27 Andas a veſture halt thou change thent, and 
they thalbe changed: but thou art the! Ae, and thy 
veeres hall not faile. 

28 The childern of thp ſeruants cons continue: 
and their ſeede hail Hand fat in thy fight. 

3 Benedic animamea, Pfal.103 

Pate the Lord, O my ſoule:and all that is within 

me, parle hisholp mame, 

, : — the Lord, O my ſoule: and lorget not all 
is ben 

3 Which forgtueth all thy ſinne: and healeth all 

chine infirmities. 

4 Which ſaueth thy life from deſtruction: and 
crowneth thee withmercie and louing kindneſſe 
§ Which ſatiſſieth thy mouth with good thinges: 

Making thee pong and luſtie as an eagle. 

6 Che Lorde executeth righteouſnelſe and iudge⸗ 
ment:for all thent that ave oppꝛeſſed with wong. 

7 Heſhewed his wayes vnto Moles ; His workes 
brite the childzen of Iſrael. 

8 Che Lorde ts full of compaſſion and mercte: 
long ſuffering and of qreat goodneſſe. 

9 He willnot alway be chiding; neither keepeth 
bet His anger for euer, 

10 Hee hath not dealt with vs after our ſinnes: 
$02 rewarded bs according toour wickedneſſe. 

Il Foꝛ looke how high the heauen is itt compa⸗ 
riſon of the earth: foqreatis bis mercie alſo to warde 
them that feare him. 
2 Xoonhe Howe wide alſo the Catt is front th bss 

abet: fo farre hath He fet our ſinnes from vs. on 

13 Pealikeas a father pitieth bis owne chideene 
euen , is ne — — vntothẽ thatteare — 

14 Fo2 

Moneth. A 

14 Foꝛ he knoweth whereot we be made: heere⸗ 
membzreth that we are but bulk. | 
15 Chedayes of man are but as grate: fo2 bee flos 
riſheth asaflow2eofthefielde, 
16 Foꝛ as loone as the winde goeth ouer it, it is 
net and the place thereof hall knew it no more, 
7 Wut the merctfuill goodneſſe of the Lozde en⸗ 

: — kor euer and euer, bpon them that leare him: 


ening § 

ny Cr. 

and his righteoutnelle vpon childrens chilozen. 

18 Euen vpon fuch as keepe His couenant: and 
ante vpon His commandements to doe them. 

9 The Lorde hath prepared his teate in heaven: 
and bis kingdome ruleth over ail, 

20 O praple the Lorde, peangeis of bis , pee that 
ercell in ſtrength: ye that fulfiiihiscommandement, 
aid hearken bitte the voyce of his wordes. oy 

21 Opeaiſe the Lord, all pe bis hoſtes: ve ſeruants 
of his that doe his pleaſure. 

22 O ſpeake good of the Lorde, all pee workes of 
bis, in all places of his dominion: praiie thoup 102d, 
— ſoule. 

—— Pfal:rog, 
Railſe the Jlozd, D my ſoule: D Loꝛde 
Sémp God, thou art become exceeding 
— gierious thou art clothed with maie⸗ 
ae «| a io cent Me and honour. | 

SS S's 2 Chou deckett thy lelfe with light 
asit t were withagarment: and fpreadet Sue the hea⸗ 
uens like a curtaine. 

3 tobich layeth the beames of his chamber in the 
waters: and maketh the cloudes * charet, and wal⸗ 
keth vpon the wings of the winde, — 

4 Be harming fs angels fpiritg:a and bis minitters 
a A ¢ 

Moneth. TI 
5 He layde the foundations of the earth: that it 

neuer ſhauid mooue at ary time. 
6 Thou coueredk it with the deepe like as with 

 agarment: the waters fandin the hilles. 

7 Atthyp rebuke they flee: at the bopce ofthy them 
ner they are atraypde, 

8 They goe * as high as the hilles, and Downe 
to the ballepes beneath: euen vntothe place which 
thou bal appointed fo2 thers. 

9 Thou vatt let them theirboundes, which they 
—— paſſe: neither turne againe to couer the 

10 He ſendeth the ſprings into the riuers: which 
runne among the ilies 

11 Ailbeates ofthe delaedeinke thereof; and the 

wilde Sfles quench their thirk, 
12 Belide them thall the foutes of the apze Haue 

————— and ſing amongthe braunches. 

3 He watereththe hiſſes from aboue: the earth 

is fited with the frutte of thy workes 


14 Bee bringeth foorth qvafle fo2 the cattell: and 
greene berbe fo2 theferuice of men, 
15 Ehat he may being foode out ofthe earth, and 

wine that maketh glad the Heart of man: and ople to 

make him a chearefull countenance, ard bead to 
firength mans heart, 

16 The trees ofthe Lord alſo ave full of fap: euen 
the Cedars of Libanus, which be bath planted. 

17 wherein the birdes make their nets: and the 
Firve trees are a dwelling forthe Stoke, 

18 The high hilles ave a refuge for the wilde 

Goates: and fo ave the ſtonie rockes for the Co⸗ 



1g be appointed the Doone foz certaine feafons —— 

Saks ; 
Mar. | Moy 

Moneth. LDEXX.Ady. 

and the Sunne knoweth vis going downe 


20 Chou makett davknefle, that tt may be night: 
wyherein all the beattes of the foreſt doe mooue. 
21 CheLions roaring after their prꝛay:doe ſeeke 
their meate at God. ity a ah 
22 Che Sunne arileth, and they act them awap 
together: and lay them do wne in their dennes. 
23 Man goeth korth to his worke, andto his la 
bour: vntill the euening. et — 
24 D Lorde, howe manikolde are thy workes: in 
a made them all, the earth ts ful of 
priches. 7 
2 So is the great and wide lea alfo: wherein 
ate things creeping innumerable, both ſmall and 
great beattes, oe 
26 Chere goz the hippes, and there is that Les 
| — whom thou hall made to take his paſtime 
therein. a F 
27 Thele warte all vpon thee: that thou mayeſt 
Giuethbemmeateinducteafon, = 
28 When thou giuelt tt them, theygather it and 
when thou openeſt thy hande, they are ſilled with 
good. et 2 
| 29 When thou hidelt thyface, they are troubied: 
when thou takelt away their beeath they die and are 
turned againe to their duſt. 
30 wen thou letteſt thy breath goe foorth, they 
tall be made: and thor ſhalt renue the face of the 

31 Che glorious maiettie of the Lord hal endure 

euer the Lorde thall retoycein his workes. 

_ 32 Gheearth hall tremble atthe tooke of him: it 

—— te 1 

png 6 e 
ae : 
* —* — 
eo sie —3 
* —— 7 
er he “ ep — 
Th sg 
— Pees ae 
Seah — 

ye doe but touchthe hilles they challimozhe. 
33Jwill ſing vntothe Lorde as wane. 

pa 24 

jo Bee NS ’ 


Meneth. Thexxi. day. 

J will pratfe my God, while J haue my being, 
34 And lo ſhall my wordes pleate him:my top hail 
be in the Lord. 

35 Asfozfinners, they halbe confumed out of the 
earth, and the brgooly hati come to an ende: prayſe 
| — the Lord, O my foule,peatte the 102d, 

Confitemini Domino. Pfal.1o5, 
3 4 Giue thanhes vnto the Lowe, and call Morn: 
Evpon His name ; tell the people what peat 
Ithings he Hath done, 
IY, yx 2 Diet pour fongs be of him, apeaite 
3 Zi him: and iet pour talking bee of all his 

—— workes. 
3 Reioyce in his holy name : let the heart of them — 
reioyce that ſeeke the Lord. 
42ceke the Lord and his ſtrength: teeke his face 


Kemember the marueilous woorkes that hee 
ws td saa bis Wwonders,and the indgements of bis 

6 D ye ſeede of Abraham his ſeruant: ye children 
ofFacobbhischoten, | | 

7 Heisthe Lord our God: his tudgements are in 
all the woꝛrid. 

8 He hath bene alway mindefull of his couenant 
* pꝛomiſe: that be made to a thouland generatt- 

Euen the couenant that hee made twit abra 
Ham: andtheothethathetwarebntoFfahac, = = = 

10 Andappointed the fame vnto Jacob for ataww: ee * 
— andtoFlraetfozaneuerlaftingteftament, 
TT Saping,wnto thee wilZ giueche iandot Ha: 
naan: the lot ofyour inheritance. 
12. When there were pet buta tewe ofthe 

Moneth. The 

they ſtrangersi in the land. 

13 What tine as they weit front one nation to an 
other: from one kingdome to. another people, 
' 14 He luffered rio man todoe them wrong:but re⸗ 
pꝛoued euen kings fo2 their fakes, 
‘a as Touch not mine anointed :and do my Prophets 

16 Moꝛeouer, he called for a dearth bpon the land: 
ite deſtroyed all the peoutfion of bꝛead. 

7 But he hadlent amar before them : euen Jo⸗ 

teph which was ſold to be a bond ſeruant. 

18 Whole keete they hurt in the ſtockes: the xron 
entred into his foule, 
19 Wntilthe time came that his caule was know⸗ 
en: the word ofthe Lord tried him. 
20 Whe king ſent and deliuered him: the prince 
wedi eople sib ao free, 

e made bint Xoꝛd alto of his houte: and ruler 

of all his ſubſtance. 

22 That hemiaht enforrrme his princes after his 
will: and teach His Senators wiſedome. 

23 Iſrael alfocame into Egypt:and Jacob was a 
frangerinthelandofpanm, — 

24 Andheencreated his people erceedingly: and 
made them ſtronger then their enemies. 

25 Whoſe heart turned,lo that they hated his pens 
ple: anddealt vntruely with bis feruants, 

26 Then ſent hee Moles his feruant: and Aaron 
whom he had choſen. 
27 Anathete hewed his tokens among, them:and 

wonders in the land of Dam, 
28 He ſent darkenelſe, and it was darke: and they 
were riot obedient vnto His word. 
ae me turned * waters into biodd and — 
eir ie 

| Moneta. The xxt. av. 
their fith, 

30 Their land oat lorth Froanes: pea, euen 
in their hinaschambers, — | 
31 Hee ſpake the wo7de,and there came all master: 

of flpes: and lice in theiv quarters. - 
32 He gaue them batlettones toz vaine:e flames of 
fire in their lande. 
33 He ſmote their bines alfoand figge trees: and 
netove the trees that were in their coattes 
4 He {pakke the woorde, athe graſhoppers came, 
anid caterpillers innumerable:and dideate bp allthe 
qratiet a their lande, and denoured the fruite oftheir 
35 Heſmote allthe lirlt borne i in their land: euen 
the chiefe okall their ſtrength. 
36 Hee brought them koorth alſo with ſiluer and 
es : there wag not one feeble perfon among their 
tribes, . 
| 7 €appt was glad at their departing’: lor thee 
wereatrardeof then, 
33 Hee ſpread outa cloude to bee a couering: and 
fire to gitte light inthe night ſeaſon. 
39 It their deſire he brought aitailes: and he fil: 
led them with the bead ofheauen. 
40 Hee opened the rocke of fore, and the waters 
flowed out :fothatriuers ranne in date places, 
| 4I Foz why? he remembzed his holy promiſe: and 
Abꝛaham disteruant, 
42 And he bꝛought forth bis people with 10P 3 and 
bis choſen with qladnefie, 
43 And gaue them the landsof the Heathen: and 
they tooke the labours of the peopie in poſſeſſion. 

44 Chat they might heepe his tatutes; eoblertte ee, 


f k.i ii. A - Confit: : ae — ne 

Moneth. The xxi. day. 

ConfiteminiDomino, Pfal,106, ~ | 
XY Giue thankes onto the Lore, for yee is 
ae Igracious: and his mercy endureth foz e⸗ 
A? Whocan expꝛeſſe the noble actes of 
Wy & Athe WLo2d: 02 Hew forth all his pꝛayſe: 
3 — are they that alway fieepe iudgement: 

and doe righteouſneiſe. 

4 Remember mee, D Lode, according to the ka⸗ 
Nout that thou beareſt vnto thy people: D vilſite me 
with thylaluation. 

5 Chat F may lee the felicitic of typ chofert: and 

reioyce in the gladneſſe of thy people, ¢ gtue thankes 

with thine inheritance. 

6 Pee haue ſinned withour fathers + wee paue 

done amiffe and dealt wickedly, 
7. Our fathers regarded not thy wonders in E⸗ 

gypt, neither kept they thy great goodnes it remem⸗ 

pie : but were difobedient at tie fea, euen at the 

8 Neuertheleſſe Hee Helped them fo2 is names 
fake: that Hee might make His power to bee kno⸗ 

9 Be rebuked the red fea allo, and it was dryed bp: 
fo 0 {edde them through the deepe, as through a 

1o And hee faued them krom the aduerlaries 
hande: and deliuered them from the hande of the 

11 As for thole that troubled them, the waters 
Sthevsaelines | them: there was not one of their 


Maas oo they big wores: alang praiſe 
Ts vnto 

13 But 

Bdoneth. The xxi day. 

3 But within a while theytorgate his workes 
and world not abide His counſell. 

14 But luſt came vpon them in the witdernetie: 
andtheptempted Godin the defart, 

15 Ande gauethem ther belive : and tent lean⸗ 
_ nelle withall into their foute, ° 

16 Chey angred Moles aifo in the tents: and aa⸗ 
ron the ſaint of the Lo, - 

17 Sothe earth opened, and fwatlowed op Da 
than:and couered the congregation of Abiram, © 

18 Andthe fire was kindled in their companie:the 
flame burnt bp the vngodly. 

19 Chey made a Calfe tn Horeb: AND worhipped 
the molten image. 

20 Thus they turned their glory: into the tnt 
tude ofa Calfe that eateth Hay. 

21 And they forgate God ae Sauiour: wyich | 
had done fo qreat things in Egypt. 
22 Wonderous workes itt the lana of Pant: and 
fearefull things by the red fea, 
23 SHohetayd he would hare dettroyed them had 
not Moles his choſen and befoꝛe him in the qap: to- 
turne away bis wrathfullindignation,tett He whould © 

24 Pea, they thought ſcorne of that pleatant and: 
and gãue no credence nto his wo | 

25 Wut murmured in theirtents : and yearned 
not bitto the voyce of the Lord. 

26 Then lift — againltthemto ouer⸗ 

throw them in the wilderneſſe. 

27 To cat out their fecdeamong the nations: and ae 

tofcatter theminthelands. 
28 Chey topned anteleeg vnto waa Pe 
ate ⸗ dead, otis 

Moneths.« The xxt.daa. 
299 bus they prouoked him vnto anger with 
F | eng inuentions:and the plague was great & 
ae 30 — Hoode op bp phinees and praved: and fo the 
31 dnp that was counted vnto him for rightrout⸗ 
nes: among all poſtexities for euermorꝛece. 
32 Chey angred him allo at he waters of vite: 
fo * pirmiſhed Doles for their fakes, .- 
3 Becauſe they pouahep its ſpirite: fothat hee 
pakeonanusitenly with his lips 
334 either deſtroyed they the breather as che 
Lordcommanded them. 
35 Wut were nritigleD. among the heathen: and 
—— WOMCESs yo) 
nſomuch that they worhipyed their Fnotes, . 
wwhicheuruca to their o wne Decay. : pea they offered 
wes ſonnes and daughters pntoaeniis, - Spe 
7: And thea innocent blood euen the blood of their 
| fortes, and of their daughters: whome they offered 
vnto the doles of Chanaan,and the land wasdefiled 
38 Thus were they ftapned with their owne 
wornes and went a whoring with their owne in⸗ 
39 heretore was the wrath of the Lorde kindled 
againt bis people : inſomuch that hee abhorred his 
owne inheritance 
40. And hee gaue them over ints eye bande of tiie 
beaten: andt je that pated them were loraes ouer 

Ros —— enemes ope the and bad them 
witibiec Hergtid co sittoer ys 

42 —* atime did hee. De u hem h ‘oe 
PND © a. ebelle 

Moneth. The xxii. day. 

rebelledagaint him with their ovne inuentions @ 
were brought downe in.thetr wickeanefle. 

43 Heuertheleſſe, when ye fate their abuertitie: 
he heard their complainity : yicoIat * 

44 Hethought vpon his couenant, a pitied chem lie 

—— vnto the multitude of his mercies vea be 
made all thoſe that had ledde them chara hoa ported to 
pitie them 

45 Deliuer sD Lorde out (Bod) and — 
from among the heathen: that we map giue thanks 
onto thy holy name,and make our boat of thy pratfe, 

46 Blelſed be the Lode God of Iſvael from euer⸗ 
lafting,and world — end: and * we —* peope 
lar, Amen aib IO 366 } 


Ganficemii] omino, Phil, * ‘ 
| Biue thatties nto the Lorde, forheis ,,. 
8 gracious: and his mercy — ior praier, 
A 62 Let them giue chankes whom the. 
Z| Lowe hath redeemed: and deliuered 
from the band of theenemic, 
3. And gathered them out of the fanides, front the : 
a and from the Weſt: from the Moth and from 
the South. 
4 They went aſtray tn the wilderneffe out of the 
Wap: and found no citteto dwellin. 
5 amare e and thirſtie: their ſoule kainted in 

6Sothey cryed bitte the Lordi in their trouble: 4 
hee deliuered them from their diftrefle. — 
7 Dee led them foorth by the right way: that they — 
mig goe to the citie where they d welt fora 
8 Othat men woulde wks praiſe ns soe cera 

Moneth. Me 

for his goodneſſe: and declare the Wonders that hee 
Doth forthechilozenofmen, ov 
9 Forhelatilfieth the emptte toute: and illeth the 
hungrie foule withgoodnes. oes 
To Such as lit in darkenelle andin the ſhadowe 
ofdeath being fa bound timilericand yon, 
11 Becaulſe they rebelied againſt the words ofthe — 
Loꝛde:and lightly regarded the counſellof the moſt 

high . 
- 22 Hee alſo brought downe their heart theough 
heauinelle : they fell Downe , and there was none to 
helpe them bp. Sanh a hs 
13 So when they crped vnto the Lorde in their 
trouble : he deliuered them out of their diſtreſſe 

14 Ffo2rhe brought themoutotdarkenefle,andout 

ofthe thadowe ofdeath ; and bake their bondes in 
15 DO that mem wold therefore praiſe the Lozde 

| Eon his goodnes:a declare the wonders that hee doeth 

a eae 

foz the childzen of men. | pa 
16 Forhe hath broken the gates of braſſe: a ſmit⸗ 
ten the barres ot yron in ſunder. 

17 Fooliſh men are plagued for their offence : and 
pecaufeofthety wickednes. 

18 Their foule abhorred all maner of meate: and 
they were euen bard atdeaths doze, * 

19 So when they crped vnto the Lorde tn their 
trouble: he deliuered them out of their diſtreſſe. 

20 He ſent his worde and healed them: and they 
were ſaued from their deſtruction. 

21 Othat men would therefore praiſe the Lorde 
for vis goodies: edeclave the wonders that hee doth 
forthechilteenofmen, Sake: 
“22 Chat they would offer onto Hint the — 
——— | oa ) of 

% y 


Aoneth. The 
of —— giuing:and tell out his works with glad⸗ 

23 They that godowne tothe feainwhippes:and 
occupie their buſines inqreat waters. | 

24 Chete men fee the works of the Lode: and bis 
Wonders in the deepe. 

25 For at His woorde the ſtormy winde ariſeth: 
which lifteth bp the waues thereof. 

26 Chey are caried bp to the heauen, and downe 
againe to pdecpe ; their ſoule melteth away becauſe 
of the trouble, 

27 Chey reele to and fro, ¢ facker like a drunken 
Mail: and are at their wits end. 

28 So when they crp vnto the 1.020 int their trou: 
bie : be deliuereth them out of their diſtreſſe. 

29 Forhee maketh the forme to ceaſe: fothat the 

30 Then are they glad, baaute they be at vet: and 
pin ed them vnto the bauen where they 


31 Othat men would therefore praiſe the Lorde 
fo2 his goodnes:and declare the wõders that he doeth 
foz the childzen of men, 

32 Ghat they would exalt him alfo in the congre⸗ 
— of the people:and pꝛaiſe him in the ſeate ofthe 

33 Which turneth the foods into a wilderneſſe: 
and dryeth bp the water ſprings. 

34 Atruitiulland maketh be parrensfoz the wic⸗ — 

nedneſſe of them that dwell therein, poe 

35 Againe hee maketh the wwrloernee atanding eo 
Water: and water ſprings of a drie ground. - St Bae as 
36 Aud there he tetteth the hungrie : # at the aa 
may builde emacitteraninel§ J chee 

-_— - 

“eb Hae 


2 ot eee oo, 
7 pir = na 

* Moneth. ‘The 

37 That they may fowe theirlande, ¢plant vine⸗ 
pardes:topecide themfruttes ofincreate, 

38 He blelſeth thent, fo that thep multiplie excee⸗ 
dingly: and fuffereth not thetr cattell Codecreate, 

39 And againe , when thep are nunithed and 
ite A thꝛough oppreilio, though any piague 
ortrouble siege gre SS Be SB a 

40 Though hee tuffer them to bee euill intreated 
though tyrants: andlet the Wanseroutofthe wap — 
inthe wildernef—e, He 

41 Pet helpeth he the pooze out of milerte: and ma⸗ 
Keth him houſholds like a flocke of ſheepe. sr 

42 Che righteous will confider this, and reioyce: 
and the mouth of all wickednes hall be ſtopped. 

43 Who ſo is wile, will ponder theiethinges: and 
thep thail vnderſtande the louing kindnelle of the 

a Paratumcofimeum, Pfal, 108, 

—— SExy God, mp heart is readie (my heart is 
VDE), veady:)3) wil fing and give praife with 
A eer) is the beſt member that J haue. 

* 4 2 Awake thou Lute a Harpe: Imy 
Sass lelfe will awake right earely. 

J will giue thankes vnto thee, O Lord, among 
aoe peony ſing praiſes vnto thee among the 
nations. — 

4Foꝛ thy mercy is greater then the heauens: and 
thy trueth reacheth vnto the cloudes. 

5 Set op thy lelfe(D God)aboue the heauens:and 
thpalozpaboucallthecatth, | 
. 6 That thy belowed may be deliuered:let thy right 

7 God hath ſpoken tn his holines: J will — | 


—* ae < 
—— bs ark * 

Moneth. The 

— ——— Sichem, and mete out the Dale 
evo ; 

8 Gileadismine,and Manalles is mine: Ephra⸗ 
im allo is the ſtrength of my head } 
9 Juda is my lavogtuer, WBoab is my waſhpot: 
ouer Edom will Icaſt out my fhoe , pon the Phili⸗ 

fines will Itriumph. 

10 Who will —— into theſtrongcitie: t who 
will Hing me into Coom? — 

11 Patt not thou foꝛſaken vs, D God : and wilt 
not thou God go forth with our hoſtes: 

12 ew agatntt the enemie:for vaine is the 
— man. 
«33: Through God we ſhalldo great actes:and itis 
be that sa tfeane Downe our enemies. | 

7 ‘Deuslaudem, Pfal. 109, 

| Hyak not thy tongue,D God ofmyp Heme tie 
mouth of the vngodly, pea, and the mouth ofthe 

—— is opened vpon me. 

And they haue ſpoken again mee with falſe 
—— they compaſſed me about alſo with wordes 
ofhatred and fought againt me without a caufe. 

3 Foꝛ the lowe that FZ had buto thent,lo, they take 
no we my contrary part > bit F give my ſelfe onto 

4 Ghus hare they rewarded me euil fo2 good: and 
Hatred for my good will, 

5 Set thouan vngodly man to be ruler ouer him: 
let Satan ſtand at his righthand. 

6 Mbhenrlentenceisgqtuenbponhim, tetbinbee — 

condemned and iet his peayerbeturnedintefinne, 
a7 ne big bans bee fete + and let anotyer - & 

| Moneth. tbe XXIt. nisi 
his office 
oes = “Let pis —— be latheris and his twifea wt | 

9 Let bis children be bagabonds,and vegge their 
bread:let them ſeeke it alfo out of deſolate ppaces. 
10 Lettheertoztioner conſume all thathepath:¢ 
let the ſtrangers ſpoyle his labour. 
«AT Let there be no man to pitie him: noꝛ to haue 
compalſſion vpon his tatherleſſe children. 
12 Let his poſteritie be deſtroyed: andin the next 
generation let bis name becleane put out. | 
13 Let the wickeanes of his fathers be had in re- 
mentbzance tn the fight of the Lorde: and let not the 
ſinne of big mother be Done away, 

i4 Letthem alwaybe before the Lode : that he 

may has out the memoztall of them from off the 

15 And that becauſe his minde was not to do good: 
but perſecuted the poore helpleſſe man, that he might 

ax him that was vexed at the heart. 

6 His delight was in curling, and it hal happen 
vnto him: He lowed not bieilinag therefore hail it bee 
farve from him. 

17 He clothed himſelfe with curling like as with 
arayment: and it hall come into his bawels tiie wa⸗ 
ter, and like ople into bis bones, 

18 Letitbe vnto him as the coke that he hath by 
ein and as the girdle (hat bee is alway girded 

| 19 Letit thus happen from the Lode vnto mine 
—— + and to sgh —* se euill againt * ¥ 

7 — — — 
oe Be Se) ? * Ps — Res . 
* rx n ck play gas + 4 i aa > 2 BT, 
2 — | * L 
Dg ea ee Se ice ae 
is ee PES Sass ae orbing 
* * hi! 

Moneth. The 

cording vnto thy name: ſorſweete ts thy mercie. 

21 Ddeliuer me,fo2 Jam helpelefle and poore:and 
myheart is wounded within me. 

22 Igo hence like — ern departeth:and 
am driuen awap as the graſhopper 

23 Myknees are weake hrough kalting: myfleſh 
is dryed by foz want of fatneſſe. 

24 became allo arebuke vnto them: they that 
. jooked bpon me, haked thetr heads, 

25 Heipe me (D Lozde my God:)ob laue me accoꝛ⸗ 
ding to thy mercie . 

26 And thep hall knowe howe that this is thy 
hand: and that thou 102d haſt donc it, 

27 Chough they curie,pet bleſſe thou:and let them 
be confounded that rife bp againt me, but let thy ters 

uant retopce. 
28 Let mine aduerfaries bee clothed with thame: 
and let the couer —* ſelues with their owne con⸗ 
fulton, a3 with a cloke 

29 As fo2 me, J will giue great thankies onto the 

Lorde with my mouth: and praiſe him among the 

30 Foz hee hall ſtande at the right hande of the 
pooze : tofauc his ſoule trom vnrighteous Judges. 

DixitDominus, Pfal,110. 
sei We L020 faide vnto my Lord: fit thou Morning 
22 on myp right hand, vntill J make thine prayer 
Bary enemies thy footettoote. 

SS| 2 Che Lod thatliend the rodot thy | 
; nA power out of Sion:be thou ruler euen 
inthe middes among thineenemies. Bit ens 5: ae 
32177]n the day of thy power hall the people a : — 
thee free will ain with an —— — os 

eee) — 

© Moneth. The xxiiday. 
de we of thy birth is of the wombe of the morning. 
4 Che Lode ſware, and will not repent: Hou art 
a Priel forcuer,after the order of Melchiſedech. 
5 The Lorde vpon thy right bande: hall wounde 
euen kings inthe dap of bts wrath. 
6 Hee thailiudge among the heathen. he chall fit 
— the places with the dead bodies: and ſmite in funder. 
the beads over diuers countries, 
7 Pee ſhall drinke of the brooke in the wap: there. ‘ 
foxe Hall petite bpvisheaD : 
«» Confitebortibi, Pfal, 111, 
[int giue thankes vnto the Lorde with my whole 
heart: ſecretlyamong the kaithlull, and in the con⸗ 

The woꝛkes of the Lorde are great: ſoughtout 

ofall them that haue pleafure therein. 

3 His worke ts worthie to bee praiſed and had. in 
honour:and his righteouſneſſe enduveth foreuer. 

4 Gbhewercifull and gracious Lorde hath ſo done 
his marueilous woorkes: that they ought to bee had 
in remembrance. 

5 be bath giuen meate vnto them that feare Him: 

site ſhall euer be mindfullof bis covenant. 

6 Hee hath thewed his people the power of his 
Doatten : that pee may giue them the heritage of the 


7 The workes ofhis hands ave beritte and iudge⸗ 
met :all his commatundements are true, - 

8 Chey tandfatk fo euer and euer: and are done 
in trueth and equitic. 

9 Be tent redemption vnto his people: hee hath 
gored bis couenant kor euer, holy amd reueret 

— Jo ee feare of the Lowe iB the beginning of 

— wiledome: 
— A pice Pe * — 

~Moneth. The xxiii day. ® 

wifedome : agood vnderllanding haue all they that 
dothereafter,the praiſe oft endiureth fo2euer, 

Beatus vir. Pfal.112. 
Bicte is the man that feareth the Lorde: he hath 
foe delight inhiscommandements, — 

2 His ſeede ſhalbe mighty vpon carth:the genera: 
tion of the faithfull haibe bleſſed. 

3 Riches and plenteouſneſſe hail be in his houte: 
and bis righteouſneſſe endureth foreuer. 

4 Unto the godly there ariſeth bp light itt} Darke: - 
nelſe:he is merciſull, louing, and righteous, 

5 A good man is mercilull and lendeth: and will 
guide His wordes with diſcretion. 

6 Foꝛ he ſhal neuer be moued: and therirherous 
ſhalbe had in an euerlaſting remembꝛance. ie 
7 He will not be akrayde fo2 any euill tidings: for — 

His yeart ttandeth faft,and beleeueth in the 0 * Sie 

8 Hisheart 3 Lablithed and will not nape bit 
till he tee His delire vpon his enemies, 

9 He hath diſperſed abzoade ¢ giuen to the ponte: : 
and his righteouſneſſe remaineth fo2 eucr, bis horne 
ſhalbe exalted with honour. 

10 The vngodly thal tee it, and it ſhal grieue him: 
be hall gnaſh with bis teeth, and conſume away, the 
delire of the vngodly font pest 

Landate pueri. Pfal.113. 
: on —* L020(D pe fertsants:)D peatte the nae 
of the L020, 

2 Bleſſed bethe name of the Lop: from this tite o : 

fo2th fo2 euerinoze, 
3The Lordes name is praiſed:krom the vifing bp - 
of the —— the going downe te He 

Moneth. The 
4 Whe Lorde is high aboue all heathen: and his 

ae Nero staia testvecitee : 

5 uDhoislike butothe orde our God, thathath 

‘pisdwelling fo high : andyethumbleth bimtelfe to 
| — the things that ave in heauen and earth? 

6 He taketh vp the fimple out of the butt : and lie 

teththepoore out of the mire. 

yer rs 

7 Ghat hee may fet him with the princes : euen ta 

with the princes of his people. 

8 Hee maketh the barren woman to keepe poute: 
and to be a ioyfull mother ofchildzen, 

In exitu Iſrael. Pfal,114, 
zHen Iſrael came out of Cappe: and the 

Pa S Bee 
> av 

WE Yc), ; Vy oe of Jacobfromamorg the ſtrange 
BY. VE 2 rjuba washistinctuavie: and Zt . 

— Drael His dominion. 
3 Che lea tawe that and fled: Jordane tas dei⸗ 
uen backe. 

4 The mountaines thipped like rammes: and the 

9 fitieHitteg tite porta theepe. 

5 wOhatapleththee, Othou ſea, thatthoufied- — 

det : and thou Fowane , that thou wa driuen 

backe? | 
6 De mountaines that pee Tipped like Rammes: 

and pe litle ilies lithe pong fheepe? “g 
7 Tremble thou —— the preſence of the Lod: 
at the prꝛeſence of the God of Jacob. 

8 wWhich turned the harde rocke into a ftanding 

water:and the flint fone into a ſpꝛinging weil. 

Nonnobis Domine. Pfal.115,. 

Ot vnto bs, D Lorde, not vnto vs. but bitothy © 

rane gine the peaple: im o louing mercie, ana 

— — 4 
—— where⸗ a 

2m ise’ BN > afte ON ge Cua. ——— 

i — thall the heathen fay: wyhere is new 

lor our God, he is in heauen he hath done 
———— pleaſed him. 

CTheir idoles are ſiluer and gold euen the worne 

4 of mens handes, 

5 Shey haue mouthes and{peake not: eyxes haue 

chey, and ſee not. *— 

| 6 They haue eares, and heare not: notes haue 

they, and ſmeil not. 

7 Chey haue handes, and handle Akeh — 
they, and walke net: neither ſpeake they through 
their throate. va 
8 Chey that make them,ate like vnto thent: and 
foareallfuch asputthetrtrutinthem, 

vBut thou boule of Hfract,trutt thouin the Lord: 

he is their ſuccour and defender, 

10 Pe houſe of Aaron, put your truſt inthe Low: 

he is their helper and defender. 

11 Pethat fearethe Lorde, put pour trutt inthe 
Lode: : be is their helper and defender, 

12 The Lod Hath bene mindetull of bs, and pee 
hall bleſſe vs: euen he — of Iſrael, 
he ſhall bleſſe the houſe of Aaron 

13 Hethall blelſe them that feave the Lode: boty 
- fmalland areat, 

|. 14 Ohe Lorde thallencreafe pou moze and more: 

ie aid pour children. im 

| 15 De ave the blefied of the Lorde: wyhich made ae 
4 heaueũ and earth. 

6 Althe whole heauens arethe ods: cweearth 
hath he giuen to the childzenofmen, 

17.The dead pratte not thee,D Lor: wert a 
Bg. i ae — ent. 92 : : be : x, 

\ * 

9J ‘ 
+5 : 

~ te 

nee ES ae ho eee raat ts BS - @ en So wy Cee ee oe oe 

@18 But we will pratte the Lozde: trom this ti 

mee BB) FB ES bath beard the voyce of mp prayer 
: A ns 2. % Chat he hath inclined his 
Cea herefore wilt Icall 

vpon him as long as J liue. 
che {nares ofveath compat: _ 

RD save” Ca fed me round about: ¢ the paines 
of peligate holde vpon me, a 
4J thall finde trouble and heauines, and hall — 
call vpon the name ofthe Lorde: O Loꝛde IJbeſeech i 
Chee deliuer my foule. an a 
Gracious is the Lode and righteous: peaour — 
Godis merciful, - 4 
6 Che Lorde preſerueth the limple: J was in mi· 
ſerie, and be Helped me, Jy: i 
7 Gurne againe thet onto thpreft, Omy ſoule: 
for the Lozd hath rewarded thee, 7 a oe 
8 And why? thou hak delivered my ſoule fro death: — 
mine eyes from teares,and myptectefromfaliing, 
9 FJ will wale betoze the Lorde: tn the iande of 
.  thetinina, ) See 4 
09I beleeued, andtherefoze will J ſpeake, but J 
J was ſore troubled: Jſayde in mpbhatie, Ail men are 
Il Phat reward hall F giue vnto the Lorde: for 
all the benefites that he Hath done onto me? - | 
12 Ff will receiue the cup of ſaluation:and call vp⸗ : 

onthe nameofthe Lord. - : | 

13 J will pay my vowes nowe in thepeetence of 
all His people: rightdeave in the fight of the Lord is 
thedeathotbisfaints, =~ a 
ae Se ey ee 14 — 

Fa — 4 —9* 


14 Beholde( O Aon wow that Jamthyſeruant: 
Jam thy leruant, and the ſonne of thine handmaid. 

thou batt brꝛoken my bones in funder, 

15 J wilofier tothee the facrifice of Chankfigiuing: 
and will call bpon the name of the Lorde. 

16 J wil pay my bowes dito the Lod, in the light 
of all his people : in the Courtes of the Loꝛdes houte, 
euen inthe middes of thee, O Hrerufalem, Pꝛayſe 
the Lorde. 

Laudate Dominum. Pfal,117 
Obeare tie Lord all pe Heathen: * him all ye 

2 Fo2 his mercifull kindeneſſe is euer moze and 
moze Coward vs:and the trueth ofthe Loꝛd endureth 
kor ever, Pꝛaiſe the Loz. 

Confitemini Domino, Pfal.118. 

( Biue thankes vntothe Lord, for be ig gracious: 

becaule his mercy endureth fo2 etter, 
2 Let Iſrael now confelle, that hee is avacious: 
and that bis mercy endureth for eer, 
3 qLet the houte of Aaron now confefle: that hig. 
mercy endureth fo2 ewer, 

4 Pea, let them now that feare the Lod conlelle: 

that bis mercy endureth fo2 ever, 

5 Fcalled vponthe Lord tn trouble: andthe Lord . : 

beard me at large. 
6 The Lorde ison my fide: F will not leare what 
man doeth vnto me. 

7 The Lorde taketh my part with them that 

Helpe me: therefore hati F fee my Delire Dpors mite. | 


8 Itis better to trulin the Lorde ; then to put a 

any confidence in man, 

9 Ft is better to trutin the Lope: then t to put 

2 *2 * 
. < ee Se 8 
— 4 — —— 
— ee ea SP 


anpconfidencein princes, 
10 Ail vations compaſſed me round about: but in 

the name ofthe Lord will J deltroy them, 

* vig LS 
BS * 

11 Mhey kept me iri on eueryſide, they kept me in 
(Aflaponeuerp fide: but in the name of the Lord wilt 

12 hey came about mee like Bees g are extinct 
euesrastye treamong thetpomnesstopin che name t | 
. the Lord J will deftrop them. | 
ae ie Thou pate tyeutefore atme,thatyn might fall: 
ae the Lord was my helpe. 

4 The Lorde ts myſtrength and my fong: and 1g 
—— myſlaluation. 
15 The voxce of toy ¢ health is in the dwellings 
ofthe righteous: the righthand of the Lord beingeth 
| mightic things to patie, 

16 The right Handof the Lorde path the preemi⸗ 
nence: the right Hand of the Lorde bringeth mightie 
things topalſſe. 

ae, pacers bie but liue:and declare the workes 
ofthe Lod, 

18 Che Lorde hath. chakened and corrected mee: 
hut he bath not giuen me ouer onto death, . 

19 Open mee the gates of righteoutnedle : that J 
— May goe into them. and giue thankes vnto the Lord. 

» 26 Chists the gate of the Loꝛrde: the righteous 
fhatlenterintott, — i 
21 F wil thankethee,for thoubatt heard merand 
art become myſaluation. , 
22 The lame fone which the builders refuted :18 

become the head fone in the corner. 

— ~_ 18 the Lords doing: and it is marueilous 
ae : inourer 
— ce ig sia day Which the “Lone bath Msoee 

CVE ONELI. e Xxvxitit. day. 

we willretopce and be qlad inte. | 
25 Helpemenow,D Lod: D Loꝛd ſend vs now 
pꝛoſperitie. — 
26 Blelſed be he that commeth in the name of the 
Lord: we Haue. withed pou good lucke, ve that be of 
the boule ofthe Loꝛd. | 
27 Godisthe Lorde which hath he wed bs tight: 
binde the facrifice with cozdes, pea even vnto the 
hozttes of the altar, ; | — 
28 Thou art mp Gob, and J will thanke ther: 
thou art mp God, and J will pate thee. — 
29 Ogliue thankes vnto the Lord, kor he is graci· 
ous: and His mercie endureth for euer. 
Beati immaculati. Pſal.rig.. 
Lelled are thoſe that avébndefiled in 
oy the way-¢ wathe in the law ofthe 1020, | oe 
2 Blelled are they keepe his tettimes lrNect 
ty Wes: elecke him w their wholeheart, 
— 3 For they which doe no wickednes: 
walke in his wayes. — ———— 
4 Chou hat charged? that wee ſhall diligently 
Keepe thy commandements, 
5 D that mp waxes were made fo Direct: that J 
might heepe thy ſtatutes. | 
6 So thall J not be confounded: while J haue 
reſpect onto all thy commandements, i 
7 «‘F will thanke thee with an vnkayned heart: 
when J thall haue learned the iudgements of thy 
righteouſneſſe. — Fie 
3 J will feepe thy ceremonies: Dfexfakemenot 
biterly, 3 a 
In quo corrigit. ian (tees et 
\ X /Herewithall hata pong manclentehis wap; 
VY euen by ruling — felfe after topo, = 
Qt, — ee 


pe Se at 
—— IS re 
BOTS AY * * 
Ce ara gate 

te te — ey ae: \ 29. — 
a ape - » Oat Ce Wee 

* 148 
Ne, oon oP Ds , 
4 ¢ - 
A 8 aie 
ae pen ae 


2 with mp whole Heart haue J ſought thee: O 

{et me not goe wrong out of thy conmmandements. 
3 Thy words haue F Hid within mine heart: that 
Iſſhould not inne againk thee, 
; : - ave thou,D Lorde: D teach ine thy lta⸗ 
With my lippes haue J bene telling: of all the 
: Seren. of thy mouth. 
6 F haue had as great delight inthe way obthy 
teſtimonies: as in all maner of riches. 
7 & witl talke lle ceaalaenlon ana haue 
sree ona thy waye 
8 Mydelight tall be in tetnen and Iwin 
not lorgetthy worde. 

KRetribue feruo tuo. 

O Do well vnto thy ſeruant: that J may liue, and 
" Reepe thp worde. 
2 Dper thou mine eves: that J mayfee tie won⸗ 
derous things of thy lawe.. 
3 Jama itannet vpon earth: D hide not thy 
commandements from me, 

4 My foule beeaketh out fo2 the bery ferurent des | 

{i ive: thatithath alway vnto thyiudgements. 

5 Chet hat rebuked the proude: and curled are 

they thatdoe erre from thy commatndements., 

6 Oturne from me ſhame and rebuke: fo2 F haue 

7 Princes alfodid fit and ſpeake againſt me: but 
thy ſeruant is occupied in thy tatutes. 

8 Foz thy teſtimonies are my delight: And my 

re get i Ad> 

— — 

‘LVL0NCL). MexXxV. qay. 
Adhæſit pauimento. 

Me foule cleaucth to the duſt: D quicken thou me 
according to thy worde. 

2' Jhaue knowledged my wares, and thou bear: 
del ine: D teach me thy ſtatutes. 

3 Wake mee to vnderſtaͤnde the way of tip com⸗ 
— — and ſo tall J talke of thy wonderous 


4 Wy foule melteth away foz very heauinelſe: cõ⸗ 
lort thou me according vnto thy worde. 

5 Cake from me the = of lxing: andcaufe thou 

mæe to make much of thy law 

6 ¥ haue cho en the wap of trueth: and thp indges 
ments haue F laide befoze me, 

7, J haue Kicker onto thy telimonies: O Lozde 
confound me not. 

8 J witlrunne the wap of thy commandements: 
when thow halt fet my beart at libertie. 

—— one. 

— gor inthe path oftypcommandes 

ments:for therein is my delire. 

4 Encline my heart vnto thy teſtimonies: and not 

to couetouſneſſe. 

Oturne away mine eyes , leſt they vehoide va⸗ : 

nitie: and quicken thoumeinthy way, 

6 D tablifothy wo2d in thy feruant: ;wot mar 

feare thee, 

7 Cale away the rebuke thatZ ant alraide of for : 

| thy iudgements are 

Sg.iiii. 8 Behold, ae 


8 Behold, my delight is in thy commandements: 

O quichken me in thy righteouſneſſe. 

Et veniat ſuper me. 
L& thy lowing mercy come alfo vnto me, D L020: 
euen thy faluation,accozding onto thy worde. 
2 So thalZ make anſwere vnto my blaſphemers: 

for my truisinthy wore, © 

3 Dtake not the word of thy trueth btterly out of 
my mouth: for my hope ts in thy tudgements. 
—— ſhall Jalway keepe thy lawe: vea, fozeuer 

—— J wil walke atiibertie:fo2 3 feeke thy coms: 
6 J wilſpeake of thy teſtimonies alfo, euen befoze 
Kings: and will not be aſhamed. 
7 And my delight Hall bee tn thy commaunde⸗ 
iat which F haue loued, 
8 Wyphandsatlo will J likt bp vnto thycomman⸗ 
dements, which J hate loued: and my ſtudie ſhall be 

inthy ſtatutes. 

Memor efto verbi tui. 

O hume vpon thy ſeruant, as concerning thy 
nti wherein thou bal cauted mee to put mp 

The lame is my comfort in my trouble: fo2 thy 
worde hath quickenedDme, 

3 Che proude hauehad mee —— in deriſi⸗ 
ON: pethaue J not ſhrinked from thy lawe. 

4 Foꝛ Jremẽbꝛed thine erent aa 
O Lozd: and recetued comfort, 

5 Fam horwibly alraide: fo the ongodly that lor⸗ 

6 Chr 

fake “ta 

Monetn. hexXxV. day. 

6 Thy Katutes haue ben myſonges: in the houſe 
of mypilgrimage. 

7 J hãue thought vpon thy name,D Lord in the 
— and haue kept thy lawe. 

This J had: becauſe J kept thy commaunde⸗ 
| Portio mea Domine. | 
Te artmyp portion, D O Loꝛd:Ihaue pꝛomiſed to 
keep) thy lawe. 

2 Jmade my humble petitioninthypretence with 

* whole heart:O be merciful vnto Ine accordingto 
thy worde. 
3 1Icalled mine owne wayes to remẽbrance: and 
turned mp keete vnto thy teſtimonies. 

4 Fmadehae, and prolonged not the time: to 
heepe thy commandements, 

5 Che congregation of the vngodly haue robbed 
me: but J haue not forgotten thplawe. | 

6 At midnight J will rife togiue thankes vnto 
thee: because of thy righteous tudgements, . 

7 J am a companton of all them that feare thee: 
and keepe thycommandements. 

8 Che earth, O Hod, is full of thymercy:O teach 
ine thy fatutes, 
Bonitatem fecifti. 
(402, thou batt dealt gractoutly with thy feruat: 
according vnto thy word. 

2 Olearne me trie onderftanding ¢hrowlenge: 
for F baue beleeued thy commandements, 

3 Before F was troubled,F went wong: but now 

hyañue J kept chp worde. 

¶Ehou art good and gracious: D teach mee thr ) 
Gatutes, | 

4 whe proude haue — alie againt * fy . 

ning © 

Sek on saniny. We 

eV onety. He 
but, wilkeepe thy commabements with mp whole 

6 Their heart is as fatte ag bzawne : but my Dee 
light hath bene in thy lawe. 
7 Ft is gooͤd foz mee that J haue bene in trouble: 
that'd may learne thy fatutes. 
8 Che law of thy mouth is dearer vnto mee: thert 

| thoutands of gold and ſiluer. 

Manus tuz fecerunt me. © 
6a Sey. Ce Hy hands haue made nie, and fatgionted 
he} earr® se: D aiue nee onderftanding, thatZ 
oe | | Pag Map learne thy commandements, 
2-4 2 Whey that keare thee, will bee glad 
SD wherrthepleeme: becaute Jhaue put 

| nity — in thy worde. 

3 Iknowe (O Lorde) that thy iudgements ave 
eight: and that thou of bery faithtuinede bat cauted 
me to be troubled. 

4 Olet thy mercikull kindneſſe be myp comfozt: ace 
cording Co thy word vnto thy ſeruant. 

5 Diet thy louing mercies come vntome, that F 
may live: fo2 thy law is inp delight, 

6. Let theproude be confounsed, for they goe wic⸗ 
kedly about to deſtroy me: but FZ will bee occupied in 
thy commandements. 

7 Let ſuch as keare thee, and haue kno wen thy te⸗ 
ſtimonies: be turned vnto me, 
8 Diet myheart be found inthy — that A - 
be not afbame 

Defecit anima mea. 
MP foule hath yoke fo2 thy faluation: a 5 bite 

a good hope becauſe of thy wozd. 

2 Dine cies tong fore fo} thr ipo faving, whe 

3 Ter 7 

Moneth. Ehe xxv. day. 

3 For Jam become like a bottell in the ſmoke:yet 
soz 9 not forget thy fatutes. 
4 Pow matty are the dapes of thy feruant: when 
wiit thoube avenged ofthentthatperfecutenie? 
5 Whe proudse haue digged pittes fo2 me: WHICH 
are not after thy lawe. 
6 All thy commandements are true: they perſe⸗ 
cute me falllp,D be thou myhelpe. 
7 They had almoſt made an endofme vpon earth: 
but J forſooke not thy commandements, 
8 Oquicken me after thy loning kindenefie: and 
fothall Jkeepe the tettimoniesotthy miouty, 

Inzternum Domine. 

Opa, thy worde: endureth for euer in hea⸗ 

2 “Eby trueth alſo remaineth front one reneratt: 
on fo another: thou haſt laid the foundation of the 
earth, and it abideth. 

3 Chey continue this day according tothine ordi⸗ 
nance: foz all things ferue thee. 

4 Fi my dselighthad not bin in thy lawe: Jchould 
dine periſhed in my trouble, : 

J will neuer forget thy commandements : foz 
wit them thou hak quickened me. 

6 J am thine, oh faue me ; for Jhaue fought thy 

7 Che vngodly latde wapte fo2 me, to deſtroy me : 
buty will confider thy teſtimonies. 

8 | fee that all things tome to an ende: but as 
commandement is exceeding broad, 3 

Quomodo dilexi. 
Ae. what loue haue J vnto thy law: ati eb — 
Along is my ſtudy in it. Soe 

ning 62-3. 


Moneth. Ahe 

2 Chou through thy commandements Hatt made 
me wifer chen mine enemies: fo. thepareeuer with . 

3 Jhaue moze vnderſtanding then my teachers: 
fo2 thy teltimonies are my ſtudie. 

4 J am wiler then the aged: becauſe F keepe thy 

5 FZ haue refrained my feete from euery euil way: 

that 9 map keepe thy worde. 

J haue not thrunke from thy iudgements: fo2 
thouteachch me. 
7 D howe ſweete are thy wordes vnto my theote: 
yea, ſweeter then bony vnto my mouth. 
8 Through thy commandements F get vnder⸗ 
ſtanding: therefore FZ bate all wicked wares. 
Lucerna pedibus meis. 
* Com worde is alanterne vnto my feete: 
anda light vnto my pathes. 
— 21haue ſworne, and am ſfedkaſtly 
8 2 Se to beepe thp righteous iudge⸗ 

"3 4g ain croubled aboue meafure : quicken me(D 

; 1020) according tothy wode. 

4 Wet the free will offvings of my mouth pleate 
thee, O Lode: and teach me thy ſudgements. 

5 My ſoule is alwar ttt myhande: yet aoe J not 
fozaetthplawe. — 

6 She vngodly haue laide atnare for me: But pet 
Iſwarued not from thycommandements. 

7 Tyy teftimonies baue F claimed as mine he- 

ritage foz euer: and why? they ave the berptoy of 

my heart. 
8 J baue applped my — to kultil tb ttatutes 

ite alien: euen vntd the ende, 

—— — 



Iniquos odio habui. ie 

year then that imagine euiti things: bat inte 

doe F lowe. 

2 Chou art my defence and hield: and my trull is 
in thy word. 

3 Awapfrom me ye wicked: J will keepe the cont 

; mandements of ntp Bod, 

4 D tablifh mee according vnto thy woorde, that 

J * liue: aid let mee not bee diſappointed of my 

5 Holde thoume bp, and J thailbe fate: pea, mp 
delight halbe ever in thp Tatutes. 

6 Chott hak tropendowne all them that depart 
from thy ſtatutes: fo2 they imagine but deceit. 

7 Thouputtes away all the vngodly of the earthy 

like deofle:therefore F loue thy teſtimonies. 

8 Wp fleth trembleth fo2 feare of thee:and ZF am ac 

fvaineof thy iuagements, 

Feci iudicium. 
[Peale With the thing that is lawlull and right: D 
giue me not over vnto mine oppreſſours. 

2 Wake thou thy ſeruant todeltaht in that which 

18 good: that the proude doe me no wong. 
3 Wine epes are walled away wrth looking fo2 thy 
health: and kor Che word of (hp riahteoufneffe, 
4 Ddeale with chp vito icp St thy lo⸗ 

uing mercy: and teach me thy ſtatutes. 

5 Ham thyſeruant, Ograunt me vnderltanding: 
that 4 map know thy teftimonies, 
6 It is time for thee Lorde to lap to thine hande: 

ſloꝛr thep haute deftroped thy lawe. o 
7 F024 loue thycommãdements: aboue gold and as 


pꝛecious ſtone. 

— Therefore holde J ſtraite att thy commie . 



; { 

eMoneto, ‘TL 
dements: and all baile Smayes Ivtterly abhorre 

Mirabilia. ae 
: TT teftimonies ave wonderfull: therefore doeth 
itp foule keepe them. F 
2 When thy worde goeth koorth: it giueth light 
and vnderſtanding vnto the ſimple. 
3 J opened mymouth, and drewe in my breath: 
loꝛr mp delight was in thycommandements. 
4 Olooke thou vpon mee, and be mercifull vnto 
—* : ag thou vſeſt to Doe vntothoſe that loue thy 
GIT, * 
5.Odrder my Keppesin thy worde: and ſo ſhall no 
wickedneſſe haue dominion ouer me. 
6 O deliuer mee from the w2ongtull dealings of 
mer: and fo hall Jkeepe thy conmmandements, 

7 Shewe the light ofthp countenance bpon thy 

‘feruant: and teach me thy Fatutes. 
8 Wine epesauhout with water: becaule men 
Keepe not thp lawe. 
Iuftus es Domine. 
Ighteous art thou, O Lorde: and true ts thy 
2 The teſtimonies that thou haſt commaunded: 
are erceeding righteous andtrue, 
3 My seale hath enen conſumed me:becaule mire 
enemies haue forgotten thpwodes, idle 
4 Chy wore ts tryed to the bttermek: and thy 
ſeruant loueth it. ie 
5 J Pamfmatt,and of no reputation; pet doe F not 
forget thp commandements, ree 
6, Thy rightesuſnes is aneuerlatting righteouſ⸗ 
neſſe:and thylawe ts the trueth. 
77rouble and heauineſſe haue taken holde vpon 
me :yet is my delight in thy wmnmandement J 

Bk Ue Ee 



Monethe Phe 

8 Che righteoulneſſe of thy teſtimonies is euer⸗ 
laſting: O graunt me vnderſtanding, and J Hall 
iue. ——— 
Clamaui in toto corde meo. | 
7% Cal with my whole heart: heave me,D Euenin 
| es Gy 020,95 will keepe thp Katutes, prayer. 
G € 2 Pea,euen bpon thee do F cali: Helpe 
Ime, and J thali keepe thyteſtimonies. 

eB ese «3 Carelyin the mozningdo¥ cry ott 
to thee: fo2 in thy word is my truſt. | 
4 Mine eves prevent the night watches: that J 
might be occupied in thy wordes, — | 
_ §, Beare my bopce (D Loz) according onto thy 
grees Rindnefle: quicken me according as thou art 
6 They drawe nigh that okmalice perſecute mee: 
atid are karre from thy lawe. | Lae 
7 Be thou nigh athand,D Loꝛd:foꝛ all toy com 
mandements aretrue, 3 
8 As concerning thy teftimonies, Jhaue knowen 
long ſince: that thou bat grounded them fo2 ever. 

Vide humilitatem. 
O Coativer mine aduerſitie, and deliuer me: fo2 F 
doe wot forget thylawe. 

2 Auenge thou my caule and deliuer me: quicken 
Me according Onto thy worde. 

3 Health ts farre from the vngodly: fo2 they re⸗ 
gard not thy tatutes, ie 
| 4 Great ts thy mercie, O Logde: quicken me as 

«thou art wont, ie 

5 Wany there are that trouble me, andperfecute — 

me: xet doe F notfwaruefromthptesimonies, . 
6It grieueth me wher F lee the gst oo 

‘ Monet, The xxvi. day. 

becaufe they keepe not thy lawe. 

7 Conſider, O Lorde, howe F tore thy command⸗ 
dements: O quicken me according to thy lowing 

8 Chy worde is true from euerlaſting: all the 
tudgements of thy righteouſneſſe —— fo2 euer⸗ 
— Principes perſecuti ſunt. 
| Pines haue perfecuted me without a caufe : but 

my heart ſtandeth in awe of thy wordes. 

2 Jamas gladof thy worde: as one that findety 
gteat{poples, | 
3 As for ives, F bate andabborre them: butthp 

{awe doe F lon 
4Seuen times adap Doe F praile thee: becaute of 
thy righteous iudgements. 

5 Greatis the peace that they haue which loue thy 
lawe: and they ave not offended at it. 

6 Lorde. Jhaue looked fo2 thy faning health: and 
done alter thy commandements. 

7 Wy foute bath kept thy tettimonies: and loued 
| tye exceedinaly, thes 
8 J haue kept thy commandements and teſtimo⸗ 
ries: for all mp wares are before thee, | 

Appropinquet deprecatio. 
L& my complaint come before thee, od: give 
me vnderſtanding according tothy woe, = 
2 Let mp (application come befoe thee: deliuer 
me according to thy worde. 

3 My lippes ſhall ſpeake ofthy praiſe: when thou 
halt taught me thyſtatutes. 

4 Dea, my tongue hail ſing of thy worde: : for all 

— tbo commandements are righteous, 

“5 Lee thine bande —* me; * J haue choter 

ty “he — 
— ek ee pe 5* + 
vB nie Se Eee oe oe a a * 
> ee ee — 

Moneth, The 

thy commandements. 
6 J haue longed kor thy ſauing health Dione: 
and iñ thylawe is my delight, | 
7 Oh let my foule liue,and it chal praile thee: and 
typ iudgements {hall beipe me, - ; 
8 ¥haue gone attray like atheepe p13 loft: ab leene 
thyſeruant, foꝛ J do not foꝛget thycommandemẽts. 
Ad Dominum. Pfal.120, 
<= Hen FZ was tn trouble, Jcalled port Aornir 
the Xorde: and be heard me, rayer 
Jom 2 Welluer my foule,D Loz, krom ly⸗ bray er · 
BEX ing lippes: a from a deceitful tongue, 
set 3 UBHat rewarde ſhall be giuen or 
Donte onto tec thou falie tongue: euen mightte and 
ihatpe arrowes, with hot burning coles 
4 Wo is me, that Jam conſtrained todwell with — 
Melech: and te haue mine habitation among the 
tents of Cedar. 
5 Wy ſoule hath long dwelt among them: that 
be enemies vnto peace. 
6 J labour foz peace, but when F {peake vnto 
themtycrect: they make them readptobattell, = 
Leuaui oculos, ° Pfal,121, |: : 
jee Wife dp mine epes vnto the hilles:from whence 
commethmy helpe. 
2 Myhelpe commeth euen from the show: which 
hath made heauen and earth. 
(3 He will not luller thy loote tobe moued: and he 
that heepeth thee will not ſſeepe. | 
4 Behowe, he that keepeth Itrael: chall neither 
llumber nor ſleepe. — 
5 Ce Lorde him felfe is theheeper: the Hones | 
thy defence vpon thy righthand — 
* * that the ſunne * not burne thee by Day: — 
Dor neither sc Se 

eM oneth. The xxvii. day. — 

nieither the moone bynight. 

7 The Loz waũ preterue thee from all euil yea, 
it * euen he that ſhall keepe thpfoule. 
8 Che Loꝛd thall preſerue thy going out and thy 

comming in: from this time foo2th fozeuermoze, a 

Letatusfum, Pfal,122. | 

[Hoasatad when they ſaid buto me: we will go into: | 
the houſe of tie 020. 

2 Dur feet hall ſtand in thy gates:D Hierutalews, 

3 hHierulalem is butived asacitie: that ts at vni⸗ 
tie in it felfe, 7— 

4 Foꝛ thither the tribes go bp, euen the tribes of 

the Lord: to teftifie vnto Ffrael,to giue thanks vnto 

the nameof the Lode. 3 

5 foz there ts the feateofiudgement:euenthe 

feate of the boule of Maid, - 
_ 6 pꝛap for the peace of Hieruſalem: they thall 
proſper that lore thee. 
7 Peace be within thy walles: and plenteoutnes 
‘within thy palaces, 
8 for ny beethzen and companions fakes: F wil 
With thee profperitie. 
a, Dea, becaute ofthe houte of the Loꝛde out God: 
J will ſeeke todoeethee good. 
dtelenaui oculosmeos. Pfal,12 3. 
Virto thee lift FZ bp mine eyes: D thou that dwel⸗ 
left inthe heauens. 

2 Behold, een as the eves offeruantslooke brite 
the hand of their maſters, and as the eies of a maiden 
vnto the hand of her miſtres:euen fo our epes wapte 

vpon the Lord our God, vntil he haue mercie vpõ bs, 
haue mercie vpon bs, Lord, haue mercie vp⸗ 

es _ obs: fo2 we ave btterlp defpiter, 

4 ae foule is filled wih the — — 


of the wealthie: and with the defpitefuineste ofthe 

_ prowde, Lipide | — 
— Niſi quia Dominus. Pfal.12q4, 0 
| Ii the Lod himſelfe had not bene on our fide (nom 
Amay Gfirael{ap:) ifthe Lode himſelfe pad not bene 
on our fide when men role vpagaiuſt bs. 

“2 Ghephadfwaltowed bs opauicke: when they 

were fo weathfullp difpleated at bz, 
8 Pea, the waters had drowned bs: ¢ the ſtreame 
Hadgone ouer our ſoule. 

4 The deepe waters of the proud:hadqonecueno- — 

ter our ſoule. 
$ But peatfed be the Lord: which hath not aiuers 
vs ouer for a pꝛay vnto their teeth, 

6 Our loule tg eſcaped, euen aga birde out of the 
es — the fouter: the ſnare is bꝛoken, and we are des 
tiered, 7 , : 
7Vur helpe landeth in the name of the Lode: 
which Hath made heauen and earth. ’ 

© Quiconfidunt. Pfal.r25, 

TS that put their truſt tn theo2d, hall be euen 

as the mount Sion: which may not be remoued, 
but Landeth fat fo euer. 7 
2 Che hilles and about Hieruſalem: even fo 
ſtandeth the 02d round about His people, from this 
time forth fo2 euermoꝛe. 
3 For the rod of the vngsdlycommeth not into the 
{ot of (he righteous: lef the righteous put their hand 
vnto wickedneffe. 

4 Woe well, O Lod: vntothoſe that be good and 

trite of heart. 

5 As forfuch as turne backe vnto theirowne wie: 
kednelle: the Lod chall leade them toorth with there 

Will doers but peace ſhalbe vpon Iſrael. 

— oneth. NTe vxxvij. day. 

Imn conuertendo.  Pfal,r26, ar 

GCs Hers the Lorde turned pe i OA 

uitie of Sion: then were we like vnto 

them that dꝛeame. 

eo. 2 Chen was our mouth filled with 

IIE A iauig ghter: andour congue with ioy. 
+ Chetapbe they among the Heathen: theLode 

” | path done great things foz them 

4 Pea, the Hopde pat Dore great things foabs — 

alreadie: vhereoi we reioyce. 
5Curne our captiuttie, O Loꝛde: as the rivers 

inthe South, 

6 Chey that fowe inteares: fhallreape in i ioy. 
7 Heethat now goeth on his way weeping, and 

beareth forth good ſeede: thal doubtleſſe come againe . 
With toy, and being His fheaues with him, : 

ifi Dominus. Pfal.127. 

Excytthe Loꝛd build the houle:their labour is but 

loſt that builde it. 
2 Exceptthe Lord keepe the citie: the watchman 
waketh but in vaine. 
3 It is but tot labour that ve haſte to riſe bp ear: 

pad folate take reft, and eate the bread of carefut- 
nefie: forfohegiueth his beloued ſſeepe. 

4. Loe, children and the kruite of the wombe: are 
an heritage and gitt that commeth of the Lord. 
5 Likeas the arrowes ti the band of the Grant: 
nuen foare the pong childzer, 
6 Pappy ts the man that hath bis quitter kull of 

them: they hall not bee athamed when they fpeake 

‘with thetr enemies in the gate. 
Beatiomnes, Pfal.r28 

| Bien ate all they that tearethe Lord: and walke 

Moneth. Thexxviiday. — 

«2 ~Ffoz thou that eate the labours of thine hands: 
D weil ts thee,and happiethaltthoube, — 
3.Thr wife hall be as the kruitelull bine: vpon 
the wallesofthineboufe, = 

4 Chypchilden like the oliue branthes: rounde a⸗ 
bout thy table, rat ae 

5 Loe, thus hall the man be blefled: that feareth 
the Lorde. 

6 The Lord from out of Sion hall fo bleſſe thee: 
that thou thalt fee Hierulatem in profperitie all thy 
life long. ne: : big a 

7 Dea, that thou fhalt ice thychildrens children: 
and peace vpon Ffract.. 7 | 

Szpeexpugnauerunt, Pſal. 129. 

Mae a time hatte they fought againſt me from 
myppouth op: (may Iſrael nowe fay.) 

2 Pea many atime haue they dered me from my 
youth bp: but they haue not preuatied again& me, 

3 Che plowers plowed vpon mp backe: andmade 
fong furrowes, — — 

4 But the righteous Lord:hath hewen the ſnares 
of the vngodly in pieces. | | 

5 Let tyent be confounded ¢ turned backewarde: | 
asmanpasvauceuwilat Sion = 

6 Let them be cuen as the qrafle growing vpon 
tye boute toppes: which withereth afoze it be pluc⸗ 

ie Bhereot the mower alleth not hishanve: net © 
ther he that bindeth bpthe weaues his boſome 
8 Spo that they which goe by, fapnotfomuchas 

_ thesLond profper pou: we twit pou gooptucke inte 
name of tye Lorde. SR —— 
ee Yh in. 

Moneth. The xxviii. day. 
Deprofundis, Pſal.izo. 
| Ox of the deepe haue J called vnto thee (xD 
\ 1020: ) Loꝛd heare my voyce. 
2 Oh let thine eaves contider weil: the voyce of 
my complaint, 
3 Fl chow Lod wilt be extreeme to marke what 
— amilſſe: of Lord, who may abide it? 
A Foꝛ there is mercie with thee: therefore halt 
thou be feared, 
5 3 looke foz the Lorde, my foule doeth warte fiz 
Him: in His word ts my truſt. 
6 Myloule fleeth onto the Lord: before the mor⸗ 
ning wateh,F fay, before the mozning watch, 
7 O Iſrael truk in the Lorde, fo2 with the Lozde 
— and with him is plenteous redemp⸗ 

"3 And he chall redeeme Iſrael:from all His ſinnes. 

Domine,noneft. Pſal. 131. 

1833 Jam not High minded: Jhaue no proude 

2 ct “ty not erercife my felfe in great matters: 
which are too high fo2 me. 

3 But J retraine myſoule, and keepe tt lowe, like 
iba childe that is weanedfrom his mother : vea, my 
foie iseuen as a weaned childe. 

4 D Ffrael truſt in the Los: krom this time korth 
fo2 euermoꝛre. 

Memento Domine Pialiagee os ; 
ning SPBxXSc-e Drde — Bauid: and all bis 
er a1 OS 
oS eae Dow befware vnto the Lord:and 
\'76 bowed a howe vntothe almightie God 
5 Of Jacob. 

2 J wilt a 

Moneth. The 

3] wil not come within ð tabernacleot my houle: 
— cline bp into my bed, 

4 FJ will not tuffer mine eves to fleepe , 1102 mine 
eve lids to ſſumber:neither the temples of; mp beadto 
take any reff, 

5untill J finde out aplace fo2 the temple of the 
Lape: att Habitation foz the mightie God of Fas 

6 Lo, we heard of the ſame at Ephrata: afound if 
in the wood, 

7 We will aoe into his tabernacle: and fall lowe 
on our knees before his footeoole, 

8 Avife,D Lod, into thy reſting place; chougthe 
arke of thyſtrength. 
9 Let thy Puieſts be Cothed with righteouſneſſe: 
and let thy faints fing with ioyfulneſſe. 

lo For thy ſeruant Dauids fake: turne not away 
fhe prefence of thine anoynted. 
TL Che Lord hath made a faithful othe vnto Da⸗ 
uid: and he ſhall not Heinke front ie. | 

12, Of the fruite of thy body: chall Iſet vpon typ 


13. ‘Fe egy children wil keepe my couenant,and my 
teſtimonies that J ſhall learne them: their children 
st ſhall fit bpon thy feate fo2 euermoꝛe. 

4 Fozrthe Lord hath chofen Sion to be an habi⸗ 
tation fo2 him ſelfe: he hath longed fozber, — 
15 Chis ſhalbe my reſt fo2 euer: here wil J dwell, Pe 
fo?' E haue a delight therett,. 

6 Jwill bleſſe her baits wth enreveate: ¢ will ee 
fatifae her poore with bzead. 

17 Jwill decke her ries wit beat and her — 
faints — and ſing. 
Hhãiii. 38 There 

Moneth. The 

18 There hall Z make the horne of artid to flor 

rifh: Jhaue ordeined alanterne fo2 mine anointed. 

19 48 foꝛ his enemies , ZF hail clothe them with 

fhame: but vpon himſelfe hall bis crowne — 

Ecce quam bonum. Pfal.13 
Pehow How good andtoptulla thingie is: brethien 
todwell together tn vnitie. 
2It is like the prectous ointment vpon the head, 
that ranne dewne vnto the beard:euen vnto Aarons 
beard, wentdowne to the ſkirtes of Hts clothing. 

3 Like as the dewe of Hermon: which fell bpon 
the bill of Sion. 

4 Foꝛ there the Lozde promiſed His bleſling: elite. 

fo2 euermoe, 
Eccenunc, Pfal.134 
Bevene (119%) pratle the Lome: all peferuants of 
the Lord. 

2 Oe that by night ſtand in the houſe of the Lozd: 
euen inthecourtes ofthe boule ofourGod, — 
— bp pour bands in thefanctuary: and praiſe 
the Lord 

4 Che Lorde that nade Heauen and earth: giue 

eee bledtine outof Sion. 
- Laudatenomen. — Pfal.13 
O Pzavle the ordlaude pee the mente ofthe Lod: 
pratfe it,D ye feruants of the 1020. 
+2 De that ſtande in the houſe cf the Lozde: in the 
courtes of the boute of our God. 

3 Opratlethe Lord kor the orde is gracious: O¶ 

Ging praites vnto His nante,fo2 it is louely. 

4 Forwhy? the Lorde Hath choſen Facob vnto 
binatete and Flraelfozbigownepolefiion, 
9 aie bass thatthe Lorde is * and that 


eNMoneth. The xvxviij. day. 
our Loꝛd is aboue allgods, ; 

6 What ſoeuer the Lorde pleated, that Did hee in 
| ete anid in earth: andin the fea, and in all deepe 


7 Pe bringeth forth the cloudes from the endes of 
the worlde: and iendeth foorth lightnings with the 
raine, bringing the windes out of his trealtres, 

8 Hee ſmote the firt bozne of Egypt: both of man 
and beat, 

9 He hath lent tokens and wonders into the mid⸗ 
deft of thee, D thou land of Egypt: bpon Pharao and 
all his ſeruants. 

I as He finote diuers nations : : and flewe mightie 

Sehon king ofthe Amozites,and Dg theking 

of Batan: andail the kingdomes of Chanaan. 

12 And gaue thetr land to be an heritage: euen art 
heritage vnto Ffrael his people. 

_ 13 Chyname,D Lod,endureth fozeuer:fodoeth 

tt memotall,O Low, from one generation to ano⸗ 

14 Foꝛ the Loꝛde will auenge his people: and bee 

— vnto his ſeruants. 

15 As for the images ofthe heather, they ave but 
ſiluer and golde: the wo2keofmenshands, 

16 Chey haue mouthes, efpeake net: eves baue 
— they fee not. 
| 7 Ghephaue eares,¢ pet thep heare not: neither 

is tere any beath tn thetr mouthes. 

13° Chey that make them, ave tthe brite them:and 
fo ave ali they that put their truſt in them. 

19 Pratle the Lorde pe houte of Iſrael: Gprarte pe J 
Lorde ye houſe of Aaron. Se 
20 MPrarle the Lord pevoute of Leut: — 

ning Tew 


Aoneth. The xxviij. day. 
the Lozd,peatte tie Lor, 

+21 Prayled be the Loz out: of Sion: which nivel 

ieth at Hieruſalem. 

— Pfal.136, 
sw, Give thankes vnto the Lorde, forheis 
NS: tee a and his mercy enduretl fo2 
Dq 2 D giue thanks vntothe (od of alt 
aD =A GODS: fo2 His mercy endureth foz euer, 
3D channe the Lord of all lordes: fo His mercie 

endureti fo? etter, 

4 Which onely docth qreat wonders : foz his mer⸗ 
cie endureth fo2 ever. 
5Which by his excellent wiledome made the hea: 
awit fo2 His mercie endureth fo2 ever. 

6 Which latde outthe carth aboue the waters: for — 

His mercie endureth fo2 ever. 

7 Which hath made qreat lights: for bis mercy ert 
dureth foz euer. 

8 —— torule the day: for his mercy endu⸗ 
veth fo2 euer. 
EThe moone a the arres to gouerne the night: 
fozbis mercy endureth foreuer. 
10 Which fmote Egypt with their firtt borne: ĩor 
His mercy endureth for euer. 
11 And brought out Iſrael from among them:lor 
his mercy endureth koreuer. 
12With a mightie hand and ſtretched out arme: 
for bis mercie endureth ſoreuer. 

13 Which diuided tye redde feain two partes : for 
bis mercyendiuveth fozeuer, 

14 Andmade Iſrael to goe through the middett of 
it: fo2 big mercicendurethfozeter, 
: ¥S But as fo? Pharao #bis bot, heoueritunme 

Moneth. T he 

dine in the red fea: foz bis mercie endureth for euer. 
16 Which led his people through the wildernes: 
fo2 his mercie endureth ſor euer. 

17 wWhich ſmote great Kings: kor his mercie en⸗ 
dureth foreuer. 

18 Pea,and ſlue mightie kings:lor his mercie en⸗ 
dureth for euer. 

19 Sehon bing ef the Amorites: kor his mercie 
endureth fo2 euer. 

20 And Dg the king of Balan: for His mercy ett 

dureth fo2 ever, 
21 And gaue awaxꝝ their land fo2 an heritage: to: 
his mercie endureth tor euer. 

22 Euen for an heritage vnto Iſrael his ſeruant: 
kor his mercie endureth foz etter. 

23 Which remembzed bs when Wwe were tn trou⸗ 
bie: for His mercie endureth fo2 ener. 

24 Andhath delivered bs from our enemies: fog 
His mercie endureth fo2z ewer 

25 which atucth foode to all fleſh: fo2 bis mercie 
— fozeuer 

26 O giue thankes vnto the God of heauen: fo2 
His mercie endurety fozeuer, 

27 D glue thankes vnto the Lorde of lordes: for 
His mercie endureth fozeuer, 

Super flumina. Pſal. 137. 

Bz the waters of Babplon wee fate downe ¢ wept : 

when we remembred (thee) D Sion, 

2 As fo2 our barpes, we hanged thembp: vpon 
thie trees that are therein. 

3 For they thatted vs away captiue, required of vs 
then a ſong and melodie in our heauines fing vs one 
ofthe ſongs ot Sion, 

* Howe Mall we fing the Lopdes — —— 

AMoneth. The xxviii. day. 
range lande? 
5It F forget thee, © Pierufatem: fet my right 
par forget her cunning. 
a 6 If J do not remeber thee, (et my tongue cleatte 
to the rooſe of my mouth: yea, itJ peeterre not Hieru⸗ 
).  falemininy mirth, 
2 9 ‘Remember the children of Edom, D Love, i itt 
the dar ot Hieruſalem:howe they fatd. Bowne with 
>. tt Doone with it, euen to the ground, 
/ J 8 Odaughter of Babylon, watted with miferie: 


yea, Happie hail be be that rewardcth thee as thou 
_ yatflerucdds. | 
— 9 Blefled hall he be that taketh thy chilazent: and 
;) thrower them againſt the tones. 
— Confitebortibi, Pfal,138. 

4 nein heart: euen before the gods woul F fing patie 

vnto thee. 

2 FZ will worchippe towarde thy holy temple, and 
praiſe thy name,becaufe of thy louing kindenes and 
tructh : fo2 thou batt magnified thy name, and thy 
worde aboue all things, 

3 HOben F called vpon thee, thou heardeſt me:and 
enduedſt my foulc with much ffrength. : 

4 All the kings of the earth hall praiſe tice, D 

5 Dea, thep hall fitig in the wayes of the Lorde: 
‘that great isthe qlo.pottie Lod, | 
6 For though the Lord be high, pet hath he reſpect 
vnto thelowlp: as foz the proude,ve bepoldeth them 
afarre of, 
7 Though J walkein the middes of trouble, yet 

| thatt thou tefreth me: thou thatt ſtretch foorth thy 
a. “sepa _ the furioutnente. of mine enemies, and 

win giue thankes vnto thee, O Lode, withmy — 

Lorde: for they haue heard the wordes olthy mouth. 


eMoneth. | The xxix.av. 

thy right hand chall ſaue me 

3 The Lord ſhall make good his — sinbriett 
towarde me: pea, thymercy, D Lorde,ervurety fo2 
han defpife not ther the woorkes of thine owne 

| Doniine,peobatt; Pfal. 139. — 

xonꝛde chou halt learches mee ote, a Mornin 

> hnowern me: thow knoweſt my downe prayet. 
ltting, and mine vpriſing, thou vnder⸗ 
Ne wr fandet my thoughts long before. 

Bog 2 Chouatlabout my path, anda: 

bout my bed: andfpiefoutallinpmapes, 

3 Ffo2loe, there ts not a worde in mytongue: but 
thou, O Loꝛd,knoweſt it altogether. 

4 Thou halt fatvioneb me bepinde and befozt-an 
layde thine band bpon me, 
5 Such knowledge is too wonderfull and excel: 
ent forme: Icannot attaine vnto it. 
6 whither hall F gothen from thy {pirit:o2 wht , 
ther thatl J goe then from thy pretence? 1 
7 BEF clime hp intobeaven, thou art there: it 3 
got downe to hell, thou art there alſo. | 
8 F&F take the wings ofthe mozning :¢ remaine 
in the vttermoſt partsofthe Sea. 
9 Euen there allo ſhall thp hand leade me:and thy 
_ Light hand fhail hold me. 

io Af Flay, Peraduenture the darkenelle halt 
couer me: ther fhall my night be turned to day. mee 

11 Pea, the darkenelſe is no darkneſſe withthee, 
but the night is ascleare asthe day: the davkenefle ——— 

and light (to thee) are both alike. ave 
2 Formvpreynes arechine: thoubatt couereD ie. aes 
in my mothers wornrbe, . ne — 

B a will give thankes entodher,f0r9 arn feats Wine 6 

there wagnoneof them. 

fully and ————— made: marueilous are thy 

— thatinpfoulehnowethright well. 3 
$i bones are not hid from thee: thouah J bee : 
—— — y,andfathioned beneath tn the earth. 

15 Whine epes otd (ee my ſubſtance, yet being vn⸗ 

* periect: and. in thy booke were ali mp mentbers weit⸗ 

ae Mhich day by day were Fathioned es ag yet 

* Howe deare are thy countailes vnto 
God: O how great is the ſumme olthem? 
18 FEA cell them, they are moe in: numberther 

the fand: whet F wake vp, Jam prꝛeſent with thee. 

19 wilt not tpoutlay the wicked, O God: depart 

from mee bloodthirſtie men. pu 
20 For they {peake bnvighteoutly againt hee: ; 

and thine enemies take thp name tn vaine. 
21 Woenot F hate thems,D Lorde, that hate thee: 
and am not J grieued with thole that rile vp againſt 

22 Dea, J hate them right fore: euen as though | 
they were mire enemies, 

"23 Crieme,D Gad, andleeke the grounde of mp 

Heart: proue me,anderamine my thoughts. 
24. Looke weil if there be any wayot wickednelle 

inme: and leade me in the way eucriating, 

Estee me Domine. Pfal.140. 
_ pete mee D Lorde from the euill man: and 
preſerue me from the wicked man, 
2 Which imagine mifehiete tn their hearts : ana 

ſtirre vpſtrife all the Bay tong. 

3 Chey Have tharpened their tongues like a fers 
- it system 18 vnder — uippes. ie 

Moneth. The xxix. day. - 

4 Keepeme, O Lorde, fromthe hands ofthe vn⸗ 
» only: pꝛeſerue me from the wicked men, which are 
purpoted tosuerthzowe my goings, 

5 Che pwudehath layde a tare foz me, and fpted 
anet abzoad with cordes: yea, and fet trappes in my 


JItaid vnto the Low Shou art my God: heare 
the bopce of my prayers,D ow 
 >7T DLow God, thou trensgth ofmybealth : thou 
Hatt couered my head intheday of battatie. : 
| 8 Petnot the vngodlyhaue bis deſire, D Lome: 
let not bis miſchieuous imagination proſper, leat 
they be too ppoude. 

Pet the miſchiefe of their owne uppes fall vpon 
the head of them: that conpaſſe me about. 
. 1o Let hotburning coles fail vpon them et them 
be caſt into the fire, and into the pit, that they neuer 
rife bp againe. 

11 Aman full of wordes.thal wot proſper vpon the 
reg euil halhunt the wicked perfor to ouerthꝛow 


12 Sure J am that the Lorde will auenge the 
poore: and maintaine the cauſe of the helpeleſſe. 

13 Che righteous alfo ſhall giue thankes onto 
thy name: andthe tut hall continue in thy fight. 

“‘Domine,clamaui. Pfal.141/7 

[ 22% Icall vpon thee, haſte thee vnto me: and 

conſider my voyce, wher Icrie vntothee. 

2 Let my peaper be fet foorth in thy fight as the 
incenle: andiet the lifting bp of mrhands be an eue⸗ 
ning facrifice, ? 

3 Seta watch (D amo! befoze my mouth: and 

Beepe the dooze of my lipp 

4 — — — to agentes: 4 


MA oneths: * Crh xxix day. = 

log me not be occupied in vngodiy Workes, With the 
men that worke wickednelle, leatt J.eate ~ a 

: things as pleaſe them, 

5 Letehe righteous rather tmite me frienbly:aud 
veprooue mes 3g1 6) 
6 But let not their precious batmes breake mine 
Head: vea. J will pray pet againk their wickednes. 
7 Let their Judges be ouerthrowen in ſtonie pla⸗ 

| * ob they may heare my words fo2 they arefweete. 

ening © 


8 Murbones lie fcattered before the pitte: like ag 
when one breaketh eheweth wood bpontheearth, 
9 But mine eyes looke buto thee, DO Lode God: 

in thee is my trut,D cal notout mpfoute, —- 
o' Aheepe me from the Inare which they hate laid 

for me: andfrom the trappes ofthe wicked Doers. 

11 Letthe vngodly fal inte their er cleat to» : 
gether ; aiid let me ever cape them, 

Noce mea ad Donnacm. Pſal. 420) 

* Cryed vnto the Lorde with my voyce $ 

ro Ne &e pea euen vnto the: Logbe didg make 
— iy iupplication. ‘ ) 
FV: “2 poled out my contptaints be- 
eS fore him: € ſhewed him of my trouble. 

: When my ſpirit was in heauines, thou kne weſt 

my path: inthe way sebbbi ee ring hatte ther 

— widẽſi ano mpi it landeotthe eliuing. 

laid a ſnare for me 

4 ¥ looked alfobponmpriabt hande: and fawe 
there was nomanthat would knowe me, - 

5 3 bad no place to fice bute: and no man cared 
lor my ſoule 

6 Jcrpyed vnto thee,D Lode, and layde thou art 

7 Cont: 

ie Confider my complaint:for J am brought bery 

8 ‘© deliver mee from my perfecutours : fozthep 

are too firong fo2 me, 

9 Bring my ſoule out ofprifon , that'Z may give 
thankes britothy name : which fying tf thou wit 
graunt mee, then thall the righteous retort vnto my 

Domine,exaudi. Pfal.142, | 
| HiEate mp prarer,D Lord, and conſider mp Delite: 

hearken vnto mee lor thy tructh and vighteout . 

nefle fake. 
2 Andenter not intotudgement with thy teruant: 
fo? in thy fight hal no man liuing be tuttified, | 
3 #fd2 the enemie hath perfecuted my foute , hee 
" bath ſmitten my life downe to the grounde: He hath 
Jayde mein the darkeneſſe, as the men thathauebene 
long dead. 
4 Cherforeis my ſpirit vexed within me: and my 
Heart within me is deſolate. 
5 Pet doe F remember the time pal, F mute vpon 
alt thy wo2kes: pea,'F erercife my felfe in the workes 
of thy hands. 

6 Iſtretch ſoorth my handes vnto thee: my foule 

gafpeth vnto thee as a thiritie tana, 

7 Beare me,D 102d, and that foone, for my ſpirit 
Warethfaint:hide not thy face from me, leaſt Jbe like 
vnto them that qo downe into the pit. | 

3 D ietme heare thy louing Binoniette betimes in 

the morning.for in thee is mytruſt: thet thou me the 

iad I fhoulde waike in , ſor . Ife mp my foule — 

9 D2eliuer me O ra ome mine enemies ft 
emia: J — 


to Geach mee to doe the thing that pleateth thee, 
fo2 thou art my God: tet thy louing {piviteleade mee 
korth into the land of righteouſneſſe. | 7 
Il Quicken me,D Lord, korthy names lake: and - 
fo2 thy righteouſneſſe fake bring myſoule out oftrou⸗ 

Bele. | | : 
12 Andofthpaoodnelle flay mine enemies : and 

— all them that bere my ſoule, for J am thyſer⸗ 
Want, aS: : 

; Benedictus Dominus. Pfal.144, 
qs — Lelled bethe Lorde myſtrength: which 
Sy teacheth mp handes to warre, and my 

lingers to fight. 

2Mrhopeand my kortreſſe, myca⸗ 

Ellleand deliuerer, my delender inwyom 

FZ tru: which ſubdueth my people that is vnder 

‘fing peaples bnto thee vpon a ten ſtringed Lute. 
— to Thou halk given victoꝛie vnto Hinges: ont 

Moneth. The xxx. day. 

faa — Dauid thy ſeruant from the perill of 

the ſw 

— — mee and deliuer mee from the hande of 
ſtrange childzen : whole mauth talketh of banitic, € 
their righthand is aright hand of iniquitie. 

12 Chat our fonnes map growe bp asthe voung 
plantes; and that our rine map be as the pot: 
ae corners of the temple, 

3. Chatour garners maybee fill and plenteous 
with ali maner of ſtore: that our theepe map bring 
forth thoufands, and ten thouſands in our ſtreetes. 

14 Ghat ouroren may bee trong to tabour,that 
there be nodecap: noleading into captiuttic, and no 
vec agen Ne our ftreetes, 

Pappte are the people that bee in fuch a cafe: 

; pea.blefied are the people which haue the Londe foz 

thety God. 
Bidleabo re DM. Pfal,145, 
peu inaanifie thee, D° God, mp jun and J will 
papte thy name for euer and euer. 
2 Cuerpday will J giue thankes vnto thee:and 
prarte thy name ſor euer andeuer. 
3 Great is the Lorde and marueilous worthy to 
be peapled: there is 110 end of His greatneſſe. 
4 Mne generation thall pzaple thy worꝛkes vnto 
nother: arid declare thy power, 
5 Asfor me ,F will be talbing of thy worchip: thy 
glorieechy pꝛaiſe, and wonderous wo2kes, 
6 So that met. thatt ſpeake of the mightofthy — 
| — actes:and J will alfo tell of thy great: 
7 She memortali of thine aboundauttt hindwvefl 
ale fhewed:and men thai fing of thr ae 
ne e. 

J— : Monet Avi The xxx, day. 

8che Lor is qvatious and mercitull:long fuffe: 

— Jwill fing peaites bntomy God. ; 

ring, and of great goodneſſe. 

9 Che Lorde is louing vnto euery man: and his 
mercie is ouer all his wo kes. TP ers 

10 Allehy workes peapte thee, O Lorde: and thy 
ſaints giue thankes butothee, 

. Ir -Ghev thewe the glorie of thp kingdome: a talke 
of thy power, — — J— 

12, Ghat thy power , thy glorie, and mightines of 
thykingdome: might be knowen ontoment, 

73 CThy kingdome is an cucrlating kingdome: € 
thr dominion endureth theoughout all ages.· 
4CThe Lord vpholdeth alltuch as fall: and lifteth 
hpallthofethatbe Downe, 
5 The eyes ofall watte bponthee,D Lopdesand 
thou giueſt them their meate in due ſeaſon. 

16 Thou openeſt thine hand: and filleſt allthings 
liuing with plenteouſneſſte. it 

> * 
J ~~? * 

mt OOKLA Se 

17The Loꝛde is righteous in all his wayes: and 
holy in all his woꝛrkes. Rug 
8 The Lois nigh vnto allthem that call vpon 
him: yeã all ſuch as call vpon him taithtullie 

18 He wil fulfill the delive of Chem that teare him: 
he allo will heare their cry, and will helpe tzhem. 

20 Che Lowe preſerueth all them that loue him: 
but{cattereth abzoad allthebugodlpy, = 
21 Dy mouth whall tpeake the pratte of the Lorde: 
and let all llech gure thankes vnto his Holy name foz 
euer andeuer. eto nee 


7 - 

PRaile the Lorde .D my foule, while Fite will J 

" paatfe the Tord vea as iong as J haue any being, 

Lauda anima mea, Pfal.1 46, 

Moneth. Thexxxday. 

2Oput not pour trult ir ———— in any child 
ofman: forthere is no helpeint 
3 For whenthe breath strian qoeth forth, he halt 
pnd againe to his ¢ earth:and afr alhis choughtes 
J i 
4 Blefled is he * hath the God of Jacob for his 
* and whole hope ts in the Lord his God, 
5 which made heauen andearth, the ſea and all 
that thereinis : which keepeth bis promite fo2 euer. 
6 which helpeth themto right that ſuſſer wong: 
Which feedeth the hungry 
7 The Lod footeti A out of priſon: the Lorde 
giuety fghttotheblinde, 
8 Theẽe Lord helpeth them thatavefatlen:the Loz 
careth fo2 the righteous. 
9 Che Lorwdcareth fo2 the llkrangers. he detendeth 
the katherleſſe and widowe:as for the wapotthe vn⸗ 
godly, he turneth it vpſide do wne. 
10 The Lorde thy God, O Stor, ſhall beking for 
euermore: and chroughout ali generations, 
__ Laudate Dominum. Pfal. 147. 
| Bzaple the Lorde, lor tt is a good ching — 
to ſing prapies vnto our God: pea, a prayer. 
Bes) Plopiull and pleafant thing tt ts to bee 
KX thankefull. 
S53} x The Lowe doth builde bp Hieru⸗ ae 
; fem: and gather together the outcaſtes or Iſrael. * 
3 He healeththoſe that are broken tn heart: eg ——— 
giueth medicine to heale their ſickeneſſe. 
4 He telleth the numberof the ſtarres:a and cater 
them all by their names. ; 
5 Greats our Loꝛd, and great is His powern ea 
and his wiſedome is infinite, 
⸗CThe ve Melia: the mecke ; and brin ey 

FA ttt, 

Moneth. The 

che vngodly downe to the ground. 
7 O ling vnto the Lord with chanktgiuing: ſing 
pꝛaxtes vpon the harpe vnto our God. 
— 8 Which couereththe heauen with cloudes, and 
A), pꝛepareth raine fo2 the earth: arto maketh tie grafic 
7 growe vpon the mountaines and herbe fo2 the vſe 
—9 Whichgiueth fodder vnto the cattell: and lee⸗ 
deththe pong rauens that call vpon him, 
10 He hath no plealtre in the ſtrength of ant hoetes 
neither delighteth he in any mans legges. 
But the Lordes delight ts in them that feare 
Him: and put thetr truſt in His mercie, 
12 Pꝛarlſe the Lozde,D Hieruſalem: pꝛayſe thy 
_ 6,0 Sion, ) 
3 Forhe ha ath made fat the barres of thp gates: . 
gc an ‘bath biefied thychildzen within thee, 
| He maketh peace tw thy borders: and lilleth 
‘eve with the floure of wheate. 
15 Helendeth foorth his commaundement bpon 
earth: and his word runneth very ſwiftly. 
6 He giueth now like wooll: “and {cattereth the 
i oes frott life aſhes. 
17 Becatketh loorth his yce like morſels: whois 
able to abide his frott? 
He fendeth out His worde, and melteth them: 
“te biowerh With bis winde, and the waters flowe, 
\ —* 189 Hee ſheweth hts worde vnto Jacob: his ſta⸗ 
eutes and ordinances vnto Iſrael. 
20 He hath not dealtto with any station: neither 
é aa the heathen knowledge ofhis lawes. 

audate Dominum. Pſal. 148. 

— iB — osetia of heauen: — him in the 
— Prꝛaiſe 

Moneth. Thexxx day. 
- spravte him all pe angels of his : prayſe Him att 

— him Sunne and Moone:prayſe him all 
ree — and light. 

4 Ieayte him all yee heauens:and pe waters thai” 
be aboue the heauens. 

$ Let thenpayte the name ofthe Lorde: for hee 
{patie the word, and they were made,he commanded, 
aid thep were created. 

6 Hee hath made them falk fog ewer an euer: Hee 
bat) given themalawe which hail not be broken. 

a rare tie Lorde vponearth: pee dragons and 
alldeepes, | 

8 Fire and haile, ſnow and ‘bapouts: winde and 
forme, fulfilling His wo2rde, 
Rea F Mountaines and hilles: fruitkull trees, and 
all Cedars. 
. I o Jpeattesan anid all cattelt: wormes, and teathered 

11 Hingesof the earth. and al people princes and 
all iudges ofthe wold, 
12 Poung men and maydens olde men and chil⸗ 
dren, prayſe tie name of the Lord: for His name onlp 
is iat Alama his praple aboue heauen and earth. 

3 Hee ſhall exalt thehome ofhis people , allhis - 
fairites ſhall pꝛayſe him:euen the childzen of Strat, 
euen the people that lerueth him. *— 

- Cantare Domino. Pfal, 149, lige: Ee 
Ceingene the Lord a new tangy let che congtes 
gation of faints prayſe hint, ce | ; 

2 Let Iſrael retopce tn him that mane j 
tet the childzenof Sion be — r 


Ji .iiii. 

4 See. 

oes fing praiſes vnto cuties tat ae — 
4 forthe Lorde hat pleature in his people: and 
” peipety themecke hearted... 
5 Let the laints be foptutt with glory: Jet them Yes. 
Sov in their beddes. 
6 Let the peavies of Bod bein cheir mouch ands 
(wo edged tworde th their han 

bi Day be auenged of the beaten ato rebute the 

8. Cobinde their kings in chaines: ative nobles 
with linkes of yꝛon. 
9 Chat they may bee avenged of them, as itis 
wꝛitten:luch honor haue all his faints. 

Laudate Dominum. Pſal. 1 50. 

pure Bod in oe hotlines : praiſe him in che five 

mament of hs power, : 

2 Pꝛapylſe him in pie noble actes: poatte him ACCO Y= 

—— Moneth. Th 

tna to his excellent greatneſſe. 

3 Praple hint it the ſound of the Crumpetspeaple 
him vpon the Lute and Harpe. 
Pꝛaple him in the Cimbailes a daunces: prayle | 
Hint dpon the ſtringes and pipe. 
Pꝛrarſe him vpon the weituned Cymbals: praite 
him vᷣpon the loude Cymballes. 
ec: — every thing that hath breath prarte the 
020 # — 

ee cue “PINTS. 

-Certaine godly praiers 
to be vfed for fundrie purpofes. 

A Agenetall confeffion of finnessto bee 
faid cuery Morning 

Almightie God our heauenly Father, 
Kid WF contefle and knowledge, that J ama 
1 Oe 4 piiterable anda wretched finner , and 
Ehaue manifold wayes mot grieuouſly 
rangrelled thy mot godly commaun 
dements though wicked thoughts, vngodly luſtes 

linfuli words ¢ deedes,committed all my whole life, 

In ſinne am 5 borne and concetued, andtherets no 

qoooncile in mee nas much as tf thow ſhouldeſt eu 2> 
ter into thy narrowe tudgement with mee, tudging 

‘mee according onto the ſame J were never able to 
fufler and gvide it, but mutt needes periſh a bee dante 
Tied for euer: Spolitzie helpe, comfort , op fuccour is 

there either in mee, 02 in Any other creature. Dnelp 

this is mp comtoꝛt (D heavenip father) that thou 
diddeſt not {pare thy onely deare beloued Sonne but 

diddeſt giue Him bp vnto the moſt bitter, met oie 
and flaunderous death of the croſſe fo· pee 

might fo pap the raunfome for my fires, & 
iudgenent, Mill and pacific thy wath ; recone 
againe vnto thee, aud purchate me thy grace ant 

Nour ¢ euerlaſting lite. whereſore Hough tem 
rite of fis moſt bitter death and pafion,ana tye 
his innocent bloodſhedding, F hefeechthee, Oheas 
uenlptather that thou wilt bouchlatetobeqranous = 
‘and merciful! onto miec,to ſorgiue & pitas tee 


Godly prayers. 

itp ſinnes, to lighten my heart with thy holy {pirite, 
to renue contirme, and frengthen me with aright 
aperkect faith, to inflame mee in loue towarde thee 
and mp neighbour, that J map hencefoorth with a 
willing and glad heart, walkie ag tt becommeth me, 
in thy molt godly commaundements, a ſo gloriſie and 
praiſe thee euerlaſtingly. And alſo that ZF map with 
afree conſcience a quiet heart in al maner oftempta⸗ 
tions, afflictions,o2 neceſſities, and euen in the very 
pangs of death, crie boldiy and merily vnto thee, 
and ſay, I beleeuc in God the father almightie , maker 
ofheauen andearth, and in Ieſus Chrift,&c. Hut, D 
‘Lorde God heauenip father,to cdmfozt my felte in af 
fiction and temptation with thefe articles of the 
Cheiſtian faith, it is not 1 my power,fo2 faith is thp 
gifte; andfo2 as much asthou wilt bee prayed bnito, 
and called vpon fo2 t¢,4] come vnto Hee, to pray and 
beteech thee,both fo2 that and fo2 all. other my necel⸗ 
fities,cuen as thy dearelp beloucd fonne our Saui⸗ 

our Jeſus Chit himſelte hath taught vs. And from 

the very bottome of mp heart Jcrie and ſay, Our fa- 
ther which art in heauen, halowed be thy name, &c. 

Prayers to be ſayde in the morning. 
Pa NE] Wercifill Lorde GD FA Heauentlp Fas 
1 AS Nither I render mot biah laudes, prayſe 
p7eeg)) Hand Chanties onto thee, that thou bat 
Le gpeeterued mee both this night, and all 
=the tine and daves of mp life hither⸗ 

this dap , and the reſidue of my whole life , fron 
 Deneeioorth tito thy tuition, ruling and gouerning 


Godly prayers. 

_ tne With thy holy fpirié, that all maner ofdarkeneffe, 

of miſbeliefe, intidelitie and of carnall tutes and af: 
fections,map be dtterlp chafed and driuen out of mp. 
heart, and that J may bee iuſtiſied and faued both 
body and ſoule through a right and perfect faith, and 

fo walkein the light of thy moſt godly tructh , to thy 
glory and pratte, and tothepeofite and furtherance 

of my neighbour, though Jeſus Chit our Lorde. 
and Sauiour. Amen. | 

; Al poſſible thanks that we are able, wee render 
Abntothee,D Lode Jeſus Chzitt,for that thou 
Hatt willed this night pat to be profperous onto be: 
and we beleech thee like wile to proſper all this fame 
Day bnto b3,fozthpalory, andfoz the health of our 
foule,¢ that thou which art the truclight.not hnows 
ING any going Downe, and which art the funtie eters 
atl giuing like, koode, and qladnes vnto all thinges, 
houcifafe to fhine ito our mindes,that we map not 
any where tumble tofall into any finne, but map - 
though thy qoodguiding and conducting come te 
thelifeeuevlating. amen, — | ce 
O¶ e Jeſus Chritt, which art the true hmneok 

ingdowne,, which by the mot wholefome appease 
erue TOL 

uen, as alſo that areon earth, webeleech tare mers 
cifully and fatrourably to thine into our hearts; 
that the night and darkenefie of fines > ane the ¥ 

myſtes oferrourson euerp fide dive aap, ok 
brightly Mining within our Hearts, wee may aliens 
life fpace goe without any ttumblingoz offerte, ana" 

miay decently and feemely walke (as iy d 

Godly prayers. * 

time being pure and cleane from the works oldarke⸗ 
rele, and abounding in all good workes which God 

Hath peepared for bs to walke in, which with thefas — 

ther and with che holy Ghok luck and reignelt foz e- 
Uerandcuer. Amen, | BOY 

O&% and Low Jeſus Chri, thon hnowell , pea, 
and batt alfo taught vs howe great the inſirmitie 
and weakenes of man is, and how certaine athing it 
is thatit catt nothing doe without toy godly helpe. If 
man trut to himſelle, it can not be guoyded, but that 
be muſt headlong runne and fall tito a thouſand vn⸗ 

Doings and mifchieies.O our father haue thou pitie 

and contpaflion bpon the weakenefle of bs thy chtl- 
Dee, be thow pret and ready toheipe bs, alwayes 

fhewinag thy mercy bpon vs andproſpering whattoe- - 

Ler we godly goe about? fo that thougiting bstight, 

we may fee What things ave truly good indeede:thou 

encoraging bs, we map haue an eared delive to the 

ſame:and thot being ourquide, we may come where 

to obtaine them:fo2 we batting nothing but miſtruſt 
in our ſelues, Doe yeelde and commit our ſelues full 

and whole vnto thee alone, which workeſt ali things 

in all creatures, to thy honour and glorie. So be tf, 


Godly prayers. 

that Jmayalwayes bee founde fo walke and tine ak - 
ter thy will and pleafure , theough Fetus Chꝛiſt our 
oma and Sautour amet, | 

Se eA prayer conteining the duetie of 

euery true Chriftian, 

ey Wok mightie God, merciluli and lo⸗ 
uingktather, Iwretched ſinner come 
—vnto thee in the name of thy dearelp 
WN beloued fone Felus Chak my onelp 
lauiour and redcemer: and molt hum⸗ 
bip beteech thee for bis fake to bee mercifull onto me, 
anid to cat all my ſinnes out of thy fiabt and remem: 
pent et OLOUgD the merites of his bloodie death and 
Powꝛe vpponme O Loꝛd)thy help ſpirite of wiſe⸗ 
dome and grace: Gouerne and leade mee bythy ho⸗ 
{yp woorde, that it may bee a lanterne onto mp feete, 
and alight bnto myſteppes. Sbhewethy mercy bp- 
on me, and folighter the naturall blindnes tdarke: 
nesofmyp heart, though thy avace, that Fmapdap- - 
ipberenewed bythe fame fpirite andarace: Optpe  ~ 
which (O L020) purge the groſſeneſſe of mp hearing a 
And vnderkanding o F may profitably reade Hear 
and vnderltand thy word and heauenly w 

S and ntl all vice in mee, — 
expreſſe mykaith in thee: mercifutip hee Die: 
ble futeofthy ferwant, and grant metry peace es 
mydayes: Gracioutlypardon mine IAPs ae 

Godly prayers. 

Defend ine in alldarigersof body, qoods a name: but 
moſt chiefly mpfoule againſt all aſſaultes, temptati⸗ 
ons, accufations,fubtill baytes and ſſeightes of that 
oldenemic of mankind Sathan that roaring Lier, 


Godly prayers. 

of enemics, but with an infinite number , not onelp 
with flelh and blood, but with the deuill which is the 
prince of darkeneſſe, and with wicked men executors 
of his moſt damnable will: Graunt me therefore thp 
Grace, that being armed with thy defence, FJ map 
Land in this battell with an inuincible conftancie ae 
gaint all corruption, which F amcompatled withow 
euery fide , vntill fuch time as Fj hauing ended the 
combate, which during thisiife J mutt fufteine , in 
the ende Jmaxattaine to thy heavenly ret whichis 
prepared foz me and al thine elect, though Chriſt our 
Loꝛrd and onely Sauiour.Amen. 

$e Certaine godly prayers 
| for fundry dayes, 

~ & Munday. 

soos Minightie God, the father of mercie, 

KF aNd God of all comfort, which onelp 
korgiueſt ſinne: forgiue vnto bs our 
ſinnes, good Lord, forgiue vnto bs our 
ſinnes, that by the multitude of thy 


mercies they may be couered, and not imputed vnto 
vs, and by the operation of the holy Gholl, weemay — — 
haue power and ſtrength bereattertoreitinnesby = 

our Sauiour and Loꝛd Jeſus Chk. Amer, 

. Tuefday. ie 
Lowe GOD, which deſpiſeſt not 
Heart, and forgettett the finnes ana a 
nefie of a what houre focuenyt 
Mourne and lament His olde maner ot bi Ue 

s Pas s).8 

its; a. 

i API ee 

Ae iO a 

graunt vnto bs (D Losde ) true contrition of heart, 
that we map vehemently delpife our ſinfull itfe pat, 

and wholiy be conuerted vnto thee,by our Sauiour 

and Lod Jeſus Chriſt. amen. 
Wedneſday. — — 

(Merci gacher· oy whofe power and ſtrength 
wee may ouercome our enemies both bodily and 

ghoſtly: graunt vnto vs.O Lozde, that accoꝛding to 

dur pronuſe made in our baptiſme, we map ouercome 

the chiefe enemies of ovr foule, that is, the deſires of 
the wozlde,the pleaſures of the fleſh, and the ſuggeſti⸗ 
ons ofthe wicked {ptrite: and fo after leade our tines 
int holineſſe and righteouſneſſe, that wee map ſerue 

and Lod Fetus Chriſt. Amen. 

ae Thurfday. - 

C)alimightie anideucriating God, which not onely 
giueſt euery good and perkect gift,but alſo encrea- 
felt thofe gifts that thou haft giuen: we mot humbly 
beleech thee(mercifull God)to encreaſe in bs the gift 

tice in ſpirite and trueth , and that by our Sautour . 

of faith , that we may truely beleeueinthee, andin 

thy ponte made vnto vs: and that neither by our 
negligence , nor infirmitie of the fleth, nor by qries 
uoulnetle of temptation.nettHer by the ſubtil crattes 
and aſſaultes of the deuill, wee be driuen from faith 
ou blood of our Sauiour and Lorde Jeſu Chak, 

Fryday, | 





| Godly prayers. — 

ee ee ES ae 

gunt dito vs > D mercifull God ( wee mot 
rtilp befeeche thee knowledge and true 
ming Of thy woorde, that all ignorance 

Crodly prers. 

expelled, we mapknowe thattoy wil and pleaſure 
isin all things,and How to doourductics, and true⸗ 
ly te walkein our bocation: and that alfo we mayex⸗ 
prefle in our liuing,thoſe things that we do knowe, 
that wee beenot onelpknowers of thy worde good 
Lorde, butalfobe workers ot the ſame by our faut 
ourend Lod Jeſus Chil, Ames, i 
O Amightie God, which hak prepared euerlaſting 
"life to all thofe that bee thy faithtull feruantes: 
Graunt vnto bs 1.020, ſure hope of p itfeeucriatting, 
that we being inthis mifctable wozlde , map haue 
fome taſte and feeling of ttin our hearts, and that not 
by our deſeruing, buthy the mevites and deſeruing 
ofour Sauiour and Low Jeſus Chriſt,. Amen. 

(erat GD PD, our onelpayde, ſuccour, and 
ſtrength at alltimes :qraunt vnto vs. O Loꝛd. 
that tn the time of profperitie we be not proude, and 
fo forget thee, but that with our whole Heart and 
Grenath we may cleaue vnto thee,and in the time of 
aduerſitie that we kal not into intidelitte.¢ deſperati⸗ 
on.but that alwayes with a conſtant faith , we map 
call for heipe vnto thee:graunt this,D Loꝛd. fo2 our 
aduocates ſake, and Sautour Fetus Chill, Amen, 

> Sunday, | ot wa ae 
O Amiobti⸗ and mercifull Lowe, which qite 
| vnto thy elect people the holy Oho, asa tte | 
pledge ofthpheauenty kingdome: Graunt 
tobs,D Lozde,thp Holy ipirit, that hee map bear 
witneſſe with our ſpirit, that we be thy chitozena 
heires genanne by the operations 

: t Rte 


seat Godty prayers. — 
thisloirit, we may kill all carnall luſtes, vnlawtfull 
piealures concupiſcences, euill aflections, contrary 
onto thy wil, by our Sauiour and Lord Jeſu Chu, - 


Amen. — 
A prayerfortruftin Gods 

| Se BC beginning of thefallofman, was truſt 

wanes tt Himlelfe. Che beginning of the reſtoring 
ase of matt, was dittruk in himlelle, andtrut in 
God. D mot gratious and mov wile quide,our Sa 
wiour Chik, which doeſt leade them tye right wap 
to immoztall vleſſedneſſe, which truely and vnfaig⸗ 
nedly truſting in thee, commit them ſelues to thee: 
Graunt vs, that like as wee be blinde and feeble it 

deede, ſo we may take and repute our ſelues, that we. — 

pꝛeſuine not of our ſelues tofee to our ſelues, but ſo 
karre to fee, that alway we may haue thee before 
our eyes,to followe thee, being our guide , to 
be ready at thy call moſt obediently and 
» to commit ourfelues wholly vnto 
—. thee that thou which onlykno we⸗ 
>. gt the way, marpettiecad bs the 
fante way vnto our Hea: 
uenly delires: to thee 
with ptather and 
~— .  theholp Ghoſ 
— gloryforeuer. 

Godly prayers. 

A prayeragainft worldly carefulneffe. 

EN Wott deare and tender father , our des 
Ni fender and nouritber , endue 63 with 
| hy grace that we may cattofi the great 
fi biindnefle of our mindes , and careful: 
ix Enes OF Worldly chings,and map put our 
i ſtudie and care tn keeping of thy Holy fawe, 
and that we may labour and trauaite fo2 our neceflis 
ties in this life, like the birdes of the ape , and the li⸗ 
lies of the fielde, without care ffo2 thou batt pomifed 
to be carefull fo2 vs,and Halt commanded that vpon 
thee we ſhould caſt ail our care: which liueſt and reig⸗ 
net world without ende. Amen. | 

A prayer againtt temptation, — 

NOW Lorde Fetus Chꝛriſt, the onelp tap and 

Lene fence of our moꝛtall fate , onr onelp 

BA OUey Shope ,ouronelp faluation, our glorie. 
Z Xin AR AND our triumpbhe , who in the fleth 

VAIN NS (‘wbich thou hadden for our oniycauſe 
taken vpon thee) diddeſt ſuffer thy {elfe to be tempted 
of Satan,and who onelp and atone of almen diddeſt 
vtterly ouercome and banquith finne , death, the 
wozlde, the deuil, and all the kingdome of Hells and. 
whatfoeuer hott Hatt fo ouercommed foe Out De 

Hooke it is that thou hat oucrcomnmen tt , 18! bers 

Hath it bene thy willto haue any of thy tetany, rene! P 

keepe battell, 02 fight with any of the rreaybe gu a 

but of purpote to rewarde bs with a CrowNe ee 
the moze glozie foz it; And to the intent at Moms 

2 * Stier ag — 3 
Shi, wigs 
3 9 : @ BY. ts F + ae eee 4 
F — By 
y Bee: x 

WY Ps” 62 a y 

Sapi.g. | 

Godly prayers. 

mighteſt like wile ouerthꝛo we Satan ttt thy mem⸗ 
bers, as thou haddeſt afore done tt thine owne per⸗ 

ſon, giue thou (wee beſeech thee) onto bs thy ſouldi⸗ 

ers, (D Lion mos victoꝛious ot the tribe of Juda) 
ſtrength againſt the roaring Liow, which continu: — 
ally wandzeth to and fro, ſeeking whom he may de- 
uoure. Chou being that fameferpent,che true giuer 
ot health andlife, that was nayled on Sigh vpon a 
tree, giue vnto bs thy ſeely ones, wilines againſt the 
deceittull awapting ofthe mot ſubtill ſerpent. Chow 
being alambe ag white as inowe, the banquifber of 
Satans tyrannie, giue vnto bs thy litle theepe the 

firength and bertucofthy tpirite, that being in our 
owne ſelues weake ann feeble and in thee ſtrong and 
baltant,we may withſtand and ouercome all ailauits 
of the deuill,fo that our Ghoſtlyenemymay not qlozy - 
obs, but being conquered though thee , wee map 
giue thankes to thp mercy, which neuer leaueſt them 
deſtitute that put thetr trulin thee, who liueſt and 

reigned God {oz ever, without ende, Amen, 

A prayer for the obteining of wifedome. 
PFA God of our fathers, ¢ Lorde of mercy, 
| aya ithou that halt made ail thinges with | 
| eS) Bthp wo2de,and ordeined man through 
a0 Wy, Achy wifedome,thathe thoulde haue des 
S<SSHASAmnintonouer the creatures which thor 

Godly prayers. 

yea though aman be neuer fo perfect among the chil 
Deets of nien. vet ikthy wiſedome be not with him. hee 
hall bee nothing woorth. Db lend thy wiſedome out 
of thy holyheauens, and from the throne of thy ma⸗ 
ieftie, that hee may bee with mee, andlabour with 
mee, that map knowe what is acceptable in thy 
finht,fo2 fee kno weth and vnderſtandeth all things, 
atid thee tall conduct me right ſoberly in thy works, 
and preſerue me inher power,fo hall my workes bee 
acceptable, Armen, : 

: A prayer neceffary for al! perfons, 
() Perc DD,F a wretched finner reknow⸗ 
ledge mplelfe bounde toheepe thy Holy comman⸗ 
dementes, but yet vnable to perfourme them, and 
to bee-accepted foz tuft, without the righteouines 
ofFelu Cheiſt thy onely fone, whe Hath perfects 
iy {ulfilled thy lawe, to tuftifie all men that beleeue 
and truft in him, Cherefore graunt me grace , Jbe⸗ 
feech thee,to be occupied in doing of good Wwoozkes, 
_ Which chou commaundett in Holy Socripture,all the 
Dapes of my life,to thy qlozie,and pet to truſt onelp in 
thy mercy, ain Chriſtes merites, to bee purged front. 
myſinnes and not in my good workes, be they neuer 
fo many.Giue me grace to loue thy holy worde fers 
uently to fearch the Scriptures diligently, (ofease 
them humbip,to vnderſtande then truelp, thie 
after them effectually. Order my Iifele, DAerer 
that it map be alway atceptable vnto thee, ae 
grace, notto reioyce it any thing that oupy 
thee, but euermore to delight in thofe thins 
pleate thee.bee they neuer fo contrary to my Gee 
Teach melo topray, that mp petitions way See 
cloudy heard of (gee, * — mee Dpzigye among 
| it, : 2 eb 

Godly prayers. 

uerlities of opinions and iudgements in the wozide, 
that J neuer ſwarue from thy trueth taught in holy 
Scripture. In pꝛoſperitie, O Lord, ſaue wie, that J 
Ware not proude, Fn aduerſitie helpe me, that J net 
ther deſpaire noz biafpheine thy holy name , but tae 
king tt patiently , to giue thee thankes , and truſt to 
be delivered after thp pleafure.noben Jhappen to fall 
into finne through frailtie, J beleeche thee to worke 
true repentance in my Heart, that J may bee ſorie 
- without deſperation, truſt in thy mercy without pre: 
fumption , that J may amende my life, and become 
truely religious without Hypocrifie , lowly in Heart 
Without frigning, fatthfull and truſtie without de- 
cette, meric without lightnefle fad without miſtruſt. 
fober without flouthfulneile , content with mine 
owne Without couctoutnetle , to tell my neighbour - 
his faultes charitably without diſſimulation tot 
ſtruct my houcholde tn thy lawes truely, toobey our 
Mueene and atl gouernours onder Her bnfainediy, 
to receiue allawes and common o2dinances, which 
-Difagreeth not from thp holy worde) obediently , to 
pay euery man that which Jowe vnto him trueip,to 
backebite 110 man·, norſlaunder my neighbour ſecret⸗ 
iy, and to abhorre all vice towing all goodneſſe vars 
neftiy, D Lorde ataunt me thus todoe,foz the glorie 
ofthy holy. name. Amen, 

~.. . Aprayer for pacience in trouble. 
ay FeeQe Oy Hatt thou (D Lorde humbied and 
pluchked me downe? J dare nowe bre 
neathes mate my pꝛayers vnto thee, 
Be 4 for thou art angrie with me, but not 
_ dee. US. Without my deleruing, Certainely J 
_ Hauchimed,L ode, F contefie tt, J will not denie tt: 
ee ee Bis Gate iu debtes, 

Me te 

Godly prayers. 

bebtes , render nowe thy arace agate brito ine, fop 
my Wourrdes,fo2 Jam all to plagued and beaten: pet 
£020 thisnotwithtanding J abide patiently, g giue 
mite attendance on thee,continually waiting fo2 ves 
liefe at thy Hand, and that not without thill , for F 
haue recetued atoken of thp favour and grace toms 
ards me, meane , thy worde of promiſe concerning 
Chꝛiſt, who fo2 me was offeredorn the croſſe for arane 
ſorae, alacrtfice and peice for my finnes: wherefore 
according to that thy promiſe, defend me Lord by thp 
right hand, and giue a gractouscare to my requeſts 
foz all mans ſtaies ave but batne. Beate downe theres 
fo2e mine enemtes thine owne felfe with thp power, 
which art mine only apdour and peotectour,D Lon 
Goa almightie, Amen, 
A Aprayertobe faid atthe houre of death, 

Wy Lo2d Felt, which art the onelp health of all 

Rmen liuiug, and the euerlating life of (hens 

28 which die ti fateh : J wzetched finner giue 

and fubmit my telfe wholly vnto thy mot bleſſed wii, 
And being fure that the thing cannot peri which 
18 committed vnto thy mercie , willingly nowe F 
leaue this fraileand wicked fleſh, in hope of the reſur⸗ 
rection, which in better wile Hall reſtore tt tome ae 
gate, J beſeeche thee moſt mercifull Lorde Fetus. 
Chik, that thou wilt by thy qrace make Grong mp © 
foule againſt all temptation , aiid that thom wHtcas ~~ 
uer and defend me with the buckler of thpa bere —— — 
gaint atl the aſſaultes of thedeuill. Fiecanbinews -— 

ledge that there is in my felfeno heipesf = 
but all my confidetice, bope and trud ts 1 Oy mint — he 

mercifull goodneſſe. Jhaue no merites tor goed.) 
wozkes which F map alledge betore the. = 
¢ euil workes (alas) feeagreatheape, butth 


Godly prayers. 
thy mercy F truk co be inp number of them to who 
thou wilt not impute their linnes, but take g accept 

~ que for righteous andiutt,andto be the inheritour of 
euerlaſting life. Chou mercttull 1020 wat borne fez 
myſake, thou diddeſt fuffer both hunger and thirſft 
fo2 myſake thou didſt peeach a teach, thou did pray - 
and kalt kor my ſake, chou diddeſt all good workes and 
deedes ſor mp fake, thou fufleredtt moſt grieuous 
paynes and torments for my fate, And finally thou 
gaueſt thy moſt precious body to die. and thy blood to 
bpe cedde on the crofie for my ſake. Mowe moſt mer⸗ 
tituil Sauiour, tet all thele things pꝛoſite me, which 
thou kreely batt giuen me, that hat given thy telte foz 
nie. Let thy blood cleantz and wah away the {pots 
and foulenes ofmy fines, Letthyrighteoutnes hide 
and coucr mine vnrighteouſneſſe. Let the merites of 
chypaſſion a blood, be the fatiffaction for my ſinnes. 
Giue me AXord thy qvace.that my fatthandfatuation | 
iv chy blood wauer not inme,but be ever firme and 
conttant, that the hope of thy mercy anditfe euerla⸗ 
fing neuer decay inme,thatcharttiewarenotcolde 
dt me Finally that the weakenelſe of my fel be riot 
oucrconte With the feare ofdeath.Graunt mee, met 
» siferll Grutor that when death hath ſhut vp the eyves 
of mp bony,vet thatthe eyes of myſoule may ſtill be⸗ 
holde and ſooke vpon thee:that when death hath ta⸗ 
Ren away the bicof my tongue and ſpeach,; yet that 
sty heart map cryandfay bvnto thee , In manus tuas 
Domine) commendofpiritum meum (thatts to fay) 
PD Lode, {into thy handes J giue and commit 
myſonle: Domine fpiritum 
2 eum, oꝛd Jelisrecetuemy — 
ue teen ss 7 SEM, 


Diy : —— 

ve — 
WMhole booke of Plalmes : col- {2 

wi # f leGed into English metre by T.Stern- i, 
Ke 4) hold, W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others. ASG 
— Conferred withthe Hebrue, with apt notes . 
8 to fing them withall. 

Uw) Metwlie (et koꝛth and allowed to-be ſong of al 

SA the people together , in all churches, before and after 
s Moning and Cucning pater, as alfo befoze and after the ſer⸗ 

Bi! mons sanDmozeouer in prtuat houles for their godlielolace any | [AS 
dl comfort, laieng apart all vngodlie ſongs and balads, A | 
& which tend onelp to the nourihing of dice, Ne 
3) aud corrupting of pouth. x 
8 1 f A) 
| If any be afflicted, les him pray, and if any be mervie, let him 
fing Pialins, : ne) Uf 
— eS a4 P (oe — 


rs. WP. 
8 4 


— at the figne ofthe ftarre. 
if ß wid — ~ Cum priuilegio Regie — 
ion: F opbidding allothers to print theſe Plalms 
—V o any part ot them. 
ART An 1588, 



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88 ae 3 



se gia sepa shebiedla wie 

fie ie oth sy ae Sse hess 
giao teu: RBA 

¶ A treatile made by /\thanafius the 
preac concerning the vſe and vertue 
oe | oss abit 

Lholie {criptures is certeinlie the feacher of all 
vertue and of the trae faith : but the booke of the 
pſalmes doth expreffe, aftcr a certcine maner,the berp 
ftate and condition of the ſoule. Foz as he which in⸗ 
= 5) tendeth to prefent himfcife toaking , Wwill Gri com⸗ 
Ie | Y<| pound swith himlelle to fetin good ozder both bis ge 
B24 \SS)| ure and ſpeech, ieaſt elfe he mightbe repated rave 
a and ignozant :enen fodoth this godly booke informe 
ali {uch as be Defirous to lead their life in bertac, and. 
to know the life of our fanioz, which he lead in his conuerſation, patting thent 
in mind in the teading thereof, of ail their affections andpaflions wherete 
sheir fouie ts inclined. ; 
MHozeouer,the plaims informe and teach enerp man With diuers inſtructi⸗ 
ong, whereby he map not onlie efpic the affections and fate of bis fonle,and te 
Win a good paterne and difciptine, how he may pleafe God, but alfo With What 
forme of words he map amend himlelfc,andhow to giue God due thanks, leak 
tf he ſhould {peake otherwife than were conuentent,be ſhould fall intoimpictp 
bp bis bnreuerent eſtimation of God , fo2 We mulſt all make an account te the 
iudge, as Well of our idic woꝛds,as our euill deeds. : 

EVE) F thereforethou wouldſt at any time defcribe a bleſſed man, Who be ts, 
Vd ES ib what thing maketh bim fo tobe: thon halk the 1, 32, 41,112,128, 
Eplalms. ses 
2 Zt thou wouidſt rebuke the Jewes fo; their fpight they haue to Chzik, 
thou bal the pſalme. ‘ 
or wre: | * owne familiars purſue theẽ, and tf many rife againtt thee, fap the 
3,143, plaling, RY : 
4TIk thus in trouble thou hat called on God,and hak taried bpon his helpe 
and Would gine him thanks foz that he hath heard thee With his helpe, Gng 
the 4, 4°, 116 pfalms. — 
5It that chou ſceſt that euill men lay ſnares foz thee, and therefoze deſireſt 
Gods eares to heare thp praiers,ſing the 5 pſalme. 

6 Fé thou feeleſt Gods dzeadfull thzeats, and ſeeſt thy ſelle afraid of thes: 
thou maift fap the ¢,31,88 pſalms. 

7 Pe any take counfell again thee, as Achitophell did again& Dauid, if 
thon be admoniſhed thereof,Gng the 7 pfaime. ' 

8 Bt thou in bebolving the grace of our ſauiour {pread on enery fide, ſpecial⸗ 
Ne kor the reftozing of mankind te faluation, wouldſt ſpeake thereot in me dita⸗ 
tien to Gov, fing the 8 plalmne. % + EN ats ah, ig ce 
9 7It lo againe thon Wiit fing in giuing thanks to God for the prꝛoſperous 
Gathering of thy krutes, vle the pfaime. 4 a SAE 

10 It thon Souldtt haue thine aduerlarie kept backe, andthy foute aud, 

trot not in thp feife but in the ſonne of God, finging the 9 pfalme. pee 
13 FE thon perceiueſt God tobe wzoth With his people,as thor 

RMA’ Aaa of ape 

Atreatife forthe vſe of thePfalme 


ben them nothing, thon hol to pacific him tocomplaine thereof, thex0,¢0,74 

pfaims. ; | \ wat * 
J — man Would put the in keate haue thou thy hope in God, and ſing 
therrpfsime. . : 
13 Bf thow behoĩdeſt the pride of manp mers, and ſeeſt malice to abound. fo 

that tierets nogodlincfle among& men, reparre thentoGod, and fapthers — 


14 Be thine aduerfarie lie long in Wait again ye , defpaire not ag though 

ov sad forgotten ther, but cail bpon the Lord, and fing the 13,16,22 plaims, 

15 Bithou heareſt any toblafpheme Movin his proutdence, benot partas 
oe With them in wickednelle, but make halk vnto God, and lay the 14, and ss 

~ 16 It thou deſireſt tc know who ts a citizen of heauen ſing thers pflalme, 

17 It thos halk need ef pzaier for ſuch as be againſt the, and haue cloſed thy 
foule oneverp fice Gra the 16,17,87,141 pfalus. : ne 
-- 38 BE thon hatt efcapedfrom thineenimics , and art deliuered froin them 
Gho purlucd thee, fing thou the 18,22 pſalms. art 
19 Bfthou doſt Meonder at the order of things created by God, confivering 
the grace of the diuine pꝛouidence, ſing the 19,24 palms. 
. 20 3 ae fet anpmaninaduerlitie, comfozt him and prap foz him with 
the ꝛo pſalme. 
21 Ff thou percciuelt thp ſelke to be delended and ked by God, and to liue prol⸗ 
prrouflp,veioice therein, and fing the 23 pſalme. 
22 Bf thine enimie conſpire againſt ther.tift bp thy loule to God and lay the 
23 pſaĩme /and thou fhaitefpte them to labour but tn vaine again the, 

23 It thine entmies clatter againk thee and go about swith thetr blody hand | 

to deſtroy thee, qo not thon about bp mans heipe to reuengett,foz al mens iudg⸗ 

ments are not rruttic,but require God to be iudge, foz be alone is iudge, and fap 
the 26,35,43 pfaime. —— hy 
24 It they prelle moze fiercelie on thee, though they be in numbers like an ars 

medhoatt, feare them not Which thus rerertthe: as though thon wert not ans 

nointed and elect by od, but fing the 27 pſalme. 
25 Bl thep be pet fetmpudent thatlap watt againk thefo that it is not law⸗ 
7 et - thee to haucanp bocation bp them, regard them not,but fing to God the 
4° pialme. —— 

26 Bl thou wilt exhort and prꝛouoke kings € pꝛinces to ſubmit their power 
to God, and to regard his honour, fing the 29,82 plalms. | 
27 Be thou renew and build thine honfe both of thy foule , whereto thou re⸗ 
— God to hoalt, and of thy tempozall habitation, fing the 30, 41, and 127 

28 Itthou fel th p lelke had in hate, for the truths fake, of thp friends and 
hinffoike.ieane not off thy purpofe, noz feare them Which be againſt the, but 
thinke ou them Which fellow,and fing the 31 plaime. | 

29 Bl thou beholdeſt {uch ag be daptifedand fo delinered from the coꝛrup⸗ 
— of their birth, przaile thou the bountikull graccof God, and ſing the 32 
pſalme. er ; ay Bowl k 

30 Bf thon delighteft tofing amonak many, call togither righteous men of 
godlizlife,and ing the 33 pfalre, * 

n Hbpehance hou fall amionglt thine ewimles, andret hall temanue 

- Atreatife forthe vfeofthePfalms. - 

efcaped them: tf therefore thou wilt gine thanks,calitogither mecke men, and 
fing the 33 pfalme, 0 gaareledg £4 t vestraltion cle tg 
2It thou (ek wicked men contend among themſelues to bo milchefe, 
thinke not that their nature doth impell them bp neceflitre to worke fin again 
their will,sscerteine heretiks fuppole,. but confider this pſalme 36, and thou 
fhait perceiue that thep be to themfelues their owne occafion of ſinning. 

33 It thou fet how Wicked men do much Wickednefle, and that pet Ginple 
foke praiſe ſuch; When thou wilt admoniſh any man not tofolicr them, to bee 
like bniethem,becaule thep thail be fhoztip rested ont and deſtroid: ſpeake bute 
thy ſelte and to otbers,the 37 pſalme. 

34 It thon ha&oecrecd to take heed of thy felfe, e ſeeſt thine enimte apprech 
high the, as againft one When the aducrflaric 1s moze provoked to come With 
afiauit,and therefoze Wilt prepare thy ſelſe, ſing the 39 plaime., 

35 Itthou lek many poze mento beg and Wilt ſhew pitie bntothem, thow 
maiſt both thp {rife receaue them to mercie, ¢ alſo exhoꝛt others to do the fame, 
Caieng the 4: pſalme. . 

36 It thon hak a defire to Godward, and hearclt thine entmies to bpbzate 
thee,be not troubled, but confider what frute of immoꝛtalitie riſeth Suto thee fog 
this defire comfort thp ſoule With hope to God, and fo therein releeuing and af= 
fuaging the heauineſſe of thy life fay the 42 pfsime, 

37 Fe thou wilt remember Gods benefits Which he did to their fathers both 

in thetr outgoing from Egypt, and in the deſert, andhow gud God was bnte 
—— but they vnthanktull vnto him, thou haſt the 44,78,89, 106, 114, and 117 

38 FE thon haſt made thy rekuge to God, andhakefcapediuch trouble as 
Swas prepared againit the, tf thou wilt giue thanks and ſhew but bis kindnefie 
tothe fing the sé pfalme. : 

39 Ff thou Wilt know how to gine thanks to God Whentheu dock refozt to 
him with afound bnderitanding,Ging the 47,48 pſalms. 

4° Ff thon Wilt exhort men to put their truſt in the iuing God, who mints 
ſtreth all things adoundantip to gwd mens bie : and blaine the madneſſe of 
the Wold; Which lerneth their god Ms amnion fo ——— » fing the 49 

pfaime. - | 
41 Ikthou wouldſt callhpon the blind worid foz their wzong cenfinence of 
their bzute facrifices,and Hew them what factifice Gov mot hath required of 
theming the sopfalme. _ | 
42 It thou halt finned and art conaerted and moued to do penence, defirous 
fo bane mercie thon haft the woꝛds of confeflion in the 51 pſalme. 
43 Blthou bak {uffered faile acculation before the king, and fet the diuell 
totriuniph thereat go aſide snd fap the 52 pfainie, ; 
44 Bf thep Which perfecare thes Lith accufations Would betray thee, asthe 
Phariſets did Felus,¢ as the aliens did Dauid, vifcomfort not thp feife thers 
wWwith.bat fing in god hope to Sov the 54,69,57 pfalms. AE 
45 Zi thine sduerfaries Which trouble thee do bpbzaid thee , snd thatthep 
which fei ine to be thy frends, {peake molt againſt thee, whervpon tf in thy mes 
ete thon art ſomwhat grecucd thereat, thou maiſt call on Gov, ſaieng the 
p mg, * — 
46 It perſecution come ſierce on ther , and bubewares chance toenter into 
the cane Where thou hidelt thp lelfe, fcare not, ay tn this ſtratght thon thait 
| 2 | aij, 5 "beng 

arv apparance and forms thereof thon matt fap the 87 plalme. 


Atreatiſe forthe vſe ofthe Pfalms. 

~ Hane expericnt words both ,ocomfort thee, andto put thee in vemembzance of 
his olb mercp With the 57,14 2 plalms. ‘Pag s ht 

a BE thon wilt confound hppocrits Which make glozions ſhews outward⸗ 

lie ipeake thetr conuerfion with the 58 pſalme. | | 
48 Ikthy purfacrs command thy houſe tobe watched , When thor art efcas 
ped giue thanks te Gov, and graue tt in the tables of thine hart fora perpetual - 
remembrance, and fap the 59 plalme. / 

49 It thine enimies cruelly aſſault thee, and Would catch thyplife , offer thp 
ſubieccion to God againſt them,and be of god comfozt : for the moze thep rage, 
the moze thail Gon ſubdue them,and fap the 62 pialme, 

50 Bl thou tee leſt perfecution,and gettett thee into wiidernes fcare thon not, 

as though thon Wert there alone, but hauing Gov nigh to the, rifeto dtm earlp 
inthe mozning, finging the 93 pfalme. | 

§1 PEthine enimics Would put thee in feare,and neuer ceale tolap trains foz 
thee,and picke all maner quareis againſt the though thep be very many, giue ne 
place tothem, fos the barts of babes (hall be their deſtruction,it thou ſaiſt the or, 
68,70,71 plalms. —— 

52 It thou wilt laud God With a pfalme oz hymne, ſing the 65, 66 pſaims. 

3 Itl thou aſke mercy of God, ſing the 67 pſalme. 

64 It thou wouidſt fing to the Lord thou halt what te fap inthe 96, 98 plſal. 

55 JE thou healt need to confelle God with thanks, fing the 71,76, 92, 108, 
TII,118,136,138 145 pſalms. — — 
56 thou fectt wicked men pzoſper in peace, be not oſtended thereat, bat fap 
the 73 pfalme. 

57 Itthine enimies haue befct the Waites Whither thou flea, and art theres 
by tn great angutth,pet in this trouble befpaire not, but pꝛay, and ifthp pzaice 
be heard, gine Goo thanks,and fap the77 plaime. 

98 Fe thep perfecnte fill, and defile the houle of Gov, bill the elect, and calk 
their bodies tothe fowiles of the aire feare not their cracitie,but ſhew pitic bnte 
them which be in fuch agonte,and fay the 97 pſalme. 3 
% $ 2 3 f thou wilt informe anp man With the mpiteric of the reſurrection, fing 

. the 8rpfaime. ; 

60 It thou Wilt fing to the Loꝛd cal togither Gods fernants on the leſtiuall 
bay,and fing the 81,95,134 pſalms. , | 

61 BE thine aducrlaries focke togither on euery fide, and thzeaten to deſtroy 
the boufe of God, and make their conlpiracies againſt the religion, tet not thete 
— and power trouble ther, foz thou batt an anchoz of the woʒds of the 83 

aime. : 

f 62 Bf thou caſteſt an eye to Gods houſe and to bis eternall tabernacies, and 
batt a defire therctoas the apoftic had: fap thon alſo the 84 pſalme. 

63 Ff Gods Wrath be ceafed,and the captinitic ended, thou halt caufe how to 
giuethanks to God With Dauid, recounting bis godneſſe tothe and others, 
With the 76,85,116 pſalms. 

64 Pi thou wilt rebuke Painims and heretiks , for that thep bane not the 
knowledge of Hod tn them, thou mailt have an bnderftanding to fing to God 
the 86,115 pfalms. 

. _ 65 BE thou wilt fee and know the diffent that the catholike church hath krom 
ſchiſme and Would convert them.oꝛ to difcerne the church concerning the out= 

66 It 

Atreatife forthe vfe of the Pfalms. 

. 66 BF thon Wouilds know how Moles praiedto God, andinhis meditation | 
recounting the bzittie ftate of mans life, deſired of God to direct ſo his ſhozt lile 

that be might follow wiſdome, read the 90 pfalme. we" 

67 FE thou Would comfozt thy felfe anid others in true religion, ant tesch 
them that hope in God writ never {uffer afoule to be confounded but make te 
: Hold and Without feare for Oods protection, fing the 91 plaime. 

68 Fe thou wilt fing on the ſaboth dap, thon hak theozplalme. 15 

69 It thou Wilt fing on ſunday in meditation of Gods woꝛd, deſiring to bee 
inſt ructed therein, iwierebp thou malt rein Gods holp Will, and ceafe from 
all the works and doctrine of Daine men,renolue that notable pſalme 119. 

Jo Itthou wiit fing in thefecond nay of the faboth thou halk the 95 plaime. 

Bu r ZF thou wouldſt Ging bnto the Lord, thou halt What to lap in the 96, of 
pfalms. . 

72 Fe thou Wilt fing the fourth dap of the faboth,fing the 94 pfalme : foz ther 
Sohen the 102d Was betraied, he began totake bengeance on Death, and totri- 
umph of it: therefore When thou readeſt the qofpell, Wherein thou hearelt the 
Fewes to take counfell again the Loꝛd, andthat he ſtandeth boldip againſt 
the dineil, then fing the fozefaid pfalme. 

73 It thou Wilt fing on god· friday, thon haft a commendation of the pfalme 

§3,fo2 then Was the houle of Gods church butided ¢ groundly founded, though — 

the enimies went abont to binder tt : foz Which canfe fing to God thefongs of 
triumphant bictozp, with the fatd plalme,and With the 98 and 129 pſalms. 

74 Bi there be any captinitie wherein thp houſe is laid walk and pet builded 
Sgainefing the oépfaime. — 

75 Bl the land he vexed With enimies, e after come to any reſt bp the power 
of God, if thou wilt fing therefoze, fing the 97 pfaime. 4 

76 Fe thou conſidereſt the pꝛouidence of God in his gouernance fo ouer atf, 
and Wilt inſtruct any With trove faith and obedience , When thon halt ir per⸗ 
{naded them toconfeffe themfelucs,Ging the 100,147 plains, 

77 FB thou dock acknowledge in God his tudiciall power, and that in iudge⸗ 
ment he mixeth mercic,if thon Writ dzaw nigh Onto him , thon halt the words 
of this.pfalme 101,tothe end. 

78 Bllozthe imbecilitic of thy nature, thou art wearie With the contirnall 

— and greels of this lile and Swouloct comtort thy feife, fing the 102 
pfaime, pte 

79 It thou Wilt giue thanks to God, ss tt is moſt connenient and duc, fo2 all 
bis gifts, Whenthon Wilt fodem,theu halk ho to reioice thp ſoule there vnto. 
With the 103,and 104 pſalms. . Meare 

80 It thou wiit pꝛaiſe Hod, and aifo know how and for What caule,and With 
what back tei maiſt bef do it,confider the 113,117, 133, 146,147,148, 149, 
150 pfaims. | 2 

81 It thou haſt faith to ſuch things as God ſpeaketh, ¢ belceueſt that which . : 

in praier thon vttereſt, ſay the pſalme 116 to the end. 

22 Bf thon ferielt thy ſeile to riſe bpward tn degreẽs of Weiliporking:@B 

hough thon faint swith amtPaule, J forget thole things which be befozeme, 

thou haft the 120 pſalme. 
83 It thou be holdenin thaaldome bnder fraieng and Wandzing thoughts, 
and keeleſt thy feife dzawne by them, Swhereof thou art fozp, then Hap thy felfe 

from thenceforth , and tarry where thou hak foundthy leltcinfantt, it ther 



Atreatiſe for the vſe ofthe Pſalms. 

downe and mourne thon allo as the Hebrue peopic did, and lay with them the 
13*pſalniee J 

84 Ikthou percetuelt that temptations be fent to pꝛoue thee, thon oughtc 
afterfach temptations to gine Gov the thanks,and lapthe 139 pfaime, 
e 85° Sf pet thou be in bondage bp thine enimies, and wouldlſt taine be deliue⸗ 
red, lap the 140 pſaime. os : - 
86 Bf thou Wouldi pray and make fupplication,fap the 141,142,143 pſalus 
87 It ante tppannous enimie rife bp againſt the people, teare theu not no 
moꝛe than Dauid did Goliah, but belerue ike Dauid, and Ong the 144 plaime, 

<> "$8: Fe thew art elect ont ot iow degreẽ elpecialue befoze othersto lame bocas 

- tion toferne thpbzethzen, aduence not thy felfe tm high againſt chemin thine | 
@ owne power, but give God his glozie who did chole the, and Gung thou the 145 

faime. paket - 7 
: 89. Bf thou wilt fing of obedience prailing Dod with Alleluya, thou halk the 
105 106,107,108, 111,112,113 ,114,11 5,017,513 5,1 3,146,147,148, 349, and 150 

a | ; 90 It thou wilt fing ſpeciallie of our ſauiour Chrift, thon hak ofhtinin eue⸗ 
rie pfaime,but moft cheeflp tn the 25,45,110 pfakms. “she 
gt Such plaims as thew his lawful generation of his father, and his coꝛ⸗ 
poꝛalipꝛeſence,be the 11,69 plalms. tan sede tub ce 
22 Buch as doprophecic befoze of his molt holpcrofie and paffion, telling 
Qh \. how manp — atlanis be luſteined foz bs, and how much be lſufftered, be 

\* the2,rr9 plalms. ils . 
58 \\ . 93 gouth as cxprefic the malitious enmities of the Jewes, and detraieng of . 
C\ BYudag,are the 21,50,55,69572,109 plains, a 
Be 94 Such as defcribe bis agonicin his paffion,death and ſepulchꝛe be the 22, 

Spfaling.. . —— eh Ve ea * 
J * for his dominion and preſence in the flefy,read the 11 6 pfalene. 

\ > 96 Such as thew the gloztous refurrection of his bodie be the 24, 47 plalme. 
A \97 Such as tet out his efcention into heauen are the 23 96,98,99 plalms. 
\98 Ind that he ſitteth onthe right band ofbistather, the 110 plalme maketh 
maonilkelſt. | sgt 
= \: 99 Such as thew thathe hath authozitie of bis father to iudge expreſling his 
—* 9 nicigu power, both in condemning the diuell andall wicked nattons, are the 
“ON 72,50,82 plains. | | : 

: = ’ — 
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— Wi I 

Aa * 

VeniCreator, — | 4 

— — — — — — — — r — — — — — — — 
STE Te are US as — 
— — ꝰ — —— nites 
— — eee, —— — — 
— — — — — —— — — — — —— oa, 

— — — — — — fl —— ws— 

— ERD 

= — 
our minds and into vs thy heauenlie grace inſpire: That 
==. = 

— — 
— ene — — — OG — — i — — 

— — —— — 2 

in all ll truth and godlinette, we may haue true delire. 

3 Thou art the verie comfogter, 
inall woe and diſtreſſe: 

The heauenlie gift of God mok high, 
tobich no toong can erpreffe. 

4. The fountaine and the livelte cpring, 
of ioy celeftiall: 

Thefire fo bꝛight, the loue ſo cleare, 
and vnction ſpirituall. 

5 Thou in thy gilts art manifold, 
whereby Chritts church doth ftand: 
Fn faithfull hearts writing thy lato, 

the kinger of Gods hand. 


2 ~~. Veni Creator. ; 
6 According tothy promifemade, 
thou gtuett{peech of grace: | 
That through thy helpe,the pratle of God, 
map and in euerie place. | 

7 D holie ghoft, into out wits, 
fend dovone thy heauenlie light 
Kindle our hearts with feruent loue, 
to ferue God daie and night. | 
8 Strength and ſtabliſh all our tocaknes, 
fo feeble and fo fraile: 
— That neither fielh the woꝛld nog deutll, 
againt bs Do preuatie. 

9 ut backe our enemies far from bs, 

_ and grant bs to obtaine: | 
Peace in ourhearts with God and matt, 
without grudge oꝛ diſdaine. 
10 And grant D Loꝛd that thou being, 
dur leader andour guide: - we. 
We may eſchew the ſnares of ſinne, 

and from thee neuer ſlide. 

11 To vsſuch plentie ofthy grace, 
good Loꝛd grant we thee prate > 
- Thatthou matt be our comforter, 

at the laf Dreadfull Date. 

22 Dall ftrife and diffention, 


And make the knots of peace and loue, 

. throughout allchuiftianiands. 

13 Grant bs (D Loꝛd) thꝛough thee to 

the kather moftafmight:. ss (bnoke 
woe max attaine the ſight. 

— piu — P ey 
i * Peer hye 14 if 3 
* Sas oe] * * * 

A4hehumbleiuteoratinner, 3 

14. And that with perfect faith alto, Pi 

. oemapacknowledgethee: 

The fpirit of them both alway, 
one God in perfons three. 

15 Laud and pratte be to the father, 
and to thefonte equalls . . 

And to the holie {pirit allo, 
one God cocternail, 

16 And prate we that the onlie fonne, 

vouchſake his {pirit to fend: 

To all that Do profeffe his name, 4 
vnto the wozlds end. ) 

The bumble aM of afinner. M. 

1 D Lordof whom J do ——— — carefull hart, 

323¢ ingen — — — 
— SE — | 

> and boben thy svill apleatare ig, —— me cof my ſmart. 

ree — Ke fate 
4 7 ~ ge * 
4 a 

Rnotoneto thee and tp tere ig none nonethat can — . — 
B.ij. tate 

an” ie es 

be re ch Sonate irae este o Bechet. 

— re — — 

—— fame e from mice. f : : 

2 But onlie thou vohoſe atd FJ craue, 
WwWbhole mercie Hill ts pꝛeſt: 
To eale all thofe that come to thee, 
fo2 fuccour and foꝛ reſt. 
4. And lith thou ſeeſt my reſtleſſe eies, 
mnpyteares and greeuous grone: 
Attend bnto my lute (D Lod, ) 
marke well mp plaint and mone. 

& Forlinne hath fo inclofed me, 
and compaft me about: 
That FJ ant now remedilef{e, 
if mercie helpe not out. 
6 Foz mogtall man can not releate, 
Sut euen thy Chritt my Loꝛd, and God 
which for mp finnes was flatne. 

7 nobofe bloudie wounds are pet to fee, 
though not with moztall ete: 

VYet do thy Saintsbeboldthemall, 
and fo J truſt ſhall J. 

8 Though ſinne doth bindevime a while, 

FZ halleniop the fight of him, 

and ſee his wounds and bloud. 

9 And as thine angels and thy faints; 
Do now behold the fame: 

So truſt J topolleflethat place, 
wae al to peatte thpname, ~ 

4 VEnte exuitemus- 
10 But whiles J liue here in this bale, 
wohere ſinners Do krequent: 
Aſſiſt me euer with thy grace, 
my ſinnes fill to lament. 

rr Leak that Z tread tn ſinners trace, 
and giuethemmyp content: — 

To Dwell with them in wickednelle, 

wohereto nature ts bent. 

12 Dnely thy grace muff be mp flap, 

leaſtthat J fall downe fat: 

And beyng dovone, ther okmyſellke, 
cat not recouer that. 

12 Wherkoze this is pet once agate, 
myſute, and my requeſt: 
To graunt me pardon foꝛ my ſinne, 
that J in thee map reſt. 
14 Then ſhall ny heart, my toong a boice 
be inſtruments of pꝛaiſe: 
Aud in thy church and houle of faints, 
fing plalmes to thee alates. 

Venite exultemus. Pfal, xcv. 

| OCome and let bs note reioice, 
and fing vnto the 020 : 
And to our onlte fautour, 
alfo with one acco2d. 
2 Andlet bs come beforehis face, 
With inward reuerence: 
Conkeſſing all our former fines, 
and that with diligence, 
3 Tothanke him for his benefits, 
alwate diſtributing F m 

ween Sw Wh SESW WSEAS EO 3 

noberefore to hin right ioifullie, 
inpfalmes noo let bs fing. | 
4. And that becaule that God alone, 
is Loꝛd magnificent: 
And eke aboue all other gods, 

a king omnipotent. 

ʒ His people doth not he foxlake, 
at anytime oꝛ tide: 
And in his handes ave all the coatts, 

of all the woꝛld fo wide. 

6 And with bis louing countenaunce, 
he looketh euery where: 

And doth behold the tops of all, 
the mountatnes far and neare. 

7 The lea and all thatis thereit, 
And eke his hand bath fafhtoned, 
the earth, pobich doth not fade. 
8 DO come therefore and wozſhip him, 
and Downe before hun fall: 
And let bs weepe before the Low, 
the which bath made vs all. 

9 He is our God, our Lod and King, 
and we his people are: 

His locke and ſheepe of his patture, 
on whom he taketh care: 

10 This daie ik pedo heare his boice, 
pet harden not your hart: 

_ Ms tn the bitter murmuring, — 

voben pe were in deſert. 

11 Which thing was oftheir negligence, 
. Wael at inthe time: “4 * 

JeDeum. —— — 
Mf trouble, in the wilderneſſe, 
a great and greeuous crime. 
12 Whereas your fathers tempted me, 
and trped me euery way: 
_ ‘They proued me,and faro mp woꝛks, 
wohat J could do oꝛ ſarr. 

13 This kortie yeares haue J been grieued 
with this generation: 
And euermoꝛe J ſayd, they erred 
in their imagination. (bred, 
14. Wherewith thetr harts were fore com⸗ 
long time and mante Dates: 
nDdherfore FZ knovo aſſuredlie, 
they hauenot knovone mp waies. 

15 To whom Fin mincanger wore, 
that they fhould not be bleſt: 
Noꝛ (ee my toy celettiall, 
noz center in myreſt. 

Gloria patri. 
All laud and praiſe be to the Lord, »  Asit in the beginning was, 
O that of might art mo# : For ener heeretofore : 
To God the Father and the Sonne, | Andisnow at this prefent time 

Aud to the holse Ghost. And foallbe ewermore. 

| The fong of S. Ambrofe,called 
Te Deum. 

— I — — — 

— — = See a eeytz 

I oe -praifett thee God, wee knowledge thee, the onelie 


Loꝛd tobe: and as eternall Father , all the ob 
eet zAhip 


eS — 
woꝛlhip thee. To thee all the crie, che heauense and 

Be == See LE fe 
i Se i — 

exe ee Hig Gee eee Gee Se 

tocrie they do not lit. 

3 D bolic, bolte, holte Loꝛd, 
offaboth Lo2d the God: 
Through beauen a earth thy pratfe ts (pred, 
: and glozte all abꝛoad. 
4 Th apoſtles gloztous companie, 
peeld pratfes vnto thee : , 
The prophets goodlie fellovofhip, 
pꝛaiſe thee continuallic. 

5 The noble and bictozious hott, 

of marty2s found thy praiſe: 
The holte church thoughout the woꝛld, 

Doth knowledge thee alwaies. 
6 Father ofendlefle maictiec, 

thep Do acknovledgethee: 
Thy Chꝛiſt thine honozable, true, 

and onlte ſonne to be. 4 
7 The holie ghoſt the comforter, * 
ofgloꝛie thou art king: 
O Chꝛũt and ofthe Father art, 
— euerlaſting. 

8 wihen 

8 wohen finfull mans decaie in hand, 
thou tookctt to reftoze: 
To be inclofde in birgins womb,. 
thou diddeſt not abhorre. 

9 When thou hadft oucrcome of death, 
the fharp and cruell might: 

Thou heauenskingdome didſt {et ope, — 

to each beleeuing wight. ae 

10 In glorie ofthe Father thou, 
Doct lit, on Gods right hand: 

moe truft that thou (halt come our iudge, 
our caufe to bnderftand. 

11 Lowdbhelp thy feruants whom thou batt, 
bought Lith thy prectous blood ; 

And in eternall glorte , fet 

them with thy Saints fo good, 

12 D Lo2d do thou thy peoplefaue, 
bleffe thine inheritance: 

Low gouernethem, and Lorwddothou, — 
fo2 cuer them aduatice. | 

12 Wemagnifie thee Date by Date, 
and woꝛld Lotthouten end ; 

Adore thy holiename D Lop, 
bouchfafe bs to Defend. 

14. From fin this daie. Baue mercie Lor, 
baue mercyon bs all: 

And on bs (as toe trutt in thee) 
Lozdiletthy mercy fall. 

15 D Lord, FJ haue repotedail, 
| my confidence in thee: 
aut to confounding ſhame therefore, 

ge let me neuer bee. | —— 

a4 VY yi “Hi Pe Ca — Litt | —— ap a — J — ———— 
prouoking all creatures to do the ſame. 

—— — — — CE ee — — — SL — SE — — 2 ⸗ — — 
— a — — —— F — — — — 
eee a — — — — — — Be ag Se — —— — 
— — — —— ee ——— — TR — — — — — — — SAE —— 
— — — — — — — — — at aed 

— OS ů GE GRE ee cee: — —— Mees ee ON 

— — — — — a eee — — — — — — — — 
— — — eS a ol — — — — — aan ao Oe 
—— — — — — — - —— — on — — — — —— 
— — — — eh LS a — ae wa — — —— — — — Es re — 
iit EY ERE Pre R ect Gee i — — — — 

— — tay — —— — — 

praife him and maguifie him koꝛ euer. 

O pe theangels of the Lord, bleſſe pe the 1020, ac. 

O pethe ſtarrie heauens bie, bleſſe pe the Lord, ee. 

_ D pe waters aboue the thie, bleſſe ye tye Lod, ac. 

® all ye powers okthe Loz, blefie pethe Lod, ac. 

O pethe ſhining fun and moone , bicfle pe the 1020, at. 
O pe the gliſtring tars of beauen,blefie pe the Loz, ac. - 


O petye blowing winds of God, blefle pe the 1020,ac. 
10 MD ype thefire and warming heat;bleſſe ye tye 1020,e¢. 
11 Pe winter and thefummer tide, blefic pe the 1020, At. 
12 D pethe dDewes a binding frofts, bleſſe pe the Lozd, ac. 
12 MD pethe fro and chilling cold, biefle ye the Lordact. 
14D pecongeled iſe andſnow, bleſſe ye the Lod, ec. 
15 O pe the nights a lightlome daies, bleſſe ye the Lord, ee. 
16 O pe the darkneſſe and the light, bleſſe yethe Lord, ac. 
17 D pethelightnings a the clouds, bleſſe ye the W020, ac. 
18 D letthe earth eke bleſſe the 1020, bicfle pe the Lord ac. 
19 Dypethe mountatnes and the hils, bleſſe pe the 1020,ac. 
20 Dall ye greene thingson the earth, bleſſe pe the Lod, ac. 
21 O pe the ener ſpꝛinging voels, bleſſe ye the Lord ac. 
22 D pe the ſeas and ye the flouds, bleſſe pe the Lord ae. 
23 Whales call that inthe waters mooue bleſſe pe Lord, ãc 
(24D allye flieng foules of theatre, bleſſe ye the Loꝛd, ac. 
25 Oall ye beaſts and cattell eke, bleſſe ve the mney ry 

-D yethehowersa dropping dew, bletle pe the Lord,ac. 

DCMCAIClUS ase % Rie. 

26 O pethechiloren of mankind, ‘bleffepethe Lowd,ae. é 
27 Let Iſraelleke bleſſe the 1020, biefle the Lod, ac. 
28 PD pethe prietsof Godthe Loz, bleſſe pe the Low, ac. 
29 D pethe feruants of the Lov, bleſſe ye the Lord, ec. 
20 Pefpirits efoules of righteous men,blefle pe Lord, ac. 
21 Peholie and ye meeke of heart, bleſſe ye the Lod, ec. 
32 D Anantas blefle the Loꝛd, blefle thou the 1020,¢c. 
33 D Azartas bleffc the Lord, bleſſe thouthe Lor, ec. 

24. And MWilacll bleſſe thou the Lord, bleſſe thou p Loꝛdac. 

q| The fong of Zacharias called 

— — = 
Benes ESS See oe 

—— — — — — — — 

— — — ö— — — — —— —— — 

— : — mercie kept in ſtore. 2 pis} * 

— See — 

ple novo he hath redeemd, that long hath been in thrall: 

&{pzead abꝛoad his Cauing health vpon bis fernants ail. 

3 In Dauids houle his feruanttrue, 

: According to his mind : 

And alfo his annointed king, , 
as we in ſcripture find. 448 


— As by his holie prophets all, 
oft times he did declare: 

The which were ſince the woꝛld began, 
his waies foꝛ to prepare. 

5 That we might be Deltuered, 
| From chole that make debate: 
Dur enimies and from the bands, 
ofallthatdo bs hate. — 
6 The mercie which he promited, 
our fathers to fulfill, 
And thinkebponhiscoucnant made, - 
accoꝛding to his will. 

7 And allo to perfogme the oth, 
| which he before had ſworne: 
To Abꝛaham our father Deere, 
for bs that were fozlozne. 

§ That he would gine himlelle koz bs, 
and bs from bondage bing : 

Out of the hands of all our foes, 
to ferne our heauenlie king. 

9 Andthat without all maner feare, 
andeke in righteouſneſſe: 

And aifo fox to lead our life, 

in ſtedkalt holineſſe. 

10 ANDY (O child) which now art bowie, 

and of the Lord elect: 

Shalt be the srophet of thebiahett 

bis wayes forto Direct. 

11 Forthou ſhalt goe before his face, 
forto prepare his waies: 

And allo for to teach his will, 
and plealure all the Dates. * dine 

—— 12,0.0n.:3.. 

; Miagninicat. , a | 
12 Co giue them bnotwlcoe bots he yea Gi 
faluation ts neere: 
And that remiflion of their finns, | 
is through bis mercie meere. eit 

13 whereby the daie {pring from on high, 
is come bs fo2 to viſit: 

And thoſe for to illuminat, 
which Do in darkeneſſelit. 

14 Tolightenthole that ſhado wed be, 
with Death,and eke opprett; 

And allo for to quide their feete, 
the wayto peace and vet. 

The fong of bleffed Mirie called 
. Magnificat. 

— SESE) Gee —— — (Gee ——— —— es 

—— -$,;- - 
“to,fo bate eftate of bis he handmaid, elet spemishtege yi 

3 Fornow behold allnations,: 
ee eigen} sae — 

— 2 

“From this time forth for euermoꝛe, 
—— fhallineright bleffedcall. 
4Becaule he hath me magnifted, 
which isthe Lord ok might: — 
Whoſe name be euer fanctified, 
: and pratled Day and night. 

5 Foꝛ with his mercie and his grace, — 
all men he Doth inflame: | 
Throughout all generations, 
to ſuch as feare bis name: a) 
6 He ſhewed ftrength with his aqreatarme, - 
and made the proud to fart: ne 
WwWoith all imaginations, 

| that they bare in their bart. 

7 he hath put do wne the mightie ones, 
fromtheir ſupernall feats 
Bud did exalt the meeke in hart, 

as he bath thought tt meet. 
8 Thehungric he repleniſhed, 
-- tithallthingsthatiweregood: 
Andtirough bis power, hemadetherich, — 

oft times to want their food. oo 

9 And calling to vemembsance, 
his mercie euerie deale: 
Hath holpen vp alliſtantlie, 
his ſeruant Iſraelll. 
ro According to his pꝛomiſe made, 
to Abzaham befoꝛe· 
And to his ſeede fucceffiuelte. 
to ſtand foꝛeuermoꝛe. 
Me ſong of Simion, called 
dunc dimittiss. 
J 10 Low, 

— —— 

1D Lo, becaute mp partabetite hath woithed tc — totee, 

get Eel 
ae onelie Lord & Sautour we fonne before Die. 2 The 

== —— = — 

Co — — — — — 

SS — EE — —— — * 

-topebealth ofall i mankind, Defired long before: noyicy 
Size: — ae 
note is come into the would, mercie bringing ſtore. 

3 Thou ſufkereſt thy ſeruant now, 

in peace foztodepart: 
According to thy holie word. 
Wwoboich lighteneth my hare. 
4. Bicaule mine cies vohich thoubatt made 
; to giue my bodie light ; 
Haue now beheld thptauing health, 
wohich isthe Loꝛd of might... 

5 Whom thou mercikullie haſtlet, 
of thine abundant grace: 
In open fight and bitible 
before all peoplesface. | 
6 Tie Gentiles to illuminate, 
and fathan ouerquell: His 
And eke to betheglozieof, = — 


io 3 
=== — — — 

Seay Wea — 


what man ſoeuer he be that faluation will atteine: > 

= pry — — aay — — — 

ER eer a 

Thee cathoiibe beleeke mutt — all —— erin. 

<== [ERE 
— ae — — 

Without all Doubt eternallie,ye hall be fure to die. 

2 The Catholike belieke is this, 
that God toe woꝛſhip one : 
In trinitie, andtrinitie 
in vnitie alone. 
4. So as we neither do confound, 
the perfons of the three : 
Noꝛ pet the ſubſtance whole of one, 
in ſunder parted be. 

5 One perfon of the father ts, 
an other of the ſonne: 

An other perfor proper of , | 

the holie hott alone. 3 

6 Ot father, fone, and holie Shot, 
but one the Godhead ts 

Like glozie cocternall cke, 
the inaletie likewiſe. | GE SOY 

) 7 Such 

Quicunque vult. 

7 Such as the fatheris, ſuch is 
| the ſonne in ech Degree: 
Arid ich alſo Loe Do beleeue, 
.. theholie Gholt to bee. 

8 Uncreate is the Father,and 
vncreate isthe Sonne: - 

The holy Shot vncreate,ſo 
vncreate is echone. 

9 Incompꝛehenſible Father is, 
incomprehenſible Sonne: 
And compꝛehenlible alſo ts, 
the holy Ghoſt of none. 
10 The Father is eternall, and 
the Sonne eternall fo: 
And in like fozt,eternallis: 
theboly Ghott alfo. 

ar and pet though —— 
of thefe eternals bee: 

Pet there but one cternall is, 
and not eternals three. 

12 As neincompzehentible we, 
nepet vncreate three: 

But one 
vncreate hold to bee. 

13 Almighticlo the Father is, 
the Sonne almighticfo: 

And inlike fort,almightie ts, 
the holy Ghoſt allo. 

14 And albeit, that euery one 
oftheſe almightie bee: 

Pet there but one almightie is, 

aud ins ——— theee, i 
Ci. 15 The 


_ £90 QRS UTI YS Vibe 

15 The Father God is, God the Sonne, 
God holy Ghok alfo: 

Pet are there not three Gods in all, 
but one God and tio mo. 

16 Solikewile Lord the Father ig, 
aud Lod alfo the Sonne: 

And Lod the holy Ghoſt, pet are 
there not three Lords but one. 

17 Foꝛ as wearccompeldto grant, bY 
by Chꝛiſtian berities 
Ech of the perfons by huntelfe, 
both God and Lozd to be. 
18 So Catholickereligton, 
forbiddeth bs allway: 
Chat cither Gods be three, o2 that 
there Lords be thece to fay. 

19 Oknone the made 
te create,t102 begot ; 

The Sonne is of the Father,not 
create,tioz made,but got. 

20 The holy Ghottis ofthem both, 
the Father,andthe Sonne: 

Se made,ne create,tio2 begot, 

but doth proceed alone. 

21 So we one Father hold not thee, 
one Sonne alfonotthaees 

Mneboly Ghoftalonc,andnot 
theeeholp Ghoſts to bee. 

22 Mone inthis trinitie,befoze 

Moz greater anp then the ret, 
ne wledier be likewile. — 

| 22 But 

Quicunquevult. =) Hh; 19 
22 But eueryone among themflelues, atin: 
ofallthe perſonsthꝛer : 
Together cocternallall, 
and all cocquail bee. 
24. So viitic in trinitie, 
ag ſaid it is before < 
And trinitie tn vnitie, 
in all things we adore. 
25 Therfore, what man ſoeuer that 
faluation will atteine: 
This faith touching the trinitie, 
of force he mutt reteine.. 
26 And needfull to eternail life, 
| itis,that euery wight: 
Ofkthe incarnating of Chat, 
‘our L020, beleue aright. 
27 for this the right faith is, that toe 
beleeue and che do know: 
That Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd the Sonne of God, 
is God and man alſo. 
28 God okhis Fathers ſubſtaunce, got 
bekoze the woꝛld began: Peete | 
And ok his mothers ſubſtance, boꝛne 
in woorld a very mat. 
29 Both perfect God and perkect man, 
in one, one Jeſus Chꝛiſt: 
That doth ofa reaſonable foule, 
and humaine kleſh ſubliſt. 
30 Touching his Godhead, equall woith 
; his Father Godis hee: 
— Touching his manhood, lower thers 
bis Fatherin degree. 
31 Who thoughhebebothverpGod, 
| peat eR te and 

20 Qucunque vult. 
| Pet ishebutone Chit alone, — 
and is not perſons twoo. 
32 One, not by turning of Godhead 
into the fleſh of man: 
And by taking manhood to God, 
: this being one began. 
33 Allone,notby confounding of — 
the fubftaunce into one: 
But onely by the bnitte, 
| that is of one perfon. 
34 Foꝛ as the reaſonable ſoule, 
and kleſh, but one man is: 
So in one perſon God and man, 
is but one Chait likewiſe. 

25 Who lulkered for to ſaue be all, 
to hell he did deſcend: 

The third dap roſe agayne krom death, 
to heauen he did aſcend. 

36 Helitsat the right band of God, 
thalmightie Father there: 

From thence to tudge the quickeand Dead, 
againe be (hall vetive, 

37 At voholſe returne all men ſhall riſe 
with bodies new reſtord: 

And of their otone works, they ſhall geue 
account vnto the Loꝛd. 

38 And they into eternall life, 
fhall go that bane Done Telly : 

Who haue Donel, hall gointo » 
eternall fire to Dwell. 

39 Thisis the Catholike beliefe, 
anyp — wie —I OUCH? Ot 

— meg eee — —— 

NC Lamentation. 21 

Beleeue the ſame, without all doubt, 
he ſaued cannot be. 
To father, ſonne and holie Ghoſt, 
all glorie be therefore: 
As in beginning was ts now, 
aud {hall be eucrmorze. 

@ The Lamentation of afinner, M. 

* J away thy face, frombim that =e 

SSeepescneme 7) 

pꝛoſtrate: PEN k Cinfulllife, before thy 

a oe 

—— REE SARL” — — — — ee — — — 

mercie gate. 2 mie gate t thou openeſt wide to 

Zee S == === 

thofe that do lament their lin: Shut not that gate a- 

— — a | 
gaint me Lord, but tlet me enter 
3 And call me not fo mine accounts, 

howvw J haue liued here: i 
F 02 then FJ know right well D sesh es Oe 
. bow bile FZ hall appeare. Bea ee we 

a a 

4 JIneede not to confefie mp life, 
Jam ſure thou canſt tell: 
nd bat J haue bene,and what Jam 
J know thou knoweſtit weil, 

5 D 1020 P kno welt that things be pat, 
and ebe the things that be: —— 

Thou knowoelt alſo what isto come, 
nothing is hid from thee. 

6 Before the heauens aà earth were made, 

thou kno weſt what things were then: 

As all things elsthat hath benefince, — 

among the fonnes of ment. 

7 And can the things that J haue done,  - 
be hidden from thee then? 

May nay, thou kuowelk them all(D Lord) 
where thep were done and vohen. 

8 Wherloꝛe withteares Jcome tothee, 

tchbo begge andto entreat : 

Euen as the child that hath done euill, 
and keareth to be beat. 

9 Socome F to thy mercy gate, 
where mercy Doth abound ; 
Requiring mercy for mpfinne, 
tobeale my deadly wound. 
10 O Lozd,F need notto repeat, 
what J do begge oꝛ craue: 
Thou knoweſt OToꝛdbefore F atke, 
the thing that FZ would haue. 
11 Mercie good Lod, mercieF afée, f 
this is the totall fume: 
Foz mercie Lord is all mp fute, 
Kozdletthy mercie come. . 

ANC LOTS prarer or ater noſter. 23 

pee Sete 

— — —— —— — — — ——— —— ———— — ——— 

— — Sa — — — —— — — — — — — — — Sewer Cite 

— 2 — 

name: Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, 4 
Se See Soe 

| ~ even 48 the ſame in heauen is. 2. Giue vs O Low out 

| Se eee we 
VL, « ein AA A= 

Ee — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — 

daily bead) this — As we korgiue our Debters , fo kor⸗ 

Cw — — — 

— — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — ee — — 

giue our del our Debts we ts We pray. “amet nto —— pee * D bent, 

— ee, — — —— —— — er ee eee — — 

—— — — pt — — — — — — — — ERE ERLE? — — ———— Se — 

— both now and euer be. 
Audi — — 20. N. 

— — — acai —— — — — — 
ay ah Gee ENESTONLS Sakai 
— — — — — — — — — — —“ * — * 
He EN) OR — — tak 

1 Barbe Fiat 4 vobaty fap,giue heed to ine — 

a O hoje is oun i" ag anh 
— 22 SS 2— — sec 
J am the Lod thy God Sania Rc a 

(pribarey ee omens co — 

land, euen from the houſe — thou didſt in thral⸗ 

EE. ec eee 22 = 

CD = ere cee - 
CSpot Ce (geist Susom —— — — ee 

eae — — saa — — — 

pꝛeſence (halt thou haute. 

2 Ho Maner graucn tnage halt, 

thou make at all to thee: 
$202 any figure like by thee, 

{hall conterfaited bee. 
4. Of any thing inheauen aboue, 

1103 in the earth below: 
Morin waters beneath the earth, — 

to them thou Hhait not bot. 

5 for thalt themferuc: the Lod thy God, 
atclous God am J: 
That puuiſh parents faults, puto 
the third and fourth Degree. 
6 Upon their chtldzen that me bate, 
and mercte Do diſplay: 
To thoulands of fuch as meloue, - 
“aud mp precepts obay. eon 

. The 

~ thex. CommMmanaements. 

7 Thenamethou of the Loꝛd thy God, 
| in vaine halt neuer bſe: 
Forhimthat takes his name in vane, 
| the Low halt not excuſe. 
8 Bemember that thou holte keepe, 
the ſacred ſabaoth day: 
Sit daies thou labour ſhalt, and do 
thy needfull nooks alway. 

9 Theſeuenth Day is ſet by the Lord, 

thy Godto reſt vpon: 
No woꝛkethen ſhalt thoudo init, 

ne thou no2 pet thy fon. 
10 Thy Daughter, feruant nor handmaid, 
thine ove noꝛ pet thine aſſe: 
Noꝛ ſtranger that within thy gates, 
hath bis abiding place. 

11 Fortin fir dates God heauen and earth, 
and all therein Did make: 
And after thole, his reſt he Did 
vpon the feuenth day take. 
12 noberfore he bleſt the day, that he 
fo2 refting did ordaine: 3 
And ſacred to himlelfe atone, 
ap ointed fo remaine. 

13 Veld honor to thy parents, that 
prolongd thy Dates may bee : 
Upon the land, the which the Lord 
thy God hath geuen thee. 
14 Thou halt not murther.Thou ſhalt not 
commit adultery: 
Thou thalt not fteale, Noꝛ witneſſe kalle 
agaynſt thy neighbour be, 


15 Thou 

‘ Rao = 

aM AsV LULL ; tae ALU VL ALLL e 
15 Thou lhalt not couct houſe that to, 
thy neighbour doth belong: 
fre couet ſhalt in having of, 
bis wite,to Do him mong. 
16 Poz his ſeruant, nozhis maid, 
1102 ore oꝛ alle of his: 
$202 any other thing, that to 
thy neighbour proper ts. 

@| The complaint of a = inner. 

fe eee eee 

Ss GE on — — ee, ee — a 

where righteouſnes Doth cap Lodi formyſinkul part, 4 n 

ee cme RRR — — — one — — — — — — — — — — oe tbe 
eee — — — — al — — — — — —— — —“ — — — — — <= 
—— — — —ñ— —— — — —---+- — — — — — — — pe) ES 5 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 
— —rt — —— — — — — — — —— — — — — 

math thou gent me pay, vengeance for my deſert: * 

See — — 

can it nate bute needs * mutt ee that conic 

— ASP ERAS “tae — “FE Se - 
pee — 
| musallp,tyy laws J do tratgeefie. ffe- Thy laws laws —— do trãſgreſſe. 

But ik it be thy will, with ſinners to contend: 
Then all thy locke hall (pill, and be loſt without end. 
Foz who liueth here fo right, that rightlte he can fay ; 
| He linneth not in thy light, kull oft and euerie day. (deth: 
The ſcripture plaine telleth me,the rightcous man offen- 
Seuen times a el tothee, whereonthr wꝛrath — 

A LALA INe je te — 
So that the righteous man, doth walke in tio ſuch path: 
But he falth now and than , tn Danger of thy wzath. 

Then lith the caſe ſo ſtands, that euen p man right wiſe: 
Falth oft in ſinnefull bands, whereby thy wath may rife, 
Low FJ thatam vniuſt, and righteoulneffe none haue : 
Whereto then hall FJ truft, my finnefullfoule to faue. 

But trulieto that pot, whereto FZ cleaue and hall: 
which is thy mercte moſt!: Loꝛd lec thy mercie fail. 
And mittigate thy mood, oz elfe we periſh all: 
The patce of this thy bloud, wherein mercie F call. 

The {cripture doth declare, no Drop of bloud in thee: 
But that thou didſt not (pare, to hed ech Drop for me. 
Now let thoſe Drops moſt ſweet,ſo moiſt my heart fo Date ; 
— That ] vith {inne repleat, may live and ſinne may die. 

That being mortified, this {inne of mine in me: 

FJ may be fanctified, by grace of thine inthee. 
So that J neuer fall, into fuch moꝛtall finne: 
‘That my foes infernall, retoice my Death therein. 

But bouchfafe ine to keepe, from thoſe infernall foes : 
And krom that lake fo Deepe, whereas no mercie growes, 
And J hall fing thefongs, confirmed with the tut: 

That bnto thee belongs, Lohtch art mine onlie tru. 

ineMeetre. | 

eatus vir. Pal. j. oF, 'S, 

C This Plalme is fet firſt ag a pꝛeface to exhoꝛt all godlie men to ſtudie and meditate 
the heanenlie wiſedome: for thep be bleflcd that fo va; but the wicked contemners 
thereof at length (hall come to miferie. ; 

S21] He manisblet that hathnocvent,to wichedteed — 

ners chaire. 2. But in the lato of God the Lord, doth 

2a | 

— — — 7 — — (22 ee —— —rr — — — —— — — — — — — 

et his whole le Delight + and inthat labo Doth crercife 

oe => — SEES Gey — ee — ee — — 
— =~ ry — ö — — — — — — — —— — 
mse = = - — — (Ee SEES Seer SE See 

SS OS eee — a, Se oe ee ee 

“pint be bothi Day a and: night. 

3 De halbelike thetree,that groweth 
faft by the riuers fide: 

Which bringeth forth moſt pleafant fruit, 
inher Ductime and tide. 

4. Whoſe leafe hall neuer fade noe fall, 
but floriſh til and ftand: 

Cuen fo all things ſhall profper well, 
that this man takes in band. 

5 So fhall not the bugodlie men, 
thep ſhalbe nothing fo; 

Sut as the Dutt which from the earth, 
the windes driue to and fro. 

6 Therfore hall not the wicked men, 
in iudgement and bpright: 

Noꝛyet the {inners with the iuſt, 

all come in be ad —— 

— = se — — 

+7 Fo 

Pee POSE Merny cts BES 

7 For wyhyrthe voay of godly men, 

vnto the 1020 ts knovone: 
And eke the way of wicked men, 
fhall quite be ouerthꝛowne. 

Quatre fremuerunt. Pfal. ij. T. S. 

¶ Danidretoiceth, that albcit enemics, and woꝛidlie power rage, God will aduance 
his kingdome, euen to the kartheſt end of the world. Therefoꝛe he exhoʒteth princes 

dumbly to ſubmit thẽſelues vnder the fame, Herein is fignified Chri € his kingdome. 

VV Be did the Gentils tumuits vaite 2 } tan ae f 

what rage was in their braine! 
Why did the Jewiſh people mute, 
ſeeing allts but baine 2 

the 1 pfalm. 

2 The binges and rulers of the carth, 

confpite,and are allbent. — 
Again the Lod and Chꝛiſt his fonne, 
which be among dsfent. 

3 Shall we be bound to themsfay they, 
let all their bands be broke : 

And of their Doctrine and their lato, 
let bs retect the yoke. 

4 But he that in the heauen Divelleth, 


thetr Doings will deride 
And make them all as mockpng flocks, 
theoughout the woꝛld fo wide. | 

5 Forinhis wrath the Loꝛd oil fay, 
to them bpon a day: 

Dud in his fury trouble them, _ 
and thea the Lord will fay. 

6 Jhaue annointed him mp bing, tense 

vpon my holy hills | 
J will therfore Lod preach thy lates, tise atlas 
and che Declare thy will. Ps Bra te EO BE og 

0 Pſalme.iij. Hera © 
7 Forinthis wile the Lord bimtete, Y 
| did ſayto me Iwot: Aeros 
Thou art my Deare and onely fonne, 
today J thee begot. 
8 Allpeople F will Tite to thee, 
as heires at thyrequeſt: 
The ends andcoalts of allthe earth, 
by thee ſhalbe poſſeſt. 

9 Thou halt them bꝛuſe euen with a mace, 

as men vnder foot trod: 

Aud asthepotters ſheards, {hall beeake 
them voith an tron rod. 

TO Now pe D hinges and rulers all, 
be noife therefore and learnd : 

By Lohom the matters of the woꝛld, 
be iudged and difcernd. 

11 Sethat peleructhe Lord aboue, 
intrembling and in feare: 

See that with reuerence ve reidice, 

to him in like maner. 

12 Seethat ye kiſſe and eke embzace, 

his bleſſed ſonne JIſaie: 

Leaſt in his wꝛath heſuddenlie, 
periſh in the mid waie. 

13 It once his wrath neuer fo cmall, 

| hall Kindleinbis brett: 

My then all they that truſt in Cini 
ſhall happie be and bleſt. 

Domine quid. Pſal.iij. iS: 

¶ Dauid dꝛiuen out of his kingdome bp bis ſonne Abſalon, Was Greatlie tormented — : 

in mindfoz bis fune. Cherekoꝛe be calleth vpon om and isboldinhis promtfes 

againft the terrors both of enemies an3 pze- lent death. Chen he ee foz the 

: victorie giuen to mtn, oner their enimies. 9 | 
| ; I 

1, D Low, how are uly foesinereatt, which bereme 
pit = See = SoS =5 — 
more and moꝛe? They bill my heart when as they a 

==: =e coo eee Bee 

God can hint not reſtore. 2. But thou O Loꝛd art mp 
ao ome 

Defence, when J ambard beltead: My woꝛlſhip ae 

eS = 

mine honour both, and chou holdſt bp my — 

4 Then with my voice bpon the 1020, 
J did both call and crie: 

And be out of his holie bill, 
did heare me by and by. 

5 J laid me dovwne and quietlie, 
Z flept and vole againe : 

Foꝛ Lobp 2 FJ kro afluredite, 

the Lo2d mill me futtaine. 

hy It ten thoufand had hemd ine itt, 
a could notbe afraid: — 

rh Sige ak AALIMIE AIT 28 
Foz thou art Kill mp 1020 mp Good, - 
mylauiour and my aide. 
7 Bile bp therefore ſaue me my God, 
fornowo to thee ZF call: 
For thou halk broke the cheeks and teeth, 
ofthele wicked men all. | 

8 Saluation onliedoth belong, 

tothee O Lowaboue: 

Chou dott beſtow vpon thy folke, 
thybleſſing and thy loue. 

Cum inuocarem. Pfal. iiij. T. S. 

Cc Maid perfecuted by Saul, calleth bpon God with affured trult reproueth bis ente 
mics fo2 refilting his Dominion,¢ pzeferreth the fauour of od befoze all treaſure. 

Godthat art my righteoutnele, —— this to 7 
@: ow heave me when J call: * — 
Thou haſt ſet me at libertic, i 
Wwohen ] was bond and thꝛall. 

2 Haue mercy Lord therfore on me, 
and grant me this requett ; 
Foꝛ vnto thee vnceſſantly, 

to crie J will not reſt. 

3 0 Dmortall men, hots long will pe 

my glorie thus deſpile: ae 
why wander pein vanitie, 
and follove after lies? 
4. now pe,that good and godlie men, 
the Lod Doth tabeand chule: 
And vohen to hin FJ make my plane, 
5 Sinne not.but tand in awe therloꝛe, 
eramine woell your hart: 
And in your chamber quietlie, ent 0 | 
~ feepouyourteluesconuatt. ~ = 
vet eee 7 wate sy 

Pſalme.v. aM c oS 
6 Der to God the facrifice, A 
of righteoulnerte, J fay: 
And looke that tn the liuing 102d, 
pouput pour truſt alway. 

7 Theareater fort craucworldlpgoods, | 
| and riches Do embrace: 

Wute0o2d graunt bs thy countenaunce, 
thy fauour and thy grace. 

8 Foꝛ thou thereby halt make my bart, 
mozctotfulland moze glad: 

~ Chen they that of thetr cone and wine, 

full great increaſe haue bad. 

9 Fr peace therfoꝛe lie dovone will FJ, 
taking my reſt and ſſeepe: 
Foꝛthouonlie wilt me (D Loꝛd) 
alone in laketie keepe. 

Verba mea auribus. Plal.v. T. S, 

. Dauid perſecuted by Doeg and Achitophel Sauis flatterers , calicth byon 
« God to puniſh their matice, Chen alured of ſucceſſe, he conceiuca —— 

INcline thine eaves vnto my woꝛds. Sing this to 
D Loꝛd my plant conſider: —— 
And heare my boice,my king, mp God —— 
to thee Imake my prater. 
2 Heare me betime, Lord tarte not 
for Jwill haue refpect: 
My prater early inthe mone, 
to thee fo2 to Direct. 

3 And ] will tru through patience, ae 
inthee my God alone: Pea: 
That art not pleated with wickeduefle, = s 

aand ill WITH Chee dwels none. — sae Se ama ee 
in Oe ae 




3 Plalme.v. 

5 And in thy fiaht ſhall neuer ſtand, 
theſe furious fooles D L020: 

Wayne workers of iniquitie, - 
thouhatt alwaies abbo2d. 

6 Theliers and the Hatterers,' 
thou ſhalt deftroy them that: 
And God votll hate the bloud thirty, 
andthe Deceitfullman. _ 
7 Therfoze will FJ come to thy houte, 
trruſting bpon thy grace: 
And reucrentlyp will worſhip thee, 
toward thine holy place. 

8 Lowdlead me in thy righteoufneffe, 
—— forto confound mp foes: 

And ekethe way thatZ ſhall walke, 
befoze my face diſcloſe. 

9 Forin their mouthes there is no truth, 
their bart is foule and baine: | 

10 Their throat an open {epulchze, 
their tongues Do glofe and faine. 

11 Deſtroy their falle confpiracies, 
that they may cometo nought: 

312 Subuert them in their heapes offinne, 
which haue rebeliton wzought. 

13 Butthole that put heir truſt i in thee, 
let them be glad alwayes: 

And render thankes forthy Defence, 
and geue thy name the praple. 

14. For thou with fauour wilt increale, 
the tuft and righteous till: 
And with thy grace as with a ſhield, 
—— all tl. {pet 
- Domine 

Domine rigors Pfal.x ve —. — 

¶ Dauid foꝛ his ſinnes felt Gods hand, and conceited the horroz of euerlaſting — 
Therefore be deſireth forgiucneffe, and not to die inGovs indignation, Then ſud⸗ 
denlie Feeling Gods mercic, he rebuketh bis enimies, Who reioiced at his affliction,’ 

= — — — — — 

1. Lord in thy wrath reproue me not, though J delerue 
See ES eee —— Se 
thincire : Ne vet correct me inthyrage,D Low F thee 

— — — — — — a Se eee — — — — — — — — — 
— — e — — o— — —— Rael Fe 2 —— — —- 
— — — — — — —ñ — on — — — — — — ob 
——— — — — — —— — A —ñ— — — 

— ñ⸗— — 

— — 
— — — — — 
— — — — —— — — — | — — ee — — 

‘Delive. 2. Foꝛ Jam weake,therefore D Lowdof merce 

— — — — — — — — — — — — 

— — — === — 

my bones do quake for keare. 

3 My fouleis troubled verie fore, 
and bered vehementlie: 

But Lo2d how long wilt thou delate, 
to cure my miſerie? 

4. Lord turnethee to thy wonted grace, 
my filliefoule bp take: 

D laue me not for my deferts, 
but foz thy mercies fake. 

5 For vohy? no man among the dead, 

eemenbgeth thee one whit: — ig a 
D. ij. Orꝛ 

39 rlalMe.Vifo 

Oꝛ who Hall woꝛſhip thee D Low 
inthe infernal pit? | 

6 So gricuousis my plaint and mone, 
that 4 war wondzous faint: 

All the night long Jwaſh my bed, 
with teares of my complaint. 

7 My light is dim and wareth old, 
with anguiſh of my heart 
Foꝛ feave of thoſe that be my foes, 
| and Loould my foule fubuert. 
8 But now atoap from me all pe, 
that woꝛke iniquitie. 
Foꝛ vohy? the Lord hath heard the voice, 
of my complaint and crie. 
9 Heheard not onlie the requek, 
and pꝛaier ok mp bart: 
Dut it receiued at mp hand, 
and tooke it in good part. 
10 And novo my foes that vexed ine, 
the Lo2d will foone Defame: 
And ſuddenlie confound them all, 
-totheirrebuie and ſhame. 

| Domine Deus meus. Pfal. 2) ale WES 


¶ Dauid fatlelp accuſed by Chus , Sauls kinſman, calleth God to be his defender. 
Firſt, for that his confcience did not accufe him of ante euill towards Saule. Mert 
that it touched Gods glozie to award fentence againk the Wicked. And fo vpors 

Gods mercies and promifes he wareth bold, threatning that it Hailfallon thee 

necks, that which his enimies parpofen foz others, 

| O Loꝛd my God, Fputmptrut, Sing this to 

' ~ andconfidence in thee: Seah ; 

— Hauemefromthem that me pure, J— 
and eke deliuerme. 

2 Leatt tke a lion be meteare, 
and rend in peeces ſmall: 
ee as Whilſt 

4 2BA1iLive less ea an : 
whillſt there is none to ſuccour me, 
and rid me out of thrall. 

3 D Loꝛdmy God, ik haue done 

the thing that is not right : 
D3 els ik J be found in fault, 

oz guiltie tn thy fight. 
4. Dpto my friend rewarded ill, 

ozlefthimindiftrefe: = 
which me purſued mo cruelly, 

and hated me cauleleſſe. | 

5 Ther let my foes purfue my foule, 
and eke my life Dofone thruſt: 
— Unto the earth, and alfo lay 
mine honoꝛ in the duſt. 
6 Start bp O Loꝛd now tn thy tozath, 
and put my foesto paine ¢ 
Performethy kingdome promifed, 
to me, which wzong ſuſtaine. 

7 Then hall great nations come to thee, 
and knoe thee by this thing: 
If thou Declare foz loue of them, 
thy felfe as Loꝛd and keg. 
8 And thouthatart ofallmeniudge, - 
O Loꝛd now iudge thou me: 
According to thy righteouſneſſe, 
and mine integritte. 
The fecond part. . 
O9 9 Low ceale the hate of wicked ment, 
and be the iuſt mans guide : 
To By whom the fecrets of all hearts, 
are ſearched and deſcride. 
11 J take my helpeto comeof God, 
in all my griefe and ſmart: 
D BAY. That 

That doth preferucali thole that be, 
of pure and perfect hart. 

12 The iuſt man and the wicked both, 
God tudgeth by his power : 

So that he keelth his mightie hand, 
euen euerie day and huure. 

13 Except he change his mind J die, 
for euen ashe fhould{mite: 

He whets his ſwoꝛd, his bow he bends, 
aiming where he may bit. | 

14 And Doth prepare his moztall darts, 
bis arrowes keene and ſharpe: 
F 02 them that Do me perfecute, 
whiles he Doth milchiefe warpe. 
15 But lo though he in trauell be, 
of bis diueliſh forecatt : 
And of his mitchiefe once conceiued, 
pet beings foorth nought at lat. 

16 Hedigs aditch anddelucsit deepe, 
in bopeto burthis brother: 
But he Hall fallinto tye pit, 
that he digd bp for other. 
17 Thus woong returneth-to the hurt, 
of him in whom tt bed: | 
and all the miſchieke that he tozoughe, 
ſhall fall vpon his hedd. 
18 FJ will giue thanks to Godtherefore, 

that iudgeth righteouſſie: 


Ind with mp fong will patte the name, J a aie 

of him that is moſt high, 

éfa4thic SBA GY — * — oad ha oe ais 

& 2UW4444W90 7 pe e- 

Domine Deus nofter. Pfal. viij. | T. S. 

¶ Che pꝛophet confinering the excellent liberalitie and fatherlie pꝛouidence of 
God towards man, Whombe made asit Were a god over all his Workes, 
giucth thankes, and is aftonted with the admiration of the fame. 
C6 our L020 hovo wonderfull, Sing this to 9. 
ave thy works euerie Lobere? — 
wohole fame furmounts in dignitie, si 
aboue the heauens cleare. 
2 Euen bythe mouths offuckling babes, 
thou voilt confound thy foes ; 
F 02 in thefe babes thy might is {eene, 
thy graces they dilclofe. 

3 And when F lee theheauens high, 
the works of thine otone band; 
Thefunne, the moone, andall the Lars, 
| in order as they tand. 
4 What thing is man (Lord )thinke FZ the, 
that thou doſt him remember? 
Oꝛ what is mans poſteritie, 
that thou doſt bin confider ? 

5 Forthou hak made him little leſſe, 
then angels tn Degree : 
And thou haſt crovoned him allo, 
Wwuaith glozteanddignitic. 
6 Thou bhatt preferd hint to be 020, 
of all thy works of wonder: 
And athisteet hatkletalithings, 
that he fhould keepe them vnder. 

7 As theepe and neat, and all beaſts els, 

| that in the fields Do feed : 

8 3 Foules of the aire, filh inthe lea, — 

and all that therein bzeed. rae 
| Hath 9 Therez 

ls oo Naat ere) AE ae OR . 
9 Therefore mutt Z lay once againe, 
OGod that art ourLowd: 

How famous and how wonderfull, 
arethy works though the woꝛld. 

Confitebor tibi Domine. Pfal. ix, T. S. 

Danid giving thankes foz his manifold hictozies recetued, defireth the fame wonted 
— belpe suite againk bis new entinies, € their malicious arrogance to be deſtroicd. 

VV 3b hart aud mouth onto the Lozd, ¢ singthisto 2 
voll J fing laud and praife: the 3.pfal 
And ſpeake of all bis wondrous works, 
| and them Declare alwaies. 
2 F will be glad and muchreioice, 
tnthee (D Low) mok igh: 
And make mp fongs ertoll thy name, 
aboue the ſtarrie ſkie. 

3 Foꝛ that my foes are Driven backe 
and turned bnto flight: . 
They fall Downe flat, and are deſtroyed, 
by thy great force and might. 
4 Thou batt reuenged all mp wrong, 
my gricfand all my grudge: Hig 
Thou Dock with tuftice heave my cauſe, 
moſt like a righteous iudge. 

¥ Thou dock rebuke the heathen folke, 
and wicked ſo conkound == 

That afterward thememoꝛie, 


6 My foes thou halt made good difpateh, 
and all their tovones deſtroid: ia 

Thou halt their fame with chem defatke, | 
though all the woꝛld fo UNG 

| : | : 7 Knovo 

7 Knovo thou,thatbe which isaboue, 
kor cuerinoze ſhall veigne : 

Bnd in the feate of equitic, 
true iudgement will maintetne. 

8 ndith iufticehe will keepe and guide, 
the wo2ld, and every wight: 

And fo will peeld with equitie, 
tocuerp man bis right.. 

9 Heis protector of the poore, 
Lobat time they be oppeectt 
Heisinall aduerſitie, 
their refuge and their reſt. 
10 All thepthat know thy holy name, 
therfore {hall trutt in thee : 
For thou forſakeſt not their fute, 
in their neceffitic. 
The ſecond part. 
11 Sing plalmes therfore vnto the Lord, 
that dwellth in Sion hill: 
Publiſh among all nations, 
bis noble acts and will. 
12 Foꝛ he is mindfull ofthe bloud, 
of thefe that be opprett : * 
Forwetting not th'afflicted hart, 
that ſeeks to him foꝛ reſt. 

13 Haue mercy Lord onme poore voꝛetch, 
vobofe enemies fill remaine: 
which from the gates of death, art wont 
to raiſe me vp againe. 
14 In Sion that J might tet forth, 
thypraiſe, with bart and voice: 
And that in thy ſaluation( Loꝛd) 
mp foule might Till reioice. 

15 The 

ieee 4 

be ad & 240142406 AO * 
15 The heathen ſticke kaſt in the pit, 
that theythemſelues pꝛepard: 
And in the net that they did ſet, 
their otone feet fat are ſnard. 
16God ſhewes his tudgments which tocre 
for cucric nian to marke: (good, 
When as pelee the notched matt, 
lie trapt in his owone warke. 

17 Che wicked and the finnefull men, 
go do vone to hell foreuerr: 
And all the people of the woꝛld, 
that willnotGodremember. 
18 But lure, the Lord will not forget, 
the pooze mans griefand paine: 
The patient people neuer looke, 
for belpe of God in batne. 

19 D Lozd arile, leaſt men preuatle, 
that be of worldly might : 

And let the Heathen folke recetue, 

| their tudgementinthy fight. — 

20 Low firikefuch terroz, feare,and dread. 

into the hearts of them: 

That thep may know atturedly, | Mert 
ther be but mogtailment. hese sons 

Vt quid Domine, pſal. x. T: s. 

¶ He complatneth of all the Wrongs Which Worldlie men heya becanfe of their prolp⸗ 
ritie Who therefore without all feare of Gon , thinke ap oall things vncon⸗ 
trolled. He calleth fox remedle againſt Gach, and fg canaries stth ihe hove thercof, 

VV Latisthe cauſe that thou Lord, Sing this i 
art now fo farve from thine! Ube pt 
And keepett clofe thy countenaunce, 
——— An on 
2 ‘Che 

2 The poore Doth peril by the proud, 
and wicked mens deſire: 

Let them betaten in the craft, 
that they thomſelues conſpire. 

3 For inthe luſt of his otone hart, 
the vngodly doth Delight: 

So doth the wicked praife himlelke, 
and Doth the Lozd deſpight. 

4. He isto proud, that right and wong, 

May,nay, there is no God ſaith he, 
foz thus be thinbs in hart. 

5 Becaule his waies Do profper fill, 
he doththy lawes neglect: 
Bnd with ablaſt doth puffe againſt, 
ſuch as would him correct. 
6 Tuſh, Tulh, (faith be) Jhaue no Dead, 
leatt mine eftate (hould change: 
And toby? 02 all aduerſitie, 3 
tobunis verie ftrange. . “ 

7 is mouth is full of curfedneffe, 
of fraud Deceit, and guile: Ht: 
Under his tongue doth mifchiefelit, . - 
and trauell allthe wuilie. 
8 He lieth hid in waies and holes, 
to llaythe innocent: : 
Againk the poore that paſſe him py, 
bis cruelletes are bent. gfodhe dint: 
9 And like a Lion priuilie, 
| lieth lurking in bis den: 
fhe mayſnare them in hisnet, 
fofpotle pooꝛe ſimple men. nsont 
op os ‘Wek 10 Ang 

10 > ¥nd forthe nonce ful craftilie, 
he croucheth Downe F fay: 
«1s Soave great heapsof pooze men made: 
by bis {trong power bis pray. 
The fecond pare. 3 
12 Tulh, God forgetteth this Capt) be) 
therfore may J be bold 
His countenaunce is caſt ative, 
he Doth it not behold. 
13 Arile(D Lowd)D God, in whom 
the pooze mans hope dothreſt: 
Lift bp thy hand, forget not Lord, 
the pooꝛe that be oppzett. 

14 What blaſphemy is this to thee, 
Lord doeſt thou riot abboore it? 

To hearethe wicked in thetr harts, 
fay,tulh thou cavett not for it? 

15 But thouleet all this wickedneſſe, 
and well Doct vnderſtand: 

16 That frendlefle and poore fatherlette, : 
are left into thy hand. 

17 DE wicked and malicious ment, 
then beake the power for euer: 

That they with their iniquitie, «= 
may peril) altogether. 

18 The Lo2d hall raigne for euermore, 
as kyng and God alone: 

And he will chale the heathen foike, ; 
out okhis land echone. 

19 Thou hearſt (O Lord) thepooremans 
their pꝛaier and requeſt: raed 

Their harts thou will confirme, oped ; 
(dee beare be prelt. POS BiG us f 

; 20 TO 

_ fF lalinie. xj- 
20 To iudge the pooze and fatherlefe, 
and belpe them to thetr right: 
That thep may be no more oppꝛeſt, 
with men of vooldlp might. 

In Domino. Pfal.xj. T. S. 
C Thepflaime ſheweth fir what affauits of semptation and anguiſh of mind 

fufteinedin perfecution. Next, he retopceth that God Cent him ſuccour inne= 

ceſſitie, declaring bis tuftice , as well in gouerning the god and wicked men. 
as the whole woꝛid. 7 
Truf in God hovo dare yethen, Sing this te 
I fap this my foule vntill: } — DOL f 
Flic hence as faft ag ante foule, | 
and hide pou tn pour hill? 
2 Behold the wicked bend ther bowes, 
and make their arrowes pretk : 
To Moot in ſecret andto hurt, 
thefound and barmeleffe bickt. 

3 MF worldly hope all ſtaies were fhaonke, 
and cleavelte bꝛought to nought ; 
Alas the tu and righteous man, 
what euill hath he wzought? 
«4 But hethatin histemple is, 
moft holie and moſt hte: 
And in the heauens hath his teat, 
of rotall maieſtie. 

5 Thepooze and {imple mans eftate, 
contidereth in his mind: 

Aud fearcheth out full narrowlie, 
the manners of mankind, 

G6 And with achearefull countenance, 

| the righteous man toll bfe ; 

But in his heart he doth abhorre, 

allfuch as mifchiefe mute, 




4.0. Plalme. Xe 
7 Aud on the linners calketh Mares, 
_ asthickeasanieraines; 
Fire € bꝛimſtone, and whirlwinds thicke, 
appointed fo2 their patne. 
8 Beleethen how arighteous God, | 
Doth vighteouliefictmbraces 
And to the ut and vpꝛight mer, 
ſhewes forth bis pleafant face. 

Saluum me fac. Pfal. xij. T. S. 

: ¶ The prophet ſeeing the miferable decay of all god order deſireth Bod ſpeedily to fend 

refozmation. Chen comforted with the aſſurance of Gods helye x pꝛoemiſes, con⸗ 
cludeth that when all oꝛders are moſt cozruptcd, then God wet Ideliuer his. 

Hee 020 for good and godlic men, roe this 3 
Do perich and decaie: — 
And faith and truth from worldlymen, 
is parted cleane away. ‘3 
2 Who fo Doth with his neighbour talke, ; 
bis talke is ail but vayne: «. 

Foꝛ euery man bethinketh how, 

to flatter,lpe,and fayne. 

2 But flattering and deceitfulllips, 
and tongues that be fo ftout: 
To {peak proud words a make great hiags 
the Loꝛd ſoone cut them out. 
4. Foꝛ they fay ill, we will pꝛeuaile, | 
Mut tongues beours, we oughttofpeake, — — Al 
wohat 1020 ſhall vs controll? ee ' 

5 Butforthegreatcomplaintandery, 2 : 

Of pooze and men oppꝛeſt: 
Avife wili FJ now faith the Lod, 
and them reſtore to reſt. oe te 
ety Oe 6 Gods 

Pialme.Xilj. | 
6 ods word is like to liluer pure, 
- that from theearth is tride: 
And hath no lefle then ſeuen tunes, 
in fire bene purifide. 

7 Now lince thy promtfe ts to helpe, 
Loꝛd keepe thy promiſe then: 

Andfaue bs now and cuerinoze, 
fromthis tl bind of men. 

8 Fo2 now the wicked voogid is full, 
of mifchtefs manifold: | 

wWhen banitic with worldly men, - 

Viquequo Domine. Pfal. xiij. T. S. 
¶ Danid as tt Were oucrcome With afflictions, flicth to God his onelie 
refuge,and encouraged thzough Gods pzomiles, be conceiueth con= 
Aivence again the extreame hozrozs of death. 
Mw long Lotlt thou forget me Lod, 
ſhall Jneuer be remembzed ? Saati 
How long wilt thou thy bilage bide, — ; hinted f 
asthough thou twereoffended? the iij. Pſal. ) 
2 In hart and mind,bow long hall I 
with care tozmented be? 
How long eke Hall my Deadly foe, 
thus triumph ouer me? 

2 Behold me novo the Lod my God, 
and heare meſore oppꝛeſft 
Lighten mine eies, leaſt that J ſſeepe 

as one by Death poſſeſt. 

4. Leaft thus mine enemy fap to me, 
; behold Jdo preuaile: | 
Leak they alfo that hate my foule, 

reioyce to fee me quale, 

5 tut 

4o Flalme. XU. 

5 Wut for thy mercies and goodneffe, 
iny hope (hall neuer tare: — 

Inthy relicfe and fauing health, 

right glad hall be mp bart. 

6 J willgiue thanks vntothe Lod, _. 
and peaifes to him ſing: 

Becaule be hath heard my requeft, 
and granted my wifhing. 

Dixit infipiens., Pfal, xiiij. T. S. 

€ Be — tie wickedneſſe of men ſo growne to ſuch licentioulneſſe, that 
od was bzought to vtter contempt: for which, albeit he was greatlie 
—— pet perſwadedthat God would redzeſſe it, he ts comforted. 

— eo 

1 ne isto God, as foolttl men — their 

ie in Oe see ee 
=p — 

‘mood: Their drifts are ail coꝛrupt ¢ baine, not one of 

ee ee a — — — — SE — — —s 

them doth good. 2.The Lord beheld krom heauen high — 

Be — ae 

the — raceof mankind: ¢ lato not one that fought 

in Dede — — to find, > 


ay, ot Nall re 

= Ge rssree oo! =32 aes . . 

—_— = ». es = ee eh OUST 

3 They went all wide and were corrupt, 
and trulie there was none: 
That inthe woꝛrld did anie good, 
Flap there wasnotone. 
4 F8 all their iudgement fo karre loft, 
that all woꝛke mifchicte kil 2 
Cating my people euen as bꝛead, 
not one to ſeeke Gods will. 

5 noben thep thus rage then tudbentie, 
great feare on them fhall fall 

Foꝛ God doth loue the righteous ment, 
and will mainteine thent all. 

6 Pe mocke the Doings of the poore, 
to their reproch and ſhame: 

Becaulſe they put their truſt in God, 
: and call bonis name, 

| and tober ‘wilt thou fulfill: 
The pꝛomiſe made to Iſraell, 
front out of Sion hill. : 
8 Euen when thou ſhalt reſtoꝛe againe, 
ſuch as were captiue lad: 
Then Jacob Hall therein reioiſe, 
and Iſrael ſhall be glad. 

Domine quis. Pfal. XV. —78 

ere is —— whp God * the Jew es his peculiar people, and placed 
mong thet, Which Was that thepbp lining vpꝛightly, might 

—e that thep were bis ſpeciall and holic people, 

O Lord within thp tabernacle, 
bobs hall inhabit Hill? 
D2 tohoin wilt thou veceiue to Divell, 
in thy —— hill. —— 

Sing thisto 
the tt 

2 ww &MWS44iLW6 ae —4 
2 The man whole life is vncorrupt, 

| whole workes arc iu and freight: 
aobhote heart Doth thinke the berte truth, 

| whoſe tong ſpeakes no deceite. 

3 Noꝛ to his neighbour Doth none til, 
in bodic,goods, 02 name: 

Noꝛ willingly Doth mooue falle tales, 
vohich might impaire thefame. 

4. That in his heart regardeth not, 
malicious wicked men ; 

But thofe that louc and feare the Lorn, 
he mabeth much of them. i 

5 His oth and all his pꝛomiſes, 
thhat keepeth fatthfullp ; 
Although be make bis couenant ſo, 

that he doth looſe thereby. 
6 That putteth not to vſurie, 

his money and his coine: 
Hekor to hurt the innocent, 

Doth bribe o2 els purloine. 

7 who fo doth all things as poutee, 
that here is to be done: 
Shall neuer periſh tn this woꝛld, 
192 in the world to come. 
Conferua me, Pfal.xvj. T. S. 
¶ Dawid praicth to God for fucconr, not foz his Workes : but fox his fathers 
fake , pꝛoteſting that be hateth all idolatrie, taking God onlie foz bis come 
lozt and felicitic, who luttereth his to lacke nothing. rem 

| ene keepe mie for Jtruſt in thee, 

3 | —— 
and Doconfeffe in deede: jeu, ene * 

Thou art mp God and of mp goods, C the 
D Loꝛd thouhaſt no need. 

29 a 


2Igiue my goods bnto the faints, 
that inthe wozld Do Dwell: 

And namelie to the faithfull locke, 
3 in bertuethat excell. 

2 They ſhal heape ſorro wes on their heads 
which run as they were mad: 

To offer to the idoll gods, | 
alas it is too bad. 

4. HS for the bloudic facrifice, 
and offrings of that fozt : 

F will not touch noꝛ pet thereof, 

myplips ſhall make report. 

5 Foꝛ vohy? the Lord the postion is, 
— And chou art hethat dot mainteine, 

mp rent, my lof, mp chance, 
6 The place wherein my lot did fall, 

in beautie DID excell: 
Mine heritage aſſignd to me, 

Doth pleate me wondzous woll. 

7 Ithanke the Loꝛd that cauled ine, 

tobnderttand the right: 
Foꝛ by his meanes myplecret thoughts, 

do teach me euerte night. 

8 Ilet the Lord fill in my tight, 
and truſt him ouer ail : 

Sor hedoth ſtand onmy right hand, 
therefore J ali not fall. 

9 naberefore my heart and tong alfo, 
Doth both retotce together : 
Ay fell and bodte reſt in hope, | 
wohen Ithis thing conſider. — 

G..ij. 10 Thou 

—2 A. IAIAMAIN ig i (ae pee t- ¥ ah ho BS 
Lo Thou wilt not leaue my foule tn graue, 
foꝛ Loꝛd thou loueſt mee: 
$202 vet wilt giue thy holie one, 
coꝛruption for to fee. 

11 Hut wilt teach me the wap of life, 
fo2 ail treaſure and {tore < | 
Mf perfect toy arein thy face, 
aud power foz cucrinoze. 

Exaudi Domine. Pfal. xvij. T. S. 
¶ Here he complaineth to God of the cruell pride and arrogancie of Sante, 

wio raged without anie caufe, Theretoze he defircth Godto reuenge . 
dis innocencie and Deliver hint. 

O Lord giue care to my iuſt caute, — 
attend when Jcomplaine: the jij. pla 

And heave the prater that J put forth, 
Wwaith lips that do not faine: 
2 Andlet the iudgement of my caute, 
proceed alwaies fromthee : 
And let thine etes behold and cleare, 
this ny ſimplicitie. 

3 Thou hak toell tride me in the night, 
| and pet could nothing find: — 
That FJ haue ſpoken with my toong, 
_ that was not in my mind. | 
4, AS for the works of wicked ment, 
and pathes peruerſe andi; 
Forloue of thy moſt holie word, 
AhauerefrainedD til. 
5 Theninthe pathes that be mot pure, 
tay me Load and preſerue: 
_ That tromthe wap wherein J walke, ie 
; my fepsmapneucrfwocrue, > 
meat feb ! y 6 Foꝛ e 

6 For 7 do calito thee (Dio) 

ſurely thou wilt me aide: 

Then heare my prayer g way right tell, 
the woꝛds that Jhaue ſaid. 

7 Othouthe Sauiour ofall them, 

that put their truſt inther: 

Declare thy ſtrength on them that ſpurne, 
againſt thy maieſtie. 

8 Dkeepe me Low as thou wouldit keepe 
theappleofthineeie: — 

And vnder coucrt of thy ia 
Defend melecretlie. 

€ The fecond part. 

9 From wicked men thattroubleme, 
anddatlpmeannops ꝛꝛ 

Aud from my foes that go about, 
my foule for to deſtroy 

10 which wallo vo in, their twosTblp wwealth, 
ſo full and ek ef fat: 

That in their pridethep Do not ſpare, 
to ſpeake they care not tobat. 

11 Theplicin waite where J hould patie, 
with craft metoconfound: 

And muling muchiefe in * minds, 
to caſt meto the ground. 

12 Much like a lion 25 — 

_ that would bis prep embꝛate: 

Dz lurking like a lions whelpe, 
within ſome ſecret place. 

13 Up Lord with haſt peeuenit my loe, 
and calt him at thy keete: 
ao em mp louletrom cheeuil man, 

Bas ah 

~ and toith che fwoꝛd himtmite. site 
14 Deliuer me Lord by thp powers 

out of thefe tpeantsbands: 
wohich now fo long time raigned haue, 
and kept vs in their bands. 

15 J meanefrom worldly men to tobom, 
all worldly goods arerife: 9.4. 
That haue uo hope noꝛ partof ioy, 
but tn this peefent life. | . aos 
16 Thou of thy ore their bellies tt, she ieee 
with plealures to their mind gs dn 
Their children haue inough,and leane, — F 
to theirs the reſt behind. | 

17 But FZ hall with purecontiene, reek BONE 
behold thy gracious kate: suathntin Gree 
So when J wake J Haltbefull, 

of thinie image and grarre. 

Diligam te Domine! Pal xij T) S._ 

¶ Dautd giueth thanks entering into his. kingdome, Aoling the marueious graces 
of God, in his pꝛeſeruation. Herein isthe image of Chꝛiſts kingdome which ſhau 
conquere through Chꝛiſt, bp the vnſpeakeable toue of Go , though alithe wozid 


thee: Thou act mp catleand — my. riecemtitie. 

— — — 

— — — — — 

2 + — — la — worker of 


~ ofall — 

3 noben J fing laud vnto the Lewd, eh 

moͤſt worthie tobeferued: ~ +4 
Chen from my foes FJ am right ture, , 

that J ſhall bepzeferued. a 
4 The pangues ot death did compaſſeme 
and bound me euery where: 
‘The flowing waues of wickedneſſe, 
did put me in great feare. 

5 The llie and ſubtilſnares of hell, 
were round about me ſet: 

Aud foz my Death there wagsprepard, a 

6 Fthus betet with griefe and fitart, 
did pzaie to Godforgraces. 

Sud he foorth with did heare my plaint, Ve 
out of bis holie place. 

7 Such is his power that in his wꝛath, 
he made the earth to quake: 
ea, the foundations ofthe mount, 
ofalanfortofhakes 9 ao 
8 And frombis noftrelscameatmose 
: when kindled wasbisires. «.- 
And from bis mouth came &indled coales 
of — —— Tei RIGLUS: ah 
ae e 

9 The at Defconded from aboue; —— 
bowed the heauens bie: BE Ws — 
4nd buderneath bis feet be caſt, 
the darkeneſſe oftheſtie. 
10 On Cherubes and on Cherubines, 
full royally he road: 
And on the wings ok allthe windes 
crame hlieng all abroad. 

q The ſecond part, 

11 Andlikea denne mottDarkehemade, 
hishid and ſecret place s.. ut 
with waters blacke and airie clouds, — 
enuironned be was. J 
12 But when the pretence ofbigface, se 
in brightneffe ſhall appeare > enh 
The clouds confume and in their fread, 7 
come haile and coales offire. cue 
13 Thefiericdartsand thunderbolts, — ————— 
Difperfe them here and there: 2 mt pagina pyle 
And with his often lightenings;  - 53 
he putsthem in great feare. 
14 Loꝛd, at thy wꝛath and mets, 
and at thy chiding cheares 4 
The {prings and the foundations; ~ 
of all the woꝛld appeare. i | ah 
15 And from abouethe Loꝛd ſent downe 
to fetch me from below: 
And pluckt me out of waters: great, alae an peo ph 
that would meouerflow. = : * — 
16 And me deliuered krom inp foes, — 
that would haue made —— 
ea from fuch foes’; as were too rong, 
| foxmetoDealetityall Wi 

17 Thep 

& 24014641080 stdin | a, 

17 Thep DID pzeuent meto opprelle, 
in time of my great grieke: 

But pet the Lod voas my Defence, 
my fuccour aud reliefe . 

18 He bzought me forth in open place: 
whereas J might be free: 

And kept me lafe becaule he had, 
a fauour vnto mee. 

19 And as J was an innocent, 
fodid heme regard: 

And to the cleanneffe of mp hands, 
he gaue me my reward. 

20 Foꝛ that J walked in his wates, 
and in his paths haue trod : 

And haue not wauered wickedly, — 

— again my 1020 and God. 

¶ The third part, 

21 But euermore J have refpect, 
to his law and decree: 

His ſtatutes and rommandements, | 
Itaſt not out from mee. | 

22 Wutpureandcieane, and vncorrupt, 
appeard before bis face: 

And did vefrainefrom wickedneſſe, 
and linne tn ante cafe. * 

22 The Low therefore will me reward, 
as Jhauedone aright: , 
And tothe cleanneſſe of mp hands, 
appearing in his ſight ·. 
24. Foꝛ Lod 1 with him that bolic is, 
wilt thou be holie to:: weit 
Aud with the good an bertuousiment, 
— —— saalgrsedt | 
25 And 


25 And tothe louing and elect, 
thylouethouvotlt reſerue: 
And thou wilt vſe the wicked mer, 
as wicked men delſerue. 
26 Foꝛ thou doeſt ſaue the fimplefolke, 
in trouble when they lie 
and doeſt bring downe the countenance, 
ofthem that looke fullbie. 

27 The Lord will light my candle fo, 
that it hall ſhine full bright: 

The Low my God will make allo, - 
my darkeneſſe to be light. 

28 Fozby thy helpe,an boat of men 
diſcomfite Loꝛd F thall: 7 

5p thee F {cale and ouerleap, 
the ſtrength of any wall. 

29 Unlpotted are the waies of God, 
bis woꝛd is purelie tride: 
He is a ſure defence to ſuch, 
30 S02 who is God ercept the Lord, 
for other there is none: 
D2 els who is omnipotent, 
fauing our God alone? ih 
: (¢rThe fourth pare. aac ae adhe ib 
31 The God that givdeth me with ſtrength 
That all the waies wherein J walke, 
* _Dideuermozebeepecteane, © 
32 That made mp feet liketo thearts, = 
inthotftnefleof mppaces be od Wa 
And foz my ſuretie brought me footy, 
into an open place, OS SA SE ET aT! 
ee es. 33 be 

ee eee 

33 Hediditrowder put my hands, — 
3 to battell and to fight. 
To bꝛeake in funder barves of braſſe, 
| begaue mine arme the might. 
34. Thouteachett methpfauing health, — 
thy tight handis my tower: 
Thy love and famtltaritie, 
Doth ſtill increaſe mypower. | 

35 And onder me thou mabe plaine, 
the waie whereZ ould walke : 
So that mp feet ſhall neuer flip, 
noz ſtumble at a balke. 
36 AndfiercelteZ purfue and take, 
my foes that me annoid: 
And from the field do not returne, 
— til they be all deſtroid. 

27 So J {uppreffe and wound my foes 
that they canvife no moze: 
Foꝛ at my feet they fall Donon flat, 
J trite them ail {0 foe. e 
38 For thou Dott gird me with thy ſtrength 
to warre infuch a wiſe: 
That they be allfcattved abroad, 
that bp againtt merite, 

39 Lord thou batt put into mp hands 
mymozꝛtallenimies voke: 
Ind all my foes thou doeſt deuide, 
in funder with my ſtroke. “we 
4.0 They cald fog help but none gauceare, 
1o2 helpt them woth reliefe: 
Beato the Lord they cald for help, 
pet heard he not their griefe. 



60 Plalme. xXvIiIJ. 
¶ Me ſift part. Parte Hitt g 

41 And Hull tee duſt before the wind, 
J driuethembnderfeets 

And ſweepe thei out like filthie clate, 
that ſtinketh tn the ſtreet. 

42 Thoukeeptt me fromtedictous folke, 
that ſtill in ftrife be lead : 

And thou dof of the heathen folke, 
appotnt me to be head. 

43 A people ftrange to me vnknovone, 
and pet they (hall meferue: 
And at the fir obep my voozd, 
whereas mune otone will ſwerue. 
4.4. 9 (halibe tebefome to mine ovone, 
they will not fee my light: 
But wander wotde out of my waies, 
and bide them out offight. 

45 But blefled be the lining Lord, 
moſt woꝛthie of allpraife : 

That is my rocke and fauing health, 
peatled be he alwaies. 

46 Foꝛ God it is that gaue me ppwer, 
reuenged fo2 to be: 

And with his holie woꝛd ſubdude, 

the people vnto me. 

47 And from my foes me deliuered, 
and fet me higher than thole: 
That cruell and bngodite were, 
and vp againſt me roſe. tah 
468 And for this caule O Loꝛd my God, 
tothee geuethanks J (hall : 
Andling out praifestothp name, . 
ammong the Gentiles all, 

49 Thou. 

fT idlilive AlAs 

49 9 Thou gaueſt great proſperitie, 
vnto the king J fate: 
To Dauid thine annointed bing, 
and to his {eed fo. ate, 

Celi enarrant. Pfal.xix. T. S. 

¶ He moueth the pif ew to glozifie God bp the workmanthip, pꝛoporꝛtion, 
and oꝛnaments of the —— and bp the law wherein God is reuealed 
familiatly to his chofen people. 
ThHe heauens and thefirmament, ees 
Do wondzouflieDeclare : the xliij PE 
The gloric of God omnipotent, 
‘ His works and what they are. 
2 The wondzous woꝛks of God appeare, 
by euerie Dates ſucceſſe: 
The nights likewile which their race rutt, 
the lelfe faine things expꝛeſſe. 

3 There is no language, tong, oꝛ ſpeech, 
where their ſound is not heard: 

In all the earth and coatts thereof, 
theirknowledgeisconferd. — 

4, Juthemthe Lod made fozthefunne, 
a place of great renoune: 

who like a bꝛidegroome readie trimd, 
Doth from bis chamber come. 

5 Bnd asa baltant champtor, 
who koꝛ to gue a price: 

With top Doth hat to takein band, 
fomenobie enterpꝛice. 

6 And allthe thie from end to end, 

he compaſſeth about ; 

Ndothing can hide it from his heat, 

| buthe will kind it autt. 


a) av He Z2UMLZE4228 404488 

7 How perfect is the law of God, 
how is his coucnant ture? | 

Conuerting foules and mabing wife, 
thefimpie and obfcure. 

8 Jul arethe Loꝛds commandements,“ 

and glad both heart and mind: 

His precepts pure, and giueth light, 

to eies that befull blind. | 

9 The feare of Godisercellent, 

The iudgements of the 1020 are true, 

: and righteous altogether. 

10 And more tabecmbeacedaltwates, - 
then fired gold J fap: 

The honie and the honte combe, 
ave not fo ſweet as they. 

11 By them chy feruant is fortoarnd, 
tohaue Godin regard: 
And in perfozmance of the fame, 
there hall be great reward. 
12 But Lod what earthly ma doth know, 
the errors of thisltte ; 
Then clente my foule from fecret tunes, 
which are in me moft rife. 

_ 13 And beepe me that preſumptuous fing, 
-. pretiatle not ouer me: 
“And when J ſhall be mnocent, 
and great offences fee. 

14 Acceptimy mouth and eke my heart, 

my words and thoughts echone: 
Foꝛ my redeemer and my ſtrength, 

O Loꝛd thou art allhne. 


 ExaudiatteDominus. Pf. xx. T. S. 

¶ The people pray to God to heare their hing and receiue his facrifice Which 
he offered befoze he Went to battatle againi the Ammonits , declaring that 
Peathen put their truſt in hoꝛſes. But thep truſt onite in his name. Wher= 
foze the other (hall fall, but the King and his people (hall (and. 3 
[Mtvouble and aduerſitie, Sing this to 
the Lod God heare thee till : ; fe ting af 
The matettie of Jacobs God, the xiiij. p& ) 
Defend thee from all ill. 
2 And lend thee krom his holie place, 
his helpe at euery neede: 
And foin Sion ſtabliſh thee, 
and make thee rong indeede. 

3 ~ Remember Loeil the facrifice, 
that now in him is Done: 
And fo receine right thankfullie, 
thy burnt offrings echone. 
‘4. According to thy hearts defire, 
tthe Lod grant bntothee 
And all thy counfell and deutle, 
full well perfozme may bee. 

5 He hall retoice when thou bs ſaueſt, 

and our banners difplate : 

Unto the 102d, which thy requetts, 
fulftiled hath alwaie. 

6 The Lord twill his annointed faue, 
Jknow well by his grace: 

And fend him heaith by his righthand, 
out of bis holie place. 

7 7Inchariots ſome put confidence, 

and ſome in hoꝛſes truſt: 

8 Thep 

8 They fall do vone llat, but We do rife, 
and ſtand bp ſtedkaſtlie: 
Row faue and helpe bs Loꝛd and king, 
onthee when woe do crite. 

Domine in vixtute. Pfal.xxj. T. S. 
¶ Dauid in the perſon of the people pꝛaiſeth Ged for the victozic giuen the againſt the 

Sprians arid Bminonits, t. Darts. rej, Whercin he was crowned With the crowne 
of thebing of Ammon 2. Sam. 12, andindued bith i manifols bicilings of Gods 


— —— — Comet 

1O Loꝛd hovo iopfullisthebing, inthy ſtrength e thy 

Seay — 

power? How behemently Doth he retoice in thee his faz 

—— — ——— == eS 4 

uiour? for thou batt giuẽ ẽvnto him his godly harts de⸗ 

pat — — 

ſire: to him nothing batt p denide, of that he did require. 

3 Thou didlt preuent hint with thy gilts, 

and bleffings manifold : 

And thou halk let vpon his head, 
acrovone of perfect gold. 

4 And when he alked life of thee, 

thereof thou madett him ſure: 

Tohauclong lifepeatuch atte, 

Rip euer poutd endure. 

; * 
— aR 
poe pe es He 
lo > aun 

5 Great 

5 Great ishis gloricby chy helpe, 
thy benefits and aid: : 
Great worhip and great honoꝛ both, 
thou batt vpon him laid. 
6 That woilt giue him felicitie, 
that neuer halldecate : 
And with thy cheerefull countenance, 
wilt comfort hin alwaie. 

7 For wohy? the king Doth ſtrongly truſt, 
in God foꝛto pꝛeuaile: | 
Thereforehis goodneſſe and his grace, 
will not that he ſhall quaile. 
8 But let thine enimies feele thy force, 
| and thofe that thee withſtand: 
Find out chy foes and let them feele, 
‘the power of thy right band. 

9 And like an ouen burne them Lord, 
in kierie llame and kume: 

Thine anger ſhall deſtroythem all, 
and five hall them conſume. 

10 And thou woilt root out of the earth, 
their frute that ſhould increaſe: 

And from the number of thy folke, 
their feed fhallend and ceafe. 

11 F02 Why ? much mitchieke did thep mute, 
againt thy holy name: 

Pet Did they fatle and had no power, 
for to perfoꝛme the fame. 

12 But as amarke thou ſhalt themſee, 

in a moſt openplace: 

And charge thy bowoftrings readily, 
againſt chine enmiesface. — — 
OWN ae ane FA 13 Be 


weet Lee *; thee. — 

om © me © “ — a AA 9⸗ 
13 Be thou exalted Lod therefore, | 
in thy ſtrength eucrie houre : 
So (hall we ſing right ſolemnlie, 
ailing thy might and power. 

Deus Deus meus. Pfal. xxij. T. 8. 

—CVC¶ manutd complaineth of the — extremities, and declareth whereok he 
recvuereth himſelte from temptation, Vnder his perſon is figured Chꝛiſt. 

the tune of 
the xxj. Pl. 

Oe mp God, wherefore Dott thou 5 aes d : 

forfake me btterlp: 
and helpeſt not oben ZF do make, 
my great complaint and crie? 
2 Tothee mp Godeuen allday long, 
do both cricand call: 
Icteale not allthe night, and yet 
thou heareſt not at all. 

2 Euen thou that in thy fanctuaric, 
and holie place doſt dwell: 
Thou art the comfort and tye top, 
and glorie of Iſraell. 

A4And he in whom ourfathersold, 

had all their hope fo2 euer: 
Aud when they put their truſt in thee, 
fo didſt thouthem deliuer. 

5 They were deliuerd euer, when 
they called onthyname: 

And Foz the kaith they had in thee, 
they were not put to ſhame. 

6 But Jam now become a worme, 

moꝛe like than anie man: 

An outcaſt whom the people ſcorne, 
with alt —— they can 

— ie age . 7And 



= 2 

7 And me deſpilſe ag they behold, | 
- mewalkingonthe wap: ꝛ 
They grin, theymo vo they nodtheir heads, 
| and in this wile they fay. 
8 This man did glozie tn the Lord, 
bis fauour and bis loue: : 
Let him redeeme and helpe him now, 
bis power if he will pꝛoue. 

9 But Lord out of my mothers wombe, 
Icame by thy requeſt: 
Thou did preferue me ſtill in hope, 
while J did ſuck hir bꝛeſt. 
10 J was conunitted from my birth, 
with thee to haue abode: 
SinceT was in my mothers wombe, 
thou haſt beene euer my God. 
€ The ſecond part. 
Ir Then Loꝛd depart not now fromme, 
in this my prefent griefe: 
Since J hauenoneto be mphelpe, 
my ſuccour and reltefe. 
12 So many buls do compatle me, 
that be full trong of bead : 
Vea buls fo fat as though thep had, 
in Balan fteld beene fed. 

12 They gape bpon me greedily, : 
as thouch they would me flay: 5 

Much like a lion roaring out, 
and ramping for bis perp. 

14. Hut J drop Doone like water ſhed, 

Gy heart Doth tn my bodte melt, wy 
like waragainttthebeat, | 

Be — Ye 15 And 

* —18* 

& ALLL, AAI) ° 

15 Aud like a pothard drieth my ſtrength, 
my toong It cleaucth fate ) 

Unto my tawes, and J am bꝛought, 
to duſt of death at laſt. 

16 And manie dogs do compafle me, 

| and wicked countfell eke: 

Conlpire again mecurfedly, 
thep pierce my hands and feet. 

17 J was tormented fo, that J 
might all mp bones baue told: 

Pet Kil bpon methey did looke, 
and ſtill they me behold. 

18 Dy garments thep diuided eke, 
in parts among themall: 
and for mp coat they did catt lots, 
to nohom it might befall, 

19 Therefore FJ pray thee be not far 
from meat my great need: *5 
But rather {ith thou art my ſtrength, 
to belpe nie Loꝛd make (peed, i 
20 And from the food 1020 faue my foule, 
by thy might and thy power: 
And keepe mpfoulethydarlingdeare, 
fromDogs that woulddeuour, 

21 And from the lions mouth that would 
me all in ſunder ſhiuer: 
And from the horns of Unicorns, 
Loꝛd ſafely me deliuer. 
22 And J (hallto my bzethzen all, 
thy maieſtie record: 
And in thy church ſhall pꝛaiſe the name, 
oftheethe liuing Lord. Wwe 

Plalme. XX1Je 

(4e Thethirdpart, 
23 All ye tbat fatebim pratte the eon, 
thou Jacob hori: him: 
Ind all ye ſeed of Flraell, 
with reuerence worhip him, 
24 Forhe deſpiſeth not che poore, 
heturneth not awzie: 
His countenance vohen they Do call, 
but granteth to their crie. 

25 Among the flock that fearethe Lor, 
J woill therefore pꝛoclaime: | 

Thy pꝛaiſe and keepe thy pꝛomiſe made, 

| fo2 ſetting foorth thy name. 

26 The poore (hall cat and be {ulfifde, 

and thofe that do their deuer: 

To know the Lord fhall praifehisname, 
their bearts fall liue fo2 euer. 

27 Alicoatts of earth hall praife the Lord, 

Thebeathen folbe ſhall woꝛſhip him, 
before his bleſſed face. 

28 The kingdome ofthe heathen folke, 
the Logd (hall have therefoꝛe: 

And be hall be their gouernoy, 
and king fozeuerinoze.. 

29 Therich men ok his godlie gifts, 
thallfeed and tatt alfo ; 

And in his preferice woꝛſhip hin, 

and bowo their knees fulllow.. . 

30 And all that ſhall go do vone to duff, 

oflife by him muſt taſt: 

Sy feed ſhall ſerue and vera the Eady 
Anbile ante woꝛld hall lat ; | 


31 My ſeed hall plainly Hetoto them, 
_ that halbeboonebereatter: 
His tuttice and his righteouſneſſe, 
and allbis works of Wonder. 

— ae 

Cbs d 
a iin a so a at AR ONE y 

Dominusregit, Pfal. xxiij. VW. W. 

¶ Dauid hauing tried Gods manifold mercies diuerle times » gathercth the 
affurance that God will continuc his goodneſſe fo euer. 

[ee Loꝛd is onlie my ſuppoꝛt, Sing this to 
and be that Doth me feed : $a ign! ‘ 
Pow can FZ then lack anie thing, | i 
‘pobercol Jſtand in need. 
2 He doth me fold in coats moft ſafe, 
the tender grafic kaſt by: 
And akter drziues meto the ftreames, 
which run mot pleaſantly. 

3 And when J feele my felfe neare lof, 
then doth be me home take: 
Conducting me inthe rightpaths, 
enen for bis owone names fake. - 
4. And though J were euen at Deaths dor, 
et would J fearenone tl: 
Foꝛ with thy rod and fhepheards crooke, 
FJ amtozmented ſtill. | 

5 Thou haſt mptable richly deckt, 
in Delpight of my foe: nde dh 
Thou haſt mp head with balme refrefht, 
my cup doth ouerflovo. 
6 And kinally while breath doth laf, 
thygrace ſhall me defends 
Ind in the houſe of God will J, 
mp lile koz euer ſpend. 


An other of the fame, by T. S. 

M DP thepheard isthe lining Lo, 
nothing therefore J need : 

Gu patlures faire with waters calme, 
ye ſets me for to feed. 

2 He did conuert and glad mp foule, 
and brought mp mind infraine: 

To walke in paths of righteouhieffe, 
for bis moſt bolie name, 

3 ea though J walke in bale of Death, 
yet will feare none ill: 

CThyrod, thy ſtaffe, Doth comfort me, 
and thouart with me fil. 

4. And in the pretence of my foes, 
my table thou (alt ſpꝛead: 

Thou halt D Loꝛd fillfullmyp cup, 
7 and eke annoint my bead... 

ʒ Through all my life thy fauour is, 
fo frankly hewdetome: - 
That in thy houſe fog euerimoze, 
| mp Dwelling place ſhall be. 

Domini eft terra, Pfal. xxiiij. I. H. 

¶ The grace of God being now bttered in the temple, moze glorious ther 
befoze inthe Cabernacie, Dauid with exclamation fetteth forth the ho⸗ 
nour thereof, meouing the confideratton of the eternall manſions pꝛepa⸗ 
red in heauen, Mbercof this was a figure. 

THe earth igall the Lords, with all {sau 32 

her ſtoꝛe and furniture: the tune of 
Peadhisisallthe world, andall the =): ph 

that thercindo endure, . — J— 
. ; eee fae ie 


2 riaIme. xxiij. 
Foꝛ he hath faſtly faunded it, 
aboue the ſea to ſtand: 
And laid alow the liquid flouds, 
to flovo beneath the land. 

3 For who ishe(D Lord) thatfhalt, 
afcendintothphill? = | 

2 palſe into thp bolie place, | 
thereto continue till? 

4. whole hands ave harmleſſe,x tohote hart 

no ſpot there doth defile: 

is foule not (et on vanitie, 

who hath not ſwoꝛne to guile. 

5 Him that istuch a one, the Loꝛd 
{hall place tn bliffull plight : 

And God his God and fautour, 
ſhall yeeld tobim bis right. 

6 Thisis the brood of trauelicrs, 
in feeking of his grace: 

As Jacob did the Iſraelite, 
in that time of his race. 

7 Pepritices ope pour gates, and ope 
the euerlatiing gate: 
Foꝛ there hall enter thereby, 
8 wWhat is the king of glorious fate, — 
the trong and mightie Lozd! 
The mightte Loꝛd in battell tout, 
and triallof the ſwoꝛd. 

9 Peprincesope pour gates, and ope 
theeuerlafiinggate: | 

For there Mall enter tn thereby, 

the king of glozious ſtate. 


10 what 


A ere > * 
F eels =, 

b Plaimeé. XXV.. 
10 tobatis the bing of gloxions fate, | 
the Lodofhoaftsitis: ~ Tues uk at 
The kingdome and the rotaltie, s 
of glorious ſtate is bis. ; 43 

Ad te Domine. Pfal. xxv. it 5: 

¶ Dauid grieued at his ſinnes and malicious enimies, moſt teruentlie maieth fo, tox: 
giuencile, etpectallp of fuch as hecomuntttedin — 

1 ern life mite neheart to te my my God and guide D aide moft — 

— — Sas 

grow fuffer me totakeno thame, to inthee do J truſt. 

— ee — SR — 

chp Spe — 

a, mate tot mp foes — aba om of mee: & 

~ Tet them — not vtbe detain, cat — amt in tin thee. : 
3 But hame hal them befal, wohich harm them wꝛõglully: 
Therfore thy paths thy right waies, vnto me Loꝛd deſcry. 
4. Direct me in thytruth, and teach me Ithee praie: " 
Thou art mp God and lauiour, on thee J wait altwate, 
. Thy mercies manifold, J pratethee Lod remember > 
And eke thy pittie plentiful: forthey haue beenc foz ener. 
G6G Kemember not thefauits,andfratiticofmpyouth: 
Remember not bow ignorant, J haue beene ofthe gy ; 

JA rilalme. XXVe. Peery 

7 Hozꝛ after my delerts, let me thy mercic find: ar 
Wut of thine otone benignitie Lord haue nte inthy mind, 

8 His mercie is full ſweet, his truth a perfect guide : 
Therefore the Loꝛd will linners teach,and fuch as go afide. 
9 The humble he voll teach.bis precepts fo2 to keepe: 

He will Direct tn all his waies, the lowly and the mecke. 
10 Foꝛ allthe wates of God, aretruth and mercic both: 

To them that keepe his teſtament , the witneſſe of his troth.. 

@ The fecondpart. | 

11 Now for thy holpname, D Low F thee intreat : , 
To grant me pardon for my fine, for it is wondꝛous great. 
12 Who fo Doth feare tiie Word, the Loꝛd Doth hun Direct ¢ 
Co lead his life in ſuch a way, ashe Doth belt accept. 

12 Hisfoule hall euermoꝛe in goodnefle dwell and ſtand: 
His ſeed and his poſteritie, inherit HalithelandD. =. > 
14 Allthole that feare the 102d, know hisfecretintent: 
And vnto them he doth Declare, his will and teſtament. 

15 Mine eies andeke my heart, to hun F will aduance: 

That pluckt my feet out ofthe fare, offinneandignozance, — 

16 With mercte me behold, to thee make my mone 
— Foz J am poore and defolate, and comfoptlerfe alone. 

x7 The troubles of my heart, are multiplied indeed: 
Bring meoutof this miferte, neceſſitie and need. 
18 Behold my pouertic, mine anguiſh andmy pare: 

Kemit iny fiance mine offence, andimakemecicaneagaine. 

19 O Xord behold my foes; how they Do Hillincreate: 

surtuing me w Deadly hate, that faine would ltuein peace, 

20 Pꝛeſerue and Keepe my foule,and eke Deltuer me : 
And let me not be ouerthꝛo vone, becaute J trult in thee. 

21 Let mp limple pureneffe , me from mine enimiesthends 

Becaule J looke as one of thine that Pihouldmedefend. — 

«22 Deliuer 


: MC. XXV].- * 
22 Deliuer Lord thy kolke, and fend chem foie relieke: $n 
JI meane thy choſen Iſcaell, from all their * and atiete, 


Iudica me Domine. Pfal. xx9. T.S. 

auid iniurionſly oppꝛeſſed, and helpeleſſe pet affured of bis int 
a ele, calleth Gov fo pefen> him cauſeleſſe afflicted. Then hed ante te 
be in the compante of the faithful inthe congregation of dod, when he res 
banithen bp Saule, pzoniting godt life, open praifes , thanklgiuing, and 
. Sacrifice fo2 his deliuerance. 

[_ Ddbemp iudge, and thou thalttee, A a aif 
my paths be right and plaine ; thexiiij.PL 

Itruſt in God and hope that he, 

will ftrength me toremaine. 

2 Prꝛoue memy GodF thee delire, 

my toates Co fearch and trie ; — 

As men do pꝛoue their gold with J———— 
my raines and hart eſpie. are 

2 Thy goodneffe laid before my ptt 

J dur behold alwaies: 

Sor ofthytruth FJ tread thetraces 
and will Do allmy Dates: 

4. FJdonotluttobantozbfe, 
with men whole words are vaine: 

To tome in houſe Jdo refuſe, 
with theDeccitfulltraine. —— 

5 J much abhoꝛre the wicked fort, 
J Do not once to them refort,. int 100 Aa 
that hurtful things deuile. eats 
6 Myhands J wath anddo —3— — 
in Works that walke vpꝛi vet ind * 
CThen to thine altar Jmake 
Lek. Rg ater therein tight. ) 

7 That FT may ſpeake a preach thy aie, : 
“that doth belongto thees: | 
and fo Declare how Toondioustoaies, . 
thou batt beene good to mee. GT OG; 
8 D Lod thy boule Ff loue moſt DEO 
. tomettdothercells: — Tata —* 
FZ haue delight and would beneare, 
whereãs thy grace Doth dwell. 

9 Oſhut not vp my foule with them, 
in linne that tabe their fill: 
Noꝛ vet my life among thofemen,  ~ 
that ſeeke much bloud to ſpill. guile, 
10 Whoſe hands are heapt with craft and 
their lips thereof are ful 
And their right hand with wrench € wile, fi 
for bribes Do pluck andpill, ve cyec inten 
11 But JiurighteoutrelteintenD, = ‘ 
my time and Dates-foferues: — J 
Haue mercie Loꝛd and — GLIG SHG 
fo that J Do not ſwerue. ae ia gehts" O40: 
12 Dy foot is ſtaid fo; all aſſaies/ ey — 
it ſtandeth well and right: at — OOF 
wherefore to God will J giue pratte, Pie —— 
in all the peoples ſight. 
Dominus illumi. Pſal paid sis Wo 

¶ Dauid deliuered from great perils, giveth thanks + wherein we fee his — =e, 
faith againſt the affauits of all enimies,and the end Mbp he defireth to line and to 
be delivered. Then he exhorteth tofatth, and to attend ee the Lerd. 

Teno isboth my health and tight, - G Singthisto 2 4 
lthall man make me diſmaid· — mS 
Sith Goddoth giueme frenath emit, ** 
whyſhould JIbe afraid’ yy hack» 
2 nobile that my foes wb all thetr eength ——— 
begun with me to bꝛaule! ** fe . | 
ais — n pa | 

a | 

FIaIme. XXVij. } 
And thinke to cate me vp at length, 
themfelues haue caught the fall. 
3 Though they in camp againt me riſe, 
my heart is not afraid· 
In battell plight ifthep will tric, 
Itruſt in God for aid. 
4 Due thing of God J do require, 
that he will not dente: 
Foꝛ which Jpꝛay and will defire, 
till he to me applie. 
5 That J within his holie place, 
my lifetheoughout may Dwell: 
To ſeethe beautic of his face, 
and view his temple well. 
6 In time of dread he hallme hide, 
Wwithin his place moſt pure: 
And keepe me kecret byhis ſide, 
as on arock moſt ſure. 

7 Atiength Iknow the Lords good grace 
ſhall make me trong and ſtout: . 
Dy foes to foile and cleane deface, 
thatcompafleme about. 
8 Therefore within thy houle will J, 
giue ſacrifice of pꝛaiſe: 
With plalmes and ſongs J will applie, 
to laud the Loꝛd alwoaies. 
: q The fecond part. 3 
5 Lord heare the boice of my vequett, 
«fox wohich to thee FZ call: 
_ Hauemercie Lod onme oppreſt, 
and fend me helpe withall. 
10 My heart doth knowledge vnto thee, 
ZF fue to haue thy graces | | 
| : Then 



) Palme. XXVUJe 
Ther ſeeke my face laieſt thou tome, 
Low F will ſeeke thy face. 

11 In wath turne not chy ſelle atoay, 1g 
nozfulfer me to lide : 
Thouart my helpe Hill to this day, 
be fill my God and guide. 
12 My parentes boty their ſonne korſooke, 
and caſt me of at large: re 
| And cher the Lod tooke 
of methe cure and charge. 

13 Teach meD God the way to thee, 
and lead meon forth right : 

01 feave offuch as watch for me, 
totrapmeifthepmight. . 

14. Bo not betake me to the will, 

Forthey ſurmiſe agaynſt me ſtill, 

.  falfe witneſſe to depoſe. 

15 My hart wonldfaint, butthatime 
~ this hope ts fired fatt: : 
The Low Gods good grace ſhall it ſee, 
inmn like that ate ſhall lat. 
16 Truſt il in God whoſe whole thou art, 
his toll abide thou mull: 
And he ſhall cale and firength thy heart, 
if thou in him do truſt. | 

Ad te Domine. Pfal, xxviij. T. S. 
¶ Being in keare and penſiueneſſe to fee God diſhonored by Wicked men, be 

crieti for vengeance againſt them, and being allured that God hath heard 
him, he comniendeth all the kaithkull to bis tuition, 

Hon art O Loxd my trength and tap, Seats at | 
theſuccour which Jcraue: espe 6 
— Neglect 

| Meglect me not leat J be like, 
tothem that go to graue. 
2 The voice of thy fuppltant heare, 
that bnto thee Doth crie: 
When F liftbp my hands bnto 
thy bolp arbe moſt hie. 

3 Reputeme not among the loge, 
of wicked and peruert : 

That ſpeake right faire vnto their friends; 
and thinkefulltllinhbeart. - 

4 According to their bandte worke, — 

And after their inuentions, 
, let them receiue theiv meed. 

5 Forthey regard ret Ne Gods Works, 
vis law, nepethisloe: 

Therefore he will them and their feed, 

| Deltr ote for euermoze. 

6 To render thanks vnto the Low, 

voto great a caule haue : 

My voice, my prater, and my complaint, 
that heard fo willingly? 

7 He is my ſhield andfortitude, 

my buckler in diſtreſſe: 

Myhope, my health, my hearts reliefe, 
my fong hall him confeffe. 

8 He is our ſtrength and our defence, 
our enmies to refit : 

The health and the faluation, 
ofbiseclectby Chit, 

> Thy peopleand thine heritage, 
| Aw blefle, guide and preferue > 

Fucreate chem Lord and cule their hearts, 
that they may neuer lwerue. 

Afferte Domino. Pfal.xxix. T. S. 

¶ Danid exhorteth princes ( who fo2 the moft part thinke there is no God ) at teak 
to feare him Foz the thunders and tempelts, for cave whereof all creatures tremble . 
Bud albeit tt theeatneth Gnners, pet tt moueth his to praifehis name. 

G3 uc to the Lod pee otentates, Singthisto}> ) 
yerulers ofthe world: ; ts tune — — 
‘Give peal pratfe, honour, and ſtreugth, SF 
vntothe living A020. , 
2 Giue honor to his holpname, 
and honoz him alone: 
Woꝛlhip him in his matettte, 
within bis holp theone. 

2 His boice Doth rule the waters all, 
ceuen as himlelke doth pleate: 
He doth pꝛepare the thunderclaps, 
and gouerns all the leas. 
4. Theboiceof Godis of great force , 
and wondzous excellent ; 
Ft is mot mightie in effect, 
and moft magtificent. 

5 The boice of God doth rent andbyeabe, 
the Cedar trees fo long: 

The Cedar trees of Libanus, 
which ave moſt high and frong. | 

6 And makes them leap like asa Calfe, a 
oꝛ elſe the Unicoꝛn : Eee 

Sot onlie trees but mountaines great, 

: whereon the trees are bog. 

7 His doice denides the flames of fire, 
and ſhakes the wilderneſſe: 


8It makes the Befert quake for fearc, 
that called is Cades. 
9 Ft makesthe Hindes foꝛ feare to calue, 
and makes the couert plaine: 
Then in his temple eucrieman, 
his glozte Doth pꝛoclaime. 

10 The Low was let aboue the flouds, 
tuling the raging fea: 

So hhallberaigneas Lod and bing, 
fozeucr and foꝛ ate. | 

rr The Loꝛd twill gine his people power, 
in bertue to increaſe: 

Whe Lozd will bleſſe his choſen kolke, 
with euerlatting peace. : 

Exalrabo teDomine. Pfal. xxx. I. H. 

¶ when Dauid ſhould dedicate his houſe tothe Loꝛd, he fell extreme ſicke without 
all hope of life, and therefoze after recoueric, he thanked God, erhosting others to he 
the like, andtolearne bp him that God ts rather merciful than feucre towards bis, 
— that adnerfitic is ſudden. ‘Chen he peateth, and promtfeth to pzaife Gon fo; 

S—— sae ee oe 

— — — — — — — — 

I Ali laud praiſe with heart a voice, D Lord J giueto 

Sea ee 

thee: which didſt not mast my foeateioice but batt exal⸗ 

(= — 


“ted Ite, 2. © > show my np God to thee J ri all mp on 

Egriele: Thougauch an eare; and Dibtprouibe to cae 

of = Se —— 
me with relicfe. 

3 Okthy good willthou haſt cald backe 
—- mploulefrombelitofaue: set 
Thou did reuiue vohen ſtrength did lacke, 
andkeptinefromtyegraue. ei 
4 Sing pratfe pefaints, that prooue and we. 
the goodneſſe of the Loyd: dae 
In memorie of his matettie, 
retoice with one accord. 

5 For why hiss anger but apace | 

.., Doth laff,and ſſacke againe: 
But in bis fauour and his grace, 

alvwaies Doth liferemaine. - 

| Though gripes of areefe <pangsfultore, 

| fhaltlodge with bs all —— 
The Low to toy hall vs reſtoꝛe, 

before the Day be light. 

6 woken J inioid the wood at twill, 

thus would J boafkandfap: 
Tulh, J am Curetofeelenone ill, | 

this wealth ſhall not decay. 
7 Forthou,D Lorwd,ofthy good grace, 
hadſtlent me ſtrengthand aid: 
But vohen thou turndſt way thy face, 
: a sm ino 

— — 

: IaIme. XXX] » © 

8 —— againe pet did Icrie 
tothee,D Loꝛd of might: 

My God with plaints Jd applie, 
aud praid both Day and night. 

9 wWhat gaine is in my blood {ald J, 
if Death Deftroie my Dates : 

oth Dutt declare thy maiettic, 
oꝛ pet thy truth Doth praile Z 

1o Wherekoꝛe my God fome pitie take, 
D Low Jtheedefires 
Do not this ſimple ſoule foꝛſake, 
ofhelpe Z thee require. | 
11 Then didũ thouturne mp greefe and wo 
. into achearefull voice: 
The mourning weed thou tookſt me fro, 
and madſt me to reiotce. . 

12 naberefore mp foule vnceſſantlie, 
ſhall fing vnto thy praiſe: 

My Loꝛd mp thee will J 
giue laud and thanks alwates. 

Inte Domine fperaui. Pfal.xxxj. I. H. 

¶ Dauid detinered from great danger, fhetweth firſt what meditation he had 
by the power of faith, when Death was before his cies.and how the fauour 
of God alwaies to redie to thofe that feare him, He exhozteth the faithfull 
to trut in God becauſe he preferucth him, 

the tune of 

CE 10dF puemy truttin thee, Sing thiste fas 
letnothing woꝛke me ſhame: ———— 

Asthouarttudeliuerme, | 
‘ andfetmequitefromblame, “ 
2 Heare me,D Lo2d,andthatanon, ach tha the 
fo ee inc mabe Good ſpeed: 

C5 | 

Gi. OBE 

O4 rrlalme. XXX] e | 
Be thou my rocke and houteof fone, 
mpfence intime ofneedD. = 
3 F03 whie? ag ſtones thy ftrength istride, , 
tthou art my fort and tower: 
Fox thy names fake be thou my guide, ate 
and lead ine in thp power. é 
4 Plucke forth my feet out of the {nare, 
which they kor me haue laid |. 
Thou art my ſtrength, and all my care 
is korthy might and aid. re 

5 Juto thy hands Lod FJ commit 
my ſpirit which isthy due : 
For why: thou haſt redeemedit, 
D Loꝛd my God mot true. 
6 Jhate fc fotke as will not part: 
fromthingsto be abhoꝛd = 
when they on trifles fet their bart, 
mptrult is in the Lod. 
7 ForFZwillinthpmercietoy, 
Thouleett when ought would me antiop, 
and knoweſt my foule full well. 
8 Thou haſt not left me in their hand 
that would me ouercharge: 
But thou haſt {et me out of band, 
to walke abꝛode at lorge. 
q The fecond part. 

9 Great greeke D Loꝛd Doth me affale 
fomepiticonmetake: = 

Mine cies wax Dim, mp fight Doth faile, 
my wombe fo2 wo Doth ake. 

10 Dy life is voorne with qriefe and paine, 
——— wo arepaſt: 


Myſtrength isgone,etyzough bitoaine, 
mypybones coꝛrupt and waſt. 
1r Among my foes Jam a ſcorne. 

3 my friends are all diſmaid: 
My netahbors and my kinſmen bore, 
to ſee meare afraid. 
12 As men once dead are out of mind, 
ſo am Inow forgot: 

As (mall effect in me thep find, 
asin a broken pot. 

3 J heard the brags ofallthe rone, 
theirthzeats my mind did fray 

Hoo they confpird and went about, 

to take my life away. 

14 But Low J trutt in thee for aid, 
not to be ouertrod : 

for J confeile and ſtill haue aid, 
thouartmyp Loꝛd and God. 

15 Thelength ofall my life and age, 
D Lo2dis tn thy hand: 

Defend me fromthe wrath andrage, 

of them that me withſtand. 

16 Tomethy leruant Lord erpreffe, 

: andfhewthytoyfullfaces 

And faue me Loꝛd fo2 thy goodneſſe, 

thy mercte and thy grace. 
qThethird part, 

17 Loꝛd let me not be put to blame, | 
| for that onthee Icall 
But let the wicked beare their lhame, 
and inthe graue to fall. 

18 D how great good hattthouin ſtore, ay 

Jad bptuil ——— 


=. + * 
@ bat » s 
» . 1 
eae * 
ele ee Os : 

386 Pſalme. xxxij. | 
Thatfeare and truſt intheetherefore, 
before the ſonnes of men. 

19 Thy prelerice (hall them Fence and guide 
from all proud brags and voꝛongs: 
within thy place thou ſhalt them hide, 
krom all the ſtrike ok tongs. 
20 Thanksto the Lod that bath declard 
onmebigaracefofarre: : 
Meto defend with watch and ward, 
asin atovone of barre. 
21 Thusdid F lay both Day and night, 
when J was fore oppꝛeſt: 
0,9 was cleane catt out of fight, 
pet heardſt thou my requett. 
22 jac faints loue ye the Lord J fay, 
the faithfull be Doth guide: 
And to the proud he will repay, 
accowding to their pride. J 
23 %e {trong and God thal fay pour heart J 
be bold and haue a luſt: 
Foꝛ {ure the Loꝛd will take pout part, 
fith pe on him do truſt. 

Beati quorum. Pfal. xxxij, — 

¶ Dauid puniſhed with grievous ſickneſſe Foz his finnes, counteth them happit 
to Soho God doth not impute their tranfaretlions. And after that he had con> ; 
fetted bis unnes, andobteincd pardow , be exhozteth the wicked men to line J 
godiy, and the good to reioice. ams: 7 
He manis bleſt, whoſe wicke dneſſe — § Singthisto 2 
4 ‘the Loꝛd hath cleane remitted: — 
And he whole linne and wꝛetchedneſſe, P 
ishidandalfocoucred. | 
2 Ind bleſt is heʒ to whom the Loꝛd 
imputeth not his ſinne: 

— 2b lene — 
"She ye” ge SR eer > eee * 

no hich 

Plalme. xxxij. | es aN 
which in his heart hath bid no guile, BB La 

3 For wohilſt that J kept clofe my finne, 
in filence and conſtraint: 

My bones Did weare and waft away, 
with daily mone and plaint. 

4. Foꝛ night and daythy hand on me, 

ſo grieuous was and ſmart: 

That all my bloud and humozs moi, 
to Deineffe did conuert. 

5 J did therefore confelle my fault, 
aannd all mp finnes diſcouer: 
Chen thou ,D Loꝛd, did me forgtue, 1 
andallmypfinnespaffeoucr. rite 

6 The humble man hall pray therefore, 5397 
and feeke thee in Due time : aa 

So that the flouds of waters great, ; 
ſhall haue no power on him. 

7 When trouble and aduerfitic 
Do compaſſe me about ¢ 
Thou art my refuge and mp toy, WN 
and thou dott rid me out. A ae 
§ Come hether and J Mhallthee teach gra 
bow thou Mould walke aright: BY ioe 
And will thee guide as ‘FZ mp felfe, ‘et 
haue learnd by proofe andfight. teen 

9 Benotforudeandignorzant, ey aed 
asis the hoꝛſe andDmules eg 
wWhoſe mouth without a raine o2 bit, ae 
frombarme thou cant notrule. has 
10 Th? wickeDinanfhallmanifold, = 
ſoꝛrowoes and grieke ſuſtaine: 

ig 3 

88 Plalme. xxxilj. 
But Onto him chat truſts in God, 
his goodneſſe ſhall remaine. 
11 Be merrie therefore inthe Loo, 
ve iuſt lift vp your boite: 
And yeot pure and perfect hart, * 
be glad and eke reioice. — | 

Exultate iuſti. Pfal. xxxiij. I. H. 
¶ Be erhorteth gad men topzaife God for creating and gouerning ali things, 

fo2 his faithfuũ ppomifes, fo2 fcattering the councell of the wicked, teaching 
that no creature prefcructh anie man, but onliebis mercie. 

ye righteous tn the Lo2d reioice, b 533 | } 
itisafeemelpfight: ei REG? 
That bpright men with thankful botce, : 
fhould pꝛaiſe the God of might. : 
2 Pratle ye the Lod with harp andfong, 
inpfalmesand pleafantthings: - 
With lute and inffrumentamong, 
that foundeth voith ten ſtrings. 

3 Sing tothe 1020 a fong moſt new, ~ © 
with courage giuchimpraifes — q 
4 Foꝛ Why ? his woꝛd is euer true, a 
bis works and all his waies. 
5 Totudgement,cquitte, and right, — 
he hath a great good voll: 
And with his gifts he Doth delight, 
the earth thꝛoughout to fill. 

6 Foꝛ bythe woꝛd of God alone, —1 
the heauens all were wꝛought: S| 
Their hotts and powers euerie chor, | | 
His beeath to paſſe bath brought. 
7 The waters great gathered hath he, 
on heapes withinthe ſhoꝛze: ben 
— 4nd. 

_  Plalme, xxxtys: x |: 89 
And hidtheminthedepthtobe, -.. — 
asin ahouſe of fore. 

8 All men on earth both leaſt and moſt, 
feare God and keepe bis lato: 

Pe that inhabit in ech coat, 
dread Him and and naw. 

9 What he commanded tought it was, 
atonce with prefent (peed: 

what he doth will is brought to pafle, 
with full effect in Deed. 

10 Thecouncels of the nations rude, 
the Lo2d doth bring to nought: 

He doth defeat the multitude, 
oftheir deuiſe and thought. 

1I But hisdecrees continue ill, 
thep neuer flacke oꝛ ſwage: 

The motions of hts mind and will, 
take place in euerie age. 

@ The fecond part. 

12 Bnd bleLave they totohom the Loy, 
83 God and guid ts knotone: 

wohom be Doth chule of meere accord, 

13 The Lord from heauen ca his ſight, 

on men moꝛtall by birth: 

14. Conlidering from his feat of might, 

15 The Low J fay whoſe hand hath voꝛought 
mans heart, anddothitframes == 
Forhe alonedoth know the thoughe, 
aD working of the fame. — 
16 A king that truſteth in his hoaſt, thal a 

90. Pfalme. xxxiij. 
fhallnaught preuaileatiengty: 

The man that of his might doth boat, 
{hall fale foz all his ſtrength. 

17 The troupes of horlemencke fhall kaile, 

their ſturdie ſteedes ſhall ſterue: 
Che ſtrength ofhozle hall not pzeuaile, 

the rider to preferue. bef 
18 But lo,the cies of God intend, 

and watch to aid the tut: 

With luch as keare him to offend, 

and on bis goodneſſe trutt. : 

19 That he of Death and all diſtreſſe, 
mayſet their ſoule from dꝛeed: 
And if that Dearth the land opprefic, 
_inbungerthemtofeed. — 
20 wherekoꝛe our ſoules do ſtill depend, 
on God our ſtrength and ſtay: 
He is the ſhield bs to defend, 
and Driucall Darts away. 

21 Our ſoule in God haue toy andgame, 
reioicing in his might: 
For wyhy? in his moſt holie name 
we hope and much delight. 
22 Therefore let thy goodnefie,D W020, , 
{till peefentwithosbees J 
As we alwaies withone accord, — 
do only truſt in thee. | 

Benedicam Domi. Pfal. Xxx}. T. 8 

¶ Dauid hauing elcaped Achis (1x. Sam.2i.) pꝛailed God for his deliuerance. 
giuing other example to truft in God , tofcare and ſerue him, who dekendeth 
the godlp Switl) his angels, and btterip deltroieth the wicked in their liinnes. 

= * co 5 s- ~ .*. 
& i le ots, BS b . 
ht pees Sie 
etic ten "Se > 
* ie. 

PialiMme. XXXUMYeo 2 

Iwill giue laud and honour both, Sing this 2 
—  “ Hnto the Loꝛd alwaies: a —7 Pd | 

And ee my mouth for euerimoze, 
fall {peake vnto his pzaiſe. 

2 J do delight to laud the Low, 
infoule and eke in boice : 
That humble men and moztified, 
map heave and fo vetoice. 

3 Therefore fee that you magnifie, 

waith me theliuing Horw:. 

And let bs tote evalt his name, 

together with one acco2d. 

4Foꝛ FZ my lelfe befought the Loꝛd, 
he anſwered me againe: 

And me let freeincontinent, — 
from all my feare and paine. 

5 Who fo they bethat him behold, pas | 
ſhall ſee his light moſt cleare/· 

Their countenance ſhall not be daſht, 

they need it not to feare. 

6 This ſillie tozetch koꝛ fome reltefe, 

Dito the Loꝛd did call: 

woho Did him heave without delay, 
and rid Him out of thzatl. 

7 The angell of the Lod doth pitch, 
histents ineuerte place: | 
To ſaue all fuch as feare the Lord, | 
_ thatnothingthembeface. — 
8 Talt and conlider welltherefore, Pree 
that God is good and iuſt: — 
O happie man that maketh hint, | —— 
bis onlp (rate and truſt. 

92  __ Pfalme. xxxinj. 
9 Fearepethe Loꝛd ye holicones, 
aboucallearthipthing: = 
Foꝛ they that feare the liuing Lord, 
are {ure to lacke nothing: 
10 ThHelions hall be hungerbie , 
and pinde with famine much: 
Sut as for them that feare the L020, 
nolacke ſhall be to fuch. 
| @ The fecond part. 
11 Come tiearetherefore mychildren deare, 
and Co my woꝛds giue care: 
F hall pou teach the perfect way, 
how pouthe 1020 fhould feare. 
12 Who is that man that would liue long, 
and lead a bleffen itfe ? | 
12 Sec thourefraine thy tong and lips, 
from all Deceit and ſtrike. 

14, Turne backe thy face from Doing tll, 
and Do the godly Deed: 

Inquire for peace and quietneſſe, 
and follow tt with (peed. 

15 Foꝛ wohy / the eies of God aboue, 

vvpon the iutt are bent: —— 

His eares like wiſe do heare the plaint, 

of the pooꝛe innocent. | 

16 But hedoth frotone ebend his bꝛowes, 
pponthe wicked traine: 

And cuůt away the memoꝛie, 
that ould okthem remaine 
17 But wyen the iult doth call and crie, 
the Lod doth heare them ſo: 

at out of paine and miſerie, 

boꝛthwith be letsthem go. 


riaime. XXXV. ot anes 
18 cheLovdishind and ftraight at band, , 

to fuch as be contrite: 
He faves alfo the ſorro vofull, 

the meeke and pooze in ſprite. 
19 Full many-be the mifertes, 

that righteous men Do ſuffer: 
‘Butoutofalladuerfities, = 

the Lo2d Doth thein Deliuer. 

20 The Lord doth fo preferue and keepe, 
his verie bones alwap: 
That not fo much as one of them, 
Doth periſh oz Decay. . 
21 Thefirine hhalifleathe wicked man, 
3 which he himſelfe hath nought 
And ſuch ashate the righteous man, 
‘fhallfoone be brought to nought. 

22 But thepthatferue the liuing Lod, 
the Lod doth ſaue themſound: 

Bnd woho that puts their trukinhim, 
nothing {hall them confound. 

Iudica Domine. Pfal. xxxv. I. H. 

Saules flatterers perſecuted Dautd. who pꝛaieth for revenge, that his imo: 
cencie inate be Declared , and that fuchas take bis part map refoice , Foz 
which he promifeth to imagnifie Gods name all the dates of his lite. 

[| 2” plead mp caule againt my foes, pines as re 

confound their force and might ; per ree Aes 
Fight on my part —— allthoſe, J 
. that feeke with me to fight. 

2 Dap hand bpon thyſpeare and ſhield, 
thy ſelle in armour dꝛeſſee 
Stand bp for me and fight thefield, 

to helpe me front diſtreſſe. 

flame. XXXVe 

94 : — 
3 Sind ontptwoor, ano topthetoap —J 

mine enmies to withſtand: 

That thou vnto my foule maiſt ſay, 
io, J thy belpe at hand. 

4. Confound * with rebuke and blame, 
that ſeeke my ſoule to ſpill: 

Let them turne backe and ite with ſhame, 
that thinke to worꝛke me il. 

5 Let them diſperſe and flie abzode, 
as wind doth driue the duſt: 

And that the angell of our God, 
their might away may thꝛuſt. 

6 Let all thetr waies be void of light, | 
and flipperte like to fall: 

And ſend chine angeil, with thy — 
to perſecute them all. 

7 Foꝛ vohy: without my ieee 
infecvet fet their grins | 

And for no cauſe haue digdacaue, 
totake mpfoule therein. 

8 when they thinkeleatt and haue no care, 
O Loꝛd deſtroythem all: 

Letthem be trapt in theit owne fare, | 
andin thet miſchiekekall. 

9 And let my ſoule, my hart and voice, 
in God haue ioy and wealth: 

That in the Lord Jmavreioice, 
and in bis fauing health. 

10 And thenmyp bones fhallfpeake and fay, 
my parts (hall all agree: 

D Loꝛd though they do feeme full gay, 
~~" man is like tothee? < 

q The fecond part. 

11 Thou didſt Defend che *— eri i 
that ave boty ffout and ftrong : 

And rid the pooze from wicked men, — 
thatfpotleand do them tong, 

12 Dypcrucil foes againmerife, 
to witneſſe things bitrue: 

And to accule me they deuiſe 
ofthat Jneuer knewo. 

13 Where Itothem Do ot good will, 
they quit me with diſdaine: 
That they hould pay my good with til, 
| my foule Doth fore complaine. 
14 Whenthey werelickhe J mound therefore, 
and clad my felfe infacke: 
With faking J did faint full fore, 
to pꝛay Jwas not flacke. | 

15 Asthey had beene mp bꝛethꝛen deare, 
J did myſelfe behaue: K 
As one that maketh wofull cheare, S18 20) 
about his mothers graue. 
16 But they at my difeale Did toy, 
anDdgatheronarout; = 
Vea abiect flaucsatmedidtop, = = 
with mocks and checks full ftout, 

17 Thebelly gods and Hatteringtraine, 
_ that all good things deride: . 
At medo grin with great diſdaine, 
and plucke their mouth alide 
18 Lod, when wilt thou amendthis grant, 
why Doct thou fay and pauſe? 
O vid my foule, mine only deare, i} oS: — 
vk eS apa a 11 1 sas Ss 
19 Bnd 

19 And chen7 will giue thanks to * 
before the church alwaies: 
And whereas moſt of people be, 
there will Jſhew thypꝛaile. 
20 Let not my foes pꝛeuaile on me, 
which hate me korno fault: 
Noꝛ vet to winke op turne their ete, 
that caufleffe me aſſault. 

44 The third part. 

21 ‘of peace no woꝛd thep thinke or fay, 
They till conſult and would betrap 
all thofe that peace inſue. 
22 With open mouth they run atme, 
they gape,they laugh.they flive: 
Well, voell,fay they, our ete Doth {ee 
the thing that we deſire. 

23 But Lozd thouſeeſt what wates they _ 
ceaſe not this geare to mendes: 

Be not far off,n02 me fogfabe, 1) 
as men that fatle their frend. 

24 Awase, arile, and tir abꝛode, 
Defend me in myright: Ott! 

Reuengemy caule mp Lod my od; 7 
and ald ine with thy might. 

25 According to thyrighteouſneile, 
inp Lord God ſet me free: 

And let not them —— 

noztriumph ouer me· —V—— 
26 Let not their arts veiofceand ctie, NIU: FMD 
there,there,this geavegoeth — 02 dyad Gea 
$202 giue them caule to faponbigh; fac) eens chi 
—— eet anes 

27 — 

SST aloes —— 

27 Contdund them with rebuke and hame, 
that toy when FJ Domourne: 
And pay them home vith fpite and blame, 
that brag at me voith ſcoꝛne. 
28 Let them be gladand eke reidice, 
which loue mine bpright boap: 
And they all times with hart and voice 
; fhall praife the Loꝛd, and fap. 

29 Great is the Lod and doth excell, 
foz toby 2 hedoth delight | 
To fee hisleruants pꝛoſper well, 
that ishis pleatant tight. 
30 Wheretore mp toong J will applie 
thyrighteouſneſſe to paiſe: 
into the Loꝛd my God, will I 
‘fing laud and thanks alwaies. 

Dixit iniuftus. Pfal,xxxvj. I.H. 

€ Poebvesn by these, compantt ete mee ut cont i 
thereof he is comforted and aſſured of bis Deliverance. 
Te — with bis roe ry sings * fy 
oth thus perfuade bis hart: * 
That ofthe Loꝛd he hath no truſt, sar 
bis feare is fet apart. 7 
2 Petdoth he iopin his eſtate 
to walke as he began: 
So long till he deſerue the bate 
of God and ckeofiman. 

3 his woꝛdes are michen,tileand naught, 

higstoong notruth doth tells 
Pet at nohand will be be taught — 
—. be may Do toell. ade) 0 

Bf. 4. When 

4 Mhen he Soul Seep then Doth hemnut, iN 
his miſchiekto fulfill: = : 
M0 Wicked wayes Doth he refute, | 
noznothpngthatisul.. in ied 

5 But Low, thy gooduettedacyatend = IK 
aboue the heauens hye: | 
So doth thytruchittelfeertend 
vnto the cloudyfkype. 
6 Much moꝛe * pilsto high and eng, 
thy tuftice ts expꝛeſt: | 
Thy udgements like to leas motkneepe, 
thou fauct both man and bea. 

7 Thy mercy is aboue allthynges 
O God, it doth excell: sie 

In truſt voberof asin thy winges, 
thefonnesofimenthall dwell. 

8 Within thy houle they thalbefed, . 
with plentie at their will: 

Mfall delight they ſhalbe ſped, 
and taketherof thet fill... 

9 Sop toby the wellol lifefopure > 
Doth onerflow from thee: | 
And in thy light we are full ure 
the latting light to fee. 
10 From{uch astheeDefireto unow, 
let not thy grace depart: 
Thy vighteoutnesle declare and how 
to men of vpꝛight bart. 

11 Let not the proved on me peuaile,, 
D Loꝛd.ofthy good grace; 

$202 let the wicked me affatie, 
tothꝛow meout ofplace, = > 
—— eG 12 But 


2 But they in their deutfe fhallfall, 
that wicked voorks matntatne 

They (hall be ouerthꝛowne withall, 
and neuer rile againe. 

Noli æmulari. Pfal. xxxvij. VV. W. 

¶ Becauſe the gonip ſhould not be Daunted tolee Wicked men profper , David 
fhewerth that all things hall be granted euen With hearts dehre to them that 
foue sen God ; but the Wicked albeit thep flourith fopatime, Hall at 

(Budge not to fee the wicked ment —— 
in wealth to llouriſh ſtill: the xx1v pf 
Noꝛ vet enuie ſuch, as to ill 
haue bent and ſet their will. 
2 Foꝛ as greene graſſe a fſouriſhing hearbs 
are cut and wither away: 
So {hall their great poſteritie 
foone paſſe, fade and Decay. 

3 Truſt thoutherefore in God alone, 
2 todo well giue thy mind: 

So halt thou haue the land as thine, 

and therefure food ſhalt find. 

4. Jn God {et all chy harts delight, 
and looke what thou wouldſt haue, 
Oꝛelſe canſt wiſh in all the woꝛſd, 
thou needſt it not to craue. 

5 Caſt both thyſelfe and thine affairs 
on God, withperfecttrut: — 
And thou ſhalt ſee with patience, 
theffect both ſure and iuſt. 
6 Theperkect life and godlyname 
he will cleare as the lihhtt: 
So that the ſunne euen at uoonedates, 
hall not thine halke fo bꝛight. 
9 by. : : | Be 


Too Plalme.xxxvjJ. 
7 Be lſtilltherekoꝛe, and tedfattlie 
on God ſee thou watt then: 
Not ſhrinking forthe pꝛoſperous ſtate 
of lewod and wicked men. 
8 Shake off deſpight, enuie and hate, 
at leaſt in any wiſe 
Their wicked eps auoid and fie, 
and follow not their guile. 
9 Foꝛ euery wicked man will God 
Deftrop,both moze and leſſe: 
‘But fuch as trutt in him, are lure 
the land foꝛ to poffefie. 
1o Match but a vobile, and thou ſhalt ſee 
no mozethe wicked trate: 
#20 not fo much as houſe o2 place, 
where once he DID remaine. 

¶ The fecond part. 

11 But mercifull and humble men 
inioy Hallfeaandland: 
Fu reſt and peace they (hall retotce, 
for naught ſhall chem withſtand. 
12 The lewd men and malicious 
againt the iuſt conſpire: 
They gnalh their teeth athin, as men 
Wwbcich do his bane delire. 
13 But wohile that lewod men thus do thinke, 
the Loꝛd laughs them to ſcorne: 
For vohy: be fecth thetr terme approch, 
wohen they hall figh and mourne. 
14. The wicked haue their ſwoord out atone, 
their bov eke haue they bent, 
To ouerthꝛow and kill the poore, 
as thep the right way went. ~ 
ay ¥ 

15 But 

et —— a ee —— 

Plalme. xxxviy. | 
15 But the fame ſwoꝛd Hail pearce their harts, 
wohich was to bul the tut : 
Likewile theboww fhall breake to ſhiuers, 
wherein they put their truſt. 
16 Doubtleſſe the iuſt mans poore eftate, 
is better agreatDeale more: 
Than all thefe levod and woꝛldlie mens 
rich pompe and heaped ſtore. 
17 F02 be their potoer neuer fo trong, 
, God twill tt onerthzoLo : 
Where contrarie be Doth prelerue 
the humble inenand low. 
18 Heleeth by his great prouidence, 
the good mens trade and way: 
And will giuethem inheritance, 
wohich neuer fhall decay. 
19 They hhallnot be difcouraged, 
when fomeare hard beſted: 
When other fhalibe bungerbit; - 
they hallbecladand fed. 
20 Foꝛ whoſoeuer wicked is, 
and enmie to the Lo20: | | 
Shall quaile, yea melteuen as lambs greate, 
02 finoke that flies abꝛode. 

The third part. 

21 Behold the wicked borroweth much, 
and neuer pateth againe: 

wWhereas the iult by itberall gifts, 

| inakes mante glad and faine. 

22 Forthey whome God doth bleſſe ſhall haue 

theland forheritage: 

Aud they vohome he Doth curſſe likewile, 

ſhall periſh in his rage. 


102 Pſalme. xxviij. 
23 The Lord the iuſt mans cauſe doth guide, hh 
and giues him good fuccefie: 
To cucrypthing he tabes in hand, 
he fendeth good addzefie. 
24. Though that he fall vet ts he lure, 
not btterlpy to quaile: 
Becaulc the 102d ſtretches out nig —* 
at need, and Doth notfatle. 

25 J haue beene poong anid note am old, | 
pet neuer Did F fee 

The tuft man left,no2 pet his feed 
to beg for miſerie. 

26 But giues alwaies moſt liberaltic, : 

andiendstohercagignecd:. =. 

His childꝛen and poferitic 
receiue of God their meed. 

27 Flie vice therefore and ticheDnet , 
and bertueDotinbraces us 
So God fhall grant thee long to haue i 
onearth a dwelling place. US 
28 Foꝛ God foloucth equitic, 
and ſhewesto hisfuch grace <: - 
That he pꝛeſerues them euermoꝛe, 
but ſtroies the wicked race. 

29 Whereas the good and godly men, 
inberit (hall the land: | 
Hauing as lords all things therett, 
in their owne power and hand. 
20 The iuſt mans mouth doth euer (peake,. 
ofmatters vole and hie: ie 
His toong doth talke andendifie,. 
ion truth and ae. 

31 fae. « 

Plalme. XXXVYe 103 
31 Foꝛ in his hart, the law of God | 
his Loꝛd Doth ſtill abide: 
So that where ere he go oz walke, 
his koot can neuer fide, 
32 The wicked like a rauening wooolke, 
the iuſt man Doth beſet: 
By all means ſeeking him to kill, 
fhe fall in his net. 

¶ The fourth part. 

33 Though be ſhould fallinto hishands, 
pet God wouldfuccourfend: _ 
Though men again himfentence giue, 

God willhim yet defend, 
34. Malt thouon God and beepe his way, 
heſhallpzeſerue thee then, 

The earth to rule, and thou ſhalt ſee 
deſtroid theſe wicked men. 

35 The Wicked haue Jleene mot ſtrong, 
and placed in high degree: 
Floziſhing in all wealth and ſtore, 
as doth thelatozelitree. = 

36 But ſuddenlyhepaſt away, 
andlo he was quite gone: 

Then J him fought, but could {earcefind : 
the place where dwelt {uch one... 

37 Marke and behold the perfect matt, 
how God doth him increale: 

Foꝛ the iuſt man hall haucatiengty, =. 
great top with ret and peace. se 

3 38 Asfortran(gveflors,wotothem, - 

Deftrowtheyfhallailbe:  -. 2... 
God votlicut of their buddingracc, 
39 But 


98 Pſalme. xxxviij. 

29 But the laluation of the iuſt, 
Doth come from God aboue: 

soho intheir tvoublefends them aid, 
ofhis meere grace and loue. 

40 God doth them belpefaue and deliuer 
from levod men and vniuſt: 

And fill will faue them, whilſt that cher 
in him do put their truſt. 

Domine ne in furore. Pſal.xxxviij. J. H. 

¶ Dauid ſicke of ſome grecuous —— himfclfe to be challiked 
of the Loꝛd for bis finnes ; and thercfoze pꝛaieth God toturne away bis 
wrath, but in the end With firme confidence and penn ng his cauſe puto 
od, hopeth Foz tpcedte helpe at his hand. 

P Uit me not to rebuke (O Loꝛd) i this oe 
tn thy pꝛouoked ire: tbe * 
Ne in thy heauie wzath ( O Lord), 
correct ne J deſire. 

2 Thine arrowes do ſticke kaſt in me, 
thy hand Doth preffe me fore: | 
And in my lleſh nohealthatall, 
appeareth anie woꝛꝛ. 

3 And all thisisby reafon of, 
thy meath that Jam in · 

Noꝛ anie reſt is in my bones. 
byreafonof myſin. —V 

4 Forlo,mp wicked doings Low, ain 

aboue my head are gone: 

A greater lode than Jcan beare. 
they lap me ſoꝛe vpon. Guissioa die 

5 My wounds ſtinkẽ and ate feltved 10,” 
wWhich ali through mine ovone footigynette, — 
betideth onto mee, ian Onis 

ee i 

. 7 — y — 

Pſalme. xxxviij. ——— 
6 And Ji int carefull wiſe am brought, sete 
in trouble and diſtreſſe: 
That FJ go wailing all the date, 
my dolefull heauineſſe. 

. 7 My loins are kild with fore difeate, 
my flelh bath no vobole part: 
8 J feeble am and broken fore, 
F row for greefe of hart. 
9 Thou knows Lod mp Defive,mp grones 
ave open in thy fight: 
10 My hart doth pant, my ſtrength hath fatid, 
mine eies haue lott their fight. 

11 Mylouers and my wonted friends, 

ſtand looking on my wo: 
And eke mp kinſmen far away, 

are me Departed fro. 
12 They that did ſeeke my life,laid Mares, 

and thepthatfought the wap 
To Do me hurt, ſpake lies,and thought 

- ontreafon all the Dap. 3 
¶ The fecond part. | + 

13 But asadeafe man J became, 
that can not heare at all: 
14 And as one dumbe that opens not 
His mouth to ſpeake withall. 
15 Foꝛ all my confidence D Lord, 
is wholie {et on thee: 
16 D Lord thou Loꝛd that art my on, 
thou halt giue care to mee, 
77 This did J craue that thep my foes, 
triumph not ouer mee: 
Foꝛ vohen my foot did Hip, then eR “0 FORE 
Ke lop mp fall toſee. : —— yaa 

106 Pfalme. xxxix. 
And truly FJ poore wꝛetch am let 
in place voofull wight: 
And eke mygreeuous heuinelle 
iseuerinmy light. 

18 For while that J my wickeduefle 
in bumble wife confefle : | 
And while J for my linfulldeeds, 
my ſoꝛrowes do expꝛeſſe. 
19 Myfoes do ſtillremaine aliue, 
and mightie are alſo: 
And they that hate me wronglullie, 
in number hugelie grow. 

20 They and againſt me, that my good 
Wweith euill Do repay : 
Becaulethat good and honet things, 
J do inſue alway. 
Foꝛſake me not,my Loꝛd my God, 
be thou not far away: 
Hatt me to helpe, mp Low my God, 
my fafetic and mp fray. a 
Dixicuftodiam. Pfal.xxxix. €u. bi 
¶ Dauid hauing determined filence, pet burſt fazth into words that be wonld 
not,through his bitter qreefe. Foꝛ he maketh certeinerequelts Which talk of © 
mansinfirmittes pet mired Sith many pꝛaiers ⁊ allto het a mind won⸗ 

- derfullptroubled , that it mapappeare how he did Krine mighttlic againtt 
Death and deſperation. ‘ eit) thi 

[Said J will looke to mp waies, Sing this as ae 

Ps PPE ee —— EME SEE 

forfeare J Mould go wong : ———— 
J will take heed all times, that — 
offendnotinmptoong, ~ 
2 As waith abit J will keepe fatt 
mp mouth with korce and might: - 
Mot once to whiſper, allthe while —J 
the wicked are in ſightt Se J 

| Pfalme, xxxix, 107 
3 Jheld mytoong andf{pake no word, 
_ butkept me cloſe and ſtill:; 
Pea from good talke J Did refraine, 
but lorꝛe again my will. 
4. My hart wart hote within my bꝛeſt, 
with muling. thought and Doubt : 
Which did increale and ſtir the fire, 
at laſt theſe words burſt out. 
5 Lod number out my life and daies,, 
which pet F haucnot pat: 
Sothat J may be certified, 
vow long mp like ſhall laſt. 
6 Loz thou batt pointed out my life, 
inlength much like a ſpan: 
Mine age is nothing vnto thee, 
ſo vaine is euery man. 
7 Man walkethlikea ſhade, and doth: 
——- tubainebimfielfeannop: © 
In getting goods,anDcannottell _. 
who hall thefameintoy, 
8 Mow Loꝛd fith things this wife do krame 
what helpe do Ideſire? 
Df truth my helpe doth hang onthee 
Jnothing elferequire.. 
@ The fecond part. 

> Forall the linnes that FJ hauedone, 
Loꝛd quite me out of band: 
And make menota {core to fooles 
that nothing bnderftand. 

10 FJ was as dumbe, and to complaine 
no trouble might me mooue: 
Becauſe J knowo tt voas thy worke, 

mypatience fozto pꝛooue. 
— a1 ow 

Io2 ~ Pfalme. xl. 4 ds 
11 Load take from me thytcourge tplague, 
Ican them not withſtand: 
I kaint and pine away, forfeare 
ofthy moſt heauie hand. 
12 When thou for fin doeſt manrebube, 
he wareth wo and wan: , 
As doth a cloth that moths haue fret, 
fo baine athing ts man. | 

12 Lord heare mpfute and gine good heed, 
regard my tears that fall: 
Ffotome like a ranger here, 
as DID my fathers all. 
14. D {pare alittle,giue mefpace, 
ny rength fo2 to reftoze : 
Before J go away frombence, 
and {hall be feene no moze. 

- Expe@ansexpeaui, Pfal. xl. I.H. 

¶ Dauid deliueredfrom great Danger,doth magnifie Godthercfozeandcom= 
mendeth his proutdence towards all mankind. Chen he promifethtoe give. 
Himfcife Ww holp to Gods feruice,and declarcth how oo is trulie woꝛſhip⸗ 
ped. Afterward he giueth thanks, and haning complained of bis enimies 
he calleth foz aid and ſuccour. 

| [saited long and fought the Lod, ——— 
and patientlie did beare: —— 
It length to me he dtd accord, . | 
mpboice and crie to heare. 
2 He pluckt me from the lake ſo deepe, 
outofthe mire and clay: | 
And on a rocke did Cet my feet, 
and he did guide my way. 

2 Tone): taught a pſalme of pratte, 
which J mutt ſhew abode. | 
And fing new fongs of thanks alwaies, 4 
vnto the Lord our God. pe he a 
NET 2, | 4 when · ‘ 

rIaIe. Alo 
4 roben allthe kolke thefe things hal ee, 
asgpeople much afraid ; 
Then they bnto the Lord willfiee, 
and truſt vpon his aid. 

5 O bleſt ishe, whole hope and hart 
Dothinthe Loꝛd remaine: 

That with the pꝛovod Doth take no part, — 

nozfuch as lic and faine, | 

6 Foz Loꝛd mp God,thy wondrous deeds 
in greatneſſe far Do pafle: — 

Thy fauourtowards bs,ceceeds 
allthinas that euer was. | 

«7 MBHen J intend anddodeutfe, 
thy woꝛks abode to hove + 
Toluch a reckoning they Do rife, 
thereof no end ZF knot. 
8 Burnt offrings thou delight tot it, 
Iknow thy vohole defire : 
MWith ſacrifice to purge his ſinne 
thou dott no man require. 

9 Meat offerings and lacrifice 
thou wouldſt nothaue at alls 
But thou.D Lo2rd.hat open made 

mine cares to heare withall. 

10 But then ſaid J, behold and loobe, 
Icome a meane to be: 

Foꝛ in the volume ot thy booke, 
thus it is ſaid of me. 

ui That FZ, D God, ſhould do thy min’, 
| which thing Doth like me well: 
Foꝛ in mp hart thy lato J find 
fat <a there to dwell. 

12 Thy 

aa. CAAIIIIC. Abe. 
12 Thpiuttice and thy righteaumetfe. 
in great reſoꝛts Jtells  - 
Behold my toong no time doth ceaſe, 
O Loꝛd thou kno wſt full well. 
¶ The ſecond part. 

13 J haue not hid within my bꝛeſt 
thy goodnefie, as by ſtealth: 
But gs Declare and haue expꝛeſt 
thy truth andfauing health. 
14. J keepe not cloſe thy louing mind, 
that no man ſhould tt know ; : 
The tru thatin thy truth J find, | } 
to all the church J how. 

Ford with mifcheefs many one . 
miforebelet a 

: bout: | 
My i — and ſo come on 
FJ cannot {pie them out. | 
15 S02 why! iu number they exceed 
the haires vpon my head: 
My hart Doth faint koꝛ very Dreed,y 
that FZ am almoft dead. a. 
16 With ſpeed ſend helpe ani fot me feee, ms 
D Lord, FJ thee require: “Ae 
WMakehak withaid tofuccourme, (§ » yy 
O Loꝛd/ at my defire. — 
17 Let them ſuſtaine rebuke and fhame, 
thatleeke mpfouletofpill: 
Dꝛiue backe my foes,and them defame ya 
that wilſh and would me ill. Sieh | dia 
‘18 Foꝛtheir illfeats do them delcrie, / 
that would defacempnames «os 
Alwates at metheyratieanderie, ii 
kie on bint, fie for ſhame. » Goong tat 
‘Gap a: — 19 Let 

Piaime. xij. mee | 
19 Let them in thee yaueiopand wenth eins reas 
That thoſe that loucthy fauing health, 
nap fay,to God be praiſe. 

23 But as forme, Fam butpoore, 
oppꝛeſt and brought fulllom: =~ 
Bet thou,D Loꝛd, wilt me rettore 
to health, full well J know. 

21 For why? thou art mp-hope andtrutt, 
my refugebelpeand fap: : 
naberefore mp God, asthou art tut; 7 
with me no time delay. 0 

Beatus ——— Pil “rn T. Ss, 

&> Danid great afflicted, bleſſeth them —— bis cafe, complaining of 
——— ends fuch as Judas, Fob.15. en be giueth thanks foz Gods 
mercie in chattifing him gentiie, not —E enimies to triumph. 

He manis bleſtthat carefullig - Sing this to the 
—J the needie to conſider: eee f 
Fort in the feafon perilious, | 
: the Low will him Deliuer. | 
2 The Loꝛd will make him fafe and found, 
and happie in the land: | 
And be will not deliuer him SS Te ee 
into his enmies hand. — i 

3 And in his bed tohenhelicthficke, | <= ie ce: es 
the Lord will him reſtore: Pre 
And thou, D Load, wilt turne to health — 

his lickneſſe and bis ee 

4. Thenin myſickneſſe thus fap J, 

haue mercie Loꝛd onme: SCIENCE Gt ata 

— ſoule mete is full wo, TORT? Soe A 

at Z offended thee, — 

5 Mine 

112 Plalme.xI. — 
5 Mine enmies wiſht meill that, 
and thus of me did ſad ꝛ; 
when ſhall he die, that all his name 
| may banifh quiteaway.. 
6 And wher they come to vilit me, ee 
they aſke ik Jdo well: 
But in their harts miſcheeke they hatch, 3 
and to their matesittell. | 

7 They bite their lips, and whilper fo} 
as though they would me charme: 
And cak their fetches how to trap 
me with fome mortall harme. 
8 Somegreenous fin hath brought himte — 
thisfickneffe, fapthep plaine; 
He is fo love, that without Doubt 
tile can he not againe. 

9 The man allo that J Did truſt, 
With me did bie Deceit: 

Mho at my table cat my bread, 

_ thefame fo2 me latd toate. 

1o Haue mercy Lowdon metherefore, 
and let me be preferued : 

That J may render vnto them 
the things they haue delerued.